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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sandes
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Lyun: "..."

As the gate starts moving, seemingly on its own, Lyun's selfishly reckless choice feels somewhat heavier. Whether the Hellions approaching are spurred by wanting to save him, to push deeper into the city or to flee a rougher ordeal on the other side, Lyun feels the responsibility of the situation he's created on his side. The pointy arrows and sharp blades previously aimed at him might now find their target elsewhere.

His hand moves with purpose, letting a hand axe fly towards a person he'd have formerly called family.

Lyun attacks the nearby Brigand, dealing 16 damage (4hp left). Gains 14xp.
The brigand retaliates, dealing 15 damage (6hp left). Lyun gains 6xp.
Lyun doubles, but misses. Gains 1xp.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by mariodb2000


Member Seen 28 days ago

Watching his enemy fall before him, Siris felt a slight tinge of annoyance at the fact his enemy was taken from him. However, even he knew in the middle of a battlefield one should never oppose assistance from an ally.

With a quick look to Zarif, he nods his head in approval before looking around him. Immediately he sees 3 allies arriving on horseback coming to their aid.

Siris: "CHARGE!"

He says more to himself than his allies. Siris runs towards the gate right as Makeen causes it to fall, where he finds 2 enemies in front of him and Makeen.

Siris: "I shall take the closer one!"

The spearman, who seemed initially distracted, turned to look at Siris and raised his spear to attempt to keep him at bay. The hard headed warrior, without nearly enough caution, raises his shield which deflects the spear enough to avoid his body.

After shortening the distance, Siris makes quick work of the spearman before he could retreat using a downward stab through the neck.

Eyeing his next opponent, he had an axe embedded in him. Turning to see the culprit, Siris finds a familiar face.

Siris: "Oh Lyun! There you are! I was wondering where you went!"

He says this as the enemy launches his own axe at Lyun, badly wounding the warrior.

Siris moves 4 tiles to 18-25 and switches to Bronze Shortsword. He attacks and deals 12 damage to Kassite Rebel 6-2, killing him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 1 day ago

DOAN-NASIR: "Onward, we'll draw them off!" The captain hefts his mighty lance, the Horseslayer, aloft straight-ahead down the path. He, Ravina, and Sim-Ma-Sihu charge, the beat of their hooves echoing to match their numbered foes.

DOAN-NASIR moves to 30-27.
RAVINA moves to 31-26.
SIM-MA-SIHU moves to 31-28.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sp00ks


Member Seen 1 mo ago


The merchant sighed, still a bit sour about his earlier miscalculation. Even so, best to press on. They had to reach that brute Lyun before... Already? But I'm up upon Salador... nobody moves faster upon the sands than me. How... The quartermaster gritted his teeth. Somehow, those Foot Soldiers had reached the gate and met up with their ally before him. Zarif steamed, he'd even thought f the perfect joke for when he gallantly rescued his ally.

Seeing as things were mostly handled up there, Zarif turned his head and scanned their flank. Surely not everyone had been as... quick footed as that lout Siris. Quickly, his sharp eyes settled on the priest, still near they had all formed up. And... and.. that BASTARD who'd just STOOD THERE before had finally gotten off his sand eating ass, and was running at his ally, bradishing a brutal looking axe.

Zarif: Should have been stayed of asleep, oh slow one!

Salador galloped across the sand, and Zarif let loose two arrows as he closed in, taking him twice in the chest, and easily ducking the blade thrown angrily in reply

Zarif moves 5 tiles to 14-33, and attacks the Kassite Rebel #???? with his shortbow twice, dealing 16 damage, and avoiding the counter attack, earning and earning 14 XP, then moves to 14-28

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by IvnShura


Member Seen 1 mo ago


Opening the gate did not lead to riches as Makeen had hoped... Instead it lead to more enemies. Figures...

Siris so kindly took down the bastard who stabbed him. Feeling the sense of comradery Makeen moved in position to help a familiar face. Makeen launched one throwing knife and missed spectacularly. Luckily the bumbling brigand (likely still reeling from Lyuns mighty blow) missed his swing. Taking advantage Makeen launched another knife this time meeting its mark.

Makeen moves 8 tiles to 16-24. Makeen attacks #4 killing him. Makeen gains 36xp.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BestatBlack


Member Seen 29 days ago

Iddin dances in a frenzied sprint away from the brigand. His chimes call on the wind as he brings forth a small cloud of dust. It carries forward to Ashur as Iddin passes by and halts for a moment.

Iddin: "Yet again he finds need of your mercy! Let him be freed of his bloodied wounds. Grant a warrior your blessed flesh!"

The priest glances in the direction he is heading and halts. A much greater cloud was being kicked up as the two columns of horses came to a head. Not the conflict he would want to be drawn towards... But encouraging the newfound flank would need him out of it.

Iddin: "Zuzu grants blessings indeed! Doan is as mighty as ever."

Iddin moves 6 tiles to 20-30 and casts Heal on Ashur.
Ashur gains 9 VIT (16/16).
Iddin gains 18 EXP and 1 Theurgy, losing 1 Heal durability.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 1 day ago

ASHÜR grimaces at the pain, first of his wound, then of the searing succor of Zuzu, and finally at the thought of how much glassen flesh was hidden 'neath a veneer of scars. Shaking the strange] off of himself, the dour man sends one eye toward the large cavalry detatchment leaving the southeastern gate, and the other eye toward the priest.

ASHÜR: "Join with the others and find safety within the walls. . ." His words are just as much pointed towards Etor as Iddin. "I'll take care of your woman." The bandit adds with some venom. And just so, he darts back past the priest as the likewise foreign merchant looses a volley of arrows that meet their mark. With a deft swing of his curved blade, the burly Kassite is felled.

ASHÜR moves 7 tiles to 33-15 and attacks KASSITE BRIGAND #1 with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE, killing them! He recieves 36xp and levels up!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by lentils
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Etor's glum expression replaces the old expression of being lost. He's regained his bearings but cannot shake the loss of control and how ashamed his father would be of him for speaking what was instilled in him to be forbidden.

Etor: "... Yeah. I'll go. "

The spearman moved quickly but with ragged breathe as he stifled tears. Trying to harden himself for the battlefield. The boy in the battlefield of warriors ostracized himself mentally. He kept spiralling until he saw Lyun across the battlefield. When the door opened the large axeman was barely standing, bloodied and fierce. The youngling stared and steadied himself. To live is to persist. He believed himself to be redeemable. Etor is nothing if not persistent.

Etor moves 6 tiles to 18-28
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 1 day ago


KURUM: "Aaah, Tremorous Doan. These barbarians hardly slaked our thirst, perhaps your band will be a more enticing drink?" The leader of the Dark Suns leads his men on a stampede out from the city-state they'd nearly just taken, the gate is swiftly slammed shut abaft as they charge.

CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "Hmmph." Doan-Nasir, captain of the Hellions of Gir stamps at a choke in the road along with his trusted confidants. He raises his Horseslayer aloft toward his prospective foe, "Taking payment from the other side to turn on your kin, truly you are a despicable one. Even we sellswords must live by a code of honour or are we mere brigands?"
KURUM: "Fool, what makes you think I'm fighting for those degenerates?" Kurum lets out a devious grin before continuing their charge. The Hellions ride out to match.

NINIL: "Eehehe. . . We may have made a slip up." Scrambling in from the northern gates of the city-state, two more of the Hellions find their way through to the inner-quarter.

BALATHU: ". . ."

NINIL: "Okay. . . Okay. . . I made a slip up, but don't worry! I'll make it right Balathu, as long as you've got my back!" The young girl's taut arms keep her bow drawn as she ducks stoops low for the shelter of brush, her heavy companion abaft as bootfalls sound after them.

AM-ZIKAR: "I won't forgive ya 'lil shit. My blade's aching to taste that sweet blood o' yers."


CAPTAIN DOAN-NASIR: "Hm? Don't speak such rot."

DOAN-NASIR moves to 24-26 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #2 with his HORSESLAYER dealing 36 Damage! Killing them!
RAVINA moves to 25-29 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #5 with her BRONZE GREAT AXE dealing 25 damage! Killing them!
SIM-MA-SIHU moves to 25-26 and attacks DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 with his IRON SHORT SPEAR dealing 13 Damage! DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 counterattacks and hits for 6!



Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ashür flicks the dark crimson off his blade and moves away hence, with a hawk-eye toward the gate, his allies had broken in and put down the bulk of the rebel forces, 'No doubt that idiot Siris is going to charge ahead. . .' He mired, gazing on to the majestic Salador's master. The bandit moves forth beside them, gripping hold of the hem of the camel's saddle.

"Quartermaster, I need not fall behind, those young fools are lost without me." He calls over the lull in battle.

ASHUR moves to 28-15
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mariodb2000


Member Seen 28 days ago

Siris: "Nice one Makeen!"

Siris says while giving his ally a thumbs up as the nearby injured soldier falls.

Siris: "Now then, where should I go."

As the empty headed warrior considered his next move, he noticed a nearby archer in a tower with a severely bleeding Lyun keeping him from exiting. With a smile Siris jogs to Lyun and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Siris: "Don't worry friend, you've done enough! Allow me to take care of him."

Moving past his ally, Siris races up the spiraling wooden stars until he reaches the top. Upon seeing him, the archer lets loose several arrows which are either deflected by the shield or miss from the fear of imminent death.

The instant Siris reaches the top step, he raises his blade at the foe. A diagonal strike from the bowman's left shoulder to his right hip causes his enemy to fall to the floor bleeding. Looking around now that he had the height advantage, Siris spots what seemed to be the most central and guarded part of the city. His curiosity getting the better of him, he runs down the stairs. While going down, something unforseen happened, Siris had a thought.

Siris: "Hmmmmm, am I sure that attack killed him?"

Soon as he reaches the bottom however, he sees his young ally Etor coming towards him.

Siris: "Ah, Etor! The solution to my problem, be a pal and make sure the archer up top is dead will you! Counting on ya!!"

And without waiting for a response he turns to continue on his way-

Siris moves 5 tiles to 20-22 He attacks and deals 13 damage to Kassite Hunter 5. Siris levels up!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BestatBlack


Member Seen 29 days ago

Iddin sprints to Etor before the spearman advances, quickly motioning through repair of the spearman without slowing the advance.

Iddin: Zuzu's will is made manifest again! Let him grant his mighty mercy. His grace is merciful in its burn. Your flesh will be restored to the Lord's gallery. Restoration eternal by Zuzu's will!

Iddin moves 6 tiles to 18-27 and casts Heal on Etor.
Etor gains 4 VIT (15/15).
Iddin gains 11 EXP and 1 Theurgy, losing 1 Heal durability.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by lentils
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Member Seen 29 days ago

The words of zuzu are strangely comforting, more so each time he is healed. With renewed vigor the young lad prepares to keep his promise to the enemy and destroy all who oppose the hellions. All who oppose zuzu must be turned to dust and that dust into sand and that sand to be heated by the sun and turned into glorious glass!

The frazzled spearman shakes those intrusive thoughts from his mind to focus on the task at hand.

Etor moves into the city. Siris boisterously addressing Etor to handle a potential enemy without noticing the ennui emanating off of the youngling.

Etor: " You got it!"

The spearman was thankful that Siris gave him the opportunity to pretend to be okay. As he ascended the wooden stairs he steadied himself. Plagued with doubt he thought to himself: "The mysticism can't be wrong and it's rare, that much I knows for sure." Even if Siris' aim was true Etor would take this opportunity to never let himself fall into the abyss again. He sees the enemy archer drenched in their own blood, and invokes the mysticism within himself.

Etor: "... Crush. "

A black piddle formulates, drops with erratic movement, then slides off the archer. Etor's eyes widen as the bowman draws a breathe.

Etor moves 6 tiles to 20-24 uses flux but misses.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sp00ks


Member Seen 1 mo ago


Salador galloped, then trotted to a halt as Zarif completed his strafing run, seeing the dolt of a brigand he'd feathered taken in the throat by Ashür's strange curved blade. The rider rolled his eyes, a little disappointed his two arrows hadn't been enough. But, well, maybe that wasn't it. He clicked his tongue in thought

Finally seeing that infuriatingly slow fighter put in his place should have been more satisfying, but Zarif felt... Well, he felt on edge. Like he had been so, so close to something, but had just missed out. Am I really do thirsty for blood? No, it's not that, I think. The foreigner pondered as he half-watched his allies storm the gates, the rude Siris leading the charge. Distantly, he heard a familiar voice to his side.

Zarif: Ah, Vice Captain. Yes, let us not allowing them to thief all of the glory. Come!

He extended his hand down to the swordsman, and hefted him up on the camel's back, and with a soft kick to the side, they galloped over the sands, and through the gateway

Zarif rescues Ashür, and moves 9 tiles Northeast to 17-22

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sandes
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Member Seen 11 days ago

More Hellions join the fray, and the tides seem to be turning in favor of the scattered mercenaries, even if just barely. As always, Siris darts in and out with quippy remarks and impatience. The Kassite still hasn't the vaguest idea what goes on inside the kid's mind, so he continues to ignore the callouts.

Etor moves in next, taking Lyun's place in blocking the huntsman inside the tower. He seems rattled, more so than during previous endeavors. Of all the advice Lyun could give in that moment, it's likely that none would make a difference until the boy could ponder in silence. Instead he puts a hand on Etor's shoulder while leaving, just enough to let the boy infer whatever positive message could keep him going.

He moves left, his footfalls heavy as Salador rides along. A simple nod between the three mercenaries is enough, Lyun helps Ashür off without Zarif and his steed needing to stop.

Lyun moves 6 tiles to 17-21. He takes Ashür and drops him on 17-20.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by IvnShura


Member Seen 1 mo ago


Makeen: "Looks like this bastard is hanging in there. Let me help!"

Makeen rushes in between his allies and with a swift slash of his Bronze Long Knife takes down the enemy hunter.

Makeen moves 4 tiles to 19-23. Makeen attacks #5 killing him. Makeen gains 21xp.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 1 day ago


KURUM attacks RAVINA with his BRONZE CURVED BLADE dealing 10 damage! RAVINA counterattacks with her BRONZE GREAT AXE dealing 23 damage!
DARK SUN CAVALIER #4 attacks SIM-MA-SIHU with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR dealing 6 damage! SIM-MA-SIHU counterattacks with his IRON SHORT SPEAR, killing them!

KURUM: "G-GYAAAH!" The leader of the Dark Suns lets out an awful sound, striking at the mounted Axewoman only for her to take it and return with all the more force, her heavy greataxe digging deep into the cavalier's shoulder. At once all around him, the sellsword's numbers had been cut in half. "Damn! Form on me!"

AM-ZIKAR: "Surround 'em, cut 'em to shreds!" Sure enough, the blood-starved Kassite swordsman and his goons quickly began to engulf Ninil and Balathu near on all sides as the rest of the Hellions make their way up the main road.




Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BestatBlack


Member Seen 29 days ago

Iddin smirks a bit as he sees Lyun fighting in the distance. Well, the plan didn't exactly go as intended... but it didn't exactly not go as intended. The priest manages to neutralize his expression by the time he finishes reaching the middle of the band. His glass whistles, screaming with the priests' dash, announce his presence next to Lyun. Iddin gets to work immediately, guiding his staff over Lyun's wounds as dust fills in to the cacophony of wind. He is cautious during the procedure, making it less painful than usual.

Well, the burning glass turned to flesh is still painful. Just less.

Iddin: Zuzu grants his blessing to the righteous who ask! Let his power be seen, for no living man is too damaged to be made whole by grace. The dust will be taken in by wounds and not mouths. In the glass god's presence, death is but whispers on the wind! Blood, bend to his vision!

The priest finishes his ritual and makes one comment before catching his breath.

Iddin: I am glad to see you alongside and not against.

Iddin moves 6 tiles to 18-21 and casts Heal on Lyun.
Lyun gains 16 VIT (22/22).
Iddin gains 29 EXP and 1 Theurgy, losing 1 Heal durability.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by lentils
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Member Seen 29 days ago

The surprise soon led to a sigh of relief as makeen made quick work of the barely living archer. He couldn't be upset because things like this happen. No one owns a kill if anything he felt Makeen was looking after him. He lets up a small wave towards makeen from the tower. Whether or not Makeen was not determined.

Etor: "Thanks! "

Now that the the squad was back together Etor pushed forward into the city. He was eager to get whatever mysticism budding within cultivated for the sake of the hellions.

Etor moves 6 tiles to 18-20
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sandes
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Member Seen 11 days ago

The priest catches up and Lyun is healed once more. Vulneraries might taste weird to some, but the brute could never prefer the burning of glass and scraping of sand. Nevertheless, Iddin is giving him renewed vigor to aid their fellow Hellions, prompting Lyun to bow his head before resuming his advance.

Lyun moves 6 tiles to 15-17, just north of the thicket.

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