Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Alora Holly:

"Take me on a hike so I know it's real."
~Quote from her Tinder bio






Alora stands at a height of five-foot-ten inches tall. While she is not the lithest person, she has a solid muscle foundation that helps project the intimidating aura she has cultivated over the years. They tend to gravitate towards darker-colored clothes that they accessorize with brightly colored and numerous pieces of jewelry. She is typically seen wearing a t-shirt and ripped black jeans. Sometimes she spices up this look with a jean jacket adorned with small pins from the various museums she has visited.

Alora is currently growing her hair back out. She has worn a shaved side and mullet style for the past decade. While she never felt this har was indeed her style, it was aggressive, which was the energy she liked to carry. As a result, her hair has grown out in varying lengths and is often spiked in a messy design.


Her friends describe Alora with a cold, unapproachable exterior and a soft, almost vulnerable interior. She likes to keep strangers at arm's length. Her style and outward personality are all a means to this end. To her friends and her chosen family, she tends to gravitate towards being the mom figure of the group. Everyone comes to her when they are struggling or need advice. She does wish she had someone who could return the favor as she has had numerous struggles with her mental health and is currently diagnosed and on a few different medications. She spent the last decade battling a dependency on alcohol, and she has been sober for one year. These factors, combined with traumatic moments from her youth, have caused her to develop into the woman she is today.

{College Graduate}{Authentic life}{disowned}{trauma}

Alora's early life was a chaotic time in her life. She had begun to show signs of her mental health struggles, and instead of seeking help, her parents pushed her into more rigid systems of control. Instead of speaking to a therapist, she was not allowed to use electronics after seven, be in bed by eight, and awake by five in the morning to do a litany of chores and work around the house. Both of her parents were alcoholics who sought the answers to their lives at the bottom of many a bottle.

As she grew older, she began to rebel against her parents' control. Arguments became a constant occurrence. Her friend group grew with similar misfits joining the fold. While her teenage years were not overly sour the undiagnosed disorders and the abuse of her family situation did leave lasting damage. Eventually, she moved out, went to college across the country in California, and finally got her degree in biology.

She stayed in California and worked as a park ranger. While she tried to keep the interactions with her family to a minimum, eventually, another argument turned so heated that her father told her never to return and to never talk to him again. She became disowned and had not had contact with her parents for five years. Alora rose above this, as she has always done, and built herself a self-made family that has helped push her to be the best version of herself.

A month ago, things began to change. At first, it was the odd happenstances of Alora's day. She could feel a slight breeze all around her out in the park, yet the sensation was not one her body experienced. It was as if she was feeling the slight breeze across the field, all at once. While strange, she chalked it up as a side effect of her medication. As the days dragged on, her power became more apparent. The plants inside her apartment seemed to thrive and would move when she would pass them by. What's more, she could still feel the same out-of-body sensation she felt in the field with these house plants.

Alora had powers. What does one do when they realize they have mystical powers? They train. Alora explored the boundaries of her abilities through trial and error. While the trials proved to be valuable, the errors nearly killed her. It took a week, and a vision-esque dream, for her to come to terms with the fact that she was not losing her mind.

A week ago, Alora received a package with a postcard inviting her to a cabin in the woods and a letter explaining why she was invited. With hesitations front of mind, and uncertainty about the way forward, Alora headed off towards her new future.


Charging cables
Two weeks' worth of clothes


Alora's magic allows her to exert control over plant life. Thus far, she can manipulate her green friends to grow at a faster rate, sway on command, and can magically graft one plant onto another. This ability has grown stronger since she was first gifted her powers. At the start, she could only sense the plant life around her. While she can not see through them nor hear, she can get a glimpse of what they feel around them. What scents are in the air, and what grounds have been stepped on. As the weeks turned into a month, Alora noticed that she was becoming in tune with the plant life. She learned how to sway the plants at a whim and command plants to proliferate.

These powers come with downsides, as all do. The more Alora tries to exert her control over plants, the more lost she can become in the networks of green life. There is a near-infinite number of plant life in a forest, from the pedals of grass to the massive mycelium colonies buried deep in the ground and all the pollen in the air. If she spends too long in tune with nature, her mind may as well be lost in it. As well, when she first discovered and started to use her power, she over-exerted herself. Her skin began to harden for a brief moment and appeared like bark. Alora would do well to avoid prolonged use of her powers, as one can not see the forest if one is a tree.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Twoface77


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justin Royce

"The wind has no master"

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Appearance: Justin is usually sporting an easy-going smile that might look misplaced against the backdrop of his moody black and white wardrobe, if not for his soft features and kind eyes partially hidden beneath wild tufts of blonde hair. He stands at an unassuming 5'9" and has a lean, athletic build that is clearly the result of disciplined training. The discerning eye would notice that he often wears clothing that he made or customized himself with the style and sureness of a practiced hand. Those embellishments often come in the form of skulls or other macabre imagery, further at odds with Justin's pleasant demeanor.

Personality: {Genuine} {Independent} {Absent-minded}

Justin was clearly taught the importance of expressing ones-self openly and honestly, given his quiet confidence and accepting nature. While usually not the first to speak up, Justin has no problem sharing his thoughts when asked, and will stand firmly for the things he believes in. He has a tendency to lose focus when not actively engaged and can often be found thinking about future goals and ambitions, from new workout routines to his dreams of starting his own clothing line.

History: {College dropout}{Loving family}{Entrepreneur}

While Justin was born in a small hospital in Toronto and would spend the first six years of his life in an unremarkable foster home only a few blocks away, he would tell you that his life didn't truly begin until he was adopted by his fathers. The first three years after were a blur of love and happiness, as Justin relished in finally having a family (and a fun one at that). He adored his fathers, and was a kind and thoughtful son in return. It wasn't until he grew slightly older and more mature that his youthfully optimistic notions about the world were challenged, and he saw that the world could be ugly to people that were deemed different.

Justin began to struggle sleeping and would often find himself anxiously worrying about the safety of his parents. His fathers, the loving and intuitive parents that they were, saw this and suggested he take karate classes so he could have the tools to protect himself and put his mind at ease. Justin eagerly accepted the challenge, but soon found that he was not cut out for karate. He struggled with the focus required and rigid social hierarchy within the dojo, and eventually left to seek out a different class more suited to him. Justin eventually settled on boxing to the slight disappointment of his fathers that found it too barbaric and dangerous, though they enthusiastically encouraged him all the same. He thrived in the sport that relied more on fluid, improvised movement and momentum than disciplined muscle memory.

He continued boxing through high school, though as he continued to mature he acquired a variety of interests, including a love of horror movies and clothing design. His fathers had taught him how to use a sewing machine when he was only in middle school, though he didn't fully appreciate the skill until his creativity and individuality blossomed in high school. He started by making small customizations to his clothing that allowed him to express himself, and eventually became proficient enough to make entire outfits from scratch.

When it came time to choose a college, Justin chose to leave boxing behind as a hobby and pursued fashion and clothing design. He went to Lasalle Fashion School in Montreal and learned much in his first two years, though he was often at odds with professors that didn't appreciate the dark, playful tone of his designs. Justin dropped out midway through his third year, frustrated with the institution that he viewed was stifling his creativity. He has since been focused on building his own clothing line out of his cramped studio apartment, and while he does have a small and devoted customer base, it is hardly the success he had envisioned.

Justin discovered his powers while training in the gym, his chosen form of therapy. He was in an uncharacteristically foul mood and struck the punching bag in frustration, shocked to see the bag explode at the seams and shoot across the room. Justin has yet to tell his parents about his powers while diligently training in the gym to hone them. He struggles with what these powers mean for his life and future.

Equipment: Justin designed and crafted training clothes that augment his abilities, including special boxing gloves with flared pockets that allow him to boost the strength of his punches with a strong burst of wind. His sweatshirt has a large pouch stitched around his shoulders that allow him to increase the height of his jumping with an upward gust.

Magic: Justin has the power to control wind, though he struggles to maintain the focus to use his powers for more than a few seconds. Recognizing this weakness, he has been training to use his powers in conjunction with his boxing, relying on short, powerful bursts of air to empower his punches and movements. His hand-crafted gear has allowed him to amplify these limited abilities, further increasing the power of his punches, the heights he can jump, and the speed he can run.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 15 days ago

Cassandra Thompson

"Don't sweat the small stuff"

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Cassandra stands at about a stern five-foot-seven with a slender build. Not the tallest but what can she do, as for her style, it can best be described as down home. She wears what she feels is comfortable, and the colors she chooses are somewhat all over the place. Typically she can be seen wearing a blue crop top denim vest and a white shirt with the sleeves hanging on her arms. She wears ripped black skinny jeans and red high top sneakers, as for accessories, she wears a choker accompanied with a necklace and two black bracelets.

Cassandra has long brown hair and keeps it in a messy ponytail further adding to her down homey look. Her most notable feature is the full sleeve tattoo on her left arm which glows when she casts spells. It's not the greatest style, but it's her's


For the most part, Cassandra is easy to get along with. Growing up in the rural parts of the country, she brings that small town hospitality rural areas are known for......well most areas. Her motto is "you take care of me and I'll take care of you." She is the big sister to those who befriend her just like the one they never had. What's that, they're older? Tough, she is the big sister anyway, being the eldest of two children, has, she can't help it. She will be a shoulder to cry on, offer advice, and tease them when she feels they need it.

Her wit is something to be admired as it goes hand in hand with er sarcasm. It is something saved for people she doesn't care for, people she cares for, people she doesn't know, pretty much everyone. The meaner the remark, the more the person she's directing it to will know how she feels about them. But not to worry it's very hard to get on her bad side.

She is very easy to talk to and when she's not having a bad day,very easy to approach and her eye rolling dry sense of humor comes standard, dad jokes non negotiable. Beyond her more positive traits, she suffers from insecurities brought on by her powers. She is afraid of hurting someone she cares about or even people in general due to her lack of control over it. Having powers bestowed on anyone from a plane she never knew existed will do that to anyone. She gets frustrated when she can't control it and hates when people give attention to it. Expect her to snap and quickly apologize when she calms down.

{Highschool graduate}{loving family}{runaway}{drummer}

Cassandra was born in a small town in the Midwest. Her childhood was normal at best. She went to school, got good grades, and the latter. Her parents made a decent living being able to put food on the table and a roof over her head, get her into extracurricular activities and everything that could keep a kid out of trouble. It was not easy to get into trouble living in a small town where everyone knew everyone especiallywhen her father was the fire chief. She had everything a girl could need and then some....well almost everything. Being an only child was not all it was cracked up to be. All that would change in the the spring a week after her thirteenth birthday when she met her younger brother. It was the best late birthday gift she could ask for.

As time went on, she would spend the remainder of her time in the small town she grew up in now with her little brother at her side. She entered high school during the fall where she would find her love for the drums, banging on things that always seemed to interest her. When summer hit, she graduated from highschool and began to prepare for college. Unfortunately, college was out of the question as misfortune would strike.

about a month ago, she began to hear voices. At first they were quiet and she would hear the occasional whisper when she passed by someone. As days turned into weeks, the whispers began to grow into full on voices and got worse as time went on. she could not even be in crowds without hearing talking that wasn't her own and eventully could not be outside without having headphones on and blasting loud music to keep from hearing the whispers.

she could not for the life of her figure out what was happening to her and would finally hit a breaking point when misfortune would strike again. It would strike in the form of what she could only describe as these insanely bizarre coincidences. The breaking point came in the form of an illusion she manifested in a public restroom that took the form of a soap dispenser. She could not believe what had happened and thought she was going insane.

All of this put a damper on her psyche and she would barely leave the house for fear of something else happening. Her family even began to take notice and wanted to get her help and tried to send her to a mental institution. Before they could, she received a package with a postcard in the mail promising help, and rather than spend however long they planned to keep her, she would take her chances with the mysterious offer. She packed what she could carry, said goodbye to her brother, and fled under the dark of night.


-an extra pair of clothes
-A picture of her family

Cassandra's magic is more on the mental aspect of things. In most aspects, she would be classified as a psychic as her magic has to do with mental forces. She can use a wide variety of telepathic abilities from telepathic to illusions and more. At the moment, the most she can do is read minds and create illusions of small objects.

Her magic is not under her complete control and can tend to get a bit out of hand when in use. reading people's thoughts all the time would wear on anyone's nerves. Not being able to turn it off is even worse, that being said, her telepathy only works on people a few feet away from her. She can't get any farther than that. Reading minds sounds fun in theory, but when you can't turn it off, well it tends to, in layman's terms....suck. She can only read the minds of conscious beings and non mindless entities such as robots, the undead, and the like. Her illusions are limited to small objects
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