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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 8:50 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

T H E N I C E A N D A C C U R A T E P R O P H E C I E S O F I R E N E A D L E R, D E S T I N Y :

R. E. T H E S E C R E T W A R R I O R S

They are nearing their end. What happens will break them apart, triumph or fail, it will not change. Their group will be forever fractured, their bond never the same again.


If they fall, Genosha will share their fate.


The file corruption will become permanent if they stay in our world too long. I see that one will be overwritten and lost forever. More, if they aren't careful and quick. They will need the aid of a powerful sorcerer - a scarred man with a metal mask - in order to return home.

R. E. U N K N O W N S U B J E C T

There will be a boy called no one. You will know him by the sins of his mother. Hers steel, his annihilation.

The fight rages on with no end in sight. But just as the battle is being waged physically, a more sinister one has just been renewed. Some of our heroes had chosen to merge their memories and become an amalgam of their life in this world, Earth-257, and the one they had left behind, Earth-666. The others did not. Charles Xavier, while often claimed to be the world's most powerful psychic, is only a man. The barriers that he constructed in the minds of Matt, Cass, Oliver, Bonnie, and Flynn have fallen. The result is devastating and poorly timed.

Matt now ONLY remembers his life as an agent of MI13, tasked with capturing a horrific and elusive serial killer.

Cass now ONLY remembers her life as an agent of SWORD, the mutant adopted daughter of Director Hayward, raised to be a weapon.

Oliver now ONLY remembers his life as a brutal serial killer, whose parents' death at a young age resulted in him being placed in foster care, where his cruelty unfortunately flourished. His lover and partner in crime, Niah, is perhaps the only person in the world besides himself who he believes to be real - to truly matter.

Flynn now ONLY remembers his life on Genosha as the son of its founder, Magneto. The leader of its deadly X-Men, he loathes humans almost as much as the world hates and fears mutants.

Bonnie's memories would have been overwritten as well, turning her into another agent of SWORD who would view mutants as the devil. But her mind was not just her own - she was hosting the goddess Athena. And Athena could do what Charles Xavier could not. Bonnie's memories remained unchanged, as her eyes flashed stormily. The eyes on her shield flashed as well, as she swung the mighty Aegis up towards the sky. Eight Doombots turned into stone, falling to the ground and shattering into rubble - but once more, sixteen more arose to take their place.

I thought you said this had anti-magic properties, Bonnie interrogated the goddess in her mind.

It does, Athena chided. Bonnie turned her gaze at the sixteen new Doombots, waiting for them to begin their attack, but they remained frozen. She realized then that they were stone statues. The power of the Gorgon had spread through their replication process somehow, and while they duplicated, the new Doombots were little more than paperweights.

Eight dealt with, several thousand to go...

Up in the air, Amelia could hardly believe what she was seeing - there was a glowing portal by Niah that she could not even stand to really look at. Each tiny glance Amelia took felt like looking straight into the sun. But she wasn't going to argue with Niah or even really ask her where she had got that from, science-y types were always pulling out weird things like this in battle. And Niah had gone on so many adventures that Amelia didn't even question it. For instance, Sparky was carrying around a teleportation ring - why shouldn't Niah have some sort of weird portal?

"On it, mate!" Amelia answered. She sent a gigantic gust of wind, hundreds of miles fast, at a clump of about ten Doombots. The metal contraptions hardly stood a chance. Flying in the air, they were instantly blown down into the portal, disappearing on the other side. No Doombots emerged to take their place. "... Well shit. I dunno what that thing does, but I like it!" Amelia gave Niah a thumbs up.

But even with the portal, this would take a lot of time with just Amelia blowing the robots around... Especially as it was unlikely that they'd just calmly let her destroy them all...

Down on the ground with Doom, Doom was doing his best to fend off Sparky, Flynn, Raynor, and Cass all at once. Cass was proving easy for him - she kept on punching his armor, and as it was made of Uru metal, it hurt her more than it would ever hurt him. He tried to blast Cass away from him with what looked like a laser, but the laser was jammed or something, so nothing fired out. Raynor charged at Doom head on again, reaching out for his mask, trying to rip it away in order to expose some flesh, but Doom knocked him aside and Raynor saw stars.

"Foolish beings! You think you can triumph against the might of DOOM?!" Then, on cue, thirty Doombots alighted on the ground, surrounding Doom and the four heroes. Doom laughed.

Meanwhile at the entrance of the palace, whose doors were still sealed, Luminous had been robbed of her superspeed by Matt - for now (i.e., for 2 rounds of posting). While she was a speedster though, her deadlier power set was that of the Scarlet Witch - her mastery over probability and chaos magic. And that one was still functional. Her eyes glowed blue as energy built up around her in a dense field, and Oliver and Maria and Matt would feel a pressure inside their heads, as if Luminous were attempting to entrance them...

But then suddenly, it stopped.

Luminous collapsed to her knees, holding her head in her hands.

"Where... where am I?" she asked, looking up at the trio. There was no recognition in her face. "Who... Who are you?"

Luminous no longer remembered her life on Earth-666. She only remembered Earth-257.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

New Asgard
Skills: Superspeed, hand to hand combat

Oliver was single minded in his goal to stop Luminous, until he very much wasn't. Professor Xavier's barrier had failed, and in his mind, he became one with he counterparts. Now, all he could htink of way the foreign intrusion on his mind, and the fact that there was the pig that'd been chaseing him for years now. He'd felt a pressure on his mind, but he had no idea where that was coming from, and so he had one target on his mind, and that was putting Matt in the ground, and ensuring his freedom for the rest of his life. Quick as he coult, he was within striking range, and seared the blade into his flesh.

Oliver grinned, and gave an almost insane laugh, "You know, it's funny, in a way, that you think you matter. You're an insect, you know that? Insignificant and dull as can be. Allow me to extinguish your spark." He said, going in to try to slash him again, only to miss, and sloppily follow up again.. On his second failed attempt though, the blade was taken from his hand, and he growled, "Why won't you just die?" Oliver was ready to take it back as soon as he could, or snap Matt's neck, or do anything he could to squash the bug in front of him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: New Asgard
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electric Attacks, Fire Manipulation

Well things were going insanely poorly at least in Flynn's opinion, considering the fact that Doom didn't seem to be taking too much damage from their attacks because of the shield. But hopefully that wouldn't be too much more of trouble considering it was eventually taken down by the others. Though that led to other issues, namely the group of them being surrounded in general by a decent group of his robots. Yeah, this wasn't going to end poorly or anything considering they were against someone with a bigger ego then Tony Stark or something.

Before he attacked though, he stopped, his mind racing a bit as it tried to orientate itself to where he was and what the hell was going on. This was weird, but he did recognize the group he was with, as well as the person known as Doom who Destiny had said would also cause the downfall of Genosha if he wasn't stopped. "I have no idea how the hell I got here or what the hell is going on, but this seems like a fun situation to appear in," he ended up commenting, before he sent fire towards the Doombots around them, managing to bang some of them up to keep them back, but not destroying them.

Sparky wasn't entirely surprised by Raynor's reaction to what Doom had said about the metal, since it sounded kind of important a bit. Doom needed to be stopped, but the fact that he couldn't see what it was that he was doing, or how this all would potentially end, was a bad thing. It wasn't surprising that Bonnie had tried to reason with him, but it also wasn't surprising to her that he basically ignored her. The chaos was starting to go a bit haywire as everyone was fighting robots and other things in general.

Her attention remained firmly on Doom, figuring that taking him out of the equation would cause things to go quicker in general, and potentially stop this whole chaotic mess in general. She sent a bolt of electricity right at Doom, managing to hit him dead on, seemingly managing to injure him slightly, but not a whole lot. Her next shot did a lot better, despite its initial trajectory appearing to miss him. This attack did a lot more damage, and that was what she was hoping for. Sparky hoped that the others might be able to hit Doom a bit too and cause some more damage.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: Enhanced Condition.

Cassandra held her head for a moment as she suddenly started to get flashes in her mind as she started to loose her own memories of her former self and started to instantly remember her own life here. She was an agent of SWORD now and remembered that she was the adopted daughter of Director Hayward. She was basically trained and raised to be a weapon for SWORD and to defend the Iron from those who attacked it. Her vision was blurry for a moment until she started to focus again as Cass stared directly at Doom who was pointing a laser at her, she spotted Flynn who she knew was an enemy of the Iron and leader of the X-Men.

She quickly grabbed Doom by the arm and lifted him up and over her shoulder using all of her strength and throw him aiming at Flynn hoping to hurt him in the process as well. But she ended up missing mainly due to Doom flailing around in confusion as she managed to toss him directly into his own Doom bots. "You all are enemies of the Iron and you are under arrest." Cassandra said as she looked at Flynn, Raynor and Doom as well to.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria could feel some pressure in her head as she looked at Luminous seeing her eyes glowing blue, she knew that she was a threat still, and she was about to knock her out when Luminous suddenly stopped and looked rather confused. And the pressure was suddenly gone now as well to. "Well looks like it suddenly got to you to now. You are in New Asgard right now, and I'm Maria, thats Matt and Oliver." Maria said as she offered a hand to help up Luminous, when she watched Oliver suddenly swinging his energy sword at Matt. "Oli what the hell is your problem?" Maria said as she quickly took off her glove, knowing that Oliver was probably a threat now that he suddenly changed like Luminous did. Oliver was certainly hostile if he wanted to suddenly attack Matt like that.

She managed to grab Oliver's hand as she quickly absorbed his power and lifeforce as well to, managing to knock Oliver out with it, but her vision clouded slightly as her attention turned towards Matt. She really wanted to kill him for some reason as Maria quickly ran up to Matt using as much strength as she could and landed a rather hard punch at Matt's face. Maria also had a sudden attraction towards Niah as she looked over where she was for a moment.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: New Asgard
Skills: Pocketknife, anti-telepathy earbuds, advanced robotics, Kree Tech, Jack of all trades (science), Quantum physics.

It was a start. Also, thank God Amelia was okay. A part of Niah's brain had screamed that Amelia was sure to be dead from the attacks of the doom bots, but she wasn't. But this wasn't going to work well. There were too many. She looked over toward Oli to tell him to help, but something very weird was going on over there. He was attacking Matt, then Maria knocked him out with a touch, but then she started to attack Matt. What was going on?

"Oliver!" She cried out. Niah pushed herself up onto her single leg. No! Whatever stupid thing was going on now, just no. A few terrible ideas flashed through her mind before she grasped an idea that wasn't totally insane. Okay, it was insane. But what wasn't these days?

She sat back down. Niah pulled an item she hadn't really needed to carry around for a while. It was a small case with two earbuds in it. She remembered the crushed look on Tinley's face when she had decided to keep the earbuds, but it had never been because of her. It had been in case of other telepaths. It didn't matter right now. She took out a pocket knife and carefully pulled the earbuds apart. Then she closed the pyramid, not dismissing whatever weird science was happening with it; she still needed the portal.

Niah thought about what she wanted it to do. She wanted the earbuds to interfere with the doom bots and draw them into the pyramid. It would take forever to get them all otherwise. And she sent off a little prayer to whoever might be listening. With the earbuds and the Kree tech combined, she set the pyramid back down on the ground and re-opened it. She scooted away quickly. Hoping it would work.

And it did. Dozens and hundreds of the bots started flying toward the pyramid and were sucked into the void on the other side. It seemed about half of the doombots fell for it. She didn't dare let the relief of that set too deep. There was still work to do.

Location: EARTH 257: New Asgard
Skills: Paralytic touch

Things didn't make sense. He had no idea why he was here. But he knew one thing. The man standing next to him was a monster. Oliver Sullivan. A serial killer. Matt had been trying to catch him for years. And here was on a silver platter for him. Oliver attacked, but Matt could avoid it and even took his weapon away.

A strange woman he didn't know but somehow knew him took Oliver down. He wasn't certain how, but he appreciated the help. "Thank y-" He started. But was cut off when she punched him. Matt reached out and grabbed her ungloved hand. He sent out a blast of his paralytic into her.

It was odd, though. He felt fuzzy around the edges as he did it. And he was suddenly tired.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 9:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

The tides were finally beginning to change in the battle against the seemingly never ending Doombots. Niah and Amelia's strategy had sucked about half of the several thousand units into the heart of a sun, the host of Asgard continued to fight, and Bonnie's shield with the face of Medusa was turning Doombots into stone, magically passing that condition along to the replicated units. Unseen to most, the Valkyries were collecting the fallen Asgardian dead. The palace doors were holding - for now. And Luminous, Doom's closest ally, had turned.

With each swing of her shield, Bonnie turned more of the robots into stone - some of them falling from the sky, crushed into pebbles at the ground. More stone robots then appeared, and it reminded her of the stone statues in Narnia under the reign of the White Witch. By her quick estimation, only two hundred or so remained. The host of Asgard had gotten skilled at disabling but not destroying - and somehow, in an event that boggled the mind, Bonnie noticed that Niah had a portal.

Bonnie rushed up to her dear friend. "I don't suppose you're going to share where you got that from?" she asked. Her hair was going in all directions in the violent wind that Amelia was stirring up. Despite being the one inhabiting a god, Amelia truly reminded Bonnie of a goddess, as Amelia soared on the winds. She sent dozens of Doombots spiraling at a time through the portal, and the Host of Asgard caught on, now herding the Doombots in that direction.

"I don't understand it either, ya cunt," Amelia said cheerfully. "But I'm not complaining - works fucking well!" She startled though, hearing Niah cry out Oliver's name - and Amelia swung her head around. She could see Oliver by the palace doors, but he... he was on the ground, unconscious? And Matt and Maria were fighting?

"Go help your man, I've got this here!" Amelia urged Niah. "Or, erm, Bonnie go ahead and do it - I've got to keep blowing these suckers." Niah didn't have a leg to stand on at the moment, after all.

Bonnie hesitated. But she felt that Niah would have done it for her, so she took off at a sprint towards the palace entrance.

Meanwhile, the group fighting Doom was having some issues - namely, Cass announcing they were all under arrest. Cass had thrown Doom into a pile of Doombots, missing Flynn by accident. The Doombots looked identical to Doom as well, and they were all programmed with his voice and mannerisms (on Earth-666, the Fantastic Four had often thought they were facing Doom, only to realize it was a robot. It was rather annoying). This meant that, given that the Doombots Doom had crashed into also fell down, they looked all practically the same.

"You can't just shout that you're arresting us for being enemies of the Iron, that's now how things work - and you don't have any jurisdiction here, this is New Asgard," Raynor shot back at Cass. He was rather irritated - mostly because his body was aching from repeated abuse, but also because Cass' memory trouble was happening at the worst possible time. He wanted this to be smooth and easy - he didn't want to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts all at once.

"Shit, which one of these shitbags is the real Doom?" Raynor then asked, staring at the wall of Doombots.

All of them said in unison - "I AM DOOM!"

"Well that's helpful..." Destiny had said they'd need Doom's help, for some reason, to return home. Basically, they couldn't kill Doom. And if they tried to kill Doom and it was a robot, the robot would just duplicate. Another issue - all of these robots really did believe that they were Doom. All of them were telling the truth. "None of them are lying, either."

And lastly, over by the entrance to the palace, its doors still shut...

Luminous wasn't following what was going on at all - these people seemed to be insane. They kept randomly turning on each other. "Stop it!" Luminous shouted, her eyes blaring blue-silver for a moment, as she reached out with her magics and paralyzed Matt and Maria in place (of course, Matt had already paralyzed Maria, but y'know). Oliver would shortly stir and wake up again. "Now, you are all going to explain to me right now what is going on, how I got here, and what it is that happened to me!" Luminous demanded, fury blazing in her eyes.

Behind her, there was a gigantic BOOM as the palace door fell, hitting the ground. A Doombot - the real Doctor Doom, in fact - stood triumphant. "Your spells have failed, witch," he taunted. "Doom is triumphant!"

He then flew inside the palace, and was soon out of sight.

Bonnie made it to where Luminous, Matt, Maria, and Oliver were a second later. Instantly, she had her shield at the ready. "Stand down, Luminous... And let my friends go," Bonnie warned. A spear materialized in her hand. Athena must've known she needed a more long range weapon.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: Enhanced Condition.

Cassandra glared at Flynn and Raynor for a moment, she really wanted to take the two of them out and send them back to the Iron, but the Doom Bots before them seemed to be a major threat right now. Seeing as all of the Doom Bots were attacking the Asgardians here, she groaned slightly. "This isn't over yet." Cassandra said as she stared at the group of Doom Bots before them, she figured a temporary alliance would work for now so that they could deal with them all.

Cassandra planned on arresting Flynn and Raynor as soon as these things were dealt with, she looked over her shoulder seeing that some of the Doom Bots were being lured into the portal thing. "Send them into whatever that thing is." Cassandra suggested as she heard the Doom Bots yell in unison that they were Dr. Doom, which she didn't know who that actually was right now. Cassandra then ran over towards the closest Doom Bot.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria turned to glare at Matt as he suddenly grabbed her hand, and instantly she felt her loosing all feeling as she dropped down to her knees. But it looked like that Matt had forgotten that her skin would have an effect on him as well to, which was slightly funny, her eyes turned to Oliver for a moment, hopefully he wouldn't attack either of them. When Luminous suddenly turned on the three of them, though she was already paralyzed thanks to Matt.

When Doom suddenly blew open the doors to the keep and started to move into the building itself, her attention turned towards Bonnie as she ran up to them as well drawing a spear out. [color=lightgreen["The dude that went through the door is really evil, and he needs to be stopped. You are from another universe and your memories are being changed because there is another you here. If you don't release us then Doom will destroy the universe."[/color] Maria said to Luminous hopefully that would convince her to let them all go, or at least let her go Oliver was experiencing the same thing that everyone else has been going through since being here.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: New Asgard
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electric Attacks, Aerial Combat

Well this was getting to be a bit ridiculous at least in his mind, and Flynn looked at Cass and rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, you totally have a leg to stand on with arresting us. We're in another country where you have no jurisdiction, do you honestly think that people will let you do whatever the hell you want?" he snapped at her, though the way he said the first part was clear sarcasm. Yeah she clearly was a moron to think that. Seemed like she literally had no brains and that was about it, no wonder they never could actively catch them or something.

A few of the others seemed to all be surrounding the other woman or something who seemed to be causing them issues, though he didn't really know who it was that they were dealing with. Actually this entire group just seemed to be chaotic and didn't fully seem like they knew what was going on. The only thing that Flynn knew was that they needed to stop this Doom person, who literally just broke down the doors to the palace. "Well that's not good..."

Being one of the only people who didn't completely lose herself to anything since this was her home reality after all apparently, so now she was trying to figure out the best course of action. People were still dealing with the Doombots, and others were now focusing on Luminous, and more of on each other as several counterparts here were kind of enemies. Sparky wasn't sure what to do, until she saw the palace doors break open, and Doom flying inside. Given their current situation, she figured she'd go do something useful.

"I'm going after him," she instantly said as she flew up into the air, dodging around the chaos and flying straight into the palace. There she'd see Sif, defending a young blonde girl of sorts who was dressed in green, with a shield and spear, but it didn't look like it would last forever. "Leave them alone!" she said instantly to Doom, before she sent bolts of lightning at him. Both of her shots had terrible aim, but one of them got lucky and managed to slip through a breathing slot on his mask zapping him in the face.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

New Asgard
Skills: Superspeed, hacking

Oliver was knocked out, and the world was totally black. Luckily for him, he didn't go down easy, being plenty used to being knoced around. After all, most people didn't like having the life cut out of them, and had a penchant for pushing back when he cleansed their infection from the world. He briefly attempted, while he was down, to take control of the retreating Doombots, hoping to turn them against Matt and be rid of him forever, but that wasn't a skill he seemed to have, unfortunately. However, he took note that his beloved called for him, and a new idea came into his mind.

Abandoning the scum for a moment, he sped over to his dear Niah, a deranged smile across his face. "My love, it means the world to me that you're here right now." Oliver's voice was cracked, almost desperate, divorced from the reality of the situation around them almost entirely, "I need you, please, to turn those robots on our dear Detective Moss. Kill him, and we can be together forever." He looked back at what, in his mind, was his soon to bed dead adversary, confident that the love of his life would do this for him. There was an almost giddiness about him, completely unaware of how disturbing he might be.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 9:10 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Outside the Palace -

Almost all of the Doombots had been taken care of now - only a handful remained. The Kree technology powering the portal was struggling to remain open, not meant for such long and sustained use. It was supposed to be a leg, not a portal into a sun. Amelia was about to let out an exclamation about how they were so close, how these tin can robots weren't that tough anyways, and so on when Oliver sped on over. He looked like a serial killer from a Netflix show. He was entirely deranged.

"Er, mate?" Amelia said apprehensively. She was worried for Niah's safety. Niah didn't have her leg, she couldn't run, and she didn't have an offensive power. "That's a bit toxic, don't you think? Why can't you two be together forever without her committing murder for ya? Would you commit murder for her? Something to think about, eh?" She honestly didn't even know what she was saying, as she gently came to a landing down next to Oliver and Niah. She knew that Oliver could move faster than she could think. But maybe, if she just kept on talking, Niah would be able to do something to get him out of this Ted Bundy funk.

Of course, the five or six Doombots remaining opened fire on the group. The small missiles zipped and zoomed, before going on a course directly for Niah - if hit, it would be a fatal blow...

Meanwhile, Cass had managed to successfully yeet a Doombot on through the portal. The Doombots near them, realizing that the portal to the sun was a HUGE problem, zoomed off over towards Niah, Oliver, and Amelia. The path was clear for the group to go after Doom - or to go help their friends. The choice, of course, was up to our heroes.

Raynor decided that those three could handle it. Probably. "Look, you can arrest us after all of this is over - we need to go stop Doom now or everything is going to shit," Raynor told Cass. He was hoping that she would cooperate. He really didn't want to fight her. He was already fairly certain he was going to be sore for days and he didn't think fighting someone with dermal armor would be a good idea to avoid further injuries. "You can't serve the Iron if everyone is dead," he pointed out.

He looked at Flynn, hoping Flynn would be just as agreeable. "And Genosha won't last either, if he wins," he argued. He figured that Flynn would hopefully listen to him. For better or for worse, Genosha valued what Raynor had done for them - the dark acts he had committed so that way the shining leadership could keep their hands clean.

And then, over at the entrance to the palace, Luminous heard Maria's pleas - and Bonnie's threat. But it wasn't either of them that moved her, not really. No, it was her sense of duty. In this world, Luminous was a hero. She fought for those who could not protect themselves. And as she heard a death cry from inside the palace, she knew that they were right - that the man called Doom was a monster who needed to be stopped.

"I'm trusting you," Luminous said, before releasing them all - and flying off inside of the palace.

"Are we... are we working with Luminous?" Bonnie said hesitantly. But there really wasn't much time to sit around and chat about it. She had heard that same death scream. Someone had just died - or was dying - inside of that palace. And if it was the Enchantress, the Nexus Being, then the multiverse was at stake. Billions upon billions of lives depended on them. If it meant they had to work with Luminous, well... so be it.

Inside the Palace -

Doom groaned, stifling his cries from Sparky's lightning bolt frying his face. He was already disfigured, this wound would not do much to change his looks. "Enough of this! I am Doom! I an invincible and I will not hold back my full power any longer!" He then turned and fired at Sif - not a spell, no, but a ray. It was the sort of contraption that was built to be fired only once, maybe twice if you were lucky.

For lack of a better word, it was a death ray.

Sif's shield was meant to protect her and the young Enchantress from Doom's magical, mystic attacks. But it was nothing for his science. The ray went straight on through, only stopping when it hit Sif.

Her heart had stopped before her body hit the floor, dead.

Sylvie, the Enchantress, shrieked. She was frozen in terror and fear. She was young, even by Asgardian standards, and had never been in a real fight before. But she was Sif's ward and she would not be killed without a fight. Glowing green mists appeared around her, as she prepared her mystical defense.

"No," Doom said simply, firing off the death ray again - the last shot the gun could ever fire, as it broke under the stress.

There was a blur, a flash of silver. Sylvie went flying, pushed out of the way by an unseen force. And Luminous suddenly appeared, dead on the floor, her body next to Sif's.

Destiny's prophecy came true. Luminous had been lost forever, never to regain her memories of Earth-666. She had died a hero, not a villain.

But it wasn't over yet. Our heroes still had a multiverse - and a witch - to defend.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched as the Doom Bot she grabbed was thrown directly into the portal to wherever it had gone to, along with the other Doom Bots who decided to follow suit and into the portal. Her attention turned to face both Raynor and Flynn clenching her fists slightly as she thought about it, her skin did offer a lot of protection but she could still be killed regardless. Then there were all of these Doom Bots that they had to deal with, and their leader breaking into the palace as well to.

"Fine, but once this is all over i'll do whatever it takes to take you two in." Cass said deeming protecting the world to be more important now than having to deal with two genocidal maniacs she started to make her way over towards the palace quickly running towards it and making her way into the building just in time to see Doom firing off a death ray at the girl, only to be saved by Luminous herself who had taken the shot.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria closed her eyes for a moment letting out a slight sigh that Luminous decided to work with them, as she felt that she could move again and looked at Matt. "Sorry didn't know what came over me." She said as Oliver decided to speed off towards Niah right now, her attention then turned towards the scream coming from inside of the palace. "C'mon you need to come and help me deal with Doom he is more of a serious threat then a psychotic speedster right now." Maria said to Matt hopefully he would follow her, as she quickly sped off into the room.

When she entered the room she saw Sif dead on the ground along with Luminous as well to, at least she died as the Avenger's version of herself rather than her crazy psychotic self that they knew. Maria quickly charged forward managing to catch Doom off guard ripping off his helmet looking at his face. "Eww you really need to get like some aloe." Maria said as she quickly touched his face draining some of his lifeforce from him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

New Asgard
Skills: Superspeed

As Oliver beggged Niah to remove the scum from the Earth, an automata levied a barrage of flame and death towards them. No sooner has the missles departed their container and made their way towards them, his speed kicked in, time almost slowing down for him. Within heartbeats, He and Niah were off, running away from their impending doom. His feet, however, failed him, and his love fell out of his arm, flying away from him. In that singula rmoment, nothing was more important than making sure she didn't hit the ground and come to worse harm. He needed her to be well, not for what she could do for him, but out of a fear for what he would be without her.

Reaching into a speed he didn't know he had, he matched her speed and caught her, his feet dragging across the ground as he skittered to a stop, the missles missing the two of them. His heart was almost pounding out of his chest, and a visible, deranged distress pervaded everything about him. "Are you okay? I never meant to let you fall away from me, I hope I caught you well enough, my dear Niah." His voice was feverent, but still infected with a genuine care for her. He wanted, under no circumstances, for her to come to harm. Even like this, he loved her more than anything in the world.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 9:20 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Outside the Palace -

The rest of the Doombots had been dealt with now, and silence was almost ready to envelope those remaining outside. The sounds of battle coming from within the palace were hard to ignore - that and Oliver's crazed ramblings. Amelia paused for a moment, glad to see that no one had died, but worried about what to do. Her heart was conflicted. Oliver was out of his mind right now, and she didn't want to leave Niah alone with him. But she also didn't want to abandon the rest of her team when they were so close to stopping Doom - when they were so close to saving the multiverse.

But she then realized that if something happened to Niah because she left, Amelia wouldn't be able to live with herself - multiverse or not. "Right, you two good?" Amelia asked, walking up to where Oliver was clutching Niah. "That coulda been real nasty there, glad you managed to get her out of the way. Did you want to come help us punch Doom and knock out his teeth? Should be fun. Plus, would be kinda rad to save the multiverse, don't ya reckon? Given that we all live there."

Inside the Palace -

The best thing about Sylvie, the reincarnation of Amora the Enchantress, wasn't that she was a Nexus Being - rather, that she was a witch. Her specialty was enchantment, bewitching the mind and convincing it to believe a falsehood to be true. She could identify a person struggling to maintain a sense of self, their identity, from a mile away. And in the case of the Secret Warriors, those now convinced that they were their selves of Earth-257, Sylvie instantly recognized their plight.

"Vær som du skal være," Sylvie whispered, her eyes flashing green. The same green flash appeared in the eyes of those struggling, and suddenly, their minds would clear. Everyone would remember their lives on Earth-666. And only those who had previously chosen to would remember their life of Earth-257. Everyone was back to normal.

Maria held Doom within her grip, draining away his life force as he struggled. If he didn't hate her before she mocked his disfigurement, he definitely did now. "Витцхбреед кучко!" Doom cursed, as he sent off a somewhat feeble eldritch blast at Maria. It didn't work to shake her grip, nor did his attempts to force the ground to open up and swallow her. His life force draining away by the moment, he let off another blast of arcane fury, but Maria would be able to hold on.

Even though it looked like Doom was losing, Raynor wasn't going to trust that. He had sprinted into the palace, witnessing the gruesome scene. His heart clenched in sorrow, seeing his aunt, Queen Sif, dead. He didn't shed a tear for Luminous though - this was a better fate than the Nazi had deserved. His cousin, Klara, was the Queen of Asgard now - the last legitimate member of the House of Odin. Raynor assumed that Sif had disowned him ages ago - it would have been the smart thing to do, to blot out the stain from the record.

Raynor sent off a blast of pure light, blinding Doom. He threw his dagger, aiming for Doom's throat, but he struck his breastplate instead and Lyting clattered harmlessly to the floor. Holding out his hand, Raynor summoned his dagger back to him, and he tried again. Now, did it occur to Raynor that he could easily walk up to Doom and stab him right now? No. It did not. And even if it had, why would he do that - it didn't look nearly as cool! For what it's worth though, his second throw of the dagger also missed, hitting Doom's armor.

Bonnie, meanwhile, was not nearly as dumb as Raynor. She knew the weapons she had at her disposal. She knew that she could throw something at Doom and try to kill him - but that she might miss, and if she missed, she had a good chance of hitting Maria. No, but there was a weapon on her that was sure to succeed, particularly now that Maria had removed Doom's mask...

Her shield - given to her by Athena, it was Athena's aegis. It had the head of Medusa on it. And as Bonnie had previously demonstrated on Doombots, it had the power to nondestructively turn something - or someone - to stone.

"αντίο για πάντα," Bonnie said perfectly in Greek, a language that she did not know, but somehow, the words formed instinctively. She flashed her shield at Victor, and before he could avert his gaze, the snakes on the shield opened their eyes.

Doctor Doom was instantly turned to stone.

It was over.

The Secret Warriors had won.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Odinskeep, New Asgard Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at everyone who was in the room, she didn't know either of these people other than Bonnie, and knowing that Maria was a criminal as well to, Maria seemed to be holding Doom down trying to drain him of his life-force or powers. And Raynor tried tossing his knife at Doom, not even caring if Maria got hurt or not was kind of amusing. When she noticed that the girl's eyes on the other end of the room started to glow green. A few seconds later Cass' eyes started to do the same thing as well to, causing her to stumble backwards slightly getting a lot of flashes of her life back in Earth-666.

When everything stopped Cassandra shook her head slightly she was back to normal now it seems as she looked at Bonnie as she held out her shield and Maria quickly releasing Doom. Cass watched as Doom quickly turned to stone, which was a good thing then that they managed to defeat Doom. The room was a little bit quiet as she stared at the bodies of Sif and Luminous as well to, she wasn't sure what had happened to her, but at least Doom had been stopped. "Doom isn't dead right?" Cass asked looking over at Bonnie and then over at the petrified statue of Dr. Doom she remembered that they needed his help to get back home as well to. "Nice job there by the way Bonnie." Cassandra said giving her friend a smile.

Maria Novikova

Location: Odinskeep, New Asard, Earth 257
Skills: Power & Lifeforce Absorption (Oliver's Super-speed & Demonic Traits)

Maria winced as she held onto Doom as best as she could as he sent a blast of energy at her, but her grip remained on Doom as much as she could trying to drain as much out of him, while not killing him in the process. She winced again as Doom blasted her with some arcane energy as well, but she managed to shrug it off. Maria turned her attention towards Raynor who came into the room and started to throw his knife at Doom. "Hey you trying to kill me to?" Maria said to Raynor, as Raynor tried it a second time, when Bonnie took out her shield and she quickly remembered her times reading Percy Jackson & the Olympians growing up Athena's shield would turn anyone into stone, and she quickly let go and looked away from Doom.

When Maria looked back she saw that Doom had been turned to stone now, as Maria looked over at Bonnie and smiled towards her Doom had been defeated. "Can we go home now?" Maria asked looking at Sylvie who was there and made her way over towards her putting her gloves back on offering a hand to Sylvie. "Are you alright?" Maria asked her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: New Asgard
Skills: N/A

Flynn wasn't too sure what fully to go with considering the fact that Cass was talking about arresting them where she had no jurisdiction or anything like that, and he glanced over at Raynor when he said they needed to focus on dealing with Doom as opposed to fighting amongst each other. Well he knew that already, he paid attention to what it was that Destiny had said about Doom and him being able to destroy everything or something like that, including their reality.

"Well I knew that already," he ended up saying, before he headed along after everyone else to see what was going on in general over there. He showed up just in time to really see everything get dealt with and Doom get turned into a stone statue, and for his memories to clear up and things to be back to normal again. Flynn blinked a few times and looked over at the others as they were discussing what to do with that now. Things definitely seemed to be a bit strange right now, and it looked like the current queen was dead.

Sparky hadn't been able to stop Doom from killing Sif or Luminous, and that wasn't a good thing at all. She had been about to send some more electricity at Doom, when others came into the area and instantly started attacking him, with Maria easily somewhat slowing him down by draining his energy. When the commotion ended, she was a bit surprised to see a statue currently where Doom had been, that was a bit random in her mind. She walked over to where Raynor was, wondering what was going through his mind currently, and she looked at everyone else. "So... What exactly now?" she asked, before she heard footsteps as someone else came into the room.

Klara raced into the area, her sword in her hand, before she saw the seen before her and she lowered her arm, "Mother?" was all she said, before walking up to where Sif's body was. She, like Raynor, didn't have much in the way of actual family anymore after Ragnarok, but she still had one of her parents afterwards, and for that she had always been grateful. Now though, she only had Raynor left, not to mention the fact that now, she was effectively the ruler of New Asgard, which meant that another thing needed to be said. "You know, with my mother gone now what this means right?" she ended up asking Raynor, wondering if he'd connect the dots or not, aside from the obvious being that she was technically the ruler of New Asgard now.

Raynor looked at her gravely, and he bent the knee to her. Klara just sort of laughed, shaking her head. "I meant more of with regards to you... Because yes with my mother gone, the rule of New Asgard falls to me... But what a lot of people don't think about... Is whose next in line after that. And I don't have any children or anything like that... Which means you would be next in line after me..."

“….I….” Raynor seemed surprised to hear her say that - largely because her mother had just been killed and her body barely cold, but also because he had assumed he wouldn’t be in the line of succession. “New Asgard could not ask for a better ruler than you - or a worser one than me.”

It was a bit obvious to many that it looked like she was fighting back tears a bit at this point when she spoke next, "I've always told you that you sell yourself a bit short... But... Raynor you're the only family I have now. I don't have anyone else... I know you are capable, plus you even have a family of your own now aside from just me... I'd love for you to be my successor, and considering what just happened, a lot of people forget how important a line of succession is, or how short life can be even for people like us who live a lot longer then Midgardians do... I just... I don't think I can do this whole thing alone, even if you think that I can... So why not make your little girl a true princess of Asgard too while we're at it..." she was starting to cry now.

“….Alright,” Raynor relented. He was uncertain, but he could never stand to see his cousin cry. “I’ll do it.” She just nodded her head in response, not really saying anything else much as she was trying to keep it together now, but was failing miserably at it for the most part. Her laughter before had more of been her trying to cope with what just happened, and failing at it.

Sparky wasn't too sure what to think at this point, considering the fact that she never actually really thought of Raynor being a prince of any sort for Asgard, since from what she figured, it sounded like he didn't expect that sort of thing either. They were basically stuck there trying to fully figure out what to do now, and she looked over at Sylvi, wondering what was going through her mind with regards to what was going on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: New Asgard
Skills: Kree Tech

Niah had to take a second to catch her breath. All that had just happened had been so quick. She knew something was wrong with Oliver. That he was the person that was from this world. She knew how to deal with him. Niah smiled. "I'm fine. Thank you." She touched his cheek.

She then looked at Amelia, "I need my leg back." She pointed at the pyramid. There were no more Doombots. She felt her leg would need some time to recharge, which was a funny thought. "I used the Kree tech. I'm not sure how stable it is." Niah explained, moving to hop over and collect the tech. She touched it, the pyramid disappeared, and her leg was back. She put it on. She let out a small sigh of relief.

"I'm honestly surprised that worked." The area was littered with broken and unbroken statues of the Doom bots. Something Bonnie could hopefully explain later. She'd explain the thing with her leg.

Location: EARTH 257: New Asgard

Matt's head hurt. He knew he hadn't been in his right mind. He had touch attacked Maria. That alone was a stupid idea. But Oliver, his head snapped up and he looked around for Oliver. He spotted him with Niah and Amelia. They seemed okay. He headed inside where Doom had gone. But the fight was over. Doom was frozen, a block of stone. He didn't know who had done that. No one in the group had that power set.

How were they supposed to get back? Didn't they need Doom to figure it out? But that seemed like a later problem since Klara said something about Raynor being her successor. That would make for a hell of a commute. He frowned, looking at the bodies in the room. This wouldn't be the last battle of its kind. There was a lot of evil in the multiverse. They couldn't protect everyone all the time. Matt moved over, so he was near Cass.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

New Asgard
Skills: N/A

One moment, Oli's mind was poisoned, desperate for nothing but death and violence and blood, and the next, he was by his love, Niah, and there was a stillness in the air. A flood of what had happened washed over him, and a juxtaposition of horror and embarasment washed over him. He had done, perhaps, what he'd always feared, and hurt people he cared about, of his own accord. It washed over him in a wave of nasea, and he held Niah tight. That would never happen again, not if he could help it. He'd never be responsible for something so wretched. "I'm so sorry for that. I promise I'll make it up to all of you." He said, quietly, mostly to himself, but well within Niah's earshot.

This was, perhaps, the confirmation Oliver needed to know that his time as a SHIELD agent was done. As long as he was tryign to do good this way, people would get hurt. It felt, in so many ways, that he wasn't fated for this kind of life. He was an academic, with powers found in unlikely circumstance, and the child of a monster. He would do what he could to make this place a little brighter, but it had to be in a place where he would know he wouldn't be hurting anybody. He looked onto Niah, and knew that he had a long life ahead with her, and if there was one thing he was certain of right now, it was that things would be right, as long as they were together.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Secret Warriors returned home with the aid of Amanda Sefton, Sorceress Supreme, and Dr. Bob Banner, the Hulk. They had left Luminous' body behind on Earth-257. Meanwhile, the petrified yet still living Doctor Doom was brought back with them to Earth-666, where he was turned over to the custody of Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four. While SHIELD was incredibly grateful to the Secret Warriors for their service, it turned out to have been the team's last mission. Nearly ever member either quit or asked for reassignment in the weeks to follow.

Their names may not be shouted from rooftops like the Avengers, but the world needed them - and they were there. They were a shield, protecting innocents from harm. They fought HYDRA, prevented the rise of Ultron, survived the House of M, celebrated Christmas with Deadpool, defeated the Black Order, entered a deadly Civil War, stopped the ominous Secret Invasion, and traveled the strange dystopian world of Earth-257.

They were the very best of SHIELD and we will never see their kind again.
So, what happened to the Secret Warriors?

Cass left S.H.I.E.L.D. and set her sights on the Avengers. That and marrying the love of her life, Matt. Together, they've adopted a child - a son named Ben. Cass is currently a hardworking and dedicated superhero, and she's appeared on a few trading cards and lunchboxes.

Maria left S.H.I.E.L.D. and became a card carrying member of the Avengers, alongside her wife, ex-agent Dominika Novikova. A few years after welcoming their first born child, a little girl named Diana, they did another round of IVF and welcomed a bouncing baby boy named Percy to their little family in San Fransisco. Fortunately for now, at least, the Avengers' salary isn't half bad...

Niah left S.H.I.E.L.D. behind - and government work, as well, as she was fed up and wanted to make an actual difference with her powers. She took a lab job working for [REDACTED]. She and Oliver officially got together, and the two of them had a horrendously named child, little Mary Sue.

Sparky left S.H.I.E.L.D. - and this universe - behind. She moved with Raynor to Earth-257 and settled down in a small home in New Asgard with their baby girl, Zarina. While Raynor does what he can to atone for the sins of the past, Sparky has been reconnecting with her father, Bob Banner. She also has been making a living as an inventor.

Raynor left S.H.I.E.L.D. and returned to Earth-257 to face the music. He couldn't undo what he had done, but he could atone for it. Based out of New Asgard, Raynor acts as a public superhero, doing his best to create something positive in that world. He's also a doting husband to Sparky and father to his precious baby princess, Zarina.

Flynn became a father - first to a baby girl named April, and a few years later, to one he named Zelda after one of his favorite video games. He still works at S.H.I.E.L.D., now in a supervisory role, helping to decide how different threats should be responded to and what teams are the best for the job. He's based out of Washington D.C., as Bonnie's new position requires it.

Bonnie gave birth to a happy baby girl named April and soon left field work behind. She took a job working in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s medical science division, and had her second child with Flynn a few years later, another girl named Zelda. Bonnie was eventually promoted to be the Medical Science Director at S.H.I.E.L.D., causing the small family to move to Washington D.C.

Matt got together with his sweetheart, Cass, and decided to take a desk job at S.H.I.E.L.D. He felt he was done with fieldwork. With Cass at the Avengers, Matt is the primary parent for their son, Ben (his sister's kid who Matt and Cass adopted). The small family lives in New York City.

Oliver left S.H.I.E.L.D. and got together with the love of his life, Niah. Together, they welcomed a baby girl with a terrible name into the world - Mary Sue. He's a complete helicopter parent, and ended up eventually getting a teaching job at the Margaret Carter Institute the year Mary Sue started...

Amelia left S.H.I.E.L.D. and set her sights on the stars. She bade her friends goodbye and ended up becoming a galaxy based superhero, working sometimes alone, and other times on teams. She sends the group cards every new year, usually accompanied with a goody basket worth of cool souvenirs from her travels.

Goose was annoyed when all of his favorite hoomans decided to up and quit the team! And this was after they didn't even bring him along for their last mission! Somehow, Goose ended up back in the care of Captain Marvel, and has been traveling the galaxy, high on catnip. He sends Niah postcards with nothing written on them, except for a messy paint paw print.
🥇 Skill Rewards 🥇

  • Flynn - Basic anti-magic defenses (specialty skills)
  • Sparky - Asgardian Engineering (specialty skills)

  • Niah - Kree Technology Usage (general world skills)
  • Matt - Swordsmanship (specialty skills)

  • Raynor - Crocheting (general world skills)
  • Amelia - Unaided flight (general world skills)
  • Bonnie - Shield combat (general world skills)

  • Maria - Russian (reading/writing) (general world skills)
  • Cass - Hacking (Specialty Skills)

  • Oliver - Hunting (general world skills)

~ in order of submission ~

Dr. Dominika Novikova

Cassandra Reed

Tinley Abercrombie

Maria Novikova

Dr. Niah Bautista

Dr. Theresa "Sparky" Sparks

Tempest Renroir

Raynor Baldursen

Frederick Flynn

Dr. Harry McCormick

Dr. Bonnie Chase

Matthew Moss

Oliver Sulivan

Amelia Baptiste

Kwassi Asokho



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