Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan had finally gotten Ace free of his shirt when hearing the girl introduce herself and her mons. With a small agitated huff, he turned his head to glance at Faye then Sage and Tilla, a sigh not directed at them and merely the aftereffect of Ace being troublesome. *So her name's not Froyo... well at least I remembered her name started with an F.* A somewhat proud smile at that though it turned to a frown shortly after noticing the brief sparkles glittering around Tilla. * And she somehow has a shiny too?* That bit of knowledge definitely left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

Still, even this spoiled teen knew not to go pushing things to the point of causing a fight to break out. Certainly not in front of the dangerous forest and unseen guardian watching that was for sure.

Vaguely recalling his horrid encounter with that ghastly she-beast and how he narrowly avoided a beating. The air cold and tense like it did during that instance though whether it was because of the forest or just the jitters, Tristan could not say.

Whatever the case, he chose to play nicely for now and while the thought of having to endure looking at Faye's clothes (if you call those rags clothes) sounded just as unpleasant. He figured to use this opportunity to observe a rival first-hand where he may discover any weaknesses he could exploit in the future. Plus, with his complete lack of survival skills or knowledge of the region that traveling with a companion would improve his chances of surviving until his team was capable enough to go solo." Hm, yes. Not a name I'm familiar with." His tone almost implying this as an insult though whether he intended it to be such or not as even he hadn't noticed." Well, it is nice to meet you miss Fr- Faye, apologies." Chuckling at the slip of his force of habit then cleared his throat." And quite the cute mons you have already gathered yourself. You mentioned something of a larvesta egg too? A pokemon I am not completely familiar with but I feel I have read somewhere." Tapping his chin as he tried to remember, but while the memory escaped him a feeling that it was a well thought after mon came to mind which had him rightfully nervous.

" We may be rivals, but traveling together could certainly benefit the both of us greatly." Him more so as he would make sure of that. Faye, like all the other trainers were mere stepping-stones towards becoming champion of this region and through it gain acknowledgement from father. The thought alone nearly had Tristan giddy until he stopped himself short." Until Florasong at the least. From there..well we shall see where things takes us." Glancing down at Princess who gave big smile, glad to see her trainer seemingly being nice for once to which Tristan gave a thumbs up.* That's right, we are gonna crush her... together.*

After taking one last peek back at the forest where he heard some unseen growl causing Tristan to jump a bit with a frightful gasp." Ye-Yes... let us be off!" Said with a nervous click of the tongue then started moving to follow Faye though trailed behind a few steps as he did not trust the frumpily dressed girl yet. A notion King did not share as the magenta colored bird flew off to try and interact with Tilla.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 8 mos ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Well, there is something though I'm not sure if they're related, but there are strange lights that appear in the woods at night. A green colored light. Make of it what you will."

When asked about if there was a map, she just shook her head and said, "There aren't any maps I'm afraid. Even before Cipher the Deep Woods was an inhospitable place for people to wander into and frankly, given with what you told me I'm surprised that your head is still attached to your neck. I don't even want to imagine what lives in the deepest corner of it." Considering what Jason had just gone through previously, it should have not come to any surprise that the forest was unmapped.

However, the librarian looked thoughtful though conflicted as if she should not tell him something. It must have been important though because before he could leave, she tentatively said, "There is a woman that lives in the Deep Woods, Helga. She knows her way like the back of her hand, but... well, let's just say there is a reason why she lives there. You can bargain with her, but I would be prepared for a big ask in return."

"Well, good luck."

Jason would eventually leave the library and then the entirety of Starbor to go train before his excursion into the Deep Woods. The sun above him had already long set and darkness had consumed the forest because he had a long, long day of nearly dying, fighting a bird, and exploring the village. Eventually, he would find himself outside of the village in the forest proper.

Deciding to start his training, Sable and Murus. Sable herself was able to make quick work of the bug-types and Occisor did not struggle as well though Murus, not having very powerful moves made much slower progress though got there eventually.

Sable is now level 15. Sable learned Bite!
Occisor is now level 12. Occisor learned Wing Attack!
Murus is now level 14. Murus learned Shadow Punch!

Deciding to delve deeper in, Jason walked for a number of minutes until he the familiar mist began to roll in through the leaves and bodies of the trees. It was even darker than before, requiring him to use the flashlight function on his phone to even see where he was stepping. A sense of foreboding began to creep in his bones, but he kept on going.

Now, Slayer, Avem, and Lucha all had methods of actually combating the poison and flying-types that littered the forest and just tore through whatever they were training against. However, Slayer failed to knock out a particular strong Spinarak and received a nasty blow from its Poison Sting and is now poisoned. Slayer is slightly over half health.

Slayer is now level 16. Slayer learned Teleport!
Avem is now level 13. Avem learned Double Team!
Lucha is now level 13. Lucha learned Aerial Ace!

Now, on to the quick catch. It wasn't hard to find one of the angry shades of yellow buzzing around and Jason enacted his plan with Occisor to whittle down its health with a few hard-hitting quick attacks though a well timed Twin Needles caused Occisor to be poisoned as well though faced little damage otherwise. Eventually, Jason did throw a Pokeball and the Beedrill was absorbed into it in a flash of white light.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...

It broke out! The Beedrill let out a proud battle cry and was soon recaptured into another Pokeball.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...it rolled thrice!

If Jason wanted to continue going through the forest, he only had two options before him: either walk around aimlessly and go deeper into the woods without any help or sense of direction or he could try to get the help of that Helga woman. Or do you go back to heal? It's late and if one is unprepared, there could be great consequences.


So, Steph decided to delve deeper into the ruins on Route 4. She would walk along the moon lit river, taking in the peaceful sights and sounds. Ghost-types looked at her with curiosity from afar for she gave off a strange feeling that was not typical of people, something that drawn in spirits as if she was bound to them like another visitor that had crossed through earlier. There was an occasional Wooper popping up from beneath the current to reveal its dump, happy expression without a single thought behind its beady dot for eyes. The ruins only helped to make it ever so atmospheric and mysterious to overall make one of the more awesome nighttime walks that anyone could have though there was nothing off about it. The only thing strange was the indecipherable writing on many of the ruins. Perhaps the rumors were simply overblown?

At a certain point though, she would find that there was only silence. All of the Pokemon, even the ghosts, were absent. Even for someone as brave as her, she would have felt a shiver of dread. She all of people would understand it more than anyone. In nature there is always noise, life. If the wilderness was silent, then that meant that there was something entirely wrong with these ruins.

With no warning, she would begin to feel a sense of panic and fear radiate from her within. It was if an icy, ragged hand gripped her heart. Her fight or flight instincts kicked in, an overwhelming need to get away from the ruins screamed and screamed. Steph's breathing would become shallow and quick, and a cold sweat raced down her brow. She would have had no choice, but to run away as fast as she could.

Fortunately, luck was on her side. Before Steph fled, the runes of the ruins lit up with a gentle, soft light blue that washed away the fear and panic that she suffered from though eventually the light flickered away like a dying flashlight.

Does Steph continue onward?

@samreaper@Sanguine Rose

Tristan did not hear any growling come from the woods. That was his imagination running wild.

So, Tristan and Faye formed their shaky alliance and walked through Route 1, taking in the countryside as they made their way to their next step on their journey. The morning was still quite young though there were still farmers toiling away their cattle; Tauros and Milktank being led to their pastures while young Wooloo and Mareep were led to farmhouses with baskets filled with white and yellow wool outside.

Eventually, they would begin to smell a strong floral aroma and hear a joyous cacophony of different music the closer they were to Florasong. After a while, they soon found themselves in a place that was a sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of Grand Glory.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 32 min ago


Amelia ducked back around the corner taking a few seconds to gather herself and take in what she had seen. There seemed to be a building with that blue light she had seen in the ruins coming from it. If she had to guess, that meant it was some sort of safe area. However, she knew if she went there, it was probably as good as getting trapped. Her best bet was to try and leave the way she came.

Taking a second to glance back and make sure the creature wasn't heading her way, she would slowly and carefully make her way out, taking her time to make sure she didn't step on or kick anything that might alert the creature to her whereabouts. She it was only the sheer terror of alerting the creature to her presence that she was able to keep her pace slow and measured despite every fiber of her being telling her to run as fast as she could. Though, doing that would only come with its own complications.

Once she reached the entrance, if she reached it without being pursued, she would make her way to the barrier and try to pass through it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 4 days ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Whatever his reasoning to agree, she supposed it was her own fault for offering for him to join. He didn't look like he'd been listening at all, nor that he particularly wanted to join her travel, yet here they were. Hell, he went on to say he clearly wasn't paying attention given they just left a daycare where she got her egg identified and he completely forgot about that like ten minutes later. What a couple of fools traveling together they would be. If he messed up her name again, she supposed their rather tenuous arrangement would end about the same time her fist hit his face. No no, don't be rash. You can do this without violence. After all, she was the one to offer they work together. Twice now.

When King swooped nearby, Tilia took to wing and joined him overhead. The smaller bird-type wasn't keen yet on riding on her shoulder, but getting a chance to fly and chatter with another bird-type seemed just up her alley.

To say Faye was quite content to just listen to the pair flying overhead chitter back and forth was an understatement. Listening to those two was far better than any conversation she could likely get out of the foreigner. Likely any more conversation between them would have brought their tremulous union to a swift end. All the better then, because as they got closer to Florasong, the cacophony of the musical city began to overtake the ability to hear the trainers Pokémon befriending one another. She had heard a lot about the music that came from this city, but she never really stopped by here. Maybe once or twice to get pictures of Aria's Garden when needing

"Okay, so I don't know about your Pokémon, but I think it might be good to make a quick stop at the local Pokecenter to make sure our teams are one hundred percent before going much further. I'm going to stop by the Pokemart too, check out what they might have different from the one in Grand Glory. But there's also supposed to be a artisan shop that sells specialty Pokeballs - that's going to be worth stopping in too. Same with Aria's Garden." That was kind of just her checklist - say it out loud and hopefully she'd stay on track. There was absolutely no guarantee that would happen, but one could hope.

As she spoke, she naturally gravitated toward leading the way toward the Pokecenter. When in doubt, it was always good to just make sure her Pokémon were at their best. Tilia and Sage may have had a rest since they battled, but they still fought hard and she never did make sure they got healed up beyond just resting. It was probably good she didn't have them battle anything. She certainly didn't want to earn a reputation as some reckless trainer that just kept throwing her Pokémon headlong into battles without properly maintaining their health. Her father would be ashamed if she did that and he ever found out. Best to just avoid it all together and just hit the Pokecenter now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Tristan followed along with Faye to Florasong. A good thing too as otherwise the directionless teen would have very easily gotten himself horribly lost within minutes.

A walk that proved quiet and uneventful as neither really had any reason or intention to start up a conversation as neither seemed to share any common interest nor had good opinion of the other though for different reasons. He had no intention of becoming buddies with an enemy rival; these two traveling together was mostly only due to circumstances. The moment it ceased being beneficial for either side, likely they would go separate ways... or ends up less favorably for one of the two.

As such, Tristan kept to his phone for the trip, making sure to look up to check to make sure *she* didn't wander off or made any attempts to attack him. He soon spotted King flying around and chirping with Tilla causing him to roll his eyes before lowering back to the screen.

By the time they arrived at the town, his once happy mood turned to boredom with the outdoors offering little of interest for him to take snapshots with his pokedex. That would all change pretty quickly upon laying eyes upon the town or more smelled it first.

The scents of nature were always nice and soothing, but the intense floral onslaught suddenly swooped in like a crashing wave until it hit each of their senses like a brick to the face. Poor Princess with her potent sense of smell was soon sneezing and wheezing a bit with watery eyes turning red. Ace found it a bit too strong for his taste too and buried his cute little beaked face against his shoulder sleeve to block some of the smell.

At first, Tristan failed to notice their discomfort for unlike them and others this teen relished the overpowering sweet scents clogging the air like a thick smog of concentrated perfume." Ahhh! Finally, a place that isn't torture to the eyes and nose." Said Tristan dreamily while inhaling deeply to soothe him. If anything, the spoiled teen was surprised that such a pretty and rustic town like this could exist in this dungheap of a region.* Guess there's some beauty to these lands afterall.*

How nice to be at a town that almost made him feel like he was back at his hometown and as he continued to look around, would see more and more places he wanted to visit and very nearly let the lull of the town carry him off into its inviting maw.

Then he felt Princess shaking on his shoulder which broke the trance he was on. Soon taking notice of Princess's sniffling state, the poor pup having the appearance of one struck with hay fever just about. On top of finally catching on that Faye was speaking about visiting the pokemon center on top of some mutterings he failed to catch as half his attention was still on his pokemon.

As much as Tristan wanted to go explore and check out the wondrous sights after seeing nothing but vicious girls, jerky professors and his dragon and smelly outdoors. (the ranch coming to mind) For now though, his pokemon needed him; reaching into his right pocket to procure a hankerchief." Look at you. You look a right mess... very unbecoming of a lady." He said with a small click of the tongue while wiping the bipedal puppy's face clean or did what he could seeing as the snot and tears kept coming." Well this is doing nothing. I suppose I must relent and agree that the pokemon center is first. They might have something for mons that go through such strong reactions." Nodding as he gently pet Princess and gave Ace some attention too though the orange bird remained where he was without budging.

Seeing Princess in such discomfort and unable to do anything else, Tristan decided to get their pokeballs." Fret not, my lovelies. You shall not suffer a moment longer. I will make sure of that." Tristan stated in a soothing tone only to receive a refusing yip from the pup who didn't want to go in the pokeball for as uncomfortable and unpleasant the strong floral scents were, the canine wanted to explore and see new things too... but mostly to keep an eye on her trainer to make sure he wouldn't do or say something dumb. A worry she had a right to have for Tristan was very likely to do exactly either of the two and more likely both; more a matter of when than if.

" Now now, Princess. I wish to see the sights as much as you do and I promise to see it all with each of you in due time. But, until we do something about..." Motioning towards her and Ace to point out the partially sickly state of them. After going through another bout of sneezing, Princess had no choice but to relent and lowered her ears in acceptance followed by a comforting pet on the head." It shall only be a few minutes then we shall be off." Nodding his head once more and once he assured them did he recall the two to their pokeballs as King soon landed on his other shoulder looking mostly unbothered by the nauseous inducing scent seemingly used to it. The magenta bird let out a concern caw which earned him a pat." Sorry King, tis only fair." And like that King was put away as well.

Probably wasn't a good thing to be going about in public with three rare mons for all to see and a rookie trainer at that. His torchic alone would certainly draw attention and let's not forget to mention the fact that this rich teen was gonna have the mafia on his tail soon. A fact he very much failed to tell Faye, but then again she withheld some pretty important information regarding the forest... but still in good conscious not even Tristan could be that spiteful.* Ugh... crap. Wanted to forget about that. Tsk, guess I should tell her.* His father and brothers would tell him to keep his mouth shut, but he found it unnecessarily mean and cruel since the Mafia were no joke and could appear at any moment.

Of course, he had no intention of telling her about the folder or its contents of which he had idea no idea of what it contained and probably figured it best to not read it or at least not for the time being. And so, he made his way into the pokemon center alongside Faye, albeit still a few steps behind having decided to mention it when the time better suits it as right now the care of the mons came first.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Lunarlord34
Luck was on Amelia's side again. She was able to sneak through the ruined city without alerting any of the strange specters and travelled through the underground cave to reach the entrance with no further issues. Again, she pushed through the barrier and was back at the bottom the cavern outside. It was absolutely pitch black outside with only the light of the moon to guide her way back up to the rest of the ruins. However, after a tiring climb she would find something, or rather, someone else that was not there before.

Amelia saw a young woman with fiery red hair reeling from shock and fear emitted from the city in the depths. There was something strange about her though; there was an aura that only the little girl could sense. This woman had been touched by the occult.

For Steph, she would see a young blonde girl not even in her teens before her.

What do they do?

@Sanguine Rose@samreaper

Well, pollen allergies were definitely things that could happen, especially for Pokemon who have superior senses compared to humans. With the two trainers mutually agreeing to check out the Pokemon Center just so they knew where it was and made sure their team was in tiptop fighting shape and get Princess the Riolu some allergy medication.

They would walk along the cobblestone streets and pass by the many cafes and street musicians who were bouncing ideas from one another as they played. For Tristan, he would feel quite at home as the architecture was quite reminiscent of Lumiose City back in Kalos though of course on a far smaller scale and certainly smaller than the sprawling Grand Glory City. There was a simplicity, a comfort to the town that one could get lost in and it would have been easy to. It was all too tempting to sit on the outdoor patios of the cafes with a morning coffee in hand and listen to the music while taking in the rich aroma of flowers. One could only imagine what the night life of the town was like.

Eventually, they arrived at the Pokemon Center and when inside were greeted by another smiling Nurse Joy that, to Tristan's surprise, looked identical to the one in Grand Glory City. When they approached the counter she said, "Welcome to the Florasong Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon."

After handing off their Pokemon and Tristan probably explaining that Princess was having an allergic reaction to the pollen in town, they sat around for a few minutes until she called their names. "Here are your Pokemon. For your Riolu's allergies please give them a pill once day."

Tristan received allergy medication

Before they could leave, the Nurse Joy said as if she just remembered, "Oh, by the way, our Move Tutor services has returned. If you are interested, please go to the counter on my left. Thank you and have a nice day!" She said, motioning towards another counter where a breeder was standing behind.

Now what?

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Each downed wild Pokemon made his team stronger and better equipped to push deeper into the forest's depths, however, as Slayer took a mean hit, getting poisoned for the effort as well before downing the Spinarak, the lack of any natural light from the sun made the aspiring champion pause to consider. He wasn't entirely sure where in the woods Helga even was, though he was sure she'd find him first if she knew the deep woods as well as was implied, but he also didn't want to push his luck in the darkness anymore than he already had, especially knowing that there was the pitfalls in these woods that he knew there was. After some consideration, he decided to head back to the Pokemon Center in Starbor, using a piece of rope to mark where he left off by tying it around a low hanging and readily visual branch before heading back.

Once he was safely back in town and had gotten his Pokemon into the Pokemon Center to heal, he went to a nearby vendor and got something to snack on, quietly humming to himself as he did his best to plan the rest of his excursion into the Deep Woods when the sun was higher in the sky, though it only made the shadows lighter that deep into the woods. Wonder if any of the other champion candidates are in the area yet... Noting he only had two Pokeballs to spare as well, he made a mental note to also stop by a Pokeshop in the morning as well.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Wisely, Jason retreated from the Deep Woods given that he was woefully underprepared for what laid ahead of him. There was no trouble thankfully and he returned to Starbor with no incident. There he returned to the ground floor Pokemon Center of the sprawling village where he would retire for the rest of the night, occupying one of the bunkbeds used for traveling trainers like a government issued hostel. He would get under the covers, close his eyes, and drift off to sleep.

Then there was darkness. Jason found himself standing in a void, not really knowing his orientation in relation to the space. Was he up or was he down? Well, it didn't really matter. The darkness rippled like a disturbed pond from his feet and above him was a white crescent moon that was reflected below him as well. In the background he could hear 'tick tock tick tock' rhythmically repeat just loud enough to be noticeable, but enough that he would have had to strain his his hearing just to make it out.

With no warning just as he was finally able to make out that sound, he heard something else. A voice, gravely and graver than any he had ever heard, something inhuman. It sounded like static, its own voice cutting off as if it was someone calling with poor reception. However, there was one thing that Jason could clearly hear.

"Seek me..."

A burning, throbbing pain ripped through his head and woke up with a start. It was weird, lucid dream, but only a dream. Other than that, the entirety of Starbor was his to explore. Of course, he probably went to the Pokemart just like he planned and if he did he was greeted by a store clerk.

"Hi there! How can I help you?"

(The mart items list is in the discord)

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Even as Jason took his shower and moved through his morning routines, the dream stuck with him, something about the way the voice was reaching out wouldn't leave him alone. At least until he stepped out of the Pokecenter and into the sun that made it through the boughs of Starbor. No point worrying about it, just a dream anyways. And with that, he dismissed it from his mind for the time being, instead heading to the Pokemart, where he bought eight Pokeballs, two Antidotes and two more potions before heading back out to make a trip to try and find Helga and see if she could help him get to where he was looking for in the deep woods.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 4 days ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Things could most certainly have been worse, so if all she had to put up with was an egotistical brat being her chosen traveling partner, Faye counted herself lucky. At least they had a fresh start and she'd try to give it an honest effort. It just was a bit awkward waiting next to him. What did they have in common besides being second day trainers?

Before she could run through a list of things to try (and crossing off almost everything she considered) their Pokémon were returned. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, but caught herself before she sighed. "Thank you, Nurse Joy. I'll be sure to check out the Move Tutor before leaving town. That'd probably be helpful for Sage." But for now, they - well, she - had other things to do. She collected her pokeballs and left.

She figured Tristan would probably leave his Pokémon in their balls, given Princess's allergy, but if he let them out, hers would too. It wouldn't be fair to either sets' Pokémon if one needed to be kept in their balls while the others were out. Not after already starting to socialize.

And off she went toward Critical Capture.

Or, at least she would have been. She got to the doors of the Pokémon Center before turning to face Tristan. "Critical Capture was next, right? Or the Berry Emporium? Both have unique items that make them great stops for new trainers to just learn a bit more beyond the basics. Though I was planning to just go buy stuff from the local Poke Mart given it's more affordable and serves the purposes for catching and caring for the Pokémon we have and can handle training right now. But I still want to check out those specialty stores anyways, 'cause they'll be useful to know what those places carry on hand when we're ready for them. You coming with me or taking off on your own?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

The trip to the Pokemon center proved quick and uneventful this time with his Pokemon properly looked at and healed. Some allergy medicine for Princess's allergies and he was ready to set out though made sure to thank Nurse Joy and took a mental note of the move tutors; a prospect he figured to be helpful in the future. For now, he chose to hold off, doubting he had the funds or materials to gain access to the more impactful moves and such.

Once taken care of, the rich teen prepared to set off, but soon came to know Faye's plan of actions, none of which aligned with his, at least at the moment. After the stressful and humiliating day, he had yesterday and not to mention doing more work than he has ever done in his entire life left the inexperienced Tristan tired mentally.

Unlike Faye who was clearly driven and motivated to just get right into things, Tristan, however, wanted to take this chance to enjoy the beauty and splendors of the town. His first time seeing such a lovely visage of a city and the soothing flowers perfect for his frayed nerves. Even as inexperienced as he was, the spoiled teen could tell things were only going to get far more difficult while he lacked the mental fortitude and motivation as the only reason, he was doing any of this was to impress his family, but through it had gained some great companions, Ace included as Tristan felt a strange connection with the Torchic especially. Though its cowardly and weak nature proved disappointing it did not mean he was a failure for to do so would prove no different than admitting it to himself.

Taking all these into consideration led to Tristan's decision." Well aren't you a busy bee. A beauty to enjoy awaits and I intend to take in its splendor, but I suppose its understandable being unable to turn off that drive." Shaking his head with a chuckle before waving his hand dismissively." Not that there is nothing wrong with it, mind. Drive is good, but too much.... I've prattled long enough." Taking a step through the door, stopping to turn back." Seeing as our current goals don't align, splitting up works best. I suppose we could meet back up at the gym in the afternoon unless, somehow our activities cross." Nodding his head as he began to make his leave.

Making a few steps before snapping his fingers having remembered and turned back waving his right index finger." Ah, yes I nearly forgot. Just so you know, that case with the ranch had the mafia involved. Thought it fair to give a warning to keep an eye out." Not that they would care about a frumpy nobody like Faye or anything anyway.

" With that I bid adieu. Tata for now." A half-hearted wave as he departed.

From there, Tristan made his way towards the park." A good place to start. I suppose I should visit those shops as well, but for now taking it easy and enjoying the sights will be this morning activity. I'd say I and my mon's have earned it." Sure, he was a trainer, but he was also a foreigner offered an opportunity to see new sights with his team to share it with.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Shaking off the nightmare, Jason went about on his business and stocked up on supplies to resume his search in the Deep Starbor Woods.

Eventually he would arrive in those dark woods, the thick canopy offered little sunlight as the mist rolled in. Jason still had to be careful of the various webs strung about the forest lest he would become the next meal to a very hungry Bug-Type Pokemon. Memories of being hunted by Scyther should have been fresh in his mind, so he should exercise great caution.

It would occur to Jason that he was aimless. Sure, he was told about this woman that lived alone in this awful forest though how to find her was completely up in the air. There was no maintained path in these woods, it was just a rocky moss covered path going nowhere and one could get lost in these woods as there were no distinct landmarks.

However, as he was walking he could hear foliage brush behind him and from the peripheral of his vision an odd flash of light.

Does Jason investigate?


Walking away from his travelling companion, Tristan would walk through the town of Florasong and took in the sights, sounds, and smells. There was a man playing his violin, an outdoor cafe with people reading the local paper or chatting away, a student rushing towards school struggling with an upright bass case. For someone like Tristan, it was a chance to learn about a place that he had never been to before without the influence from his family. It was something he could take at his own pace, to make up his own mind and plans, and to form his own perspective of the world away from his bubble.

As he walked through the town, he found it slowly getting quieter. The music that had once made up the background noise of the town slowly faded. Tristan would find himself standing in front of an arched wrought iron fencing with an arch that acted as the doorway. Walking through it, Tristan would be greeted by a quite sight.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 4 days ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Wait, splitting up? Well, that would probably be best. It wasn't exactly like they were conversing much or any of that. She'd wanted him as backup to assist with the forest for which she realized she was woefully underprepared. They didn't exactly need to travel together. It would be nice but...Gods, he was awful to socialize with, why did she even care?! At least for as awful as their partnership had started, he was being surprisingly nice in his departure. Just kind of proved right to have chided herself for her initial assessment of the guy.

"Oh, okay then, sure." She shrugged lightly. If he wanted to sightsee instead of look into what might help him gain an edge as a trainer, very well. Just made it easier for her to buy things she needed without feeling like she was the inexperienced one that foolheartedly rushed out of Grand Glory without buying necessary supplies.

Faye blinked as the boy walked out the door. "Did you say mafia?" she gawked. But it was too late. He was already off on his way toward wherever he wanted to start his sightseeing. Maybe he was just playing around. Payback for her lack of details about the Illusive Forest she supposed. Whatever the case, even if the case he was working involved the mafia, why would they look for her? She wasn't involved in the case. That likely didn't matter, but then again would she know someone was mafia just from sight? How often did mafia people actually dress like that in real life? They'd stick out like such a sore thumb it would be neigh impossible to operate an underground organization without getting caught.

Whatever. The purple haired trainer shook the thoughts from her head. Instead, she set her mind back to the task at hand. She left the PokeCenter and released Sage from his ball. While letting both out would be nice, keeping track of both her Eevee and her Rowlet while walking around would likely be too much. Besides, Tilia would likely enjoy the time not in the sun. Probably better to not show off her shiny Rowlet just walking around an unfamiliar city as it was.

So, with Sage happily trotting beside her, she headed off to Critical Capture.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Tristan Glory

Enclosed within a small slice of paradise where beauty surrounded him from all sides. The air seeped with the mixed scent of flowers of all sorts; a safe haven that reminded him all too well of the garden back home. The only place Tristan could really call his own, where the troubles and responsibilities of the outside no longer mattered or exist to the purple-haired teen. Unlike there, however, pokemon were free to roam as they pleased or as long as they weren't causing trouble at the very least.

But, that was a memory Tristan preferred not to think back to such unpleasant memories. Doing so would defeat coming to such a splenderous location otherwise.

With a frustrated sigh and wavy motion of his hand to dismiss the thoughts and allowed the beauty and soothing scents sink back in. While Faye was so goal focused, Tristan wanted to at least enjoy himself for a breath as the pampered teen was still very much new to all of this or...actually putting effort into his actions which was typically kept for his hair and face maintenance.

He couldn't help but smile at the flowers and the little critters flying about. His pokedex in hand being used to scan them and take a few pictures. Each of the mons looked cute as Tristan Glory surprisingly had no qualms with bug pokemon like most nobles did though he did not much care for ones that let off potent smells or grotesquely in appearance bringing a grimer to mind making his spine chill at the ungodly stench that still lingered in his nose at times to this day.

" A pity. Princess would surely love exploring this garden, but her allergies." A small frown etched his face as he looked to the belt holding their pokeballs." Hopefully these pictures will make her happy." Nodding as he scrolled through the pictures with a satisfied smile." Lovely. Now all that's left is to get some of the mansion.[/gold]" Stepping his way over to inspect the plague while working on getting the dex camera set up." Aria Eberg, Founder of Florasong. Well, having seen the handiwork of your legacy. I dare say you've left a wondrous treasure behind. And your style absoltely gorgeous." Said with sincerity hinted with jealousy as he took a picture of the plaque then moved to step back as much as possible to get the mansion into view and with a click of the thumb took the picture.

Taking a moment to admire the photo as if a part of him knew this would probably be the last time he gets to enjoy himself like this for a long time." Ah, just what my nerves need. Thank Arceus too as the stress was starting to make my skin go dry." Clicking his tongue as a sign of his annoyance." I suppose I should cease with the sightseeing for now and take this opportunity to get us a new friend." Grabbing a pokeball as he scanned the area to see a combee, sewaddle and gossfluer and now the question was to decide which one was the best fit for his party.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jason Connor

The memory of his encounter with the Scythers were still fresh in his mind as Jason returned to the deep woods and he was careful for numerous additional reasons as it came back. After a couple of hours, he realized that even though he knew he was looking for a person, searching the woods as he was had revealed neither a person nor a path they might use to navigate the deep woods. This is getting me nowhere, and yet I don't have any other leads to go on. And it's not like I can get a guide because no one's ventured into this area in a long time. Couple that with the fact that I'm also playing dodge the Scyther and let's not hit a cliff hang or walk into a hunder Spinarak or Ariados's web and...yeah...this was ill-advised at best.

However, as he was beginning to seriously consider just turning back and seeing if there was a safer venue to explore for the time being, one that didn't risk him getting lost in the depths of the forest, for example, he heard moving foliage behind him. Turning quickly, he also spots the strange light and frowns. On the one hand, this could be another Pokemon that wants to take his head off, but on the other hand...Fuck it. Moving carefully forwards, he attempts to see what the source of the light is without giving himself away.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Sanguine Rose

While her less than ideal traveling companion went off to see the sights and sounds that Florasong had to offer, Faye had the goal to restock her desperately dwindling supply of Pokeballs. Yes, she walked with great purpose through the town of song and flowers though wisely cautious of having Tilia out in the open. A shiny Pokemon, one as rare as a Rowlet, would surely draw attention towards her, but Eevee is certainly not a Pokemon that one saw ordinarily as well either though no one really paid her any mind. After all, it was an everyday occurrence for people to walk around with their beloved Pokemon just as she and Tristan did.

For Faye, being a skilled and knowledgeable trainer was everything. Certainly she did not have any interest of being a tourist though walking through this town even she would have had a difficult time not to be pulled into the town's mood. Compared to the vastness and bustling industrious nature of Grand Glory or the historical majesty of King's Cross, there was a comfort to be found in this small, colorful town. The music and flowers were important factors, but above all else it was the people. They simply lived their lives in peace and appreciation, enjoying the moment though not with complacency. Faye of all people would know better than that. In some ways, it was like being back in Fenris though perhaps more festive.

Eventually, she would arrive outside her destination. The outside of Critical Capture is like most of the buildings around the town with a very floral front though it had a wooden sign hanging that said its name surrounding a Fast Ball model Pokeball as its logo mark. The window had a display that showed of many kinds of Pokeballs, each one made from various apricorns.

Upon entering the store, she would be surrounded by all kinds of Pokeballs, some she had never seen catalogued before. At the counter there was a man that was in his very early twenties wearing a green apron and bushy brown hair that was held back by a green hairband.

"Ah, uh, hello! How can I help you?" He asked weirdly nervously.


So, with a Pokeball in hand Tristan looked around for a potential new Pokemon to add in his team. There were so many options to pick from and some that he had not even discovered yet in the area. However, while walking around her was captivated by a song, a joyous beautiful tune. Perhaps he was beckoned by it or it was simply curiosity, he walked through the garden to find the source of the song. Peaking through the bushes, he would see the charming sight of a Gossifleur whirling around in the wind singing its song like an operatic diva center stage, except its coloration was far different than the other versions that he had seen. With each swaying movement, sparkles came off it.


Against better judgement like the first character to be killed in a horror movie, Jason turned around and tried to be as sneaky as possible to see if he could see what was following behind him. Then like a horror movie character, he got his foot caught on a root somehow and went face first into dirt and ate it, literally. There was dirt and grit in his mouth and some even up his nose. Somehow, death by Scyther would had been preferable to the embarrassment to what he must had been feeling in that moment and yet, somehow this was the last embarrassing thing to have happened in this game so far.

He could sense that there was something in front of him. It would have been hard to not notice it as he lifted his head up, he would see two orbs of bright light hovering in front of him. After whatever reaction, he would have had he would soon see that they belonged to something; a strange floating creature that resembled a pumpkin, a jack-o-lantern specifically though its body was pink and black rather than a pumpkin's orange. It had two holes in its body were bright light shone out.

Pokedex Entry #710-Pumpkaboo, the Pumpkin Pokemon. Supersized Pumpkaboo are very partial to the spirits of people who were of similarly superior proportions. Pumpkaboo of this size are said to be the product of areas where a great number of lost souls lingered.

"Pumpka?" It said with concern for the trainer. Perhaps it thought that Jason was lost.

What does Jason do?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Jason was still sputtering and grumbling about the face full of dirt his stupid ass had just gotten when he heard the Pokemon speak up. Spitting out the last of the dirt, he looks up to find the source of moving brush and light was a Pumpkaboo, a ghost/grass type Pokemon that, compared to the reasons other ghost types sought out people, was fairly tame. Standing up and brushing himself off, Jason smiled. "I'm alright, little one, just tripped on a root is all. You, uh, happen to know if there's a gal out here who never leaves?" It wasn't unreasonable to ask, since it was probably a local to the forest.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 5 days ago

Tristan Glory

Tristan had been contemplating which wild pokemon would be the next best fit for his team, when a faint, yet lovely sound reached his ears. He could not make it out which meant it was coming from some bushes. A part of him hated the thought of trussing up his hair in the foilage, but the sound or melody as he could now make out was too alluring for the stuck-up teen.

A slow, deep inhale; doing so from a mixture of excitement and anxiousness as he carefully pushed his way through to avoid damaging the plants. As only a cruel person could ruin such beauty. (plus any fines that would come with it)

Upon breaking through, Tristan would be shocked at the sight the Gossifleur singing like an angel. A quick glance was enough to see its colors were different from the others with sparkles all too similar to what King gives off at times. And yet, all Tristan paid attention to was the lovely melody.

He came with the intention to capture such a wondrous beauty, but found himself sitting and listening intently to the wild star in the making sing their precious heart out.* It would be a travesty to not allow such an angelic voice have an audience.*

The silver-haired teen swayed gently to the mon's singing, his body relaxed and only moving to take a picture. Hands went to clapping the moment the Gossifleur had finished." That was absolutely lovely! How amazing to find a sweet angel amongst these flowers." Nodding his head while clapping a bit longer before lowering his hands back to his lap." I can only imagine all the songs in your heart waiting to be sung."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 4 days ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Walking the streets even the moderate distance between the Center and Critical Roll posed a considerable challenge. No, there wasn't anyone getting in her way or trying to stop her. There wasn't any attack to be had. There was just so much....stuff! Unlike Grand Glory's towering buildings or familiarity of King's Cross, this place had noises and colors to capture and captivate the senses at every step. For a girl that occasionally had a lot of trouble keeping her eyes on the prize, this was a very distracting town to be walking through. She certainly needed to stay on task or risk being lost to the wonder of it all. Fenris had a similar feel, the underlying peace and appreciation of life, but it was more subdued and tranquil over this boisterous celebration of it. Walking the streets of Fenris she didn't feel pulled in every direction like she was walking these streets.

Sage trotted close to his purple haired trainer. When someone got a bit too close, he'd shift a bit closer. Unlike Grand Glory that was crowded with people with things to do, he seemed a bit less comfortable walking beside her streets crowded with people milling about enjoying the atmosphere. He did seem to perk up when Faye finally stooped down and scooped him up in her arms. That was when his interest finally perked up just as much as hers was to take in their surroundings.

When they finally arrived, without even getting distracted and stopping to browse a single stand, at their destination the duo just stood looking over the display in the window. She knew a little about the various apricorns and what kind made what kind of ball, but it was still pretty cool to actually see them all on display. Definitely out of my price range, but it doesn't hurt to look to see just how far, the young trainer told herself.

Faye placed Sage down and let him trot in first before following quickly behind him. She hadn't noticed the store clerk, immediately having her attention grabbed by a display on her left. So when he spoke up, she blinked and had to turn to face him.

Something seemed off, but she figured it was best to address his question first. "I mostly came in to browse and see what there was." But it was weird how nervous he was, wasn't it? Couldn't just be because she was a customer. Maybe because Sage wasn't in a ball? Or was it something else? Well one way to find out. "Is there something wrong?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


The floating pumpkin creature looked at Jason worriedly as he spat out rocks and dirt, which was still an improvement to nearly meeting the fine edge of a Scyther's blade though perhaps he didn't feel like it was given that he had a pebble in his nose. It did however perk up when the trainer asked about a woman that never leaves this forest.

"Pumpka? Pumpka!" It cried out, bouncing in the air before it dashed off. It turned around to check if Jason was following it. "Pumpka," the Pumpkaboo yelled out as if to say 'This way!'

Considering what he had experienced before in the forest, it would have been against his own better judgement to go and follow a Pokemon that may lead him to his doom though this was his only lead. Jason had already learned first had that the forest was a one way death trap for many that were not prepared; the residents of this forest were quite prone to murder and wanton violence. Was he really going to trust this Pokemon to lead him through?

(GM Note: Please make your decision before reading forward)


As Tristan bore witness, this Gossifleur sang it's cheerful, beautiful tune. It was as if nature itself was singing through this adorable little flower. Eventually, its song would reach a climatic end and would land back on the ground. It had a self-satisfied look on its face when it heard clapping behind it.

"Gos?" The shiny little diva looked curiously towards the source of the applause. It did not expect to actually have an audience, albeit an audience of one, but an audience nonetheless. Still, being the natural little showman it was the Gossifleur gave Tristan a bow with a flourish from its stubby arms.

"Gos!" It seemed to respond to Tristan's comment with a charming smile and swayed around in the wind with a gentle dance as if just to show off its performing prowess.

What does Tristan do?

@Sanguine Rose

The man's eyes widened when Faye asked if there was something wrong. He just looked tired as if he already had a long day even though it was still the morning. She had never heard a man sigh as heavily as he did, as if the air was being forced out of his lungs.

With great exhaustion he said, "Oh, um, it's my grandfather. We were supposed to receive a shipment of apricorns from an associate from route 1, but for some reason they failed to do so... again. That stubborn Mudsdale of a man went to meet them though knowing him he's probably going to make the situation worse."

It did not take a genius to figure out how a business not receiving its building materials was a detrimental. If the store did not have apricorns then it meant that they could not make Pokeballs and if they could not make Pokeballs, then they could not fill up their stock, and without their stock they had no business.

"I wanted to go with him, but he refused to close the shop so I'm stuck here.

What does Faye do?
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