Indefinitely Closed
This thread continues to exist as a notepad of sorts for my ongoing RPs, but is "closed to the public" so to speak. I've pretty much figured out who my long-term partners are for the foreseeable future.

About Me
The tagline is a pretty good summary. Expect deadly beauties and dapper ladies in pinstripe suits; if you've found yourself in need of a character like that in your RP, tag me. I can handle anything above one-liners, from casual to advanced. High casual to mid advanced is my comfort zone. I stay out of the arena for fear of godmodding and out of the Star Wars stuff 'cause I'm a fraud who only likes the original trilogy and had barely any exposure to the expanded universe. It's okay, you can judge me; I played Shadows of the Empire on the N64 and I liked it. I'm OoC friendly and have a Discord, but I'd rather not give it unless we're actively writing something together. I try to stay relatively low key and semi-anonymous.
My Interests
Anything involving political intrigue or conspiracy will hold my attention like a vice, but if that's not your wheelhouse, good character moments and strong dialogue will also do the trick. I don't always do fluffy or slice-of-life stuff, but when I do, I fluff responsibly; I don't think I could finish a whole slice of life story without an actual... story. I like all kinds of time periods, as long as my partners aren't tenured historians with an axe to grind. I actually really enjoy settings with anachronistic technology and weird genre combinations, like sci-fi fantasy western, so if you have an idea still sitting in a PM draft or on your desktop in a text document because it's "too weird," send it to me and I'll at least read the pitch. I'm a sucker for romance and pretty flexible about it; I'll do fade-to-black or 18+ no-fade upon request. I'll pair FxM or FxF, and I'll also honor any requests for NO romance between the MCs. I like to think that my writing is just strong enough to not need to be carried by the Romance and 18+ tags. We'll see!
If you decide to send me a message, just give me some basic details of what you're looking for, a story suggestion and/or character if applicable, and—if you can—include a couple paragraphs describing one of your characters (any of them, from any RP) doing something mundane, like writing a confidential letter, taking stock of their equipment, admiring themselves in the mirror, or observing their situation while in captivity. Something short but detailed enough to show off your writing style, and how you'd handle "down time" during a slow burn. Reusing an old but recent post for this will save you some time. I won't require this, but if your "filler" is nicely done, you'll have my full attention right from the start. Where posting frequency is concerned, I'm not too fussed about it. You can probably expect at least two a week from me. If you haven't replied in two weeks or more, I might poke you to see if you're still interested, but as many people as there are on here who say "yeah totally I'm not dropping," I'll give it another two weeks, but then I'm re-opening my story for somebody else.
I like to think that I handle writing mature themes tastefully, and would like my writing partners to do the same; if darkness is your domain, just don't be a mouthbreather about it and we'll get along. I too am a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious delivered in story format. Your choice of words will probably put me off faster than your choice of content. Also, the entire universe shouldn't be doing a low% morality speedrun straight to the leaderboards of grimdark hell; a good story needs highs as well as lows, you know? On a similar note, I can't really do pure smut; I've tried to be accommodating in the past and I just lose interest. That'll be especially true in this thread as a few of the specific stories are backstories or alternate canon based on non-throwaway characters I've already made. I'm not interested in kink fuel stories and won't be listing mine here, but feel free to throw yours at me if it won't detract from the story too much. I probably have a shorter "nope list" than you, so the worst that could happen is that I politely turn you down.
Actual Rules
Don't go godmode on me, especially if we're both playing as capable fighters. It's no fun if your character (or mine) is just better at everything, all the time. Take the shot, but don't auto-hit—and of course, don't control my characters for me. Romance aside, that and one-liners are basically my only hard rules. For romance, when creating a character for any RP involving adult scenes, I humbly request that, if you prefer to use real life face claims, to use a site like this person does not exist to generate one. If you require me to use one, I'll be doing the same, for various reasons best left hidden in the recesses of my paranoid mind. On a related note, I'll only do romance with original characters; I'll use a fandom for some good set dressing but I don't write romantic fanfiction or crack pairings. I also won't play the male character in a romantic encounter; that's why I didn't mention MxM pairings, either. Nope, sorry, can't do it. Oh, and while I'm still paranoid, obligatory 18+ characters only reminder.
Enough about me—on to the stories currently rattling in my brain. These should give you a taste of what I'm about.
Specific Stories: These are listed in order from "most fluffy" to "most mature/dark." All of the text and linked images in this thread should be safe for work.
First contact has been made, and human history is about to change forever. The first nonhuman intelligent life was discovered not in space as so many expected, but here on earth, in the depths of the ocean, where we should have been looking all along. Deep beneath the waves of Point Nemo is where the creature was discovered, and that's where it's being contained now, in an underwater marine biology research facility. Its discovery was, of course, supposed to be a secret—but in the information age, secrets are made to be leaked. Naturally, humanity reacted to the revelation of this creature's existence in all of the predictable Hollywood ways. Somewhere, on a college campus, students are protesting for the creature to be released. The church is calling for the exorcism of this "beast from the sea," and heralding the end of the world. The military industrial complex is surely wondering if the creature can be trained and weaponized. Netizens of every popular streaming website are poking holes in the leaked videos and calling them fake. Politicians are eagerly doing what they do best: using a lot of words to say a lot of nothing, other than that this is an exciting time and they're honored to be present for it, taking no stance and making no promises to ensure they are on the right side of history. Scientists, like yourself, are using this chance to further their careers, before the scene becomes too competitive.
Seizing the silver lining of the leak, the authorities have cast a wider net in their search for researchers to study the creature, and you've been inducted into the program. Upon arriving at the base, you observe the creature up close for the first time. It is an amphibious, shapeshifting creature, covered in a thin layer of black ooze that reminds you of hagfish slime. You are told that it can use this slime to transform its body to resemble any creature it has "sampled," and as such it is currently under quarantine, being fed a strict diet of marine species it has been known to eat already. It likes to take the form of a female humanoid whenever it knows it is being observed by a human, so it is presumed to be female, but nobody really knows. It has the temperament of a playful golden retriever, but the sharp fangs of a strictly carnivorous species—and an intelligence that might surpass humans. Though it cannot speak your language, you can't help but feel that, while you are studying the creature, it is also studying you. It has apparently escaped containment about six times, and appears to take great amusement in hunting and being hunted by the site's assigned military personnel. No one has ever been permanently injured... except that one time, which was probably a misunderstanding.
(A fluffy story about a playful alien and her human takes a dark turn, and the two must work together, "A Boy and His Blob" style, to survive. Setting inspired by games like Alien Isolation and Metroid Dread, lighter on the sci-fi seasoning, and marinated in plenty of lighthearted slice-of-life scenes. Expect occasional survival-horror with very little in the way of violence or blood, and very loose storytelling. Romantic subtext is extremely optional. I won't exactly stop you from romancing the alien, as long as their relationship remains wholesome.)
Arranged marriages were supposed to be a dusty relic of a bygone era. Except, that's not how it works. The powerful do not give up their tools for increasing their own power so easily. No; everything proceeds ever smoothly towards one direction only: the heightening of inequality. Like the elections which provide only the illusion of choice in one's leader, women are offered only the illusion of choosing their desired husband. To ensure everyone is happy with the result—including the bride, of course—everything is rigged in favor of the preferred candidate. Cups are laced with laxatives. Wardrobes are infested with moths. Jewelry vanishes and haircuts are ruined. Smooth introductions are upset by a pulled rug. Everything is done to gently guide each of the empire's lovely ladies to choose the "right" man, and only the adults in the room are privy to the situation. All of the boys vie for her affection, but only one stands a chance; so goes the theory of the "new and improved" arranged marriage.
The fateful 18th birthday has arrived, and it's time for our heroine to meet the bachelors. There's just one problem: the "preferred" candidate has no interest in women, and is completely useless with romance—but the elites have a plan. One of the birthday girl's childhood friends has been recruited to the cause. Equipped with a magic mask that allows them to transform into anyone, they will use their knowledge of the heroine for advantage and romance her in his stead. However, there are two non-trivial problems with this plan. One: the childhood friend is also invited and expected to be seen at the party. Two: the mask can only store limited power, and restores its mana when taken off and left in the moonlight. The secret is bound to come out eventually; when it does, the bride is sure to be angry—or will she?
(A lighthearted romantic comedy with a fantasy setting and villainous slapstick. Expect friendly duels and maybe just a little blood on occasion. Romance is a major theme of the story, but actual romance is optional, with nudity and adult scenes further optional. I'd love to play the role of the childhood friend in disguise (FxF gender reveal drama is a guilty pleasure of mine) but am open to either role. You can play the childhood friend as either male or female, and they can be romantically interested in the heroine, or simply looking out for them and their happiness. Lots of possibilities here. Expect loose storytelling, and if I play the heroine, very loose storytelling.)
Baba Yaga, the mysterious witch of the impenetrable bog, has become the first magician to ever successfully complete a hero's summoning by herself. Naturally, all of the world's kingdoms are concerned, and a motion has been put forth to gather adventurers from all corners of the earth to combat this new threat. Many of these adventurers, some retired, were "recruited" against their will. Former slave traders turned government employees are eager to abuse their newfound power, and you are currently held captive by one such character, along with a mixed crowd of adventurers and his old stock, still in captivity.
Suddenly, a small and mysterious young lady appears, and expertly kills the slave trader and his two lackeys with such skill that it leaves you in awe. As she approaches your cell, you notice that she is not a human, but a homunculus—essentially, a magically animated doll of clay. Homunculi are usually created only for nobility and royalty, as a task force of sorts to exercise their will. So, why would something like her, no more autonomous than a machine, be impeding the elites' plan? Unless—one of the kingdoms has secretly allied with Baba Yaga? Just as you're beginning to think that you'll probably never see this girl again, never mind having answers, her master seems to abandon her on the spot—the girl's communication crystal crumbles to dust, covering his tracks. Having served her purpose, she stands there, frigid, with no commands left for her magical programming to execute. She'll be tortured and killed if you leave her there, so you decide to take her with you—besides, she seems like she might be useful. Surprisingly, she agrees to come along.
(A very anime-inspired story about an abandoned servant girl and a released slave, and their life on the run from the law, which sounds much darker than it is. Expect occasional violence, blood and death, but their budding partnership is the real focus of the story. Their only way to make ends meet in the long term is to explore the many ancient ruins scattered across the wasteland and sell what they find inside to make their fortune. Their seemingly unrelated misadventures cause them to stumble upon ancient truths that could change the context of history and the very fabric of society. A western setting with fantasy-style magic and ancient technology—borderline Wild ARMs fanfiction. If multiple people are interested in this, I could make it into a group RP, as any possible romance is extremely tangential to the plot.)
Cynthia Schovajsa, princess of the reptilians, is a divisive figure in her home country. The race of half-breeds had been betrayed by the humans, almost immediately after helping them fight back against their full-blooded reptilian overlords. So how could the princess of the demihuman reptilians not hate humans? Choosing sharpened steel over dull politics, she chose to seize power by winning the hearts of the soldiers and the soul of her military—and after many bloody campaigns, it worked. Now bearing the unofficial but still very relevant title of War Queen, she is quickly becoming the chosen champion of all species of demihumans, not just her own. New alliances are forming, and soon, the humans will have to acknowledge their right to exist. If all goes well, Cynthia will become queen of the reptilians—but her ambition does not end with the crown; her steely blue eyes are transfixed on the title of Emperor.
You, too, are an heir to a throne—perhaps of the allied lamia of the nearby desert, or of the harpies living in the mountains whose caves are the reptilians' home—or of the oceanic merfolk, the orcs of the prairies, a rogue clan of dark elves, or the distant tengu or oni. Regardless of your origin, it's impossible not to see the merits of becoming close with the infamous War Queen of the reptilians. Leading the charge against the humans, holed up as they are in the arctic tundra—despite being cold-blooded—winning many battles while being outnumbered and underequipped—she is plainly a spectacular warrior. Even the wisdom of the ancient reptilians is reflected in her words and in her perspective on the war, making her the ideal Queen. The best thing you could do in this situation to secure your country's future in the Empire she is slowly amassing is to gain her favor, and, if such a thing were even possible, wear away her frosty exterior, seduce her, and earn a permanent place at her side.
(A fantasy setting with political war games as the backdrop. The demihumans lean toward more human than monster—if you've seen the popular youkai characters of the Touhou franchise, you know roughly the level I'm aiming for; wings, tails, fangs and claws are fine—entire bodies covered in scales, feathers or fur is over the mark. Expect violence, blood and death. Romance is optional, with nudity and adult scenes further optional. Canonically, Cynthia actually ends up with no one, with the closest thing she has to a romance being a conniving tengu princess who wants Cynthia to be her queen. Of course, all possible endings are open. If multiple people are interested in this, it could become a Nations RP with less focus on Cynthia as a main character.)
Ashley Wycliffe is a dangerous woman; that's what everyone says. The youngest daughter of a high-ranking priest and marquess, her family was destroyed overnight when evidence emerged that the wife was a secret witch. While the male head of the family was away, Wycliffe Manor was raided; all of the men were killed while the women escaped into the night, including Ashley. Years later, only she emerged from the aftermath, eventually being picked up by (as fate would have it) one of the family's own orphanages and received back into what remained of it by her father. Less than a year later, he also died mysteriously. Now the sole owner of the Wycliffe estate by default, it was up for grabs by any man willing to take her hand—but no one did. She is an expert cursemaker: a profession whose presence in the kingdom is tolerated rather than celebrated. Curses are like locks: when broken, the results are destructive. The only non-destructive method of dealing with them is to reverse them, which requires reverse engineering; of course, anyone who can effectively reverse a curse can also make one as well. While Ashley considers herself a physician specializing in magical maladies, and the state officially recognizes her as such, she bears the same infamy of a witch—without the benefit of camaraderie with other practitioners of the forbidden arts.
As reluctant as you are to hire a supposed witch, she may be your only hope of escaping this hell that has been cast upon you. You are the son of a duke, and yet the curse you bear has ruined your life. Immediately upon laying eyes on any woman, you fall head over heels in love. You could not bear this stain upon your honor as a captain of the knights, and have sequestered yourself away in your father's estate. It has been months since you've left the property to do anything other than hunt with the boys. You haven't seen your mother or sisters in years. It wearies the spirit to communicate only by letters, and to be absent from the weddings. Family—once more precious to you than anything, has been cruelly stripped away. You can't take it anymore. Fortunately, you might not have to—for as soon as you first laid eyes on Ashley, you were filled with hope upon the realization that you can keep yourself composed in front of her. Is it because she's a witch? Because she has absolutely no feminine charm at all? Regardless of the reasons, you decide to invite Ashley to live in your mansion while she works, the better to keep this vile secret from escaping the confines of its halls. It isn't long before this decision proves fruitful. You, of course, have enemies that would like to ruin you—but it seems that she, too, has enemies—mainly of the powerful, witchy kind. It makes you wonder what kind of secrets she's hiding.
(A fantasy thriller with layers of conspiracy and betrayal. The setting is heavily inspired by Fire Emblem, with a noticeably darker tone but generally still using a "tell, don't show" method of relaying its darkest moments. Evil and justice are major themes of the story; expect violence, blood and death, occult activities, and occasional nudity—romance with adult scenes is optional, but the contents of the story alone may demand the 18+ tag. Many major story beats are prepared in advance. The duke's son is a partially prepared character, but any details not listed above are still up for negotiation. In Ashley's canon backstory, her success in this endeavor results in her becoming a knight in his service, the two remaining lifelong platonic friends with subtle notes of unrequited love from Ashley. I am, of course, open to writing an alternate ending.)
You were the heir/heiress of the leader of a crime syndicate, but you left that life behind—at least, that's what you intended. With forged documents and a briefcase full of family money, you tried to carve out a new life for yourself, but the money's run out and stable employment remains elusive. Sometimes you wonder if it's been arranged that way, but you're stubborn like your father. Scraping by with part time work at a night club, that's where you suddenly meet the girl of your dreams. What was supposed to be a one night stand or casual fling with a regular at the club ends up becoming pretty serious when you realize that she's actually your coworker—she stays in the back office most of the time, watching the security cameras. Though she dresses sharply and seems kind of "butch," she turns out to be a total sweetheart. She's a smooth-talker who acts very experienced but you can tell from her slightly clumsy kisses that she's not a real player. It doesn't hurt that she seems to be pretty rich—though she won't tell you where or how she gets the money—but your father didn't raise you to pry into other people's financials.
On your one-month anniversary, she pays a surprise visit to your place. One thing leads to another and she ends up staying the night. It's on that night that three men break into your apartment. You rush into the kitchen, ready to deal with the intruders, not even realizing that your lover isn't in bed beside you. You arrive and find that she's taken care of the intruders herself—and the first thing she does is ask if you are alright. Later, she offers to let you stay at her place for a while, until the repairs are done and you feel safe going back. That's it, you decide. She's the one. The two of you agree to make it "official" and move into a place together. As you wait for her to return from her late shift, though, what was supposed to be a precious first night together in your new home becomes your darkest hour as she arrives in body armor, armed to the teeth. Wait—who is she, really? What does she intend to do?!
(A high-octane romance starring two infamous residents of the criminal underworld. One runs from their past, the other runs from her future, and the two must work together to deal with their present crisis. Both characters are insanely capable fighters, and my idea for this is that they have Yakuza-inspired Battle Styles that border on superpowers. Hers is called Smoking Gun, which combines a shinobi-style smoke bomb teleport with other moves inspired by Devil May Cry's "Gunslinger" style. Yours can be anything you want! Though, we can also drop this feature if you're craving something grittier and down-to-earth. This is the most "mature" story I have on hand right now—expect lots of violence and death, blood and nudity, and "adult activities" between the MCs will at least be implied. Fade-to-black for these scenes is still an option.)
Open Format: Craving something darker, yet darker? Have your own story to tell? No? Why not craft one now, then? Welcome home.
The omniverse is a vast place, with many different worlds inhabited by vastly different creatures, with unique cultures and civilizations. One thing remains constant, however: there are those who rule, and those who serve them. While some rogue civilizations rebelled against this long-established status quo, they were summarily unsuccessful in their endeavors to make all free and equal. Mother Nature remains cutthroat, and survival of the fittest still applies in this new multiversal paradigm. It's no use dwelling on what could have been, though. All things considered, average quality of life for the lower classes has never been better, and with most habitable worlds sharing open borders, the option of seeking out new employment options is the strongest it's ever been.
For the ruling class, it's never been easier to find skilled workers. The vast array of options is quite overwhelming, however, and our organization understands what it's like to be too busy to peruse them all. That's why, at Maid to Order LLC, we do the work. We connect the elites seeking skilled work, from your typical business leaders to royal families and even deities with those seeking better employment options than what's available on their own home world—serving the interdimensional community at all strata of society, to create a better future—with the strongest workforce, highest profits, and greatest job satisfaction.
Let's get to work. ⚜ ♥
Concept: Maids! Aren't they the best? You find this opinion agreeable, milady? Most excellent! In this RP structure, one of us can play as a maid/butler while the other plays the mistress/master—or we can both play as servants and our employer can be an NPC. Really, I'm not too fussed about the details regarding the roles. The plot can also be just about anything, from fluffy slice of life to something darker about captivity or indentured service. I'm sincerely open to basically anything where I can play as a maid, high class lady, or villainess.
What I'm Looking For:
Elegance! Glamour! Riches! Whoever the employer is, they should have some status, and their family must be one of wealth and power. The family can be on the decline, if that sounds like an interesting plot thread, but they should have the means to hire and keep servants. Working for them should be either appealing or inescapable.
Cultural Exchange! The above prompt about the omniverse is a generic one that doesn't necessarily have to apply to our setting, but one thing I love to do is play random nationalities—and when the option is available, demihuman races or even monster girls. I love when characters are very different and have to learn to get along.
A Nice Lemon Twist! If master/servant slice of life is the main dish, that's fine, but I'd like some seasoning to go with it. Is it a fantasy setting with magic? A cyberpunk setting? It can be any flavor you like, as long as there's something going on beyond the mundane, depressing reality that already exists around us today.
Forbidden Love! Exactly what it says on the tin. The romance should be taboo in all kinds of ways. Is the mistress cheating on her husband with the butler? Or perhaps the maid, in a world where homosexuality is frowned upon? Perhaps some abuse of authority is afoot? Why not all three? Ohohohoho! I'm feeling scandalous!
Oh My Villainess! I have a soft spot for this character archetype and I don't care who plays it! Also yes, I am an absolute sucker for those cliché 'I was reincarnated as the villainess' stories, so that's a route I don't mind taking. Male villains are also valid; I certainly wouldn't mind playing a maid in Castle Dracula!
Hashashin. Shinobi. Cleaners. Hitmen. Secret Police. Special Forces.
In every civilization, through every age, during times of war or at peace—these multi-talented death dealers have never existed. Not officially—but you, our client of proper means, are a member of the elite. For you, these priceless services are available for purchase. You have problems that need taking care of: obstacles removed, intelligence gathered or destroyed, loved ones protected from your enemies—or perhaps, from their own loose tongues—sequestered away from the public for their own good. Whatever your inquiry, our girls are sure to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Disguised as the maid, the lady-in-waiting, the merchant, the tavernkeep, the teacher, the nun. Protecting the royal family while hunting the traitor in their midst. Rescuing (or kidnapping) princesses from castles, for good or ill. Infiltrating the black market to bump off its kingpin, crashing its most unsavory auctions and freeing the merchandise—all without leaving a trace. No location is too secure. No target out of reach or untouchable. No cost too great for such service, don't you agree? Money is no object—and if your purse is feeling a bit light this evening, Faustian bargains are also an accepted form of currency here.
A pleasure doing business with you. ⚜ ♥
CONOP: I play an assassin, a bodyguard for your client or a target of their choosing, or a spy masquerading as either—perhaps a bit of all three. Some of the girls will present as men, when the mission calls for it. The details of that mission are up to you. There's just one rule: No real-life political figures will be assassinated in the making of these stories. Yes, I'm serious. They've broken down doors for less.
COA 1: Choose your desired time period/technology level, a setting/location, and starting mission objective(s) for my character. She may have a hidden agenda of her own, as well. Example: Feudal Japan, impersonate the princess's private tutor, ensure her studies proceed on schedule, protect her life while you find and interrogate the rat. Additional objectives can be added as the conspiracy unwinds, as it tends to do. Provide as much detail as you like, or just enough story to begin, and we'll write the rest together. Of course, if you had a whole plot just waiting to drop on someone willing to play the role of a killer-for-hire, I'm all ears. Bonus points if you write your story proposal in the style of a mission briefing or top-secret dossier.
COA 2: Your primary character (OC only) can be anyone—the client, the target, a rival assassin, an unfortunate bystander—only your imagination and our collective suspension of disbelief are the limits. If they're the target of a bodyguard, they should also be capable of contributing to the plot somehow—not just a sack of bricks to be carried from one safehouse or hotel to another. Along with our main duo, various NPCs will necessarily come up. Sometimes, details will be omitted, pronouns will be shifted, and it will be hard to tell who's an NPC and who's a killer in disguise. This is all part of the plan.
COA 3: Send the message. Why is it still saved in a draft? Just hit send. You can do it; I get jitters too. It's a miracle this thread even exists.
Expect the Following:
Tactical Espionage Action: Exposed and open combat? We had a name for that in the simulations. It was called failure. Like you, we love John Wick, but find his methods quite gauche. Operatives are trained in combat and escape tactics but expected to be discreet whenever possible. "A blade in the crowd," as they used to say.
Weapons and Equipment OSP (On-Site Procurement): Futuristic spy gadgets are nice, when available, but resourcefulness and ubiquitously available supplies are king in this economy. Our operatives are regularly sent into the field with nothing more than forged documentation and the clothes on their back.
Love Can Bloom on the Battlefield: Unlike failure, romance is always an option, should you be craving such a thing. Would you like that shaken, or stirred? (FxM or FxF)? Our operatives are trained to remain focused strictly on the mission, but in this line of work, opportunities for seduction are bound to present themselves, and such tactics may be the better part of valor. Results always trump professionalism in this business, otherwise 00 Agent James Bond would be out of a job in a heartbeat. All seduction targets, romantic targets, and clients (that's you) are 18 or older—fade to black or no-fade. No exceptions.
La Li Lu Le Lo: Placing terminally serious characters in mundane or silly situations or costumes is peak comedy. By all means, send your hitman to apply for a job at your evil aunt's maid café. Take your bodyguard on a theme park date, and make her wear the funny hat. Yes, the one with the ears.
"Need to know basis," is that the idea?: Operatives are trained to expect complications and change plans as and when new information becomes available. Secrets, lies and misdirection, conspiracy and betrayal, botched jobs from past operatives gone dark or MIA—all of these are as common as the criminals we hunt.
Pairing Prompts - Humans, Elves, or Near-Humans Strongly Preferred
Bodyguard x Celebrity/Idol
x CEO/Company President
x Journalist/Whistleblower
x Knight/Royal Guard
x Mafia Boss
x Private Investigator
x Protected Witness
x Rescued Captive
x Royalty/Nobility
x Targeted Politician
Hitman x Bounty Hunter
x Cooperating Assassin
x Fresh Recruit
x Kidnapped Target
x Kidnapped Witness
x Original Target
x Partner in Crime/Inside Agent
x Released Hostage
x Rival Assassin
x Secret Lover
Nobody x Nobody (No Romance is an Option, Too)
Also, Nobody was a good movie. Go watch it.
9+1 Fandoms: Original settings are preferred—but here are the fandoms I'm well-versed enough in to use as set dressing, with a short description of each. Your MAIN character must be original. I'm not interested in writing romantic fanfiction—but if we're going to use a fandom setting anyway, canon characters can and probably should have cameo appearances.
Assassin's Creed: Two secret brotherhoods—the Assassins, and the Templars. One safeguards humanity's evolution and freedom. They work in the dark, to serve the light. They are Assassins—but the Brotherhood is not what it once was. The Templars, whose influence is wider spread, would subjugate humanity, for the greater good—believing humans to be too weak, base, and petty to foster true and lasting peace. The Father of Understanding guides these knights of the Holy See. Both groups have existed since the time of the Crusades, and both seek the Apple of Eden, an ancient artifact that can control the minds of men. If the Templars find it, they will launch it into space and spread its signal all over the world. Who will have your support?
(Fictionalized earth setting. Historical or modern. Some current-world land masses are noted to "no longer exist." To my knowledge, these aren't specified.)
Castlevania: Every 100 years, darkness fills the souls of men, and Count Dracula, Lord of Darkness, emerges again. This is obviously an allegory for Konami's release schedule and predatory business practices—but enough talk, have at you! The Belmonts aren't the only clan of Vampire Hunters, but they are the most well-known, and likely to be the primary target of the forces of darkness. Magic, knowledge of the occult, and weapons enhanced with both are the tools of the trade, and every movie monster you can think of are the cast of this grim play. Unbeknownst to you, a beloved fellow Hunter has been pressed into service by Dracula. Her smiling face is always close to your heart—but as you make your approach to Castle Dracula, her blade is never far from your back.
(Real world setting. Historical or modern. A few fictional locations exist.)
Devil May Cry: A colorful cast of characters with the skills to pay the bills, Devil Hunters—including humans, half-demons, and even a few full-demons slay other demons in the name of protecting humanity, using magical weapons called Devil Arms that house the souls of demons. A job that pays... ehh? Crucially, all Devil Hunters love pizza, and flip the bird to every known law of physics, so, obviously, they're cool. But you already knew that.
(Fictionalized earth setting. Modern.)
Fire Emblem: Medieval warfare and political intrigue with a touch of anime influence that grows larger with every new release but has always been there. Equal parts lighthearted and fun, equal parts war is hell—may your friends be your strength, and fortune favor your blade. Each game is usually a self-contained story, with holy blood, magic and evil dragons weak to them among the only consistent features of the series. Assassins are also a pretty consistent feature, ever since the franchise's introduction in the west. The promoted class of the Thief, they are fragile speedsters bearing lockpicks, shortswords, and shuriken that one time. They specialize in critical hits and an instant kill ability that never triggers, as well as a broken stealth ability. Broken as in, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as intended. Imagine Assassins actually being good.
(Completely fictional setting. Fantasy.)
Hitman: Genetically engineered (and handsome) human specimen topples empires and crime syndicates by replacing the cook and picking up wet floor signs. All of the targets' deaths are accidental and hilarious. Agent 47 does come equipped with a silenced pistol, a sniper rifle hidden in a briefcase, and occasionally, even backup—but ordinary, high-profile kills like that should be the last resort. Plausible accidental deaths are the gold standard for our operatives.
(A real world setting with some fictional shadowy organizations. Modern.)
Metal Gear: Genetically engineered (and handsome) human specimen topples empires and terrorist organizations by engaging in guerilla warfare and top-secret black ops—don't expect any official support. All of Kojima's writing is accidentally hilarious—and iconic. High-tech gadgets are a dime a dozen, as are nanomachine-enhanced paramilitary corps, cybernetically-enhanced ninja, nanomachine-fueled superpowers, nuclear-equipped walking battle tanks, and the meme that never dies: government conspiracies.
(Essentially, a real world modern setting with heavy sci-fi elements and a few fictional locations.)
Ninja Gaiden: Ninja for bodyguards? In the modern day? Yes, somehow the ancient arts of the shinobi continue to confound evildoers. Both humans and demons alike are wont to pillage cities and capture maidens for nefarious purposes, and it's up to the Hayabusa clan and others to stop them and seal the gate to the underworld, to put evil back in its proper place. Expect magical ninpo arts, gravity-defying feats of weapon proficiency, and zero fall damage. Oh, and lots of death. Life is fragile here.
(Real world setting. A few fictional locations exist. Modern.)
Star Wars: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, magical space samurai fought to the death for control of the bygone Republic—but none of that matters, from the perspective of sensible businessmen and women like us. We're just bounty hunters trying to make ends meet. Even this new Galactic Empire and its Stormtroopers wouldn't dare mess with the Hutts. Our business will continue. If anything, it's going to increase soon. Let's hunt some rebel scum.
(Completely fictional setting. Ancient sci-fi.)
Tomb Raider: A surprising amount of urban espionage and supernatural high strangeness takes place in the unassuming classic games. Possessed with the craving to win at whatever cost, competition is fierce among adventurers for these artifacts that grant their owners godlike powers and mutate them into evolutionarily advanced eldritch horrors. There was also that time the ancient Egyptian god Set was released by removing an ankh from a sarcophagus, turning Cairo into a warzone plagued by locusts and fire-breathing frill lizards. God, that level sucked. Anyway, even Lara Croft herself has had to deal with bonafide middle-eastern hashashin in Egypt, a modern "cleaner" in France, and even a home invasion or two, courtesy of the mafia.
(Real world setting. A few fictional locations exist. Modern.)
Wild ARMs: Welcome to the actual wild west of all fiction. This series has wild-west gunslingers, anime swordsmen, magic, monsters, demons, androids, genetic experiments gone wrong, extraterrestrials, transdimensional elves, giant mechas, satellite laser beams, nuclear dragons, guardian deities, encroaching parallel universes, a semi-immortal master race, an eldritch god or two for good measure, probably some other dumb stuff that I forgot, and of course, the titular ARMs: Ancient Relic Machines, seemingly DNA-locked firearms of old that only special people called Drifters can use. Look, this franchise is dumb as hell and I love it to death, but I added this to the list mostly as a joke. Don't actually pick this unless you enjoy having your hand held or are also well-versed in the series lore, because you'd need a Kingdom Hearts sized tutorial to get it straight. I'm not even completely sure I have.
(Completely fictional setting, naturally. Post-apocalypse, western.)
(Fictionalized earth setting. Historical or modern. Some current-world land masses are noted to "no longer exist." To my knowledge, these aren't specified.)
Castlevania: Every 100 years, darkness fills the souls of men, and Count Dracula, Lord of Darkness, emerges again. This is obviously an allegory for Konami's release schedule and predatory business practices—but enough talk, have at you! The Belmonts aren't the only clan of Vampire Hunters, but they are the most well-known, and likely to be the primary target of the forces of darkness. Magic, knowledge of the occult, and weapons enhanced with both are the tools of the trade, and every movie monster you can think of are the cast of this grim play. Unbeknownst to you, a beloved fellow Hunter has been pressed into service by Dracula. Her smiling face is always close to your heart—but as you make your approach to Castle Dracula, her blade is never far from your back.
(Real world setting. Historical or modern. A few fictional locations exist.)
Devil May Cry: A colorful cast of characters with the skills to pay the bills, Devil Hunters—including humans, half-demons, and even a few full-demons slay other demons in the name of protecting humanity, using magical weapons called Devil Arms that house the souls of demons. A job that pays... ehh? Crucially, all Devil Hunters love pizza, and flip the bird to every known law of physics, so, obviously, they're cool. But you already knew that.
(Fictionalized earth setting. Modern.)
Fire Emblem: Medieval warfare and political intrigue with a touch of anime influence that grows larger with every new release but has always been there. Equal parts lighthearted and fun, equal parts war is hell—may your friends be your strength, and fortune favor your blade. Each game is usually a self-contained story, with holy blood, magic and evil dragons weak to them among the only consistent features of the series. Assassins are also a pretty consistent feature, ever since the franchise's introduction in the west. The promoted class of the Thief, they are fragile speedsters bearing lockpicks, shortswords, and shuriken that one time. They specialize in critical hits and an instant kill ability that never triggers, as well as a broken stealth ability. Broken as in, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as intended. Imagine Assassins actually being good.
(Completely fictional setting. Fantasy.)
Hitman: Genetically engineered (and handsome) human specimen topples empires and crime syndicates by replacing the cook and picking up wet floor signs. All of the targets' deaths are accidental and hilarious. Agent 47 does come equipped with a silenced pistol, a sniper rifle hidden in a briefcase, and occasionally, even backup—but ordinary, high-profile kills like that should be the last resort. Plausible accidental deaths are the gold standard for our operatives.
(A real world setting with some fictional shadowy organizations. Modern.)
Metal Gear: Genetically engineered (and handsome) human specimen topples empires and terrorist organizations by engaging in guerilla warfare and top-secret black ops—don't expect any official support. All of Kojima's writing is accidentally hilarious—and iconic. High-tech gadgets are a dime a dozen, as are nanomachine-enhanced paramilitary corps, cybernetically-enhanced ninja, nanomachine-fueled superpowers, nuclear-equipped walking battle tanks, and the meme that never dies: government conspiracies.
(Essentially, a real world modern setting with heavy sci-fi elements and a few fictional locations.)
Ninja Gaiden: Ninja for bodyguards? In the modern day? Yes, somehow the ancient arts of the shinobi continue to confound evildoers. Both humans and demons alike are wont to pillage cities and capture maidens for nefarious purposes, and it's up to the Hayabusa clan and others to stop them and seal the gate to the underworld, to put evil back in its proper place. Expect magical ninpo arts, gravity-defying feats of weapon proficiency, and zero fall damage. Oh, and lots of death. Life is fragile here.
(Real world setting. A few fictional locations exist. Modern.)
Star Wars: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, magical space samurai fought to the death for control of the bygone Republic—but none of that matters, from the perspective of sensible businessmen and women like us. We're just bounty hunters trying to make ends meet. Even this new Galactic Empire and its Stormtroopers wouldn't dare mess with the Hutts. Our business will continue. If anything, it's going to increase soon. Let's hunt some rebel scum.
(Completely fictional setting. Ancient sci-fi.)
Tomb Raider: A surprising amount of urban espionage and supernatural high strangeness takes place in the unassuming classic games. Possessed with the craving to win at whatever cost, competition is fierce among adventurers for these artifacts that grant their owners godlike powers and mutate them into evolutionarily advanced eldritch horrors. There was also that time the ancient Egyptian god Set was released by removing an ankh from a sarcophagus, turning Cairo into a warzone plagued by locusts and fire-breathing frill lizards. God, that level sucked. Anyway, even Lara Croft herself has had to deal with bonafide middle-eastern hashashin in Egypt, a modern "cleaner" in France, and even a home invasion or two, courtesy of the mafia.
(Real world setting. A few fictional locations exist. Modern.)
Wild ARMs: Welcome to the actual wild west of all fiction. This series has wild-west gunslingers, anime swordsmen, magic, monsters, demons, androids, genetic experiments gone wrong, extraterrestrials, transdimensional elves, giant mechas, satellite laser beams, nuclear dragons, guardian deities, encroaching parallel universes, a semi-immortal master race, an eldritch god or two for good measure, probably some other dumb stuff that I forgot, and of course, the titular ARMs: Ancient Relic Machines, seemingly DNA-locked firearms of old that only special people called Drifters can use. Look, this franchise is dumb as hell and I love it to death, but I added this to the list mostly as a joke. Don't actually pick this unless you enjoy having your hand held or are also well-versed in the series lore, because you'd need a Kingdom Hearts sized tutorial to get it straight. I'm not even completely sure I have.
(Completely fictional setting, naturally. Post-apocalypse, western.)
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