The Toppins are in trouble and a gang of rag tag misfits get together at the behest of Mr. Stick obviously motivated by the BIG MONEY that could be gained from getting some schmucks loyal employees to do what Peppino can't, what with him climbing the darned tower of course.
He calls it clean-up, which is apt for such janitorial work. Mopping up the leftovers the pizzeria owner leaves in his wake. It ain't much but its shitty honest work.

So what's the deal? Well, there's plenty of worm to be had in the Pizza Tower!
The benevolent Mr. Stick has stolen legally procured the proper documentation to do business in the rival pizzeria, unbeknownst to his "colleague" and can hire out whatever low level goon that has a brain cell to understand that their current situation is grim at best what with an angry italian destroying everything in his path.
Maybe you're a Toppin with a craving for something more than pizza dough or a goon lookin to turn over a new leaf? Be what you will the good Mr. Stick will give you a job! So what are you waiting for...