@Lord Wraith Don't know why but I keep on picturing a Lycan airdrop on some enemies. Flamebird just dropping of your local Lycan to kick some butt lmao. they wouldn't see that one coming.
@Lord Wraith Don't know why but I keep on picturing a Lycan airdrop on some enemies. Flamebird just dropping of your local Lycan to kick some butt lmao. they wouldn't see that one coming.
Kijani has a person sized paper airplane.
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ![]() _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y Sarina Saunders _________________________________________________________ June 14th, 2000 | 22 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | ♀ | Pansexual _________________________________________________________ Full-Time | 10 Months | Cyborg _________________________________________________________ Lisburn | Belfast | Northern Ireland C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S - T H E S U I T O F F L A M E B I R D ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ![]() Sarina's suit is a dual weave suit, made of Kevlar and a newly developed modacrylic, making the suit resistant to fire and the intense heat she gives off when using her powers as well as resistant to knives and small calibre weapons. When Sarina uses her powers the excess heat she gives off is absorbed by her suit to keep anyone nearby out of harm’s way. The modacrylic in her suit, having the higher absorption rate, gives off a glow while she uses her powers Making it extremely hot, it is not recommended for others to touch. If the suit becomes too hot the small diamond plate on her chest is connected to a rapid cooling system integrated throughout the suit that expels the excess heat as steam which could be used as a smokescreen to make an escape. A W I S E D E C I S I O N ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Ten months ago, Sarina encountered a pair of superheroes by the name of Cyborg and Arsenal, the latter of which was hiding in plain sight. The Duo had intel of a priority target currently using a warehouse as a front for a facility. With lookouts dealt with quietly the Duo had an opportunity to use the element of surprise, but it did not last after Flamebird flew in landing between them and thier target. After a short but rather interesting conversation, Cyborg eventually managed to persuade Sarina to team up with them, but she had to do it their way, this meant no killing. As fate would have it, her target was also at the warehouse, Something Cyborg never considered, thus bringing the ancient proverb 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Her agreement was a wise decision, even if she didn’t see it at the time, it would open up new avenues and avoid a trip to the Coast City Super Powered Prison. After the battle was all said and done however; Both their targets escaped, but the facility was shut down... permanently. M I SC E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ Despite having quite destructive powers, I like to see Sarina become a versitile member of the team, learning new ways to use her powers and even learn to do more without always relying on her powers and for her to evolve as a person. Sarina funnily enough was originally a villian for the KL/Omega man universe from the Queens of coast city RP and felt like paying some homage to it. This time around history has played a differnt card and now we get to see what life brings to Sarina this time around. Going from Villian to hero will be an interesting journey. - P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S P O W E R S & W E A K N E S S E S - P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S Pyrokinesis: Sarina can control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control/manipulate fire Allowing her to excite or speed up an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy until they ignite, not necessarily objects, but also air particles, she can control and move the flames, along with fireproof skin and thermal resistance something that is a life saver. This also allows Sarina to illuminate a dark area. Sarina is also capable of flight with a pair of flame wings she can manifest, her body can be engulfed in flames during this time. Sarina will continue learning new ways to use her amazing abilities. Fire Ball Projection which is the ability to create and manipulate fireballs in her hands and throw them, Fire Stream Projection will enable Sarina to generate or create flame thrower-like blasts of flames that can go up to long ranges. They can burn things with intense engulfing flames but sadly there is no telling if Sarina will be able to control the size and radius of her blasts initially. Fire Breath is the ability to manipulate the fire in her lungs and exhaling to spew a torrent of fire. Fortunately, Sarina has thermal resistance in her throat and mouth which is something she has not yet discovered because now she can only use her hands. Sarina will be able to understand and control her gift enough for Pyrokinetic combat in the form of Fire Shield Construction which will allow her to create a shield out of the fire to defend/protect herself from harmful, melee and even offer minimal resistance to cold attacks. On the more offensive side, through concentration, Sarina can create a sword of fire that not only does physical damage like an actual sword would, but also can burn them severely. One day Sarina will be able to use one of the her most amazing but dangerous powers. Conflagration, also known as rain of fire, is where Sarina can Summon a Rain of Fire within a large area within her vicinity capable of intense temperatures, burning or even possibly incinerating any objects nearby. It is an Area of effect type of ability and one that is one of Sarina's most powerful abilities. If there is one thing Sarina won't always admit is her fear of what she might capable of, weather it is her being in control or loss of it. And with good reason. L I M I T A T I O N S & W E A K N E S S E S Unconscious use of her power can be catastrophic not only to herself but others. There are other downsides that factor into Sarina's power and for one Control is extremely important, Water and a oxygen depleted environment can render her power useless, There have been instances of Sarina getting burned if she abuses the power to much or loses control. Another weakness for Sarina is the Fiery temper and at times a short fuse. This is another side effect of her power as it effects her personality and emotions which gives her a little bit of unpredictability of outbursts which could get her in trouble. Over use of her power can cause headaches, nosebleeds, unconsciousness and even put Sarina into a coma, Despite the thermal resistance and fireproof skin Sarina is still only human and thus has many of the typical human weaknesses that come with being a typical human being as pretty much anything else that can harm a human can Harm her. - | B R I E F B I O G R A P H Y B R I E F B I O G R A P H Y Uninhibited - Adventurous - Fiesty Initially born and raised in her hometown Lisburn, the only issues Sarina ever really had to deal with was overly nosey neighbours and the constant arguments and debates that would happen between her parents at home for reasons she could never really understand, she would spend most of her time alone in her room or hiding out. This didn’t help when her parents were often out because of their work, this in turn made Sarina become rebellious over time and often breaking the rules. Soon however; because the nature of her father’s work especially, the family was forced to move away to the U.S. In her teenage years however, Sarina's life was plagued with troubles, not really fully adjusting to life in the U.S, her mother wanted out of the work they were doing, causing a rift between her parents, Sarina in the meantime continued to get into trouble, getting arrested several times. Problem was her father was a powerful man and organised a fake kidnapping of his own daughter. Sarina spend the rest of her teenage life stuck in a lab being testing on, her father ignoring her pleas, and where was her mother? After years of hardly seeing the outside world, Sarina became Flamebird, one of the first to come out surviving the test’s, her powers gained from certain serums. Her father seemed more interested in a dynasty than a daughter, the group he was apart off wanting to make their own supervillains for their own ends. For years Sarina did their bidding, until she eventually began learning more of the truth of their work and plans, Sarina eventually turned on them. S A M P L E P O S T S A M P L E P O S T "Is it really a choice?" It had been several days since the warehouse fight, Sarina was more than happy to go back out there and do her own thing, continue on the search for her target, after all it is personal for her. Still the circumstances of that night still played in her mind, not that she normally cared about such things, but now her enemies would be starting to learn she had teamed up with a titan at least. Cyborg and Arsenal had convinced her to meet again to talk, and that is how she found herself sitting on a park bench waiting. She didn’t have to wait too long, her constant observation and expectation of some sort of ambush had her notice two men approaching her, to her surprise it was none other than Cyborg and Flash, it literally looked like three casually dressed individuals simply meeting up and nothing out of the ordinary. “You actually turned up, I was expecting you to have already skipped town” Vic would begin. Sarina had a sly smile showing. “I almost did, Considering I’m meant to be a villain and all, But I was curious what you had to say.” The trio began to through the park. “Curiosity killed the cat” “Why did you bring him again?” She pointed at Wally. “Look we are not here to reignite hostilities” Cyborg momentarily raised his hands, before casually placing them down. “I will be real with you, there are those out there that would like nothing more than to put you in that super powered prison in Queens. But after your actions the other day, I managed to persuade them to give me a chance to offer you a choice, and it will be completely up to you.” Sarina listened as Cyborg finished his sales pitch. It was true, she probably deserved to get locked away in all honesty, but why would a titan of all people try to put their neck out on the line for someone like herself? She surely didn’t deserve it in her mind. “I’m listening” “There are two choices you have, the first being, we can go our separate ways, you would have a twenty-four hour reprieve, you can carry doing what you always have done, the other option will be forever closed and when you get captured you’ll be taken to Queens.” Cyborg paused for a moment allowing it to sink in. “The second option is to come joins us at Titans academy, especially after your recent actions.” Sarina raised an eyebrow and stopped walking. “Is that really a choice? You’re basically telling to take my chances and possibly go to prison, or go to school” “It is not a school; it is an academy.” Wally pitched in. “Your actions have opened up a rare opportunity, you could literally turn your life around, not always be the bad guy anymore, sure not all may forgive you, but you have a chance to use your powers for good, you could be a super hero.” Sarina stifled a laugh. “Me a superhero? Sorry, but in what screwed up world would that ever be allowed to happen?” “This one” Cyborg pipped in. “You have no idea just how much of an opportunity you got yourself into, honestly what have you got to lose in trying?” To be fair, he had a point, what did she have to lose? At this point she had more enemies than she did allies, what is the worst that could happen? |
<Snipped quote by Blizz>
The Shield and technically Blitzkrieg can also get around this way.
Guess we need a T-Bird if we leave Midway.
Hmm looking back through the CS's correct me if im wrong, but is Sarina the only one that can fly?
Perhaps if powers are able to progress, Kennedy can learn telekinesis and fly that way? Or just continue to rely on silly walking to places.
Oh i forgot my sample post, if it's alright can I send a link to a,previpus rp with this character?
<Snipped quote by PatientBean>
We'll have a T-Bird or whatever the Titans call their sky cruiser...
I'm gonna have the OOC and IC up tomorrow. I've got a babysitter for a few hours and the only other thing I gotta get done is give my dog a bath...