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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Aiden Merrick

Name: Aiden Merrick
Age: 17
Crest: Integrity
Personality: Patient. Imaginative. Yearns to connect with people on a true level, to be honest about himself. Strong sense of justice and a bit vindictive in relation to it. Warm and brotherly, tries to be gentle the way he needed as a kid.
Backstory: 10 years ago when Aiden was only 7 years old, he was part of a group of kids who found themselves lost in the digital world. This was when he received his digi-egg unlike the other chosen. Though his digi-egg did not hatch for many years, not until Aiden needed his digimon most.

See when Aiden returned to our world, his world was turned upside down. The kids disappearance had made the news, parents and teachers alike were accosted by the public, and when Aiden came home his parents defelcted their anger and blame onto him. It wasnt long before his parents split up and Aiden was bouncing from house to house, and of course his siblings blamed him for breaking the family up. His two brothers would regularly beat him when his parents weren't around and Aiden was made out to be a clumsy kid with all his bruises.
It was during this time, the egg he had been safe-guarding hatched, and he finally met Nyokimon. Nyokimon managed to keep Aiden's spirits high despite all he was going through.

Even when he wasn't at home though it was hard to escape the reminders of his life. His story had initally made the news and so to his peers he was this weird celebrity. Often they'd ask questions and Aiden learned to be patient, as he knew he couldn't tell the whole story. This helped him develop a knack for making up stories on the spot, but he also learned how much he wished he could be honest, to share it all. Because while he got a lot of attention from other kids, he felt alone, he felt unconnected to his peers, like Nyokimon was the only one he had.

Aiden spent many years learning about computers and networking, in an attempt to make it back to the digital world. A place that represented the change in his life, the place that gave him Nyokimon, a place full of adventure away from everything in the real world. On that night two years ago when the digital world crossed back into ours, Aiden finally found a way to cross over, and that was the last time anyone had seen him.

Poe the Pomumon

Name: Po
Personality: Bouncy and energetic. Likes attention. Enjoys manipulating others with its cuteness and 'innocence'. Plays stupid but is quite pragmatic.
Evolution Line
In-Training: Nyokimon
- Seed Cracker
Rookie: Pomumon
- Rapid Seed
- Fruit Rush
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by RisingRobin
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RisingRobin Flyin' High

Member Seen 2 days ago

Axel Ryder

Personality: Axel initially comes across as a cheerful and carefree individual, but this wasn't always the case. In his younger years, constant motivation from his parents made him view the world solely as a battle to the top. He saw everyone as an obstacle in his way, or a tool to be used to get to his objective. As a result, he was something of a loner and didn't have any friends. Since being kicked out, his personality has done a one-eighty and he tries to enjoy where he is in the moment rather than fighting for a future goal. However, if he finds himself in a competitive situation, he has no problem slipping back into his old persona in order to obtain what he wants.
Backstory: Being an only child, Axel was constantly the object of his parents' attention. Both of them being successful doctors, they had high expectations their son would follow in their footsteps. This resulted in Axel being forced to study day-in, day-out in order for him to have the 'best' grades, best status, and best future possible. Axel's parents even enrolled him in martial arts and several other extracurriculars for him to be 'the best' athlete as well as best student. He was taught to look at others as inferior to him and to think of them only as stepping stones towards his ultimate goal. As a result, Axel didn't have many friends growing up and spent much of his time either at home, or down at the local arcade when he could get away from his parents. Because he was always there alone, Mr. Brewer - the arcade owner - took notice of him and the two sparked a friendship over their shared love of the arcade games.

When Axel entered his sophomore year of high school, an event happened that would change his life forever. He finally worked up the nerve to tell his parents that he was tired of their constant hovering over his shoulder. He hated that he didn't have any friends, and no life outside of them and school. While this was a huge weight to finally get off his shoulders... it had the adverse effect of causing his parents to view Axel as a failure and kick him out of the house. With nowhere else to go, Axel went to Mr. Brewer, who took him in and offered Axel a job in exchange for him living in the back room of the arcade.

Not wanting to let this setback hinder him, Axel accepted the offer and quickly picked up the skills needed to keep the arcade cabinets running. Six months into his tenure, an electrical storm caused a power surge at the arcade. When Axel went to make sure none of the machines were fried, one of them was glowing. When Axel touched the machine, he found himself sucked into the screen. He awoke on an empty plain, with a voice addressing him by name. It said he was being charged with the protection of an egg and - if he cared for it - the egg would repay him in kind. The next thing Axel knew, he was standing in a blacked out arcade with a melon-sized egg in his hands. Not knowing what to make of the experience, Toby hid the egg in the back room, not even telling Mr. Brewer about the event that night. Even after the egg hatched, Axel hid the little Punimon and fed it with Instant Ramen he brought home from the supermarket.
- Despite breaking away from his parents, Axel still cares for them and has yet to completely shake their 'competitive' philosophy. He'll often view mundane activities as competitions in order to keep himself engaged.
- Due to living on his own for some time, Axel has a fascination with Instant Ramen. It's his goal to eat all the flavors.
- When he's not working at the arcade, Axel has another part-time job at an electronics shop where he does maintenance on other electronics such as cell phones and gaming consoles.

Faraday the Elecmon

Personality: Electric, Excitable. Faraday can't sit still when there's a job to be done. Despite his belief that it's his duty to aid those in need, Faraday sometimes acts rather childish when he wants to get his way. Like Axel, Faraday is something of a foodie and loves his ramen. He also has a soft spot for children
Evolution Line
In-Training: Tsunomon
- Tsuno-Slash
Rookie: Elecmon
- Nine Tails
- Lightning Knife
Champion: Leomon
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Tadashi Ryu

Age: 16
Crest: Bonds
Personality: Focused and driven, Tadashi is a top-notch athlete and ball player. The problem is that he kinda knows it. Oh he's not super arrogant or anything, but he has had a history of having moments of overconfidence - be it on the field, at bat, or elsewhere. So while he is technically the star player on his team, his occasional overconfidence has rubbed some teammates the wrong way. But at the end of the day, Tadashi is not a bad kid by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if anything his drive is to not only be the best player he can be, but for his team to also be the best they can be. He's just not that good at expressing those feelings without it coming across as patronizing.
Backstory: Tadashi has always had a love for baseball since he was a little kid. He collected trading cards, jerseys, whatever memorabilia he could get his hands on. Naturally, he played in little league during his late elementary and junior high years, but it wasn't until high school that his talent for the game really started to show itself. In particular, he became known for two things: his fast ball and his speed as a runner.

But he did have a rather... strange experience during his first year at high school. On his way home from practice, he found himself seemingly spirited away into an empty space. But before he could start freaking out, a voice spoke to him which was enough to calm his nerves. It offered him an egg, telling him that if he cared for it and protected it, it would one day do the same for him. But he didn't have a chance to actually answer, instead finding himself back where he was previously except he was now carrying a melon-sized egg.

He snuck the egg home and kept it in his room. He couldn't explain why, but he would often talk to the egg as if it could hear and understand him. Whenever he was at home, he would rant and rave to egg about his baseball games and other things occupying his time at school. It almost felt like Tadashi had someone he could just vent to, whether it was about the good things that happened or even his frustrations. It felt good to just get things off his chest... even if it was just to an egg that never seemed to move or offer any meaningful response.

Yuki the Blucomon

Personality: He can be excitable at times, particularly when fun and games are involved. And while he acts mostly child-like while in Rookie form, that tends to melt away into a more matured personality whenever he is evolved into his later forms. Also seems to have developed a love for baseball comparable to his partner, the two having a sort of dynamic reminiscent of teammates on a baseball team.

Evolution Line
In-Training: Hiyarimon
- Diamond Dust
Rookie: Blucomon
- Baby Hail
- Ice Mash
Champion: Paledramon
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Katsuo Baker

Crest: Wisdom
Personality: Having grown up on a military base (due to an American grandfather), Katsuo tries to complete orders and please people he deems to be 'greater in authority' than he is - which, when you're 12, is a lot of people. This doesn't mean he's mindlessly obedient mind you; he's mastered the art of the stealth insult when he doesn't have a choice and is surprisingly capable of getting others to do what someone else wants with little fanfare. While it's rare to see, he actually has a bit of a temper when it comes to two things - treating him as a young child, and animal neglect/abuse. He's still hardly quick to violence and more prone to cutting words and going after any observed weak points when truly angered.
Backstory: As already noted, Katsuo grew up on Camp Zama, with his father as a colonel and his mother a teacher on-site. His brother, a full decade older than him, joined the army and went out to a base in Somalia. Katsuo wrote regularly to him even, though, about two years ago, he stopped receiving responses. Shortly after that, he found the family computer glowing (on account of his parents deeming him 'too young' to use a computer with unrestricted access) and went to try to figure out what was going on. Instead, he found himself in a plain, unfamiliar room with a strange egg - it was so big it took both arms to lift it, how was that not strange! - that was grey with blue markings. A voice that sounded oddly familiar, with no one around to speak it, told him to care for the egg and the creature that would hatch from it, and the favor would be returned.

He ended up back in the "real" world still holding the egg.

He spent time mulling over what to do, how to break the news to his parents - but what if they didn't let him keep it, he was only 10 - when one night he overheard his father sob. That was such a strange event, he left the egg in his room to listen in on what was happening. He listened to his father, crying, and his mother, clearly on the brink of tears herself, decide that they could not and would not tell Katsuo that his older brother was dead.

Katsuo immediately felt both heartbreak - his brother, dead? - and simmering rage - they were treating him as too young to understand death! That was HIS brother! He snuck back to his room to grieve, lest his parents find out he'd been eavesdropping, and decided he was going to keep the egg and its creature a secret from them. See how THEY liked being treated as too ignorant to understand an admittedly depressing concept.

Even after his angered cooled, he kept the egg and the Pagumon that hatched from it a personal secret. He almost regretted it when it became clear the being, the entity that called itself a 'digimon', began treating him as a young kid too, but he kept his tongue bitten. The things his partner, who he nicknamed Captain, seemed to be relatively minor, and perhaps at least he could excuse Captain for being even younger than he was.
Notes: As his parents believe in self-sufficiency, he's been enrolled in judo classes since he was 5. He's a brown belt currently.

Captain the Gazimon

Personality: Larger than life and willing to make it everyone else's problem, 'Captain' loves talking to anyone he can (which, when you're kept secret, isn't many people), and he will talk until he's purple in the face (as he's quick to note, he can already talk until he's blue in the face, have you seen his fur?). He's also fascinated by medicine and the notion of being able to heal without data regeneration. Finally, he recognizes that, while he's technically younger than Katsuo, humans age and mature differently and tend to be much more fragile, and therefore he's determined to protect Katsuo from the worse parts of the world.
Notes: While able to diagnose digimon problems, he's much better at this point diagnosing and treating human issues - infections, cuts, illnesses - due to growing up around humans. Due to this interest, Katsuo gifted him with a white armband that has a red cross on it. Captain wears it on his upper left arm.
Evolution Line
In-Training: Pagumon
-Acid Bubbles
Rookie: Gazimon
-Paralyze Breath
Champion: Devidramon
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leonardo “Leo” Silverstone

Crest: Empathy
Personality: Leo is a bright, cheerful person, with an optimistic view on life. He can often be found with a smile on his face, even when things look bleak. As such, he often makes jokes, and does silly things when the situation is tense to lift people's spirits, but his attempts to make people laugh sometimes gives others the impression that he doesn't take things seriously. Leo has no idea how to react if somebody accuses him of this, other than shrug his shoulders and move on. He believes there is some good in everyone, and for that, he is very trusting of others. A genuine nice guy, he is always willing to help someone in need. Often putting the needs of others ahead of his own. After his parents divorce, and dealing with bullying, Leo is able to empathize with others in a similar situation. He makes it his personal mission to befriend and help people like this. Sometimes though, he can be too nice, to the point of gullibility, and people often take advantage of him for it. Leo is very outgoing and social. He likes meeting new people, and making new friends. He is not afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger. He openly expresses affection through touching in the form of hugs, holding hands, as well as stroking and grabbing shoulders. Being used to having to watch over his little sisters, he's become accustomed to taking care of people. He is loyal, empathetic, and very protective of those he cares about, making him a good friend to have.

Leo is very energetic, some would say hyperactive even. So much so, that it is very difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his feet during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first. Unlike a lot of guys he's known, Leo is the type of guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. His feelings are there for everyone to see, and he's pretty easy to read. For example he cries openly during the endings of sad movies, and is affectionate towards close friends. Due to his cheerful nature, it is usually difficult to anger him. That said, Leo is not perfect, and is prone to having a bad day just like everyone else. When things becoming overwhelming, he has really bad angry outbursts where he just lashes out at the most appropriate target. Leo isn't one to hold grudges for very long, and is very quick to forgive people.

Leo has an affinity for cute things, and is not ashamed about it at all. He has a collection of plush toys and merchandise with his favorite cartoon characters on them, and often watches cartoons with his youngest sister (and just as often watches them without her.) He also likes Video Games. He does get defensive if someone makes fun of him for it. He's had bad experiences with bullies as a kid, and he fears having to experience that again. He likes fantasy and fairy tales, and he developed most of his idealistic beliefs from them. He also likes other things some would consider childish as well. He can cook well, due to having to make dinner for the family when his mom was working. He particularly enjoys making (and eating) desserts. This is because he's found that sharing sweets with others is a great way to bond with people. Although he tries to keep it in moderation.

Despite his optimism, Leo still has some insecurities from his childhood. He masks it with a smile and laughter most of the time. but it still lingers in the back of his mind. These feelings are what drive him to get stronger, and to make more friends. Those same reasons are why he dresses the way he does. and takes opportunities to show off his strength without actually bragging. He doesn't want to have to deal with bullies ever again, and he feels like getting people to like him means they can't be bullies.

Backstory:Leo was born in Miami Florida. He was the oldest of three siblings in his house and the only male among the three. He also found out he has an older sister named Selena that was his father’s from a previous relationship. He doesn’t get to see her all that much, but tries very hard to correct that. His parents' relationship became strained after his father, Leroy, lost his job shortly after the youngest daughter was born, and the family started experiencing financial troubles. It was not helped by Leroy turning to Wine to drown his sorrows, which worried the rest of the family. Leroy and his wife, Luisa, often argued loudly during the night. While things never escalated to physical violence, but the yelling still made the three kids uncomfortable. Despite the drama, Leo tried to put on a brave face, and hoped things would work out in the end. Eventually Luisa got a promotion at her job that made up for the loss of income, but by then the damage was done, and Leroy filed for divorce.

Leo currently lives with his mom, and his younger sisters Lilly and Lucy. He is much closer to his mother than with his father. They were not wealthy, but they weren't poor either. Being a single parent, Luisa often had to work long hours, leaving Leo responsible for looking after his sisters, and taking care of household things while she worked. Unlike a lot of other boys though, Leo didn't really mind this, and actually enjoyed it. As a result of this, he became accustomed to taking care of people. He also learned a lot of domestic skills, and became very good at cooking.

He was a rather scrawny child, and he was often picked on by bullies who thought he was weaker than them. It did not help that he was a sensitive kid, and he had a taste for things that are usually considered girly by others. He would come home with bruises on a regular basis. His father did not help matters by suggesting that living in a house full of girls was turning him into one. While all the bullying upset him, he kept up a cheerful demeanor in front of others, not wanting to burden them with his problems. He believed that if he thinks positively, things would get better. Even though Leo admits to himself that he doesn't get along with his dad, and he will avoid talking about him to others, he still doesn't hate him. He clings to the hope that they will be able to reconcile.

Around the time Leo entered puberty, things started to change. His mother announced that her office was transferring her New York City, and that the family would be moving there. While he was nervous about moving to a new state, Leo remained positive. Moving to a new place gave him the opportunity to change his situation. Deciding that he no longer wanted to be a wimp, and a constant bullying victim. He started working out and getting into sports, which resulted in him putting on a little muscle, and making new friends. Due to his social personality, he quickly became quite popular on campus, particularly with other girls. He also maintained good grades. Life was actually starting to look up. Despite how well things were going, he didn't let it get to his head. He still remained the same sensitive kid he always was.

2 years ago, Leo had a weird dream. He was floating in the void, and a strange voice spoke to him, saying he needed to protect an egg. After that, he woke up, and the egg he had been given in the dream was sitting on his lap. It hatched into something that kept saying Yuramon over and over. It later changed into a small pink blob with legs that called herself Xiaomon. This time she could talk! Even though Leo didn’t know what a Digimon was at first, but the two bonded quickly. During the day she had to pretend to be plushie while Leo was at school, but at night they played together.

At some point, she evolved into a Labramon. It was at that point Leo gave her the name Daisy, and took her out for walks. The pink dog got some strange looks from people, but nothing too bad happened. He still had to sneak her past his mom, as well as feed her regularly.
Notes: Is half Italian on his mother’s side.

Daisy the Labramon

Personality: She takes after her tamer in many ways. She is a friendly, cheerful, and optimistic Digimon. She always seems to happy about everything. She doesn't seem to have the same insecuritiess that Leo seems to possess, which means she will voice her opinions if she disagrees about something. She also appears to be filled with energy, and is often bouncing off the walls, sometime literary depending on what form she's in. She can come across as silly and childish at times, being a Digimon, she can be a bit naive about what humans are like. This prompts her to ask a lot of questions about things that seem obvious to others. Nevertheless, she deeply cares for others, and is really sympathetic and empathetic with anyone who is in trouble. Traits that became more visible as she Digivolves.
Evolution Line
- Tummo
- Cure Liquor
- Retrieving
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Trent Abbott

Age: 15
Crest: Faith
Personality:Trent has never been one to speak in many words. Not necessarily a mute, but he's very introspective. Those he grew up with and those who might be his friends (he does have them even if in small numbers), Trent watches them and he can see when they're hurting. He likes to think he is observant in that way and attentive to his friends' feelings, but sometimes his silence and lack of speaking up does the complete opposite of what he intends to.

And this is the case with just about everything that Trent Abbott has done in his life (or at least tried to). He will always mean to do the right thing and even have the state of mind to want to do the right thing, but it seldom ever goes as he plans. He'll say something that might anger someone or his actions will contradict what he's saying (and vice versa). The times he's tried to be a good friend only came back to bite him in the ass, so part of his heart was closed off, blocking certain thoughts of being there, which has turned him into a somewhat bitter, brooding young man. Now he's quick to anger and gets into a lot of fights.

They always say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so Trent oughta be an expert at knowing that by now.

Backstory: How would one describe Trent Abbott's life? In a word: traumatic. In another - unfortunate.

Death and crappy luck have been a recurring theme in his life. First, it started with his parents. Long story short, one rainy night they were driving home. Trent was ten at the time, so the neighbor kid babysat him. His neighbor was also a friend of Trent's. Only a couple of years older than him, so younger Trent kind of looked up to him. For the most part, they played video games together. And when they weren't inside, they did what every ten-year-old loved to do: go to the arcade and get as much junk food as the twenty dollars his parents gave the older kid to spend on actual food.

Trent was a sweet boy back then, too. Not at all the stoic person, he grew up to be, but hearing about your parents was something of a gamechanger. To make matters worse for him, because of it, he was forced to move away to a few towns over. So Trent lost pretty much his whole world. His best friend lived far away, his parents were gone, and Trent lived with his uncle and aunt. They weren't bad people and they tried their best, but the nephew that they knew to be so full of life was just sort of...not around anymore.

For a couple of years, Trent struggled to find his place. He was in a new location. He went to a new school. Nobody really knew who he was and as much as that affected him mentally, it made him an easy target. He got into fight after fight after fight. He tried defending himself, but it proved to meaningless. He tried to make friends but only ended up self-sabotaging himself. Some things happened after that to where he just almost gave up on trying.

And then one day, in 8th grade, Trent was in the bathroom. He was alone, of course, and it was a free period, anyway, so he didn't necessarily have anyone wondering where he was. That could speak to a lot of things honestly, but what stood out about this moment was not that he was gone for however long he was, but rather where he found himself. To this day, he couldn't tell you exactly what it was that he was transported to. The only thing that he could say was it wasn't the boy's bathroom at his junior high school.

And what a strange place he was. Change scared him beyond anything in this world, so when he found himself in this place, panic set in. Trent tried to calm himself but the only thing that he could focus on was what happened before: something happened and he was forced to leave his life. Was this going to be like before? Like when he lost his parents? Trent was hyperventilating until he saw something of a line shine in front of him. Just five meters in front of him was an egg of some kind. It was the size of one of those juicy melons that his uncle occasionally bought.

Something about it felt...familiar. He couldn't explain what about it made him feel like that, but before he even realized it, he was back in the bathroom and the egg was in his arms. He rushed home. Using the free period he had to get it home and he hid it under his bed.

For the next couple of years, Trent kept it close to him, treading carefully. He talked to the egg, kept it by his side. He felt connected to it for some reason. Part of him had come back alive -- a part of him that was seemingly lost for so many years. The egg responded to his voice by emitting a warm feeling that comforted Trent. He didn't know what would happen, but he named the egg Arthur, after the friend of his he was forced to move away from. He was rejuvenated in a way and maybe this egg understood that, too? Yeah...maybe.
-Trent always can be seen with a pair of earphones on his head, often lost in his own world and listening to whatever sappy song is his flavor of the month, but sometimes he likes to switch it up to emo rock.
-Like Arthur, grape soda and rock candy is his preferred snack and beverage combo.

Arthur the Gotsumon

Personality: Arthur is something of a protector. More so a protector of an unsure Trent but a protector nonetheless. This in itself, much like how he appears, makes Arthur to be quite stubborn and grounded in whatever stance he takes. This stems from feeling the insecurities and how Trent would regularly talk to him during those early stages even before he hatched from the egg. Though he never quite memorized what it was specifically, there was always this sense that he would need to be by Trent's side no matter what and it was a big contributor in how he viewed his partner. He refuses to let anyone talk bad about him - especially Trent. In a word, Arthur is both protector and the occasional reality checker for young Trent.
Notes:Arthur seems to be a huge fan of grape soda and rock candy. Combined and the two create a sugar rush that makes him his happiest.
Evolution Line
In-Training: Goromon
-Rock Breath - Spits out rocks from its large mouth.
Rookie: Gotsumon
-Rock Fist - Fires rocks from its head
-Earth Tremor - Slams the ground with its hands, causing pillars of rock to erupt
Champion: Golemon

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hitomi Sakagami

Age: 16
Crest: Dedication
Personality: The most notable thing about Hitomi is how unnotable she is - and that's by design. Hitomi is a timid, introverted girl riddled with insecurities and contradictions that she's still trying to navigate, and she'd rather go unnoticed in a crowd whenever she can. At her core, she wants to be liked, but assumes that no one would like the real her, and so she's constantly hiding behind a poorly crafted facade - and a book, if she happens to carry one.

Outwardly, Hitomi tries to be nice. Overtly so, in many cases. She gives answers she assumes others would like, and is constantly on the lookout for cues as to how others would like her to act. She strives to come across as cheerful and optimistic, and struggles to give negative answers or refuse requests.

When alone with her thoughts, she's quite different. Hitomi is a pessimist at heart, and all her pretending, second-guessing and bottling up of negativity has left her quite bitter at the world at large. She has started to hate both herself and the world around her for being so unfair and demanding so much from her, not realizing that nobody expects her to be perfect but Hitomi herself. She tends to be snarky in her thoughts, and assume the worst of people and situations. It's her way of protecting herself from disappointment.

How, then, has someone like her been granted the Crest of Dedication?

Likely because whenever she's made up her mind about something, it's nigh impossible to get her to give up on it. For one, though she's quite misguided when it comes to her methods, she's dead set on changing herself for the better. After all, she does care about others, and truly wants to make connections. Now if only she could channel her dedication to the right things, who knows what she could achieve...

Backstory: Hitomi was born in Kyoto, Japan, as an only child. Her family was quite old-fashioned in many ways; her mother stayed at home, her father worked, and from an early age Hitomi was instructed to be polite and proper no matter what. Her parents wanted their little girl to be perfect, and they said as much whenever they praised – or scolded – her. What they didn’t realize was that “being perfect” was a rather heavy burden to bear, and how hard Hitomi tried to live up to her parents’ expectations. She studied diligently and was always polite just like she was told to, though she quickly learned that she just wasn’t exceptionally smart. Try as she might, her grades were always solid C's and B's, never the A's her parents would have wanted. And while her parents never said a word about being disappointed, Hitomi couldn’t help but feel she had let them down anyway. It was a horrible feeling, and so she dedicated herself to study even more. She didn't want to give up, and figured that if she just endured and bettered herself, she could eventually make them proud.

Hitomi was always an introverted child, and faced bullying at school due to her meekness. She never dared to utter a word to anyone however, not wanting to cause trouble or inconvenience anyone. Yet, strangely enough, whenever one of her friends - few as they were - was in trouble, she never failed to help, no matter how scared she was. Abandoning a friend in need never even crossed her mind, even if it made her suffer even more abuse from the bullies as a result. Her friends tried to constantly bring her out of her shell and tell her to stand up for herself the way she did for others, but to no avail. She couldn't. Her determination wasn't something she could summon at will.

A lot changed two years ago. One night when she was gaming, her PC glitched. The next she knew, she was standing alone in an empty space, being spoken to by a disembodied voice. Though startled at first, Hitomi was always a fan of scifi and horror - so when she found herself back in her room with an egg on her lap, she was more ecstatic than scared. Doubly so when it later hatched into a cute, tiny creature. Though she kept it as a pet first, she quickly realized the critter was far more than that - he turned into her closest friend.

A year or so ago, Hitomi's human friends eventually decided they had to do something about the bullying she received. They meant well when they went and yelled at the bullies and, along with Mumei, encouraged Hitomi to do the same and stand up for herself as well. In the end, she finally mustered up the courage to do it - and ended up shouting back something she'd heard a bully tell her many times; that she wanted her to die.

Few days later, that very girl got into an accident that could have proven fatal - though thankfully didn't. Even so, Hitomi was startled by the news. She was convinced the whole accident happened because of what she'd said. She knew supernatural things existed - Mumei was the living proof of it! So maybe her words truly had the power to hurt someone? Weighed by quilt, Hitomi swore she'd be more careful with her words. She'd never let her negative feelings take over like that again.

Then, a couple of months ago, Hitomi's whole family relocated due to her father's work, and while a new city scares her, Hitomi also views it as a chance to start anew.

Notes: Hitomi absolutely loves games, and always carries an old PS Vita with her. Though she plays many genres, visual novels have always been her favourite - they let her be someone else and give her the illusion her choices matter. She also has a fujoshi streak, though she wouldn't readily admit it. She's also interested in horror and the occult, but likewise keeps that to herself.

Mumei the Soundbirdmon

Personality: Mumei is an odd case. It tends to act more like a digital assistant AI than a sentient creature at times. It has a habit of repeating others' words, offering lifestyle and health advice, and even voicing Hitomi's thoughts - which are often disturbingly accurate. Mumei is unaware of laws and the unwritten rules of socialisation, and will often fly to places it shouldn't, interrupt people and just be a general menace without Hitomi there to keep an eye on it. It's her hope that by the time it digivolves, it becomes more aware.
Evolution Line
In-Training: Negamon
- Downer Eye
Rookie: Soundbirdmon
- Sound Finish
- Giga Scream
Champion: Saberdramon
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