Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Purifier

Location: inside The Tower > choosing Croc Crush
Interactions: @AzureKnight,@Polaris North,@Enkryption,@The Irish Tree

Tilnak watched the others and their groups, it would seem they were all rather evenly divided. His group seemed to be more concerned with getting started quickly even if it seemed like there would be some friction in the team, something to be expected he mused to himself. Shifting in place slightly as they spoke of strategy, he couldn’t help but nod in appreciation to hector’s words about not slaughtering them all. Even magical beasts had a right to exist as much as the rest of them.

Tilnak… can… guide… forest is… home.” Bringing one of his smaller arms up to rub his throat after he spoke clearly, not adjusted to it yet, a clear sign of living as a hermit and an outsider for most of his life.

Tilting his head slightly in thought about where they were going and what to expect and remembered he hadn’t been down in that area in some time. Getting a bit more information about the area would benefit them.

Placing his hand on his chest, “Return… sh-shortly.” Stepping away from the group still rubbing his neck towards where he thought someone said the researcher Naomi was located. Walking off down the hall to locate the placard. Eventually he came to a door that looked about right and knocked on the door.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aldin seemed a bit flustered as he was handed the bag of conconcoctions, but dutifully tied it to his belt, safely under his armored jacket regardless. "Right. To be sure, is this a manner of prevention or cure?" He asked, before shaking his head. "And I should probably be off either way. I'll be in once we finish our task, but I'll trust your capable hands to help my mother's condition." Aldin bowed deeply, before turning. He wasn't used to the formalities of the situation, nor to the idea of a medicine woman, but he also knew that, undoubtedly, he was ignorant. "Thank you very much, Miss Gardner."

So, the swordsman started retracing his steps back towards the entrance, though he had a sneaking suspicion he would be getting lost in the maze of a place the tower was. As he walked, he took a small mental inventory, but, turning a corner, he was met face to face with a behemoth who doubtless would have had him drawing arms were not already familiar with it as one of the others of his group of inductees, one Tilnak. @ReusableSword

"Ah, we meet again," Aldin spoke, doing his best to be polite, though he was still feeling a bit on the wrong foot, if for an entirely different reason with this one. "I presume you're here to prepare for your own tasks?" The truth was, fast as Aldin had moved, he had no idea who else was working which missions.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Asterope's greeting was seemingly completely ignored by Evelynn as she promptly left the room without so much as a look in the Thunder Witch direction. Still, the older Magus didn't seem too affected. In fact, she kind of smiled at the strange occurrence and turned to Taltrus and Einer, waving towards Evelynn and the hallway in a motion that meant to follow them.

"After you." she simply joked, hopefully following them and the rogue Eve that abandoned them.

Like the others, Asterope was in the hallway to listen to Donovan's explanations on the case as well as the little back and forth between him, Evelynn and Leon. it was only at the end of Leon's monologue that Asterope cleared her throat loudly, hopefully gaining the two young Reavers attention to the rest of the group.

"You two are very cute together, but I believe this is a team's mission, is it not? Not that I would mind sitting back and receiving some of the laurels, but it just is not my type to do so." Asterope said with a big smile. It was meant as a jest, of course. if the two others wouldn't speak up, then she would.

"While Leon here is right, I also wouldn't be too quick to judge your own teammates. Young Evelynn here has made her proofs, after all." Asterope added as she passed them all, ruffling Leon's hair as she did so, leaving some static in them.

"Thank you, Sir Krausser, for the much welcomed added intel." the new Reaved said, with respect, before turning to the others.

"Shall we talk on the way, then?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

Morgenröte - Mid Morning

Croc Crush

@Polaris North @The Irish Tree NPC(s): Lapis

Lapis’s eyes narrowed at Shavis’s shrug and brief justification at Scarlett’s outburst, but ultimately her aim was to refocus the group on the task at hand. This was also cosigned by Hector, who suggested that perhaps consulting Researcher Naomi on the intricacies of the Makara would be a good idea. Much like Scarlett, Tilnak also left the group for a moment, apparently headed in the direction of Naomi’s office.

”Well, I know a little bit about the Makara, aquatic creatures are usually my specialty.” Lapis said with an air of confidence. They can be pretty ferocious as you can expect, they are predators after all. But, they usually don’t go near human settlements. Humans, thankfully, aren’t usually on the menu and they become cautious when seeing a bunch of them grouped up together in a living space. Despite their instincts, they can be very wary animals.” She crossed her arms, seeming to be lost in thought.

”I wouldn’t recommend going close up to one all alone though, not a good idea…” She said with a more serious expression on her face. ”Of course, they can manipulate water and some can even generate pulses of electrical energy for self defense and hunting prey.”

She then looked off in the direction Tilnak went off to. ”I guess Ms. Naomi could give some more insight into the Makara given the specific region. I feel there are more factors at play here.”

Lapis didn’t appreciate how Scarlett stated that beasts exist to be tamed by man, not being a fan of man’s constant need to rule over nature with an iron fist. But, she would keep that to herself for now.

@ReusableSword @Blaze Gamma NPC(s): Naomi

As the two Reavers met each other in the hallway, Tilnak’s knocking on the door was answered after a little bit. The person who opened the door was revealed to be a young woman with long pink hair and black clothing. Her white wings identified her Belua heritage. She wore a tepid expression on her face as she spun around her glowing fountain pen.

”Good Morning. I’m Naomi Schuller, researcher of Eon and budding environmentalist and expert of Magical Beast theory. I presume you’re here for guidance on the ZoHo Marsh excursion?” She spoke in a very rushed manner, apparently annoyed by the whole interaction. However, her demeanor did change somewhat upon further examining the two men in front of her. She immediately took notice of Tilnak’s feral features and her eyes widened a bit, such Belua are not common sights among the more urban societies. Not even in a place like Morgenröte, if she had the time later she’d definitely have some questions for him. She looked at Aldin for a moment, but instead of intrigue her expression was one of perplexity. Aldin certainly didn’t have the look of a magus, and his appearance made her at first think that he was serving as a hired mercenary or a guard for the tower.

”At any rate, I presume you have basic knowledge of the Makara species. Large and muscular, 6000 lbs bite force, and can control water and electric pulses in some instances. However, given the environment, the ones you’ll be encountering will have different behavior patterns. She continued, still futzing around with her pen. ”Due to the dense foliage around the Marshlands, very little sunlight reaches into the territory. As a result, this species is more suited to seeing in the dark than normal. In addition, they’ve also adopted a camouflage characteristic, their scales allowing them to better blend in with their surroundings.”

Finishing her explanation, she folded her arms and sighed. ”Am I able to assist you gentlemen with anything else? If not, I am quite the busy birdie and must return to my work.”

@Enkryption NPC(s): Kiff

”Pervert?” Kiff made a small chuckle at Scarlett’s insult. ”Miss, I assure you, I am a gentleman of the highest calibur.” He replied. As she explained her purpose for coming, he raised a brow as she went about the altercation she had with the ‘Blue Snake and Haughty Black Witch’. At that point, he broke out into a hardy laugh.

”I keep telling that pipsqueak to not be such a hardass, but he won’t listen to me! Oh! Please don’t tell him I called him that. I learned my lesson the last time. As for Roze, I’m certain you’ll come to find that she’s actually a very sweet gal.” Calming down, he leaned back in his chair a bit. ”It’s just that...her sweetness is often hidden away by her stoicness. I sincerely doubt you’ll be held here due to something that miniscule!” He sat forward, resting his chin on his clasped hands.

”They both mean well, and they definitely see and appreciate the potential you all bring, hell I do too! Well, maybe not Rue. I personally think the guy is an asshole on purpose because he gets off on it.”

”Forgive me, I digress. As for the Wetland mission, the bestiary section should have all the information you need. Though, Naomi may be of more help all things considered. She seems to think that the beasts may have different abilities and temperament due in part to environmental factors.” He said, rubbing his chin. ”I believe she mentioned something about camouflage and seeing well in the dark? I’m not sure. But, if there’s anything else I can help with, just say the word.”

Badland Heist

@Inertia @Silverstein @PaulHaynek @FrogRFlowR NPC(s): Evelyn

Evelyn made a small yelp as Leon bumped into her in the hall, but she was prevented from falling by a graceful save from the elf. Thanks in part to his future-sight, he was able to advert the whole situation.

”Oh! Um…Thank you.” She said, still a bit flustered. His next words, however, made her want to rescind her early gratitude. A blaring annoyance shone in her eyes and a large anger vein appeared on her forehead in response to Leon’s scolding. A half pint, just about as scrawny as she was, lecturing her. The nerve!

”Oh, shut it! I’ll be the saving grace of this mission, you’ll see!” She snapped back. Her attention immediately turned to Asterope, who had followed behind them along with Taltrus. She had made a remark about her earlier scene with Leon in jest, this served to further irritate the young witch.

”Us? Together? This deadpan boy who’s no bigger than me and has the looks of a scoundrel? HA! He wishes!”

”Now, now, let’s try to settle down.” Donovan intervened. ”Now then, Leon, I certainly hope your theory isn’t correct. It would truly be a shame if this was in part orchestrated by someone on the inside. I wonder why one of the workers there would even go through with such an action…” He adjusted his glasses, still pondering the situation.

”Well, we can theorize about it all we want, but the best way to get answers is to investigate the scene and get the best information from the workers there. Are you all set to go or is there anything else you need from me?” He looked at Asterope and Taltrus for a moment.

”Though, with Ms. Asterope and an esteemed member of the Olstelas family accompanying you, I doubt you’ll run into any real trouble.”


@Hammerman NPC(s): Rue, Roze, Johannes

”The main lab is on the south wing, go down that hall there. Can’t miss it, you’ll know by the smell.” Ruecian said, lazily waving them off as they made their way.

After a little bit of time, the two appeared in front of a peculiar door. It was completely out of place with its lavish surroundings, being covered in strange strains and rusted markings. As Ruecian had stated earlier, a pungent odor had also emanated from the entrance to the room. If one had to describe it: it would be the scent of burnt rubber, mildew, and cigarette smoke. Along with a bit of bourbon.

As they opened the door, the smell hit them full force and they were presented with what was supposed to be the main alchemy lab at the tower. One side of the room did have the look of a traditional lab, tables covered in beakers and test tubes. They contained various liquids and viscous substances, some being heated and chilled. The other side, however, was revealed by an ajar garage door. This part of the room contained numerous types of machines and gadgets scattered around everywhere. Along with them were countless cigar buds and a few bear cans. In the corner of the room sat a tan skinned older man wearing goggles. His greying hair showed his age. He appeared to be fiddling with something on a workbench, muttering to himself as he did.

His work was broken when the device literally blew up in his face, it created a small flash that lit up the room. The explosion nearly drowned out the yell the man had made, which was promptly followed by a swear. Lifting up his goggles, he shook the soot off of his head, then turned at the couple. Seemed he finally noticed their presence here.

”Eh? Oh, you kids must be the new guys! Name’s Johannes, what can I do for ya?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @AzureKnight

”The main lab is on the south wing, go down that hall there. Can’t miss it, you’ll know by the smell.” Ruecian said, lazily waving them off as they made their way.

"Thank you for the information, kind Sir," Lanus replied with a short bow.

"The smell?" Renee raised an eyebrow. She decided not to ask any questions. Perhaps he just meant the usual alchemical spell you would get inside an alchemy lab from all the chemicals laying around.

After walking for a little bit, the two arrived in front of a peculiar door. It was completely out of place with its lavish surroundings, being covered in strange strains and rusted markings. As Ruecian had stated earlier, a pungent odor had also emanated from the entrance to the room. If one had to describe it: it would be the scent of burnt rubber, mildew, and cigarette smoke. Along with a bit of bourbon.

Hmm? This isn't how an alchemy lab is supposed to smell… Whoever's running this place, they must have not kept the place well. And really, smoking at the job? Renee thought with a scowl as she rested her hands on her hip.

"Now now, don't be like that, my dear Renee," Lanus chuckled. "It's not our right to criticize the master of the place. Maybe he doesn't run his lab like you do but that doesn't mean you get to say it to his face."

"I'm not going to say it to his face," Renee retorted, glaring at her boyfriend.

"Really now? Knowing you, you inevitably would." He smiled. "So please, just hold that sharp tongue of yours back."

Lanus was the one to open the door. And what he found behind was indeed something Renee would find quite… unorthodox, to say the least. One side of the room did have the look of a traditional lab, tables covered in beakers and test tubes. They contained various liquids and viscous substances, some being heated and chilled. The other side, however, was revealed by an ajar garage door. This part of the room contained numerous types of machines and gadgets scattered around everywhere. Along with them were countless cigar buds and a few bear cans.

What the… why… why is it combined into one room like this?! Renee shouted in her mind as her mouth hung open.

Lanus was the first to notice the tan-skinned older man in the corner of the room. With his usual confidence, he made his way to him, only to stop when the device he was tinkering with blew up in his face.

”Eh? Oh, you kids must be the new guys! Name’s Johannes, what can I do for ya?”

"Greetings, good Sir." Lanus gave his usual bow. "I am Lanus Retily and the beautiful fae girl over there is my ladyfriend, Renee Terfiel. We're asking if we can purchase some of your supplies. Renee there is an alchemist and she can use some ingredients that you may have."

Lanus then walked over to Renee and put his hand on her shoulder. "Well, it's your turn now," he whispered. "Tell the good man what you require."

Renee, now snapped out of her thoughts, turned to face the old man. "Y-yes, I would like to see if you have any transmutation liquid with you available. Failing that, I can also do with some Transhomn berries and Milkuree roots." She, of course, was capable of synthesizing the liquid herself, as long as she had the raw materials.

As he spoke, she eyed him up and down in an inquisitive, almost judgmental way. Clearly, he was the owner and caretaker of the place. He didn't seem to look like an alchemist though. He belonged more inside that garage with his machinery.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Scarlett found Kiff to be... surprisingly agreeable.

Not only to her point, but her opinion. Normally, she would have expected him to be disagreeable - to the point that she had a retort primed and at the tip of her tongue, yet she found herself swallowing it, instead. He agreed, through his own point of view, and neither The Scientist or The Beast could fully accept this unexpected turn of events. However, life was nothing if not manufactured constants and natural inconsistencies.

Surely, there are bound to be outliers in all things.

After all, work was hierarchical and it was clear, Kiff was keeping himself cloistered below Ruecian and Rozemyne, like a lazy cat, while the snide snake climbed further up the tree, and the haughty raven kept herself nested; only moving higher when needed. It was a game, like all things, with structure and rules - even if Scarlett invented them for her own mental benefit. And, so, with that in mind, she regarded his words in earnest; making sure to keep note of the woman, as well as the librarian's expansive stock of knowledge - personal and impersonal, via the books he kept watch of.

For now, she knew enough of her prey - they were aquatic beasts, survived on an ancient diet that kept them territorial, but conscious of Humans; that was in the mission briefing, after all, and her studies.. However, their environmental adaptation - natural camouflage, exceptional night vision, and their abilities to swim and stalk prey on lands and through water - posed an insidious challenge that would elevate the troubles of this supposedly easy mission.

Furthermore, the complications of scent came into play; could they track scent from underwater as if aboveground?

These were small details, small worries, but molehills become pitfalls for the unaware.

Thus, Scarlett would opt to treat these territorial predators like an invasive predator should: respectfully, with all intention of devouring them. To that end, she would take Kiff up on his offer. For the first time in an hour, since meeting him, she would leave an unsorted assortment of biological studies with revised purpose, and approach the librarian with a single question, "Where can I find your Alchemist?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leon Hyksos

Badland Heist
Interaction: @Inertia @AzureKnight @PaulHaynek @FrogRFlowR

"While Leon here is right, I also wouldn't be too quick to judge your own teammates. Young Evelynn here has made her proofs, after all."

"It's not that I'm not confident with her skill, It's her ability to be subtle is what concerns me..." Leon nonchalantly said in the background, combing his snow-white hair back in its place from the static electricity the witch has caused. He didn't mind Asterope's playful display of her magic. His hair is already a mess as it is.

As far as Leon is concerned, if this higher-up magus is able of leaking a fraction of her lightning magic just by her presence alone. Who knows what she is capable off when she decides to amp up the dial? (Note to self: Human livewire, Do not touch nor startle her.)

Soon the Badland heist team has completely gathered in front of their benefactor. Most of them came from nobility or a prodigy of some kind. Even the kid with the lyre has an air of higher class in him based on its elegant craftsmanship. This should be an interesting bunch, A vigilante rogue that beats up people at night working with the elites.

"I'm good to go. Examining the workers there should be a good start. If we're lucky, maybe one of them has seen these mysterious crafty bandits."
He said with a straight face, determined to answer the 'whos' and the 'hows' of this heist.

"Altho, If it ain't too much Mr.Donovan. I would require a complete detailed blueprint of your building. I just wanna know every possible entry point and every exit there is. I'm still not convinced this is a perfect crime. As an esper, it's always an advantage to perceive things beyond the normalcy of our eyes."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Morgenröte | Interactions: @AzureKnight @The Irish Tree

Shavis let out a hum. It was true that maybe seeking info from Naomi would benefit them. A bit more information with what they're dealing with would help them in the long run. "I'm not opposed to staying a while longer to gather more information. I'd also like to avoid harming them as much as possible." She was glad that everyone seemed to be of the same mind when it came to this mission. Find the source of the problem as soon as possible and minimize collateral. Though she supposed mixing a couple of Galdr users and Beluas would lead to the party being more animal and environmentally friendly.

"We'll be counting on you then, Tilnak. I grew up in the forest too but I'm not as familiar with marshes." She sheepishly admitted. She gave a nod when the insect Belua excused himself. Shavis understood now why he was a person of very few words, it would seem that he simply wasn't used to talking.

She turned to Lapis once she started talking about the Makaras, seemingly leaving the previous topic behind. Shavis listened intently to the explanation. So, it really was odd that the Makaras were attacking settlements. Were they being driven out of their territory by something much more dangerous, then?

"Considering we're gonna try to avoid them, I do hope we don't have to go against them. I doubt my lightning would be as effective as it usually is on these guys." Maybe Asterope did have the right idea of not joining her on this quest. Still, this did mean that Shavis would rely more on her physical prowess alongside the usage of spirits. It would be an interesting match up for sure. She tilted her head over to where Tilank was going to where she assumed would be Naomi. "Well, Tilnak's on his way to gather information I think."

"Oh, I'm a Galdr and Lightning Elementalist mage, by the way." Shavvis said after a moment. "I'm usually a close up and personal kind of fighter. Figured we should at least know a semblance of our capabilities so we won't like... accidentally hit each other on the field and look incompetent." The latter was made in a lighter, joking time accompanied by a grin on her face.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

~ The Eon Tower ~

With the banter between Evelyn and Leon over, quite suddenly in fact with the latter simply ignoring the former. A fact that Einer found amusing, but back to the matter at hand. Donovan asked if there was anything they need from him before the magus party departed and Leon was the first to ask.

"Altho, If it ain't too much Mr.Donovan. I would require a complete detailed blueprint of your building. I just wanna know every possible entry point and every exit there is. I'm still not convinced this is a perfect crime. As an esper, it's always an advantage to perceive things beyond the normalcy of our eyes."
Leon Hyksos

"Adding to that, Sir Donovan." Einer spoke up immediately as Leon finished. "Do you know of any key personnel there in the site? I believe it would help the investigation if we hear about what they have to say about the theft." That, and Einer also wanted to ask about the magical weapons. And not just the stolen ones, the bard would also ask about how much would they be selling their merchandise.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Purifier

Location: choosing Croc Crush
Interactions: @AzureKnight,@Blaze Gamma

Tilnak stood still in the hallway pressed to the side of the door to try and stay out of the way of those passing by. Another man turned the corner sharply coming to an almost complete stop upon seeing him. The Belua tilted its head slightly at the reaction he got from the man. He was taller than some of the others his hair and eyes making him stand out more to him than some others.

His two smaller arms clearly meant for fine manipulation made some gestures for a moment as Tilnak was trying to see if this one understood the silent language used sometimes amongst the populace and certain soldiers. “Croc Crush?” was what he signed then seemed to think of something else.

Tilting his head for a moment he stopped and began pulling some of the dirt off of his cloak and into a small ball in one of his smaller manipulators. Holding it above one manipulator the other moved behind it, spreading the soil and small stones around in a flat line to say the same thing he signed earlier only this time in writing. “Croc Crush?

He was pulled back from his thoughts on the conversation when the door opened suddenly and another Belua answered the door with a flurry of words and activities. They took a moment to examine the two standing there then began spewing information onto the two of them. Some of the information he was aware of some of it he was not but all useful. It was not what he was here for.

Tilnak quickly reformed the dirt he had accumulated into a very basic map of the south western region, again showing his fine control over earth. “Nest-ing Grr Groundsss?” he asked hoping she would give at least a rough estimate as to where they thought the main nesting or hunting grounds for the Makara in the area were.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aldin grimaced slightly. He supposed it would make sense that this new colleague would be difficult to communicate with. It felt somewhat like he was speaking with someone who came from a foreign land. He shook his head. "I see. Well, I'm confident that will all go well for you." Before he could turn away, however, the door came open, and a great deal of information was unloaded on the two of them. Aldin was polite enough not to interrupt, especially as this character came off as a bit like she would prefer to say what need be said, and be done with it.

Another who probably wasn't much for conversation, though in this case, not in the sense of not speaking much. The swordsman decided not to snipe at the comment, still giving a curt nod. He needed to get moving on with his own task. So, he started to make his way towards the entrance, figuring he could meet up with whoever would be in his team once he was there.

However, the sound of an explosion down the hall caught his interest. Hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his blade, Aldin made his way to the source of the noise. Upon his arrival, he found a door that smelled like something was burning behind it. Erring towards expediency, he opened the door, only to see a conversation had begun to unfold in the time it took before his arrival. Apparently a business transaction taking place. Nothing of his concern. From a quick glance, he could tell that the explosion he'd heard was one from an accident rather than subterfuge, and furthermore, there didn't appear to be any signs of injury, from the rather casual conversation.

"... My apologies," Aldin spoke, turning to leave. He didn't feel any need to intrude upon this conversation, and even though the member of the staff was new to him, he already felt a headache welling up from present company and the unique blend of smells in the room.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

[@Croc Crush]
"I think I'll stay behind on asking this Naomi more about the creatures. We can share information en route," Hector said, adjusting the strap over his shoulder. Herne would slither along his shoulder and up the barrel of his rifle, resting at the tip of the barrel and flicking its tongue at Shavis. It kept fluctuating in and out of visibility on occasion, seemingly only half-formed.

"If you specialize in close combat, we'll make a good team. I hesitate to call myself a specialist, but I practice Galdr and Thaumaturgy. My familiars make my gun more effective, and I can perform simple healing and wards." As far as combat prowess went, Hector wouldn't be surprised in the least if he was the least viable magus in the party. Still, it wasn't as if he'd be useless so long as something had enough of a sense of fair play to die from bullets.

"I will do my absolute best to make sure I don't shoot anyone in the back," Hector said to conclude his combat summary of himself, while Herne lifted his head from the barrel and bobbed it up and down a few times, seeming to look unblinkingly at Shavis. "Herne here functions as the stabilizer for my rifle. Sorry if his staring is a touch off-putting," he said before grabbing his ghostly familiar off of his gun and stuffing it back into his breast pocket. That wouldn't stop the phantom snake from pushing his head out again though, flicking a misty tongue out to taste the air around.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 4 days ago

Morgenröte - Mid Morning

@Enkryption@Polaris North@ReusableSword@The Irish TreeNPC(s): Lapis

Lapis stood by and listened as her allies gave a brief description of their abilities, and it was fortunate that they also were in agreement that it’d be better to complete the mission without harming as many of the creatures as possible. That made Lapis feel a little better, though she still had her concerns about Scarlett, who didn’t seem to share their sentiment.

”I’ll trust that the information that Mr. Tilnak and Scarlett will be enough to go off for the mission.” She replied.

”Oh, both of you are Invokers as well? Guess that makes three of us then!”” Lapis said in a more cheerful tone. ”My Galdr familiar is Hachigan, as you’ve already met. I’m also an Elementist like you Shavis, but I use water and ice magic. If we get creative, we may be able to make some nice combination attacks!”

She looked at Herne for a moment, seeing him slither on Hector’s rifle and stare at them.

"Aww, I think Herne is very cute~ I can sense that he’s an invaluable partner to you. You must’ve been through countless battles together! And I naturally identify with him."

Pausing for a moment, she held both her hands to her chest, just over her heart. ”Actually, I’m also an esper. Specifically, I specialize in sensing the feelings of aquatic creatures and the environment around them. It’s…mainly why I want to go on this mission. I want to help them. You understand, right Shavis?”

Naomi, along with Aldin, heard the rather loud explosion that came from further down the hall, going into the other wing. Aldin decided that it was worth investigating, and departed in that direction. ”I wouldn’t worry too much about that, it’s probably just old man Johan blowing more things up. But, if you want your nostrils to be assaulted, be my guest…” She tried to warn.

As he left, she turned her attention back to Tilnak, who began making another message from the dirt he was manipulating. It was peculiar to her that he kept communicating in that way, but she just supposed he wasn’t comfortable with speaking. The message roughly read “Nesting Grounds”, she understood that he was asking in reference to the Makara.

”Well, in that region, their nesting grounds are very out of the way. Especially in relation to the local villages, they’re deep with the south bog and are surrounded by large trees. It gets very foggy there as well, so look out for that.”

With that, she began walking back into her office. ”I’ve provided what information I can give you, so hopefully this mission will be a smooth one. I…guess you can reach out to me in case you’ve any more questions. But, right now I’m quite busy. So, happy hunting.”

Kiff rubbed his chin for a moment before answering Scarlett’s sudden question.

”Well, we actually have a couple of alchemists here at the Tower. One of them you already met, the headmaster Arteus. Should be no surprise, since he’s mastered all divinations, heh. But, he’s probably busy so he’s out. The next is old man Childes, he’s a kooky old vet who spends most of his time at the arms factory. But, he also happens to have a keen knowledge in alchemic theory. He’s pretty friendly too, so long as he’s sober. ” He paused again, appearing to be in thought again.

”There’s also Elaine, the chief medical officer. Her level of alchemic knowledge had led to some breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical field. Though, I’m not sure if that’s what you're looking for. Then lastly there’s… ” This time, his expression was that of reservation. ”A woman named Nadia serves a galdr advisor here at the Tower. But, do know that she was also an accredited scholar in that field before joining the Tower. Just know that she can be somewhat…eccentric. Then again, so are you, so you two might get along, hehe” He said in jest. ”Oh, I almost forgot about Bellum. She mainly serves as the dietary manager for Eon. Her alchemy is mainly for agriculture and cooking, so I don’t know how much that’ll help you. But, just thought I’d throw it out there”

”Whichever one you seek out, I’m sure they’ll be able to aid in you some way or another.”

~Currently in mini collab~

@PaulHaynek@Silverstein@FrogRFlowRNPC(s): Evelyn

”Ability to be subtle? What does that mean?! Hey, are you listening? Don’t ignore me!” it seemed that Leon had zero interest in Eve’s retorts and insults aimed at him. Instead, he and Einer inquired about the plant’s entry points and key personnel on site.

Donovan reached into his inner suit pocket, pulling out a folded parchment of sorts. He then handed it to Leon. ”Here you are. That contains a detailed schematic of the entire compound. I figured that you’d need it, so I had them print it in advance. As for persons of interest, the plant director Josef naturally comes to mind. Talk to him and I’m sure he can give you all the details you need. Good luck on your journey” He said, chuckling a bit at Evelyn’s unrequited raving at the elf rogue.

The party’s journey to the roughland area took some time, as by the time they arrived it was roughly midday. They traveled by a magic-powered vehicle of sorts that were standard among the higher echelon of the Association sect. They eventually arrived in front of said industrial complex. As they viewed it, the repairs being made on it were clear signs of a skirmish. Making their way to the main entrance, they were greeted by two guards stationed at doors.

”Ah, you must be the team sent by the Tower. Thank you for coming; you’re not catching us at our best as you’re seeing…” He said in a somber tone. [”Josef has already prepared to meet with you, you’ll find him in his office. Go ahead inside.”[ e said, motioning them into the entrance.

Upon going inside the compound, the group would see several personnel at work. Some were scurrying on the upper floor, yelling various things at one another. Others were working in front of generators and machinery in the factory. Carrying repair tools and various materials, everyone seemed to be in a frantic state since the raid.

Walking toward the director’s office, someone part of the group who had a keen sense of their surroundings may notice a worker watching them from afar. They hid behind a steel pillar, attempting to mask their presence. ”Shit, they’re already here. I told them they needed to hurry the hell up! The whole operation’ll be a bust at this rate… ” They whined to themselves. They squinted to get a better look at the party. Well, maybe not. The two half pints don’t look like they’re much of a threat. Although, I’m worried about those chicks. Especially the taller one… ” The snooper was broken out of their thoughts, suddenly, by an arm on their shoulder.

”Hey, what are you doing?! Mikhal said they need all able hands to help repair the filter on the upper floor!” Said the senior employee.

”Oh! Sorry, just felt a little light headed with all the fumes. I’ll be up in a jiffy!” They replied.

Upon arriving at the director’s office, the group would see a young looking man with blonde hair and green eyes sitting at his desk talking with another one of the workers. They both looked very stressed and flustered.

“Boss, this isn’t good. Nolant’s already backed out of the venture, and if this leaks out to the media we’re as good as done. Even Mr. Donovan won’t -”

”Let’s not think about that right now!” The blonde man quickly cut him off ”Just focus on factory repairs and keeping this confidential. The reaver team will handle the stolen goods and take care of everything else.” He noticed that the group had arrived, a sigh of relief had let loose from his mouth as he motioned for the worker to leave the room.

”Thank the Scions you’re here! Name’s Josef, I’m sure Donovan’s told you about me. You guys want any coffee?” He said.

”You already know our situation, so we’ll skip that part. Right now we’ve been so focused on repairing the plant and keeping this out of the public eye, we haven’t had time for much else. I can tell you by the entry points and guard casualties, this was done by a team of professionals. Since no word has gotten out about the prototype weapons they stole, we’re thinking they’re current base of operations is some within the outer badlands At least, we hope… He said, wiping a bit of sweat off his face

”They’ll probably plotting their next move, at least that’s the only reason I can think of as to why they’ve been quiet for the past few days…

@Blaze Gamma@HammermanNPC(s): Ruecian, Rozemyme

”Huh? Transhomn berries and Milkuree roots? Not sure what the hell those are, but yeah I got some transmutation fluid here somewhere.” Responded the old engineer. Getting up and wiping away the last bit of soot stuck on his face, he started to look around in a few cabins for a moment, rummaging through several piles of junk.

As Childes searched his shop, the door suddenly swung open, revealing Aldin who arrived from Naomi’s office. It appeared that he came simply to inspect the explosion that had occurred earlier. After confirming that everything was in order, he politely excused himself. Though, the squint on his face he made showed that the stench of the room did not go unnoticed. ”I guess that fella was one of your new party members? He looks more like a roughneck than a magician. Then again, so do I, hahaha!” He said with a hardy laugh. “Guess my little project spooked ‘em”

After reaching into a large tool case, Johannes pulled out a bottle containing a reddish liquid. ”Ah, there ya go!” He said, handing the solution over to Renee

Transutation Fluid x1

”Since you guys are just starting out, consider this one on the house! But, just remember moving forward that transmutation fluid don’t grow on trees. If ya need anything else, just give ol’ Johan a holler! Unless you two need somethin’ else, it’s back to the drawing board for me. Hopefully, that doesn’t blow up in my face too…”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Renee Terfiel and Lanus Retily
Interactions: @AzureKnight

Renee's eyes narrowed with displeasure when she learned that the old man didn't know the ingredients to a transmutation fluid. How couldn't he? It was one of the most basic concoctions one would learn to make as an alchemist! Now she began to doubt the quality of the transmutation fluid he would give to her.

When Aldin arrived, Renee and Lanus's attention were momentarily locked on him. But before they could speak a word, the man already decided to leave.

"Well, he sure is in a hurry!" Lanus remarked with a smirk. "What? Does he not find the aroma of this place agreeable?"

Renee clucked her tongue in disagreement. As an alchemist, she was all too familiar with all manners of odd smells and scents. This place's odor was nothing she couldn't handle.

"Oh, he'll be joining us on our mission?" Lanus spoke, scratching his chin. "How curious. I wonder how well he handles himself in combat if he can't even handle this smell."

When the old mechanic gave the red liquid to Renee, the fae gave the bottle a good look, making sure there weren't any signs of abnormalities on the liquid.

Huh, it looks perfectly normal… Maybe it's fine after all…

Well, let's try it.

The fae took out an arrow from the quiver resting on her back. It was kept secure to the rest of her body by a simple sling rope. It pressed her green shirt tightly into her body, pushing her small breasts outwards, making them more noticeable. Lanus taught her to wear her quiver that way, saying that the spot between her breasts was the most secure place to have her rope in.

Opening the bottle, she sprinkled the red liquid into the arrow. Closing her eyes, she focused her magic into it, gripping it tightly.

A light breeze burst forth from her hand, making her hair, cape, and skirt flutter. She opened her palm, revealing a wooden bird chirping and flapping its wings.

The tiny bird took off, flying around her head for a little while before perching on top of her right ear.

"That's enough. You may return to your original form."

With another soft breeze, the bird transformed back into an arrow, which she readily caught before it fell to the dirty floor.

Storing it back in her quiver, she said to the mechanic, "Thank you for your help." She gave a small bow. "I'll make sure to repay your kindness later."

And with that, the two left the workshop, heading to where the rest of their party would be.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 1 day ago


Location: Morgenröte | Interactions: @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight @Enkryption

She nodded at Hector's decision to stay back, allowing Tilnak and Scarlett to move however they want to and meet up with them back here. She doubted they would take a long time to get said information so Shavis was more than happy to be able to talk with her teammates. She had already known how Scarlett operated, though only through hearsay as she neve went on any particular mission with her before. Tilnak was a bit more of a mystery but she was sure that her fellow Belua wouldn't mind sharing such combat information with them.

"Long-range combatant, huh? I'll be counting on you a lot then." Shavis said with a nod, feeling safe knowing that someone had a better scope of the battlefield than she did. She knew that she had a tendency to hyperfocus on enemies in front of her and have trouble keeping up when there were too many angles to focus on during a fight. "And simple healing can go a long way in a fight. I'll thank you in advance for taking care of me." She flashed him a toothy grin. Her eyes fell upon the familiar as it stared at her, unblinking. She stared back, tilting her head to the side. "He seems like a cute little guy. Not off-putting at all!" She reassured him.

She then turned to Lapis as she excitedly commented about them being Invokers. It was a pleasant surprise that there were so many of them and Shavis wasn't going to complain about having more combatants on the playing field. "I'm sure we can think up of something on the fly for those combination attacks. Like a jet stream of water pumped full of lightning, that'll get 'em!"

"Oh, my familiar Shadar here helps me out on the field. If you're seeing two of him, I promise you're not hallucinating. He can split himself." She snickered, reaching up to pat the familiar's head as he lounged on her shoulder. He was deceptively small as he laid there, gazing at the other mages. "Got a couple other tricks with spirits but I'll show you guys as we go. Can't ruin all of the surprises now, can we?"

Lapis admitted to both of them that she was an esper. Oh, then it did make sense that she would want to go on this low-ranking mission instead of going for a different one. Shavis nodded, turning serious for the moment. "I do. I lived in the forest for most of my life and co-existing with beasts has been our way of life. Anything that upsets the ecosystem is something we seek to stop." She reached over to give a reassuring pat to the younger Reaver. "We'll get to the bottom of this and get those Makara back into their territory."

She stood back, pressing a hand to her chin in thought. Shavis wasn't much of a planner or a logical person overall. That was what Patia was for. Still. "I'm not very familiar with espers such as you though. Mine is more of an instinct. Could you... somehow communicate with creatures? Or is it just a one-way street?"

Her ears twitched, hearing footsteps coming down the hall. So she checked, peering over one of the corners to see that one of theirs had finally found their way back. She let out a sharp whistle to snap Scarlett out of her head, something Shavis had grown accustomed to doing around the reaver. She wouldn't want to be on the opposite side of her magic after all. "All done with your preparations?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Silverstein
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Silverstein Salt-Free Wolf

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leon Hyksos

Badland Heist
Interaction: @AzureKnight @PaulHaynek @FrogRFlowR

Thrown in the middle of nowhere convoyed by a magic-powered vehicle with nothing but a map and their wits in their hand. The reavers find themselves inside a damaged industrial complex standing tall in an isolated barren land. This is where their mission begins. To be Mr.Donovan's investigator/hired guns at his factory, solving his stolen goods dilemma against some mysterious bandits. (Confidentially of course).

The knife-eared fae followed the group inside the ransack factory, where he observed the inner workings of the daily life of a magitech manufacturer. Nothing out of the usual, just your typical busy laborers trying to repair the damaged factory and whatnot. That moment didn't last long as Leon felt a slight jolt in his mind.

Upon touring the insides of Donovan's magical plant, The fae can feel a peering gaze staring at them. He can hear muffled sounds coming from their mouths from a vision. A vivid premonition slips into his brain. Leon's danger sense suddenly triggers, detecting an ill intent against their group. It wasn't major or anything but a concern nevertheless.

Being part of a party, The roguish elf has a nagging feeling that he should tell his fellow reavers about his premonition and the small clue he has found. But who?

Evelyn? Hmm.. I doubt she'll keep a tight lip. She has the restraint of an unsupervised child.

Astrope? I have a feeling that she'll electrocute him on sight! She seems the confrontal type.

Perhaps the best option is to tell the bard about his findings, He seems like a gentle soul and can keep it to a minimum. Leon looks around and catches up to the bard's phasing.

"Einer was it? Don't look now but I think we're being watched." Leon mumbled to Einer within his earshot.

"I'm gonna hunt them down after this meeting and find what's up. I need you to keep face and keep the others at bay, You think you can cover for me?" The fae ask Einer with a straight face before the group entered the main office. Without a doubt, Leon is confident enough to put his trust in Einer with this task, He's a bard after all, garnering attention and having an audience is 50% of what they do.


Leon finally meets the director in charge of this plant, by the looks of things, The reavers caught them in a bad spot. The young man seems upset while discussing the factories' losses with his employees, hoping to keep the recent damage to a minimum.

The knife-eared fae noticed that Mr. Josef has been on the edge ever since the reavers got here. The man was on the verge of breaking down due to the unfortunate events happening in this factory. It wouldn't take an esper to read his anxious mind. The poor sap.

”You already know our situation, so we’ll skip that part. Right now we’ve been so focused on repairing the plant and keeping this out of the public eye, we haven’t had time for much else. I can tell you by the entry points and guard casualties, this was done by a team of professionals. Since no word has gotten out about the prototype weapons they stole, we’re thinking their current base of operations is some within the outer badlands At least, we hope… He said, wiping a bit of sweat off his face

”They’ll probably plotting their next move, at least that’s the only reason I can think of as to why they’ve been quiet for the past few days…

- Director Josef

His story checks out. The info he has given them was kinda vague but still helpful. Transporting that kind of weapon would take time to distribute.

"Rest assured Mr. Josef, Well handle this with the utmost care. Also, though it's not in my position to give you advice since I'm a workaholic myself, please refrain from drinking too much caffeine. It makes your mind all jumpy." He said.

"I'll go on the first watch.." Leon said nodding to the group, subtlely eyeing Einer about their talk earlier.

The half awake fae left the office to spy on these suspicious workers.


After leaving the group inside the main director's office, The hooded fae did his little investigation on his own, doing what he does best which is: Espionage. Finding out this suspicious employee that triggers his premonition. He was all sneaky about it. Like a shadow wandering in this massive factory.

Eventually, he found the suspicious employee without being noticed and was within range to establish a link.

"Conceptualize blade: splinter." The hooded fae muttered, envisioning a dagger conjured from his mind. Manifesting it in the material plain.

Just as the name suggested, This psionic dagger he envision was barely the size of a tiny needle. It's non-lethal unlike the rest of his ethereal daggers and is mainly used to mark his prey within their thoughts.

With a flick of his wrist. This singular invisible needle flies through the air like a dart and cleanly latches to his unsuspecting target.

With this tiny surgical incision. The fae rogue can track down his target's thoughts and movements where ever he went.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hector Wyland

[@Croc Crush]
Likewise, I'll be relying on you a fair bit. Don't be afraid to retreat if it comes to that," Hector said to Shavis, not wanting to acknowledge that she and Lapis both somehow found his transparent familiar "cute". ...Like...what part of a ghostly snake was cute?

It definitely got to Herne's head too, as the little familiar very smugly wiggled atop his master's rifle barrel. He flicked his tongue out in appreciation, before coiling back around Hector's left shoulder and neck. He'd even plop his head atop Hector's head, giving a very funny image of the gravely serious marksman having a snake's snoot just sort of peeking out from under his hair. Slowly turning his eyes away, Hector would say: "Not that many battles together, no. He's just cheeky, and doesn't listen to me." Perhaps, Hector should mention at some point that he had a scant few months of magical training but...that didn't matter if they succeeded.

"Lapis' ability to sense the beasts's emotions will likely prove invaluable. As for the other two..." Hector started, before Shavis whistled for Scarlett's attention. "Welcome back," the marksman said, burying his disdain until he and Scarlett wouldn't have to put their lives in each other's hands. "Once Tilnak returns we can set out. Feel free to share any information you learned, if you think it helpful." Despite her mannerisms, he had to assume that Scarlett as a proper Magus was inquisitive enough to have gained useful information. Plus, she seemed to be bearing some sort of armament...a gauntlet of some kind over her left arm.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

~ The Eon Tower ~

After Donovan answered their questions, the party was on their merry way to the rocky landscape where the factory was located. Einer had been playing some rather catchy tunes during the trip, to keep the monotony of the journey away.

Upon reaching the destination, Einer had to whistle at the sight of the destruction wrought on the factory by some sort of skirmish. Likely the skirmish that ended with the bunch of weapons being stolen. The damages were currently being repaired by a crew, all of whom were busy and frantic and paid little attention to the arriving group of Reavers.

Well, all except one, who directed the group to the director's office; the director being Josef, the name dropped by Donovan. All was well until Leon scooched beside him and started whispering.

"Einer was it? Don't look now but I think we're being watched. I'm gonna hunt them down after this meeting and find what's up. I need you to keep face and keep the others at bay, You think you can cover for me?"
Leon Hyskos

Oh, dear. Were the perpetrators still here? The gall to be still around well after the big weapons have arrived impressed Einer a bit. Altough, such information should be shared to the entire party, no? But Einer was perceptive enough to know that Leon intended to only share this with him. The Fae looked like the covert sort, he probably wanted to keep this secret as much as possible so as not to alert the culprits and maybe get their guards down. Quite devious, Einer thought.

Still, it rather irritated Einer that he was ordered to be the distraction while Leon goes off to handle the real problem. Still, personal grievances had no place in the mission and the musician winked at the Fae to signal his answer.


”You already know our situation, so we’ll skip that part. Right now we’ve been so focused on repairing the plant and keeping this out of the public eye, we haven’t had time for much else. I can tell you by the entry points and guard casualties, this was done by a team of professionals. Since no word has gotten out about the prototype weapons they stole, we’re thinking they’re current base of operations is some within the outer badlands At least, we hope… They’ll probably plotting their next move, at least that’s the only reason I can think of as to why they’ve been quiet for the past few days…”

Director Josef seemed up to his neck with stress regarding the raid. Still, he was thankful that the Reavers have arrived.

Leon offered his sympathies before taking off to take 'first watch'. Einer had to roll his eyes, what was 'first watch' supposed to mean in this context? Sure, one could infer that the Reavers will be guarding the site for another robbery attempt, but shouldn't the director be told of that first? Whatever, it fell upon Einer to explain the situation and keep attention away from the Fae.

"Forgiveness for my compatriot, he is... like that." The musician apologized. "Let us focus instead on questions - Can you describe to us about, in as much detail as you can, the raid?" He asked. "Were there any strange happenings before it? Any strange happenings after? Any information you give us will be useful for the investigation."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For most of the trip, Asterope mostly did small talk with whoever would entertain her. She seemed relaxed for someone going on a three star mission. If she was worried or anything, it wasn't showing. That being said, her team members did not seem too stressed themselves. At least, until they all got to the building.

The Thunder mage also noticed the strange behaviour of the workers around them but did not act on it at all. It was best to not show them that the team was aware. Or, at least, not all of the team. They had just barely arrived and entered the Director's office that Leon was already taking off.

"Look at him go! He is going to have a promising future with such an attitude, don't you think? I personally prefer to take things slow." she said as she was sitting down on a comfortable looking chair. "Maybe I was alreayd too old to join the Reavers? Hrmm... yes, in any case I will take up your coffee offer if you please."

Upon receiving her cup, Asterope grabbed some sugar that came with it and mixed it with a spoon. As she was doing so, she infused electricity along the spoon into the beverage which basically made it almost boil and possibly destroy any unwanted substances. For this reason, she let it rest on the table a bit as it was clearly too hot.

"Yes - do describe the events in great details. Einer here is a sticker for details. It makes for better story telling, you see. Anything Donovan or anyone else might have left out?"
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