Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Armistice's Eve

As dawn broke over the Festival Isles, the sun set over the eastern shores of the Numgam Continent. All across the world, people were scurrying about their day, putting on the final touches, in preparation for the morrow's festivities. For tomorrow was Armistice Day, a day of peace and joy, as well as sadness and grief. Fighting in the Bloody Divide would come to a rest, and both sides would return home to celebrate their victories and morn their losses. They, the soldiers who had made it through another grueling year, would be welcomed as heroes, greeted by thunderous applause.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

It was a very special day in Tempum city. The day of peace, the day of festivities, the day when fathers and brothers returned home, a very happy day. The city had been decorated in kind, bright coloured decorations adorning every building, and there was merriment on every face. It happened every year, of course, but the people enjoyed it all the same, for it was one thing that made their lives worth living. Not that he knew anything about that, but he was enjoying it all the same.

Mougin stood on a street corner, staring at the festive scenery around him with shining eyes. The wanderer had told him of human cities, but he had never imagined that they would be so dazzling. From the smooth and flat ground beneath him, to the humans arrayed in colourful clothes that walked on it, up to the buildings that seemed to pierce the sky, and even higher still, to the brilliant explosions of colour that scattered light across the heavens. It was pure magic to the young beast-man, and it utterly mesmerised him. He felt as if he could simply look at it all forever...

Suddenly, he felt a bump against his lower body. He looked down and saw that a human, holding a bottle with that exuded a strong scent, had bumped into him. The human slowly dragged their gaze upwards, analyzing the massive furry wall that had blocked their path, before meeting Mougin's curious eyes. He saw befuddlement in them, and a hint of annoyance.
"Apologies." He rumbled.
The bulky minotaur moved away from the street corner, displacing other onlookers as he eased himself out of the crowd. Try as he might, it was difficult for someone with such a large frame to not get in the way. And indeed, he had been having quite a lot of trouble - after all, he was in a city built for humans, not beastmen. With that in mind, it was even more amazing that he was not gaining more attention. Some humans gave him a look, but they would usually turn away sooner or later. He had even seen other beastmen out in the open, though he had not seen any tribes he was familiar with. It was an amazing city, and so far, it was better than he had ever expected it to be. Mougin wanted nothing more than to point himself in any direction and keep walking until he could walk no more. However, his stomach disagreed.

It rumbled now, violently, and the minotaur was reminded of why he was here. It had been quite some time since he last ate, and the boat ride had not been kind to him. Mougin opened his hand and 20 golden coins clinked on his palm. The wanderer had told him that these were absolutely necessary to survive in human cities. He was used to bartering for food, but humans did things differently. Since he had bartered for these gold coins from the sea captain, he had some idea of what they were worth, but he was unsure of what he could really buy. Nevertheless, he clenched his hand and began sniffing the air. He turned his head this way and that way, trying to find the most appetizing scent. He caught the familiar scent of fruit coming from a certain direction and headed towards that direction. There were many things catching his eye, but his stomach compelled him, insisting this as the most important task. And Mougin agreed. After all, he would not be able to enjoy Tempum city if he starved to death.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Stallo City - Time: The day after the festivities. Around 5 AM when she wakes up, around 6:30 AM when she leaves.

Beep… beep… beep… beep…

A body shifted under the sheets, the sound of the alarm clock penetrating the skull of its victim and mercilessly poking, akin to a jackhammer operator hammering away at their brain. Zara groggily woke up to the offending sound blaring at her ears.

Beep… beep… beep… be–

She grumbled and reached out with her hand, smashing the alarm clock until it went silent. Peeking through from under a mountain of blankets, a half-opened eye stared at the, now, silent contraption with sheer indignation. The clock, evidently unable to respond – it did not have a brain – had nevertheless proven itself to be one of the toughest enemies for the young woman. Despite her past, she had never been a morning person; her cold-blooded constitution left her little choice but to, come sleep time, huddle under the warm embrace of her bed. Plus, the reminder that she would, eventually, have to leave said embrace had never sat well with her.

She slowly sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and trying to wake herself up. No matter how much she would have loved to sleep in, Zara knew she would have to get up soon; her new "employer" would not take kindly to her showing up late for her first day on the job. "Damn Mutrenians…" Zara grumbled and groaned, but in the end, she got up, albeit reluctantly. With a yawn, she performed a few morning stretches before making her way to the bathroom.

Once there, she turned the faucet all the way to 'hot' and let the water run, waiting for it to heat up. By the time the temperature had risen to an "acceptable" level for her, the bathroom had turned into a sauna, with the steam from the shower fogging up the mirror, making it hard for Zara to see her scaly reflection. "Yeah, that's more like it," she thought as she tested the water.

Stepping into the warm spray gave her delightful goosebumps, and a refreshing feeling 'washed' over her as the morning grogginess slowly faded away. Washing up and rinsing off the soap and dirt went by fast, and before long, she'd find herself staring out from her balcony window, coffee cup at hand, at the expanding cityscape of Stallo City. The bitterness of the dark roast on her tongue; the crisp and cool air flowing into the room from outside; the sound of the city coming to life as people started going about their daily lives… It all still felt so unreal to her.

Zara had a hard time coming to terms with her life so far; the endless fights that she'd once seen no end to, had suddenly come to a screeching halt; the dark slaughterhouse she had forcefully been made to call her home, had finally run out of fresh meat, and the head butcher, along with his accomplices, had been shipped off to… wherever Mutrenians sent their outlaws to be processed.

A rather loud honking sound echoed from below, rousing Zara from her reverie and letting her know that time was ticking. Her coffee was growing colder by the minute. "It's all in the past now, forget it…" the young woman told herself as she moved away from the window and towards the small kitchen top, where something much more important lay.

She picked up the memory chip with her free hand, taking a better look at it, yet failing to recall when she'd last seen one of these. "It's definitely Riotifu tech though, that's for sure." Zara, having grown up in the Bloody Divide, had – in one way or another – been exposed to different cultures, and thus could detect the slight stylistic differences between Riotifan, Sutisuian, and Mutrenian tech. She had been given this after her request for more information about her employer. She inserted it into a small device on the kitchen table, and a holographic screen appeared in front of her. "Oooh, jazzy~" Zara exclaimed in mild surprise.

"Hmm… Jorath looks to be quite the big shot," Zara muttered to herself as she scanned the file. "Owns several businesses, has a large estate, and apparently has some powerful enemies." She frowned and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I guess that's why he needs a bodyguard. It would suck to get offed while you're out vacationing now, would it?"

The information was a good start; however, it was just that, a start. Albeit impulsive, she was not an idiot. Zara knew that any type of information shared by Jorath's side would, no doubt, paint him in a better light, or at the very least try to do so. That was why Zara decided to splurge a little, in the name of research of course.

She returned to her bedroom, coffee and chip in hand, left them on top of the nightstand, and pulled out a pair of augmented reality glasses from the cupboard underneath. "You better be worth your money…" With a sigh, Zara laid down on her bed and put on the glasses, quickly accessing the city's public virtual network. She proceeded to search for Jorath's name, which quickly resulted in a wealth of new, non-curated, information.

After a while, Zara removed the glasses, placed them at her side, and just laid there for a few moments, absorbing and organizing all she had learned. "Interesting," she finally said after a while. "I guess it's not just his enemies that he has to watch out for…"

As she'd delved deeper into the research, Zara felt more and more confident in her ability to protect Jorath. She knew that her job as a bodyguard wouldn't be easy, but she was up for the challenge. However, after putting on the uniform she'd been provided with – a black suit with a white shirt and matching tie – her elevated mood took a downward turn. Formal clothes and Zara were not a good combination. She only had to look once at herself in the hallway mirror to know that those sleeves would not have much more life to them, especially if it came down to it and she had to fight someone. "Well, I guess that's that… I'll deal with the problems as they come. Now it's about time to go meet the boss," she reminded to herself out loud before exiting her hotel room.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Suns Dhagar - Yellow Crystal Bearer

Leemo City - Noon

Suns composed the fiery parts of himself as he often did when meeting his father's ilk. And though he wanted to fidget, wanted to run from the impending idea that 'this was when he'd be forced to join the war effort', Suns felt compelled to pander to his father's will. He discovered during the last three years or so that it was mostly out of guilt; partially out of familial respect. He patiently stood outside the General's office; an elegant woman pretending to not mind him, though he knew her eyes and hands were both swift and keen.

His own hands were held gently behind his back; his double-edged blade hanging from his left side while his family's heirloom hung pouched on his right. Suns let out a silent breath as the yellow jewel conveyed an urgency; a subtle influence to act on the injustices churning about him. Over the last five years it had become mandatory to curb its desires. If only for a short time.

Suns readied a kindly smile towards the woman behind her translucent desk; except for where privacy was desired.

"How much longer? I can be quite impatient at times," he told her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Early Afternoon

... Nevertheless, he clenched his hand and began sniffing the air. He turned his head this way and that way, trying to find the most appetizing scent. He caught the familiar scent of fruit coming from a certain direction and headed towards that direction. There were many things catching his eye, but his stomach compelled him, insisting this as the most important task. And Mougin agreed. After all, he would not be able to enjoy Tempum city if he starved to death.

As Mougin walked the city streets, searching through all the delicious smells, he was being watched. Keeping their distance, having done this a million times before, five young gangsters trailed him. He looked new to the city, possibly an easy mark, despite his size.

Three of the gang members were humans. While two of them were beastfolk, in their beast forms (alligator and snake). They wouldn't outright attack Moujin, unless he were dumb enough to walk down a dark alley. Instead, they were waiting to see where he carried his money, assuming he had any...

A friendly food truck owner opened the side window of his truck. Moujin was the first living creature he saw. The chunky older man, a beastfolk in human form, called out to Moujin. "Hey, brother! You hungry!?" The smell of this man's cooking was indeed the smell Mougin had been chasing.

Stallo City (D9), Early Morning

... As she'd delved deeper into the research, Zara felt more and more confident in her ability to protect Jorath. She knew that her job as a bodyguard wouldn't be easy, but she was up for the challenge. However, after putting on the uniform she'd been provided with – a black suit with a white shirt and matching tie – her elevated mood took a downward turn. Formal clothes and Zara were not a good combination. She only had to look once at herself in the hallway mirror to know that those sleeves would not have much more life to them, especially if it came down to it and she had to fight someone. "Well, I guess that's that… I'll deal with the problems as they come. Now it's about time to go meet the boss," she reminded to herself out loud before exiting her hotel room.

Jorath, his wife, and their two teenage children were waiting for Zara at the bottom of the stairs. It was strange, seeing such a high profile man surrounded by his loving family.

"Dad! What are we waiting on!" pouted the daughter, apparently not having noticed Zara. She sounded like a spoiled brat. The mother shushed her. And the son pretended not to hear any of it, continuing to play his handheld video game, from the comfort of a hotel sofa. Maybe loving family wasn't the right description for this particular family.

Jorath merely rolled his eyes. The big man's attention was on Zara. "Hello there!" he bellowed. "Are you ready to get going!?"

Leemo City (F5), Noon

Suns Dhagar - Yellow Crystal Bearer

Leemo City - Noon

... Suns readied a kindly smile towards the woman behind her translucent desk; except for where privacy was desired.

"How much longer? I can be quite impatient at times," he told her.

The secretary looked only halfway looked up from her desk. "Did you not read the invitation thoroughly? It said there may be a ten to fifteen minute wait." This woman didn't look even the slightest bit phased by Sun's status. Perhaps she was programmed to be that way, being an android and all. Sure she could almost pass for human, but a careful eye could catch the subtle differences.

Suddenly, the door to the office slid open, revealing a young blonde man, sitting behind a desk. The secretary looked up, without emotion, and motioned for Suns to enter.

As the door shut behind him. The man behind the desk stood up, and cracked a weak but honest smile "I apologize for the seven minute wait my friend." He walked around the desk, deliberate with his footsteps. "Thank you for coming. I could use your help."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As the food truck vendor called out to him, Mougin couldn't help but stare at him as he thought to himself. The minotaur rested his chin on his fist as he paused to think. Then he paused to think some more, staring at the vendor all the while. It was most likely a casual question thrown out by this Tempum City native, but as a stranger to the human world, it was one he had to consider carefully. After a long pause, he finally came to his answer.
"Yes." He said, the brevity of his words serving as a stark contrast to the long period of silence that preceded it.

When he thought about it, the question that was asked was fairly common, even back in his home village. His siblings, neighbours, and cousins would ask him something similar when he joined them on their hunts. Yet this man was neither a sibling, neighbour, or cousin. So why did they address him in such familiar terms? And the enticing smell that wafted through the air... As Mougin pondered, he realized more and more that, even though it seemed to be completely different, the situation was beginning to resemble a trap. Baited like a mere beast, he had fortunately stopped before the rope had tightened around his neck. And yet, it seemed like he would be forced to fall into the snare regardless. He, like all living creatures, required food. And the man in front of him seemed to sell something that was somewhat familiar to him. It would be a risk to eat anywhere else.

He had finally divulged the truth of the matter. The man in front of him, while projecting a friendly facade, was a fiendishly skilled hunter of beings such as himself. An experienced trapper that set a truly irresistable bait in front of him, daring mougin to step into his snare. The minotaur lumbered to the front of the food cart and slowly brought his fist to the counter, opening his fist and dropping his entire fortune - the 20 gold coins he had bartered so hard for - onto the countertop. It was a reward to the shrewd hunter, for managing to catch him so cleverly.
"Please." He added, for that was, apparently, the custom in human society.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The secretary looked only halfway looked up from her desk. "Did you not read the invitation thoroughly? It said there may be a ten to fifteen minute wait." This woman didn't look even the slightest bit phased by Sun's status. Perhaps she was programmed to be that way, being an android and all. Sure she could almost pass for human, but a careful eye could catch the subtle differences.

Suddenly, the door to the office slid open, revealing a young blonde man, sitting behind a desk. The secretary looked up, without emotion, and motioned for Suns to enter.

As the door shut behind him. The man behind the desk stood up, and cracked a weak but honest smile "I apologize for the seven minute wait my friend." He walked around the desk, deliberate with his footsteps. "Thank you for coming. I could use your help."

Suns Dhagar - Yellow Crystal Bearer

Leemo City - Noon

Suns felt his embarrassment grow cold and snarky. He scrunched his face up, a light mirth in his voice as he repeated the question under his breath. Now that he eyed the "woman" closely; he could see the telltale signs of circuitry replacing flesh and blood. It all made sense now; why he always felt detached from the woman. He pondered if Bolis had told him she was metal and code before.

He probably has, he decided.

In the midst of his musing, Bolis' door slid open with a near-silent hiss. Suns often considered the dull sound a purposeful function. Just loud enough to be registered. He strode inside with his hands still held behind his back and hearing the hiss of the door close behind him, his small smile widened and his eyes softened. Bolis was perhaps his oldest friend and really the only good thing about being in Leemo City.

Suns lowered his head to acknowledge his friend's gratitude then grew quiet to acknowledge Bolis' oncoming request. His smile shrunk and an odd impulse seemed to fluctuate between himself and the Crystal. Was it trying to influence him again?

"Exactly whose help do you need, Bolis? Suns' or the Crystal Bearer's?" he asked.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Early Afternoon

He had finally divulged the truth of the matter. The man in front of him, while projecting a friendly facade, was a fiendishly skilled hunter of beings such as himself. An experienced trapper that set a truly irresistable bait in front of him, daring mougin to step into his snare. The minotaur lumbered to the front of the food cart and slowly brought his fist to the counter, opening his fist and dropping his entire fortune - the 20 gold coins he had bartered so hard for - onto the countertop. It was a reward to the shrewd hunter, for managing to catch him so cleverly.
"Please." He added, for that was, apparently, the custom in human society.

At first, the food truck vendor was puzzled by how long the large minotaur took to respond and move. Then, it started to amuse him. Having been doing this job for many, many years, he could recognize someone from the Giant Foot Tribe, and this one looked fresh off the boat.

Amusement gave way to surprise, when Mougin placed 20 chips onto his counter. "Oh my!" he thought out loud, letting out a soft whistle. With an expert hand he swiped up all twenty chips and looked Mougin in the eyes. He then spoke in an audible, yet hushed voice, "My brother, you shouldn't be showing off this many coins."

The hand in which he held the coins was inside a glove. A small display on the backhand of the glove displayed '20 Coins'. These chips actually contained one coin each. Someone must have swindled this minotaur, hoping to impress him with twenty shiny pieces of metal. They must have gotten something very valuable in exchange, something he didn't even realize was valuable.

Keeping five coins, he handed the other fifteen back to Mougin. Even one coin would normally buy a meal from his truck. Three would be enough for a large meal, one suited for a beastfolk of Mougin's size. The other two, well those were his tip, for not outright robbing the poor sap.

"Here." The boar-man reached below the counter, opened some kind of door, and then produced a large bag. "This is for you." The bag was full of food, enough to fill even Mougin's stomach. "Now, do me a favor, and hide those coins. And when you want to buy something, ask how much it costs first."

Leemo City (F5), Noon

In the midst of his musing, Bolis' door slid open with a near-silent hiss. Suns often considered the dull sound a purposeful function. Just loud enough to be registered. He strode inside with his hands still held behind his back and hearing the hiss of the door close behind him, his small smile widened and his eyes softened. Bolis was perhaps his oldest friend and really the only good thing about being in Leemo City.

Suns lowered his head to acknowledge his friend's gratitude then grew quiet to acknowledge Bolis' oncoming request. His smile shrunk and an odd impulse seemed to fluctuate between himself and the Crystal. Was it trying to influence him again?

"Exactly whose help do you need, Bolis? Suns' or the Crystal Bearer's?" he asked.

General Bolis sighed at Sun's straight forward remark. "I need the power of the crystal. You know this." He bowed his head in respect. He then raised his head, his honest smile returning, "But your company is always appreciated."

Usually when Sun came here, he and Pietro would just talk. They would talk about life and about the war. Other times, Pietro would ask Sun to place his hand on his shoulder, which would amplify his psychic abilities. This was one of those times.

"The last of our soldiers will be arriving in an hour. Once they are all here, I'll need to borrow some of your power, so that I can use my ability to scan all their minds at once. I have to be sure they haven't been brainwashed or even worse, cursed." He then turned to look out the window at the back of the office. "We owe it to these soldiers and their families, to make sure they are in good health when they return home."

The tone of his voice lightened as he turned his head back to Sun. He now sounded like he did when Sun first entered the room. "It's been two months since the last time you visited. How have you been?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mougin nodded gravely.
"Thank you." He said.
Food was precious, even in the land of the giants, but wisdom was even more precious. Especially to this young minotaur so far from home. He swept the remaining coins from the counter into his traveller's bag before taking the sack from the shopkeeper's hand. With that, he was gone.

The sky was darkening as Mougin walked down the street, reflecting on his experiences. It had been one thing to hear about human society, but it was quite another to experience it for himself. There was much to reflect on. For example - money. 5 coins he had lost, for one meal. He had 15 coins left, another 3 meals perhaps. More, if he rationed what he had already received. Perhaps more, perhaps less, it was difficult to tell. Was what he received typical for the price he had paid? The heft of the bag showed there was quite a bit in it, and if he disciplined himself, he believed he could make it last for a few more meals yet. But how was the quality?

Mougin opened the sack and took out one of the foodstuffs. It smelled of fruit but was golden brown, like bread. A pastry, that was what humans called it. It smelled quite divine, but things were not always as they seemed. He brought it to his mouth and bit down. The minotaur stood there in shock. In the darkening sky another firework exploded, mirroring his state of mind. He absentmindedly swallowed the treat, and looked down into the sack. Rationing this food would be very difficult.

Mougin stood there on the street corner, slowly munching on one pastry after another, oblivious to the fact that he had unconsciously walked to a much quieter part of the city. There were only a scant few wandering the streets here, and only the distant sound of merriment broke the silence. That, and the sound of crunchy baked treats being crushed between his teeth.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... Mougin stood there on the street corner, slowly munching on one pastry after another, oblivious to the fact that he had unconsciously walked to a much quieter part of the city. There were only a scant few wandering the streets here, and only the distant sound of merriment broke the silence. That, and the sound of crunchy baked treats being crushed between his teeth.

The five young gang members, three human and two beastfolk, had been trailing Mougin since he left the food truck. The humans were doing little to hide their presence, while the two beastfolk remained out of sight.

The group hadn't heard how many coins were on each of the fifteen chips the shopkeeper gave back to Mougin, but it didn't matter. Even if they had only one coin on each, it would still be worth it. And what if they each had more than one coin!? This could be a huge score. Plus, this minautor seemed like a dope, a foolish newcomer to the city. Even so, they didn't want to get into a physical altercation with the hulking monster. They were going to stick to their strengths, stealth and deception. When Mougin stopped to eat, they wasted little time making their move.

One of the beastfolk teenagers, the alligator one, turned a street corner and pretended to notice Mougin by suprise. Then, he headed straight toward Mougin at a steady, normal pace. He was still in human form, but his skin was leathery and his mouth protruded a little further than normal. Despite his rough appearance, he showed a sharp, toothy smile, in an effort to appear friendly. "Hey there!" he said, trying to get Mougin's attention. "Where did you get those? They smell great!"

As the alligator-teen approached, the three human teenagers starting laughing. They were on the other side of the street, and between laughs, they would point at Mougin and/or the alligator-teen. Clearly, they were making fun, ridiculing the two beastfolk.

Before Mougin could respond to the alligator-teen, the leathery boy had turned and started yelling. "Shut the hell up!" His pointed teeth on full display, he turned to Mougin. "Those pricks are making fun of us! I'm going to kick their asses. You got my back?"

The snake-girl, the fifth member of their sneaky gang was nowhere to be seen...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Stallo City (D9), Early Morning

Jorath, his wife, and their two teenage children were waiting for Zara at the bottom of the stairs. It was strange, seeing such a high profile man surrounded by his loving family.

"Dad! What are we waiting on!" pouted the daughter, apparently not having noticed Zara. She sounded like a spoiled brat. The mother shushed her. And the son pretended not to hear any of it, continuing to play his handheld video game, from the comfort of a hotel sofa. Maybe loving family wasn't the right description for this particular family.

Jorath merely rolled his eyes. The big man's attention was on Zara. "Hello there!" he bellowed. "Are you ready to get going!?"

Zara wore a smile on her face the moment her eyes fell upon the man, for one because she had been eager to see him up close for the first time, but mainly because he would be the source of her big payday. She'd gotten some money upfront from one of his staff as preparation budget - the small chip clinked around with her keys inside the breastpocket of her suit - however it had been only a teaser as far as she remembered; the headache she'd gotten that day from reading that ridiculously complicated contract, as well as the insufferable personality of Jorath's head of staff, still made her cringe inwardly even to this day.

"Mister Jorath, it's nice to meet you," she said with a slight bow after stopping in front of the lounge. "Thank you for employing my services and trusting me with your safety," she stifly recited the words Verus had instructed her to say. Jorath, either unaware or pretending, did not comment on her behavior and simply nodded in return. "I also have big hopes from you," he responded to her as he made a small gesture to a person of his retinue. The man, similarly suited to Zara, moved to escort Jorath's family out of the building. The daughter rolled her eyes, while the son barely looked up from his video game as he stood up. Jorath's wife simply smiled and nodded, her gaze flicking briefly to Zara before returning to her kids, urging them to walk out of the hotel. Soon just Jorath and Zara were left in the lobby.

Zara watched the whole scene unfold silently, only slighly raising a brow at the side-eye she'd received from the woman. After a few moments, the two were left alone in the lobby - as much 'alone' one can get with a man of Jorath's standing, of course. Zara's reptile senses could feel invisible eyes locked on her, no doubt Jorath's secret guard were watching her with as much attention as they would scan an open square for potential hostile actors. Then Jorath gestured towards the revolving doors of the hotel exit, a relic of the past that some more high-end hotels retained as a status symbol, and addressed her.

"Let's talk as we walk, shall we?" The man said to Zara, eyeing her patiently for a moment before taking off first. Curiously, Zara fell into step beside him as they made their way out of the hotel lobby. "I really appreciate you taking on this job, Zara," he continued, his voice low. "Verus has made me aware of your past, and I'll have you know I appreciate an experienced bodyguard, especially where we are heading."

Zara nodded, her expression serious. "I take my responsibilities very seriously, Mr. Jorath. You can count on me to do everything in my power to protect your family." Jorath turned to her, smiled, and clapped her on the back. "We'll get along just fine the two of us," he said as he started walking towards the aircar his family had boarded. "Go to Verus for any questions you might have, I am sure you two will get to know each other nicely during our trip," were the last words he left her with before the driver closed the passenger door behind him.

"Fuck..." Zara rolled her eyes and sighed at the mention of the canine. "It's fine Zara... it's just one man, you've dealt with worse than that... yeah..." Just as she was hyping herself up a bit, lost in her own little world, she felt a presence creeping up behind. Before she could even turn around to look at who it might be, a gloved hand landed on her shoulder.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The teenage beastman's statement was met by an expression of bafflement, as much as could be depicted by the low emotional range that Mougin's face possessed. The confusion was plain on his face, nonetheless.
"No, I am not in possession of your back..." He said in befuddlement.
If a 'back' could be said to belong to anyone, then surely one's back would be in the possession of one's self. A human witticism, perhaps? If so, the meaning eluded him at the current moment. In addition to that, the youth made mention of 'kicking their asses'... If this beastman wished to fight the 3 other youths across the street then this would indeed be a sound tactical decision. One's behind was usually a weak point, after all, and attacks from that direction were difficult to defend against.

Ah, Mougin whispered, as he was hit with a sudden burst of enlightenment. This youth had expressed his desire to strike his enemies from the back - therefore, when he asked Mougin if he 'got his back', he was in fact asking him to ensure that his own tactic wasn't used against him. Mougin nodded to himself, content with his reasoning, but tilted his head as he continued thinking. Why had this youth asked him this? Surely it would be wiser to pick someone more familiar to themselves to protect them. He mulled it over for a moment or two, but couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer. This wasn't a situation he had encountered in his life. If so, Mougin could only ask one question.
Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask, right?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Stallo City (D9), Early Morning

... Zara nodded, her expression serious. "I take my responsibilities very seriously, Mr. Jorath. You can count on me to do everything in my power to protect your family." Jorath turned to her, smiled, and clapped her on the back. "We'll get along just fine the two of us," he said as he started walking towards the aircar his family had boarded. "Go to Verus for any questions you might have, I am sure you two will get to know each other nicely during our trip," were the last words he left her with before the driver closed the passenger door behind him.

"Fuck..." Zara rolled her eyes and sighed at the mention of the canine. "It's fine Zara... it's just one man, you've dealt with worse than that... yeah..." Just as she was hyping herself up a bit, lost in her own little world, she felt a presence creeping up behind. Before she could even turn around to look at who it might be, a gloved hand landed on her shoulder.

Having approached from behind, Verus appeared to Zara's right, his left hand on her right shoulder. He waved as Jorath got into their car. After his employer's door shut, Verus let go of Zara's shoulder and put both hands behind his back. "Mr. Jorath has taken a liking to you it seems." His speech patterns were proper, with little sign of any emotion besides pride. "Let's get going, shall we?" he said, as he motioned to the inconspicuous black aircar that would be following Jorath's much more extravagant car...

The inside of the car was as plain looking as the outside, but at least it was comfortable. The seating arrangement was limousine style: couch-like, leather seats with a back row that elbowed around the driver's side wall and ended just before the wall that separated them from the driver. Optional armrests could be lowered down from the backs of the seats.

When Verus and Zara entered, there was already one other inside. He had black hair with a normal human build, nothing remarkable about the man. He wore the same suit Zara was wearing. His right armrest was down, and he was leaning on it when the doors opened. Upon seeing Verus however, he sat up straight, without a word. Verus motioned for Zara to sit along the wall seats. There was plenty of room, so she didn't have to sit next to the new guy.

Verus sat in the middle of the back row and put both arm rests down, on either side of him. It wasn't until the car had started moving that anyone said anything. "Jackson, this is Zara." Verus said, breaking the silence. "She is our hired hand for this little excursion." The human man known as Jackson simply nodded in understanding. Verus continued. "Jackson is one of my men." he said to Zara. Then, addressing both of them, he dove right into the details.

They were headed to an air ship, which would then take them to the Sutisu Capitol. The entire trip would only take 3 hours. When they set foot in the capitol, it would still be early in the afternoon. From there, their vacation would begin. Jackson would be sticking with the son, who would be going straight to the hotel to be alone and play video games. Verus would be going with Jorath's wife and daughter as they went on a shopping spree. Zara, would be going with Jorath, himself, as he went to visit some of his business contacts.

There was a spark of something in Verus's eyes when he told Zara that she would be with Jorath. Was is jealousy? He hid his emotions well, but obviously something was upsetting him. The spark was gone in an instant, faster than it appeared. With that, his briefing ended.

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... Ah, Mougin whispered, as he was hit with a sudden burst of enlightenment. This youth had expressed his desire to strike his enemies from the back - therefore, when he asked Mougin if he 'got his back', he was in fact asking him to ensure that his own tactic wasn't used against him. Mougin nodded to himself, content with his reasoning, but tilted his head as he continued thinking. Why had this youth asked him this? Surely it would be wiser to pick someone more familiar to themselves to protect them. He mulled it over for a moment or two, but couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer. This wasn't a situation he had encountered in his life. If so, Mougin could only ask one question.
Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

The rough skin young man glanced back in momentary confusion and repeated Mougin's question. "Why?" Then he turned his full attention back to the three humans across the street. He growled his answer, so that only Mougin could here. "Because people like them, humans... they think they're better than us." His intensity rose. "And I can't stand for that."

Without waiting for Mougin's response, the young man stepped off the sidewalk, into the street. As he stepped, his body began to change. His baggy clothes started filling out, as he grew in size. His skin grew darker and small spikes started protruding all over his body. His transformation was complete in only five steps. "Now, how about you tell me why you were laughing!?" He screamed in a much deeper voice.

During the distraction created by the dramatic transformation, the snake-girl had emerged from the alley behind Mougin. With a touch of concealing magic and natural grace, she quickly but quietly snuck forward. Her eyes were on the minotaur's satchel, where she knew he was carrying all his coins. Her plan was to quickly and carefully cut a hole in the bag and empty its contents into the bag she was carrying. Then it would just be a matter of escaping back into the alley...
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Mougin watched the beastman (beastboy, perhaps?) transform with some interest, though it did not show on his face. While beastmen and humans apparently lived quite well together on the Riotifu continent, strife was unavoidable. He had heard it was much worse in other places, but regardless, he hadn't thought he would see it so soon. He had no particular thoughts on joining the fight, as he had nothing against those humans, and he didn't have any particular thoughts on superiority. Nonetheless, it was something other people thought of, in this society, and if he wanted to be a part of it, he would have to think on it too. Yes. he had much to think about, even as he took another pastry from the bag and munched it down.

As he watched, though, he was suddenly alerted to a very light tugging sensation coming from his back. The minotaur frowned. On his back was his bag, and inside his bag were his clothes, his money, and nothing. Were they after his clothes or his money? Rather than feeling anger or indignation, Mougin felt rather disappointed in himself. How long had it been since he had arrived in this city? In such short a time, he had already been targeted as prey. Twice. It seemed that he had been enraptured by the human world so much that his instincts had run away from him.

Well, he would have to address that later. There were more immediate problems at hand.

Pretending not to notice the intruder behind him, Mougin continued staring ahead while keeping his senses tuned. He could confront the would-be thief immediately, but the odds of capturing them would be better if he waited a little. The moment when a hunter is at their most vulnerable is when they think that they've captured their prize. He waited for a minute, and then a little longer, slowly inching his free arm towards his back. He suddenly lashed out, grabbing the perpetrator's arm. His bag to swung around as he whirled to face the thief, causing 5 loose golden coins to free themselves from the gaping hole inside his bag. The thief had made quite a lot of progress it seemed.

The coins plinked and plonked as they bounced to a rest on the street. The minotaur stared impassively at the snake-like beastman before him.
"I would advise you to stop this action." He said quietly.
Though he tried his best to take a calm approach, his rumbling voice sent tremors into the teenager's (comparatively) frail arm.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... The coins plinked and plonked as they bounced to a rest on the street. The minotaur stared impassively at the snake-like beastman before him.
"I would advise you to stop this action." He said quietly.
Though he tried his best to take a calm approach, his rumbling voice sent tremors into the teenager's (comparatively) frail arm.

The would-be thief was surprised by Mougin's swift movement. Her eyes went wide as he grabbed onto her arm. On instinct, she tried to pull away. As she did, the bones in her arm softened, and her skin became very loose.

Her attempt to escape was in vein. The minotaur's grip was too tight. His hand slid down her arm, but she couldn't get it passed her wrist. Suddenly, in a wild panicked voice she called out. "Help! Help!! Help!!! I don't know you! Let me go!!!"

This was plan B, their escape plan when things went wrong. She would play the victim card. All the boys had to do was...

"What are you doing!?" Yelled the alligator beast-teen. He had turned around, no longer concerned with the "fight" that he was about to start.

From across the street, the three human teenagers joined in as well. "He's trying to eat her!" One screamed. "Somebody help!" The second yelled. The third one just squealed out in bloody murder, pointing horrifically at Mougin.

By this time a small crowd has started forming. Initially, they were attracted to the sight of what looked like a fight between two beast-folk and three humans. Now, confused, intrigued, and horrified, they were watching this new sight unfold.

Two blocks away and closing in fast, a man was running toward the scene. He approached as fast as a speeding car. His black suit flashed with small blue lights. He was a police officer, and he clearly meant business.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Mougin tilted his head in confusion as chaos unfolded. Things were flowing outside his expectations, even though he didn't know what expect in the first place. More and more people arrived on the scene, and he wasn't sure why. Nor was he sure why the other teenagers had reacted that way. Disregarding the thief's attempts to escape, the minotaur pondered the situation.

First of all, while the situation had left his control, there did not seem to be any immediate danger. The others in the area had given him a wide berth, and the thief's weapon had been disabled. There was little chance that he would come to harm, so staying where he was should be relatively safe. Though, while the thief seemed like she could no longer harm him, it was probably best to maintain his grasp on her. There was a hole in his bag, but he did not have the means to address that. His clothes would be a good enough stop-gap measure. The coins that had fallen out were still on the floor - he would have to address this soon, as the thief may still desire them. Though they did not seem particularly interested in them at the moment... Finally, there was a scant amount of food left in the sack. He would also have to finish that soon.

Coming to a decision, Mougin gently put down the sack of food, before meticulously picking up the five coins from the ground, one after another. He placed the coins in his pocket, before reaching again into the sack and withdrawing another pastry. He should probably have been thinking about the crowd gathering around him some more. He didn't really know what to about them, but as he bit down on yet another cooled down (but crunchy) confectionary, he couldn't help but reflect on one of the finest pieces of wisdom he had ever encountered - it was very difficult to think on an empty stomach.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... Coming to a decision, Mougin gently put down the sack of food, before meticulously picking up the five coins from the ground, one after another. He placed the coins in his pocket, before reaching again into the sack and withdrawing another pastry. He should probably have been thinking about the crowd gathering around him some more. He didn't really know what to about them, but as he bit down on yet another cooled down (but crunchy) confectionary, he couldn't help but reflect on one of the finest pieces of wisdom he had ever encountered - it was very difficult to think on an empty stomach.

The crowd was starting to get restless. The scene was confusing. On one hand, this giant beast-man was holding onto a much smaller girl, and there were shouts that he was about to eat her. On the other hand, he was moving slowly and eating pastries.

Realizing this wasn't going as planned, the alligator-teen started to act out of desperation. "I'll save you!" He yelled as he prepared to run toward Mougin. He wasn't optimistic about beating this giant in a fight, but he could get him to let go.

Before the teen could take a second step, there was a short but loud burst of a siren. The noise brought him to a halt, as the crowd of people on one side started to part. The policeman slid to a stop, just inside the circle of the crowd.

"What's going on here?" The officer demanded. He held his black pistol with both hands, but it was pointed at the ground in front of him, instead of at anyone in particular.

Before anyone else had time to speak, the snake-girl tried crying out again, tears starting to run down her cheeks. "He grabbed me! And he won't let go!" She struggled again to get free, putting more effort into her attempt and hoping the situation would have provided a big enough distraction.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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The distraction proved enough to break Mougin's concentration and the teen struggled out of his grasp. Mougin stared as she hurried away from him, wondering if he should attempt catching her again, but ultimately decided against it. It would be difficult to go against the crowd, and he didn't see any particular merit in doing that. At the policeman's query and the thief's accusation, he paused briefly, wondering what to say.

While what the thief said was technically true, the lack of context made it rather innaccurate. Was that how they testified in human lands? Should he defend himself in a similar manner? Probably not, since he didn't know how to do so. In the end, he decided to honestly depict what he believed to have happened.
"That individual was attempting to steal my pants. Or, my wealth." He finally said, pointing at the teenage girl.
Truth be told, he still wasn't sure which one it was.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tempum City (K7), Late Afternoon

... While what the thief said was technically true, the lack of context made it rather innaccurate. Was that how they testified in human lands? Should he defend himself in a similar manner? Probably not, since he didn't know how to do so. In the end, he decided to honestly depict what he believed to have happened.
"That individual was attempting to steal my pants. Or, my wealth." He finally said, pointing at the teenage girl.
Truth be told, he still wasn't sure which one it was.

With a lack of fighting or anything too dramatic, and with the arrival of a police officer, the crowd began to disperse. The three human teenagers that helped instigate the scene used this as a chance to escape down a nearby alleyway. Of course, they hoped neither of their friends got arrested or anything, but in the world of crime, it was every person for themself.

"Is that right?" The police officer asked the girl. His eyes darted to Mougin's torn clothes and then back to her.

"No!" She responded instantly.

Then, the alligator-teen spoke out, "She was only trying to protect me." His head was down, apologetically. "I was about to pick a fight with this guy, to see if he was as tough as he looked. She tried to get in the way, to stop me."

"Then he just grabbed me!" She interrupted, pointing to Mougin and stepping toward her friend, to take his side.

The officer took a heavy sigh. By this time most of the crowd was gone. "Well, it doesn't look like anyone was hurt." He rubbed the bridge of his nose pensively. Then he dropped his hand and spoke more crisply. "Does anyone here want to press charges?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mougin narrowed his eyes at the teenage beastmen.
"I see." He said, standing up to his full height.
He towered over the crowd, staring at the thief and her companion disdainfully, speaking again in his rumbling voice.
"You are both liars, then."

The atmosphere became heavy as anger and irritation rose in his heart. Anger at being falsely accused, irritation at the crowd that abetted it. But he quickly calmed himself, settling the troubled air. Passion had its place in a philosopher's mind, but anger did not. Not that it didn't have its uses.

Rage and power made for a frightful combination. In Mougin's country, power was king. Strength settled arguments better than words, and though the strength of the tribe overruled the strength of an individual, the largest and strongest individuals could nonetheless leverage their strength to end debates in their favour. But this was not his country, not his world. In this world, not even the largest predator dared to show their strength, because this world was ruled by the most powerful titan of them all. His teacher had called it the Law.

It held justice in its tyrannical grasp, and whe it did, it was a time of logic. There was no room for anger here, not while the colossus loomed over him. And so, the minotaur supressed his irritation, leaving room for his curiosity to breathe once more.
"What does it mean to... 'press a charge'?" He said to the police officer.
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