"You either prove you're worth a damn or you get cast aside. How it works everywhere...My ship is no different."
Name: Kura (his people possess no last name, usually simply being referred to as 'Son of [blank]' or 'Daughter of [blank]', typically referencing their father; in his case, he is the Son of Cardon)
Nicknames/Titles: Captain, The Starblade (by some very extra wanted posters)
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Ship Role: Captain
Race: Saiyan - A warrior race of very human-like aliens, naturally powerful and almost innately ruthless. They are also known for their innate ability to manipulate Chi, the lifeforce of living things, to a variety of degrees; usually in methods made to help them fight and kill people. They are also capable of transforming into giant apes under the light of a full moon, drastically increasing their strength...Though at a loss of self-control. At least, for those Saiyans who possess tails. Which sadly, Captain Kura does not.
Personality: If you've ever met one of his people, you'd probably say he didn't fall far from the tree....Though he's still a fair bit different. He can be brutal at times, and when he's pissed off, you'd be wise to steer clear. Still, he's far more collected than the average Saiyan, and he's...Well, calling him sociable might be a stretch, but can converse well enough, and unlike some of his kin, is actually willing to do it. Usually...
Underneath that brash and prickly exterior, however, lies a...Slightly noble soul, at least. He won't tolerate any authority figures and is a natural rebel, which also leads to him siding with the underdogs, so to speak. If no one else will stand up for someone, there's a decent chance Kura might; why he's like this is up to anyone's guess, but at the very least, it's clear the Captain knows a little bit of chivalry, which can't go unappreciated from a man of his position.
Biography: The Captain's history? You wanna know? Heh, that's rich....For a ragtag lot he's scrounged together in the span of a few months, it'll be longer than that before you find out much from him. All you need to know is he's the Captain of The Star-Breakers, and of their totally legal and not stolen in the slightest ship, the Galatea. In the short time you all have come to know him, he's proven an extremely reliable, if quite strict, leader. But now, with a new big mission on the horizon, it will be time to see just how well this team can hold together....
- Chi Manipulation: Like any Saiyan worth their salt, Kura can manipulate his Chi, using it to increase his already impressive raw strength, create blasts of energy, fly, and even defend himself...Though this is the standard fare. While it's a powerful tool to have at your disposal, it's not a limitless resource, and extensively pushing it will lead to hasty exhaustion or even death in extreme circumstances. As such, he uses it lightly, and only when necessary.
- Swordsmanship: Kura is very proficient with his sword, and could out-duel any old schmuck even without the potential advantages granted to him by his Chi. But between his innate abilities and his impressive skill with the blade, he's a force to be reckoned with in melee combat.
- Jack-Of-All Trades: Kura's had a lot of time to learn to become self-sufficient, and although it's far more tolerable with a proper crew, he knows all the ins and outs required to run a ship regardless, and even stuff outside of that; baseline knowledge of engineering and navigation, a bit of...Let's call it hands-on medical and surgical know-how, and more. He's got a lot of surface-level skills that've helped him out over the years, but it pays to have a pro on deck....
- Charisma: While you wouldn't guess it interacting with him in a normal setting, when Kura wants, he can really crank on the charm; especially useful given he's the guy usually talking through deals and being a 'face' for the crew, so to speak.
- Wrathful State: His people are normally able to transform into Giant Apes under the light of a full moon (or even an artificial moon if necessary), but due to Kura lacking a tail, he cannot do this. However, he figured out a work-around...Turns out nothing is stopping his people from accessing the raw strength and fury of their beastly forms even in their human state, though it took him a hella long time to get it to work. The bright side? Since he doesn't have a tail, the moon has no effect on him. The downside? This 'Wrathful State', as it were, is just as wild as a normal Giant Ape, so getting Kura to cool down after he uses it is...Problematic. As such, this is something big he keeps in his pocket for major situations.
- Katchin Blade: A katana-like blade made from a cold black metal, it is unusually heavy for its size, completely unwieldy for most people. Luckily, Kura isn't most people. He wields it as naturally as one could swing a wooden sword, and the material it is made from is quite unique, possessing a reflective property to it, allowing it to deflect lasers and smaller blasts of energy with ease. Useful when you're getting shot at more often than not.
- Universal Translator Implant: Sadly, doing business with all sorts of people is pretty damn tricky when they're all talking different nonsense; good thing he got this a ways back then. A translator implant on Kura's neck allows him to understand nearly any alien language spoken around him...Though it doesn't help with writing and the like.
Other: Kura stands at 6'2 ft. and weighs in at around 190 lbs., most of which being muscle.
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