Cunningham Bookstore
Interactions: @PerfectThought
Kaito gave a friendly smile as Bonnie introduced herself. “I know the town better from the air than I do the ground but I can still probably give a pretty sweet tour if need be. Can’t promise we won’t get a little turned around though. Need the aerial view most times.” He chuckled observing the others who had entered, explaining that they too were tenants. Not many of them appeared to be the flying type and he would be lying if he said that, despite his 22 years in this town he still didn't get a little lost when he had to travel on foot.
Bonnie introduced herself to everyone else and then started the tour of the place they would all be staying. “I don’t blame you, I come from a pretty big household myself. Couldn’t imagine living in total silence all of the sudden.” He commented to Bonnie as they walked to the first few rooms. Most of the rooms were narrow and long which, honestly, he was pretty used to. His family’s home was built in much the same manner, seeing as he had to house so many people. Peering in her figured most if not all of his stuff would fit into a room pretty well.
The group paused at the third room to wait for the tall furry guy to join back with them. What was his name again? Has he introduced himself yet? Kaito took some time to look about and try to remember the names he had already learned. Minerva was the human woman he had spoken to when he first arrived. If he remembered correctly she went by Min. Next was Mia, she wanted the attic if possible? That was an interesting request, attics were generally not the most comfortable, but to each their own he supposed. The tiefling male, either Kaito hadn’t caught his name or he too was yet to give it. Now that he thought about it, only the 2 others had actually introduced themselves by name. He brow furrowed, he would have to change that when and if they all decided to settle in. He makes it a point to remember the names of everyone he meets.
By the time he was done pondering things the furry fellow had joined them. Commenting on the woodwork of the place. It felt almost rude to have assumed the giant bipedal beaver was good with wood but the revelation didn’t seem to phase Kaito. He would certainly not be telling the furry one about that assumption. He looked back to Bonnie waiting for her to resume the tour so that he mind would stop making assumptions of the other people with him based on appearance and body language, something he had gotten used to doing working with animals but was not the most polite thing to do with actual people.