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The National Office for Variant Affairs, more commonly referred to as N.O.V.A., is a government agency that deals with Variants involving everything from public relations to legal issues to scientific research. The agency for the most part is quite professional, though, over the years, corruption has started to make its way through the system at various levels.
Variant Types and Danger Levels
N.O.V.A. uses a system to classify Variants based on their specific abilities and also by the potential threat to society that those abilities pose. This does not necessarily take into account the notoriety of a Variant, but an especially aggressive or abusive Variant may have a higher danger level than normal (if he/she has been identified).
Danger Levels
Class 1 - Low (oh please...are you even a Variant?)
Variant poses no threat to others; usually possesses low level enhancement or alteration abilities; abilities may even be inherently beneficial
Class 2 - Mild (yeah, that guy kinda bothers me a bit...)
Variant may be a minimal threat to persons in close proximity if abilities are abused
Class 3 - Moderate (hey be careful with that, ok? we don't want any trouble)
Though they may not be an immediate danger, Variant has a high potential to cause damage or harm to others
Class 4 - High (wait...she can do what?!...yeah, we're screwed...)
Variant is an immediate communal threat and individuals within his/her proximity should be on high alert
Class 5 - Extreme (that's ok...we don't need the Earth anyway, right?)
Variant poses a national (or potentially global) danger and should be avoided at all costs; immediate action should be taken to neutralize this threat
Variant Types
Brute - Variant with increased levels of strength and/or durability; he/she may be more difficult to harm or take down
Metamorphic - Variant can change anatomy and/or physiology, either partially or fully; can take human or non-human forms including animal, mineral, energy, or alien
Volatile - Variant has abilities dealing with fire, electricity, plasma, and any other explosive energy/force; includes corrosives
Mentalist - Variant possesses psychic abilities; can control and/or manipulate objects, people, or energy using his/her thoughts
Agile - Variant is prone to quick movements and/or fast/instant travel; he/she may possess increased levels of dexterity
Inhibitor - Variant wields abilities that can weaken and/or hinder others
Augmentor - Variant has the ability to improve the condition of themselves and/or others
Distortionist - Variant is able to alter space-time, intangible concepts, or reality as a whole
Natural - Variant has abilities that utilize and/or affect the natural world and/or animals
Architect - Variant who is able to manipulate, modify, and/or replicate matter and/or energy; some are able to construct tangible objects from energy
One of the primary goals of N.O.V.A. is to identify and register all Variants living within the nation's borders. Variants have no legal obligation to register with N.O.V.A., so, as one would expect, not all Variants are willing to comply with the agency's agenda, whether out of privacy or sheer rebellion. For these reasons, every Variant has a certain level of notoriety with N.O.V.A., whether officially or unofficially.
Indistinct - individuals who have been recognized as Variants but have yet to be identified by N.O.V.A. (usually wear a disguise of some sort)
Watched - Variants who have been identified but have not registered
Wanted - Variants who are known to misuse their abilities and pose a threat to the well-being and quality of life of others; vigilantes operating outside of the law are also considered Wanted as oftentimes their actions can cause collateral damage to people or property
Registered - Variants who have willingly given N.O.V.A. information on their identity and abilities
Noble - Variants who are registered with N.O.V.A. and are licensed to use their abilities for 'altruistic and benevolent practices'
N.O.V.A. employs a task force that is specially trained and equipped to handle Variant criminal activity. M.A.D., which stands for Monitoring, Apprehension, and Detainment, is a fairly recent institution that is being implemented in several major cities. Its members, which included Variants until a rather serious incident caused a policy change, are commonly referred to as MADmen. M.A.D. uses both street cameras and surveillance drones to track suspicious Variant activity. The main facility contains their central command center as well as an armory, garage, and training camp. There are also several smaller satellite 'posts' that are dispersed throughout the city to ensure a wider coverage and quicker response times.
Pariah Underground
The Pariah Underground is a loose network of wayward Variants who have distanced themselves from society. Most Variants in the Underground have abilities that are dangerous, grotesque, or just plain odd. Members usually occupy areas that have little to no human population and some have even gone so far as to actually construct subterranean hideouts. Though some prefer to have little to no contact with the outside world, others take to the streets as vigilantes or even criminals (known as the Scourge). In any case, Variants in the Underground take extensive measures to avoid N.O.V.A. and M.A.D. as much as possible.
Chimera is an underground tech guild that frequently engages in acts of cyber-terrorism. One of the primary goals of Chimera is to infiltrate government systems and the systems of large corporations. Though governments and corporations are their main targets, they will make attacks on citizens quite often. Chimera employs a variety of militant techies including hackers, coders, computer engineers, and even hardcore gamers. For reasons yet to be discerned, Chimera has grown increasingly antagonistic towards Variants in recent times.
The Glorious Alliance
The Glorious Alliance is an assembly of Nobles who work together for the general benefit of society. Members of the Alliance see themselves as altruists trying to better the image of Variant-kind while most other Variants view them as egotistical sellouts and showoffs. Though the Alliance claims to work for free, they have been known to accept 'gifts' and 'donations' from 'supportive citizens'.
The Syndicate
The Syndicate is an extremely well-hidden, power-hungry Variant gang that happens to be infused with a substantial amount of money. As such, they are overly discriminatory about both their member selection and their mode of operation, sticking to high-level crimes involving major organizations and institutions. They usually only work to promote their own agendas but will occasionally collaborate with others if the dealings are beneficial enough -- which is rare, to say the least. Though their funding is near untraceable by conventional means, rumors have arisen that the organization is involved in smuggling and trafficking.
The most ‘unique’ city in America. Vibrant culture, breathtaking architecture, rich history, festivals all year. One of the greatest cities the country has to offer...if you don't plan on staying, that is. Visiting is great; living there is a whole different story. Poverty, crime, and corruption all come to light once the veil is lifted and the allure fades away. The rich enjoy the most opulent of lives, while the poor struggle to keep food on the table. The city's rising crime rates are overwhelming local law enforcement. It's like biting into the most delicious dessert you've ever tasted...only to discover it contained a deadly poison.
Key Districts
Ville Rouge
The oldest part of town which also happens to be the primary cultural hub.
Business District/Midtown
The central urban area of New Haven boasting numerous skyscrapers and several rail lines.

A historical neighborhood filled with mansions on large plantations located just south of Midtown.

Another wealthy district with slightly smaller estates than Vines.

The Shanty
The poor area located near Bywater.

Warehouse District
Trendy and artsy district with converted brick warehouses.

Known for its colorful street murals and has a bohemian vibe.

A broad, predominantly middle-class, and racially diverse district favored by retirees and families.

With its easy access to the waters of Lake Vista, Lakeview has a large sailing and boating community.

Village across the river featuring ancient oaks and tidy Victorian cottages.

New Haven East
Raw and wild district full of marshes and wetlands with very little urban development.

The rural area on the other side of the large river that borders the city.

Most, if not all, computers in the world can access the Grand Global Nexus (G.G.N. or The Nexus). The Nexus is simply a vast computer network that connects several other smaller networks (what would be the ‘Internet’). The most predominant branch of the Nexus is the Transnational Databank (TDB). The TDB is a universally linked system of hypertext documents (what would be the ‘World Wide Web’) that is organized into 'datasites’ which each have a 'datacode’. The TDB is divided into five main sectors: government (001), business (002), education (003), media (004), and general/personal (005). A datacode will look like this:
People can also receive digital mail (d-mail) through the Nexus. A mail command will look like this:
Popular Datasites
Blabbr - a social networking site where users post photos, short video and audio clips, and small blurbs of text
Visage - a social networking site where users create extensive personal profiles to share with others
FriendBridge - a popular communication site used to send text messages and make voice and video calls
Vivify - the top blogging site on the Nexus
Optica - the world's largest video sharing and streaming site
ChainMail - a popular d-mail provider with lots of personalization
Privy - the world's most popular and trusted news site
Reson8 - the top nexus radio site on the planet
MetaSphere - a wildly popular gamer hub
WildFyre - an underground site hidden deep in the Nexus
Top Nexus Providers
Compass - comes standard with the Solaris operating system
Vortex - has numerous customization options
Nexpress - extremely fast and reliable
Sunrise Corporation - develops and manufactures computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers; creator of the Solaris operating system
Panorama Industries - a major robotics and cybernetics manufacturer headquartered in New Haven
Rhoella Technologies - the world's largest manufacturer of several smart technologies including mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and televisions; helped develop the Interactive Immersive Interface (i³)
Name |
Alias |
Age |
Gender |
Appearance | (height, weight, body type/build, identifying marks/tattoos)
Notoriety | (using the N.O.V.A. system)
Danger Level/Variant Type |
Abilities |
Attire |
Armament/Equipment |
[Temperament & Lifestyle]
Affiliation | (Pariah Underground or independent)
Personality/Habits |
Occupation/Trade |
Skills/Talents |
Family |
Background |
Still solidifying a plot and hammering out a few other details...just laying the groundwork here. Enjoy!
[ Pariah ]

Some call us superhumans, some call us enhanced, some even call us freaks of nature.
Over time, the ‘politically correct’ term has become Variant -- as in, a variation of the normal human genome. We’re said to have an anomaly in our genetic code that allows us to manifest certain powers or abilities.
No explanation as to how or why or where this came from...either way, it’s a major source of conflict in our world.
While the world struggles to figure out what to do with Variants, the Variants struggle to find their place in the world.
There are those who want to try and maintain ordinary lives just like everyone else...perhaps use their abilities to help a few people or get ahead in life.
Some prefer to play the hero, believing that their abilities were somehow bestowed upon them for upholding some grand responsibility.
And, yet, there are those who would rather watch the world burn just to see if anything will rise from the ashes...
Apparently, a normal life isn’t an option for someone who can turn into ice or has armored skin or can read minds...too much to ask, it seems.
But with every struggle, there’s a story...and this is ours.
Over time, the ‘politically correct’ term has become Variant -- as in, a variation of the normal human genome. We’re said to have an anomaly in our genetic code that allows us to manifest certain powers or abilities.
No explanation as to how or why or where this came from...either way, it’s a major source of conflict in our world.
While the world struggles to figure out what to do with Variants, the Variants struggle to find their place in the world.
There are those who want to try and maintain ordinary lives just like everyone else...perhaps use their abilities to help a few people or get ahead in life.
Some prefer to play the hero, believing that their abilities were somehow bestowed upon them for upholding some grand responsibility.
And, yet, there are those who would rather watch the world burn just to see if anything will rise from the ashes...
Apparently, a normal life isn’t an option for someone who can turn into ice or has armored skin or can read minds...too much to ask, it seems.
But with every struggle, there’s a story...and this is ours.
* * * * * * *
[ N.O.V.A. ]
The National Office for Variant Affairs, more commonly referred to as N.O.V.A., is a government agency that deals with Variants involving everything from public relations to legal issues to scientific research. The agency for the most part is quite professional, though, over the years, corruption has started to make its way through the system at various levels.
Variant Types and Danger Levels
N.O.V.A. uses a system to classify Variants based on their specific abilities and also by the potential threat to society that those abilities pose. This does not necessarily take into account the notoriety of a Variant, but an especially aggressive or abusive Variant may have a higher danger level than normal (if he/she has been identified).
Danger Levels
Class 1 - Low (oh please...are you even a Variant?)
Variant poses no threat to others; usually possesses low level enhancement or alteration abilities; abilities may even be inherently beneficial
Class 2 - Mild (yeah, that guy kinda bothers me a bit...)
Variant may be a minimal threat to persons in close proximity if abilities are abused
Class 3 - Moderate (hey be careful with that, ok? we don't want any trouble)
Though they may not be an immediate danger, Variant has a high potential to cause damage or harm to others
Class 4 - High (wait...she can do what?!...yeah, we're screwed...)
Variant is an immediate communal threat and individuals within his/her proximity should be on high alert
Class 5 - Extreme (that's ok...we don't need the Earth anyway, right?)
Variant poses a national (or potentially global) danger and should be avoided at all costs; immediate action should be taken to neutralize this threat
Variant Types
Brute - Variant with increased levels of strength and/or durability; he/she may be more difficult to harm or take down
Metamorphic - Variant can change anatomy and/or physiology, either partially or fully; can take human or non-human forms including animal, mineral, energy, or alien
Volatile - Variant has abilities dealing with fire, electricity, plasma, and any other explosive energy/force; includes corrosives
Mentalist - Variant possesses psychic abilities; can control and/or manipulate objects, people, or energy using his/her thoughts
Agile - Variant is prone to quick movements and/or fast/instant travel; he/she may possess increased levels of dexterity
Inhibitor - Variant wields abilities that can weaken and/or hinder others
Augmentor - Variant has the ability to improve the condition of themselves and/or others
Distortionist - Variant is able to alter space-time, intangible concepts, or reality as a whole
Natural - Variant has abilities that utilize and/or affect the natural world and/or animals
Architect - Variant who is able to manipulate, modify, and/or replicate matter and/or energy; some are able to construct tangible objects from energy
One of the primary goals of N.O.V.A. is to identify and register all Variants living within the nation's borders. Variants have no legal obligation to register with N.O.V.A., so, as one would expect, not all Variants are willing to comply with the agency's agenda, whether out of privacy or sheer rebellion. For these reasons, every Variant has a certain level of notoriety with N.O.V.A., whether officially or unofficially.
Indistinct - individuals who have been recognized as Variants but have yet to be identified by N.O.V.A. (usually wear a disguise of some sort)
Watched - Variants who have been identified but have not registered
Wanted - Variants who are known to misuse their abilities and pose a threat to the well-being and quality of life of others; vigilantes operating outside of the law are also considered Wanted as oftentimes their actions can cause collateral damage to people or property
Registered - Variants who have willingly given N.O.V.A. information on their identity and abilities
Noble - Variants who are registered with N.O.V.A. and are licensed to use their abilities for 'altruistic and benevolent practices'
N.O.V.A. employs a task force that is specially trained and equipped to handle Variant criminal activity. M.A.D., which stands for Monitoring, Apprehension, and Detainment, is a fairly recent institution that is being implemented in several major cities. Its members, which included Variants until a rather serious incident caused a policy change, are commonly referred to as MADmen. M.A.D. uses both street cameras and surveillance drones to track suspicious Variant activity. The main facility contains their central command center as well as an armory, garage, and training camp. There are also several smaller satellite 'posts' that are dispersed throughout the city to ensure a wider coverage and quicker response times.
[ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly ]
Pariah Underground
The Pariah Underground is a loose network of wayward Variants who have distanced themselves from society. Most Variants in the Underground have abilities that are dangerous, grotesque, or just plain odd. Members usually occupy areas that have little to no human population and some have even gone so far as to actually construct subterranean hideouts. Though some prefer to have little to no contact with the outside world, others take to the streets as vigilantes or even criminals (known as the Scourge). In any case, Variants in the Underground take extensive measures to avoid N.O.V.A. and M.A.D. as much as possible.
Chimera is an underground tech guild that frequently engages in acts of cyber-terrorism. One of the primary goals of Chimera is to infiltrate government systems and the systems of large corporations. Though governments and corporations are their main targets, they will make attacks on citizens quite often. Chimera employs a variety of militant techies including hackers, coders, computer engineers, and even hardcore gamers. For reasons yet to be discerned, Chimera has grown increasingly antagonistic towards Variants in recent times.
The Glorious Alliance
The Glorious Alliance is an assembly of Nobles who work together for the general benefit of society. Members of the Alliance see themselves as altruists trying to better the image of Variant-kind while most other Variants view them as egotistical sellouts and showoffs. Though the Alliance claims to work for free, they have been known to accept 'gifts' and 'donations' from 'supportive citizens'.
The Syndicate
The Syndicate is an extremely well-hidden, power-hungry Variant gang that happens to be infused with a substantial amount of money. As such, they are overly discriminatory about both their member selection and their mode of operation, sticking to high-level crimes involving major organizations and institutions. They usually only work to promote their own agendas but will occasionally collaborate with others if the dealings are beneficial enough -- which is rare, to say the least. Though their funding is near untraceable by conventional means, rumors have arisen that the organization is involved in smuggling and trafficking.
* * * * * * *
General Info
[ New Haven ]
The most ‘unique’ city in America. Vibrant culture, breathtaking architecture, rich history, festivals all year. One of the greatest cities the country has to offer...if you don't plan on staying, that is. Visiting is great; living there is a whole different story. Poverty, crime, and corruption all come to light once the veil is lifted and the allure fades away. The rich enjoy the most opulent of lives, while the poor struggle to keep food on the table. The city's rising crime rates are overwhelming local law enforcement. It's like biting into the most delicious dessert you've ever tasted...only to discover it contained a deadly poison.
Key Districts
Ville Rouge
The oldest part of town which also happens to be the primary cultural hub.

Business District/Midtown
The central urban area of New Haven boasting numerous skyscrapers and several rail lines.

A historical neighborhood filled with mansions on large plantations located just south of Midtown.

Another wealthy district with slightly smaller estates than Vines.

The Shanty
The poor area located near Bywater.

Warehouse District
Trendy and artsy district with converted brick warehouses.

Known for its colorful street murals and has a bohemian vibe.

A broad, predominantly middle-class, and racially diverse district favored by retirees and families.

With its easy access to the waters of Lake Vista, Lakeview has a large sailing and boating community.

Village across the river featuring ancient oaks and tidy Victorian cottages.
New Haven East
Raw and wild district full of marshes and wetlands with very little urban development.

The rural area on the other side of the large river that borders the city.

Tech Alley - a popular stretch in Midtown lined with Nexus cafes, arcades, and tech garages, and generally nerdy shops
1 Marshal Avenue - huge government building located in the heart of Midtown housing several departments and agencies including N.O.V.A. HQ
Battery Bridge - a large suspension bridge in the Warehouse district connecting New Haven to the neighboring city over the river
Lindsay Park - the city's largest community park located in Lakeview near Brigitte
M.A.D. Headquarters - a massive building located on the edge of Midtown near Lakeview serving as M.A.D.'s central facility. Several satellite posts are positioned in each district
Market Street - historically charming open-air market in Ville Rouge
River Street - lined with centuries-old buildings that have been converted to shops, restaurants, nightspots, and hotels. Stretches from the Warehouse district to the Bywater district
1 Marshal Avenue - huge government building located in the heart of Midtown housing several departments and agencies including N.O.V.A. HQ
Battery Bridge - a large suspension bridge in the Warehouse district connecting New Haven to the neighboring city over the river
Lindsay Park - the city's largest community park located in Lakeview near Brigitte
M.A.D. Headquarters - a massive building located on the edge of Midtown near Lakeview serving as M.A.D.'s central facility. Several satellite posts are positioned in each district
Market Street - historically charming open-air market in Ville Rouge
River Street - lined with centuries-old buildings that have been converted to shops, restaurants, nightspots, and hotels. Stretches from the Warehouse district to the Bywater district
[ Grand Global Nexus ]
Most, if not all, computers in the world can access the Grand Global Nexus (G.G.N. or The Nexus). The Nexus is simply a vast computer network that connects several other smaller networks (what would be the ‘Internet’). The most predominant branch of the Nexus is the Transnational Databank (TDB). The TDB is a universally linked system of hypertext documents (what would be the ‘World Wide Web’) that is organized into 'datasites’ which each have a 'datacode’. The TDB is divided into five main sectors: government (001), business (002), education (003), media (004), and general/personal (005). A datacode will look like this:
People can also receive digital mail (d-mail) through the Nexus. A mail command will look like this:
Popular Datasites
Blabbr - a social networking site where users post photos, short video and audio clips, and small blurbs of text
Visage - a social networking site where users create extensive personal profiles to share with others
FriendBridge - a popular communication site used to send text messages and make voice and video calls
Vivify - the top blogging site on the Nexus
Optica - the world's largest video sharing and streaming site
ChainMail - a popular d-mail provider with lots of personalization
Privy - the world's most popular and trusted news site
Reson8 - the top nexus radio site on the planet
MetaSphere - a wildly popular gamer hub
WildFyre - an underground site hidden deep in the Nexus
Top Nexus Providers
Compass - comes standard with the Solaris operating system
Vortex - has numerous customization options
Nexpress - extremely fast and reliable
[ Tech Companies ]
Sunrise Corporation - develops and manufactures computer software, consumer electronics, and personal computers; creator of the Solaris operating system
Panorama Industries - a major robotics and cybernetics manufacturer headquartered in New Haven
Rhoella Technologies - the world's largest manufacturer of several smart technologies including mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and televisions; helped develop the Interactive Immersive Interface (i³)
Intelligent Command and Operation Network (ICON) - an AI guidance system that controls the movements of vehicles and civil robots throughout the country. Construction bots, delivery drones, and public transport vehicles are all linked to ICON.
Interactive Immersive Interface (i³) - virtual reality (i³Total) and mixed reality (i³Spatial)
Omni-Lens - eyewear that uses i³Spatial technology
Drones - any unmanned aircraft or airborne device; delivery, security, personal
E-Vap - electronic vapor cylinders used for smoking; sometimes called 'cyls’
Stingers - used to shoot intravenous drugs
Dissemblers - a small, concealable device used to make oneself ‘invisible’ to surveillance cameras; extremely rare and highly illegal
Interactive Immersive Interface (i³) - virtual reality (i³Total) and mixed reality (i³Spatial)
Omni-Lens - eyewear that uses i³Spatial technology
Drones - any unmanned aircraft or airborne device; delivery, security, personal
E-Vap - electronic vapor cylinders used for smoking; sometimes called 'cyls’
Stingers - used to shoot intravenous drugs
Dissemblers - a small, concealable device used to make oneself ‘invisible’ to surveillance cameras; extremely rare and highly illegal
Character Sheet
(insert photo here, realistic preferred)
Name |
Alias |
Age |
Gender |
Appearance | (height, weight, body type/build, identifying marks/tattoos)
Notoriety | (using the N.O.V.A. system)
Danger Level/Variant Type |
Abilities |
Attire |
Armament/Equipment |
[Temperament & Lifestyle]
Affiliation | (Pariah Underground or independent)
Personality/Habits |
Occupation/Trade |
Skills/Talents |
Family |
Background |
[center] (insert photo here) [/center]
[b]Name |[/b]
[b]Alias |[/b]
[b]Age |[/b]
[b]Gender |[/b]
[b]Appearance |[/b]
[b]Notoriety |[/b]
[b]Danger Level/Variant Type |[/b]
[b]Abilities |[/b]
[b]Attire |[/b]
[b]Armament/Equipment |[/b]
[Temperament & Lifestyle]
[b]Affiliation |[/b]
[b]Personality/Habits |[/b]
[b]Occupation/Trade |[/b]
[b]Skills/Talents |[/b]
[b]Family |[/b]
[b]Background |[/b]
[center] (insert photo here) [/center]
[b]Name |[/b]
[b]Alias |[/b]
[b]Age |[/b]
[b]Gender |[/b]
[b]Appearance |[/b]
[b]Attire |[/b]
[b]Armament/Equipment |[/b]
[Temperament & Lifestyle]
[b]Affiliation |[/b]
[b]Personality/Habits |[/b]
[b]Occupation/Trade |[/b]
[b]Skills/Talents |[/b]
[b]Family |[/b]
[b]Background |[/b]
- We’re focusing more on outcasts and vigilantes in this RP
- Chimera, The Syndicate, and The Glorious Alliance are non-playable, however some loose ties or past associations are acceptable (just ask me if you need clarification)
- N.O.V.A. / M.A.D. agents are non-playable; strictly for NPCs and background (suggestions for agents are welcome, though)
- Non-Variant characters are welcome
- Class 5 Variants are not allowed
- Be careful when using Distortionist-type abilities so that they are not too overpowered
- This is taking place in the year 2130 in an alternate version of America
- Have fun!!!
Still solidifying a plot and hammering out a few other details...just laying the groundwork here. Enjoy!
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