Lyun: "..."
As the gate starts moving, seemingly on its own, Lyun's selfishly reckless choice feels somewhat heavier. Whether the Hellions approaching are spurred by wanting to save him, to push deeper into the city or to flee a rougher ordeal on the other side, Lyun feels the responsibility of the situation he's created on his side. The pointy arrows and sharp blades previously aimed at him might now find their target elsewhere.
His hand moves with purpose, letting a hand axe fly towards a person he'd have formerly called family.
As the gate starts moving, seemingly on its own, Lyun's selfishly reckless choice feels somewhat heavier. Whether the Hellions approaching are spurred by wanting to save him, to push deeper into the city or to flee a rougher ordeal on the other side, Lyun feels the responsibility of the situation he's created on his side. The pointy arrows and sharp blades previously aimed at him might now find their target elsewhere.
His hand moves with purpose, letting a hand axe fly towards a person he'd have formerly called family.
Lyun attacks the nearby Brigand, dealing 16 damage (4hp left). Gains 14xp.
The brigand retaliates, dealing 15 damage (6hp left). Lyun gains 6xp.
Lyun doubles, but misses. Gains 1xp.
The brigand retaliates, dealing 15 damage (6hp left). Lyun gains 6xp.
Lyun doubles, but misses. Gains 1xp.