Jessica Richter
American | Anti-Entropy | 19 y/o | Valkyrie | Human
C - Rank | Natural Stigmata |
Quantum-Type |
Ice | Blade (short/katana)
POW - D |
END - C (+1) |
AGI - C |
INT - E |
HON - C (+1) |
Appearance:A tall young woman at 5'10" with ashy-grey hair and oddly purple eyes, her perpetually pale skin often brings into question how much sunlight she gets, yet does not seem to burn under its light. This nearly doll-like pallor is accompanied, however, by most every other sign of exceptional health, her honed and shapely body speaking to an appreciation of hard work, the genetic lottery or some combination of the two. Her armored dress of a battlesuit gives off the image in battle of a black knight, as she zips around to slice and dice her foes.
Element: Ice.
Ice can freeze enemies (or parts of them) solid to hinder movement and provide breathing room. It can also counter the burning condition and counteract the effects of extreme heat. These are not the only things it can do, provided some creativity is exercised, but they are the primary and simplest ones.
Weapon: Pulse Katana Type-17- Ability: Channeling a practically trivial trickle of Honkai energy through this weapon, it launches 6 ethereal blades, each blade dealing Ice DMG and greatly slowing enemies struck with them for a single post or 2.5 seconds, whichever is shorter. The ice creeping through their veins lowers their Agility stat by one rank for the duration of this effect. While this duration isn't impressive, the negligible Honkai energy cost and relatively "okay-ish" damage makes it plenty useful if well timed. This ability counts as a status effect and can be resisted with Endurance contested by your Honkai.
Honkai Arts:- Cryokinesis: C
- Time Fracture: E (1 use)
- Honkai Sensing: C (medium range, honkai corruption level detection)
- Quantum Manipulation: D (Space-time sensory capacity and manipulation solely in regard to the Sea of Quanta. Allows the countering of the Superposed state and Quantum Layers of Quantum Shadows. Allows the creation and maintenance of Bubble Universes in the Sea of Quanta.)
Battlesuit: Void Knight- Features: Communications, GPS, subspace storage, and sensors to measure local Honkai Miasma levels. While this battlesuit was once normal, after exposure to the Sea of Quanta, it became an ethereal mantle fused to Jessica's existence like the superposed layers of a Quantum Shadow. Thankfully, she can remove it as easily as rearranging her superposed state, shuffling it off to subspace, but it will never truly leave her. It seems to naturally reconstitute and repair itself over time as a result of this new state, but as a result, it is very difficult to modify or improve. Only Jessica or others touched by the Sea of Quanta are capable of interacting with it properly and making lasting alterations.
- Time Fracture: An ability that increases a Valkyrie’s Agility by one level for a single post or about 5-10 seconds, giving them the opportunity to dodge some form of peril and potentially retaliate in the same timeframe. Can usually only be used once per battle.
Burst: Quantum Heatsink- Rank: D
- Duration: 2 rounds.
- Modifier Points: 4 (+1 Miasma Suppression, +1 Corruption Cleansing, +2 AOE)
- Effect: Calls forth a chilling cold by opening her body as a gateway to the Quantum void, coating her vicinity in frost out to a MEDIUM distance. This gate to the void has a special effect in that zone, as the radical temperature drop can counteract Honkai corruption, the rapid decrease in thermal energy "freezing" the particles to halt the imminent cascade and drawing them away. Her connection to the Sea of Quanta allows her to do as it does and consume and shunt Imaginary energy. For every round that an ally remains in her zone of cold, a single point of Honkai corruption is cleansed. This also effectively lowers the Honkai Miasma level in her vicinity by 1 for the duration.
Skills:Speaks fluent English, Spanish and Chinese. Her cooking skills are... existent, enough to follow the instructions on a package and make military rations seem edible. She can drive a car, pilot Anti-Entropy aircraft and operate AE mech suits and drones. She's skilled at first aid and quick on her feet when it comes to treating Honkai corruption. She also has enough competence in engineering and Honkai tech to perform maintenance on her weapons and battlesuit, though not modify them without assistance. She has firearm training, but nothing quite comparable to a Valkyrie gun specialist, and similarly, she is highly skilled in unarmed combat, though not in the operation of Fist discipline weapons. She's pretty good at video games.
Gear:A bundle of tech items, including a smartphone, wireless earbuds, power bank, charging cords, USB drives and tools enough for light maintenance on her gear. She also carries her car keys, wallet, a lighter, a small flashlight and her handheld gaming console with a charger. She never leaves for duty without a medical kit, which contains all the essentials, including bandages, splints, disinfectant and tools for stitches (with a special needle for piercing Valkyrie skin). She additionally keeps a number of survival items on hand in the chance that a worst-case scenario occurs, including ration bars, water, dehydrated food, and a mess kit with eating utensils, a bowl and a lid that can double as a plate or frying pan. She also carries a
FN High Power handgun as a sidearm that she usually keeps strapped under one arm, along with two spare 17-round magazines.
Personality:Determined and congenial, Jessica is not exactly the social sort, but she tries her best regardless. With little ego to be found, she tends to carry a natural ease about her, not making friends with everyone around her per-say but easily getting along with most people she meets. Her relatively humble nature expresses itself in a habitual politeness, a sort of "treat others as you wish to be treated", and while she does have a temper, rare is the situation where it is allowed to take the wheel. She cares about doing the right thing for as many people as possible and prefers not to take sides unless there is objectively clear wrongdoing or foolishness to oppose.
In contrast to her friendly attitude on the daily, on the battlefield, other traits boil to the forefront. Her concern for the lives of not just civilians -but her comrades as well- is often seen in the form of almost great caution and cold efficiency. At no other time is it easier to earn her harshest words than to behave recklessly or otherwise put the team at risk for personal reasons. When her ire is raised, her fury typically does not burn, but rather chills, filtered through a harsh, calculating rationality guided by a framework of morality, as she channels her rather unnerving talent for killing her emotions for the sake of her goals.
When she isn't training or fighting, Jessica is a bit of a lazybones, taking any opportunity she can to goof off and absorb herself in her hobbies, among which number reading, playing video games, and eating junk food. She dislikes waking up early, being hassled by extroverts and getting saddled with extra work. Her dreams... she's considered the matter at length, and she's not certain she could say she has any. Whenever she considers what she'd like to do with her life... what she'd like to do for the world, she always finds those thoughts crushed by rationality and relegated to daydreams. So, if she had to say she had a dream? It's to keep living, to always pursue the next sunrise, day by day. Whenever she can get away with it, Jessica doesn't like to think about the future and simply lives in the present.
After all, she hasn't found a better cure to existential dread yet.
Biography:As long as she can remember, Anti-Entropy has been Jessica's home. Her parents were -and are- Valkyries under their banner, primarily conducting experiments in Honkai energy heavy zones, and their little girl grew up with an admiration for the organization's ideals and fight against the Honkai. More times than she can count, she recalls spending her days following her parents around squeaky-clean headquarters, annoying a janitor and rifling through unattended stacks of paper and widgets. She admired her parents and -like many children- wanted to be just like them.
Unfortunately, as she grew up, she found she didn't have the same talents they did, hard work or not. Intellectual pursuits generally didn't suit her, but she had more than enough energy for other ones. And when her Stigmata finally manifested, it seemed as sure a sign as any that her future didn't lay within the tech divisions. Instead, she would use her rare gift to be a Valkyrie in the field and direct her energy towards fighting the enemy at humanity's doorstep. She would be one of many fighting on the front to ensure their backline had more time to develop a solution for the greater benefit of all.
Outside this training, Jessica, unlike many of her more zealous peers, did not experience great tragedy or hardship. Often surrounded by trainees with fires of revenge burning inside them or barely concealed traumas, Jessica felt strangely alone and guiltily relieved, not for the least of which reason because she felt almost apathetic to their struggles. She lived a life free of burdens on her heart, and she was glad for it. Her first condoned forays into the battlefield went well too, not a single time experiencing overt misfortune.
Until one day, very shortly after being deemed combat capable, she found herself assigned to The Deep. An expedition into the Sea of Quanta was to be taking place, the goal classified above her paygrade, but she wasn't concerned. After all, she wasn't going down there. She was just one of many being assigned to guard Anti-Entropy's side of things. They weren't expected to face any combat, barring the potential for a few Quantum Shadow stragglers that they would wildly outnumber. Everything was in readiness, every precaution taken...
It went wrong immediately.
Almost as if the Sea of Quanta had been waiting for them, chaos ensued. Hordes of monsters, a gateway refusing to be shut again, and many finding their footing disturbed. Jessica was one of many to fall into the Sea. In many ways, she isn't entirely certain how she survived in the place between worlds. She was trapped there for weeks, navigating the realm of Bubble Universes, trying to reconnect with as many of her comrades as possible. And eventually, she did. Not all of them were alive... and more than a few weren't quite sane, but most managed to pull themselves together enough to turn a disparate band of weaklings into an organized band of world raiders, taking whatever they needed to survive. And after two months, fortune decided to shine on them again. Finally, they made contact with reality again. With communications reestablished, it was only a matter of time before they were directed onto the right path to escape back into The Deep, the gateway closed behind them.
As with all those who had fallen with her, Jessica did not come away from the experience unchanged. While she had endured it mentally better than most, there was a harsh edge to her now at times. And more drastically, her body had been changed irrevocably, hair leeched of color, eyes bubbling with strange energies and skin nigh-on as porcelain as a doll. Her very existence had been altered in ways the doctors still didn't quite understand even months later, only able to tell her she was "stable" and seemed to have adapted to the changes relatively smoothly... something not all of the returnees could claim. Some suggested she step down from battlefield operations, concerned about potential side effects, but she rejected such nonsense without hesitation.
For many, such an event would have been... traumatizing, to say the least, but Jessica found herself in the strange position of almost feeling
nostalgic whenever she thought back on it, when she remembered cavorting around strange lands and fighting weird things, adrenaline thundering in her veins whenever she and her comrades survived by the skin of their teeth yet again and only due to their sheer numbers. If anything, the most unnerving thing to her was to realize just how unconcerned and blithe she felt about what had happened. Not even a month after escaping The Sea of Quanta, and she had already practically shrugged her shoulders in a "what can you do?" and moved on. There was no use crying over spilled milk, no use fussing about the past. Again, her nature as a person that lived in the present first and foremost took the reins, and Jessica found herself easily adapting to the way her life had changed.
what if she had been altered in unfathomable alien ways? So
what if she had almost died? Regardless of her body, she was still herself, wasn't she? She
hadn't died, and she didn't plan on that changing any time soon. She wouldn't stop being a Valkyrie. She wouldn't even
consider it. Giving up was to admit that the Sea of Quanta had won... Well, not necessarily the Sea, but she simply had this feeling that she couldn’t accept the idea of giving up. It felt like losing, even if she couldn't say for sure what she'd be losing to.
Only months after her life had been made so much stranger, she was back in the field, acting like nothing had ever happened. Maybe that earned her some strange looks, but she didn't care, not as long as she was living her life the way she wanted. And only a few months after that...?
...she found herself being recommended to Fire Moth.
Other: Anything not covered by the rest of the sheet that you'd like to add, like interesting trivia or theme music.