- Name:
Shimizu Kaori - Age:
Forever 18~ - Gender:
Female - Race:
Jorogumo - Appearance:
A youthful, beautiful appearance that belies her true age. True to the myths, Kaori possesses a supernatural beauty befitting of her nature in order to seduce and charm. Often appearing no older than high school age, she typically dresses in elegant kimonos when not masquerading as a student or working. Shoulder length black hair tied at either side of her head, and her perhaps most striking feature is the obvious heterochromia, though she says she wasn't born with it. The matter of fact it is an old injury she got when she got a little too...rambunctious. As long as you ignore the fangs and pass off the occasional spider leg as your imagination, she's a totally normal and harmless human~ - Personality:
As a Jorogumo, one knows what to sort of expect from Kaori. A man-eating seductress that seduces men with their charms in order to feast on them or slowly drain them of their vitality with a potent venom. Kaori is well, exactly this. Overly friendly, playful, a little teasing when she must, but polite, kind, affectionate. She knows how best to seduce someone using her charms. The only, perhaps, difference with the Myth is her choice of food...cute little girls instead of men. Make no mistake, she is a predator at heart. Playful, lascivious, and will always take an opportunity to make someone put their guard around her down so she can have a little afternoon snack. Thankfully, she mostly behaves as long as someone hold her proverbial leash, and shows her at least some manner of affection themselves.
For the most part, though, generally, Kaori is a friendly little if somewhat troublesome and impish spider much preferring to be friends rather than enemies or rivals. However, while she is quick to show physical and intimate affection to the girls around her, she is quick to fall into a rather listless, broody, mental state and falling back into old habits if such affections aren't returned by those around her especially after repeated rejections or just going for so long without it...and this is her totally, definitely, valid reasoning for having her spider friends take stealthy panty shots or her propensity to grope and tease the women around her. - Abilities:
Her most obvious ability is her physical strength. While not quite as powerful as an Oni or perhaps a tengu, compared to a human or most other Youkai her strength could be said to be at least a low A tier, able to handle herself quite well against most threats physically. Coupled with her extra appendages, she's fairly adept in physical combat even if she primarily relies on ambush and hit and run tactics, emphasizing her agility.
As expected as well, Jorogumo silk possesses supernatural strength, being equivalent to steel and yet remaining extremely flexible, breathable, and workable. Easy to bind, slow down, or overwhelm prey with it. Sharp and deadly, razor thread is one of the main things she uses to defend herself with, easily able to decapitate and sever limbs. Coupled with her ability to manipulate fire or her potent venom which can be used to physically weaken people in short term, the threads can be rather dangerous beyond their razor sharpness.
Her fire magic and venom are a bit more niche in their uses, primarily for covering her tracks. In combat, fire is mostly used as simple fireballs, jets of flame and mixed with her agility and threads to envelop and burn foes to death. Venom, even more niche, she can coat her threads in it to deliver a potent venom even at a distance to weaken foes physically.
A more understated ability is her ability to speak with and commune with most arachnids. While not directly useful, the ability to gain information from all spiders around her shouldn't be underestimated when dealing with oddities and curious happenings or events. Her shapeshifting ability as well - her natural form is more that of an Arachne, but appearing as a beautiful woman is an easy enough feat. - Skills:
Domestic abilities? Check! Cooking, cleaning, sewing, first aid, hugging, hand holding, massaging...as you can see, she's an extremely talented little spider. The last three are her most skilled subjects~ - Equipment:
Her kimono and all her clothes are made out of her silk. Strong and durable, and the perfect defense against anyone touching her cute little friends. Flirt ask nicely and she might make you one. Unfortunately she says her talents only work for cute girls (lie). She'll also need to do a fitting. Be prepared for a lot of unneeded touching. - Brief Backstory:
About seven years ago or so, a highschool girl went missing, snatched on her way home from school. No trace or leads to what happened. The only possible clue was a note book, badly burned and only a few pages legible. Days passed. Then a week. Then months. No leads, no clues about what happened. Rumors started about a urban legend that would snatch unsuspecting girls up on their way home. No one thought to suspect the odd new student at the school...after all, she technically wasn't even in the roster, but she was so polite and fit in so well no one questioned it. Forging documents were easy enough, too.
Then a year passed. The girl, showed up, dazed. Confused. Slightly drugged and a bit physically weak but otherwise completely fine. She however, could not recall anything that happened. Only something about a woman taking care of her through the entire year. With no leads, there was nothing else to be done. Three months passed. Everyone assumed there wouldn't be any breakthroughs...until another girl went missing, in an extremely similar fashion from the same school. Except, she was on her way to the park to 'meet a friend', the only source of this information being a badly burned notebook where a page managed to survive.
After another year, the girl was returned. This odd series of events continued to play out for about four years. A perplexing series of events where girls were kidnapped, and then returned after a year. Around three years ago, however, this pattern would slowly start breaking. Two girls kidnapped. Neither returned until a year and a half later. Then four. Five. Seven. Whoever was doing it, was getting more aggressive, but still no leads. The police were stumped. The only evidence was burned and discarded items, and on a few occasions a notably high presence of spiders in a persons home.
A year ago, is when this case was brought to Tomoko. It would not take the girl long to piece together what was roughly happening, even if it was a bit odd. A jorogumo, was kidnapping highschool girls instead of men...and not eating them. Perhaps, that's why Tomoko didn't deem it necessary to exorcise her. After a small confrontation where Kaori couldn't bring herself to harm a cute hair on Tomoko's head, she ended up willingly joining under the logic 'Someone has to protect this cute little girl, so I'll do it!'
No other intentions at all, definitely not.
The girls were all safely returned home.