Perils of Xepreath

Xepreath is a relatively young planet. And in its youth, it is an unharnessed land, possessesing a vast, unbridled well of magic. Said magic can be held accountable for the creation of man itself, and all their ilk. It is said that Xepreath's magic is so great that even the gods, and beings of similar power, were drawn to the planet from far and wide. Yet, what may appear to be a blessing is not always so. Alongside such raw power comes a seemingly ungovernable arcane chaos. Said chaos has been the plight of man since its inception. And the only reason they have managed to survive thusfar is due to the natural ebb and flow of such energies - the lulls in the magical fluxes during which they can recover. But the lulls seem to be.. shortening. The fluxes are changing - increasing in power. Among many things, these fluxes are tearing at the borders that seperate one plane from another - causing other planes to seep into ours and vice-versa. Rifts are opening. Things are warping, changing. Over the last two decades, this has become the worry of every nation of Xepreath: What will become of us if this isn't held at bay? |
Tags: NEWBIE FRIENDLY Character-driven, Character relationships, 60% RP/40% Action(?), Minimal Min/Max
Hello there, my friends!
Welcome to what I hope will become a great collaborative masterpiece that tells a tale of a group of fuckos who actually managed to do something good despite all the bullshit that they got themselves into.I've been wanting to scrape up enough inspiration to do something of a DnD game of my own making, and it seems here I am! Except, I don't want it to just be my own. That can be a bit boring sometimes, don't you think? So, I'm bringing it out in the open so I can make something great with a few others, hopefully. Let's build this world up together!
I'm looking for about 5-8 players, including myself, for this RP - and it is an RP. I often feel that tabletop projects on the guild are less rp and more action-y, but I like a healthy mix of both, as the tags and theming might suggest. I'm keeping the information very simple to start out - mostly because I am welcoming new players to DnD, of which I have one interested already. Your ability to RP and write are much more important than your leet dnd skillz.
But uhh, yeah, I don't want to ramble too long or give a big textwall, so here is me checking for interest!
Below I'll include some rules and a sheet, simply to weed out those who may not like the style. So, let's see who's in, shall we?
If you have any questions, or need any help as a DnD-newbie, don't hesitate to let me know!
GM's to-do: