Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Oooooh, way to go, Sofers! That's our sharp-eyed shooty-babe for ya! That hidden place didn't stand a chance, maa-haa-haa~!" Brandy praised Sofia energetically, bounding over to the center of the room to join her two friends. Interestingly, Alice was the first one down the flight of stairs, which would give Brandy extra motivation not to fall behind! In a mad dash, as if someone had lit a fire under her plump butt, the satyress barreled down the stairs as well.

... And promtply kept going once down ...

She ran ahead, without a throught or fear for the possibhlity of enemies, traps, crumbling architecture or all of the above at once. It seemed the adventuring spirit had taken over and the excitable farm-girl was so focused on the endless possibilites of what could lie ahead that all rhyme and reason had been thrown to the wind. Not that that was particularly unusual for this lass though.

For Alice and Sofia, who weren't all gu8ng-ho and running at full speed intot the darkness of an extremely suspiscious crypt hidden under a very modest cemeteray, they'd pick up on some more details than Brandy. For one, there were brass fixtures on the left side of the walls down here, with small tallow candles - unlit, of course - but nontheless present. Also, despite it being underground and in a seemingly sealed-off area, the air down here was actually better than the one up in the tiny mausoleum. Also, there was nowhere near as much dust down here as above. This all pointed towards a single conclusion! ... Which was... uh... Beyond Brandy's ability to guess, but the two other girls would surely figure it ou-


"Owie!" A loud, wooden sound echoed from deeper ahead, followed by Brandy's plaintive voice.

The tanned satyress had run straight on into a large, vaulted door, made of sturdy wood with a big, iron ring as a handle on it. She was now sitting on her as-aforementioned-plump buttocks, rubbing her forehead. How anyone could lack the perception to avoid running head-first into a door was a mystery, but let's not dwell on that too mch for now. Mumbling curses and swears under her breah, Brandy stood up and glared at the door, as if it'd done something horribly wrong.

"Stupid thing, comin' outa nowhere when it's dark! Who puts a big old door like this in the middle of a hallway anyway? Hmph!" Brandy puffed her cheeks out and kicked at the door, missing obviously, but seeming to be unphased by that tidbit.

"Hey! Al! Sofers! I found a door! I betcha the bad guys're in here!" ... With no concern or tact for things like subtlety and stealth, Brandy called out for her two allies to come join her. Then again, given her previous physical intimacy with said door, whoever was on the other side was probably already aware of their presence.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maybe...from now on, Brandy should take up the rear. The girl had enough brain cells missing already, and all the headlong charging was going to take a serious toll on her one day. Still, Schadenfreude existed for a reason, and Sofia was helpless to stop snickering. Alice meanwhile was much more level headed and approached the door with caution, tugging Brandy away from it. "Well, whoever's behind this knows that we're here...so I say we go in as prepared to fight as we can be," Alice said, pulling out her Thundercracker.

Upon seeing the deadly explosive be pulled out, Sofia hurriedly went over and said: "A-Alice, let's reconsider here. After all, we can't get paid if we blow up the entire mausoleum." Alice hummed at Sofia's words, putting it back in her pouch and instead brought out a small bomb that Brandy recognized: The one that stunned their little rabbit problem back in Litroot. "Okay, so my plan is we yell: 'Come out and surrender now', and if they don't, I throw this in and then Sofia shoots them."

Sofia looked incredibly concerned, looking to Brandy. "Is Alice always this...bloodthirsty?"

There was also always the possibility that whatever evil magicks behind the door were getting really cranky that the girls were gabbing right beyond it. So...y'know, it'd be super rude to interrupt the team meeting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As the three girls were happily, or not, talking away just outside the mysterious door, the obvious cliché soon followed. Without warning, the heavy door that had previously been firmly shut suddenly swung open, slamming into the brickwork wall with a heavy thump. The sudden occurrence made Brandy let out cutesy 'Eep!'-noise and prompted hte satyress to leap backwards instinctively... Right into Sofia... Which cause the two to collapse in a pile of comedically entangled limbs and questionably suggestive poses and positions... It seemed Sofia's bad luck had some benefits at times.

But putting the fan-service only observable to Alice aside for the time being...

Past the open doorway a room was visible. A rectangular room. In the dead center was a stone coffin, which had been turned into a macabre desk. There were two skulls on each end, each with a lit candle atop eithers cranium. There was an inkwell with a single-fingered skeletal hand dipped into it, and several bo0oks and documents stacked ontop of each other. On one side of the room there was also a hunched over, snarling figure, apparently busy with gnawing or eating something on the floor. Whoever they were, their skin looked leathery and their hair was wiry and frayed, as well as a matted black color. On the other end of the room was a similar figure, though this one more slim and slender, and with stark white hair. Interestingly, or perhaps concerning, was the fact that neither of them seemed to be wearing any clothes except for a ragged, ratty and tattered loincloth. This was paricularly alarming since the white-haired thingy-whos-it was very clearly female upon closer inspection.

However, the most striking feature of all, was the person sitting at the strange coffin-desk. It was...!

... A... really short guy...?

[color=silver]"Wha-wha-what is this infernal racket!? Who dares disturb the work of VREZNOK, MASTER OF DOOM!?"



For someone with such an ominous name, his voice sure was rather squeaky... And while he did indeed rock a most magnificent and well-kept pompadour and perfectly waxed and trimmed moustache, as well as a gilded monocle on his left eye, it was still ... Difficult... To take this short-stuff seriously. Jumping off his extremely lavish, ornate and comfortable-looking leather-cushioned chair, the small man rounded his desk and stood infront of it, looking out into the hall where the gilrs were. He wore an extravagant robe of purple and black, with gold accents and trim, and a pair of soft leather boots. Needless to say, this fellow seemed to be in the money, as they say. But that aside, he was now glaring with a disapproving scowl at the three ladies who had invaded his hidden sphere of dominion, or some such.

[color=silver]"Who are you foolish girls!? What business do you have here, in the lair of the great and powerful BREZNOK, MASTER OF DOOM, huh? No mere ordinary skanks could ever hope to find my oh-so-cleverly concealed laboratory! Speak, reveal to me your intent! Or be destroyed." His high-pitched, nasaly voice, coupled with hsi overly dramatic and arrogant way of speaking was in no way at all surprisingly grating.

At this point though, after a good bit of fondling and touching and making strange noises, Brandy had amanged to get off and free from Sofia, standing back up and brushing dust and dirt from herself. Only just now seeing the black and glossy-haired ... Shorty... She let out a snort, followed by a laugh.

"Maa-haa-haa-haa!! Wh-what the heck is this!? You serious? This guy serious, girls!? Maa-haa-haa! Lookit him, he's barely tall enough to reach my bellybutton! Oh man, ths is like, too much! I was expecting some kinda evil overlord-type, but we get thus munchkin instead?"
[color="silver]"M!? M-m-m-munchkiin!? How DARE you, insolent wench!? You dare make light of VREZNOK, MASTER OF DOOM'S illustrious and noble gnomish heritage? You shall suffer, suffer greatly!"[/silver]
"Yeah, yeah! Maa-haa-haa! Whatever you say, lil' guy. So, uh, hold on, I gotta just-" Brandy had to wipe tears from her eyes from laughing too hard "-So, anyway. You know anythint about that boney guy in the sawmp out back?"
[color=silver]"You dare mock and ignore me, then demand answers for you insignificant questions!? You... You... You impudent vagrant hussie! This insolence shall not stand! I will turn you all into my servants an dhave you service me with those lewd and vulgar bodies of yours for all eternity! Martin, Thelma, GET THEM!" And now he was disclosing that he was also a total perv and chauvinist... Awesome my guy.

Though at his command, the two figures who had been languishing in the background suddenly perked up. With snarling, beastial howls, they both faced the doorway and, with surprising speed, began to make a mad dash towards the trio of invading ladies... On all four... Now that they got closer, and their bodies and faces got illuminated by the light of the candles, who and what they were was made much clearer.

And they were ghouls. Yup. Their fingers and toes ended in sharp, bony claw-like protrusions, their eyes were yellow, they didn't have noses but just the holes, and their jaws seemed to be able to extend far further than what is anatomically possible for humans. Oh, and their teeth was also yellow. Meanwhile, this Vreznok produced a small, hooked wooden cane, or wand, from his back and aimed it at the girls, letting out a shrill, manical laughter.

"A-Al! S-Sofers! Whadda we doooo~ !?" Brandy's jovial and immensely amused disposition had changed quite drastically in the past few moments, and her ears were now s flitting nervously forwards and backwards and hair tail had gone stiff and upright. She fumbled along her waist before grabbing hold of her spikey blunt instrument and yanked it free of its holding-loop.

An epic battle of legendaryproportions was underway!

... Or you know, three random adventurers versus a supposed gnomish necromancer and his two minions... Whichever floats your boat.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

And here it was, probably the most "adventure" the group had been on up to this point! A dastardly villain wielding terrifying magical power, and three heroines to stop him! Two of which were on the ground, jiggly bits touching, and Alice standing there being the only one taking this seriously. "You! So you're the one who-" Alice started, before Brandy got up and started laughing heartily.

For like, a while. Honestly it was amazing that Vreznok hadn't just sicced his minions on them while Brandy giggled.

Anyways, once she finished and before Vreznok snapped, Alice continued with: "So you're the one who's been making a mess of the graveyard!" Despite the fact that Alice had caused a fair bit of property damage. Totally innocent. Even as Brandy cowered at her side, Alice showed no sign of fear. "I've dealt with bad customers with more bite than you, you half-pint freak! This is for Chester!" Alice shouted, before throwing one of her flash bombs inside and hurriedly shutting the door. Even as Ghouls scratched and banged against it, Alice held firm before hearing the deafening "boom" and the flash of light visible from the cracks subsided, the two ghouls inside now thoroughly blinded and deafened even as Vreznok shrieked his orders. The gnome had been smart enough to duck behind his desk and cover his ears.

"Now, Sofia!" Alice commanded, opening the door to let Sofia take potshots at the two ghouls. It was a fair number of arrows to take down each due to them resisting her damage, but they'd go down well-enough.

"You fools! More boobs than brains on all of you, looks like! I can resurrect them AS MANY TIMES as I wish! Martin! Thelma! Get up this instant!" the gnome would shout, before two bolts of dark energy flew from behind his desk, entering the ghouls. While before they had been animalistic and swift, now they seemed...slower. More sluggish. They'd gone from Ghouls to Zombies from being destroyed once and brought back. Which, thankfully, meant that they were slower. Even still, Alice couldn't take them on with her bare hands, meaning that it was time for Brandy to step up while Sofia provided covering fire.

Sofia huffed. "Don't listen to him, girls. If this dark mage was truly as much as he puffs himself up to be, he'd have raised Revenants instead." Sofia seemed confident, perhaps more relieved than ever that there were, in fact, going to be approximately 0 ghosts in this adventure. However in spite of her bravado, her arrows weren't doing much to the zombies. What they'd lost in speed and power, they'd gained in being literal hunks of meat that could walk. Without a proper weapon to knock them down, it wasn't looking good.

"Brandy, you take care of the zombie on the left!" Alice said, brandishing her claws and slashing at the zombie before her as it reached out, cutting off its hand and having to push it back with a kick as it lunged at her. Then, she would uncork a vial of holy water on her belt and splash it on the zombies, causing them to start burning and moving slower.

Vreznok would poke his head up, pompadour getting shot clean-off by Sofia's archery skills. "Y-You insolent whore! Take this!" he shouted, before chanting some manner of spell quickly, firing a series of energy bolts from his cane at Sofia, knocking her back from the force of the magic.

Now, Brandy was face to face with the resurrected Martin, who was muttering about brains, or some such while shambling slowly. Hopefully, she was as good at putting down dead creeps as she was living ones...
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Brandy exclaimed a strange noise when Alice threw her boomy bomb into the room. She started cheering like a cheerleader (complete with poses and fictitious pom-poms) when Sofia felled the two ghouls. She then let out another 'meep'-like sound when Vreznok decided to resurrect his fallen minions as new mibions. It was a whole cavalcade of silliness, really.

Now, one had to bear in mind that Brandy Vanillarin was a simple girl. She came from a farm and had lived a relatively uneventful and uneventful life. So, to be put in a cramped, dank, dark and moody location, complete with a deranged gnome who could cast actual god-damned magic and a pair of slobbering undead abominations. Well, needless to say that this was a bit overstimulating for someone who, until just recently, had only ever battled against a horned rabbit and acted as a distraction for a feral troll. So great was her information overlaod that Brandy didn't even realize she was being approached by Martin, the ghoul, until a pair of magic bolts whipped past her head.

And struck Sofia, repeatedly, causing their undead ally to stumble backwards. Gaping in horror at first, the little satyr's head quickly snapped towards where Vreznok was hiding, and with a burning, seething rage in her eyes, she let out a ... Well, as close to a battle cry as you could get with a satyr.


With a determination of unbreakable iron, the tanned satyrress swung her spiky club sideways at the approaching zombie-ghoul. Said creature received a severe blunt trauma impact to the side of the noggin', causing it to topple over sideways and flail about on the ground for a bit. While the blow hadn't been enough to shatter or pulverize the skull, it had been enough to knock half the creature's jaw loose... Which was now dangling grotesquely from just one chin... Several teeth had also been smacked out of the gob and onto the dusty floor... It wasn't pretty.

"Harlot! How dare you-! And you!" The agitated gnome waved his cane at Alice as she sliced off the hand belonging to Thelma. "Take this!" He shouted markedly, while chanting some weird, non-rhyming nursery rhyme of sorts. After which a purple shimmering ray of... beaminess! Shot out of his cane and struck Thelma in the back... Which... Somehow, caused the hand that had just been lopped off to reattach itself ... Somehow... Don't ask for specifcs, magic's crazy like that.

"GNOOOOOOOOOOOOME!!" A sudden shout from the other end of the coffin-table reminded Vreznok that he had to deal with the charging satyr-girl too. Mere blinks before Brandy trampled over the makeshift desk and brought her club down, the wily little turd squirreled away sideways, and mumbled some jumbled words. After which, Brandy let out a horrified screech of panic.

"M-M-M-My eyes! Al! Sofers! I'm blioiiiiiiiiind!" She called out in a frantic state of complete confusion and fear. Which was made worse by the fact that some kind of small, very localized cloud of pitch-black darkness was now circling around her head, obfuscating it completely. Of course, Brandy being Brandy, she didn't stop or pause after becoming unable to see. Rather, she began to wildly flail her arms and her club, kicked at the air and run around like a headless chicken, knocking over the notes, books and other scribing utilities on Vreznok's table.

"What's wrong with you, you bimbo?! Cease this lunacy at once and just lie down and die! A vulgar bitch like you is only good for breeding anyway!" The gnome hurled insult and sexism in equal measures. Inbefore lifting his wand and chanting some words again, and letting another bolt of magic fly towards Brandy, striking her square in the boob. The satyress let out a pained yelp as she tumbled backwards, while Vreznok let out a maniacal laugh as if he was some villainous mastermind whoh ad just landed a blow on an overpowered hero from a parallel world or soemthing.

Oh, and Martin had gotten back up by this point. And Thelma was now trying to get reeeeeeeeaaaaaaal close to Alice's face and bite her snout off... Possibly because she was jealous, since neither she nor Martin had their noses... Or, she was just a zombie, trying to eat brains. As zombies do.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

With Brandy's outburst, her allies were now reconsidering whether she was a better fit as a Berserker instead of a Bard. However, now they had to deal with the fact that Brandy was in danger and blinded.

Alice had her own problem to contend with as the zombie before her inched closer, undaunted by the werewolf's below average strength. She inched closer and closer, with Alice trembling as one hand fumbled at her belt, before a bottle of holy water from her belt was launched at the chest of Thelma. In an instant her undead flesh was set to combust, wildly flailing away from Alice and trying to flail around on the ground.

"I-It can't be! Why does a bimbo like you have holy wat-OW!" the gnome shouted, then yelped as a cursed arrow found purchase in his shoulder, the necromancer clearly not the kind accustomed to pain.

"Frankly, I think your constant ranting and raving about women being bimbos or idiots is precisely why you look like you've been more intimate with corpses than you have with real women," Sofia said, dealing additional burn damage from her insult. While the gnome was reeling, Alice would douse Martin in holy water, the two corpses now completely crippled from being afflicted with holy damage. Now, all that was left was their master. While Alice was a-okay with charging in and knocking his block off, getting in too close meant they were in range for his blinding attack.

Sofia however wouldn't stop firing, cackling like mad. "What's wrong, little necromancer!? Do you fear the wrath of the Abyssal Archer!?" In all actuality, Sofia had no idea how to beat their opponent, and was putting on a brave front. That was when Alice got herself an idea. "That does it!" Alice said, before bringing out the Thundercracker.

Sofia stared in horror. "A-Alice, you're going to blow this whole tomb up! Don't use that!" the Revenant warned, before Alice chucked her bomb, directly at the desk where Vreznok was hiding. The thud of the bomb sent the necromancer scrambling away, running towards the door where he'd find Alice waiting. "Move, you demented simpleton! I'll not fall for another of your damnable bombs!" he shouted, moving to cast a spell before Alice just...kicked. Really hard. Right down south. Grabbing the Necromancer by the collar after that was simple enough, since Alice had kicked him hard enough to make sure his family jewels were tucked back in the bank.

With his consciousness fading, Vreznok let out one last misogynistic curse of "bitch" before passing out, foaming at the mouth in agony from his defeat. Sofia would rush to Brandy to help her up, assuring her that they'd gotten the creep with her help. Alice would meanwhile go over and pick up her unlit bomb, smirking as she secured it back in its leather wrappings. Turns out, throwing a grenade with the pin still in scared the piss out of people.

With their fight over, Martin and Thelma would slowly start to dissolve back into corpses, unanimated by their Master after he lost consciousness. Now, all that remained was the standard fare of adventurers...


Vreznok's clearly magic robe was too small but...hey, it was theirs by rights, so maybe it could make a cute skirt for Brandy. Or just selling fodder.

Sofia was insistent on taking his monocle, flashing it proudly while posing with his staff, the likes of which none of the girls knew how to use.

With a tied up and half-naked gnome being guarded by Sofia, Alice and Brandy were free to loot the chest, with Brandy's eyesight restored. It seemed that it was personal treasures of Vreznok that he'd brought with him for magical studies, including a belt of suspicious origin that looked like it had some sort of magical effect, a dagger with a skull on the hilt, some minor alchemical ingredients that made Alice snicker at the necromancer's lack of knowledge on alchemy, given that all he could make with this was a Charisma boosting potion that only worked on Undead, a gold ring with a set of black onyx encrusted on one side, and a small pouch of silver coins. ...Hey, it was probably more than they were getting paid at this point, so it was better than nothing. Brandy might be able to note that there was even a human-sized dress in the chest, though...as for why that was there lead to some rather strange implications on why Vreznok was a necromancer to begin with. But it was cute.

Now, all that was left was to tell Vincent they'd caught their graverobber...and also lie about the tomb already being open since Alice was NOT paying for damages on that old rusted lock that was older than the three of them put together.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"oooOOoOOoh... Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...! Thanks, Sofers." Brandy moaned in discomfort as the undead archer helped her back on her hooves. Standing back up, the little satyress gently massaged her bosom where the magic missile had struck, a pouty expression on her face as she did so - with no regard for decency as usual. When she saw the wretched gnome tied up in what was essentially a hogtie, she couldn't help but sneer.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, look at this. The might Wrestcrook, tied and gagged like a piggy ready for the spitroast! Maa-haa-haa-haa~!" Apparently, she was not above kicking those already down... And incapacitated...

Then the important bit was underway, divvying up the spoils.

Brandy complimented Sofia's newly acquired monocle, stating it made her look about 50% smarter... Which was an odd compliment to begin with, but no dobut Brandy didn't mean taht Sofia hadn't been looking intelligent previously. Following Alice over to the chest though, the satyr bobbed up and ddown excitedly as they opened the loot-box and peered inside. The tanned bombshell's eyes twinkled and a big old smile spread across her face as she got her first look at her very first real taste of actual treasure. It was a momentus occassion for the fomer farm-girl, and she squeed in delight with no inhibition or restraint.

"Woooah! Lookit all this stuff! Al! This is amazing! Just...! Just...! Look at it!" Brandy was excitedly tugging at Alice's sleeve and shoulder, like a kid on christmas day... Even though the concept of christmas didn't exist in this world. Nor did Jesus. Looking over the goods, Brandy reached down and plucked up the knife with the skull-pommel, fiddling with it and then turning her head to look back at Sofia.

"Yeah, this one's definetely for Sofers. It fits her style and aura so well, like the dark heroine with her secret weapon, yeah?" So the satyr suggested at least. When she saw the belt though, she picked it up and gave it a glance-over, then looked at Alice. More precisely, Alice's waist... "Mmm... Yeah, this thing... Isn't really my style, y'know? But hey, maybe you could use it, Al? More belts mean you can carry more of those elkimical thingydoodads, right?" She stated, putting the belt back down.

Finally, Brandy picked up the tiny ring and stared at it. Like, really, really, really stared at it. For a country-bumpkin who'd lived her entire life on a farm, she'd probably never seen an actual gold ring, let alone one studded with precious stones. It was very clear that she was fascinated by it. ... And probably wanted it too. But, contrary to what one would have guessed, the satyr put it back down and slipped it into the bag with the silver coins. She did however forcefully grab onto the misplaced dress inside the chest and pull it out.

"Wha-wh-what!? The heck? What's something this cute and gorgeous doin' in a crummy place like this!? No! This is just wrong! Why does Breasthook get to have a cute outfit like this lying around? No fair! Nope, not one bit! Thatä's it! I'm taking this! Bad guys don't get to have nice things." She huffed, trying to sound seriuous and valiant, but failing spectracularly since her eyes were a-sparkle and she had a big, goofy smile and blushy cheeks...


Once the loot had been scooped up and the girls had made sure that there were no more important things around - aside form the knocked-over scrolls and books from Vreznok's make-shift coffin-table, the time had come to leave. The two zombified ghouls were now lying still and quiet, with big, gaping holes burnt through their torsos. Chances were, they weren't going to be moving anytime soon... Like, ever... Well and truly dead, in every sense of the word.

Leaving the crypt behind, they exited the necromancer's lair and stepped back out into the cemetery. Fortunately, not too much time seemed to have passed and there was still daylight left. Now, all taht remained was to go knock on Vincent's door, show him the captured gnome, explain and then head back to Gnarlton to report their success. Indeed, this was all in the bag. Well, sort ofö. Vreznok seemed to have recovered from his family-jewel-shattering pain and was now loudly and wildly protesting against his current state of being. Muffled swears and growls, coupled with shaking and squirming to make as much of a nuisance of himself as possible to transport and bring along...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

With the loot scooped and the boots scootin', Alice would lead our intrepid party into the daylight and off to Victor's house. Sofia would carry the wriggling gnome, while also making absolutely sure that he couldn't use his hands or mouth to cast any spells. Alice was happy that, at the very least, Brandy had gotten a nice dress out of everything. They'd have to get the rest of the stuff identified back in town though, and hopefully that would be cheap enough.

Alice would handle smooth-talking Victor, needing him to sign off on the job completed. Which he'd do, after having Vreznok taste the back of his shovel for the trouble he caused. "Took ya long enough ta' get 'im! Now git!" Victor shouted, running them off despite the job being completed fairly well. ...Not to mention, Alice had managed to smoothly pin the broken lock on Vreznok, who was now unconscious and gagged, slung over Sofia's shoulder like a rucksack.

Alice couldn't hide her tail wagging like crazy. "We did it ladies...a real adventure!" she said, enthusiastic as she skipped along the road back to Gnarlton. If they kept this pace, they'd get back by sunset and with time to check into an inn.

Sofia smirked. "Even if our first human foe was just a gnome with a bad attitude and zero skill with women, I feel...proud. As should you, Brandy. You charged in with such bravery, in spite of the danger!" Alice nodded in agreement, remembering Brandy's stampeded that distracted Vreznok long enough for her to make a plan.

They'd return, proving at least some of their worth to the jaded guild manager of Gnarlton by bringing in a necromancer alive, along with some of his loot.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
Avatar of Xaltwind

Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

After having received the signature of Vincent the Toad-faced hunchback, the party was on their way. Though not before Brandy having had a bit of a laugh at Vreznok getting smacked by a shovel, obviously. The trip back to Gnarlton was largely uneventful, with the only real points of interest being the little satyr singing the praises of her two companions, showering them with praise for their skill, smarts and battle-prowess. She was very excited to brag about them, to them, even thouygh they were both present and were very aware of what the other had done... But apparently some people like to re-tell things that just hhappned to people who were present when said things happened... It's a strange thing.

Of note also was that the satyress would repeatedly massage her chest during the walk. Or, to be more precise, the boobie that got struck by one of the wicked gnome's magic missiles. Apparently it had done more damage and was more of a constant source of discomfort than originally believed. Understandable, of course. Brandy had never been hit by harmful magic before, and while she had a well-toned body from years working at a farm, she wasn't exactly a burly mountain of a woman who could shrug off pain as if it was just some drops of rain. While this wasn't an issue so long as they were on the road outside of town, it quickly become a head-turning action once they were back inside the walls of Gnarlton. Brandy didn't seem to notice though. Or she didn't mind. Or both, given that it was her.

Returning to the Gnarlton Guild Hall of G.O.R.E, the chain-smoking receptionist raised an eyebrow and shot the girls a questioning smirk when they came waltzing in, carrying a hogtied, partially naked gnome with them. After a bit of explaining - mostly by Alice and Sofia - and a bit of waiting for the guards to show up, things eventually calmed down. Witness testimonies and recounting of events were done, with Brandy's version being the least useful sa it was full of verbalized sound-effects and nonsense... But as all three of the girls' stories matched up, and with the validated slip from their client, the guards eventually hauled the little wretch of a necromancer off to the local jail.

The old crone with the hoarse voice gave the young ladies a snarky compliment, but did offer some genuine advice on where they could go if they needed to have some of their 'spoils' looked over. Apparently the guards didn't mind the girls keeping the equipment of Vreznok as their own, given that any possessions of criminals were forfeit anyway. The old receptionist-lady suggested the trio visit a shop called the 'Bubbling Cauldron', a sort of a mystic curio-shoppe with a proclivity for dealing in lesser magic trinkets and baubles. The proprietor there was apparently a mage and could probably identify or suss out the properties of any enchanted loot they might have scraped together.

"Thanks, gran! We'll defs go check it out, right girls?" Brandy exlcaimed happiyl, shaking the non-cigarette-holding-hand of the old woman.... Who was glaring daggers at the satyr for her remark about the former's apparent age.

The Bubblign Cauldron was located along one of the streets over in the market-district. Actually not too far from where Sofia and Brandy had gone clothes-hunting earlier. It was now a bit into the afternoon, and the three adventurers would need to get a move on, less dusk fall before they could get their precious haul looked over and catalogued properly.
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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With the girls off to the Bubbling Cauldron, it was only a matter of time before their loot could be identified and catalogued. Alice would handle the inventory, given that Sofia was painfully aware of how unlucky she could be...especially after tripping just after they came out of the guild building.

"Alright, so we definitely know the cane has magic, the robe is magic, and...maybe the belt and ring. The dress however, that was probably just there for whatever weird corpse stuff he was doing," Alice explained, getting their loot ready. Sofia would interject with: "I'd very much like to keep the monocle if possible. I feel it completes my elegant ensemble."

The aged man at the counter would get out a scrying glass and make his appraisals and offers for their gear. Magic items in general were a rather rare sort in small humdump bumpkin towns, but here there was even a magic shop. So, hopefully, they could get some coin, haggle, or just get them identified as useful.

The gnome's robe was enchanted with a permanent cleaning enchantment. While practical, it basically meant it was little better than an average robe of mundane make. Very Low Copper sale value.

The dagger was enchanted with Bane of Living, making it more effective against living targets. While that was very broad and applicable, it wasn't a very strong enchantment. It basically meant the knife hurt a lot more than normal. Normal Silver sale value.

The monocle as it turned out was capable of using a zooming function, enhancing the user's eyesight temporarily to see great distances. Low Copper sale value.

The gold ring encrusted with onyx was identified as being of dwarven make, with a minor protective charm on it that shielded the user from a small bit of damage. Normal Silver sale value.

The belt had proven rather interesting, since it was enchanted with "Ghostly Step", a usable spell that allowed the user to become intangible for a minute once per day. Definitely the most valuable find. Low Gold sale value.

The staff was identified as shooting magic missiles for free if the user knew how...which, sadly, our group of heroes had no clue how to magically missile folks. Just beat them over the head and shoot them. High Copper sale value.

The group was free to take the generous offers for any of the items in question, with Alice and Sofia agreeing that the staff and robe were mildly useless to them all. "What do you think, Brandy? Any of the items that you want to use yourself," Alice asked while her tail slowly wagged behind her. It was kind of impressive that they had found a decently good item from Vreznok's loot...and even more impressive that the gnome had been caught so unaware he couldn't use that fancy belt.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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After rubbing her nose a bit and looking over their haul, laying sprawkled out on the counter, Brandy eventually pulled up the cute (but most definetely unsanitary) dress.

"So, old timer! What's this one do?" Brandy asked excitedly, apparently having forgotten all about Alice's previous explanation.
"That..." The old clerk stated, while taking his scrying glass and giving the garment a once-over. "... is a completely mundane dress." He stated, matter-of-factly.
"Y-you sure? It's not got some kinda wacky, super-awesome and 'totes useful magicky-sauce in it?"
"Afraid not, miss." The dryas-dry wall-shop attendant stated, not seeming to be in the mood to make idle chatter with his customers.
"Aww... That's a bummer." Brandy said with a slight pout, looking down at the dress while her ears drooped. After hearing Alice ask if she wanted any of the stuff though, the satyress started intently at all their booty. And Alice's and Sofia's booties... For some reason... Before finally plucking the snazzy ring. "This one! The old guy said it had some magic to make things hurt you less, yeah? So if I have this, those magic balls that the short-stuff was firing off wouldn't hurt so bad, right?" It was amazing. Brandy actually understood what a magical enchantment did? Perhaps there was hope yet.

As for the rest of their collection, she seemed indifferent, suggesting only that Sofia keep the monocle because it looked cool
on her, and suggesting that Alice keep the robe for use as a washcloth or cleaning rag.

Interestingly, with the money they'd make if nobody else in their group would want to keep any other items, the girls could probably afford some neat and handy new gear! Perhaps not a full, decked-out set of armor and weapons with mystic enchantments that would make any reincarnated hero from another world green with envy, but at least they would be able to pick up some cool new stuff... Like maybe a weapon that was more than a wooden club with metal spikes in it for Brandy? Or a bigger potion bag for Alice? Or a larger quiver for Sofia? Or sexy new underwear!?! The possibilities were endboobs... Err, I mean, endless! Also, Brandy had started meandering about the shop, looking at all the odds and bobs around, laughing when she saw a minitaure gargoyle statuette and being confused by a wooden rubic's cube-like puzzle-doodad.

It seemed that, as far as she was concerned, their business here was all but done. Only thing left was to finalize sales and get on with what remained of the day.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Well...at least it was a pretty dress! That made it exceptional, at least to Brandy in a way. Also, Alice and Sofia were super noticing the boob stares. "W-Well, given your lack of armor, it makes sense that you take the ring," Sofia said, feeling a touch awkward, enough so to adjust her quiver's sheathe to hide her cleavage a bit.

Still, it wasn't a bad haul, and with the silver pieces they'd received as well as the pawnable gear, they at least had a smidgeon of money to spend on more equipment. In some ways, they might have picked the best job for their skills: Low overall risk and time investment for a surprisingly rich reward. Alice would look over their money while the three recouped for a moment, folding her arms. "Well, it isn't quite enough to get any useful enchanted items, but maybe we could at least get Brandy a new weapon. You're already super handy with that club, so...maybe a mace? Oh, and some armor might do you some good as well."

Sofia would nod in agreement, seeing what they could find at the local smithy before splurging on any minor enchanted goods. The older blacksmith was a rather large man, his hair graying a bit...or maybe the only black parts of his hair were from ash. He seemed hard at work banging out a piece for repairs before he saw the three waiting at the counter. "Ah, pardon the wait ma'ams. I get a little too into my work sometimes. What can I get for you ladies today?"

Sofia would adjust her new monocle and say: "My fellow adventurers would like to purchase some equipment from your fine establishment. Do you have any blunt weapons? And armor in um..." she cast a glance at Brandy's bosom, saying: "...'Farm girl' size?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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After a bit of teasing from Brandy, especially where Sofia and her shyness was concerned, the satyress followed the other two girls out of the Bubbling Cauldron. On their way, she was obviously very excited about her new ring, almost never taking her eyes off of it as they walked... Which led to no isolated incidents of bumping into strangers and verbal exchanges of the insulting variety following. The only time she did look away from her new prize was when there was something new and exciting to stand on - like a street-side food stall - or when she was conversing with the other two girls.

Upon reaching the blacksmith though, Brandy's bright aura of excitement dimmed a bit. It appeared the bouncy bombshell wasn't a fan of the smokey, dirtty and dim atomosphere of the smithy. It might also have something to do with the complete and absolute lack of anything cute or stylish, being on display. Utilitarian and functional arms and equipment were all well and good, but they certainly wasn't going to win any awards for fashion or aesthetics - two of Brandy's most beloved facets.

The burly blacksmith seemed friendly enough though, more-so than the old clerk over at the magic shop at least. Hearing the request from the undead archer, he raised an eyebrow in a quizzical mattter.

"Farm girl.... Size....?"
"Uh, yeah! That'd be me, chuckles." Brandy said, popping out from behind Sofia and striking an unnecessarily sultry pose by placing one leg forward, her hands behind her head and giving the man a wink and winning smile.
"Ah... I see. You girls adventurers then I take it? Doesn't look like you've been at it for too long, judging by... Well... The lack of scars and your, ahem, frugal equipment." The grey-bearded one said with a cheeky, but not illmeant, smirk.
"Hey! Some of us just happen to be picky about what we wear, muscles. Not everyone can pull off the greasy, soot-smudged apron-look y'know?" Brandy retorted.
"Hah! Ain't that the truth. Still, can't say I have something on hand that'd fit this little lady's... Physique Well, nothing great anyway. I got some loose breastplates with strap-fasteners and a cuirass or two that might work, but they all mighgt be a bit tight.".
"You sayin'¨I'm fat, you jerk!?"
"Ya certainly got some meat on those bones." The man laughed.
"... Dick." Brandy said while sticking out her tongue and turning around in a harumph.
"Really though. You girls might wanna invest in a shield or perhaps some better weapons instead. None of ya exactly strike me as the steel-clad warrior who wades into the fray. I got some bucklers and smaller shields over on that wall. And if you're looking to replace that wooden stick, I've got maces annd morning stars over in the corner next to the axes and hatchets. Have a look."

Brandy was however too busy sulking and grabbing at her own waistline, attempting to catch any excess flab there, to even hear what the man had to say. Normally she wouldn't care about negative comments about her appearance, but this was more a natural reaction that - for some reason - a lot of women seemed to have when their weight was commented upon. Needless to say, she was distracted for the time being.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Seeing as how the blacksmith had a fair point about their gear, Alice and Sofia would take it upon themselves to drag Brandy away for some weapon shopping so she could get off the focus on her weight. Nothing livened a girl up like weapon shopping! That was totally what ordinary girls did for recreation, right?

In the process of finding especially deadly looking weapons that they could handle, Alice would grab a small circular shield and a shortsword, seeing as she already carried a lot of junk and wanted something that could fit easily into her inventory of seemingly endless bag space. Sofia was mostly fine, but did settle on buying a dagger in case of them needing one...and also to lick it menacingly. When it came to helping Brandy shop, Alice was mainly looking at the blunt instruments on sale. Clubs, maces, blackjacks...even a couple of quarterstaffs of simple make. It wouldn't be good for either of Brandy's friends to assume what kind of weight she wanted on her weapon.

Alice would hold up a greatclub, tail wagging as she held the ginormous stick. "M-Maybe this one?" she asked, having to hold back the urge to drool, dog instincts in full effect as she eyed the chest-sized club.

Sofia would shake her head, holding up a simple spiked club. "I think it would be best for her to stick to something of similar weight. A mace might be a touch too heavy for her to hit as well as she normally does...besides, maybe a shield could be useful for Brandy as well," the Revenant said, eyeing a buckler on the wall. "Perhaps, something where you can quickly deflect a blow and smash someone's head in?"

Alice would be of no help, hugging the greatclub and rubbing her cheek against it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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Brandy followed her friends on over to the shelve and counters and barrels and boxes full of tools'n weapons. Still a bit pouty about having been called a fatty, she and her ears were somewhat slouched and distracted initially. But thanks to the prodding and enthusiasm of her werewolf and unliving companions, her mood eventually took a turn for its usual bubbly, cheerful self.

Looking over the selection, the tanned satyress marvelled. At the sight of so many blunt instruments meant for bashing in skulls, all in one place! Who needed this many bludgeons anyway!? Was the market for bone-crushing utensils of war so demanding that you seriously needed to cover an entire interior wall in row upon row of them? And what'äs with the ones in barrels? What, there's a discount on face-smashing clobberers now? Buy one, get one free?! Brandy couldn't help but have such thoughts run through her mind as she stared at the many weapons laid out before her eyes.

Then she quickly snapped back to reality, upon having heard Alice's voice.

Looking over at what the werewolf had suggested, Brandy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow... And have a naughty smirk sprad across her lips.

"Oh-ho~? Alice, you like your thick sticks, huh? Maa-haa-haa~!" Subtle as a refrigerator, as usual. When she heard Sofia pipe up though, she turned away from the slobbering she-wolf and inspected the club-like... Club... That was offered as a suggestion. "Hmm, but this thingy-muh-bob isn't all that different from the beatin' stick I alrady got, yeah? Maybe I should try one of these out and see how it feels when I grab onto it!" Brandy stated, already moving to grab one of the malicious maces of mayhem from the otherwise mundane monitor upon which it had been meditating peacefully prior.

She got a hold of a flanged mace. And with reckless abandon, and no concern for anyone or anything else in her vicinity, began to take wild, wide swings and sweeps with the thing, caushing loud 'woosh'ing noises as she carelessly played around with it. Howeve,r she didn't keep at it for long, soon putting it back onto its original spot on the shelves.

"That one's tooo heavy, and the grip feels off. Felt like it was gonna slip outta my hand every time I took a swing. Ooh, this one!"She mused, before sighting her next prize. A morning star.

Swoop! Woosh! Zoosh!

Slow, menacing motions had the large, solid metal ball on a stick which was also covered in spikes of no llaughing matter to sail through the air. At one point, the sheer weight of the weapon nearly caued the playful satyr to make a full 360 rotation due to the force of the heavy-duty bludgeon. Twitching her nose and ears, she hung it back on the wall.

"That one's even worse." She complained, as if it were the wwapon's fault that it was heavy and not her own for having picked it out.

This pattern repeated a few more times, with the conclusion being that theere was always something slightly off or wrong with the pick. Eventually though, Brandy found herself a peculiar find. A mace with the head shaped like a skull, covered in bronze. The overall length was just slightly larger than Brandy's existing spiked club, and the satyress snatched it up quick. After a few swings, her ears were flitting happilly and she had a big, goofy smile on her lips, like a kid who just found a surprisingly fun toy.

"I like this one! It's all doom and groar and cool and skull-y!" She said... trying her best to describe the various meritorial parts and aspects of her newfound treasure... As we can all see, it did not sound particuolarly eloquent.

Bouncing over the the register, she slammed the metal death-stick onto the wooden counter top and pointed at it triumphantly.

"Hey, greasy pld guy! I want this one."
"Greasy ol-- ... Right, I see. Wait, ya picked that one?"
"Yeah! It's 'totes ma-goats co9l, and it swings really well too. Kinda reminds me of my old weapon, yeah?"
"Ya mean that toothpick with nails ya got strapped to your hip?"
"Shuddup! Anyway, how much is this one?"
"Hm.. That one's a bit special... It was custom order, tailor-made for another client but... Well, he never showed up to collect it. Or pay for it either, for that matter. Honestly, the damn thing's so ugly and awkward, I was strting to think I'd never sell it."
"You sayin' my new weapon's ugly? Try looking in a mirror, shaggy."
"Hah! Right you are, lil' one. Right, tell ya what, since I like yer moxy, I'll give ya it for half-price."
"Wh-wha-wha-what's this!? You finally fallen for my charms and realized a beauty like me deserves adiscount~?"
"Sure... let's go with that."

Thus, Brandy proceeded to pay for her weapon at a vastly lowered market price.Which was lucky, as now there was more coin left to spend on other things! Like, underwear! And booze! And booze-filled underwerar! ... Wait... No. Scratch that last one. Regardless! With her new armament in hand, Brandy held it up, accompanied inb her head by a fanfare going 'oo-doo-dee-doooooo~!', kinda akin to how a certain green-hooded elf-boy from a very successful game-franchise discovers treasures in dungeon chests... After she was done staring at it, the young farm girl trotted over to Sofia and Alice, who was still rubbing her cheeks on, and drooling all over, the big stick.

"So, I got my thingy, and you guys got yours, yeah? Whaddya wanna do now, girls? Maybe get some eats? Or head up the local bath-house? Oooh, maybe there's a place we can eat and bathe at the same time? It's the big city after all!" Apparently Brandy's views on what constituted a 'big city' was in dire need of some correcting...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

At being asked whether she liked big thick sticks or not, Alice's face suddenly got serious as she said: "I absolutely love them," and very slowly putting the large blackjack back on the shelf, wiping it free of any drool she might have left on it. "...Can't help it...werewolves are hardwired with dog instincts. Even just going into a woodland I have to control myself a lot to keep from picking up sticks," she complained, embarrassed at her instincts crying out for wood.

When Brandy selected her skull club, Sofia's eyes lit up. "Ooh! That one's exceptionally well-made! And you say the client never...picked it up..." she said, putting two and two together. Tacky skull...fit for a smaller person...client was male and never picked it up...

They just beat up an incredibly suspicious necromancer a while ago. ...It was him! No doubt about it! Well...Sofia supposed that this could be classified as a good deed considering that nobody but a necromancer or someone as "unique" as Brandy would buy that skull bludgeon. And at half price! Sometimes, Sofia had to wonder how the farm girl wound up being both so bad, and so good with people.

Walking out of there with some basic but good weapons and minor armaments like Alice's small shield. "I don't think there's a bathhouse slash restaurant, but there is definitely a bathhouse. I could use a long soak after that swamp..." Alice said, tail wagging as she turned to the street where the bathhouse was. Sofia would nod in agreement, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "A beautiful group of lady adventurers does need a good place to clean themselves up, after all."

With that at least somewhat decided, it was time for the filler episode of the narrative wherein jubblies would be grabbed and a revenant would somehow get in the water for hours without bloating. Wet dog and wet goat smells weren't so bad when you were undead so...who really cared about the realism of a corpse bathing?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Becoming very excited about the prospect of a bath, Brandy made sure to make it known just how much she was looking forward to it. Grabbing both Alice and Sofia's arms, she forcefully pulled the two other girls along - dspite having no idea where the actual baths were located - and headed off into the... Well, the sun wasn't setting yet, but it was still very end-of-the-episode-y and stuff! After ALice managed to calm the satyr down though, they could actually make their way to their intended destination and get on with things, rather than running around Gnarlton in a silly manner.

The bath was nice and uneventful - with the exception of Brandy strutting and flaunting her stuff, and getting very close to and grabby with the other two girls, insisting she help them get washed. After their soak, they were treated to some nice fruit milk, which was drunk with one hand holding the bottle, the other hand on their hip and a towel wrapped around them, for censorship-purposes. After this very extenisvely over-used trope-scene was done, their visist at the local bathhouse concluded.

"MMmmmmmmm! Tat was so great! We should 'totes come back ehre and do this again, yeah?" Brandy said, all smiles and almost glowing from how squeaky clean she was. "So, now we go get some grub, right? I could eat a whole barrel of stuff, y'know? A growing girl needs her calories after all, maa-haa-haa~!"

Luckily, not too far form the baths weas a decent inn. The Silver Fork. Despite it's fancy name, it was actually an affordable and rather pleasant establishment. And when the girls walked by it, Brandy more or less forced the werewolf and undead to go inside, not seeming to want to take no for answer. Once inside, the place was... Cozy... Home-y. There were a few other aptrons, but there were still tables free, though with dinner-time and night quickly approaching, those spots would fill up fast.

The innkeeper, a fairly plain-looking human woman in her early 40s, met and greeted the girls, urging them to come inside. After the usualy small-talk about who they were, where they'd come from and what they did for a living, the savvy woman provided them with the day's menu and told them to call her over once they were done deciding. She also mentioned that, should adventurers like them need it, there were rooms vacant for renting.

"Alright ladies, let's celebrate our first big adventure! We gotta live it up tonight, yeah! MA'AM! Can I get a big bowl of your vegetable soup and a bread basket! Nnd don't skimp on the butter, 'kay?" Brandy stated and called out - at leaast her own order. Sadly, the vegetarian manu at the Silvöer Fork was a bit... Lacking... And while Brandy certainly could try something with meat, she'd rather not if she could help it. "Oh! And I want a really big mug of mead too!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"I'd love to come back for a bath sometime!" Alice said, twice as floofy after her bath and drying off.

"Mm. Once we nail bigger quest contracts, why, we could construct a bath house of our own," Sofia said, her delusions of grandeur also translating to finances, it seemed.

When it came to the partying at hand, Brandy might be startled to find that Alice, the well-mannered intelligent alchemist, was...an absolute fucking party animal. With a platter of meat to her right and seven full mugs of ale to her left, she was slamming back drinks and eating meat like a true carnivore. "Dish plache ish great!" Alice slurred, tail going ballistic. It wouldn't be long until she ditched her apron and was slinging it around in one hand, knocking back enough ale to kill a grown man while the tavern screamed: "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

Sofia would, contrastingly, look like a well-mannered lady and sip on a glass of cheap wine while dining on a personal plate of pudding. She'd do her best to avoid eye contact with Alice, who at this point, had knocked five men out in drinking contests. "...Erm...Brandy...has Alice always been so...free-spirited?" she'd ask, while Alice was raking in copper and silver from her drinking contest. ...At least their tab would cover itself.

"Brandyyyy~!" Alice said, slumping back over to the table and laid down, jubblie bits smooshed on the table as she looked up at her satyr friend. "I gotta...hic...make you some of my special mead sometime! Its got hic honey, and...and good stuff!"

...Yeah, her friend was fucking wasted.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Things were developing most interestingly. The usual prim and proper ALice had turned into Party Girl #1, while the dramatic and theatrical Sofia had become a dainty and quiet, well-mannered lady. Brandy, the noisiest and most rambuctious however, somehow managed to remain the moderate inbetween of both the others. While one might have expected her to slam down tankard after tankard, get up mon a table and start dancing while undressing and singing vulgar songs of a raunchy nature not fit to be written out, lest the ESB board get involved, she actually somehow managed to remain... Normal?

While Alice chugged down mug after mug of alcohol and had herself join in drinking contests, and get noticeably drunk, Brandy remained even-paced and restrained. Sure, she was drinking far more than Sofia, but she interspersed her drinking with eating food, in particular bread, and while she was definetely showing signs of flushed cheeks and intoxication, she wasn't slurry or incoherent in her speech, nor wobbly or googley-eyed. Perhaps the satyr had some natural resistance to alcohol? Or maybe she was just one of those people who knew her own limits and didn't over-indulge since she might want to enjoy the festivities more?

Whatever the case, the little nougat-skinned girl was happy to spur her friend on, shouting 'Chug!' along with the other patrons of the establishment when Alice started downing drink after drink, and squeed in cheerful glee whenever the werewolf finished a tankard. She was also being quite generous with her part of the group's earnings, ordering food and drinks for the entire crowd, getting her many cheers and applause - and a few marriage proposals - from the other guests.

Amidst the chaotic and jovial celebration, a meek Sofia piped up and asked the satyress a question which made the girl laugh in a good-natured and bemused fashion.

"Maa-haa-haa~! Wha'chja talking about, Sofers? Al's always like this, ain't she? When we're walking around outside she's running all over and sniffing the stumps and bushes, yeah? When we're in a fight, she punches 'n kicks the bad guys in the scrote. This just how our Al be, y'know?" Brandy said, with a smug, almost proud, look on her face, as if she was walking about her daughter or a sister or soemthing... Also, Brandy seemed to have a very interesting view on ALice's personality and mannerisms...

"But hey! You needa refill, girl! MA'AM! Get my girl here some sweet mead, 'kay?" Brandy called out, ordering a pint iof sweet honeyed mead for her undead friend, whether she wanted it or not.

Upon being accosted by Alcie and given the proposal of trying one of her super sweet beverages, Brandy's ears twitched happily and she smushed her cheek against Alice's, cuddling the werwolf's face wioth her own.

"Sure! I'd love to try it! I bet'cha it's just as tasty as you~!" Probably a comment about how she'd slurped Alice's cheek back in the forst, though as the other guests weren't aware of that tidbit, a large and elongated 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!' rung out through the bar, followed by clapping, laughing and whistling. And Brandy's laughter.

The merry atmospehre continued for quite a while, until things eventually winding down. Either because guests got so sloshed that they just fell asleep or went unconscious, or hbecause they had to leave. Our girls, eventually, had to make their way out as well. Brandy, havind drunk her fair share of booze, was stull in fairly stabile condition, enough so that she could at least shoulder a certain over-inebriated werewolf. the trio were now walking through the strets of an otherwise quiet and sleepy Gnarlton, heading for a local inn that had been recommended to them by the owner of the tavern.

"Hey Sofers. I forgot to tell ya this, but I'm so glad I get to travel with you'n Al. You're both so strong and cool, and you even let a rookie-cookie like me tag along. You're awesome, you know that right?" Brandy said, smiling kindly as she looked at the undead huntress, while still keeping a mumbling drunk dog-lady upright and on the road. "Whoop, Al! No touchies there! C'mon you lush, maa-haa! We're almost at the inn. You can fondle and grope all you want once we get ya into a bed, yeah?"

Ah, youth.... And ethanol... Lovely combination.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sofia was baffled that somehow Brandy was under the impression that Alice was always a party girl, immediately changing her impression of Alice from "Accomplished alchemic genius" to "reckless party girl". Also, Sofia was more of a wine drinker but wouldn't object to the mead. "T-Thanks," she said before sipping it gingerly.

With Alice's binge drinking satiated and their entire tavern trip somehow paid by the coin of others thanks to her winnings, the trio was now free to go to the inn. And by "they were free to," what actually happened was Sofia having to walk them back since Alice was sloshed and Brandy was...Brandy. Sofia was only the slightest bit inebriated, having called it after a second glass of wine that had come after the mead. Alice however was very handsy, keeping an attempt going to try and hug Brandy that kept having a hand accidentally slip and grab her bosom. "Branddyyyyy...did I win...?" she slurred, tail lazily swishing to and fro before she hiccuped, doubled over by a drain, and promptly puked up a RAINBOW! After which she got back up straight and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief.

Sofia was...understandably rather disgusted, but was very happy to hear Brandy's words. "You've been a stalwart and invaluable companion Brandy. So, don't think that you're a burden. You're headstrong and somewhat misguided at times but...you're very brave as well. Now then, let's get Alice into bed before she paints the street." With some map knowledge from Sofia after her heartfelt praise, the three would find the inn rather easily. Run by a rather kindly looking old dwarf and his wife, they were kind enough to give Alice some water and help her up the stairs, seeing as the werewolf was inches from tumbling down the stairs every step.

Once the two rooms were rented, Sofia would have to leave Alice in Brandy's care since the werewolf insisted: "Brandy said fondles and gropies later..." Which, to the werewolf, had somehow become: Pass out on Brandy's bosom because it made a fantastic pillow.

...It also saved 8 copper pieces, and that was a good cost to cut.
1x Laugh Laugh
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