During the days of World War II, a group of costumed mystery men gathered together to form the first and greatest superhero team of all time. After years of fighting the good fight many of them retired, others settled down and had children. Some found ways to cheat old age and kept on fighting in their prime. Now, fighting alongside the surviving original members, a new generation of heroes has been born. Promising to uphold the legacy their predecessors created, they inspire other heroes across the world. They are the Justice Society.
The Society didn’t just include a few heroes; multiple TEAMS joined their ranks over the years such as the Freedom Fighters, the All-Stars, members of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, as well as Infinity Inc. The active roster generally included anywhere from one to two dozen heroes.
The Society had been mostly disbanded after the last big crisis. Several of the older guard finally fell to old age, living full lives, having children as well as grandchildren. It was almost like losing a famous athlete or movie star. Ted Knight was one such hero, formerly called Starman. Precogs and telepaths claimed he’d died too early, most just took it as lesser known metahumans looking for attention. However, when his successor from the distant future showed up… it was looking to be the case. Going to surviving members of the last Justice Society for guidance, it was decided that the team would be reformed to help the time displaced hero save the future.

If you’re looking forward to the Black Adam film featuring the JSA, a fan of older superheroes, or possibly the Stargirl tv series... then this is the RP for you!
I’m looking for 6-9 players plus myself, high casual standards, and at least a post a week from everyone. Hoping for a good mix of cannons and reworked cannons, and originals are welcome so long as they’re tied to a member of the JSA or one of it’s absorbed teams. Again, that includes: the Freedom Fighters, the All-Stars, many of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, as well as Infinity Inc. The extended roster of the Justice Society is something to behold. The mystery surrounding Ted Knight’s death and the appearance of the Starman from the future will be just one of several sub-plots in the opening arc that you the players get to help me decide. Sky's the limit when we’re working with this amount of legacy characters and history.
Justice Society Wiki
Freedom Fighters Wiki
Young All-Stars Wiki
Seven Soldiers of Victory Wiki
Infinity Inc Wiki
I’m also going to do something a little off-brand for most of my RP’s and allow a secondary character slot to have more additional characters in the background. This won’t be any kind of super fleshed out sidekick, literally just a name and maybe an image with a few minor details about them. Essentially fodder for me to throw at enemies as well as you guys so you can set up scenes and such. Secondary characters MUST be based on canons of the DCU, and they can’t be a character somebody wants for their primary character. So even if I chose somebody like Damage or the Ray… if somebody came in and wanted to use either one of them as their primary I’d give them up. And you don’t have to use a secondary if you don’t want to mine through old characters. It just helps me with choosing NPCs and background characters because frankly I love everything about the golden age. Here's a list of the three mentors/NPC's, as well as a few characters off the table...

NPC’s/Mentors: Mr. Terrific (Holt), Power Girl, Wildcat
Off Limits: the Flash (Garrick), Green Lantern (Scott), Superman, Bat-folk
GM/Me – Starman – Farris Knight
Off Limits: the Flash (Garrick), Green Lantern (Scott), Superman, Bat-folk
GM/Me – Starman – Farris Knight
If there’s interest I’ll work up a character sheet skeleton and we can get to work. I’ll likely stick with an episodic format like I’m doing with my other RP (Titans Academy) especially if we get closer to the 10 player total mark. Crossing my fingers for this one cause it’s been a hot minute since I tried anything with these characters. If there's any questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a PM if you don't wanna ask here! Hope to see some familiar faces!
_____________Character Sheet Requirements______________
Name –
Alias –
Age –
Powers – (don’t get too crazy here)
Weaknesses –
Personality – (5 words best describing your character)
Experience –
Appearance/Face Claim –
Golden Age Legacy –
Sample Story Arcs – (What does your character bring to the table?)
Additional Notes –
Secondary Character -