Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Five years have passed since the Battle of Jakku and the defeat of the Galactic Empire. The New Republic has begun the process of rebuilding the galaxy, and Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion, has taken steps to restore the Jedi Order, creating a new Jedi Academy on the world of D’Qar. With him are the few Jedi Knights he has since trained in the ways of the Force, and together they and the next generation seek a new beginning of light where once there was only darkness.

Peace, however, is fragile, and the New Republic struggles to confirm its place amongst the galaxy, its power tenuous amidst a divided peoples. Hutt territory is expanding, the Imperial Remnant is steadfastly defiant, and the Dark Side lurks just out of sight.

The New Jedi Order is young, untested, but in the coming years the next generation of Jedi will take the mantle of protecting the galaxy as countless men and women have down for eons before. The Jedi Academy of D’Qar is merely the start, and should it succeed the Jedi will once again find their place in the Force. But first they must survive the trials ahead.

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of one paragraph


In this RP you will play as the first generation of Jedi recruits that are to be trained in the ways of the Force. You will start at the Jedi Academy on the planet D'Qar as apprentices. We will be using mainly Legends content but some of the New Canon. The Jedi Knights that will be your teachers will be the Co-OPs and it will be two students to a Knight. However, if more students app than Knights, then I will allow others to become Knights to compensate. So right now, there is me and one other co-op, so two knights at the moment. I am looking for one or two more co-ops/knights, depending on how many people I get in the interest check. If you wish to be a knight/co-op, then notify me by Pms or just say something in the thread.

All apprentices should have the core Force abilities, and for now, he will be using a temporary single, duel, or double-bladed lightsaber unless you can come up with a good reason to have a pre-existing lightsaber of any type. The color of the lightsaber, for now, should be blue or green. You can choose the color and the lightsaber type later at the end of Act 1. It is encouraged you make an original character rather than use a pre-existing character like Kyle Katarn.


Born from the rebellion, the New Republic has restored democratic function to the galaxy after many years of civil war, however, with the power vacuum left in the Empire's wake the fledgling government has yet to cement its place as the rightful authority. Currently, the New Republic is attempting to rebuild worlds affected by the war. Coruscant is the capital with Mon Mothma being elected as the first Head of State.

Under the leadership of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Order has reformed with a handful of Knights to sow the path. After scouting for a location for which to construct a new academy the planet D'Qar was chosen. The small, abandoned Rebel outpost was reworked and has grown to a proper Jedi Academy complete with support staff. The New Jedi Order is young still but its destiny is laid out before it.

What remained of the Galactic Empire following the Battle of Jakku retreated to the Outer Rim Territories, and though fractured remains a threat to the stability of the galaxy still recovering from war. Currently attempting to secure what few systems that remain under Imperial control and, rumor has it, infighting has led to internal conflicts that threaten a complete disintegration of the Empire, if not the rise of radical ideologies. Bastion is the capital with Vicvin Rownlov, a human male, being the last known leader of the Imperial Remnant.

Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, and thus the oppression of criminal syndicates, the Hutts have greatly expanded their territory and, despite erring on the side of caution, have yet to be contested by the New Republic. This failure has led the cartel to take bolder actions in recent months. The current leader of the cartel is Tittu Sken after the death of Jabba.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 4 days ago

*kicks the door down* Count me in, Chief!!

Also, question: Can I be a reformed/struggling-to-redeem-himself former Storm Trooper?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hey Theyra remember me

First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal.

Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hey Theyra remember me

First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal.

Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side.

That honestly sounds really cool! Maybe if my storm trooper idea is approved, there could be some interesting interactions between our characters?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

That honestly sounds really cool! Maybe if my storm trooper idea is approved, there could be some interesting interactions between our characters?

Could be interesting. But she's a bitter spiteful creature deep down. She's doing her best to be better than than but when you corner her, she doesn't really think about bearing her fangs. She just does it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Birdboy
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Birdboy Feathered freakshow

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I am so down for this, and I can have a double-bladed lightsaber? hell yes!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 4 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

Could be interesting. But she's a bitter spiteful creature deep down. She's doing her best to be better than than but when you corner her, she doesn't really think about bearing her fangs. She just does it.

I will keep that in mind.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 13 days ago

Not a huge fan of the sequels, but I might be interested in this
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

*kicks the door down* Count me in, Chief!!

Also, question: Can I be a reformed/struggling-to-redeem-himself former Storm Trooper?

So a force-sensitive former stormtrooper? I have to say no to this since he was a stormtrooper. He would have probably would been discovered to be force sensitive and taken away for another use to the empire.

Hey Theyra remember me

First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal.

Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side.

Yeah, I remember you and while I am not against the idea, it looks like you have the same idea as another interested player. So I have to ask do you have a second idea for a char or how attached are you to this current one?

I am so down for this, and I can have a double-bladed lightsaber? hell yes!

Yes you can

Not a huge fan of the sequels, but I might be interested in this

We are primarily using legends content with some of the new canon in the rp. So do not worry about the sequels since they do not have an effect on the rp for the most part.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Theyra Fair enough! I'll come up with a new character idea, then. :)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

So a force-sensitive former stormtrooper? I have to say no to this since he was a stormtrooper. He would have probably would been discovered to be force sensitive and taken away for another use to the empire.

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Yeah, I remember you and while I am not against the idea, it looks like you have the same idea as another interested player. So I have to ask do you have a second idea for a char or how attached are you to this current one?

<Snipped quote by Birdboy>

Yes you can

<Snipped quote by Hyyde322>

We are primarily using legends content with some of the new canon in the rp. So do not worry about the sequels since they do not have an effect on the rp for the most part.

I started on a character sheet for her already. I could come up something else potentially, but right now I don’t have another idea. Depending on how similar the other person’s idea is or isn’t, we might be able to work something out.

I even made a lightsaber for her

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Elerian
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Elerian
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by Theyra>

I started on a character sheet for her already. I could come up something else potentially, but right now I don’t have another idea. Depending on how similar the other person’s idea is or isn’t, we might be able to work something out.

I even made a lightsaber for her

Hey this is the person with the similar idea, here's my app from a previous version of this:

Name: Mala Rar

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Rutian Twi’lek


Rank: Knight

Background: Mala's childhood was, by all accounts, one surrounded by poverty and despair. Her parents, who toiled endlessly in the infamous slave pits of Kessel, were hardly able to make ends meet to support themselves. More partners of convenience than anything, they had settled down to pool their meager resources and take comfort in each other’s company. The impending arrival of a child, let alone the challenges of raising an infant beneath the harsh yoke of their slave masters, made a long term relationship seem more like a prison sentence. While they weren't married, their relationship was a strained one for the duration of Mala's time with her parents, and she generally looks back on her childhood with a great deal of contempt. Her parents bickered and argued frequently over even the mundane things, and she was given the distinct impression that they were reluctant to admit they had a daughter. Though they were not physically abusive, their neglect fostered mistrust and encouraged Mala to become a social introvert.

As wretched as her home life was, she would soon find herself yearning for a return to the chaotic dysfunction of her youth. Shortly after her eleventh birthday, her family was visited by a Dark Jedi named Azahd, who sensed the girl's latent bond with the Force and promptly set about bartering for her life. Offering her parents a decent sum of credits in exchange, he promised their daughter the chance for a better life far from the suffocating misery of their home world. In truth, Mala's parents needed little convincing to pawn their burden, and eagerly agreed to the terms.

Although hardly a surprise, their betrayal still cut deep and would fester for years. Distraught and seething with resentment at having been so callously discarded by her own family, Mala grew into a stubborn and ill-tempered teenager with a taste for violence. Though she showed a great deal of potential with the Force, her training in such pursuits often took a back seat to her interest in the methods of combat, finding the raw, chaotic style of the Juyo form to be the perfect outlet for her anger and frustrations. Having spent a great deal of her developmental years toiling in the gloom of the slave pits, Mala had not been fortunate enough to be given a formal education, nor had she even learned how to speak Basic; having been forbidden to do so with the threat of execution. She was practically illiterate, and without the knowledge of Basic to openly express herself in any easy way, she was mocked and ridiculed by her peers. That was all except for one: a sympathetic young Echani named Cham.

The two quickly developed a close mutual friendship, if at first for no greater purpose than the necessity of survival. Life in the secretive Imperial program was paltry and cruel, and they quickly discovered that two heads were better than one. For her part, Cham taught Mala how to read and write, and with time even how to speak Basic. The experience gradually opened the young Twi’lek's eyes and gave her access to the world in ways she scarcely even dreamed of. She became more outspoken and developed a certain fondness for obscenities, finding such language allowed her to convey herself with little effort.

Even so, the pair knew they were playing with fire. Azahd was known for being extremely possessive of his students, and upon learning of their burgeoning friendship, flew into a violent rage. Both pupils were lucky to have escaped with their lives, but Mala certainly bore the brunt of her master's ire. She was severely beaten and subjected to sadism only someone on the dark side could dream up. For hours she was tormented before her Master finally, mercifully, left her for dead in harsh wilderness. Through a miracle of perseverance though, fueled by her intense and growing hatred for Azahd, she found the strength to cling to life, even if just barely. Hours would turn to days, and days to weeks before she finally managed to claw her way back to civilization, a girl apart from the one who had been given up for dead by those closest to her. Feeling betrayed that Cham had made no effort to search for her, Mala's animosity knew no bounds.

For Mala and the other students, coming of age under the thumb of those who walk the dark side was an experience unlike any other. At a time in life when most adolescents would be taking their first awkward steps into adulthood with the gentle guidance and comforting advice of their parents, Mala had found herself thrust into the midst of a blood fueled orgy with little more than her own wits for protection. Though, life with her parents, and her apprenticeship to Azahd, had mostly desensitized her to the degrading life of a slave.

A local slaver was the one that found Mala in the end. She was restored back to health, and almost immediately sold into slavery to one of the many Hutt Cartels. Jabba was her new master, and for several months Mala worked as an entertainer for Jabba and his clients. However, Luke Skywalker soon ended the grueling torment shortly after she’d entered Jabba’s service. While she hadn’t been on the pleasure barge when it had been destroyed, and Jabba slain, she was able to escape during the chaos that followed.

Months later, she was found by a Republic scouter in search of force sensitive individuals to join the New Jedi Order. Mala decided to take his offer so that she might repay her debt to Luke for freeing her. As one of the first to join the New Order, Mala has already attained the rank of Knight and has been one of the first to do so under the tutelage of Master Skywalker. Since then, Mala has done all she can to prove her worth to Master Skywalker and fight the powerful urges to return to the hedonistic ways of her past.

Equipment: A single Orange colored lightsaber, Distress Beacon, Wrist mounted Comm link, and a few hundred Credits

Athletics: Flexible and quick, she is capable of sprinting great distances, squeezing in and out of difficult spaces, and handling most physically demanding tasks that come her way.

Combat: Mala was trained as an implement of war. As such she is a brawler who uses whatever weapon she has on hand to bludgeon, stab, slash or blast her way through the opposition. But, Mala certainly prefers a handy dandy lightsaber over anything else.

Form I: Shii-Cho - Adept

Form II: Makashi - Adept

Form VII: Juyo – Journeyman

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Capable Fighter
+Keen Mind
-Difficulty trusting others
-Can be too focused/narrow sighted
-Has to suppress passions when fighting
-Mood swings

That being said I would be okay with playing a new character if you really wanna roll with your idea.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

Right of the bay the biggest difference is that Sildarg (my character) is an apprentice. She basically crash landed on D’Qar months ago, and lived in a dead-end down as a pseudo-mechanic until a Jedi realized the kid had force abilities.

She’s basically trying to completely move on from the Sith. Eventually someone will probably figure it out and then shit will hit the fan. If your character happened to be around too, she might be the first one to realize because Sildarg fights like a Sith somewhat. She uses their fighting forms if she gets pushed too far, and if things get especially bad she’ll essentially fall back on instincts and then hatred spews out like a Sith with zero discipline.

Do you think it’s possible they could both be in the rp? I’ve been playing with the idea that Sildarg will struggle a lot with the dark side. She’ll slip in and out of moments of uncontrolled anger like a real Sith, and into moments where she’s acting more like an actual Jedi. I think if there was someone else around who understood the struggle of being a former Sith, it would be a huge help for here.

That’s if you (and Theyra) would be down for two ex-Sith being around.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Elerian
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Right of the bay the biggest difference is that Sildarg (my character) is an apprentice. She basically crash landed on D’Qar months ago, and lived in a dead-end down as a pseudo-mechanic until a Jedi realized the kid had force abilities.

She’s basically trying to completely move on from the Sith. Eventually someone will probably figure it out and then shit will hit the fan. If your character happened to be around too, she might be the first one to realize because Sildarg fights like a Sith somewhat. She uses their fighting forms if she gets pushed too far, and if things get especially bad she’ll essentially fall back on instincts and then hatred spews out like a Sith with zero discipline.

Do you think it’s possible they could both be in the rp? I’ve been playing with the idea that Sildarg will struggle a lot with the dark side. She’ll slip in and out of moments of uncontrolled anger like a real Sith, and into moments where she’s acting more like an actual Jedi. I think if there was someone else around who understood the struggle of being a former Sith, it would be a huge help for here.

That’s if you (and Theyra) would be down for two ex-Sith being around.

Its really up to Theyra I'd say. I'm not averse to the idea per se it would just be an unlikely turn of events.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

If Theyra’s cool with it I’m down. I’d just hate to bar someone else from playing a certain type of character, Y’know?

I’ll be back tonorrow
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If Theyra’s cool with it I’m down. I’d just hate to bar someone else from playing a certain type of character, Y’know?

I’ll be back tonorrow

So after thinking about it, I think I will allow it. But, I am going to say this, no more ex sith and no ex imperial chars from here on out.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

So after thinking about it, I think I will allow it. But, I am going to say this, no more ex sith and no ex imperial chars from here on out.

Hell yeah. I’m part of the way done with Sildarg already. She might remind you of Tara when she’s done if you remember her.

Edit: Nearly done
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 1 day ago


Updated: Darth Hadris is no longer a Darth anything, but an Inquisitor who decided to go do his own thing.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Quest Abandoner
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Quest Abandoner

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hello! Throwing my interest in. Character sheet isn't complete yet, so forgive any errors, but let me know if anything in the history section rubs you the wrong way. Thanks!

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