Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"Get the Hell out of here! And don't you dare look back!"

"But wait, wha-?!"

She didn't have the chance to respond; in the mere fraction of a second between herself and utter annihilation, she'd been shunted away, forcefully pushed out of the boundaries of time and space, into an empty space devoid of both. The rift she had been forced through was quickly healing, but not before she could witness the complete destruction that had been narrowly avoided. She fell to her knees (as best as one could in a spaceless void), floating in crushing terror of what horrid fate she had barely dodged, not even of her own volition. What would be left for her? Without a universe, what even was she?...

A cold realization hit her. Would she even be able to escape from this place? The power it had taken to push her in was drastic, leagues above what she could even dream of doing herself. But it was then that fate found a strange way to bring hope back to a truly hopeless situation...It was brief, a 'blink and you miss it' moment, but there was a tear in this space, revealing another time and place, with individuals she had never known. Keen to see more, perhaps even finding an escape, she now kept a desperate gaze around the infinite darkness, for those glimpses into something...

It came to her. These people and warriors, these times and places; they were not of her own world, the one that had been washed away in the blink of an eye. There was only one conclusion that came to her, that this place existed between time and space; the time and space of all worlds. If that were the case...Even if the present of her world had been destroyed, and the future with it, then maybe....

She had found it; a glimmer of hope in blackest despair. Watching these cracks form from time to time, she began to understand how they functioned, and more importantly, how to make ones of her own. Eventually, she proved her theory right. In spite of such sheer destruction, the past of her universe went untouched. Perhaps, in that, she could find a chance to set things right....

It was time to get to work.

Greetings, Future Warriors! Welcome to the Time Patrol! This is an RP centered around the world of Dragon Ball, and even moreso, that of the Time Patrol, a form of...Time Cops, if you would. Serving under the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, and her right-hand man Trunks, they make sure no egregious alterations befall any timelines, and apprehend (or in more desperate situations, eliminate) those who would seek to disturb the flow of time.

That's where you all come in! As newbie Time Patrollers, you'll be adventuring through all sorts of histories and timelines, facing life-threatening battles all for the sake of preserving the sanctity of time. Still, though, as players, there'll be some rules I need y'all to follow, coming now!

General Rules:

  • 1: This one's pretty self-explanatory; try not to be a jerk, alright? No one likes trying to play alongside someone whose being all riled up for no reason. And of course, if you have an actual reason to be upset, bring it up to me. It's what I'm here for!
  • 2: Like any good story, there's gotta be stakes, and while I'm not particularly planning on character death anytime soon, characters will be finding themselves under serious threat more often than not, and won't likely escape unscathed. Isn't very interesting if someone wins every time, eh? Which leads into my next rule...
  • 3: No Godmodding, alright? Pretty sure everyone around here's familiar with the term, though the main piece I'm concerned with is making your character seem too perfect. No one perfectly dodges every move, counterattacks at just the right time, and always thinks things through. Characters, no matter how cool, strong, or smart, can make mistakes and be caught off their guard. Don't be afraid to get roughed around; it just makes the turnaround all the cooler ;) On an...Slightly related note, if you read between the lines....
  • 4: Romance is fine, of course, but keep any intense stuff behind the black screen, yeah? Assuming anything like that happens, of course. The ol' fade to black trick always works...
  • 5: On a vaguely similar line, while getting wounded, even grievously so, isn't something I'll be trying to stray away from here, let's keep some excessive stuff clear. No one needs to hear about your innards spilling out or something, right? Right.
  • 6: Let's avoid anything political. C'mon, like the fictional bad guys aren't enough to tango with, yeah? It'll just leave a bad taste in most people's mouths, so better to stay hush-hush than come at each other's throats.
  • 7: I'm no grammar nazi...Okay, that's a lie, I totally am. I'll try not to be on your case about it, but try to make sure your punctuation and grammar are proper. Or at least as proper as it needs to be for your character lol.
  • 8: I'm not looking for mile-long posts, but a few paragraphs is a good point to land on. Quality over quantity, I say.
  • 9: If anything comes up in/from the RP that you want to talk about with me, I'm all ears. Sorta my job as the GM, y'know?
  • 10: If you've read this far, when you're making your Character Sheet, add a piece near the bottom where you mention your favorite Dragon Ball character, to show you've been paying attention ;)
  • 11: Last, and most important rule of all...HAVE FUN! It's sorta what we're here for. Y'know, besides the drama, badass action scenes, character development....Okay, maybe there's a little more to this than just the fun. But all of it just adds to it!

The Recruitment Process (Character Building Ruleset)

Of course, the Time Patrol can be a picky bunch when it comes to their recruitment process; let's go over some things that might complicate said process, and some stuff that (out-of-world), will be a bit imposed on these characters for now.

  • 1: While the Time Patrol is no stranger to accepting members that are key individuals in certain timelines (like Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks to name a few), there are certain caveats; those individuals cannot help during periods of time where they could meet themselves, for fear of temporal collapse. Additionally, while not directly required, it's ideal these individuals not get involved in periods of time where they would be well-known, as it can be equally problematic in its own right. This is part of the reason why most primary members of the Time Patrol are individuals who are from many different realities and timelines, preventing the Patrol from accidentally limiting their available members for certain missions.
  • 2: This rule can also extend to alternate versions of certain individuals; even if they are not exactly identical, having someone meet their alternate self could prove just as disastrous, and the same falls to them potentially being confused for their other self in certain moments. In general, unless they have a way to mask both their physical features and ki signature from those who would recognize them, alternate universe individuals are entrapped in the same rules as mentioned in #1.
  • 3: The Time Patrol recruits two types of individuals, mainly for the sake of convenience on both their end and on the recruitment target. The first type are usually warriors of some level of power or prowess who are experiencing a long period of inactivity, where the Time Patrol can quickly recruit them and have them replaced in the primary timeline with little issue. Otherwise, they usually take recruits from points in time where they may soon die or will be facing a threat that is surely lethal to them, rescuing them from the maws of death. In essence, it serves the same purpose in their timeline; that is, having that individual removed from the picture, while still having them live on and benefit others in a...New manner. They also try to recruit those with prior experience in timelines or time travel...Mostly because leaving loose threads like that is rather risky.
  • 4: As a more out-of-world rule here, ideally these initial OCs won't quite be the strongest; at a bare minimum, ideally around the 1,000 range in Power Level (which we will be using....Mostly because it's funny to see ridiculously big numbers as we go on, but it also helps keep track of the rough strength of individual characters), with a max cap of around 10,000. I know, a big jump, but that just means we'll be giving the little people a few larger jumps early on to cover those potential gaps; after all, regardless of the individual strength of these rookies, they'll all have a lot to learn, and tough fights to win together....
  • 5: Due to the vast potential of individuals being recruited for the Time Patrol, don't feel limited to races found only in Dragon Ball; as long as you can explain the race and their capabilities, and I don't see any problems with them, sky's the limit! Even if they're from other forms of fiction. We are talking about infinite timelines after all ;) (though maybe avoid like Kryptonians and stuff lmao) Also feel free to take this as a chance to expand upon lesser-explored races from Dragon Ball as well, like the Hera Clan, the Tuffles, or more! Could be fun :3

Time Patroller Submission Form (Character Sheet)

"Mhm! Just sign here, there, and there, and...Voila! You're an official Time Patroller! Glad to have you!" - Supreme Kai of Time

Well, that about covers it...Assuming you decide to join the Time Patrol and face the perils of history, I'm sure I'll be seeing you shortly on the frontlines! I look forward to what you all come up with, and I can't wait to start this thing up! See ya soon!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FirionStrife


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

What is you're opinion on Ginyu's Body Changing technique?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MemeKingDave
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'll go ahead and make a post here so I can keep up. I have ideas already, some maybe better than others, but we will see.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

What is you're opinion on Ginyu's Body Changing technique?

An interesting proposition....Depends on what exactly you might have in mind here, but I'm all ears.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by MemeKingDave
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I guess to go ahead and get started, I'll post what I've been thinking on. I am only going to do one of these ideas, but this is just to get the brain juices flowing.

1. A warrior clan Namekian who derives from a time of peace, yet is more itching for a fight. He would come from the main timeline, hearing about the heroics and the power of Piccolo and would want to achieve the same. With a Saiyan mindset, he wants to surpass himself, and gain far more power. Not only for the point of bettering himself, but for the heroic purposes of saving Namek in case of any further threat to it, especially after the Frieza invasion and other interesting scenarios. This would involve him leaving his home world/timeline, but that seems like a small price to pay. Especially if it allows him to protect Namek, or New Namek, whenever there is a new threat. Though, he would always be saddened that he could never fully protect his people during the tyranny of Frieza.

2. The go to Saiyan shocker that would perhaps be from an earlier point in any time line. He would be ferocious, unkempt, uncivilized, and much more animalistic and barbaric. He would be more the typical "monkey-man" than the average saiyan, with more grunts and noises than actual words coming from him. He could even be from Universe 6 as a precursor to their more peaceful times if we wanted to go down this route. My only reasoning for his inclusion in this Time Patrol is due to his immense power level, and potential to fight, he would be a good asset to have. And, if they save him from death, he would be bound by a form of honor to them. His arc would mostly be trying to learn to communicate and work with the party, letting go a bit of his more ape like tendencies, and adopting more Civility. This would be somewhat tossed out the window as my preferred final form for him would be SSj4, but besides the point. Only issues I see are: 1. He would be a dick. I can play one really well. Though I get too into character at times. 2. Saiyans are typically the go to for everyone as, last time I tried to do this, I swear about 5 other users wanted to go a Saiyan, and we had to have a hard limit.

3. One of two human ideas: This one would be a bit more meme, but I have turned meme things around before and made something serious. Let's admit I made some Ojama support I made for a Yu-Gi-Oh RP This person would be someone who constantly looked up to the heroes of the world, be them fictional or real, and wanted to try his hardest to become one. I am talking full Saiyaman type hero. Due to his constant persistence, he was eventually picked up by some mentor and taught how to control his body's energy, and use it to augment himself further. He could reasonably fit into any timeline, and any universe. Universe 11 may be preferable as then he has the influence of the Pride Troopers and whatever else may exist I think we can agree, even in a world with Super Heroes, custom ones might be made. However, I could see reasons for Universe 2 and their magical girls, or Universe 7 and their Saiyaman and Hercule heroes. This would also be a perfect chance for them to help, and, while they may be the Mumen Rider of the group, they are still a very nice person to have around.

4. Holding off on the flexible humans for a second, I have a less then flexible Arcosian, Frieza's race. This one in particular would be a member from that race that really wants to try and push their own path, and help prove that not all of their race is Evil in the wake of Lord Frieza and his fellow individuals, so he would probably be from the main timeline, or from a timeline where Frieza was supreme. This idea can also work for Universe 6, or any universe that would reasonably have it, but having it focus on Frieza is the direction I initially want to take with this. I know this idea isn't new as more than likely there are plenty of Arcosian OCs out there that feel the guilt of their massive predecessors and want to atone, but I don't mind tackling that idea myself. And, as for their lower power level, he could be one of the smaller runts from the Arcosian race, or at least one that can't push himself further than what he has constantly seen going around, and now fully wants to try it.

5. Going back to the human list, this one is only slightly human and more of an idea I want to explore more. In a previous rp I had the chance to make this Dino/Human hybrid that was created via a laboratory experiment, probably out of someone who wanted to compete against the rise in robotics at the time, and forced this on the individual at hand. Of course this is taking inspiration from the wild-man asthetic I had for the Saiyan idea before hand, just more Dino themed, with more Dino themed attacks. Admittedly, this also has the same flaws that come with the more ape like Saiyan, and also the same reasoning here. I could explore that they are potentially from other possible time lines, like maybe one where the Androids are wrecking havoc and this is one Scientist's attempt at stopping them, or maybe something from another Universe. We all know we need to see Dr. Rota's mysterious power after all. This reference for sure isn't dated and completely invalidated by the manga. No siree They may also have a lot more difficulty making an impact as there is only so much an enhanced human could do in DB, even with changes based on the story and everything. And I don't see this guy being particularly patient enough to get mystic or some other taught power up. So we'll see.

6. Sticking to something a bit more usual for Dragon Ball, but something that could be tackled more: A Universe 6 Half-Saiyan. This is taking a more Gohan approach to the character, where they are probably more of a scholar and a builder than a fighter. This goes well with the Saiyans as of that time and I could easily see this guy being someone from an alternative timeline where Humans didn't ravage Earth, or, if needing to stick to the main timeline, one from the restored Earth or perhaps a descendant from someone who fled Earth and landed on Sadala, where, while apprehensive at first, he started to blend in with the group of Saiyans and the rest is history that young Zeno should never see lol. I see him joining the time patrol cause he wants to help, and, with his background in machinery, would probably try to focus on that for a good part, until finally he snaps. I think we are also all aware of the potential of a Half-Saiyan here, even one that could be considered peaceful can and will fight you tooth and nail. Of course I have ways of making him different from Gohan, such as focusing on technology over everything and being a tech nerd, but also knowing that fighting is necessary, but just believing there are some safer ways at first. Until, you know, that safety is obliterated by a simple laser finger. Due to his nicer nature and everything, with the more peaceful and safe mindset, I could see a potential Blue evolution, but I am always open for more ideas.

I know which ones I would prefer out of these 6 from just writing them out, but this is just to give more effort in getting character ideas flowing for everyone. I also did have a 7th, but realstically it was just the Namekian idea with the Boros Race from One Punch Man attached to it, and, if the story can work as well if not better for the canon race, why try pushing for a custom one?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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I'm currently reeling between two very different ideas;

Something more OG DB/DBS-like. A jacked female anthro with some kind of gimmicky technique

Or a version of Vegeta from a timeline when Bulma made the wish at Pilaf's castle for her perfect boyfriend, and summoned a teenage Vegeta to Earth
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

I'm currently reeling between two very different ideas;

Something more OG DB/DBS-like. A jacked female anthro with some kind of gimmicky technique

Or a version of Vegeta from a timeline when Bulma made the wish at Pilaf's castle for her perfect boyfriend, and summoned a teenage Vegeta to Earth

Both could be fun! Admittedly, the former will be easier to work around, given the fact that an alternate universe Vegeta would have to contend with the fact that most of the DB timeline would be too risky to allow them to be involved in, what with another Vegeta running around more often than not xD
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MattTheMajin
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To poke for just a bit, while I've discussed with Minty in private, I wanted to publicly bring up the character I'll be making for documentation sake.

I'll be making a Biological Android, whose original purpose was to blend in with his world of origin, and act as a data collection unit for the scientist that made him. After a while, he would be jury rigged into a combatant creation for the purpose of staving off a threat to their home. This would also be the basis of his progression being a combination of mastering his biology, and technical sides and using them in tandem as the former is honed and the later is upgraded throughout the story.
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