Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

The year was 2030. Over three decades had passed since the Power Rangers had to protect the city of Angel Grove. Most of them had moved on with their lives. Tommy Oliver had earned a doctorate in paleontology, and in 2004 had a hand in the creation of the Dino Thunder Power Rangers in Reefside, California. He tried getting married, but always let the life of being a Ranger interfere. He moved back to Angel Grove years ago, and bought the land where Zordon’s old command chamber used to be located. He still had technology and artifacts from his time as different Rangers over the years, and it was kept in an underground bunker beneath his home. Dr. Oliver had got another teaching job as a science teacher, this time at Angel Grove High. To his surprise, Billy Cranston had also recently moved back to the area and was also teaching at the school.

Everything seemed to be going well, until it wasn’t. Someone or something had broken into the bunker of Tommy Oliver and swiped many of the items being stored there. Within weeks, it was clear that some alien or madman had started creating monsters. Oliver and Cranston used the remaining tech and their connection to the Morphin Grid to create another team of Power Rangers to protect Angel Grove and the rest of the world. Within weeks a portion of the city was decimated, but then the Dragon Force Rangers hit the scene.

The two elder Rangers were both pushing sixty and too old to do any fighting themselves so they did the best they could with what they had. The Dragon Morphers were somewhat mystical and technological in nature and sought out the students who would wield them. They would become the Red Dragon Ranger, the White Dragon Ranger, the Green Dragon Ranger, and the Black Dragon Ranger. Using designs from the Red Dragon Thunderzord as well as tech from the Dragonzord of the Green Ranger, four serpentine Dragonzords were built each with a secondary humanoid fighting mode.

Who were the enemies causing chaos and creating hybrid monstrosities? An older Scorpina as well as the now adult King Sprocket of the Machine Empire, in possession of the staff of Rita Repulsa and the stolen tech of Tommy Oliver!

Episode List

Ep. 1 – Power of the Dragon – When evil rises in Angel Grove in the year 2030, former Power Rangers turned high school teachers Tommy Oliver and Billy Cranston create a new team of Rangers. Go Go Dragon Force!

Villain – Scorpina and Putties

Ep. 2 – Machine Empowered – When Scorpina enlists the aid of the newest King of the Machine Empire, the Dragon Force Rangers must come together to defeat their common enemy. Enter the monster machines!

Villain – Cyber Sphynx

Ep. 3 – Training Dragonzords – The Rangers take time to train with their Dragon Daggers, and unlock the power of their Dragonzords. These aren’t your average Zords however; they’re connected to the Rangers’ Morphers and the Rangers themselves.

Villain – The Thief (cameo)

Ep. 4 – Ranger Danger – When the Dragon Force is on the ropes against the Thief, a mysterious hero on a motorcycle appears. Who or what is a Masked Rider? When the defeated villain goes back to his employers, they don't seem too happy with him.

Villain – The Thief and Cyber Putties

Ep. 5 – Eye See You – When King Sprocket creates cybernetic eye drones to spy on the citizens of Angel Grove, Scorpina bonds them to a putty to recreate Eye Guy. When the Dragon Force has the battle won, Scorpina unlocks the ‘make my monster grow’ power.

Villain – Cyber Eye Guy

Ep. 6 – The Last Trooper – When the team discovers a 90’s hero trapped in a videogame at the Cross World City Mall, they do what they can to rescue him. How long has he been trapped? And what exactly is a VR Trooper?

Villain – Psycon (OC villain based on early VRT scripts)


1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 4-5 posts per player per Episode. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Eps.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM@Double will take control and HIS word will then be law.

The Cast


Red Dragon Ranger – Gabriel Vasquez – @Omega Man
White Dragon Ranger – Joseph ‘Joe’ Archer – @Dragonfly 9
Black Dragon Ranger – Colton Takao – @Martian
Green Dragon Ranger – Midori Tokage – @Eviledd1984
Masked Rider Zero – Axellus – @Double


Various – Various – @Double

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
Avatar of Omega Man

Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location: Angel Grove, - California
Episode #1: Power of the Dragon

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Gabriel | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Martian - Colton | @Double - Various
Post #1.1: Beginnings...

Everything on the roads was electricity powered now. Emergency vehicles and police hovered about ten feet above the ground. The advances in technology seemed meaningless when otherworldly creatures began attacking the west coast metropolitan area weeks earlier. Tommy Oliver’s storage bunker had been raided by an unknown enemy and several weapons and artifacts from his past were taken including the Sword of Darkness, the staff of Rita Repulsa, various zord blueprints, as well as a reconstructed Red Lightning Turbozord. The thief remained in the shadows after giving the items to Scorpina, who had set up shop in a cave system on the edge of a cliff very few people knew the location of. Ever since, Scorpina has unleashed bastardized versions of old Power Ranger enemies trying to perfect the dark magics of the staff.

After the incident at the bunker, Tommy Oliver reached out to Billy Cranston and the two began preparing for what was to come. With the Aquitarean starship of Cranston’s, the two men quickly built a new HQ underground close to where the old command center was located in the 90’s. With a mostly reconstructed Dragonzord and Red Dragon Thunderzord they knew where to start when fashioning another group of Rangers. The Dragon Morphers were tied to the technology in the new Ranger’s zords and had the appearance of serpentine smart watches mixed with slap bracelets. While the zords were not completed, the morphers and the suits as well as the Dragon Daggers were ready to go. Billy was just waiting for Tommy’s word to let the morphers choose their owners.

On a day like so many others, Gabriel stormed out of Mr. Cranston’s room and bumped into Dr. Oliver at Angel Grove High School. The bell had rang, and Gabe grabbed his red flannel jacket and backpack and was the first student out the door. He was so quick to get out as fast as he could that he walked directly into Dr. Oliver and dropped his backpack.

“Where’s the fire?” Oliver asked as the kid picked up his things and hurried off.

As the teenagers exited the room of Cranston, Dr. Oliver stepped in. It was the end of the school day. They locked eyes and Oliver nodded. It was time.

Gabriel was at the local park. His motor bike was spray painted and messed with before he could get to it in time after school. A few guys on the football team liked to break his stuff because they were under the impression his parents would just buy him new things to replace it. That wasn’t always the case, but for no reason at all some of the same football players were also at the park and in a mood to start trouble. Gabe was just trying to walk around a bit and get out of his head, maybe try to find something cool off of the regular paths. He saw what appeared to be a red lizard of some kind on the ground, but then the football players came up and shoved him.

“Thought I smelled tacos…” the one idiot commented.

Gabe was on the ground now. Outnumbered three to one, suddenly he felt something crawl up his hand and arm. He looked down at his hand and it looked as if a red robot-lizard dragon thing had wrapped itself around his wrist. And in another strange twist… now a strange grey shape-shifting creature approached the teens making an awful gargling noise as it breathed life.

“Timothy… what the hell is THAT THING?!” another football player screamed as the three of them took off up the path.

“Great… first my bike and now THIS thing… I’m not going down without a fight.” Gabriel thought as the eyes of the dragon bracelet lit up and transformed him into the Red Dragon Force Ranger.

“THAT wasn’t expected…” he thought out loud. As the putty monster approached, Gabe noticed some sort of weapon on his side, “Sweet, some kinda dagger… okay monster man, you want a piece of this?!” he yelled charging at the creature.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 41 min ago

Midori Tokage

Eating her breakfast quickly as Midori didn’t want to interact with her father. Her mother had come down to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. There was not much conversation between herself and her mother. Midori did not have a good relationship with her parents. Her mother was very passive, not caring much about the well being of her daughter. While her father was very strict, wanting to pressure her to join the military. Midori quickly finished her breakfast and grabbed her backpack to leave. “Goodbye.” Midori's words were curt and short, she didn’t want to interact much with her mother. Her mother’s response was equally short, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

Midori made her way out of her house and made her way toward her bike. The ride to school was not very eventful, mostly ignoring her surroundings with the music she was listening to. (Song she is listening to youtube.com/watch?v=zMuFcsl1a2Y). Only stopping to steal an energy drink from the local convenient store. Parking her bike at the bike rake, she slowly made her way inside. For the most part, Midori didn’t care much about school, nor the stuff that was being taught to her. For most of her classes, she was doodling in her book. Thinking about skipping Mr.Cranston’s class to go watch a movie. Midori was glad to hear the bell ringing, signalling that the class was over. Quickly making her way out of the classroom, and towards her locker. Picking up a few things, before she left the school and towards the movie theatre. Stopping at a park along the way.

Sitting down on one of the benches, pulling out the energy drink she had stolen before. Enjoying her drink, while watching the people passing by.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Interaction(s): @Omega Man- Gabriel | @Eviledd1984 - Midori

Like most school days, Colton had barely paid attention in class as he found the subjects terribly boring. He questioned why he had even picked a law class, as it was definitely the least interesting subject he had ever taken. The only stimulating thing Colton did at school all day was getting his pulse up in physical education class. While most certainly not a jock, Colton did love keeping in shape, still taking karate lessons in his free time. He figured that it helped make him well rounded.

During his study period, Colton retreated to the Angel Grove High library. Once there he decided to just read some of his favorites. While he knew he should be studying for his social sciences test, Colton was not in the mood to go over various anthropological terms. Instead he grabbed the over sized hardcover of the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe, which was slightly related to his studies as they were going over him in English class.

While the works of Poe were freely available online as it was public domain, something about having an actual physical book in front of him made Colton feel nice. It was getting harder and harder to find new physical books, as many of the local book stores had closed in the last few years as ebooks and other mediums of media became more prevalent.

Regardless, Colton was able to enjoy his book, rereading The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar for the umpteenth time. His phone then chimed, reminding him that he still had one more class to attend. So Colton left the library and went to his biology class on the other side of the campus. The class was uneventful.

Once the school day was over, Colton made the conscious decision not to take the school bus home. He was in somewhat of a mood today and didn’t want to deal with his father right now. So instead he decided to walk home, taking the scenic path. That route brought Colton through a park popular with his fellow students.

Colton walked slowly through the park, taking in the greenery and creek that flowed through it. Eventually he came across his favorite part of the park, an abstract art statue placed on top of a water fountain. Colton liked to come here and relax to music while ignoring everything else in the world.

Colton took a seat next to the fountain, taking out his wireless ear buds. But before he put them in, he noticed that someone had left something next to the fountain. Turning to get a good look at it, Colton saw that it seemed to be a black watch with a dragon motif going on.

Curiosity overtook Colton as he picked up the watch. As he inspected it, Colton saw the watch do something strange as it automatically snapped itself around his wrist. This shocked Colton, causing him to rise to his feet.

“What the hell?” wondered Colton.

But as Colton stared at the watch, his attention was overtaken by the sound of screaming. Colton whipped around to see a woman pushing a stroller as fast as she could. From behind her, a gray figure emerged. As it got closer, Colton recognized it as the same kind of monster he had seen in online videos. But Angel Grove hadn’t had a Power Ranger team in many years, so who would fight them?

Colton’s initial instinct was to run as well, but then he noticed that a wheel broke off the woman’s stroller, making it hard to move. But then the voice of Colton’s Sensei entered his mind. Part of learning how to defend oneself also involved helping others. Steeling himself, Colton ran toward the monster, placing himself between it and the woman with her child.

“Come on then, you clay monster, or whatever you are,” said Colton.

The gray creature briefly paused to look Colton up and down, before charging the teen. Colton then began to ready his fist, only for the eyes of the dragon on the watch to begin to glow. Colton was then bathed in a dark light, armor forming over his whole body. He had suddenly become the Black Dragon Force Ranger.

“Woah,” muttered Colton.

The monster paused once more after this transformation, before resuming its charge. In response, Colton swung his fist, finding that he could now move a lot faster. He wasn’t even focusing on the fact that he was now a Power Ranger, instead totally caught up in the battle with the monster.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 41 min ago

Midori Tokage

Midori sat on the bench, enjoying the various kinds of people walking passed her. Taking a few sips from the energy drink she had in her head. But from the corner of her eye, she could see a commotion going on. At first, she just thought it was some strangers getting ready to fight, but she noticed a few people from her school getting involved. One of those people is Colton. Gulping down the rest of her drink, she stood up from the bench she was sitting on. “Kuso.” She didn’t want her friend to be beaten by some weirdos. Midori noticed that his friend and another guy suddenly wearing spandex. She had heard stories of the Power Rangers, but she mostly disregarded it thinking it was bullshit.

Midori stood up and ran over to the other two. “Oi putt heads, let’s rock.” She got into a fighting stance. Getting ready to fight them, having a good feeling she would be able to win.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Angel Grove, - California
Episode #1: Power of the Dragon

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Gabriel | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Martian - Colton | @Double - Various
Post #1.5: Beginnings...

Gabriel had an adrenaline rush like never before. He wielded the red dagger like he’d used a knife several times in the past. The dagger attacks seemed to do nothing against the monster, which appeared to be increasing its mass and duplicating after reforming itself. Unlike several Rangers of yesteryear, the Red Dragon Force Ranger looked to exclusively use hand strikes and grappling throws. The increase in strength and speed was surprising to say the least when he went to push off the ground and sent himself and one of the putty monsters twenty feet into the air. In the distance, Gabe could see another Ranger on the scene in black.

“Glad I’m not alone out here…” the Red Ranger thought out loud.

Joe, meanwhile, was currently sitting on one of the park’s benches. He was lazily holding out bread crumbs for the ducks near him to eat, and allowed himself to smile a bit at the ducks’ eager quacking. This was pretty nice, doing nothing for a change. Joe wasn’t thinking of anything in particular, including constantly pretending to be average and never doing something that would disrupt that façade, which was also nice. If he could just stay here for a while longer, with no one judging him, that would be awesome…

Joe’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a chilling, inhuman screech. When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange monster who looked to be made of clay swinging one of his arms at him. Eyes wide, Joe quickly dodged the monster’s arm, which then hit the bench he was sitting on and turned into gray goo, before the monster made another arm out of nothing and swung it at Joe again. Standing up, Joe looked at the monster…and ran away.

Yeah, he just… decided to run away. So much for being a hero.

Of course, the monster chased after him, screeching all the way. Joe, at this point, had reached near the end of the park, and was just about to exit it when he saw someone else on the edge of the end of it, staring at the monster like a deer in the headlights. It wasn’t just Joe who noticed this bystander, however, as the monster behind him probably thought that the young girl would be an easier target than Joe at this point and swung its arm at her. Joe, at this point, had two options. He could either run away, leaving the poor girl to defend herself or he could get the girl out of the way and likely have to defend both of them from the monster.

Joe, despite every bit of him telling him to run away, to not worry about the girl, to just let her fight it off herself…

He chose to get her out of the way instead.

“Look out!” Joe exclaimed, shoving the girl out of the way, just in time for the monster to hit him.

Joe, not expecting the sheer force of the attack, while the girl, now not the monster’s target anymore, got out of her frightened stupor to run away as fast as she could, screaming all the way. Joe, meanwhile, was grabbed by the monster and pulled close to it, with the young man in the white t-shirt punching and kicking the monster all the way. His attacks made no difference however, as the monster reformed the parts of its body that were being attacked always a split second after Joe hit them. Just as Joe was getting close to its face, however…

A little robotic lizard, who Joe hadn’t noticed was following him ever since he was running from the monster, crawled on his arm. It activated itself without Joe’s knowledge turning him into… The White Ranger. Of course, the first thing he does after turning into a Ranger after the usual wonder of it all was to punch the monster so hard in the face that it let go of him and fell to the ground.

“...What the hell!?” Joe said, doing a double take at his new costume. Oh yeah, and that, too.

((Omega Man told me to post all this, if you're wondering.))
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Unknown

Interaction(s): @Omega Man Scorpina, Zjango

In an otherwise inaccessible cave system in the outskirts of Angel Grove, two figures sat alone. One appeared to be a woman in yellow armor, her sleek headdress baring a vague resemblance to a scorpion's stinger. Nearby her was a staff leaning against the cave wall, bearing a crescent moon with a red jewel fixed between the tips on the head of it. She was looking a little dissatisfied, particularly when glancing over at the other figure in the room. The other guy was a black humanoid covered in a white armor-like exoskeleton with yellow tendrils acting as sort of like makeshift scarves. He also wore a white headdress that vaguely resembled a wide-brimmed hat. He was much more relaxed than the woman, sitting on the ground and leaned back against the cave all - his hat-like headdress appearing to be pulled down over his eyes like some kind of monstrous gunslinger taking a nap.

"Bah, not good!" grunted the woman. She seemed to be monitoring the actions of her little clay footsoldiers and didn't look particularly satisfied with their performance, "The Staff alone won't cut it. I'd need Finster's workshop to make them full powered." she clenched her hand into a fist and slammed it into a nearby stalagmite.

"Except that place was picked apart and dismantled along with the rest of Rita and Zedd's palace, aye?" asked the male figure, offering a brief glance up from his relaxed posture, "Bad luck for you, Scorpina."

"Don't... patronize me, Zjango!" Scorpina hissed back him, "I don't see you doing anything to make the situation any better! How about you get off your arse and-" a sudden ice blast hitting the wall inches away cut her off. Her associate, Zjango, had shot up to his feet and fired one of his blasters in what had to be the fastest lightning draw Scorpina had ever seen. Luckily for her that had only been a warning shot.

"In case you forgot, Lady Scorpina, I did my job!" he took a slow step toward his employer - his weapon now trained on her, "If your little minions can't do theirs, then I fail to see how that is my problem."

Scorpina - despite the warning shot and staring down the barrel of his weapon - wasn't intimidated, "Don't forget who is paying you, mercenary. If my mission is unsuccessful, then you don't get your payment." she waited for him to slowly lower his weapon before she spoke again, "You still have most of your contacts and connections... don't you?"

"...I do."

"Then I need you to use your network to send out a message... to the Empire." she identified the recipient with noticeable hesitation, as if she hated having to do this.

"The Empire? That Royal House of Rust-Buckets? Very well... but you do realize I'll be adding this to my fee?"

"That's fine. Just make sure that King Sprocket knows that Scorpina has a proposal for him. Tell him it involves Earth and the Power Rangers, that should be enticing enough to get his attention."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
Avatar of Martian

Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Interaction(s): @Omega Man- Gabriel | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph

Colton, now garbed in the armor of the Black Dragon Force Ranger, raised his fist to strike the charging clay monster. With a strength he had never felt before, Colton’s fist collided with the monster’s face, instantly breaking its rock like skin. Before Colton could react to what he had done, the monster’s face shattered before the rest of his body turned to goo before disappearing completely.

“Damn,” Colton muttered as he stared at his fist.

A wave of energy rushed through Colton’s body as he wore the Ranger armor. Just wearing it made him feel incredible, like everything about him was heightened. Colton paused for a few seconds to just take in the sensation, having a power within like he had never felt before.

But a scream for help broke Colton’s focus on the new power. With a much faster pace than usual, Colton took off into the deeper part of the park. In almost no time Colton found the source of the scream, a couple that was surrounded by four of those clay things. Colton wondered just how many of these things were in the park.

Out of his peripheral vision, Colton spotted another person in Power Ranger armor, this one clad in red. Colton also noticed that he was using a dagger to fight off a monster. Wondering if he had one as well, Colton finally realized that he had a Dragon Dagger attached to his belt. With a quick motion, Colton armed himself with the blade.

Colton then charged at the four monsters, but as he did so, he saw another person running to fight the monsters. He recognized her as Midori, but saw that she was not wearing any Ranger armor. Colton wondered how she would fare without the power the armor provided.

But Colton pushed that out of his mind as he lunged at the first clay monster. With a yell, Colton slashed out at it, knocking the creature away from the scared couple. Then with a roundhouse kick, Colton sent another one flying. The Black Dragon Force Ranger now placed himself between the two remaining monsters and the couple.

From his new position, Colton could see that another Ranger had arrived, this one clad in white. But Colton couldn’t focus too much on the newcomer’s arrival, as both clay monsters rushed him. Colton managed to deflect one of their fists with his Dragon Dagger, but the other monster made contact, landing a blow to the Ranger’s gut. Colton recoiled as the wind was knocked out of him.

“Crap..” Colton muttered.

However he recovered quickly, raising his left knee into the monster that had hit him, causing it to collapse to the ground. Colton then rolled over in the air, his dagger slashing into the other monster. This resulted in Colton on top of the monster, driving his dagger into its chest, causing it to turn to goo.

Colton then rushed to his feet, seeing that the other three monsters were also getting up. The Black Ranger raised his dagger, as the gathering of monsters began to move toward him.

“A little help?” Colton asked.

Colton looked around the park, seeing the couple running away. But he was more looking for the other two Rangers and Midori, only to see some more clay monsters enter the park. Again, Colton wondered just how many of these things were out here? But he didn’t have any option but to fight them, so he held tightly on his dagger, steeling himself mentally to fight off the monsters.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 41 min ago

@Dragonfly 9@Martian

Midori ran over to the group not wanting to watch Colton get hurt, picking up a large branch to use as a weapon. This was not the first time she had used a branch as a blunt instrument. When you are in a street fight anything around you can be used as a weapon. Getting close enough that she was in attack range of the clay looking weirdos she stated, “Hi, heads up.

Using the large branch like a baseball bat, she smacked one of the putties in the head and sent it flying backwards. Now the attention was focused on her. Some of the weird putty creatures started to approach. One of them tried to throw a punch at Midori, but she was pushed onto the ground by one of the guys in spandex. “What the hell was that for?” she yelled standing back up to her feet.

Not noticing a goon behind her it kicked her in the back.

Shit.” she cursed under her breath.

She got back up hopping onto her feet and kicking one of the putties in the stomach. But the putties were much stronger than they looked. Most of them immediately got right back up or morphed around. The putties were quickly starting to pile up on her. One held her arms behind her head, leaving her open to attack. Getting punched and kicked by the goons, she violently moved her body trying to escape. She used her legs to jump over the putty’s head and kicked the one that held her into the other putty.

Is that the best you got?” she asked with a cocky smile on her face, kicking another putty that was coming towards Colton. “HI-YAH! ” she screamed sweep kicking another putty. However, her prideful attitude got the best of her. After fighting so many putties she was starting to get overwhelmed.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
Avatar of Omega Man

Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location: Angel Grove, - California
Episode #1: Power of the Dragon

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Gabriel | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Martian - Colton | @Double - Various
Post #1.9: Beginnings...

“Looks like we came across the same type of little robot lizard…” Gabriel said running up to Joe, now clad in the White Dragon Force Ranger suit. In the distance, the pair of heroes could see both the girl wielding the stick, and a Black Ranger wearing a similar suit to theirs. Three additional putty monsters emerged and headed towards a woman running with earbuds keeping her from hearing the commotion in the surrounding area.

“I bet athletic girls like guys in super-suits…” Gabriel said smacking Joe’s shoulder and running towards the putty menace.

Somewhere on the other side of Angel Grove Tommy Oliver and Billy Cranston were seemingly in a new Command Center. Nothing looked familiar as it did before with Tommy Oliver’s last underground HQ, but at the same time it did.

“When the girl picks up the last Dragon Morpher we should be able to teleport the group to the new base.” Billy explained to Tommy from a control station.

“I can’t believe how good it turned out. Transforming an old alien star-cruiser into a new HQ was genius.” Tommy responded to his old friend.

“I figured one day I’d use it to travel the stars again but I think I’m going to stay grounded.” Billy continued watching from a small surveillance drone that looked similar to the head of Alpha 5.

Back at the park….

The team began to come together around the last three putty monsters. The woman jogging and her dog were nowhere to be seen. The drone that looked similar to the head of Alpha 5 was off in the distance about twenty-five yards away and about thirty feet above the ground watching on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 41 min ago

@Omega Man

Midori kept doing her best to try and fight the strange monsters. However, they were much stronger than they looked.

Kuso.” she said cursing under her breath as she got into another fighting stance. Charging at the group of putties she attempted to kick one of them in the chest. Her target suddenly grabbed her foot and spun her onto the ground. Landing on her rear she could see the one she attacked coming towards her. Where she was positioned, Midori noticed a strange device a few feet away from her. She quickly picked it up and it seemed like second nature to her which was quite strange. This was the first time she had ever seen a device like this. She assumed it was some kind of weapon she could use.

At first, she couldn’t figure out how to use it, fumbling with the small device. One of the putties took the opportunity to kick her in the stomach. Slowly standing back up the device transformed her in an emerald fire and light. Now she found herself covered in something like spandex. Her face couldn’t be seen but she looked embarrassed.

“Welcome to the superhero club.” Gabriel said as he and Joe caught up with the other two Rangers.
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