Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A New Generation of Hunters- A Supernatural Adventure

The world had always been a chaotic place. Vampires, werewolves, djinn, wendigo and who knows what else ran free- attacking whoever crossed their path on a bad day. Vampires attacked a small farmhouse on the outskirts of a backwoods town in the middle of November, the smell of cooking dinner gone wrong attracting their need to feed. As the wife and mother of two nursed her slides thumb, they attacked in the dark. Cutting the power, stalking the family, laughing at their screams... That night the Hall family lost Grandma, and Ben to the creature of the night that plague their dreams; and control their nightmares.

At 12 years old, Margret Hall was introduced into the bloodthirsty world of the supernatural, brought into a new lifestyle of hunting, protecting, and learning by her parents who swore that they would never become that vulnerable to something inhuman again. Margret, who prefers to go by Maggie accepted this world, longing to avenge her little brother Ben who was pulled from her grasp too soon. Now she was being taught to shoot a gun, fire a bow and arrow, what to use against a vampire, a werewolf, a hybrid, or anything. Her family wasn’t accepted at first into the community of hunters until they made their first mission a successful trip, bringing back the head of the coven for questioning. That night something in Maggie changed and she realized what she knew she had to grow up to become.

But this world was in the middle of its own storyline besides the one focused on the Hall family. The Winchesters lived in this timeline, and were doing what they did best, kicking down doors and marking down tallies to their books- saving the world again and again from the likes of Chuck and Crowley, even Billie on occasion. But time did what time does best- and it moved on. The world had it’s day, Jack became the new god and Rowena sacrificed herself to rule hell in tandem with the Nephilim.

More time passed, and Samuel Winchester lost his big brother on a hunt, navigating the world without his number one. He got married, he settled down with her and finally created the family that he craved so much. He had children, naming his first after the one who always had his back: Dean. He affectionately called him DJ, or Dean Jr, and DJ grew up in a world with some order thanks to the partnership between Jack and Rowena but helping his father when creatures got out of line or rebelled against the ‘rules’.

As he grew up, Sam stopped hunting more and DJ took up the Winchester mantle of saving people, hunting things. The family business. That was where Maggie met him on a hunt and before they knew it- the next generation of Winchesters was born not the world, rightfully so named Bobby and Mary. Now Maggie was taking on the mantle and becoming the matriarch of her family and collecting a group of hunters to travel with her, individuals who were capable of empathy and understanding, either before or after taking out a nest of something that goes bump in the night.

A new generation of hunters was about to be gathered and the world was not ready for her new defenders.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Wolvena I am SO SORRY. I had forgotten to subscribe to my own thread and I could've posted that two weeks ago!! Ahh!!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Artemis Arts It's alright. I just thought that you had gotten busy with something. I could have also tagged you at some point. Lol
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Artemis ArtsSorry for the wait on my reply. I've been a bit busy but I hope to have it up soon.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Don't stress, I moved apartments this week so I'm on and off throughout the day when I need a break lol. Take your time!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Artemis Arts I'm so sorry I up and vanished on you. I absolutely hate myself for doing that to you.
If you're still up to doing this rp I'll have a reply up ASAP.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 4 mos ago

TBH I vanished for about two months. So I don't hold any negative anything towards you. I'd love to revive this if you're down! @Wolvena
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Artemis Arts I'd totally be up to reviving this. I actually have a post ready to put up.
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