Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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The Court of the Gods

The Lord of the Skies and King of the Gods, Zeus himself, was dead. Very, very dead. After having ruled the world for centuries, he’d come to appreciate those few times that eyes were not upon him, and so he had been known to spend sleepless nights out in the crisp air, lost in reverie and meditation. So it was under the first rays of dawn that the servants found him upon the floor of his palace’s terrace.

The horrified, piercing shriek of the first serving girl to discover him had cut through the listless halls that morning. Guardsmen had quickly arrived, and then the madness began. The servants were immediately seized by the palace guards and taken for interrogation, and then those very same guardians were in turn seized for their failure and similarly put to question. Despite every effort, it took mere hours for word to spread throughout the palace, and then the resplendent marble halls and golden streets of the city of the gods. By midday it seemed as though half of the great pantheon already knew: all the gods of importance, as well as many others who were merely well connected or wont to gossip.

The cause of death was anything but natural; with all their power a god need not fear being stricken down unexpectedly by chance ailment, and Zeus’ body had been infused with enough vitality that everyone expected him to last another half century at least, even if his memory had been fading and his behavior growing more erratic in recent years. Indeed he’d been starting to deteriorate, and that had made his enemies, old and new alike, start to slowly circle like jackals.

So this was certainly an assassination. The Highest One’s own constitution had somehow been corrupted and turned upon itself to gruesome effect: little was left of Zeus’ form save for some brittle skeletal remnants lying within a grisly pool of viscera, choked with a thousand different poisons. The very powers that had sustained him had gone rogue and set about deconstructing and destroying what was left of his worldly remains. This rendered the exact cause, time, or perpetrator of his demise impossible to determine on the spot.

Everyone had their suspicions, but few dared to voice these out loud and point the finger for fear of bringing unwanted attention onto themselves. Instead, the greatest of the gods had quickly come together and conspired to cover this up. Gods could not be seen to die; the primitives down below could not be afforded to learn anything of these events. In the late Zeus’ pride and arrogance (and perhaps foresight, too) he had fortunately ordered a twin of himself to be pulled forth from the pools of life. The King of the Gods took his young simulacrum under his wing, bringing the boy around court. He had spoken to this younger duplicate and raised him as his own child and heir, to the neglect of his many biological children. For all the scandal that it had been, this egoism of the late Zeus was the Pantheon’s saving grace – a perfect replacement of their lord stood ready, identical inwards and out, a genetic replica and the spitting image of the late Zeus in his early teens. His voice was identical, his temperament every bit as haughty as the old one if not even worse. This secretive replacement would be as seamless of a transition as such things could go, and all but the most perceptive of the base mortals would likely never even know the difference – if any did, they could be decried as heretics or quietly dealt with.

So the gods anointed the young clone as the new Zeus, and quickly resumed their game with renewed fervor. Expecting that this young lord would be impressionable and easily manipulated, the High Pantheon – his most prominent officers and advisers and ministers – immediately resumed their politicking and plotting and scheming, while the kingdom’s slow decline continued.

Setting, Mechanics, Other Explanation:

General Premise

This RP would take place in a sci-fi setting where the vast majority of the population are ‘primitives’ or ‘mortals’ who live in feudal or theocratic Iron Age communities, with a separate class of humans that have access to incredibly advanced technology and use it to pose as gods and rule over their lessers. Your characters would be members of the High Pantheon, some of the most prominent gods with important positions in society and/or access to the ear of Zeus. As high-ranking gods, your characters likely have some form of artifacts and technologies in their possession and control that grant them abilities that the primitive humans consider to be divine and magical; for instance, Zeus can remotely activate weather control satellites to conjure thunderstorms on a whim.

As they jumped into their newfound positions as gods, many of the first crewmen would have presumably taken Zeus’ lead in borrowing heavily from ancient mythology as they set about constructing their identities and roles in the pantheon. Zeus envisioned a general Greek theme to the pantheon, but with that said, some gods could certainly have constructed their own original names, identities, and mythologies, and I’m not opposed to the idea that some gods drew inspiration from different mythologies instead. Naturally, you can heavily reinterpret the mythologies if you like – a character’s history, persona, or powers need not reflect the original myths too closely (or at all!). The pantheon and religion in this setting would have been quickly cobbled together by dozens of different people with their own ideas, many of whom would have wanted to embellish their own importance. The result was probably a chaotic amalgamation of all sorts of crazy things that the mortal priests and scholars had to later go back and struggle to make sense of.


Humanity prospered and advanced, and eventually disparate factions departed from Earth and its solar system to slowly colonize other parts of the galaxy. A distant planet was terraformed in preparation for one of the first attempts at interstellar colonization, only for these first settlers to suffer some disaster early on that crippled their industrial capacity and left them trapped on the planet, doomed to live a primitive lifestyle while they hoped to eventually be rescued. A much smaller, specialized vessel was eventually sent to their aid; however, over the long and lonely voyage its captain made a decision that would alter history.

The captain decided that rather than aid the hapless people rather than help them in keeping with the original mission objectives, he would establish himself as a living god so as to lord over them. Many of the ship’s crewmembers agreed to this course of action and became the first members of a great pantheon; others did not, and were imprisoned, killed, or banished. History was rewritten and those defiant people of moral strength were denounced as demons and the like in the new canon faith.

Many centuries have passed since this first ‘Coming of the Gods’. The gods themselves have long lives and memories and have retained knowledge of their history and origins, but the base mortals condemned to live below have almost entirely forgotten about anything prior to the Coming of the Gods. Only in a few remote hamlets are there storytellers that speak of Old Arith, the heavenly plane where men inhabited before they were cast down and left to dwell in the known world. The primitive mortals have similarly forgotten about the workings of technology and many of the discoveries of science; the odd tale mentions great sorcerers and artificers from the heathen days of old, men who stole divine providence and captured lightning for their dark arts.

Many of the original pantheon have died or retired, either way with the outcome of them passing their divine titles and roles on to children or other successors. The pantheon has gradually grown from the original few dozen members to hundreds of deities of various importance and niches. Through population controls and decrees denouncing the status of half-primitive demigods, this growth has been slowed and kept at a manageable level. Though the individual gods have temples, monastery retreats, and palaces all across the planet, for the majority of the time almost all of them dwell in a magnificent utopia impossibly high in the mountains, with great ivory spires and golden streets. Base mortals are generally not permitted to enter this hallowed capital, but a few demigods or great heroes have visited it and returned to spread tales of its splendor. This place is the seat of Zeus’ throne and all divine power, and it is known by many names: Mount Olympus, the City of Marble and Gold, Elysium, Paradise.

But all is not well in Heaven. To call the gods stagnant would be generous; rather than improving the capital and advancing their powers, they have allowed some of the city’s infrastructure and systems to gradually deteriorate. Their morals and spirits have also decayed into ever lower depths. With all their politicking and hedonism, the gods’ relatively small population has gradually grown more idle, less disciplined, less knowledgeable, less competent. They no longer visit the mortal realms so often as in the days of old, and nor is their vigil over the masses so diligent as then, so more heresies have been cropping up and spreading unchecked. Even worse, the mortals have managed to attain a series of significant technological developments, several of which have contributed to a rapid rise in their population – to maintain control, the late Zeus had recently been forced to check their rise by smiting countless scholars, inventors, and priests. Then for good measure he’d ordered his pantheon to plunge the mortal realms into turmoil by inciting a bloody period of many holy wars. Discontent has slowly grown up like a creeping vine, but within Paradise itself and in the mortal plane below.

If this interest check can garner enough attention, then I would be willing to proceed on by making a real thread for the RP and perhaps expanding with a little more details about the setting and themes.

In the meantime though, I’ve already made a Discord server: DISCORD LINK

I encourage anybody interested in this to join that server to say hello and/or ask any questions or bounce possible ideas. Hope to see you there!

I already have the interest of several people – among them are @Oraculum and @Lauder who encouraged me to make this, shared ideas, and agreed to assist me as GMs. @Terminal gave me some feedback too. So thanks to them!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'll join up!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

>Consider me interested, although I would know how advanced or fantastical this tech can be. Is it Clarketech level like in Orion's Arm or even more impossible with things like FTL, gravity manipulation, and really efficient or stupid nanotechnologies? Like can a god just teleport via some quantum BS or will we need to use some kind of utility fog? Can consciousness be uploaded so one can exist in virch worlds that masquerade as afterlives for biological beings? Those kinds of things.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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>Consider me interested, although I would know how advanced or fantastical this tech can be. Is it Clarketech level like in Orion's Arm or even more impossible with things like FTL, gravity manipulation, and really efficient or stupid nanotechnologies? Like can a god just teleport via some quantum BS or will we need to use some kind of utility fog? Can consciousness be uploaded so one can exist in virch worlds that masquerade as afterlives for biological beings? Those kinds of things.

I'm familiar with the term Clarketech in general sci-fi as technology that's just indistinguishable from magic. I'm not sure exactly how it's portrayed or defined in Orion's Arm, but Clarketech was exactly what I was going for here with people posing as gods.

Mind uploading for virtual afterlives or resurrection of a sort is definitely fine by me, as is artificial gravity and its manipulation. I'd consider teleportation but probably permit it depending upon the details, though FTL in particular one that I have some qualms with. I'm open to the possibility of almost any ideas so long as the implications are reasonably well thought out.

The thing about FTL is that it opens a whole can of worms about scope of the setting -- it feels less plausible for this isolated planet to have remained isolated and turned out like it did if FTL is present and people can just zoom around all over the galaxy, and I also don't intend for there to ever be any real possibility of leaving the vicinity of the planet and solar system where most of the RP takes place.

In general I haven't set any strict guidelines for what the technology level is because that felt like it'd firstly be a bit beyond the scope of an interest check, and secondly because I'm just generally open to ideas and am happy to collaboratively establish such details based upon the characters that we get and the technologies that they use.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Zyx>

I'm familiar with the term Clarketech in general sci-fi as technology that's just indistinguishable from magic. I'm not sure exactly how it's portrayed or defined in Orion's Arm, but Clarketech was exactly what I was going for here with people posing as gods.

Mind uploading for virtual afterlives or resurrection of a sort is definitely fine by me, as is artificial gravity and its manipulation. I'd consider teleportation but probably permit it depending upon the details, though FTL in particular one that I have some qualms with. I'm open to the possibility of almost any ideas so long as the implications are reasonably well thought out.

The thing about FTL is that it opens a whole can of worms about scope of the setting -- it feels less plausible for this isolated planet to have remained isolated and turned out like it did if FTL is present and people can just zoom around all over the galaxy, and I also don't intend for there to ever be any real possibility of leaving the vicinity of the planet and solar system where most of the RP takes place.

In general I haven't set any strict guidelines for what the technology level is because that felt like it'd firstly be a bit beyond the scope of an interest check, and secondly because I'm just generally open to ideas and am happy to collaboratively establish such details based upon the characters that we get and the technologies that they use.

>I see. That does help me narrow down ideas for characters then (who won't just be a Gravital rip-off I swear). As for FTL, that's understandable. I assumed we'd not move beyond the local planet or star system in all likelihood, but I figured I'd ask to make sure. And as for Orion's Arm, technically all their tech doesn't violate known physics. There's a lot of gaps in how exactly some of the super advanced stuff works, or how they actually created AI, but then again that's to be expected in speculative fiction.

>So every time they mention wormholes for example, ships do have to actually travel through the connecting bridge in spacetime. Which while significantly faster than sublight travel, still takes some time. Days iirc, but don't quote me on that. So not quite FTL speeds, but still pretty quick, and also dangerous if you suck at piloting or don't have some machine to do it for you. A lot of their advanced stuff also tends to focus on biology, psychology/sociology, and spacetime engineering from what I've seen. General informational technologies notwithstanding of course, as the entirety of humanity in that setting is ruled by AI gods.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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Vanq The Chaos Ladder

Member Seen 15 days ago

Consider me interested~ This sounds good after my too-long hiatus.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Your examples there would both be fine by me. Regarding "technically all their tech doesn't violate known physics," I think it's cool when some sort of reasonable-sounding explanation can be given for how an artifact or technology works. That said, I'm willing to handwave it and just let the workings of some let some things be left vague or entirely unexplained, for the purpose of allowing things that make the story interesting.

The only thing I really don't want to see is blatant magic along the lines of the psykers from 40K or the Force from Star Wars. Just to be clear, technologies that can somehow fry brains or enable something resemblant of telekinesis would be fine, so it's not the powers there that I would object to so much as how the existence of actual magic goes against the setting's big theme of charlatans using sci-fi devices to fake magic and divinity.

But I think we're mostly along the same wavelength here. Feel free to join the Discord that I linked at the bottom of the OP!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Your examples there would both be fine by me. Regarding "technically all their tech doesn't violate known physics," I think it's cool when some sort of reasonable-sounding explanation can be given for how an artifact or technology works. That said, I'm willing to handwave it and just let the workings of some let some things be left vague or entirely unexplained, for the purpose of allowing things that make the story interesting.

The only thing I really don't want to see is blatant magic along the lines of the psykers from 40K or the Force from Star Wars. Just to be clear, technologies that can somehow fry brains or enable something resemblant of telekinesis would be fine, so it's not the powers there that I would object to so much as how the existence of actual magic goes against the setting's big theme of charlatans using sci-fi devices to fake magic and divinity.

But I think we're mostly along the same wavelength here. Feel free to join the Discord that I linked at the bottom of the OP!

>Good to know. Although another question I had was do we need to play strictly humans or could we be like an uploaded human/AI? And if that is the case how would we handle the whole old gods have retired type deal since a reasonable amount of consciousness backups could be made and used across specialized hardware through the centuries?

>Finally, while the offer is appreciated, I prefer to communicate here even if it is a bit slower. Gotta keep the OOC alive after all.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

This does seem cool. I will express interest also.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

>Good to know. Although another question I had was do we need to play strictly humans or could we be like an uploaded human/AI? And if that is the case how would we handle the whole old gods have retired type deal since a reasonable amount of consciousness backups could be made and used across specialized hardware through the centuries.

Hello! Taking over from Cyclone for a moment - characters don't have to be strictly of human origin; thus far we have a player working on an AI, though overall we'd rather have this be the exception rather than the rule within the cast proportions. Mental uploads and backups are also entirely feasible, although I imagine they would be limited in their diffusion as much of the original equipment has decayed along with the knowledge of its employ. You could, however, absolutely have a character who makes this kind of technology their domain, like a Daedalus creating automata in his image or something similar.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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Vanq The Chaos Ladder

Member Seen 15 days ago

Thought I'd toss in the rough idea I have here for any other feedback.

God: Eris
Other Names: Discordia, The Discordant One, Strife

Her grandmother was originally the Quartermaster on the ship, but died or disappeared some years ago. Eris' mother has been out of the picture longer for reasons I'm still mulling through. I thought it'd be good to have a character who wasn't part of the initial journey. I do see her as having had many years "studying" under her grandmother before taking on the mantle.

Eris relies on a few forms of technology that would have originally been modified and developed from implants meant to make space travel and colonization "easier" on the human psyche. Increase work output (even to the detriment of the person), suppress certain emotions, increase others, etc.

Also envisioning that grandma would have built up an actual cult that has decreased in more recent times but still exists in some form today.

Still thinking through on what granddaughter Eris thinks about it all.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Zyx>

Hello! Taking over from Cyclone for a moment - characters don't have to be strictly of human origin; thus far we have a player working on an AI, though overall we'd rather have this be the exception rather than the rule within the cast proportions. Mental uploads and backups are also entirely feasible, although I imagine they would be limited in their diffusion as much of the original equipment has decayed along with the knowledge of its employ. You could, however, absolutely have a character who makes this kind of technology their domain, like a Daedalus creating automata in his image or something similar.

>I see. I bring it up mainly because I had an idea for a sort of antagonistic banished god who either made eir's own mythology centered around reasoning and data collection/transhumanism ideal, or assimilation, and whose creations use nanite solutions to lead armies of reanimated corpses--or at least bodies forcibly hijacked and resuscitated within a reasonable timeframe--to fight against the gods in the Marble City. That or a god of like spacetime since gravity is just a curvature in it, meaning gravity manipulation would result in a bit of spacetime manipulation as well. Albeit crude manipulation. Or possibly an Oracle god of sorts, one who uses probability and statistics to sort of fake precognition.

>Mostly though the idea of playing an antagonist who doesn't really want to see the mission parameters violated, and either works in secret or blatantly, is the idea that's tickled my fancy thus far. Barring that, I also have an idea for a god who is just as decadent as the others, but unlike them they wouldn't actually trust the clone of Zeus. Namely because it reeks of a plot on the God King's behalf. Perhaps a plot to weed out those who are disloyal, since Zeus has held power for centuries before this, which means he's probably employed some pretty ruthless and extreme methods in order to keep said power before.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

There's certainly room for dissenting opinions among the gods, and a crew member pursuing the original directive is an interesting idea. The only concern might be that an openly hostile character could find themselves cut off from the focus of the action at first, but some intrigue should mitigate that.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

There's certainly room for dissenting opinions among the gods, and a crew member pursuing the original directive is an interesting idea. The only concern might be that an openly hostile character could find themselves cut off from the focus of the action at first, but some intrigue should mitigate that.

>It's a valid concern, though I do have at least somewhat of a hook in mind since said character would likely be operating from afar at first if possible. Though I'd need to run some ideas by everyone first since my original concept of them being someone in charge of operating a medical nanite assembler with the original intention of curing any illnesses and the like among the cut off populace might not fly. Or might take a bit more working to make sense. But I could see an increase in depopulated villages or hamlets drawing the gods attention, along with rumors of "undead" or nanite resuscitated/pupptted corpses roaming the land.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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<Snipped quote by Oraculum>

>It's a valid concern, though I do have at least somewhat of a hook in mind since said character would likely be operating from afar at first if possible. Though I'd need to run some ideas by everyone first since my original concept of them being someone in charge of operating a medical nanite assembler with the original intention of curing any illnesses and the like among the cut off populace might not fly. Or might take a bit more working to make sense. But I could see an increase in depopulated villages or hamlets drawing the gods attention, along with rumors of "undead" or nanite resuscitated/pupptted corpses roaming the land.

I think these ideas are workable and was even hoping that somebody would make a character that's secretly (or possibly even openly) opposed to Zeus.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Zyx>

I think these ideas are workable and was even hoping that somebody would make a character that's secretly (or possibly even openly) opposed to Zeus.

>Well in that case the rundown of my idea is as follows:

>One of the original crew members in charge of medical--more specifically the medical nanites and their assembler--disagreed with how their captain wanted to handle things. Not only because it violated the mission, of which their part had been to aid in restoring the health of the colony's inhabitants while other staff more skilled in using an advanced form of CRISPR took care of any mutations caused by the disaster, but also every sort of ethical boundary and moral oath.

>Said crew member takes the tech they're in charge of, the nanites and their assembler, along with some other Clarketech like Finity--temp name--Boxes and possibly a CTD (Consciousness Transferral Device) before sneaking off the ship and hiding away on the planet below. Fast forward a bit after Zeus takes control and they get situated, and they start using remotely controlled machines--who have what few Finity Boxes that were stolen built-in to help shunt excess heat--to raise armies of biologically functional yet brain dead corpses. As even if the person was brought back in time, the nanites simply rewrote their neural pathways to such an extent that they no longer exist.

>As for the crew member they've since uploaded their mind to the assembler, which they more so jury-rigged in order to attach a virch world of sorts, and started backing up their consciousness as time goes on. That or they stole a bunch of machineforms their mind can inhabit, and they use a separate data storage device in which to store backups of their consciousness in case said machineforms get destroyed, and they simply control the nanites, injector drones, and the "undead" through a wireless node based system. One in which the drones act as controlling nodes for the nanites. I've not really decided yet on which one works better.

>I could also see them possibly doing some excavation just to create more feedstock for the assembler itself.

>In the end though I could use some feedback and help on ironing the idea out, as I'm trying to create both a credible threat without having them be too broken. Even though with theoretical hard science fiction technology alone all the characters would be, to say nothing of straight up Clarketech.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


The premise works -- there's a plausible motive as well as an MO (that of creating multiple backups; perhaps your rogue/fallen 'god' for lack of a better term has been fought and destroyed by the pantheon one or several times before and is therefore presumed dead, giving them the advantage of surprise if they entered into a new form and then just hibernated and/or made preparations for centuries whilst waiting for an opportune time to try again).

Interestingly MarshalSolgrieve has the idea for a janitor on the crew to have become deified as Hades, with the humans having some sort of burial ritual that results in the corpses actually being taken down pipes or tubes to a physical underworld where they can be processed, for "sanitation purposes". So this state of things might be at least in part to deprive your character from being able to quickly and quietly amass an army of the dead if they return again, and similarly, the other gods might view uploading and/or backing up their minds as taboo due to its association with your character.

So yeah, the existence of that underworld is a nice coincidental thing that keeps the threat level of your character from being too great. There would naturally be some corpses available since not everyone or thing would receive the proper burial for various reasons, but it means there aren't graveyards with tens of thousands of corpses waiting to be converted into soldiers. Perhaps you should discuss some things with solgrieve because I see the potential for some significant overlap there. As an aside, I've been wondering why you use the > markers to greentext.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


The premise works -- there's a plausible motive as well as an MO (that of creating multiple backups; perhaps your rogue/fallen 'god' for lack of a better term has been fought and destroyed by the pantheon one or several times before and is therefore presumed dead, giving them the advantage of surprise if they entered into a new form and then just hibernated and/or made preparations for centuries whilst waiting for an opportune time to try again).

Interestingly MarshalSolgrieve has the idea for a janitor on the crew to have become deified as Hades, with the humans having some sort of burial ritual that results in the corpses actually being taken down pipes or tubes to a physical underworld where they can be processed, for "sanitation purposes". So this state of things might be at least in part to deprive your character from being able to quickly and quietly amass an army of the dead if they return again, and similarly, the other gods might view uploading and/or backing up their minds as taboo due to its association with your character.

So yeah, the existence of that underworld is a nice coincidental thing that keeps the threat level of your character from being too great. There would naturally be some corpses available since not everyone or thing would receive the proper burial for various reasons, but it means there aren't graveyards with tens of thousands of corpses waiting to be converted into soldiers. Perhaps you should discuss some things with solgrieve because I see the potential for some significant overlap there. As an aside, I've been wondering why you use the > markers to greentext.

>I see. Well I'll see what feedback they give on my idea when they get back online, as that would be an interesting conflict. The main thing that concerns me about my idea, however, is how exactly they've managed to create more machineforms to download to. I mean maybe I could say they gave the assembler plans for the machines in question, and as a part of the modifications altered it to be able to build them, but idk. I'm also wondering if the drones that go scavenging for corpses should be armed with weaponry or not, because on the one hand it would be the logical thing to do, but on the other it would lead to an arms race. And might not necessarily fit with the theme of decaying technology.

>As for why I speak in greentext, it's because I like to.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MarshalSolgriev
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MarshalSolgriev Lord Ascendant of Bethesus

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

>I see. Well I'll see what feedback they give on my idea when they get back online, as that would be an interesting conflict. The main thing that concerns me about my idea, however, is how exactly they've managed to create more machineforms to download to. I mean maybe I could say they gave the assembler plans for the machines in question, and as a part of the modifications altered it to be able to build them, but idk. I'm also wondering if the drones that go scavenging for corpses should be armed with weaponry or not, because on the one hand it would be the logical thing to do, but on the other it would lead to an arms race. And might not necessarily fit with the theme of decaying technology.

>As for why I speak in greentext, it's because I like to.

Hello! I'll PM you the Google Doc I'm working on for this with a bunch of concrete, but tentative things I'm working on for Sanitation Hades. If you aren't interested in reading that, then I'll give you the short MO for what I've got brewing up for the Underworld. Essentially, his 'divine' power comes from a nanocomposite, flashprinting supervault that uses biofuel - characterised as bioenergy, necropower, - that's been synthesized to power itself. The biofuel allows for further fabrication through it's printing protocols to develope things as Hades wishes. The caveat to everything that's developed in the Underworld is that everything requires being in a certain range of the Styx Core (including its sub-cores) and powered by fuel synthesized through the pipes (flavored as the rivers in the Greek Mythology). In reference to the 'undead', I've flavored biomechanical automata produced by the supervault as Underworld shades that operate on command of the chthonic king. One of the reasons I went that route is because the former Sanitation Officer used drones to sanitize the interiror and exterior of the vessels he worked on, so he naturally works with automata.

I'm totally up for collabing since Hades is kind of an outcast character with links to the High Pantheon! I've worked it out in his background that 'Tartarus' exists as an extension of the Underworld, where most of the problematic entities are sent to be 'dealt with'. So it's likely your guy could've reached out and proposed a deal with Hades, he'll usually accept if it benefits him. But yeah, let me know if you wanna see what I've got down in writing and we could drum up somethings.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Zyx>

Hello! I'll PM you the Google Doc I'm working on for this with a bunch of concrete, but tentative things I'm working on for Sanitation Hades. If you aren't interested in reading that, then I'll give you the short MO for what I've got brewing up for the Underworld. Essentially, his 'divine' power comes from a nanocomposite, flashprinting supervault that uses biofuel - characterised as bioenergy, necropower, - that's been synthesized to power itself. The biofuel allows for further fabrication through it's printing protocols to develope things as Hades wishes. The caveat to everything that's developed in the Underworld is that everything requires being in a certain range of the Styx Core (including its sub-cores) and powered by fuel synthesized through the pipes (flavored as the rivers in the Greek Mythology). In reference to the 'undead', I've flavored biomechanical automata produced by the supervault as Underworld shades that operate on command of the chthonic king. One of the reasons I went that route is because the former Sanitation Officer used drones to sanitize the interiror and exterior of the vessels he worked on, so he naturally works with automata.

I'm totally up for collabing since Hades is kind of an outcast character with links to the High Pantheon! I've worked it out in his background that 'Tartarus' exists as an extension of the Underworld, where most of the problematic entities are sent to be 'dealt with'. So it's likely your guy could've reached out and proposed a deal with Hades, he'll usually accept if it benefits him. But yeah, let me know if you wanna see what I've got down in writing and we could drum up somethings.

>They probably would just to get more artificial bodies, though likely modified to not be controllable by him after transferral of ownership, or so they believe anyway. I just want to point out that mythology wise with this idea the character I have in mind is more like a Necron or Tomb King than any established mythological death god. Namely because most of them don't make undead and also because the character is against the whole, "pretend to be gods," thing anyway. Hence why my details on them are so sparse, general sleep deprivation and work on other things aside.

>Also if I don't seem to have much uses for nanites beyond what I've listed, it's because I'm nerfing both them and the assembler technology hard right now. Assuming issues of heat in the swarms aren't an issue (the time it takes to build something aside), we're talking invisible--to the naked eye anyway--clouds of billions or trillions of tiny machines that can work on either the cellular or molecular level, not to mention build whatever you need using local feedstock. Like more assemblers for more nanites, or just general construction of things like miniaturized or self-assembling structures, etc. All of which doesn't quite fit the RP's theme, which is why this character's "powers" are as limited as they are.
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