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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex laughed. 'I knew it!' He circled Flint. 'Everything's completely fine. Not even a bruise. That's phenomenal.' He commended. 'That is absolutely brilliant.' He laughed again. 'Although you do realise that now you have an Ellyl ready to tear you limb from limb, don't you? You gave everyone quite a scare.' He told Flint, ready to run between him and Rhiannon at any moment. He understood why Flint took that particular route to show his powers, Being human in a school full of supernatural beings couldn't be easy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nemogoliath


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Allegra watched Flint's little show. She wasn't interested - she could smell the delicious blood of a healer from a mile away. Plus, leaving a conversation with a group of friends to commit suicide didn't make sense. She knew he would be okay, but Rhiannon's hysterics made her want to burst out into laughter. However, it was better to wait for Flint to work his magic. She couldn't ruin the climax for him. Allegra turned to Adruin, shaking her head, "You're not being rude. I'd say dying in the middle of a conversation is ruder." She chuckled and gestured to Flint's mangled body on the ground. "I can't believe you're the son of Raphael. My clan has spent centuries tracking down angels and the like. I probably come from eviller blood than you do." she grimaced and looked down at her feet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Yeah don't ever do that again," Zaccar said with a chuckle ",at least you didn't commit suicide though. What do you mean now about you having nothing as extraordinary as us? That's pretty amazing though granted I don't think you should throw yourself out of anymore windows."
"Yes please don't do that again, maybe you could of just cut yourself or something, that was a bit over the top," Lucatiel chimed it ",but glad that you are okay."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zachariah decided to take a stroll around to find someone; anyone. He saw a group gathered around someone who was healing themselves completely. "Interesting. Now that's impressive." Zach slowly approached the group, staying as far away so that they wouldn't notice him, but watching with intent nonetheless. "Maybe I came to the right place, after all." Zach mutters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Rhiannon reached out and slapped Flint before standing up and holding a hand out to help him up.

"Slap delivered in full. Do that again and I swear I'll sing you into having nightmares for a week!" Flint's ability had dawned on her fairly quickly but it had still panicked her initially and she feared her own weakness of the lungs might manifest itself with her increased heart rate but thankfully she had been able to swallow the blood back down before it exited her throat. She suspected the vampire girl would know anyway but hopefully not even the werewolves would have had a chance to detect the blood.

"Well according to humans my race stole children to turn them into us and played tricks on people so that they'd walk off of cliffs and the like so I guess most of the world hates all of us, huh? Still, I guess that's why we're all here. Anyways, I guess it's my turn for show-and-tell?" She noticed a few saplings that had managed to rise between the cracks of the ground and had been crushed by Flint's fall.

"Well, most of you know my unique ability to influence emotions or instincts through song, poetry or anything rhythmic. My power as an Ellyll is like this..." She knelt down by the saplings and touched the one that seemed the least likely to survive. It began to jerk before standing tall again. There was a pause and then it began to grow rapidly with cobbled stones underneath them all rising as roots began to thicken and lengthen. In under a minute a fully-grown oak towered above them, its foliage fully grown and gloriously green even in the relative shadow of the castle wall. Rhiannon sighed tiredly, leaning against the trunk of the tree she had just created and gestured at it warily.

"The Ellyll are kind of like tree sprites and dryads but we can control water, and to some extent fauna as well as flora, so tending to plants in this manner is much easier for us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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The slam of her head against the door it resulted with her parents' words ring within her ears. Completely blocking out most of her music. "Make friends.", and "It'll be perfect! You can make a brand new start.". They had no idea what the school was truly about, so she went along with their blissful ignorance. With a deep breath, she remembered the words of the girl that almost slammed into her. That could be a start. She ripped the earphones out of her ears and stuffed them back into the overloaded pockets. With haste she made her way back to the cafeteria, hopefully to spot the red head. Was she a red head? Hunter thought. Once at the cafeteria, she couldn't spot the group.

"Courtyard... If you're actually willing to try..." Her shadow grumbled, not all to into the idea.

With that she was off, but with a heavy and severe reluctance hanging off her shoulders. Once at the courtyard, she immediately took refuge in the trees' shadows. She watched the group converse, and thought about what she could do and say. She recited it out, pretending the tree itself was a person. She mumbled an awkward hello, and an uneasy and stuttering introduction.

"How charismatic, you are truly a conservationist! I'm sure the trees would love to be friends with you." Her shadow snorted sarcastically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex watched with interest as the oak began to take form. He smiled, rather amused. 'It looks like we all have some pretty good abilities.' He mused. 'If we banded together we could probably take over the world.' He joked. 'So, who's next?' He asked, turning to look around at the group. The group had seen his dragon form, but that was not the extent of his shape-shifting abilities, he planned on showing them some more of his capabilities later, they were much less impressive, but they were all kind enough to show and tell any powers they had.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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"Falling like that is more exciting though" Flint admitted as he looked to Rhiannon , her hand smacking against his face making a satisfying slapping noise. "Its going to take more then that to stop me from doing it again" He teased as he stood back to watch Rhia's power. His head followed upwards as the tree grew and expanded and as the tree had finally finished growing he looked to Rhiannon. "See everyone else has such cool powers the best I could do to help someone is as a stress ball" He joked as he stroked the fresh bark of the tree.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex sighed. 'Flint, you're here for a reason. We all are. We might be here, mainly to be ourselves and to socialise with other races without fear of being judged or attacked, but we're also here because none of our powers are fully developed. For all we know, you might learn something that would put all of our powers to shame. This isn't a 'who is more impressive than who?' contest, it's a 'this is what I can do now, I wonder what I'll be able to do by the time I leave' discussion.' The description was less eloquent than he would have liked, but the meaning was still there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zach finally approached the group; specifically Flint. "That was an impressive skill, boy." He didn't bother to face the rest of the group. After a few tense moments he broke into nervous laughter. "Uh... You must be wondering who I am? No?" Several more seconds past. Was this a good idea? It sure was awkward...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"Yeah yeah ok ok ill stop being broody" Flint joked as he turned to Zach, watching him walk over. "Errm thanks? Don't worry where all mostly new here " Flint said smiling gently to the new boy " Where just showing off what we can do" Flint said pointing to the tree as an example.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Showing off... What we could do...?" He shook it off quickly and introduced himself. "I'm Zach. You're a human right? Do yourself a favor and do not make eye contact with me." Some of the flora around Zach's feet started to wilt and die. He floated off the ground a slight bit. Not enough for it to be noticeable; but enough so he wouldn't kill off all the plant life around. "I'm a vampire. Quite an extraordinary one, too." He turned to everyone else, now. "Hello, everyone... I think I'll stick around with all you." And with that, he seemed to sink into the shadows, obviously there, but like an outline rather than a full figure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I suppose I'll go" said Adruin. First he opened his wings, spreading ten to the full right meter height, shining black. He roared, loudly. His eyes turned black, and his firey halo showed up, black as night.
"This is my true form." He said. He then stuck out his hands and summoned his sword. Two feet of double edged holy steel beautifully crafted, it was his main weapon. He them lit it on fire with hell fire on one side, and the other with holy light. "I can do a lot more than this, but right now I can summon holy light, hellfire, and heal myself pretty damn quick."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Rhiannon was tired but not so tired that she couldn't sense the girl who had approached and then spoken to a tree. Leaning back she placed a hand on the root of the tree she leant again, projecting her thoughts through the oak, through its pollinating spores to the other tree.

"Hello again, we're not too scary, honest. We're all a bit special here anyway. I'm Rhiannon, who are you?" She spoke into Hunter's mind via the tree in a similar way she might talk to the plants themselves. It was an easier power than the one she had displayed and took next to no energy at such a short distance although there was a small time delay due to the indirect nature of the medium.

"I'm kind of part human so I wonder if you'd affect me? I'm pretty well versed in techniques affecting the mind including how to block them." There seemed to be a fair few vampires around at the school but Rhiannon wasn't going to alert them to one another's presence. She was aware that some races had various feuds, including her own, so she wasn't going to just blurt out that Allegra was also a vampire.

She stood up, the a root lifting up so as to provide a handhold to help her. Suddenly she was very tired although it was still early on in the day. Adruin demonstrated his ability meaning that now everyone had shown some skill that they had or had shown no intention of doing so.

"Since we're done with show-and-tell what now?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex nodded. 'Pretty impressive.' He had to admit, this guy overshadowed him, and he was not used to being out-done. Of course, it made no difference, it was just his ego. He wasn't usually an egotist, and therefore kept his thoughts to himself. He didn't want to seem jealous. He would just keep up his cool, mildly-impressed attitude. He didn't know what to say beyond that, so he just kept quiet. He then turned to Rhiannon. 'We're not quite done with show and tell. I have something else I want to show you guys. It's nowhere near as impressive as this guy.' He gestured to Adruin. 'But I like it.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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He looked over and seemed quite scared of the demon in front of him. He looked to the others. "Awesome go ahead " Flint said to Alex as he looked to his shoe "I need to change soon though" he trailed off
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin was flattered, being an evil angel, he was used to people wanting to kill him. "Thanks!" He said, "I honestly don't think nearly as cool as a dragon, but whatever you think is your own, I suppose. Anyway, this isn't actually my full power, but to achieve that, I'd have to kill my father and drink his blood. So I'm still not sure if I could do that, even though he's tried to kill me, over and over again. So I'm debating it. Anyway, I'm looking forward to see what you're about to do... Sorry what's your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"Pretty cool powers..." A voice emerged from the shadows. Zachariah re-emerged, having depleted his energy in shadow form. "Who's willing to go next?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Hunter swirled around and plastered herself against the tree she used as a substitute person. The voice was familiar and there was a lot of strange things around in this school so it shouldn't be a surprise that somebody talked to her without being physically there. With a couple deep breathes, she tore herself off the tree and dusted herself off once again. Alright, just keep it cool. Hunter gave herself a half-assed mental pep talk, which didn't actually boost her confidence.

"Must be hard when you're a social recluse even with people that are 'special' like you." Her shadow commented.

Choosing to ignore the talkative bastard, Hunter trudged her way to the group the reluctance of before seeming to grow heavier and heavier with each step. It felt like someone threw a thousand pound weights onto her shoulders. It was almost unbearable, and it was so tempting to turn back. It was too late then though, she was already right there. Trying to squeeze herself into the little clique.

"Hello." Hunter mumbled awkwardly, with a shaky wave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Hey there, we spoke a second ago." Rhiannon greeted the new girl. The others would have no idea what she meant but it would give the girl some comfort that she had been invited over. "We've all been introducing ourselves and showing off our powers, if you wanted to join in. I think Alex was about to do something..." She felt strangely exhausted from her efforts and the pain in her chest was returning so when Flint mentioning needing to change she leaped on the chance.

"Actually I need to get something from my room too. The dorm towers come off the same corridor so we could go part way together?"

Her medication was in her room although she wasn't mean to use it except in severe circumstances but seeing as she was on her second bout of sufferance today she should probably take some to get through the rest of the day safely.
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