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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Milton Bertel




Anima (If applicable)


-An anima that takes the form of a Victorian doll. Debutante’s main ability is to enhance the wielder’s physical attributes by taking control of their body. With its strings that sprout from its porcelain body, Debutante can make the wielder more agile or temporarily stronger. It’s major ability is its ability to make the wielder unworldly physical feats.

Milton has a childish and playful demeanor. Reminiscent of a kitten, he’s often distracted by small things and is a little slow on the uptake. He also has an incredible imagination.

Chaotic Neutral


There isn’t exactly much to Milton. The first memory that he could recall was walking around the streets somewhere. He had no recollection of comfort from his mother, nor if he had any siblings. All that he knew was that he walked around everywhere and the scenery kept changing by. The concept of pillars or councils didn’t exactly matter to Milton since he was, after all, a cat.

That was until it did matter when he was caught after being baited into a cage by food. Everything was black after his capturers draped his cage with a black cloth. When he finally saw the light of day again, he saw a little girl before him.

In that first little meeting, they were friends. They would do so many things together. Playing dress up, house, dodging pillows, getting yelled at, and trying to learn how to make tea. He couldn’t quite grasp how to make it since all he had were paws. Every day brought him joy. Him and his growing lady. She grew to be the beautiful lady in his eyes and he somehow managed to transform into a human himself at times. Learning, chatting, getting yelled at, and having fun.

He still didn’t know how to make tea even with hands. It was blissful until his lady started to become more faded. Like a wilting plant, she became weaker and frailer. He tried to take care of her but nothing seemed to stop her age.

That was until a man came. Milton was ushered out when they spoke and when he came back in, they were gone. He was alone once more. Again, introduced to the darkness that was loneliness, Milton spent his time at his lady’s house. Cleaning the rooms, making breakfast, sewing dresses. Milton was intent on wasting in the now ownerless house until the man came back with her.

She was smaller and younger just like the day they met. The man introduced her as ‘Debutante,’ but Milton didn’t care. All that mattered to him was that they were together again.

Until mutual destruction do they part.
Additional information

Milton has the ability to change back to his cat to human form at will. A fact that he oftenly frequently forgets despite being originally a cat.

Milton's has above human level strength despite looking slim. He also has the senses as a cat in his human form.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FatPrincess
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FatPrincess Wicked Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Sorcerer's Apprentice: Merlin

An Anima forged from the soul of a great and mighty librarian, with a teeny-tiny obsession, okay maybe major obsession, with occult sciences. From Astrology to Physiognomy, the old coot had both studied and taught it in his free time; when he wasn't organizing books of course. Given his penchant for the peculiar and bizarre, his soul has manifested itself as a pointed witch's hat.

While it comes across as just a fashionable accessory, underneath the brim of this hat lies a chamber of secrets, the source of this Anima's true power. A mysterious pool of ether. From this "void under the brim" the hat can conjure two large fists, larger than the user herself and far stronger and faster than any normal human hand.

She is a brazen and straightforward girl who isn't afraid to speak hard truths. She is exceptionally good at reading people and considers herself to be a master manipulator. Inheriting the blood of her mother, and therefore being a member of her race, she possesses something called the "ancestral voice" which is what her tribe believes to be the knowledge of her ancestors taking root as a singular voice in the back of her mind. It interferes with her decision-making and helps her in her day-to-day life. For example, it could tell her which door most likely leads to the safest path, but not definitely. This is a secret she keeps and does not discuss but has developed a heavy reliance on this voice when it comes to making hard choices. As someone who has escaped many terrible situations and credited this ability, she has a strong belief in fate and thinks that the world is taking care of her. An avid liar, the true details of her past remain a mystery to almost everyone around her and aside from the occasional flirtation, she doesn't let people get too close.

Chaotic Good

Lucasta was born from the love affair of a wealthy second pillar politician and a gypsy. Her mothers attempt to seduce the man for a better life was futile. Beauty paled in comparison to power and marriage to someone of such a low status, with nothing to bring to the table but what they saw in the mirror… well it was unthinkable. Political suicide. When he received news of a child, born from that one singular night of passion, the man buried the evidence so deep that he ensured no one would ever be able to dig it back up. Murder was the obvious method but he couldn’t bring himself to do it and instead they were banished to the slums. The mistress and her child.

Lucasta’s mother was forced to do unspeakable things in order to survive, she stole from anyone and everyone, only justifying the preconceived notions about her “people.” Tribal fortune-tellers who did nothing but lie, cheat, and steal. Truth be told, the abilities of her race were what allowed her to survive. An “ancestral voice” in the back of her head telling her yes or no, which path was wrong and which was right. Though sometimes, that voice was wrong. It was this that led to her mothers death. Depending on the past to predict the future is a dangerous and inaccurate method, but that has been the downfall of many belonging to this rare bloodline.

It came of no surprise that Lucasta was forced into a life of crime after the sudden death of her mother. The slums were a difficult place to live and that was the path of least resistance. At a rather young age, she discovered the very same voice that killed her mother. Though that fact was unknown to her. It was a friend. A guiding light in the chaos of her life and more often than not she noticed that those whispers, or shouts if the situation was urgent enough… were right.

This newfound talent of hers, intuition she called it, allowed her to join a local gang which focused on the illegal trading of Anima. Becoming an advisor to the leader, she successfully navigated them through a number of missions and soon became a key part of their intelligence. That was until the operation was busted as is any crime syndicate that would seek to weaponize Anima as the gang had done.

Behind bars and awaiting a trial, for some reason or another, Lucasta’s record was exonerated. Every crime she had committed was forgotten and she was offered a plea deal of sorts, one she had to accept. Join the δ division. Unknown to her, this was the masterful work of her father who had been keeping tabs on her since day one. In his long line of work this was perhaps his only ever good deed, even if it had terrible intentions.

The man's thought process was that the division needed people, and agents were likely to die. In a way he wanted to meet his daughter, but for him to succeed, she was better off dead.

Thus, the former criminal, Lucasta Karamazov, moved to the second pillar and became something she never thought she would. Turning over a new leaf, she never even took her father into consideration as the identity of the mysterious benefactor. No. It was fate.

Additional Information
Lucasta belongs to a rare race within the city of Soma. Referred to merely as gypsies, tramps, and thieves they are easily identifiable by the swirly, tribal-like birthmark that dances across half of their body. Members of the race often hide the markings with makeup or clothes, though Lucasta is proud of her heritage and does not.

In the past, several members of this race were known as "seers" or "oracles" and held in high regard by society. Their ability is comparable to a third eye which allows them to see the unknown. For example, if a sniper had their gun aimed at Lucasta, a whisper in the back of her head could alert her of danger, giving her some sort of warning in just a few words. If she had to choose between several doors, that same voice could guide her to make the best decision statistically possible.

This is known as the "Ancestral Voice" and is believed by the tribe to be the accumulation of knowledge their ancestors before them managed to gather. The reason these beings are so frowned upon is that as time goes on, the voice becomes fainter and fainter and or begins to lie completely. Someone who once made great decisions and offered great advice begins to do the exact opposite which has given the entire race the tarnished reputation they now possess and giving birth to a new name that has completely erased the old. A slur that Lucasta despises. "Spinners" they call them. For all the intricate lies they weave.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

Adalia Isola Rosenthal

| 21 | Female | Lawful Good |

Adalia is less a person but a ball of anxiety shaped in the vague suggestion of a person. She's highly motivated to perform well in her given assignments and has a strong sense of moral alignment, but it may also be due to a certain naivete. Due to her long times in isolation, she doesn't have a good sense of interpersonal skills and tend to be lonely most of the time.

A pistol that fires bolts of energy that when hitting a target, covers them in a blue stasis field and freezes them for a variable duration. The field is powerful enough to stop most small arms fire, though targetting larger objects than the average human will decrease both the strength and duration of the stasis field. It also has a secondary effect of assisting the aim and accuracy of its user, especially when targetting those perceived as allies.
Expensively furbished, whoever initially procured this gun was quite the opulent type indeed.

Adalia's childhood memories are mostly of isolation. She was told that she was sick, and meeting other people was dangerous to both the public and herself. Her parents were never around, and Adalia's only companions were the attendants that were rather unwilling to converse with her. Adalia's abode in a secluded mansion in the 4th Pillar was quite opulent indeed, with luxuries and comforts that most inhabitants of the Metropolis could only ever dream of.

Her apparent sickness was however, only a small part of the reason behind her quarantine. She was really the illegitimate child of a wealthy casino business family, and though her existence to the family wasn't shunned, Adalia was kept out of polite discussion. Left on the sidelines, Adalia was left to her own devices, as long as she didn't make a scene and avoided public scrutiny.

Adalia did cultivate an academic career over her time being stuck inside, however, as well becoming familiar with handling Anima after a brief look into the less legal practices of her family business. In recognition of her surprisingly strong affinities in dealing with destructive Anima, Adalia was inducted into a small research institute in the 7th pillar exploring the effects of the Fog on Anima usage (with her caretaker's begrudging approval). With an aversion to social interactions Adalia's work was mostly solitary and Adalia's clumsiness and general unfamiliarity with anywhere outside her comfortable mansion didn't help, but Adalia found a mentor and her first parental figure in the elderly head of institute Dr. Romanov.

Such times didn't last long. As after a disastrous attack from an Entity, Romanov was removed from the institute after allegations of illegal experimentation, disappearing from the public eye without a word. Apart from a couple of encrypted datapads that Adalia managed to recover before the Agents swooped in, Adalia was left with no trace to where her mentor had gone and even little guidance. With nowhere else to go and refusing to simply return to a silent life within her family mansion, she applied to being an Agent in a vague hope of finding any more leads on Romanov's whereabouts.

Sometimes seen with a gas mask rebreather to help with her weak lungs, as well as bandages all across her body. It has been confirmed that Adalia is indeed sick with a chronic illness of some kind that leaves her skin prone to scarring, but whether or not it is infectious or as serious as Adalia's parents have impressed on her is yet unknown. Nonetheless, it is not debilitating, and Adalia remains operable for the time being.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Sophia Ward






Sophia is a world-weary, sarcastic, bitter and cynical woman, having been around and having seen a lot of the darker side of the world. She still carries her callous and amoral nature as a professional criminal and murderer, but it was been dulled and worn by time. She feels a self-centered regret at the wasting of her life, but no remorse for the evil of her actions.


Maelstrom Discharger

An Anima created from the Soul of an Entity that lived in an abandoned powerplant in the Outskirts. The Gun uses charge to shoot powerful attacks. It uses energy-type "bullets" (akin to rays/lasers) and can be used to do a lot of things energy related- Put up an energy shield that blocks incoming attacks, or discharge for small, low-cost blasts or even large hyperbeams. Attacks are elementally aspected- You can change between electricity, fire, and pure energy. The colour of the weapon changes accordingly (yellow -> red -> blue). Charge is gained over time or by manually charging it with aether cells (akin to ammunition)


True Neutral



Thirty years ago, the illegal Anima trade looked very different to today. It was large, powerful, and based from the 2nd Pillar rather than the 5th, as crime bosses were rich and unabashedly ashamed of their wealth. Sophia was the youngest daughter of one of these families, but when she was merely thirteen, her family was killed and she and her sisters were taken in by the killers. Sophia buried her resentment. She had never felt loved by her parents in the first place. The only thing she was ever truly rewarded for, were results, and her new employers gave her praise for a good job much more readily than her own blood ever did.

She remained loyal, and worked hard, rising up in influence, standing and reputation until she was a Lieutenant, with her own men directly underneath her. Sophia had a good brain for organized crime. She made alliances, could turn on the charm when needed and twist somebody's arm when it called for it. But her main strength was her sheer ruthlessness. She killed any who crossed her or her men in cold blood, including Agents.

This reputation had it drawbacks, as she became one of the most wanted targets during the crackdown on the Organized Crime of the 2nd Pillar. She was eventually caught, arrested and though they could never tie her to any murders, got twenty years for the few criminal exploits they could prove.

Sophia served all twenty years with no complaints. Now a free woman, given one of the cheapest apartments of the 2nd Layer, and no job, she wondered what the future had in store for her. But on her third night as a free woman, she came home to find her door unlocked and a black orb in the middle of her living room...
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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