Added the proper relations sheet to the character tab. I'll include it here as well. ♥ to @Aeolian for putting it all together.

"I know you have a crush on me. That's okay, everyone does."
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
N A T A L I E . M I L L E R
"The Bitch"
Natalie has become an anti-hero, of sorts. Her skewed and twisted sense of morality has found its way into the doings of the greater good for the people around her. That has been the ambition, at least. There have been few ways of realizing these grand aspirations in the hostile world of influencers and socialites at degenerate NYC penthouse parties and the wild west of the internet. Having spent most of her life dealing with obsessive-compulsive narcissistic sociopaths has miraculously forced enough change in her psyche to warrant this modest ambition to take root. The reunion is the one opportunity for Natalie to put it to the test.
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Crush || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Disliked

Natalie looks through an old yearbook of Ritman High. Someone is asking her about the following people, and she answers...
☯ M E I R . A M O S . M A G G I D ☯ @Salsa Verde
"I remember Meir. He took a lot of shit from the gals, and I guess I didn't help much, but at least I didn't say or do anything nasty to him. We did speak every now and then about every day stuff, you know, school shit. He was a bit stiff, I guess. I hope he has loosed up a bit now."
"Are you aware of what he is doing now?"
"No, what?"
"He is a professor at MIT."
"Really? Sexy."
☯ W I L L I A M . B I S H O P ☯ @Gisk
"Oh yeah, I know Billy. I follow him on Insta. He's such a handsome boy, and talented, so how could you not get wobbly feet around him? I think he follows me as well, but we haven't really talked at all. He was sort of my guilty pleasure back then, the only reason to go to those stupid shows the school put on."
☠ ☯ S A R A . Z H O U ☯ ☠ @banjoanjo
"Oh boy, yeah, I've got some apologizing to do here, that's for sure. I remember that I had some issues with, ehm, how to put this—what I was attracted to at the time. And, there were rumors going around about this chick that made her a punching bag for me, for whatever fucking reason I don't even remember. Anyway, she was already being picked on for the accent and everything, so I guess I thought it was open season or whatever. I think she hates my guts, obviously, but I intend to fix that."
"Did you dislike her?"
"I guess I did back then, but I don't now."
⚜ ☯ J A C K . D A N I E L . W I L K E R S O N ☯ ⚜ @nodogs
"Ah, JD, of course, I remember. Let me tell you, I used to dump so much shit about the gals on her, ESPECIALLY before big parties, that the fallout was fucking hilarious. I was definitely the Joker, or maybe Harley Quinn, of my old gang. I could just as easily shit on them as I could anyone else, they all did the same anyway, so it wasn't a crime or something. Anyway, JD, she helped me with all that mischief—cool chick and fine as fuck."
☯ O L E A N D E R . O K O N E D O ☯@Aeolian
"I don't think I know who this is. Or, maybe, perhaps I've seen him, obviously, but I can't say I ever interacted with him. Who is he?"
"Nice guy, didn't appear to run in any particular circles."
"Huh, okay. It'll be nice to meet him, then. Hopefully, he doesn't hate my ass just by rumors."
⚜ ☮ M A R C O . V A L E N S I ☮ ⚜ @udonoodles
"Marco! I definitely know him. I guess I had a thing for some of the artsy guys back then. That kind of expression is somewhat connected to fashion, imagery, and mood found in social media, so maybe it's not an awful stretch to say that I enjoy it. Anyway, I remember that I decided to 'protect' this guy from the gals or any other asshole that wanted to shit on him. If I told him what kind of nasty stuff he dodged because of me, his mind would fucking blow to pieces. Then, he sort of faded out of view and disappeared. What happened to him?"
"It was a medical condition that slowed him down to a halt."
"Huh, that's too bad. I probably would've helped him out if he had asked."
☯ D A N T E . I B A R R A ☯ @Laertes
"Ah, yes, I know who this is. The gals were all over this guy for, well, not being a 'real' guy. The whole rainbow movement wasn't super big back then, especially not in Delton of all places. A lot of people were sneaking around with their sexualities, myself included. When I heard about Dante, I sort of stopped even being present when the gals gave him shit. I remember that I gave him a 'pass' on several occasions. I got some shit for it, instead, but I figure I could take it better than he would have. Did it ever get to him? Is he still who he is meant to be?
"It didn't, and he's doing well."
"Cool, glad to hear that."
☠ ☯ S A M U E L . S A B I S T O N ☯ ☠ @Rockette
"Ah, man, the gals gave this guy the full fucking nine yards of hard-hitting shit. The worst part is that I was in on it, too—no excuses this time. He was that loner fat kid, pretty much the stereotype you'd find in any High School movie. I feel really shitty about it now, though. So, yeah, tons of apologizing to do. I hope I can make it up to him, somehow."
"You probably won't recognize him now."
"Oh yeah? He lost the weight, then?"
"That and more. I won't spoil it for you."
☠ ☯ T R Y S T A N . K I E L . Z A R A G O Z A . S A L A Z A R ☯ ☠ @The Man Emperor
"Yup, I got some apologizing to do here as well. The gals were on this guy, me as well to some degree. I didn't follow up on the race shit the gals gave him, but just being there and condoning it was bad enough. Either way, I hope he can forgive me somehow."
"Do you remember Jason Williamson?"
Natalie burst into an uncontrollable chuckle. "Yes, I do. What about him?
"You should ask Trystan about that incident on the field."
"Trystan did that?!"
"I won't spoil it for you, so just ask him."
"Shit, my man. I definitely will. That fucking spectacle was the most hilarious shit ever saw."
♥ ☮ ⚜ M E L A N I E . C A V I L L ⚜ ☮ ♥@Benzaiten
"So, here we are, at the end, and perhaps the most interesting person on the list."
"You sure did your homework."
"Describe what Melanie is to you."
"An old flame, definitely. I probably wouldn't have said that back then, but that's how I see it now, for sure."
"Did you have any contact with her after Ritman?"
"Not really, no. I thought about her every now and then, but something always got in the way of checking up on her."
"Why is she special?"
"Well, we were one hell of a team, partners in crime."
"Describe what that means."
"Obviously, I wasn't the greatest student back then. I wasn't dumb or anything, I just didn't give a fuck about, you know, school and grades. Anyway, I got in the habit of forcing someone to do my essays or just paying them money. Now, Mel was at the opposite end of this same coin. She actually didn't mind by doing school stuff and certainly didn't care about being paid to do it. Anyway, then it sort of bled into group projects and shit, too. Mel just wanted to do everything by herself because everyone else just fucked everything up for her. I didn't want to do anything at all, so she just did everything and then filled me in on whatever I needed to know for the presentation to work. It was definitely a win-win situation. Eventually, I told the gals to leave Mel alone because of this arrangement."
"Interesting. But there was something more to it, was it not?"
"You know about that, too, do you?"
"It makes her special, does it not?"
"It certainly does. Well, we had a thing for each other. It grew over the course of our criminal escapades, and then it ended with a bit of rolling in the hay a few days before graduating."
"Is it fair to say that you are excited to see her again?"
"Yes, I suppose it is." Natalie blushed.

"I know you have a crush on me. That's okay, everyone does."
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
N A T A L I E . M I L L E R
"The Bitch"
Natalie has become an anti-hero, of sorts. Her skewed and twisted sense of morality has found its way into the doings of the greater good for the people around her. That has been the ambition, at least. There have been few ways of realizing these grand aspirations in the hostile world of influencers and socialites at degenerate NYC penthouse parties and the wild west of the internet. Having spent most of her life dealing with obsessive-compulsive narcissistic sociopaths has miraculously forced enough change in her psyche to warrant this modest ambition to take root. The reunion is the one opportunity for Natalie to put it to the test.
⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Crush || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Disliked

Natalie looks through an old yearbook of Ritman High. Someone is asking her about the following people, and she answers...
☯ M E I R . A M O S . M A G G I D ☯ @Salsa Verde
"I remember Meir. He took a lot of shit from the gals, and I guess I didn't help much, but at least I didn't say or do anything nasty to him. We did speak every now and then about every day stuff, you know, school shit. He was a bit stiff, I guess. I hope he has loosed up a bit now."
"Are you aware of what he is doing now?"
"No, what?"
"He is a professor at MIT."
"Really? Sexy."
☯ W I L L I A M . B I S H O P ☯ @Gisk
"Oh yeah, I know Billy. I follow him on Insta. He's such a handsome boy, and talented, so how could you not get wobbly feet around him? I think he follows me as well, but we haven't really talked at all. He was sort of my guilty pleasure back then, the only reason to go to those stupid shows the school put on."
☠ ☯ S A R A . Z H O U ☯ ☠ @banjoanjo
"Oh boy, yeah, I've got some apologizing to do here, that's for sure. I remember that I had some issues with, ehm, how to put this—what I was attracted to at the time. And, there were rumors going around about this chick that made her a punching bag for me, for whatever fucking reason I don't even remember. Anyway, she was already being picked on for the accent and everything, so I guess I thought it was open season or whatever. I think she hates my guts, obviously, but I intend to fix that."
"Did you dislike her?"
"I guess I did back then, but I don't now."
⚜ ☯ J A C K . D A N I E L . W I L K E R S O N ☯ ⚜ @nodogs
"Ah, JD, of course, I remember. Let me tell you, I used to dump so much shit about the gals on her, ESPECIALLY before big parties, that the fallout was fucking hilarious. I was definitely the Joker, or maybe Harley Quinn, of my old gang. I could just as easily shit on them as I could anyone else, they all did the same anyway, so it wasn't a crime or something. Anyway, JD, she helped me with all that mischief—cool chick and fine as fuck."
☯ O L E A N D E R . O K O N E D O ☯@Aeolian
"I don't think I know who this is. Or, maybe, perhaps I've seen him, obviously, but I can't say I ever interacted with him. Who is he?"
"Nice guy, didn't appear to run in any particular circles."
"Huh, okay. It'll be nice to meet him, then. Hopefully, he doesn't hate my ass just by rumors."
⚜ ☮ M A R C O . V A L E N S I ☮ ⚜ @udonoodles
"Marco! I definitely know him. I guess I had a thing for some of the artsy guys back then. That kind of expression is somewhat connected to fashion, imagery, and mood found in social media, so maybe it's not an awful stretch to say that I enjoy it. Anyway, I remember that I decided to 'protect' this guy from the gals or any other asshole that wanted to shit on him. If I told him what kind of nasty stuff he dodged because of me, his mind would fucking blow to pieces. Then, he sort of faded out of view and disappeared. What happened to him?"
"It was a medical condition that slowed him down to a halt."
"Huh, that's too bad. I probably would've helped him out if he had asked."
☯ D A N T E . I B A R R A ☯ @Laertes
"Ah, yes, I know who this is. The gals were all over this guy for, well, not being a 'real' guy. The whole rainbow movement wasn't super big back then, especially not in Delton of all places. A lot of people were sneaking around with their sexualities, myself included. When I heard about Dante, I sort of stopped even being present when the gals gave him shit. I remember that I gave him a 'pass' on several occasions. I got some shit for it, instead, but I figure I could take it better than he would have. Did it ever get to him? Is he still who he is meant to be?
"It didn't, and he's doing well."
"Cool, glad to hear that."
☠ ☯ S A M U E L . S A B I S T O N ☯ ☠ @Rockette
"Ah, man, the gals gave this guy the full fucking nine yards of hard-hitting shit. The worst part is that I was in on it, too—no excuses this time. He was that loner fat kid, pretty much the stereotype you'd find in any High School movie. I feel really shitty about it now, though. So, yeah, tons of apologizing to do. I hope I can make it up to him, somehow."
"You probably won't recognize him now."
"Oh yeah? He lost the weight, then?"
"That and more. I won't spoil it for you."
☠ ☯ T R Y S T A N . K I E L . Z A R A G O Z A . S A L A Z A R ☯ ☠ @The Man Emperor
"Yup, I got some apologizing to do here as well. The gals were on this guy, me as well to some degree. I didn't follow up on the race shit the gals gave him, but just being there and condoning it was bad enough. Either way, I hope he can forgive me somehow."
"Do you remember Jason Williamson?"
Natalie burst into an uncontrollable chuckle. "Yes, I do. What about him?
"You should ask Trystan about that incident on the field."
"Trystan did that?!"
"I won't spoil it for you, so just ask him."
"Shit, my man. I definitely will. That fucking spectacle was the most hilarious shit ever saw."
♥ ☮ ⚜ M E L A N I E . C A V I L L ⚜ ☮ ♥@Benzaiten
"So, here we are, at the end, and perhaps the most interesting person on the list."
"You sure did your homework."
"Describe what Melanie is to you."
"An old flame, definitely. I probably wouldn't have said that back then, but that's how I see it now, for sure."
"Did you have any contact with her after Ritman?"
"Not really, no. I thought about her every now and then, but something always got in the way of checking up on her."
"Why is she special?"
"Well, we were one hell of a team, partners in crime."
"Describe what that means."
"Obviously, I wasn't the greatest student back then. I wasn't dumb or anything, I just didn't give a fuck about, you know, school and grades. Anyway, I got in the habit of forcing someone to do my essays or just paying them money. Now, Mel was at the opposite end of this same coin. She actually didn't mind by doing school stuff and certainly didn't care about being paid to do it. Anyway, then it sort of bled into group projects and shit, too. Mel just wanted to do everything by herself because everyone else just fucked everything up for her. I didn't want to do anything at all, so she just did everything and then filled me in on whatever I needed to know for the presentation to work. It was definitely a win-win situation. Eventually, I told the gals to leave Mel alone because of this arrangement."
"Interesting. But there was something more to it, was it not?"
"You know about that, too, do you?"
"It makes her special, does it not?"
"It certainly does. Well, we had a thing for each other. It grew over the course of our criminal escapades, and then it ended with a bit of rolling in the hay a few days before graduating."
"Is it fair to say that you are excited to see her again?"
"Yes, I suppose it is." Natalie blushed.
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