
Name:Ariel Akira Ogata
Date of Birth: June 6th, 2007
Faceclaim:Alexander Sho Lubba
Dialogue Color:A187BE
PersonalityThough Ari is not arrogant, he does believe that the people of Moon River are ignorant and uncultured, and this is a bias that he will have to overcome. He has a sharp and philosophical mind, but though he tries to be a good person, mixed messages from his father's culture, his mother's religion, and the norms and laws of a secular nation have somewhat muddled his concept of what 'good' even means. Having faced his fair share of prejudice and microaggressions, Ari is wary of others, choosing to judge them silently before determining if he can trust them with his respect and friendship. Having been distanced from his old friends, Ari is dealing with a profound sense of loneliness. Raised with discipline and self-control as his primary virtues, Ari may be too mature for his own good, and finds it difficult to indulge in the normal but impulsive joys of youth.
Life Experiences:Ari was born and raised in California's Bay Area. His father, Gai Ogata, is a highly-educated Japanese immigrant who worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under the US Department of Energy, who was relocated to Wyoming to contribute to a major geothermal energy project. His mother, Francine Ogata nee Meyer, is primarily a homemaker, although she does offer private piano lessons. Ari's father often has to spend whole weeks working away from home, so Ari spends most of his at-home time with his mother. Ari only moved to Moon River last year and had a miserable time trying to fit in, having to transition from an urban life to a rural one, from a cosmopolis to a hole in the ground. The idea had crossed his mind to just suck it up and focus on his studies until he could graduate and enter a prestigious college in a major city where he could engage with like-minded colleagues, but the thought of two years without any friends seemed too depressing, so he would try again this coming school year to socialize more and build connections with his peers.
Hobbies + Interests
- Classical music and playing the piano
- Japanese media, specifically anything to do with giant robots
- Electronic media, ie. video games
- Religion and philosophy
- Running
- Because people made fun of his full name as a "girl's name" Ari prefers to shorten it to "Ari" or to just go by his middle name, "Akira", but also often just shortens it to "Aki" since Americans tend to mispronounce it as uh-KEE-ruh
- Ari is on the spectrum but doesn't realize it