Here's my CS, submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society...
Gabriel 🐲 Vasquez
🔴Color - RED
🔴Age - 17
🔴Face Claim –

🔴Personality – tormented, stoic, reckless, observant, self-aware
🔴Skills – Gabe is a skilled brawler but has no proper training. He’s good with tools, tries and mostly fails to work on cars, and struggles to care about school. Having been in trouble more frequently in recent years he’s become quite the escape artist having escaped the authorities on multiple occasions and running from juvenile detention centers in Stone Canyon.
🐲Background/Brief Bio –
Gabe is the son of a successful Spanish doctor and surgeon, and his mother is more of a spiritual hippy type always talking about being one with the universe. He was the second child coming in three years after his older sister, who Gabe lost in an automobile accident years earlier when they stole their parents’ car for a joyride. It completely broke their mother and she quit her job and began studying spirituality and different types of meditation and religious practices to cope. The father focused on his job and grew distant from his wife and son, and the survivor’s guilt that Gabe carried turned him into a reckless douchebag. The troubled teen became addicted to the adrenaline rush he got from getting into fights, bucking authority, and stealing cars. After his last stint in juvenile detention in Stone Canyon, he was told by the counselors if he makes one more mistake he’ll go to trial as an adult and serve actual jail time.
It was Dr. Oliver connecting with the young man that really changed his outlook. The former Ranger saw something in the kid that reminded him of himself at a younger age. In time, Gabe will deal with his demons with the help of his new friends and teammates.
🔴Villain of Choice – DEADWOOD: I’m a sucker for anything with plant powers… plus this guy can phase through stuff like a ghost. How badass is that?!? Slab some cybernetic implants on him and let’s reuse this guy ASAP…

🐲Notes – Just to be clear, I never meant for anyone to really be a team leader or over anyone else in the context of the story. We’re all on the same team, but we’re not as close knit and nowhere close to a unit.
🐲Sample Post –
Gabriel didn’t wear the nice clothes his parents provided for him. Looking like a model in a clothing advertisement wasn’t in his wheelhouse. The ripped and dirtied jeans and t shirts he wore on weekends were much more comfortable and matched the minor cuts and bruises he sported. And his grandfather’s red flannel jacket was always near him. He looked like he belonged in a garage; he just didn’t have the smarts to do it full time. And the young man was too stubborn to let anyone teach him. He insisted on doing everything on his own, not trying to be the privileged douche that people expected him to be. Gabe was most definitely a delinquent; he just kept to himself was all. He didn’t care for the Angel Grove High School football team or the cheerleaders who loved his hair.
“Can I run my fingers through your hair, Gabriel? Just once?” a young girl asked wearing an Angel Grove High cheerleading uniform at the desk behind Gabe.
“No.” he said very bluntly.
He had just got back from a three month stint in juvenile detention in Stone Canyon for joy riding in a stolen golf cart. Gabriel came into the school year late, winter was fast approaching, and the last time somebody had their hand in his hair was in a pretty intense fight in the cafeteria at the detention center. Around this many people his own age he was on edge. There was always somebody gunning for him in the detention centers because they thought there was something to gain in bullying the son of a successful doctor. Originally he had only been sentenced to a month at juvie and twenty-five hours of community service, but after multiple fights it was extended to three months and some change. This was the last class of the day. He couldn’t even be bothered to remember the girl’s name behind him. She and Gabriel had went to school together and had classes together for the last several years, her name was Beth. Her on-again off-again boyfriend Timothy was two rows of desks to the left of them didn’t seem amused.
“Pleeeeeease.” She insisted.
“You don’t wanna touch his hair, babe. He’s probably got fleas!” Timothy joked.
Just before the bell rang she went for it. Gabriel heard her talking under her breath and grabbed her hand as he quickly turned.
“Don’t. Touch. Me.” Gabe said getting loud.
“Gabriel’s getting handsy with cheerleaders, Mr. Cranston!” Timothy yelled, knowing it was a lie.
“Mister Vasquez…” the older Billy Cranston began to say before Gabe released the girl’s hand.
The bell rang, and Gabe grabbed his red flannel jacket and backpack and was the first student out the door. He was so quick to get out as fast as he could that he walked directly into Dr. Oliver and dropped his backpack.
“Where’s the fire?” Oliver asked as the kid picked up his things and hurried off.