Duel Academy Students
Slifer Red:

Name: Kaison Locke
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Kaison is adventurous but calm. He's not afraid to put himself out there, but is overall an easy-going person. He might seem idealistic, though it's more accurate to say he's casually optimistic. He's the kind of guy who can lose horribly and say he had fun, and mean it. His unfaltering smile doubles as a flawless poker face, which quite effectively hides away any troubles he may or may not have.
History: ???
Spirituality: He has an inkling about spirits, but nothing substantial, and cannot sense them.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Varies based on his current deck of choice. His current Ace is Number 54: Lion Heart
Waifu: Slacker Magician/Downerd Magician
Deck: All for One

Name: Dontavius “Donte” Lorenzo
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Donte is rebellious, loud, and refuses to take disrespect sitting down. He's the type who doesn't want anyone to tell him what he can and can't do. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he isn't a selfish person either, and doesn't always mind being getting the short end of the stick. He doesn't handle it well when his feelings are hurt, and he's surprisingly sensitive, but he refuses to be caught dead making a big deal about it.
History: ???
Spirituality: Wouldn't know what a duel spirit was if one shaped like a sack full of rocks was thrown at his head
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Cool swords and stuff

Name: Haruko Furukawa
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Haruko is high-strung, flusters easily, and incredibly airheaded. That being said, she's not a complete pushover, and can be very scary when angry. Her ability to see duel spirits has led her to become a superstitious person, but more than that, she just wants to have unconditional friendship with them; something she feels she otherwise lacks with human beings.
History: ???
Spirituality: Perfectly capable of seeing and communicating with duel spirits. Does not realize they are related to the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, simply thinking they are Yokai disguising themselves as duel monsters.
Spirit Partner: Scapeghost
Ace Card: Daidara-Bocchi
Waifu/Husbando: Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi
Deck: Yōshanai Yōkai

Name: Sina Elaqueri
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Sina has her head in the clouds and it shows. She tends to speak in a grandiose manner, and has egregious chuuni tendencies. She has a strong sense of morality, though she also tends not to think too deeply on complex issues. Really, she just wants to be a hero. Not for others, but for herself. She wants to be someone people can rely on. Someone people look up to, not because of her strength or ability, but because of her character and deeds. That's the kind of person she aspires to be, though that's easier said than done.
History: ???
Spirituality: Schrodinger's duel spirits: Is she sensing them, or just talking to herself? Honestly, the latter is more likely.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Penguin Brave
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: ♪Everything's Better Down Where it's Wetter♪
Ra Yellow:

Name: Miles Lark
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Miles is bitingly cynical, disillusioned with seemingly everything. His demeanor is overdramatic and sassy, though it's mainly just his brand of humor, and he loves being a sarcastic asshole. He's the type to make self-deprecating comments when he's down, and to throw hands immediately when he's mad, but overall he's pretty easy to get along with.
History: ???
Spirituality: Capable of seeing and communicating with duel spirits.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Watching over me

Name: Chris Agzhen
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Chris is a small mountain of a lad, and he knows it. He's snarky, irreverent, and generally unafraid of pissing people off. Although he's not one for social gatherings, he makes friends fairly easily, and while he'll often claim to be disinterested in various activities, preferring to just read a book alone, he's likely to go along with them to spend time with his friends anyway.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Number 52: Diamond Crab King and Number 82: Heartlandraco, though he rarely actually summons them.
Husbando: Gagaga Cowboy
Deck 1: Playing Coy
Deck 2: The Direct Approach
Chris prides himself on his ability to cheat out wins when dueling people for the first time. However, since he prefers cheesy strategies that can be countered relatively easily, he decided he needed a second deck he could switch to against opponents that have dueled him before.

Name: Roché Lyon (pronounced Ro-shay)
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Roché is a loose cannon. She's upbeat, she's cheery, and she has no concept of self-preservation. She loves watching things getting destroyed, or even just watching things burn or explode. She'll stack up blocks into elaborate towers or make impressive sand castles just for the catharsis of tearing it all down. She even has some basic mechanical knowledge, and indeed, is quite creative when it comes to her craft. She loves dueling and mecha shows for similar reasons. To her, it's all about the action and the mayhem, and the design that goes behind maximizing it. She's not wholly divested from less chaotic activities, but her attention span is rather short, and she's not the type to get caught up in "posterity" or "eternality". Roché strongly prefers living in the moment, like every day could be her last.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Machina Citadel, Desperado Barrel Dragon, Perfect Machine King; she just can't decide.
Husbando: Robotic Knight
Deck: Army of the Machine King

Name: Rin Sato
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Rin is a shy, apathetic girl with little self-esteem. She's not a very good conversationalist and generally keeps to herself. She considers herself to be thoroughly average, unremarkable, with not a single redeeming quality, and thus wishes she was nigh anyone else. She's adopted a habit of copying other people during the course of a duel. She has fun, imagining being someone other than herself, and often takes it quite far, sometimes showing a wild shift in personality between who she is before, during, and after a duel. Perhaps more impressive is her ability to judge one's character even without knowing them for long.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: None (allegedly)
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: Your Deck, My Deck
Obelisk Blue:

Name: Jon Locke
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Jon is a quiet person, and somewhat of a loner. He doesn’t really understand the first thing about interpersonal communication, and is the type to not speak unless spoken to. He doesn't feel he deserves his placement in Obelisk Blue, and tends to feel like he's living in his brother's shadow, despite their respective ranking.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Decode Talker Heatsoul co-linked with Transcode Talker
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: Heart of Exodia

Name: Caleb Avis
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Caleb has a tendency to get lost in thought. This isn't to say he overthinks things; quite the opposite, even. Caleb has a bad habit of jumping head-first into situations without thinking about the long-term consequences. Rather, it's the fuck-ups he's already been through that keep haunting him, like an elephant that never forgets. If he can be pulled out of his own head, he's pretty easy to get along with. Caleb is quite passionate about duel monsters, and there's no easier way to distract him than with a duel. While he's not the most knowledgeable on what cards (and thus combos) are out there, he enjoys the otherwise dry and dull lessons on duel theory.
Caleb suffers from a pretty bad case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although he can make compromises, depending on the circumstance, he's a pretty big neat freak, can get unreasonably upset when his well-laid plans are screwed, and his deckbuilding rigidly follows very specific and arbitrary rules. Like others with OCD, he recognizes these behaviors as irrational and illogical, but he'd be more stressed trying to leave his deck asymmetrical.
History: ???
Spirituality: Has seen duel spirits before. Rejects them completely.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Undefined

Name: Melony Burton
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Melony pays a lot of attention to her appearance, both aesthetically and in terms of general social status. She is only slightly vain, but extremely concerned with how others view her, and desperately wants to be liked. She can be a bit petty, insensitive, and prone to jealousy, but she's also easy to befriend and genuinely selfless when it comes to those close to her.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: None
Ace Card: Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Waifu: Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Deck: Shy Little Ghosts

Name: Alexis “Lexa” Atropos
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Lexa is relatively polite, but she bores easily, and will often cut to the chase or go out of her way to avoid an 'uninteresting' situation. She can come off as aloof, though when something catches her interest, she's quite fun-loving and impulsive. She believes in luck as a metaphysical concept, or at least purports to, and loves a good bet. (When the odds are in her favor) She has quite a good poker face, able to meet all with a cunning smile.
History: ???
Spirituality: ???
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Gyakutenno Megami (allegedly)
Husbando: Psychic Rover
Deck: Odds All Against
Duel Academy Faculty

Name: Midori Hibiki
Gender: ♀
Personality: Midori is a caring and dutiful teacher, as well as a confident and competent duelist. She enforces the Academy's rules rather rigidly, but can also show compassion, and often develops a "big sister" type of relationship with students. She's coolheaded, but also takes no shit. Snaps her fingers whenever she activates a trap card.
Ace Card: Darklord Morningstar
Deck: Deus Est Darklord

Name: Sartyr
Gender: ♂
Personality: Professor Sartyr is an old man who does not know enough about the current generation to even pretend to be "hip with the kids". Most find his conversations about duel theory difficult to sit through, and while he isn't dreaded like Dr. Crowler, he's somewhat unpopular. He gets rather lonely, unable to form bonds with most of the students, but he's an excellent chef, and is more than willing to cook something up for people if asked.
Ace Card: Hungry Burger
Deck: Exquisite Sandwich

Name: Vellian Crowler
Gender: ♂
Personality: A relatively strict professor who has no qualms with badmouthing "slackers". Although he proclaims not to care much for his students, and openly makes disparaging comments about Slifer Red, he is capable of being a fair person, and has a tendency to gradually grow attached to students anyway. Prefers to be called Dr. Crowler, on account of his PhD in dueling. Absolutely hates being mistaken for a woman.
Ace Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Deck: Watch and Learn

Name: Fonda Fontaine
Gender: ♀
Personality: A kind and caring professor who looks after all of the students at Duel Academy. She is both the school nurse and gym teacher, and your health is her business. She has a carefree attitude, but is rational and logical, immune to emotional arguments and the confessions she occasionally garners from students. Loves to smile and giggle while brutally burning away at her dueling opponents.
Ace Card: Darklord Nurse Reficule
Deck: Fatal Treatment

Name: Sheppard
Gender: ♂
Personality: Young at heart, with a passion for dueling. As the chancellor, he is also a strict disciplinarian, but he is overall friendly and well-liked by the students.
Ace Card: Cyber Ogre
Deck: Cyber Ogre Assault

Name: Neo Monoma
Gender: ♂
Appearance: Visually identical to five other teachers on the staff. Purportedly, only four of them are related to him.
Personality: Fancies himself as a wise and mysterious mentor figure. In reality, he mostly just likes talking in a way he thinks sounds cool. He's even-tempered and patient with his students, and is relatively understanding compared to other teachers. He doesn't mind bending the rules here and there, but he doesn't allow Donte misbehaving students to get away with things when it's "not good for a classroom environment."
Deck: Standard Issue Testing Deck - A deck focused on defense and gaining life points in order to drag out duels, giving students more time to show off their competence. Generally not a very threatening deck, since students are expected to consistently win against it, though it does carry a few surprises.
Most teachers carry a personal deck, but Mr. Monoma has no particular attachments to any cards or strategy, and thus usually sticks to the standard deck used for practical exams.
Slifer Red:

Name: Kaison Locke
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Kaison is adventurous but calm. He's not afraid to put himself out there, but is overall an easy-going person. He might seem idealistic, though it's more accurate to say he's casually optimistic. He's the kind of guy who can lose horribly and say he had fun, and mean it. His unfaltering smile doubles as a flawless poker face, which quite effectively hides away any troubles he may or may not have.
History: ???
Spirituality: He has an inkling about spirits, but nothing substantial, and cannot sense them.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Varies based on his current deck of choice. His current Ace is Number 54: Lion Heart
Waifu: Slacker Magician/Downerd Magician
Deck: All for One
Monsters (32)
1x Meklord Emperor Wisel

3x Ghostrick Jackfrost

3x Ghostrick Lantern

3x Ghostrick Specter

1x Aroma Jar

3x Kinka-byo

3x Evil Thorn

1x Rainbow Kuriboh

3x Treeborn Frog

3x Battle Fader

1x Chaos Necromancer

1x Effect Veiler

3x Jester Confit

1x Morphtronic Vacuumen

3x Mystic Piper

Spells (8)
1x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce

1x One for One

3x Where Arf Thou?

Extra (15)
1x Number 99: Utopic Dragon

3x Downerd Magician

1x Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya

1x Number 1: Numeron Gate Ekam

3x Ghostrick Dullahan

1x Number 39: Utopia Roots

1x Slacker Magician

2x Number 54: Lion Heart

2x Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush

1x Meklord Emperor Wisel

3x Ghostrick Jackfrost

3x Ghostrick Lantern

3x Ghostrick Specter

1x Aroma Jar

3x Kinka-byo

3x Evil Thorn

1x Rainbow Kuriboh

3x Treeborn Frog

3x Battle Fader

1x Chaos Necromancer

1x Effect Veiler

3x Jester Confit

1x Morphtronic Vacuumen

3x Mystic Piper

Spells (8)
1x Foolish Burial

1x Heavy Storm

1x Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce

1x One for One

3x Where Arf Thou?

Extra (15)
1x Number 99: Utopic Dragon

3x Downerd Magician

1x Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya

1x Number 1: Numeron Gate Ekam

3x Ghostrick Dullahan

1x Number 39: Utopia Roots

1x Slacker Magician

2x Number 54: Lion Heart

2x Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush

Name: Dontavius “Donte” Lorenzo
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Donte is rebellious, loud, and refuses to take disrespect sitting down. He's the type who doesn't want anyone to tell him what he can and can't do. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he isn't a selfish person either, and doesn't always mind being getting the short end of the stick. He doesn't handle it well when his feelings are hurt, and he's surprisingly sensitive, but he refuses to be caught dead making a big deal about it.
History: ???
Spirituality: Wouldn't know what a duel spirit was if one shaped like a sack full of rocks was thrown at his head
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Cool swords and stuff

Name: Haruko Furukawa
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Haruko is high-strung, flusters easily, and incredibly airheaded. That being said, she's not a complete pushover, and can be very scary when angry. Her ability to see duel spirits has led her to become a superstitious person, but more than that, she just wants to have unconditional friendship with them; something she feels she otherwise lacks with human beings.
History: ???
Spirituality: Perfectly capable of seeing and communicating with duel spirits. Does not realize they are related to the Yu-Gi-Oh card game, simply thinking they are Yokai disguising themselves as duel monsters.
Spirit Partner: Scapeghost
Ace Card: Daidara-Bocchi
Waifu/Husbando: Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi
Deck: Yōshanai Yōkai
Monster (23)
1x Master Kyonshee

1x Daidara-Bocchi

1x Kasha

1x Red Ogre

1x Nine-Tailed Fox

1x Goka, the Pyre of Malice

2x Changshi the Spiridao

3x Gozuki

3x Mezuki

1x Shutendoji

2x Crow Tengu

1x Onmoraki

1x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

1x Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion

3x Scapeghost

Spell (5)
3x Solidarity

1x Premature Burial

1x Foolish Burial

Trap (12)
3x Call of the Haunted

3x Graveyard of Wandering Souls

1x Monster Rebone

1x Enma's Judgment

3x Haunted Shrine

1x Mischief of the Yokai

Extra (15)
2x Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi

2x Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi

2x Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi

1x Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi

1x Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat

1x Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi

3x Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi

3x Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi

1x Master Kyonshee

1x Daidara-Bocchi

1x Kasha

1x Red Ogre

1x Nine-Tailed Fox

1x Goka, the Pyre of Malice

2x Changshi the Spiridao

3x Gozuki

3x Mezuki

1x Shutendoji

2x Crow Tengu

1x Onmoraki

1x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

1x Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion

3x Scapeghost

Spell (5)
3x Solidarity

1x Premature Burial

1x Foolish Burial

Trap (12)
3x Call of the Haunted

3x Graveyard of Wandering Souls

1x Monster Rebone

1x Enma's Judgment

3x Haunted Shrine

1x Mischief of the Yokai

Extra (15)
2x Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi

2x Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi

2x Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi

1x Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi

1x Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat

1x Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi

3x Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi

3x Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi

Name: Sina Elaqueri
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Slifer Red
Personality: Sina has her head in the clouds and it shows. She tends to speak in a grandiose manner, and has egregious chuuni tendencies. She has a strong sense of morality, though she also tends not to think too deeply on complex issues. Really, she just wants to be a hero. Not for others, but for herself. She wants to be someone people can rely on. Someone people look up to, not because of her strength or ability, but because of her character and deeds. That's the kind of person she aspires to be, though that's easier said than done.
History: ???
Spirituality: Schrodinger's duel spirits: Is she sensing them, or just talking to herself? Honestly, the latter is more likely.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Penguin Brave
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: ♪Everything's Better Down Where it's Wetter♪
Monster (18)
3x Penguin Squire

3x Penguin Soldier

3x Star Boy

3x Flip Flop Frog

3x Dupe Frog

3x Puny Penguin

Spell (13)
3x Jam Breeding Machine

3x Solidarity

3x Wetlands

2x Book of Taiyou

1x Giant Trunade

1x Moray of Greed

1x Terraforming

Trap (9)
1x Aqua Chorus

1x Mythical Bestiamorph

3x Token Stampede

1x A Major Upset

2x Gravelstorm

Extra (6)
3x Penguin Brave

3x Mistar Boy

3x Penguin Squire

3x Penguin Soldier

3x Star Boy

3x Flip Flop Frog

3x Dupe Frog

3x Puny Penguin

Spell (13)
3x Jam Breeding Machine

3x Solidarity

3x Wetlands

2x Book of Taiyou

1x Giant Trunade

1x Moray of Greed

1x Terraforming

Trap (9)
1x Aqua Chorus

1x Mythical Bestiamorph

3x Token Stampede

1x A Major Upset

2x Gravelstorm

Extra (6)
3x Penguin Brave

3x Mistar Boy

Ra Yellow:

Name: Miles Lark
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Miles is bitingly cynical, disillusioned with seemingly everything. His demeanor is overdramatic and sassy, though it's mainly just his brand of humor, and he loves being a sarcastic asshole. He's the type to make self-deprecating comments when he's down, and to throw hands immediately when he's mad, but overall he's pretty easy to get along with.
History: ???
Spirituality: Capable of seeing and communicating with duel spirits.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Watching over me

Name: Chris Agzhen
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Chris is a small mountain of a lad, and he knows it. He's snarky, irreverent, and generally unafraid of pissing people off. Although he's not one for social gatherings, he makes friends fairly easily, and while he'll often claim to be disinterested in various activities, preferring to just read a book alone, he's likely to go along with them to spend time with his friends anyway.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Number 52: Diamond Crab King and Number 82: Heartlandraco, though he rarely actually summons them.
Husbando: Gagaga Cowboy
Deck 1: Playing Coy
Monster (12)
3x Stone Statue of the Aztecs

3x Destiny HERO - Defender

3x Big Shield Gardna

3x Stronghold Guardian

Spell (4)
1x Savage Colosseum

1x Pot of Duality

1x Pot of Extravagance

1x Reinforcement of the Army

Trap (24)
3x Fairy Box

1x Metal Reflect Slime

1x Battle Mania

3x Cross Counter

3x D2 Shield

1x Defenders Intersect

1x Dimension Wall

3x Lost Wind

3x Magic Cylinder

2x Magical Cylinders

3x Rise to Full Height

Extra (15)
3x Number 55: Gogogo Goliath

3x Gallant Granite

3x Number 50: Blackship of Corn

3x Gagaga Cowboy

3x Number 52: Diamond Crab King

3x Stone Statue of the Aztecs

3x Destiny HERO - Defender

3x Big Shield Gardna

3x Stronghold Guardian

Spell (4)
1x Savage Colosseum

1x Pot of Duality

1x Pot of Extravagance

1x Reinforcement of the Army

Trap (24)
3x Fairy Box

1x Metal Reflect Slime

1x Battle Mania

3x Cross Counter

3x D2 Shield

1x Defenders Intersect

1x Dimension Wall

3x Lost Wind

3x Magic Cylinder

2x Magical Cylinders

3x Rise to Full Height

Extra (15)
3x Number 55: Gogogo Goliath

3x Gallant Granite

3x Number 50: Blackship of Corn

3x Gagaga Cowboy

3x Number 52: Diamond Crab King

Deck 2: The Direct Approach
Chris prides himself on his ability to cheat out wins when dueling people for the first time. However, since he prefers cheesy strategies that can be countered relatively easily, he decided he needed a second deck he could switch to against opponents that have dueled him before.
Monster (12)
3x Drillago

3x Wattgiraffe

3x Drill Barnacle

3x Raging Flame Sprite

Spell (4)
2x "Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"

1x Pot of Duality

1x Pot of Extravagance

Trap (26)
3x Robbin' Goblin

1x Unending Nightmare

3x Blazing Mirror Force

3x Drowning Mirror Force

3x Mirror Force

3x Quaking Mirror Force

3x Radiant Mirror Force

3x Storming Mirror Force

2x Trap Trick

Extra (15)
3x Number 50: Blackship of Corn

3x Number 106: Giant Hand

3x Number 82: Heartlandraco

3x Gagaga Cowboy

1x Battlecruiser Dianthus

1x Knightmare Phoenix

1x Knightmare Cerberus

3x Drillago

3x Wattgiraffe

3x Drill Barnacle

3x Raging Flame Sprite

Spell (4)
2x "Infernoble Arms - Hauteclere"

1x Pot of Duality

1x Pot of Extravagance

Trap (26)
3x Robbin' Goblin

1x Unending Nightmare

3x Blazing Mirror Force

3x Drowning Mirror Force

3x Mirror Force

3x Quaking Mirror Force

3x Radiant Mirror Force

3x Storming Mirror Force

2x Trap Trick

Extra (15)
3x Number 50: Blackship of Corn

3x Number 106: Giant Hand

3x Number 82: Heartlandraco

3x Gagaga Cowboy

1x Battlecruiser Dianthus

1x Knightmare Phoenix

1x Knightmare Cerberus

Name: Roché Lyon (pronounced Ro-shay)
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Roché is a loose cannon. She's upbeat, she's cheery, and she has no concept of self-preservation. She loves watching things getting destroyed, or even just watching things burn or explode. She'll stack up blocks into elaborate towers or make impressive sand castles just for the catharsis of tearing it all down. She even has some basic mechanical knowledge, and indeed, is quite creative when it comes to her craft. She loves dueling and mecha shows for similar reasons. To her, it's all about the action and the mayhem, and the design that goes behind maximizing it. She's not wholly divested from less chaotic activities, but her attention span is rather short, and she's not the type to get caught up in "posterity" or "eternality". Roché strongly prefers living in the moment, like every day could be her last.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Machina Citadel, Desperado Barrel Dragon, Perfect Machine King; she just can't decide.
Husbando: Robotic Knight
Deck: Army of the Machine King
Monster (38)
1x Launcher Spider

1x Mechanicalchaser

1x Robotic Knight

1x Machina Ruinforce

2x Machina Citadel

2x Machina Metalcruncher

1x Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag

2x Desperado Barrel Dragon

1x Perfect Machine King

1x Machina Megaform

1x Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast

1x Barrel Dragon

2x Machina Fortress

1x B.E.S. Big Core MK-2

1x Blowback Dragon

1x Machine King

1x Machina Unclaspare

1x Twin-Barrel Dragon

1x Machina Possesstorage

1x BM-4 Blast Spider

1x Blast Sphere

3x UFO Turtle

3x Cyber Phoenix

1x Trap Reactor・Y FI

1x Machine King Prototype

2x Second Booster

1x Card Trooper

1x Black Salvo

1x Unauthorized Bootup Device

Spell (15)
1x Dangerous Machine Type-6

3x Machina Armored Unit

2x Machina Defense Perimeter

1x Machine Assembly Line

3x Solidarity

1x Iron Call

2x Machina Redeployment

1x Forbidden Chalice

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (7)
1x Machine King - 3000 B.C.

1x Rare Metalmorph

1x Skill Drain

1x Covering Fire

1x Level Conversion Lab

2x Machina Overdrive

Extra (15)
1x Dark Strike Fighter

1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

1x Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora

2x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

1x Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings

1x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star

1x Infinitrack Mountain Smasher

3x Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid

1x Wind-Up Zenmaister

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines

2x Double Headed Anger Knuckle

1x Launcher Spider

1x Mechanicalchaser

1x Robotic Knight

1x Machina Ruinforce

2x Machina Citadel

2x Machina Metalcruncher

1x Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag

2x Desperado Barrel Dragon

1x Perfect Machine King

1x Machina Megaform

1x Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast

1x Barrel Dragon

2x Machina Fortress

1x B.E.S. Big Core MK-2

1x Blowback Dragon

1x Machine King

1x Machina Unclaspare

1x Twin-Barrel Dragon

1x Machina Possesstorage

1x BM-4 Blast Spider

1x Blast Sphere

3x UFO Turtle

3x Cyber Phoenix

1x Trap Reactor・Y FI

1x Machine King Prototype

2x Second Booster

1x Card Trooper

1x Black Salvo

1x Unauthorized Bootup Device

Spell (15)
1x Dangerous Machine Type-6

3x Machina Armored Unit

2x Machina Defense Perimeter

1x Machine Assembly Line

3x Solidarity

1x Iron Call

2x Machina Redeployment

1x Forbidden Chalice

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (7)
1x Machine King - 3000 B.C.

1x Rare Metalmorph

1x Skill Drain

1x Covering Fire

1x Level Conversion Lab

2x Machina Overdrive

Extra (15)
1x Dark Strike Fighter

1x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe

1x Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora

2x Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max

1x Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings

1x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star

1x Infinitrack Mountain Smasher

3x Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid

1x Wind-Up Zenmaister

1x Wind-Up Zenmaines

2x Double Headed Anger Knuckle

Name: Rin Sato
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Ra Yellow
Personality: Rin is a shy, apathetic girl with little self-esteem. She's not a very good conversationalist and generally keeps to herself. She considers herself to be thoroughly average, unremarkable, with not a single redeeming quality, and thus wishes she was nigh anyone else. She's adopted a habit of copying other people during the course of a duel. She has fun, imagining being someone other than herself, and often takes it quite far, sometimes showing a wild shift in personality between who she is before, during, and after a duel. Perhaps more impressive is her ability to judge one's character even without knowing them for long.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: None (allegedly)
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: Your Deck, My Deck
Monster (19)
3x Amazoness Chain Master

3x Mimicking Man-Eater Bug

1x Graydle Eagle

1x Graydle Cobra

1x Graydle Alligator

1x Griggle

1x Ameba

3x Cosmic Compass

3x Copycat

Spell (15)
1x Snatch Steal

3x Brain Control

1x Change of Heart

3x Creature Swap

3x Exchange

3x Gift Exchange

1x Mind Control

3x Enemy Controller

Trap (5)
1x Conscription

1x Memory of an Adversary

3x Switcheroroo

Extra (15)
2x Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable

2x Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy

2x Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle

2x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze

2x Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous

2x Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant

3x Geonator Transverser

3x Amazoness Chain Master

3x Mimicking Man-Eater Bug

1x Graydle Eagle

1x Graydle Cobra

1x Graydle Alligator

1x Griggle

1x Ameba

3x Cosmic Compass

3x Copycat

Spell (15)
1x Snatch Steal

3x Brain Control

1x Change of Heart

3x Creature Swap

3x Exchange

3x Gift Exchange

1x Mind Control

3x Enemy Controller

Trap (5)
1x Conscription

1x Memory of an Adversary

3x Switcheroroo

Extra (15)
2x Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable

2x Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy

2x Eria the Water Charmer, Gentle

2x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze

2x Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous

2x Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant

3x Geonator Transverser

Obelisk Blue:

Name: Jon Locke
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Jon is a quiet person, and somewhat of a loner. He doesn’t really understand the first thing about interpersonal communication, and is the type to not speak unless spoken to. He doesn't feel he deserves his placement in Obelisk Blue, and tends to feel like he's living in his brother's shadow, despite their respective ranking.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Decode Talker Heatsoul co-linked with Transcode Talker
Waifu/Husbando: None
Deck: Heart of Exodia
3x Leotron

3x Connector Dog

3x Dark Femtron

3x Cycliptron

3x Digitron

3x Bitron

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

3x Protron

1x Fortune Fairy Chee

1x Exodia the Forbidden One

1x Fortune Fairy Hu

3x Heart of the Underdog

1x Left Arm Offering

1x Draw Muscle

3x Hand Destruction

1x Link Bound

3x Reload

1x Daigusto Emeral
1x Summon Sorceress

1x Decode Talker Heatsoul

2x Transcode Talker

1x Splash Mage

1x Beat Cop from the Underworld

3x Link Spider

1x Linkross

1x Linguriboh

3x G Golem Crystal Heart

3x Leotron

3x Connector Dog

3x Dark Femtron

3x Cycliptron

3x Digitron

3x Bitron

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

3x Protron

1x Fortune Fairy Chee

1x Exodia the Forbidden One

1x Fortune Fairy Hu

3x Heart of the Underdog

1x Left Arm Offering

1x Draw Muscle

3x Hand Destruction

1x Link Bound

3x Reload

1x Daigusto Emeral
1x Summon Sorceress

1x Decode Talker Heatsoul

2x Transcode Talker

1x Splash Mage

1x Beat Cop from the Underworld

3x Link Spider

1x Linkross

1x Linguriboh

3x G Golem Crystal Heart

Name: Caleb Avis
Gender: ♂
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Caleb has a tendency to get lost in thought. This isn't to say he overthinks things; quite the opposite, even. Caleb has a bad habit of jumping head-first into situations without thinking about the long-term consequences. Rather, it's the fuck-ups he's already been through that keep haunting him, like an elephant that never forgets. If he can be pulled out of his own head, he's pretty easy to get along with. Caleb is quite passionate about duel monsters, and there's no easier way to distract him than with a duel. While he's not the most knowledgeable on what cards (and thus combos) are out there, he enjoys the otherwise dry and dull lessons on duel theory.
Caleb suffers from a pretty bad case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although he can make compromises, depending on the circumstance, he's a pretty big neat freak, can get unreasonably upset when his well-laid plans are screwed, and his deckbuilding rigidly follows very specific and arbitrary rules. Like others with OCD, he recognizes these behaviors as irrational and illogical, but he'd be more stressed trying to leave his deck asymmetrical.
History: ???
Spirituality: Has seen duel spirits before. Rejects them completely.
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: ???
Waifu/Husbando: ???
Deck: Undefined
Monster (20)
1x Alexandrite Dragon

1x Gene-Warped Warwolf

1x Gunkan Suship Shari

1x Leotron

1x Megalosmasher X

1x Mekk-Knight Avram

1x Mystery Shell Dragon

1x Phantom Gryphon

1x Shiny Black "C" Squadder

1x Zombino

1x Legendary Maju Garzett

1x Great Maju Garzett

1x D.D. Assailant

1x Fencing Fire Ferret

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Newdoria

1x Night Assailant

1x Man-Eater Bug

1x Old Vindictive Magician

Spell (10)
1x Dark Hole

1x Fissure

1x Harpie's Feather Duster

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Storm

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Raigeki

1x Smashing Ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap (10)
1x Divine Wrath

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Dimensional Prison

1x Dust Tornado

1x Michizure

1x Mirror Force

1x Ring of Destruction

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trap Hole

Extra (10)
1x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1x Tornado Dragon

1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Saryuja Skull Dread

1x Knightmare Unicorn

1x Knightmare Phoenix

1x Knightmare Cerberus

1x Steel Star Regulator

1x Alexandrite Dragon

1x Gene-Warped Warwolf

1x Gunkan Suship Shari

1x Leotron

1x Megalosmasher X

1x Mekk-Knight Avram

1x Mystery Shell Dragon

1x Phantom Gryphon

1x Shiny Black "C" Squadder

1x Zombino

1x Legendary Maju Garzett

1x Great Maju Garzett

1x D.D. Assailant

1x Fencing Fire Ferret

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Newdoria

1x Night Assailant

1x Man-Eater Bug

1x Old Vindictive Magician

Spell (10)
1x Dark Hole

1x Fissure

1x Harpie's Feather Duster

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Storm

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Raigeki

1x Smashing Ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap (10)
1x Divine Wrath

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Dimensional Prison

1x Dust Tornado

1x Michizure

1x Mirror Force

1x Ring of Destruction

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trap Hole

Extra (10)
1x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1x Tornado Dragon

1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Saryuja Skull Dread

1x Knightmare Unicorn

1x Knightmare Phoenix

1x Knightmare Cerberus

1x Steel Star Regulator

Name: Melony Burton
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Melony pays a lot of attention to her appearance, both aesthetically and in terms of general social status. She is only slightly vain, but extremely concerned with how others view her, and desperately wants to be liked. She can be a bit petty, insensitive, and prone to jealousy, but she's also easy to befriend and genuinely selfless when it comes to those close to her.
History: ???
Spirituality: None
Spirit Partner: None
Ace Card: Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Waifu: Ghostrick Angel of Mischief
Deck: Shy Little Ghosts
Monster (23)
2x Ghostrick Siren

1x Ghostrick Mummy

1x Ghostrick Ghoul

2x Ghostrick Jiangshi

3x Ghostrick Fairy

2x Ghostrick Nekomusume

3x Ghostrick Doll

1x Ghostrick Jackfrost

3x Ghostrick Lantern

3x Ghostrick Specter

2x Ghostrick Mary

Spell (6)
3x Ghostrick Mansion

3x Ghostrick Shot

Trap (11)
3x Ghostrick Night

2x Ghostrick-Go-Round

1x Ghostrick Break

1x Ghostrick or Treat

3x Ghostrick Scare

1x Ghostrick Vanish

Extra (15)
3x Ghostrick Angel of Mischief

3x Ghostrick Alucard

3x Ghostrick Socuteboss

3x Ghostrick Dullahan

3x Ghostrick Festival

2x Ghostrick Siren

1x Ghostrick Mummy

1x Ghostrick Ghoul

2x Ghostrick Jiangshi

3x Ghostrick Fairy

2x Ghostrick Nekomusume

3x Ghostrick Doll

1x Ghostrick Jackfrost

3x Ghostrick Lantern

3x Ghostrick Specter

2x Ghostrick Mary

Spell (6)
3x Ghostrick Mansion

3x Ghostrick Shot

Trap (11)
3x Ghostrick Night

2x Ghostrick-Go-Round

1x Ghostrick Break

1x Ghostrick or Treat

3x Ghostrick Scare

1x Ghostrick Vanish

Extra (15)
3x Ghostrick Angel of Mischief

3x Ghostrick Alucard

3x Ghostrick Socuteboss

3x Ghostrick Dullahan

3x Ghostrick Festival

Name: Alexis “Lexa” Atropos
Gender: ♀
Dorm: Obelisk Blue
Personality: Lexa is relatively polite, but she bores easily, and will often cut to the chase or go out of her way to avoid an 'uninteresting' situation. She can come off as aloof, though when something catches her interest, she's quite fun-loving and impulsive. She believes in luck as a metaphysical concept, or at least purports to, and loves a good bet. (When the odds are in her favor) She has quite a good poker face, able to meet all with a cunning smile.
History: ???
Spirituality: ???
Spirit Partner: ???
Ace Card: Gyakutenno Megami (allegedly)
Husbando: Psychic Rover
Deck: Odds All Against
Monster (18)
1x Gyakutenno Megami

1x Orgoth the Relentless

1x Hinezumi Hanabi

3x Dicelops

3x Thunder Ball

3x Dice Jar

3x A Cat of Ill Omen

3x Psychic Rover

Spell (13)
3x Dice Dungeon

3x Dimension Dice

1x Misfortune

1x Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force

1x Terraforming

3x Diced Dice

1x Graceful Dice

Trap (9)
2x Needle Wall

3x That Six

3x Blind Obliteration

1x Skull Dice

Extra (15)
1x Number 7: Lucky Straight

1x Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal

1x Musical Sumo Dice Games

1x Number 67: Pair-a-Dice Smasher

1x Number 85: Crazy Box

1x Gallant Granite

1x Downerd Magician

1x Number 60: Dugares the Timeless

1x Springans Merrymaker

1x Mechquipped Angineer

1x Number 26: Spaceway Octobypass

1x Number 49: Fortune Tune

3x Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter

1x Gyakutenno Megami

1x Orgoth the Relentless

1x Hinezumi Hanabi

3x Dicelops

3x Thunder Ball

3x Dice Jar

3x A Cat of Ill Omen

3x Psychic Rover

Spell (13)
3x Dice Dungeon

3x Dimension Dice

1x Misfortune

1x Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force

1x Terraforming

3x Diced Dice

1x Graceful Dice

Trap (9)
2x Needle Wall

3x That Six

3x Blind Obliteration

1x Skull Dice

Extra (15)
1x Number 7: Lucky Straight

1x Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal

1x Musical Sumo Dice Games

1x Number 67: Pair-a-Dice Smasher

1x Number 85: Crazy Box

1x Gallant Granite

1x Downerd Magician

1x Number 60: Dugares the Timeless

1x Springans Merrymaker

1x Mechquipped Angineer

1x Number 26: Spaceway Octobypass

1x Number 49: Fortune Tune

3x Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter

Duel Academy Faculty

Name: Midori Hibiki
Gender: ♀
Personality: Midori is a caring and dutiful teacher, as well as a confident and competent duelist. She enforces the Academy's rules rather rigidly, but can also show compassion, and often develops a "big sister" type of relationship with students. She's coolheaded, but also takes no shit. Snaps her fingers whenever she activates a trap card.
Ace Card: Darklord Morningstar
Deck: Deus Est Darklord
Monster (27)
2x Darklord Morningstar

1x Darklord Desire

3x Darklord Ixchel

2x Darklord Tezcatlipoca

1x Darklord Asmodeus

3x Darklord Superbia

2x Darklord Zerato

2x Darklord Nasten

1x Darklord Amdusc

1x Darklord Edeh Arae

3x Darklord Marie

2x Indulged Darklord

2x Capricious Darklord

2x Darklord Ukoback

Spell (12)
3x Banishment of the Darklords

1x Card Destruction

3x Darklord Contact

1x Monster Reborn

3x Trade-In

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap (6)
1x Darklord Descent

1x Darklord Enchantment

2x Darklord Rebellion

2x The Sanctified Darklord

Extra (15)
3x Number 22: Zombiestein

3x Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis

3x Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison

1x Evilswarm Thanatos

1x Number 60: Dugares the Timeless

1x Number 96: Dark Mist

3x Condemned Darklord

2x Darklord Morningstar

1x Darklord Desire

3x Darklord Ixchel

2x Darklord Tezcatlipoca

1x Darklord Asmodeus

3x Darklord Superbia

2x Darklord Zerato

2x Darklord Nasten

1x Darklord Amdusc

1x Darklord Edeh Arae

3x Darklord Marie

2x Indulged Darklord

2x Capricious Darklord

2x Darklord Ukoback

Spell (12)
3x Banishment of the Darklords

1x Card Destruction

3x Darklord Contact

1x Monster Reborn

3x Trade-In

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap (6)
1x Darklord Descent

1x Darklord Enchantment

2x Darklord Rebellion

2x The Sanctified Darklord

Extra (15)
3x Number 22: Zombiestein

3x Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis

3x Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison

1x Evilswarm Thanatos

1x Number 60: Dugares the Timeless

1x Number 96: Dark Mist

3x Condemned Darklord

Name: Sartyr
Gender: ♂
Personality: Professor Sartyr is an old man who does not know enough about the current generation to even pretend to be "hip with the kids". Most find his conversations about duel theory difficult to sit through, and while he isn't dreaded like Dr. Crowler, he's somewhat unpopular. He gets rather lonely, unable to form bonds with most of the students, but he's an excellent chef, and is more than willing to cook something up for people if asked.
Ace Card: Hungry Burger
Deck: Exquisite Sandwich
Monster (31)
3x Potato & Chips

1x Cucumber Horse

3x Impcantation Talismandra

1x Impcantation Bookstone

3x World Carrotweight Champion

3x Mild Turkey

3x Impcantation Candoll

1x Marmiting Captain

3x Hallohallo

3x Impcantation Penciplume

1x Cursed Fig

3x Impcantation Chalislime

3x Hungry Burger

Spell (22)
3x Non-Spellcasting Area

3x Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi

3x Ready Fusion

1x Ritual Foregone

1x Terraforming

3x Book of Moon

1x Emergency Provisions

3x Advanced Ritual Art

1x Hamburger Recipe

3x Impcantation Inception

Trap (2)
1x Fists of the Unrivaled Tenyi

1x Pineapple Blast

Extra (15)
3x Sanwitch

3x Number 59: Crooked Cook

2x Wind-Up Zenmaister

3x Sunvine Gardna

1x Sunavalon Dryanome

3x Sunavalon Dryas

3x Potato & Chips

1x Cucumber Horse

3x Impcantation Talismandra

1x Impcantation Bookstone

3x World Carrotweight Champion

3x Mild Turkey

3x Impcantation Candoll

1x Marmiting Captain

3x Hallohallo

3x Impcantation Penciplume

1x Cursed Fig

3x Impcantation Chalislime

3x Hungry Burger

Spell (22)
3x Non-Spellcasting Area

3x Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi

3x Ready Fusion

1x Ritual Foregone

1x Terraforming

3x Book of Moon

1x Emergency Provisions

3x Advanced Ritual Art

1x Hamburger Recipe

3x Impcantation Inception

Trap (2)
1x Fists of the Unrivaled Tenyi

1x Pineapple Blast

Extra (15)
3x Sanwitch

3x Number 59: Crooked Cook

2x Wind-Up Zenmaister

3x Sunvine Gardna

1x Sunavalon Dryanome

3x Sunavalon Dryas

Name: Vellian Crowler
Gender: ♂
Personality: A relatively strict professor who has no qualms with badmouthing "slackers". Although he proclaims not to care much for his students, and openly makes disparaging comments about Slifer Red, he is capable of being a fair person, and has a tendency to gradually grow attached to students anyway. Prefers to be called Dr. Crowler, on account of his PhD in dueling. Absolutely hates being mistaken for a woman.
Ace Card: Ancient Gear Golem
Deck: Watch and Learn
Monster (18)
3x Ancient Gear Golem

2x Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound

1x Ancient Gear Beast

1x Ancient Gear Engineer

2x Ancient Gear Wyvern

1x The Trojan Horse

1x Ancient Gear Frame

2x Ancient Gear Soldier

2x Ancient Gear Hunting Hound

3x Ancient Gear

Spell (18)
1x Ancient Gear Castle

1x Ancient Gear Fortress

1x Ancient Gear Fist

1x Ancient Gear Tank

1x Geartown

1x Ancient Gear Catapult

1x Ancient Gear Drill

1x Ancient Gear Explosive

1x Ancient Gear Factory

1x Ancient Gear Workshop

1x Confiscation

1x Heavy Storm

3x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed

1x Spell Gear

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (4)
1x Ancient Gear Reborn

2x Statue of the Wicked

1x Zero Gravity

Extra Deck (15)
3x Chaos Ancient Gear Giant

3x Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem

3x Ancient Gear Megaton Golem

3x Ancient Gear Howitzer

3x Ancient Gear Ballista

3x Ancient Gear Golem

2x Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound

1x Ancient Gear Beast

1x Ancient Gear Engineer

2x Ancient Gear Wyvern

1x The Trojan Horse

1x Ancient Gear Frame

2x Ancient Gear Soldier

2x Ancient Gear Hunting Hound

3x Ancient Gear

Spell (18)
1x Ancient Gear Castle

1x Ancient Gear Fortress

1x Ancient Gear Fist

1x Ancient Gear Tank

1x Geartown

1x Ancient Gear Catapult

1x Ancient Gear Drill

1x Ancient Gear Explosive

1x Ancient Gear Factory

1x Ancient Gear Workshop

1x Confiscation

1x Heavy Storm

3x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed

1x Spell Gear

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (4)
1x Ancient Gear Reborn

2x Statue of the Wicked

1x Zero Gravity

Extra Deck (15)
3x Chaos Ancient Gear Giant

3x Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem

3x Ancient Gear Megaton Golem

3x Ancient Gear Howitzer

3x Ancient Gear Ballista

Name: Fonda Fontaine
Gender: ♀
Personality: A kind and caring professor who looks after all of the students at Duel Academy. She is both the school nurse and gym teacher, and your health is her business. She has a carefree attitude, but is rational and logical, immune to emotional arguments and the confessions she occasionally garners from students. Loves to smile and giggle while brutally burning away at her dueling opponents.
Ace Card: Darklord Nurse Reficule
Deck: Fatal Treatment
Monster (8)
3x Darklord Nurse Reficule

2x Condemned Witch

3x Injection Fairy Lily

Spell (12)
3x Banishment of the Darklords

3x Darklord Contact

2x Pot of Extravagance

3x Soul Taker

1x Upstart Goblin

Trap (30)
2x Bad Reaction to Simochi

3x Dark Cure

3x Life Absorbing Machine

3x Mirror Wall

3x The Eye of Truth

1x Solemn Judgment

1x Solemn Strike

1x Solemn Warning

2x Back to the Front

3x Brutal Potion

1x Nutrient Z

2x Pinpoint Guard

1x Side Effects?

2x The Golden Apples

2x Trap Trick

Extra (15)
3x Fairy Cheer Girl

3x Number 44: Sky Pegasus

3x Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow

3x Condemned Darklord

3x Dispatchparazzi

3x Darklord Nurse Reficule

2x Condemned Witch

3x Injection Fairy Lily

Spell (12)
3x Banishment of the Darklords

3x Darklord Contact

2x Pot of Extravagance

3x Soul Taker

1x Upstart Goblin

Trap (30)
2x Bad Reaction to Simochi

3x Dark Cure

3x Life Absorbing Machine

3x Mirror Wall

3x The Eye of Truth

1x Solemn Judgment

1x Solemn Strike

1x Solemn Warning

2x Back to the Front

3x Brutal Potion

1x Nutrient Z

2x Pinpoint Guard

1x Side Effects?

2x The Golden Apples

2x Trap Trick

Extra (15)
3x Fairy Cheer Girl

3x Number 44: Sky Pegasus

3x Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow

3x Condemned Darklord

3x Dispatchparazzi

Name: Sheppard
Gender: ♂
Personality: Young at heart, with a passion for dueling. As the chancellor, he is also a strict disciplinarian, but he is overall friendly and well-liked by the students.
Ace Card: Cyber Ogre
Deck: Cyber Ogre Assault
Monster (17)
2x Cyber Dinosaur

3x Cyber Ogre

3x Cyber Esper

3x Cyber Phoenix

3x Attachment Cybern

1x The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1x Cyber-Stein

1x Cyber Valley

Spell (16)
3x Armed Changer

1x Big Bang Shot

3x Fusion Conscription

3x Fusion Deployment

1x Monster Reborn

1x Monster Reincarnation

1x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed

1x Cyber Eternal

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (7)
3x Cyber Shadow Gardna

1x Fusion Reserve

3x Metalmorph

Extra (6)
3x Cyber Ogre 2

3x Salamangreat Almiraj

2x Cyber Dinosaur

3x Cyber Ogre

3x Cyber Esper

3x Cyber Phoenix

3x Attachment Cybern

1x The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1x Cyber-Stein

1x Cyber Valley

Spell (16)
3x Armed Changer

1x Big Bang Shot

3x Fusion Conscription

3x Fusion Deployment

1x Monster Reborn

1x Monster Reincarnation

1x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed

1x Cyber Eternal

1x Limiter Removal

Trap (7)
3x Cyber Shadow Gardna

1x Fusion Reserve

3x Metalmorph

Extra (6)
3x Cyber Ogre 2

3x Salamangreat Almiraj

Name: Neo Monoma
Gender: ♂
Appearance: Visually identical to five other teachers on the staff. Purportedly, only four of them are related to him.
Personality: Fancies himself as a wise and mysterious mentor figure. In reality, he mostly just likes talking in a way he thinks sounds cool. He's even-tempered and patient with his students, and is relatively understanding compared to other teachers. He doesn't mind bending the rules here and there, but he doesn't allow Donte misbehaving students to get away with things when it's "not good for a classroom environment."
Deck: Standard Issue Testing Deck - A deck focused on defense and gaining life points in order to drag out duels, giving students more time to show off their competence. Generally not a very threatening deck, since students are expected to consistently win against it, though it does carry a few surprises.
Most teachers carry a personal deck, but Mr. Monoma has no particular attachments to any cards or strategy, and thus usually sticks to the standard deck used for practical exams.
Monster (21)
2x Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon

1x Darklord Marie

3x Granadora

3x Fire Princess

2x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

2x Big Shield Gardna

3x Nimble Momonga

3x Kiseitai

2x Shinato, King of a Higher Plane

Spell (8)
1x Big Bang Shot

1x Snatch Steal

1x Pot of Greed

1x The Shallow Grave

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Shinato's Ark

Trap (11)
1x Magic Jammer

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

3x Enchanted Javelin

1x Mirror Force

3x Numinous Healer

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trap Hole

Extra Deck (0)
2x Gizmek Okami, the Dreaded Deluge Dragon

1x Darklord Marie

3x Granadora

3x Fire Princess

2x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

2x Big Shield Gardna

3x Nimble Momonga

3x Kiseitai

2x Shinato, King of a Higher Plane

Spell (8)
1x Big Bang Shot

1x Snatch Steal

1x Pot of Greed

1x The Shallow Grave

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Shinato's Ark

Trap (11)
1x Magic Jammer

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

3x Enchanted Javelin

1x Mirror Force

3x Numinous Healer

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Trap Hole

Extra Deck (0)