Verity Oxenbridge
The Devil | March 22 | 5'3 AppearancePetite and pale-skinned, with a big forehead and an unnerving gaze, one that looks at, and only considers, an individual's exteriority. There's an unbelievable arrogance that pervades her every move, and she holds herself as distinct from the crowd as well, slouching or leaning at her leisure. She has all the elements of a slacker, from non-existent fashion sense to non-existent hobbies to non-existent intellect, so where on earth does she get her self-confidence from, to go about her day as if she existed on a whole other dimension from the rest of her equally wealthy peers?
ReputationA trust fund baby, and one who clearly wasn't brought up all that well, if she let her perfectly-secured future get into her head so much that she's become a habitual skipper, an apathetic delinquent, a bratty hedonist. Verity makes no effort to engage in any classroom icebreakers, only spouts off nonsensical observations in group projects, and if you lay your eyes off her, it's guaranteed that she's going to go fuck off somewhere. She treats everyone equally, in that none of them are worth truly understanding, but she lacks a sense of distance as well, able to speak casually with just about anyone, regardless of whether or not she should.
She must have some brains, at least, to not fail her classes, but she's always on just the cusp of getting kicked, and her mere existence is spitting in the faces of any scholarship students who had to actually try to get where they are now.
Really, Verity's probably the type of person to spam low kicks in fighting games.
BackgroundThe doted-on daughter of the Oxenbridges, who started off as cryptocurrency gamblers before delving more deeply into 'serious' finances. Now, they own estates on every continent and travel the world to give talks of all sorts about the future of crypto, NFTs, AI, and FIRE. They produce nothing, generate nothing, but still rake in millions every year, with seemingly no effort.
It's how it goes, after all. Once you get enough money, it just starts making itself.
Verity grew up in that opulence and excess. If she wanted it, she could buy it, and the amount of conference dinners or occasions that her parents brought her to honestly outnumbers the amount of times she ate at home. The life of the nouveau riche was decadent beyond compare, and the shittier thing was that even if the markets all crashed the next day, the Oxenbridges had a large enough rainy day fund that they could continue to live without a care for the next three generations. They will never get their comeuppance, and she...
She had nothing but time. A whole century's worth of time to whittle away as she pleased.
So at the first chance she got, Verity decided on a boarding school.
MiscVerity's the oldest of three children, and has a younger sister and a baby brother.
She chose Harbor Academy because it was in the middle of nowhere and, for whatever reason, is in Sciences.
Curiously enough, Verity has a better relationship with the people in the city than with her fellow classmates. God knows why though.
WeaponA fire axe. Hefty, unbalanced, but satisfying to swing.
PersonaShackleton. An explorer of the Antarctic famed for his ability to lead in times of disaster, but who similarly failed to adjust to regular life in society and ultimately died in great debt, as many great men are wont to do.
MovesetA menagerie of buffs and cleanses, all of which intensify in efficacy in worsening situations. Absolutely worthless in rote situations upon the seas, but will kick ass otherwise. Mostly aligned with the Ice element, but has some Gun elements too.