Welcome. This is a small scale, dark age, fantasy NRP. It is set in a fictional world of comparable size and climate to Earth. It is summertime, which to the feudal mindset means war season, and the people of the land are preparing accordingly.
These are the dark ages of this world. The golden age of civilization collapsed a few hundred years ago, and much of what once was has been lost. What remains are petty kingdoms run by petty sovereigns, waging petty wars and plotting petty schemes against eachother. And all the while the people struggles, and progress seems to have come to a grinding halt.
Although this may be a fantasy game, the fantastic elements are to be kept grounded and sensible. Magic is a word for that which cannot be explained; it is not an awesome force of fireballs and levitation. There may be fantastic creatures in the hills and woods of the land, or even sentient humanoid beings other than man, but the rule of sensibility applies here also. No acid-spewing dragonborn or flying birdpeople shenanigans.
Unlike some NRPs this game will be easy on stats and details. I do not want an in-depth description of your economy, or a full report of every unit in your army composition. What I want is to get the feel of your nation. Something based on a trope or archetype that can ultimately be summarized in a single sentance; "Steppe horseman raiders from the west", "Religious goods peddlers from the riverlands", or maybe "Nomadic orc warriors from the northern highlands". Needless to say, I want you to write more than that, but about three to five paragraphs should be enough. Leave some room for development in the IC!
I've even got a cool map, to spark interest. Check it out!

These are the dark ages of this world. The golden age of civilization collapsed a few hundred years ago, and much of what once was has been lost. What remains are petty kingdoms run by petty sovereigns, waging petty wars and plotting petty schemes against eachother. And all the while the people struggles, and progress seems to have come to a grinding halt.
Although this may be a fantasy game, the fantastic elements are to be kept grounded and sensible. Magic is a word for that which cannot be explained; it is not an awesome force of fireballs and levitation. There may be fantastic creatures in the hills and woods of the land, or even sentient humanoid beings other than man, but the rule of sensibility applies here also. No acid-spewing dragonborn or flying birdpeople shenanigans.
Unlike some NRPs this game will be easy on stats and details. I do not want an in-depth description of your economy, or a full report of every unit in your army composition. What I want is to get the feel of your nation. Something based on a trope or archetype that can ultimately be summarized in a single sentance; "Steppe horseman raiders from the west", "Religious goods peddlers from the riverlands", or maybe "Nomadic orc warriors from the northern highlands". Needless to say, I want you to write more than that, but about three to five paragraphs should be enough. Leave some room for development in the IC!
I've even got a cool map, to spark interest. Check it out!