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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 13 days ago


“Don’t tempt me”

A harmless line that didn’t evoke much, but would later set the stage for the rest of their lives. Even Ivy herself knew not the gravity that word carried from Jack’s, of all people, lungs.

The reception to her toast was a medley of reactions that did not surprise her in the least. Well that was a lie, Lucas, the ever trodding dark horse came from out under the searing lights to ease Ivy’s misplaced blame. Something that sent a shiver up her spine and down her skin, leaving bumps that read like braille on the tops of her mocha skin. A coy smile etched on her face wondering if she had been too quick to judge and file their once great friendship somewhere far away. “That bureaucratic circle has been following me since the day I left babe. It’s a whirlpool that looks to consume me at every turn and corner, appearing in my coffee, in the curls of hair of people I work with and even now in this swirling mystery of what’s in the capsule. I almost feel like Brad Pitt” ensuring pop culture had not been wasted on the prissy president, surely she was not wrath though, that role seemed to be reserved for CJ.

The jokes and negging from Jack and CJ was a refresher from the doom and gloom from PJ’s even if they were slightly sardonic. There was a strange air of competition or discomfort between the two she kept feeling from the table to the bathroom. Cigarettes and empty liquor bottles ushered in a wave of nostalgia, reverting the circle of alumni back to their appearances from their first day of freshman year. “Are you implying you wrote some of your own? Or maybe you received many a letter from a secret admirer? Most of Hanna’s would be hate mail so we’re safe on that end” she shot a wink at the recovering actress still relishing in her friends impromptu speech. “Kick it and end up on our backs like Charlie Brown? Be my guest CJ, I think it would be good for you I’ll even hold it for you. But lets save the kicking for after we crack it open” before she could put the quip to rest the thought of burning Ritman and Delton to the ground sounded oddly refreshing but the pair would not make an arsonist out of her, “Like a Pheonix they would just rise from the ashes CJ, you know that.”

Anni failed to chime in and Ivy sensed a new invisible membrane of anxiety and reluctance form from the pores on her skin. She failed her in high school, but she wouldn’t fail her now. Instead she clapped her hands twice snapping the attention to her. She strutted towards Lucas and snatched the capsule out of his hands. The cool touch of the steel felt good against her palms. It was finally the moment of truth, they could finally put their memories to rest. Hanna undoubtedly would have started a dramatic drum roll with either her hands or mouth. Ivy’s fingers found the crevice that kept a small door hinged to the rest of the capsule caked in dirt. “Okay everybody here we go. I haven’t been this nervous in a minute” she said between hurried breathing and a smile. She pulled the container open letting the lights above flood the depths of darkness within. Her expression of authentic curiosity turned sour in a matter of seconds. Wrinkles formed around her eyes and clung from the middle of her forehead. This was wrong, it was all wrong. “No no no no no, this can’t be it, this isn’t happening right now. Oh Ivy why didn’t you open the fucking capsule before you got here. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ughhh no no no”

Ivy’s arm had completely sunk into the void of the capsule appearing as if it had no start nor end. She fished around viciously with sounds of her fingers and nails scratching and swiping against the metal. Coming up with nothing but a singular item in the capsule. A loud thud echoed through to both end zones at the drop of the capsule. Ivy’s eyes began to sting and she could feel the saliva in her mouth starting to get hot and cling to the pockets of her cheeks. “Don’t cry, don’t’ cry, they’ll understand right? Right?” Fighting against the inevitable welling of tears she made no movement to turn to Hanna despite wanting to find comfort in her best friend. Looking at her would only hasten her untimely end. “I don’t know what this is! It’s all wrong! This isn’t our capsule…I’m…I’m sorry guys..show’s over” her nails dug into the leather backing of the book that was tattered and stained from years of wear and tear. No author was transcribed on the spine and the cover was blank with no title. She wished the lights overhead would have gone out and left them all in the dark, but she wouldn’t be so lucky.

Wiping away some loose tears she opened the book to see who had played such a vicious joke on her, it was probably the bureaucratic circle Hanna mentioned. Except when she opened it there was no table of contents nor a sleeve with a check out ticket. The pages were stained with indelible lettering that was no written alphabet she had ever seen. She tore through page after page and it was all the same until it ran blank. More perplexed than she started, Ivy sprang to the last page to see if there was a hint or clue to what this was. One word, centered in the middle of the page, that shifted from the illegible text into english language. “Oblivion” she whispered to the group. The pages fluttered and the book shook violently in her hands like a ship at sea during a swelling storm. Her grip was cemented on the book against her will. The letters from the pages bridged from the paper up into her hands, quickly wrapping themselves around her arms and across the rest of her skin.

Fear tinged with desperation attacked Ivy sending her into shock, her mouth formed the words for help but found them stuck, unable to leave the creases of her lips. Her tongue and mouth went limp and the whites of her eyes became clouded in smoke that swallowed any perceivable sclera. The earth began to shake below them sending the bleachers into a panic of uncontrollable tremors. The lights above them flickered in and out and a gale wind swept through the football field, lifting Ivy into the air. Her limbs and head went limp as if someone was reeling her up by string. A violent shake occurred in her body that immediately went still not a second later. Oppressive light shined out of her eyes as her eyelids shot up like a curtain, a piercing howl left her mouth, punishing the eardrums of those around her. Her mouth closed and she fell to the ground sending a massive kinetic explosion out of her body that traveled through the bodies of her classmates and instantly knocking them unconscious. All movement and wind ceased around them immediately and the lights shut off leaving the group in total darkness. Her wish, granted.


blackout —turnstile

p. johnson’s bar ritman high football field
interacting with: Hanna/[@Prisk] Anni/@Kuro CJ@TGM Jack[@nodogs] Lucas/@Mao Mao
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Caught between the intoxicating effects of the alcohol she had consumed and the capricious symphony of the girl trio's moods, Hanna felt akin to a marionette with her strings cut. Reality seemed to be dipped in a coat of the surreal, the ground beneath her adopting the comfortingly treacherous texture of quicksand. Her navigation through this labyrinth was eased, however, by Ivy's constant stream of chatter that anchored the purpose of their visit to Ritman Field. A blush of rosy hue painted Hanna's cheeks at Ivy's quip about the 'bureaucratic circle', the absurdity of a literal interpretation of the phrase provoking a hidden mirth within her. But her response was a mute one, a grin of shared amusement and a suppressed chuckle.

A soft “Hey--” escaped Hanna's lips in response to the 'hate mail' comment. It was ludicrous and yet not entirely unfathomable. The memory of a crowd from her past, their faces twisted in annoyance, flashed before her — Anni's was among them. Her thoughts were abruptly scattered when Ivy's sudden clapping resonated through the field. Hanna recoiled as if subjected to a shock of electricity, a gasped “Jesus--” marking her surprise. Anticipation sparkled in her eyes, though. The grand unveiling of their shared past was nigh. Her fingers mimed drumming in the air, her voice attempted a dramatic drumroll, only to botch the sound effect with an ill-timed “Ba-Dum-Tss!”. Her humor was soon to be muted, though, as Ivy's countenance morphed into one of disappointment. A shiver of concern ran through her as she echoed Ivy's bewilderment, her eyes falling upon the empty capsule.

Hanna's jubilant smile faded into a frown of concern. She was familiar with Ivy's propensity to take setbacks to heart, especially when the setback concerned something close to her. But this was not the right setting for their usual comforting routine. The alcohol coursing through her veins made her overly empathetic, tuning her into the poignant waves of emotions emanating from Ivy. It was a challenging moment, one they would eventually navigate past as they always did. Hanna moved to Ivy's side, her fingers gently catching a stray tear on Ivy's cheek. “We probably just got another class's capsule. It's not the end of the world. We'll just get the right one tomorrow and do this again.” Her words of comfort hovered in the air, but Ivy's attention was arrested by the book and the singular ominous word it bore: Oblivion.

What ensued was a display of the uncanny that Hanna initially attributed to the alcohol playing tricks on her. The letters from the book seemed to take on a life of their own, springing toward Ivy like predators on their prey. A gasped exclamation ripped through Hanna's throat -- “What the fuck!” -- her grip on Ivy slackened as she recoiled from the spectacle. Then, chaos ensued. It felt like the earth beneath was rebelling, its surface convulsing as if caught in an earthquake or a whirlwind. As Ivy succumbed to a strange transformation, Hanna could not help but wonder if their drinks had been spiked with something more potent. She barely had time to register her thoughts before an explosion of sorts swallowed them, plunging everything into darkness. Hanna was thrown into a chasm of unconsciousness.



p. johnson's ritman high football field
interacting with: Ivy/@CaliforniaState
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by skidcrow


Member Seen 11 mos ago



John Yates paces his hotel room, shadowed by an armed guard and the spooked lower-level Capital employee whose duties had just been dramatically promoted to establishing lines of communication between national branches. He’d stammered out his name, Calvert, as he thrust a beaten up cell phone into John’s hand and stated it was an emergency.

“We have seismic activity, sir.”

“California has seismic activity every fucking day. Where was it reported?” John snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Maine, sir. Delton.”

John stops pacing, standing deadly still in the center of the room.

“How big?”

“7.4 magnitude… reported thirteen minutes ago.” There’s an excessive level of typing from the seismologist’s end. “Should’ve leveled half the town, but… well, according to our reports, the seismic activity was limited to less than a square kilometer.”

“Holy shit,” John whispers into the silence. He clears his throat, straightening. “Get a team out immediately. Covert. We need to know what happened first. I’ll be on the first flight out.”

He snaps the cellphone shut, briefly wondering the pay rate of the human Daschund who’d just handed him his biggest breakthrough yet.

“Calvert, I need you to phone Bill Winters and get a jet ready—or a helicopter, I don’t fucking care. His number’s on the registry.”

“Y-Yes, Mr Yates, sir.” He nods, anxiously grabbing his phone and scampering out of the room.

“Follow him,” John says darkly to the guard once the door clicks shut. He disappears with a curt nod, leaving John to deflate into a nearby armchair. With a sigh, he pours out a glass of scotch, eyes trained on the ornate clock atop the bedside table. This situation needs to be water-tight if he doesn’t want to fuck this up.

Jack fights to lift her head off the ground, her whole body heavy with the ache of a hangover come early. Through the clumps of hair that stick awkwardly in her face, she squints to try and make out her surroundings, being met only with pitch black. It’s a slow crawl for her arm to snake into her pocket, shakily raising her phone to meet both hands and switch on the flashlight. If Delton was some huge city with a streetlight every 5 paces, it probably wouldn’t illuminate much, but the white beam slices through the surrounding rural darkness with precision.

What greets her is a sight better left unseen. Barely ten feet away from the group, the ground has fallen away completely. A moat of black swallows the light, but Jack can figure that sitting at the bottom of the now empty field is a pile of rubble that had moments ago been Ritman High.

“Holy... fucking shit,” she breathes, struggling to sit upright. She feels like she was just on the Titanic as the floodgates opened, her skin raw and stinging from where the impact against the grass ripped off a few layers. “Hey, is anybody dead?” Her voice carries loudly above the heavy silence.

She waves her phone around in the general direction of the group, counting each shadowed figure off in her mind. She’s too far away to tell if everyone’s still breathing, and her body tenses once it remembers what the current temperature is. Being cold is much worse when you’re on your ass on some field. Hypothesis proven—heat really must rise.

Desperate to breathe some warmth back into her muscles, Jack stretches forward, imitating touching her own toes when her hand hits something wet. The smell of copper burns her nostrils before she even identifies her own blood sticking to her fingers. Investigating further, she discovers two things: one, her left leg really fucking hurts, and two, there are now shards of glass glittering in the turf where her beer bottle once was. Shit. It must’ve smashed during... whatever the fuck just happened, and flown into her leg.

As she investigates further, the most recent text on her phone screen catches her eye.

Jack seriously where the fuck are you

Clenching her jaw, Jack swipes to unlock her phone, opening her messages app. About a dozen texts from Erica, and two from Casey, all within the past twenty minutes.

Please answer the phone

Was that an explosion?

They’re saying something happened by the school where are you

Jack goes to type a response when the sound of sirens begins to grow louder and louder.

“Shit! Okay, we need to get the fuck out of here. Like, right now.” She drags herself to her feet, testing how much weight she can carry on her injured leg. “Wake the fuck up! We gotta go!”


against the waves — scntfc

ritman high [football field]
interacting with: class of 2017
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 13 days ago


Ivy was sat at the head of a beautiful red oak table that had been lacquered and engraved with ornamental floral pieces. Her feet dangled from the chair unable to touch the floor, while her studious hands went chirping with enthusiasm on the latest illustration, she had in front of her. The sound of a tea kettle warming up was muffled by the sizzling of freshly cut bacon, the whisking of egg yolk by a deft hand equipped with simply a fork, and the jumping of the toaster revealing crisp brown striations on a now brown piece of white. It was an early morning, a vision of her father sat next to her indomitable in presence, face obscured by the hefty pages of newspaper. The print on the pages swirled and shifted creating new sentences and words that she was too unaware to notice. Her mother in an apron working away at the stove with her face obscured by the sun bleeding in through an open window in the kitchen.

“⊑⍜⍙ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⍜⎅⏃⊬ ⟟⎐⊬?”

What could only be described as static, frayed through her brain, yet not impeding her from doodling. Both newspaper and her father shuttered like a damaged VHS tape.

“⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⍜⎎⏁ ☊⎍⌇⊑⟟⍜⋏ ⏚⍀⍜☍⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⏃⋏'⌇ ⎎⏃⌰⌰?”

This time her mother turned with a plate of fresh food that was at one second eggs, bacon, and toast, now just a stack of pancakes from her own shutter. Ivy paid no attention to anything but the doodle, relentlessly scrawling away like a woman possessed. The kettle began to hiss louder and more angry in its pitch. Finally snapping young Ivy out of her daze to a paper covered in black crayon with the word Oblivion outlined in white.

Her eyes snapped open, she was in pitch black. The ringing in her ears wasn’t from a tea kettle, but the fallout from the explosion she had no recollection of. Pain seared through her body as if she had been branded and tortured for a millennia. With what little she could make out directly in front of her she studied her body to no avail. Her skin and clothes had still be perfectly intact, no blood, no bruises, no dirt. Her stomach violently churned like a cream to make butter, expelling vomit that splattered what was left of the turf in front of her. The back of her palm sufficed as a temporary napkin, but when she pulled away the periphery of her eyes noticed something strange. Her vomit wasn’t the standard pink to orange hue nor did it smell rancid from the cocktail of food and bile. Instead, it was purely black and more vicious akin to an ink-like consistency.

With her teeth and lips now stained with a heavy charcoal tint, she forced herself up, still hearing the ringing echoing through her ears. Sheer grit pushed her through the worst of it, sweat poured from her forehead absorbing the light bouncing off of Jacks phone onto the little globules. It looked like their wishes of toppling the establishment had bore fruit, way before the expected demolition date. Reeling from her mental and physical exhaustion, she still had no memory of what happened after opening the book, aside from chaos. Perhaps it was a curious case of wrong place wrong time, still, the president needed to be just that, the Commander in Chief. The ringing instantly was sucked out of the vacuum of her ear canal, allowing the shouting of Jack to finally pierce her head. She was right, whatever happened was bad and they needed to get out yesterday.

Ivy looked around to see if anyone had landed near her, no chance. The closest was Hanna who had unknowingly put herself in harms way by drying stray tears from Ivy’s face. “I have the keys!” Her voice strained and hoarse, “We need to get to the car ASAP!” Legs feeling like pudding, she pushed her way to ivy, fighting invisible sand undertow. “Hanna, get up, we need to go, now” hobbling to her best friend with hopes she was still alive.


blurred view — big thief

ritman high football field
interacting with: Hanna/@Mirandae
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Laying on the ground, Anni let forth a deep gasp as she coughed herself awake. She forced herself to roll onto her knees, clenching her teeth through a pained expression. Her body had felt like she had been hit by a truck, and if she had any open wound, the shock kept Anni from realizing it.

Everywhere hurt. Her arm. Her stomach. There had naught been a place left untouched; every inch of her being feeling the brunt of the explosion. Had it been an explosion? Anni couldn't recall. Her mind was a jumbled mess trying to make sense of the last few moments that had taken place. She tried to start from the beginning, when they were opening the time capsule. Something had gone terribly wrong, and Ivy had some kind of...

Wait. Ivy—was she okay, after that? Anni panickily looked around the field for the former class president, trying to pinpoint her or anyone else in the darkness. The only thing Anni could see is the faint light of a phone shining out into the pitch black. Someone was alive, but she couldn't discern who.

Stumbling from the ground, Anni fought through the pain to stand up. She needed to make it to the others, to see if they were okay and breathing. Yet the second she placed weight on her left foot, a sharp, stabbing sensation struck her ankle and floated up her leg.

"M-Motherfucker!" She loudly yelped, her eyes growing wide in shock. Her ankle must've rolled during the impact.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Anni waited for the pain to subside. There was no way she could walk on this foot, Anni quickly realized. But the injury didn't change the fact she still needed to get to the others. Lucas. Jack. Ivy. Hanna. Even fucking CJ, the bitch she was. Their safety was on the top of Anni's mind, and if she had to forcefully drag herself over to them, then so be it.

Limping, Anni drug her left foot behind her as she struggled over to the light and voices of her former classmates. The sight she came to was what she feared the most. Jack's leg was shredded by glass, Ivy smelled faintly of charcoal, and Hanna still hadn't woken up. This was fucked. Everything was fucked.

"F-Fuck, uh..." Anni panicked, throwing her arms behind her head. As much as she wanted to help her friends, she was woefully underprepared to handle anything. "I-Is she even breathing?"

Anni bit her lip, her gut sinking at the thought Hanna was dead.


all comes crashing — metric

ritman field
interacting with: jack @skidcrow, ivy @californiastate & hanna @mirandae
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hanna's mind wove a dream and bizarre reverie of ethereal enchantment in her darkened state. In the vision, she sat by the foot of an imposing, monolithic tree with branches reaching far and wide. Its emerald leaves shimmered in the radiance of two suns sharing the sky above. The roots of the tree, gnarled and knotted, burrowed deep into the nourishing bosom of Mother Earth. An array of forest creatures and critters surrounded Hanna where she sat. The animals consisted of everything from noble stags to nimble squirrels, their eyes dotted with the same hue as the leaves of the tree. Curiously, Hanna observed the verdant growth of minute leaves budding on her skin, roots creeping, twining about her in a tender embrace. Her body had transformed into a living tapestry of flora, each leaf, each root, a brushstroke in this work of art. As she reached out to touch the bark of the tree, her dream dissolved, evanescing like a morning mist kissed by the dawn.

Hanna's senses began to stir awake. She was roused by the echo of her name, like a lighthouse beacon cutting through the fog. The words were distorted, a cryptic chorus of muffled sound that came and went like waves breaking against the shore. Her lips parted and from the depths of her muddled consciousness and dusty demeanor came comforting words. “I'm here... not dead.” Her presence had found its way out into the open air again, an eddy of defiance in the stagnant silence of her mind, answering Anni's worry. She wore a new guise, no longer the impeccably put-together picture of fashion that she was earlier. Her clothes hung from her body in tatters, as if stolen from some vagabond's worn-out wardrobe. The artwork of cosmetics she had meticulously painted on her face now resembled a child's frantic finger painting, the colors smeared and melded into one chaotic tableau. “Fuuuuck, I feel that.” Hanna grumbled, her gaze falling on her lower leg. It bore the brutal evidence of their ordeal, the skin torn and flecked with droplets of drying blood. She winced at the sight, instinctively covering the area with her hand. Strangely, like an enigmatic magician's trick, the pain receded to an echo, manageable and distant. “Never mind, I'm good.” She murmured, a grin of relief playing on her lips as she finally opened her eyes to see the utter devastation around her.

It was a scene so surreal, it teetered on the edge of lunacy that mocked the confines of logic and reason. Hanna felt herself adrift in a sea of disjointed memories, flashes of 'before' tumbling like leaves caught in a storm. But it was the sight of her friends that anchored her to the 'now'. Ivy and Anni were there, their presence an unspoken testament to their resilience. Hanna was delighted to see them both, especially Ivy. The assertive tone of Jack's voice echoed like a comforting melody close by. Lucas and CJ were missing from her line of sight, their absence gnawing at her, but optimism, like a buoy in turbulent waters, reassured her -- they had to have made it too. Pushing against the ground, Hanna tried to stand, only to crumble back down as her leg sent waves of protest, the pain ricocheting through her like a stray bullet. “Fuck dude! What the fuck is this shit?! Are you going to hurt or not?!” She growled at her traitorous limb. Laying on the exaggerated theatrics, she sniffled pathetically and turned her woebegone expression towards Ivy. “Mommy, I can't get up -- pleeease.” She whined, her hands reaching out towards Ivy, their chipped nails fluttering like the wings of a wounded bird.

If Ivy or any other self-appointed savior would step up to the challenge, an unexpected metamorphosis would begin to unfurl at the very instance their skin made contact with Hanna's. It would be puzzling energy, eliciting a silent symphony of remedy that would dissipate all traces of pain like smoke in the wind. It would be akin to the phenomenon Hanna had experienced earlier with her wounded leg. Not only would it alleviate physical discomfort, but it would also unleash a wave of euphoria flowing through their veins like a benevolent trespasser. It would be akin to the intoxicating allure of morphine, a soothing balm that would numb the residual sting of emotional confusion and panic, a slow and comforting sensation spreading throughout their frame. The exact manifestation of this sensory symphony would be a little different for each person. But regardless of the variations in individual response, the immediate and profound effect would be indisputable. It would be a sensation that, once experienced, would be as distinct and familiar as their own heartbeat. It would leave them caught in the liminal space between disbelief and acceptance within mere seconds of their touch with Hanna.


Skyline Dreaming

ritman high [football field]
interacting with: Anni/@Kuro Ivy/@CaliforniaState
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


There was no logical means of explaining what had occurred mere hours ago. But upon waking on the field in broad daylight in pain, it was obvious something was wrong. Lucas struggled for a moment to get up from the ground; his head was throbbing in and out while the sounds of sirens played in the distance. He scarcely heard Ivory tell everyone to get in the car, which he tried to heed until something strange happened...

It was a brief, sudden sharp shock in his head. An undefined still image had been burned into his mind. But there wasn't any time to process such a perplexing moment as the sirens got louder.

The authorities were going to help.

They were coming for him and his companions.
It was a quick, instant searing shock in his head. An unfamiliar still photo was etched into his head. There wasn't any time to process such a traumatic experience as the sirens were getting closer.

The authorities weren't going to help.

They were coming for him and his former classmates.
Lucas was awake once more but more aware of his surroundings than earlier. Something bad had happened here, and with the police almost here, it was high time to leave the scene. He wasn't sure if anyone, well alone him, could even explain what the hell transpired here. Getting off the ground was the easy part, but walking across the uneven football field was quite the challenge. Lucas carefully made his way over to the intact parking lot and found himself relatively alright. There were no obvious injuries to report besides the pesky headache and a bruise on his forehead above the right eye. But his ability to walk and talk was still somehow intact.

Just before approaching the vehicle, Lucas noticed something sticking out underneath his boot. He moved his foot off of it to reveal a lone card on the asphalt. Only the back side was displayed, with the front still against the ground. Curiosity got the better of him as he bent over to pick the card up and flip it over. On the front side was an ancient illustration of a man standing on the edge of a cliff with a bindle resting on his shoulder and grasping a white rose with his hand. A white dog was sitting behind, awaiting orders from her owner to obey without question. He was a man without a care for his surroundings or the blood dripping from the hand with the rose.

Realizing that everyone was still on the field, Lucas turned around to yell something out loud, but not before shoving the card into his pants pocket. "Does anyone need help getting into the car?"


who are you, really? — mikky ekko

ritman high football field
interacting with: everyone
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
Avatar of CaliforniaState

CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 13 days ago



With the lifting of the reigns to the chariot in her hands, the sparks of life through the darkness began to illuminate in the distance with steadfast voices. Anni was the first one Ivy could hear after rallying behind Jacks behest to leave the tattered field behind. Ivy had never been in trouble with the law only flirted with the institution at face level behind each of her political ties. She wasn’t dumb enough to not know how bad this looked. No one would believe them otherwise, hell Ivy still had trouble figuring out what caused all this and what happened to her because her lights went out the moment the words poisoned her skin. The rancid taste of ink was still fresh in her mouth like she had accidentally swallowed an inkwell, plum feathered pen and all. Adrenaline must have been running through the outsider's system to have dragged her inoperable leg over to the two’s side.

“Anni are you okay? You’re limping” her voice hoarse despite being slick with viscous fluid in her mouth. Still, Anni’s dedication to Hanna’s well being more so than her own was admirable. Even back then, this is who Ivy knew Anni truly was, she just never got the opportunity to shine brighter than the girls that dimmed her light. “Yeah, I put my hand under her nose, we’re going to have to carry he-“ stirring up from eternal slumber like sleeping beauty kissed by her Prince Charming, Hanna once again came back to the land of the living. A bark of a laugh escaped Ivy’s lungs followed by a stream of tears knowing that she didn’t have to fear the worst for her better half. “Stupid, you scared the shit out of me” she said cheerfully, little did she know she was the cosmic force that caused all this destruction and injured all her friends and peers.

Her gleeful disposition changed when her eyes traced Hanna’s to the exposed leg that had been torn and caked in dried blood. Ivy’s stomach churned and turned queasy, threatening retching once more. A hand jumped to her mouth blocking the flood gates. The smell of charcoal and ink rich and thick on her fingers, clogging her nose from smelling the burnt flesh emanating from the it girls thigh. Ivy rushed over to the overzealous Hanna to catch and stabilize her from toppling over once more. “Don’t worry, Mommy’s here” reaching out to the outstretch hand in desperation.

Once their hands coupled together there was a gentle force cementing the two together. An explosion of light created a tunnel that enveloped her eyesight robbing her from any of the detritus and chaos that existed a moment ago. From the outside, Anni or any other onlooker would just see a slight shimmer in her eyes, but that was the only indication of what was going on from Ivy’s perspective. The flurry of light took the shape of thousands of shimmering butterflies. Instead of vile ink running up her arm there was a warm and soothing breeze that washed up her followed by a kaleidoscope of butterflies whisked up her arm with proboscis extended. As if they were sucking out nectar, the pain and fatigue was sapped out of her. It felt like a healing salve that was bore from the soft embrace of Hanna, triggering many memories of when they were younger and hugged deeply on numerous occasions.

Ivy exited the tunnel of light with nothing but a spark of bone white running through one of her long black curls. Her clothes had been preserved during the explosion and she had not much in the way of burns and tears as she the epicenter of the cataclysm. The fatigue and internal agony of her muscles screaming in agony from being overly flexed was now gone, and the thick taste of ink in her gums. Ivy kept gasping in shock, looking at Hanna then back to her hands, back to Hanna. “What did you just do?” Completely puzzled, causing Lucas’ plight to help fall on deaf ears.


blurred view — big thief

ritman high football field
interacting with: Hanna/@Mirandae@Kuro
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 3 days ago


Well, that happened.

She doesn’t hear Jack or anyone. She doesn’t know how she got separated. The impact of whatever weird shit happened must have sent her away from where they were. Still Ritman Field though.

Her body feels awful. That becomes apparent as by the time she gets to her knees all of the food and alcohol comes out like a faucet. She paints the ground in half-digested food, groaning as the pain jumps through her back. She was used to alcohol-induced vomiting, it was pretty much her lifestyle, but when it's all said and done she curses to herself. She’s never felt the stinging, pulsing feeling that is going through her body. Something’s off. Something’s different. She doesn’t know what the difference is, but she doesn’t have the time to make sense of anything. There’s sirens blaring and she’s near the site of an accident that nobody would believe. Because time capsules didn’t tend to explode.

“Fuck me. Fuck. Shit.” she manages in her discomfort as she wipes her mouth dry with her forearm.

She gets herself to her feet.

She isn’t going to jail for something she can’t explain. She refuses to.

The thoughts simmer as she moves quickly from the field. Maybe the others got back to the car. No way she was sprinting to her bike from here without being spotted. She moves into a sprint, as the mix of adrenaline and pain dominates her inebriation. The clattering in her head is familiar but the pulsing feeling in her bones is not.

When she gets to the parking lot her body jerks from inside again and before she knows it she’s on her knees for the second time and before she can utter a word to those who had also made it to the car she paints the parking lot with the rest of what was in her stomach. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline she would probably be out like a light. Thank god for that.


bottom — Tool

ritman high [football field]
interacting with: everyone
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"I-I'm fine. Been through worse." Anni stammered out in response to Ivy's concerns. Still, no matter how convincing she tried to be, there was a clear hesitance in her voice; that she hadn't been entirely telling the truth. Her body hurt like hell, and walking on her own two feet seemed like an impossible feat right now. She definitely wasn't okay by any means, as Ivy had noticed seconds earlier.

Despite that, however, Anni knew she needed to press on through the pain. Not only for her own sake, but also for her former classmates'. They needed get out of this together, and in one piece. Thankfully, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief as her prayers were soon answered. Hanna was breathing. She was alive.

Yet just as Anni thought they had a chance to recuperate, the night began to take a "supernatural" turn once more.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck is going on," Anni exclaimed, clearly freaked out by the fact that Ivy's eyes were actively glowing, albeit momentarily. The sound of approaching sirens added even more urgency to her voice. "But I'm not sticking around to find out."

Looking around, Anni tried to spot CJ or Lucas in the darkness. She hadn't seen them yet, and they couldn't leave them behind. Before she could see either of them, however, Lucas called out from the shadows. Apparently they must've made it to the car, at least from the direction of his voice.

Anni glanced at the other women. On top of her own injuries, her peers all had their own varying painful wounds to deal with. Jack's leg looked horrible. Hanna seemed to be struggling with her own wounds. And Ivy? Hell if Anni even had a clue as to what was wrong with her.

By appearances, however, Ivy probably could walk out on her own, while Jack might need some help getting out of here. But Hanna? Were they supposed to lift Hanna to safety? Or were they not supposed to move her, just in case she had some unknown injury they weren't aware of? Anni had no idea how to proceed, save for getting the fuck out of here. After all, she wasn't some paramedic ready to treat people who had just somehow survived an explosion.

"U-Uh... Fuck, I don't know! Maybe? Probably?!" She shouted back at Lucas, hoping that he might have a clue as to what to do. Or Jack. Or CJ. Or Hanna. Or Ivy. Fucking someone, for Christ's sake.


all comes crashing — metric

ritman field
interacting with: jack @skidcrow, ivy @californiastate, lucas @mao mao & hanna @mirandae
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by skidcrow


Member Seen 11 mos ago


The sequence of events seems to move faster than Jack can process them. Her eyes follow everything at a sluggish pace, jaw slack in the facsimile of someone in a trance. Every heavy breath constricts her chest tighter and tighter. They need to get the fuck out of this place, what the fuck even just happened, how soon are those sirens going to get here? She’s never been an infectious vomiter but the sight of Ivy going full Exorcist is enough to raise some bile up her throat. She swallows it back down with a brisk cough. Her gaze traces the spots of light catching on the black puddle simmering on the grass.

As she begins to try and stumble over to the rest of the group, Ivy cries out, and she falls back onto her bad leg with a wince. Her arm waves wildly to catch her balance before she manages to stabilize herself, pointing her phone in the direction of the rest of the group’s voices. The dim beam gives her enough light to slowly maneuver across the field, the voices growing louder. Distantly, she can hear Lucas’ voice from the parking lot, corroborated by Anni’s yelled response as Jack finally makes it to where she, Ivy and Hanna are.

From the looks of things, none of them are making it off the field without help. Jack still hasn’t seen CJ—some deep, hurt part of her sees that more as a blessing than a curse—and the other three look to have some degree of pain or injury. Hanna is still on the grass, Ivy looks haunted and Anni must’ve gotten the brunt of whatever that explosion was.

“Uh, you think you can make a few trips?” she calls back to Lucas, voice straining with the effort. “We got a few men down over here!” She points her phone back down at her ankle, immediately looking away at the first glance of red. “I guess none of you packed a first aid kit, right?”


ready lets go — boards of canada

ritman high [football field]
interacting with: class of 2017
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Uh, you think you can make a few trips? We got a few men down over here!"

Lucas scanned the field to see just who required assistance, which was basically everyone from the reunion. It was like a warzone. And the sound of sirens signaled that help was coming.

What are you waiting for?! Help them already!

Is your safety really worth discarding a friend?
Lucas surveyed the field to see just how bad the situation was, and it was horrible. Looked like a bomb went off. And sirens blaring through the night indicated the danger wasn't over yet.

Leave them be less you want to be caught!

Is your freedom really worth saving a nobody?
Lucas took a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts and carefully made his way across the wrecking parking lot toward the field. When he approached Jack, he got a clearer idea of just how injured her leg was based on the amount of blood alone. There was no way she was walking on it any time soon or even put any sort of pressure on it. So that meant doing things slightly differently. Lucas didn't intentionally answer the first aid kit question and said bluntly, "Just... lean on me for support while I bring you to the car. The asphalt's slightly uneven because of that freak earthquake."

Carrying someone through the uneven asphalt was quite the challenge—more so if said person was hurt. Lucas had to make sure that the injury was manageable, at least until he got to the vehicle. But then there was another problem: it was locked. The driver in question, Ivory, was seemingly preoccupied with god knows what at the worst time possible. And with the sirens getting ever so close to the school, Lucas carefully told Jack to lean on the car and then yelled out at Ivory (and everyone else still on the field indirectly). "We need the keys to LEAVE before it's too late from Jack!"

Jack was a somebody to someone once. A friend that offered smokes during the bad days. Unlike everyone at that high school, she was just there sometimes. And now look at her, a somebody in desperate need of help in this little, nostalgic town. How funny.

How funny indeed.
Jack was a nobody to someone once. A loser that provided beer during the good days. Like everyone at that high school, she kept her distance often. And now look at her, still a nobody in a small, forgotten town in need of your help. How funny.

How funny indeed.


too young to burn - sonny and the sunsets

ritman high football field
interacting with: jack @skidcrow, ivory @californiastate
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 1 mo ago

A faint whimper of agony, fragile as glass on the verge of shattering, escapes Hanna’s lips as Ivy's strong hands pull her up. This mere moment of pain unfolds like the fluttering wings of a butterfly caught in a storm, giving way to bewilderment that dances in Ivy's eyes. Ivy's touch is no ordinary sensation -- it is the warm embrace of a golden sunset after a relentless storm, a healing symphony woven by Hanna's newly bestowed power. This ethereal magic dances between their interlocked fingers, an invisible thread offering solace to both body and soul. “I didn't do anything, babe. You're just holding my hand because I'll literally fall down and die if you don't,” Hanna murmurs, her voice a chuckling stream over pebbles, light yet laced with an undercurrent of intrigue. “And what the Hell is wrong with your eyes?” she inquires, her gaze fixed on Ivy's eyes, now shimmering like pools caressed by moonbeams.

The question hangs in the air as Hanna observes her best friend, a painter contemplating an unfamiliar masterpiece. A moment stretches, time's heartbeat slowing, as the effect of Hanna's power takes its mystical course in Ivy, rippling like the reflection in a disturbed pond. Uncertainty gives way to a dawning realization, a connection forged in the crucible of shared experience. It is as if a dormant seed of understanding has sprouted, allowing Hanna to step into Ivy's very soul, to feel her heartbeat, her wonderment, her confusion. The sensation plays out like a cherished memory returning unbidden, a ghostly echo of a time forgotten. It is as if Hanna can hear Ivy's thoughts from long ago, her feelings a poignant song. “Did you eat ink or something? Wait, what? Has this happened before?” Hanna breathes, the words tumbling like autumn leaves in a playful wind, the mystery deepening.

Reality crashes like a breaking wave as Hanna lets go of Ivy's hand, sinking back to the ground. Her eyes, those windows to a soul now touched by the unknown, fixate on her friend. “What the fuck is this, Ivy?” she says, her voice a blade drawn for the first time in ages, its edge honed by confusion and distress. Her words dissipate into the chaos that has befallen the once-tranquil football field. The world around them has been sculpted anew by the mystical explosion, and the landscape transformed into a surrealist painting, vibrant and violent. The surroundings lie in ruin, shadows of their former selves, while the reunion scurry like frightened birds, their voices shrill cries of panic and shock.

CJ and Lucas are distant figures by the shadows of this now desolate place, phantoms in this altered reality. Hanna's eyes, wide with terror and disbelief, sweep over the field, a ship lost in a storm. “We're leaving? Shouldn't we wait for an ambulance or something? Fuck dude, this thing hurts.” Her words are stones thrown into a tempest, her annoyance sharpened by the gnawing pain in her leg and Luca's voice in the dark, speaking generally with Jack and Anni. With a grimace and a will tempered in adversity, Hanna reaches once more for Ivy's hand. Their fingers entwine, strength found in unity, as she stands, an arm finding solace around Ivy's shoulders. A quick, tender kiss lands on Ivy's cheek, a fleeting touch of humanity amidst chaos. “Sorry, babe, but this leg hurts like a mother fucker. I don't mean to be a bitch about it, though. Let's just get the fuck out of here.” Her voice is a plea, a siren call to escape this place of madness, to find sanctuary in the familiar, even as the unknown beckons with its seductive mystery.



ritman high [football field]
interacting with: Jack/@skidcrow Anni/@Kuro Ivy/@CaliforniaState
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 13 days ago



The voices had pierced her ears whilst her eyes were glowing, and the sentiment of pain being lost in the sea of warmth and euphoria that kissed the pain and aches away in her body. Her breathing was soft and tempered, similar to how one feels when entering the licks of a lake current that has a tender bite from the cold retained from the winter passed. Her lips pursued and simply mouthed the word ”wow” lacking any kind of audible reply to go with it. Eventually the lavish pools of serene white light emptied from the bottom pools of her eyes and the light faded back to black. The jarring voice of Lucas with the imprint of sarcasm brought Ivy back to the unscrupulous setting she ushered in, unbeknownst to her at least. “Hmm?” her head slightly floating and twitching back towards Hanna who still had found peace on what was left of stable flooring. “My eyes? Wasn’t that you?”

“I…I..I don’t know” trying to make sense of the last ten minutes, “I was scrolling through countless blank pages from the book and then there was just one word on one page, centered, heavily emboldened and in a language I’ve never seen before. But..but, it turned into English. It just said ”Oblivion” another deep throb echoed through her chest and her hurt murmured for a rhythmic interruption. An energy was welling up inside her that felt like nothing before, ice in her veins that was waiting to be let out. The onslaught of questions for clarity by her closest friend were starting to gnaw at her patience. Ivy was always the one to have answers, yet her scantron fell empty with nothing but flummox. “I don’t know Hanna!” she spat with newfound bass in her voice, throwing her hands to her forehead, fingers burrowing into her natural curls. Fingers clasped together bringing them shut on her hair. Ivy began pacing back and forth, “Listen, I’ll figure all this out soon enough. For now, on your feet soldier we are leaving.”

“An ambulance? I know you have insurance and the money for an ambulance, but the others? Not so much. Besides how do you explain all of this” her hands waved around the cataclysmic football field, reminiscent of jazz hands. Ivy clasped the hand reaching out for her, followed by supporting the weight, if you could call it that, of the maimed body that was Hanna. The kiss provided a comfort that reminded her of the healing waves supplied to her just before. “Right, let’s go Anni” Ivy took one step forward before stopping, “Hold on” Ivy shifted her arm from the small of Hanna’s back to the front of her stomach, bending down and springing up to haul her over her shoulder. She couldn’t explain it but she felt sturdier, stronger, sinewy. “Much better, give me your hand Anni” lending support to the last of them before heading out of the field into the parking lot.

Ivy let go of Anni’s hand once cleared of immediate danger, fishing in her jacket pocket for the keys. The familiar jingle echoed in her pocket, sending a flicker of head beams and series of beeps out the beamer.

“Everyone get in and let’s get the fuck out of her”

Ivy wasted no time in hoisting Hanna into the front seat, always the passenger princess but never the passenger. Seatbelts clicked, gear shifted to drive, and foot on the accelerator, Ivy peeled out. To where? She didn’t know, they couldn’t show back up to PJs like this. “Where are we going? Oh! Do try not to bleed on the upholstery. There’s a cleaning fee for all of that so let’s avoid Marvin from Pulp Fiction”


blurred view — big thief

ritman high football field
interacting with: Hanna/@Mirandae@Kuro@Mao Mao@skidcrow[@TGM]
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