MagiCorp: Wizards Gone Corporate
Several centuries ago, the world was rocked forever by the disappearance of Merlin, the world's greatest wizard. Without him to keep the balance between the light and dark forces in the world, the people began to become jealous and distrustful of the fey races as well as those who possessed magical abilities. War was inevitable and the world was plunged into darkness. After years of fighting, it seemed the human race won out. Flash forward to today, and those ancient wizards have vanished among the people. Where did they go you may ask? They went Corporate!
Created in the 1700s, what started as a secret society dedicated to protecting and preserving the study of magic has grown into a full-fledged business! Here at Magicorp, young witches and wizards are brought onboard to hone their magical abilities, develop technology and tools to drive humanity forward (We invented Facebook you know?), uphold the traditions of magic as set forth by Merlin himself, and... protect the world from the forces of evil.
You see, the humans BARELY won the war in the dark ages. While many humans were able to return to their normal lives and hide among the people, the fey races were... not so lucky. Instead they were forced into hiding in forests, caves, and the underground. These unfortunates existences combined with being branded as monsters and hunted had caused them to resent the race of Man. Now, many of them seek to overthrow Man and the dominant beings on Earth and reclaim the world in their names. Obviously, this would be inconvenient for us at Magicorp as our stock prices would plummet and we'd be incapable of operating in such an environment. As such, it falls to our employees to hunt down various Fey creatures and other monsters before they expose the world of magic to the modern world, upend the balance of light and darkness, and ruin our market value to our shareholders!
Magic: Your Career Path
If your application to Magicorp has been accepted, then congratulations, you managed to beat out every other wizard who wanted to actually use their powers for something productive. Of course, you'll need to know what job to apply for. Mana - the 'life force' of magic - flows differently through all beings (but you knew that already didn't you?). If you didn't then it's a miracle you were hired on, but I'm sure there's a place for you in the custodial department.
In short, your job here at Magicorp is determined by what type of magic you are skilled in. Of course your 'job' is merely a front while your REAL work is hunting monsters, but that's neither here nor there. Here are some 'job openings' you can expect to see in the coming quarter:
-Administration/Middle Management (Pending) -> Job openings in Administration are rare as the wizards who live long enough to be promoted typically know how NOT to die while working at Magicorp. As a result, many of the people in this position are a mixed bag of skills and abilities from throughout Magicorp.
-Research and Development (Evocation/Infusion) -> One of the two 'fronts' for Magicorp, R&D works two jobs as both developing new spells for combat and creating inventions in order to give the impression that we're an actual company providing a public service that doesn't relate to hunting monsters. Slap some magic on an Iphone then send it out! We have a deadline to meet!
=Marketing and Sales (Elemental Magic) -> This job is quite crucial as our Marketing Team deals with giving our services to the people. Typically the best in terms of 'combat magic' those who have mastered the elements really know how to best deliver our product (spoilers it's DEATH) to our clients (The monsters).
-Customer Service (Beast Taming/Enchantment) -> the other 'front' for the company. While dealing with mortals is a constant struggle, our Customer service team keeps them in the dark about what we do. With their skills, they can shackle the fey to their will and force them to do their bidding, or you can simply enchant the mortals and make them look the other way.
-Accounting and Finance (Divination/Illusion) -> Use your knowledge of the future to keep us out of the red! Also, use your illusory skills to make us LOOK like we're not in the red. You guys keep this company afloat. Also, these skills are helpful in battle too.
-Human Resources (Healing/Nature Magic) -> You guys are the reason we keep going out and fighting this battle. Whether it's dealing with mental wounds left by the management or dealing with actual wounds left by angry trolls, this crack team of healers is on the job.
And those are just a fraction of some of the opportunities you can expect to grasp when you can join us here at Magicorp! After all, someone has to keep the world safe right? You might as well get paid for doing it. Well with that said, we hope to see your application come through in the next few weeks! We know you'll be a valuble addition to our company!
-Karen Nightstone, Magicorp Hiring Manager