Eiohsa Zherdabesdokht
Primarch of the Legio XV, “Sirens of Terra”
Primarch of the Legio XV, “Sirens of Terra”
Vestige of Hope
Though it will come to be known as, officially, the largest known space hulk within imperial space, the Vestige of Hope is in fact more akin to a derelict space station. A hulking bulwark of Dark Age humanity’s prowess so ancient that Imperial records answer nothing of their nature, and so vast it is comparable in size to Luna itself. Though huge swathes of the ship are uninhabitable - tainted by the effluents of the warp or by forgotten contaminants of the dark age of technology, exposed to the cold vacuum of space by great rents torn in armor plating from battles long ago, haunted by things best not seen or described that have come to infest its labyrinthine halls - much of it is. Home to a baffling array of seemingly normal humans, abhumans, mutants, and more, the enormous assemblage teeters on the edge of the Maelstrom that lies at the heart of the galaxy.
The history of the station is a mystery. Its ancient cogitators yield little information that has not been lost to the malign influences of the warp, and any of the original crew are long since dead. Even the inhabitants of the Hulk know little and ask even less, for their days are numbered by hunger and thirst, by predation of hideous abominations that spew forth from the Maelstrom, or from internecine conflict. The Vestige of Hope is, and always will be, a dangerous, lethal environment. Though food and ammunition are plentiful from the station’s ample manufacturing bays and the partly-intact vessels within enabling the pillaging of nearby debris fields for raw materiel, the hulk offers no shortage of abominations to threaten human life day by day. A fierce warrior-poet culture has developed within it, as rising talent seeks to prove itself against the deadliest of monsters that seem to spring ever forth from its deepest recesses and in the pursuit of knowledge, archeotech, and stories to tell. Returning triumphant these young warriors compose songs and sing fabled stories of their trials, bringing home not only glory but recovered archaeotech from yet-unexplored catacombs and passages. Among this number the most fitting may be selected for implantation with some of the bounty of archeotech the station continually provides and marked as the greatest of fighters to hold the line against the monsters that threaten their homes, and where their songs of prowess and learning and their feats of arms and valor may ring true into the void.
The Vestige of Hope’s original name has been lost to time, its purpose is self evident. Boasting enormous docking bays for arriving ships, an entire fleet could easily dock within the station’s moorings with room to spare. It is, at present, largely defenseless excepting the small vessels manned by its inhabitats, many of the guns of the ancient weapons lie in disrepair or outright destruction, once capable of turning aside even the mightiest of fleets but now sitting cold and dead. Lifeless Void Shield generators sit idle instead of protecting its structure and thick armor plating covering hardpoints for the weapons and dockyards has in places been blasted or burned through by the fire of an aeons old attack. Far cry from its former glory, the station is a testament to everything wrong with humanity’s position. Teetering precariously on the edge of oblivion and surrounded by the decayed splendor of a now dead golden age.
Psyker Grade: Alpha Plus
Eiohsa is one of the most powerful psykers in the galaxy, and the most powerful of the twenty primarchs. Terrifyingly prodigious in numerous fields, she fights wreathed in warpflame, incinerating enemies with the thrust of a hand and sundering armor with the flick of a finger. Though lacking proper tutelage, her potential is self evident. In addition to these, she has unusual extra abilities beyond the norm.
Eiohsa is perhaps one of if not the most powerful Empaths in the galaxy. She senses the emotions and feelings of those around her, sensing truth and lie, fear and hope, pain and pleasure. To stand amidst a throng of humanity is to stand amidst a swirling vortex of the human experience.Warpseer:
When gazing upon another being, she sees not merely the corporeal vessel of their body, but the psychic print of the individual’s soul. Though similar to the normal “witch-sight” displayed by all psykers, the Fifteenth displays this ability to a degree well in excess of the norm.Shapeshifter:
Eiohsa has the curious ability to alter her physical form at will into nearly any shape she desires, she can additionally mask the powerful aura of a primarch from most, but powerful psykers are able to see through the guise.Mind Warper:
most terrific and terrifying of her abilities is her ability to reach into the minds of others. A palm upon the forehead and a hapless captive can do nothing as information is ripped from their minds. With the wave of a hand she creates illusory glamors, fooling the five senses of entire crowds. With the snap of a finger, she instills thoughts, emotions, and feelings into those around her.Capabilities
Psychic Scholar:
As the pre-eminent psyker of the Emperor’s Primarchs, Eiohsa’s natural curiosity is in large part directed towards the study, exploration, and understanding of psychic phenomena. Rather than a cloistered scholar however she prefers to indulge wholly in the full breadth of what psychic abilities can bring to humanity. She explores not only the mysteries of the arcane, but explores how to wrap the minds of those around her little finger, both to further her end goals, and for simple mutual pleasure.Empire Builder:
Eiohsa is a primarch. Eiohsa is an empire builder. She sees a ruined galaxy around her, a decrepit station in need of repair, and resolves that she will unite the galaxy, and bring about a golden age of enlightenment.Artificer:
Eiohsa is a natural born artisan. She delights in the exploration and modification of the plentiful archeotech aboard the Vestige of Hope, understanding its workings and tweaking its functions to suit her needs perfectly. Though not by any means as much a prodigy in technological matters as psychic, her burning curiosity and thirst to create extends to technology and craft as well.Skill at Arms:
Like all Primarchs Eiohsa is a masterful combatant and represents the pinnacle of human martial skill. She is not the most skilled combatant of the Primarchs, handily outdone by the likes of Nelchitl, her skill in using her immense psychic prowess more than makes up, and to witness her whirling through battle unarmored, wreathed in archeotech shielding and psychic warpfire, is a sight to behold.Artist:
Eiohsa is a consummate artist and philosopher, a scientist and scholar in countless fields. She can craft sculptures and paint scenes that speak more than a thousand words ever could of her dreams for the future; vivid scenes of a million glimmering souls and a hope for a bright future, scenes of a humanity at one with its emotion and living with joy in a perfect world, lurid scenes of indulgences and exultations in a true utopia.The Psychic

The Psychic. The Beacon. A giant of mental might and the gifts of the warp. Eiohsa’s psychic prowess is second to none save the Emperor. She has many gifts, those of artifice and of planning, of combat and of persuasion - but her world is dominated by the psychic prowess she wields. For her, the Immaterium is not an intangible, imaginary thing. She sees the psychic print of each and every individual burning like dim candles in the void. She knows of a maelstrom of insanity and a yawning abyss that lurks beyond, and each and every one of those little lights must be shepherded and nurtured from its wrath.
Intended as the Anchor of the Golden Throne, the psychic paragon of the Primarchs, she harbors a burning curiosity for knowledge of the warp and a passionate drive to use the Warp’s gifts for the betterment of humanity. A woman driven by an inbuilt need to rebuild the decay she sees around her, she pursues everything in life with an unstoppable determination and unbreakable resolve. Be it knowledge of the warp, the repairing of her home, hedonistic pleasure, the expansion of her sphere of influence, or repairing the galaxy at large and ushering it into a golden age. She knows she was created for something great - exactly what, however, remains a mystery.
But psychic prowess is nothing without the will to back it up. Eiohsa’s greatest strength is not her psyker powers, nor her gift at artifice, nor the treasure trove of archeotech upon which she sits - it is the indomitable will and unshakable determination to fight for a better future that propels her onward against the universe’s ravages. Eiohsa is strong not because of the powers granted her by the Emperor’s artifice, but because she does not back down from the impossible. Her entire life will be spent fighting for what she believes is right, no matter what road to hell that path will lead her on. She will bring about her vision of a better tomorrow and she will lead the coming of the new dawn, no matter how outmatched she might ultimately be by the weight of the galaxy, and even if it ends with her own death - she would prefer to die accomplishing something real than live forever accomplishing nothing.
LEGIO XV: Sirens of Terra

The Gilded Daughters of Eiohsa Zherdabesdokht
Scions of the Fifteenth Primarch, the Sirens of Terra carry her psychic lineage, her love for the finer things, and her unshakeable determination.
Flowers of the Achaemenid Empire, the Ladies of War
Moving almost gracefully through battle, the Sirens are a picturesque symbol of Imperial aspirations. Originating from the lands of the Achaemenid Empire, the Sirens are aesthetic, elegant, and refined in their conduct. They favor negotiation over assault and the refined arts of blade and psychic power instead of the crass violence and indiscriminate obliteration of total war. The Legion holds a strong appreciation for the finer things in life and the lofty aesethetic and enlightened virtues of the crusade against disorder and madness. Silk hiding steel, the legion is well capable of ruthless brutality when called to battle. One of the smallest legions owing to the low stability of their geneseed, it insists upon immaculate skill in every possible field from its Astartes. It positions itself as an elite force of impeccable poise and elan even when cleaving those who would defy the emperor in twain.
However, the Legion may have the psychic prowess of their Primarch, counting an abnormally large number of psykers in their ranks. They may have her love of the arts. But they do not grasp the bigger picture of their Primarch, or the Emperor himself. Their ideals are not truly humanitarian, and like many they fight because they are ordered to by their Emperor, rather than for his professed ideals. A grandiose plan for a bright future, a wondrous vision of a united galaxy full of wonder and enlightenment - these things are, for now, lost on the Legion marked more by their pride and self-described elite status as wondrous heralds of the Imperium to come than by their ideological resolve.