VS Timmy (Part 2)
Mentions: All those present
Interactions: NPC
But what strategy could he use? Iris’s pokemon were pretty strong against his own, and his Psychics didn’t have that much experience over her own. Not to mention the type advantage. Sure he stocked up on revives and potions, but his Pokemon would end up struggling in the end.
Was this it? Checkmate?
Timmy wasn’t sure how he could start making leeway on the Polteageist with a Ralts and a Dottler. Could his Dottler do damage to it? But… he could try a totally different approach instead of just trying to attack the Polteageist, right? Or he could wail on it and hope he got lucky.
He took a breath to calm himself, smacking himself a few times on the cheeks. He couldn’t panic. Being panicked and nervous made him do stupid things, like that Beat Up decision. He just needed to think…
He brought out his Dottler to stay out front. If Timmy had to guess, his Dottler could tank a few hits; more than enough time to heal his Zigzagoon. This was assuming Iris didn't land a critical on him, but what were the odds of that happening?
“Okay Dr. Dice, use Solar beam and dodge as many attacks as you can.” He instructed his Pokemon as he grabbed a potion from his bag and brought out his Zigzagoon first to heal him.
Polteageist had already been ready to use Mega Drain again to put Nickit out of its misery, but to Iris’s pleasant surprise, the fight wasn’t over just yet. Or at least, Timmy seemed to actually think of a smart move. The Mega Drain barely did anything to the Dottler, and in return, Dottler was setting up a solar beam in retaliation.
Iris tried to shout for Polteageist to dodge, but her words didn’t make it in time, and her Lovely was hit by the attack directly front and center. The attack itself did significant damage to her Pokemon; so much so, that her Polteageist let out a soft cry before fainting to the ground.
The mother inside Iris was distressed seeing her baby fall, but she brought the Pokemon back into its Pokeball for some rest.
“You did wonderfully, my dear.” She quietly praised the Polteageist before putting the ball back on her belt, looking back at Timmy. “It seems you’ve gotten over your nerves, but the fight isn’t over yet.”
Iris grabbed her second ball and tossed it out to reveal Misdreavus, who broke out of the ball with a battle cry of her own.
Timmy, meanwhile, almost forgot about the Zigzagoon in his happiness. “Way to go Dr. Dice! Nice hit!” He cheered, earning what looked like a smile from the Dottler.
Now Iris was in a disadvantage. She was sure her opponent was healing the Zigzagoon up to start doing bait and switch techniques, but when he had under experienced Pokemon, the type advantage wouldn’t do much to help. Maybe tank some of the attacks, but not much else.
“Sweetheart, try using Confusion.” She instructed her Pokemon.
Timmy seemed finished with healing the Zigzagoon, and so he, more confidently, gave directions. “Dr. Dice, Solar Beam again!”
Thanks to Misdreavus’s quickness, she was able to completely outspeed the Dottler and flashed a white ball with colorful prisms surrounding it at the opponent. Though the Dottler took some damage from it, Misdreavus wasn’t able to land the confusion.
Once more, the beam was charged until it shot at the other Pokemon. Though she tried to dodge, Misdreavus was hit by the attack for about a third of her health.
Iris’s lips tightened a bit into a straight line; Timmy seemed to have evened the playing field thanks to that Dottler. It was a gamble, but Iris was willing to bet money that Timmy didn’t think far ahead enough to buy status restores. If he managed to bring her two very under experienced Pokemon, then he might have overlooked (or couldn’t afford) other potions. She would have to risk it, for her and her Pokemon’s sake.
“Use Confusion again, Sweetheart. I know you can do it.” Iris gave her Pokemon some petting for encouragement, which Sweetheart enjoyed greatly.
Timmy, seeing that the technique wasn’t broken, decided not to fix it. He told Dr. Dice to pull off another Solar Beam.
Misdreavus was able to outspeed the Dottler no problem. She released another white ball with colorful prisms flashing next to it. This time, the confusion hit, and Dottler was left looking around like it had no idea what was going on. Dr. Dice tried to follow his trainer’s directions, but ended up hitting himself in confusion.
Timmy’s face seemed to change from confident to panic again when he realized he’d stocked up on potions and revives, but he didn’t recall ever buying any status restores… Did the Wedgehurst store even sell status restores!?
But, before he could lose himself again and make bad decisions, he had an idea. He didn’t want to risk Dynamaxing Dr. Dice only for his Pokemon to waste a turn hitting himself because of confusion. Though Zigzagoon was healed up at first to work as a bait and switch... what if he dynamaxed the Zigzagoon instead? He could probably take out one of Iris’s Pokemon with it, couldn’t he?
So, with this in mind, he recalled Dottler into his Pokeball and grabbed Zigzagoon’s ball. The warmth of the Dynamax bracelet’s power was heating his wrist. If he could just not miss an attack, he should be fine to take her down! The Ghost badge would be his!
However, before Timmy could perform his super awesome and cool Dynamax pose he practiced so hard on, the match would, unfortunately, be interrupted.