Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Kay watched Bane touch the map, not expecting him to mention Fee for some reason, so when he did she had to pause to think about her answer. "I have no clue, she's....stubborn sometimes when it comes to wanting to give information." She explained. "I've been thinking it all over, not being stubborn Kay" Fee then spoke up in her head, making Kay flinch slightly. "Apparently she's been thinking it all over" she explained to Bane. "From what I can see and have heard, John Constantine is correct in his theory, they are using the leylines to track yourself and miss Serena. Leylines are extremely powerful and hold great ancient energy. I am not sure how he can cut that off however, but mages aren't my forté. It also difficult to say accurately what would be brewing when it has been millennia since our kind have been truly around and had access to our full power" Fee explained, making Kay rub her temples as she listened. Little did she realise, her free hand was writing everything Fee was saying down on some paper for Bane.

Fia sighed, wishing at this point that she could say something to John with the knowledge she has of the future. But she knew it wasn't allowed in the basic rules of time travel. "They don't deserve to be in hiding...I agree with you there" she replied, knowing damn well not much will change for years, especially with her personally.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bane watched her work and blinked, seeing fee was controlling the hand to make it easier on Kay. He said “we should speak with Serena when she is up for it. It might be time to get some more information on her family…”

John sighed softly “I can protect them…they don’t need to be hunted. But if I can keep them from being tracked that would be a bigger help…shut down the demons route to the laylines then I’ll come up with a way to shield the girls…” he cursed, rubbing his head that had started to pound.

Upstairs Drake suddenly groaned, moving a little as his whole body hurt. Then he opened his eyes and felt something off. He tried to sit up and muttered “something…coming…” he tried to get out of bed, wanting to warn the others
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

When Bane blinked and looked down, Kay then realised what was happening and she couldn't say she exactly approved of Fee using her without her permission, but she let it slide as it did make the headache slightly less painful. "I agree, I feel like we're missing an important part of the puzzle and that missing puzzle piece is to do with her lineage" she replied. "I also wish I knew more about my history, or at least...my kind's history, I find myself wondering if there is a reason in that history to why I seem to be so important to the Downworld and Hell.." she added.

Fia listened to her father's words and have a nod. "We'll figure it all out" she replied from the back seat, seeing him rub his head, knowing that meant he was getting a headache of sorts. "You alright?" She asked him with concern whilst Chas continued to drive.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Band nodded and said “well that part could be solved. I am sure there are plenty of books and such on the subject” then they heard a thud upstairs and bane looked up. “Is that from the bedrooms?”

John nodded and said “ya love I’m good…just a headache from all of these demons running around”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

"yeah...I guess so" Kay replied to Bane, remembering that John had given her one book a while ago but so far she hadn't found anything particularly relevant to her internal questions she just aired to Bane. When the thud was heard, she too looked upward. "I think it was. I'm gonna go see what's going on" she told him, hopping off of the table and heading upstairs, checking each room and the hallway for anything out of sorts, when she came to the bedroom with Drake in it. "Drake you okay??" She asked, walking inside.

Fia nodded, understanding what he was saying. She got the odd side effect to demons being in the facility, one trait she had inherited from her father, but it feeling weaker in this time than in her time. "Okay" she simply replied when Chas eventually found the area they were needing. "I think we're in the area Kay pointed out" he told them both.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake was shaking on the floor and looked up weakly “aunty…their are in danger…the shadows…speak of danger…”

John looked up and nodded “this is it. Alright you two stay by the cab till I find the line. Then I’ll seal it shut for good” he got out of the car and started walking around with his hand out and cigarette in his mouth.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay's instincts to help someone in need kicked in the moment she saw Drake shaking on the floor. Waking over, she helped him up onto his feet then to sit on the bed. "What kind of danger?" She asked him, not liking what she was being told whatsoever. She didn't even find herself asking how he knew some of them weren't in the mill House, his statement about the shadows telling him about danger answering her initial moment of being baffled.

Fia was okay with the plan but Chas wasn't happy about it at all. He didn't like the idea of John being further than arm's reach to him and Fia incase something were to go wrong. Yet he also knew his mate like he knew himself, and agreed to the plan anyway. They both gave it a few moments for John to get ahead of them then both got out of the cab and stood by it, watching him and their surroundings intensely. "I got a bad feeling about this Chas" Fia commented as she looked around, "me too kiddo, me too" he replied.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake gasped and said “ambush…I can’t get it clear but…it’s…going to happen soon…but not at the mill…it doesn’t make sense…”

John was feeling around, his eyes glowing as he searched for the line opening. Then his hand glowed and he nodded. “I got it! Now I just need to…”
Suddenly there was a boom and John went flying yards away, slamming into a nearby bench and smashed it in half and he rolled into the wall behind it. They could hear heavy breathing and drool hitting the pavement. But they couldn’t see anything.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

When Drake said about an ambush but not at the mill House, Kay's blood ran cold metaphorically. She knew exactly what it meant and it was her concern from the moment that John said he was going to go now. "It does to me. John, Chas and Fia went to the key lines point of crossover. It's how the demons and such are finding us, they're using them as a tracker" she told him. She didn't know how he'd take the news of Fia being in danger, but she guessed not well judging by how close they seemed to be.

Fia and Chas kept watch but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Fia however could feel something was off and it was putting her on edge. "I don't like this Chas..." She stayed, "me neither Kiddo but John knows what he's do-----" he began to reply when he suddenly saw John go flying backwards and into a bench, putting him into defensive mode instantly. He quickly ran to the car and opened the trunk to grab a baseball bat in the hopes it would at least keep whatever it was back. "John!!" Fia shouted, she needed to know if he was still conscious as her eyes darted all round to try and find the attacker, to no avail.

"Shit!" She cursed, then remembered she knew a spell she could use, "if your gonna play it that way, let's play" she muttered as she started to recite an incantation to give her the sight to see the invisible.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake went whiter then he had been and fought to get to his feet “we need to go…I have to protect her…I can’t let her be lost in time…”

John groaned, rolling on to the sidewalk from the wall and tried to get back up. But they heard barks and thuds as John sat up only to get grabbed and throw across the square again, this time into a fence.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay didn't like how white Drake went, but seeing him still weak from the day before she wasn't going to let him go after them either. It wasn't safe and in his state she knew whatever danger they were in, he wasn't going to be of any use to the others. "No, you're in no fit state to help them. She's with John and Chas, they'll keep her safe. Bane sent shadows to follow them as well" she explained, trying to stop him from getting up.

With the incantation spoken, she moved her hands across her eyes then outward and with a blink, she saw what was attacking them. "Chas careful! It's Hellhounds!" she warned him, moving in front of him and inciting the incantation once more and did the same actions onto Chas' face so he could also see the Hellhounds. "Oh bloody hells!!" Chas cursed as he went from seeing nothing in front of them and in front of John, to seeing exactly what was throwing John around like a ragdoll. "Keep ya wits about ya Chas, this will be brutal" Fia said, absolutely hating Hellhounds. "Fine by me!" Chas replied, though he would have been lying if he said he wasn't rather freaked out by the sight of the hound.

Fia then ignited her hands in the same flare of her father, running over to try and give John some kind of cover, blasting fireballs of phoenix fire toward hellhound. "get back you ugly son of a bitch!" she growled.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake was shaking badly as he tried to move. “I can’t let her die…it will make it so she’s never born…I can’t…I love her too much to let that…”
He swayed a little, his head pounding.

The hound barked at her, standing over John and it’s paw on his chest. John coughed and fought to breath. Suddenly shadows moved up and hit the hound off, sending it across the park. Wolves appeared by Fia and Chas and the one by the girl looked at her. “Orders alpha?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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"then either myself or Bane will go, but you MUST stay here Drake. You'll only get yourself into more trouble and be a hindrance rather help for Fia." Kay replied, hating to see him so clearly hurting and not just physically, but emotionally as well. She made sure he remained sat on the bed and even made him lay down again. "So please, stay here" she begged again. She knew people wouldn't like the idea of her going out there, but she knew if Bane didn't, then she would have to. This was also Chas and John in trouble with Fia, she had to do something.

"Yeah yeah, I despise you too!" She sneered back at the hound that was barking at her, she was ready to fight when the shadow wolves appeared beside herself and Chas. "Get John to safety, even if it's in the cab. Just get him out of harm's way" she ordered. "One of you stay with myself and Chas to keep fighting the hound off, they're stubborn gits, they won't give up easily" she added. "I know this isn't the time Fia, but watch your language" Chas said, keeping his bat up and ready to swing if the hound came for them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Drake cursed then held his face then said “no…it’s okay…I can feel them with her now…the shadows of the moon found them…it will be okay…” he was clearly out of it.

John rolled onto his side, blood running from his lips. The wolf nodded and said “guard and defend” he ran to get between John and the hound, the other one moving so he could protect Fia and Chas. John looked up weakly and said “light…blade…use…it’s…opposite…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Kay couldn't say she understood everything Drake was saying but she was just thankful he wasn't insisting on getting up against her wishes for his health. "just rest Drake..." She said softly, "let me get you some pain relief and a cold cloth" she told him, standing up.

From where Fia and Chas stood, neither could fully hear what John was saying but Fia knew what to do. This was the kind of thing her dad had trained her for, what her whole family trained her for. With the combination of her phoenix flame and her mage abilities, she summoned a blade of fire as well as summoning the brightest of lights into her free hand. "Watch my back Chas" she told him, to which he simply gave a nod. She then ran forward toward the hound, pushing her hand forward forcefully, shooting the light from her hand straight toward the hound like a spear.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake nodded weakly, breathing hard. “Okay…that sounds…”

The wolf jumped out and tackled the hound, pinning it so Fias attack hit true. The hound howled and burst into ashes. One down. One to go. John groaned and smiled weakly then rolled back and passed out.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kay sighed, hoping Drake would be okay, and she did find it concerning that he couldn't seem to finish his sentences now. She quickly walked to the bathroom and opened the cupboard to get some painkillers and then she turned the cold tap on, letting it chill as much as possible before soaking a face cloth in the cold water, ringing it out enough so it wasn't dripping wet and then folded it up. She also partly filled a small bowl of water incase it ever needed re-wetting. With everything aquired, she walked back to the room Drake was in and say by his side. "Here, take these" she said, handing him the painkillers.

Chas saw John trying to get up only to pass out, making him run toward his friend. He wasn't going to leave his friend alone. He could see Fia was capable of holding her own as he saw her take down the hellhound with ease. It was incredibly impressive to say the least and it was clear that she was trained hard to be able to look after herself. Though there was an ounce of sadness in that fact as well as in his mind no child should have to grow up faster than they need to or know how to protect themselves from all of this. "John!" He said, kneeling down and nudging him slightly.

Fia's eyes darted round quickly, trying not to get distracted by her father passing out on the ground. That's where this John felt so different to the one she always knew, her father in her time was formidable and didn't get knocked out so easily, he was downright terrifying in a fight until that day they lost her mother which sent him on that downward spiral. She was still thankful they changed that moment, but now wasn't the time for reflection, she had another hellhound to fight off. "come on you asshole! Show yourself!" She practically growled, keeping up her guard, ready for the fight.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake looked at them and took them, swallowing them and flinching. “Thanks Aunty…it will be okay…” there was a knock and the door opened showing Serena. “Hey, everything okay?”

John groaned, blooding dripping from his nose and mouth. He was banged up for sure, the hellhound stepping on him really not helping matters. But he was trying to wake up, knowing his child was in danger. John moved his arm a little, fighting to get up as he said weakly “Chas…take me…to the opening…”

The wolf stood next to her and said “it knows we can take it. But we can’t let it run. We must close the break in the line. We need the mage to finish what he started” they could hear the hound walking around, sticking to the shadows.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 days ago

Satisfied that Drake had managed to take the painkillers, Kay then placed the damp cloth on his forehead to cool him down a little. When she heard the knock she looked behind her and have a small smile. "He's just bit hot and has a headache." She explained to Serena, "he felt faint so I helped him lay back down" she then gave some context. "But otherwise, everything is fine" she finished saying, deciding not to worry Serena with what the others are doing and she hoped Drake picked up on her deliberately not mentioning the others.

Chas kept trying to help John to wake up, noting everywhere his mate was injured or hurting to the best of his abilities. With all his strength, he helped John up onto his feet and walked with him to the leylines slowly but surely whilst Fia and the wolves stood guard and watch of their surroundings. "I'll tell us what John, your future kid is one hell of a fighter" he said, just trying to keep John awake whilst they staggered to the break in the lines.

Fia nodded in agreement at the wolf's words. She had no plans on letting this hound run to escape and she wasn't going to rest until she killed it herself. She slowly looked around them all, remaining alert, glad that her spell to see the hound was still very active. "Seems Chas has that under control with dad." She told the wolf then found the hound in the shadows. "Found ya" she whispered, starting to creep up on it but it seemed it had sensed her and pounced out of the way, deciding to play its own game with her. She refused to lose it so continued the hunt etching further into the shadows when she went flying sideways in a spinning motion. She landed in a muddy ditch with the hound over her, snarling and drooling. She fought to get out of under it, scrambling to lift her legs up and kick it off which she managed, but not before the hound got a bite out of her shoulder.

"AHH!!" She screamed in pain, now fighting the urge to not curse as she sat up, grabbing one of her concealed blades, igniting it in phoenix fire and throwing it into the hound.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drake smiled weakly and said “it’s okay mom…everything will be okay…” Serena frowned and said “Kay? A word outside?”

John leaned on Chas and held his hand up. His eyes glowed as he worked to repair the line. It took time as he muttered “knowing Kay she trained her…wanting to keep her…” then he heard Fias cry and he stopped dead. His eyes glowed with emotion as he turned his head.

The wolf tackled the beast and pinned it on the wall, getting it off of her.
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