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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Niccia grinned as Michael wrapped his arm around her, gently leaning against him with a soft smile. She looked to Netherlu before looking towards Nygari softly.
"Is there anything you guys need us to help with?" Niccia asked softly, Nygari shook her head almost instantly. Niccia frowned softly but didn't press anything before she looked to Michael with a smile.
A nudge came from down below Niccia and Michaels' legs, Niccia glanced down and saw Eros slowly looking up at them slowly. "Oh, you're Arceus' little one, yes?"

Puth's eyes widened at the mention of Michael being taken by Dark-Darkrai
"Oh I'm so sorry." She said quietly, she looked to Frosiien with worry on her face before the humanoid Articuno nodded softly. "I'm not suppose to do this. But I can definitely offer-" Puth moved her hands behind her head, moving to run her hands through her hair before she pulled her hands away, a fresh, glowing Lunar Feather in her hands.
Puth looked to it before she offered it to Andy with a soft smile, "I hope that this may help, I'm sadly not sure I can do anything else." She said softly.

Gavin felt the hair on his neck prickle with anger before he closed his eyes and breathed in slowly.
"He very much could replace the bad Darkrai, and I hope he would." He said softly, breathing out as he steadied his anger. "I don't understand how he works, sadly." Gavin glanced back to Niccia and noticed Eros with her. "Oh wow, Arceus has his own child?" He smirked softly, "Maybe he's not so high and mighty after all."

Belle got to Kim and the snoozing Mew and moved slowly and knelt down, she offered her hand out to Kim to show she was no harm. "I don't blame the girl." Belle said with a laugh about the new mewtwo, "Hey Sweetheart, it's a pleasure to see you." She smiled as she looked over towards Kim.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Nope, all good!" Netherlu said. "You two have more then enough to anyway, I wouldn't even ask you if I had something. I can find other humans if I need one to go on a quest for me." He chuckled to himself. "Quest giver, I kinda like that idea." He turned to Nygari. "What do you think about this: I hide a trinket, tell a human I lost it, and they can feel good about themselves for returning it! I have some trinkets in my nest I could use."

As Netherlu was explaining his newly hatched idea to Nygari, Michael turned to the young Pokémon. "Hello again," he greeted him, bending down to scratch him on the head. "I hope this party isn't too boring for you. Your father seems to be himself again, I'm sure that is a relief for you."

Andy reached out to take it, but didn't do so yet. "Are you sure about it? And if so, can you tell me what Michael is supposed to do with it?"
To say he was grateful she was willing to offer something she wasn't supposed to was an understatement.

Harcu turned his gaze to Eros and nodded. "I haven't heard the details, I hadn't even seen the little one before today. I'd love to question father about him but I haven't found a good opportunity yet." He frowned. "I haven't seen him pay particular attention to his offspring either, nor can I foresee what his role in everything will be. Time will tell, I suppose."

The new Mew slept, but Kim didn't want to leave. It could wake up. "Hello," she greeted Belle with a soft voice.
Jirachi floated away saying he would get a treat for Kim for all her hard work.
"A lot have come to have a quick look, and everyone seems okay with me being with the newly hatched Mew," she said. "I'm not sure why, I'm just a regular Furret after all, but I am glad."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Nygari couldn't help but chuckle at her husbands words, "Honestly if you could get a human to approach you in Pokemon Form to allow that to happen, I don't see why you couldn't do it." She said softly, It would get a good word out for Human Interaction, but I'm not sure if Father would agree. And I would hate for a trainer to somehow end up capturing you." She hummed before she leaned against his shoulder with a soft sigh.

Niccia's ears pricked up as she glanced down to Eros, "Hello sweetheart." She said, she watched Eros lean into Michaels' touch.
"A little boring, but fun to see others." Eros said quietly, "Pappa is relaxed again. I thought I'd come see you guys, I like you guys."
Niccia smiled softly, "I'm glad you like us," She said softly, "I feel like we'd be good friends if we could spend time together."

Puth hesitated at Andy's words, she closed her eyes and sighed. "He needs to keep it close, Each week he'll need to put it out in the moonlight for an hour to keep it charged." She spoke softly, "And I'm sure he's allowed to have it. I would have to give one to Niccia in time anyway." She smiled, "I really hope this will help him against Darkrai. I... Just want my sibling back; they were never aggressive like this in the past."
Frosiien gave a reassuring smile to Puth as she spoke, she glanced at Andy for a mere moment before she looked back to Puth, "Niccia will get us the old Darkrai back, or a better Darkrai." She said quietly, "I'm sure of it."

Gavin gave a nod at Harcu's words, "I wouldn't have thought Father of all people would even dare to lay with a mortal Pokemon." He said with a big of a smile, "He's a cute Pokemon, I hope he has a bright future." He watched Eros approach Michael and Niccia and interact with the two humanoids, "It seems the only ones really giving him much attention are Niccia and Michael; I wonder if either of them will take him in?"

Belle moved to sit beside Kim quietly, making sure not to disturb the small Mew as he snoozed in her coils.
"He's gorgeous." She said with a small smile, "His colouring is very interesting to me, a mix of shiny and normal." She continued as she hummed as she thought to herself, "We had a shiny mew before Niccia, back in the day. He was a bit of a Prankster, and it was before Mewtwo was created."
She laughed at the mention of her being a regular Furret, "I wouldn't think so lowly of yourself; every Guardian Pokemon was once a 'regular' Pokemon before Arceus gave them their calling." She moved to gently rubbed Kims' head, "I know you're already a trainers Pokemon so I doubt Father would dare try and take you from your trainer, but you would have made a fantastic Guardian."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"Gatherings like this can be boring,' Michael agreed. "I'm getting a bit bored as well. If you want we can play a game, I've got some cards in my backpack we could do something fun with. Or I can show you what Pokémon I've come across on my Pokédex."
He wanted to find something to keep Eros occupied, much like his uncle had done for him when he was younger and bored at grown-up parties.

Andy thought about what he heard. "If Darkrai changed, something happened to make him change," he said. "It will be interesting to figure out what that was." He had the perfect Pokémon to ask, but not now. There was a party going on after all. "Thank you for this, I will make sure Michael gets it." He glanced over his shoulder. "He seems preoccupied with a new Pokémon friend, so probably not now."

Harcu watched it. "Father doesn't seem very possessive of his offspring. At the very least doesn't object to him mingling with a human. I'm not sure if that is a good sign or not. I wouldn't let my offspring get close to a trainer." He shrugged. "It'll be interesting to see what happens." He gave Gavin a pat on the shoulder. "If you're in my area, come visit." After that he walked off to have a chat with some of the other legendaries he hadn't spoken to yet.

Kim wouldn't dream of leaving Andy, even for the cute Mew she had here, but it was flattering a Legendary Pokémon felt she'd make a good guardian. "Thank you," she said, unsure what else she could say in response to the praise she received.
She looked around to see where the others were, and found Andy and Frosiien talking to another Legendary Pokémon, and her team-members were at the buffet watching Bear stuff his face with food.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Eros' ears pricked up at the mention of a Pokedex, "You have a pokedex?" He asked excitedly, "I'd love to see!" He continued with a little wag of his tail, "Pappa says that Mamma was a... Goh..goat? Have you seen one?"
Niccia looked around slowly, she noticed some of the other legendaries were slowly standing up and leaving. Prezzleflame walked over and whispered something to his mother before he bowed his head and walked back towards the portal with his younger sibling following. The Moltres took a pause to look towards Frosiien before heading through the portal and disappearing with the Kantoian Zapdos.
"Ah." Niccia said softly, "People are starting to leave." She commented quietly before she looked down to Eros with a small smile, kneeling down to gently pat his head.

Puth gave a soft smile to Andy as he thanked her, "I hope it helps as much as it's needed to." She said softly. "I'm terribly sorry if it doesn't. I'm not very helpful when it comes to these things." She said as she moved to rub the back of her head with an embarrassed grin.
"Don't talk yourself down." Frosiien said softly, looking to Puth before she glanced over to see her siblings leave. She moved to lift a hand as a wave as Prezzleflame paused to look back at her before she noticed her Cousins were gone as well.

Gavin only smiled at Harcu's words, before he was pat on the back and headed off. Gavin gave a small sigh and headed over towards Andy to stand beside him quietly. "Apologies if I'm intruding." Gavin said softly, "I don't really have many others to stand around."
Puth looked to Gavin and blushed deeply before she smiled happily to him. "It's a pleasure to see you again." She spoke softly, "I think we missed each other last StarFall."

Footsteps echoed from behind Kim before a figure knelt beside her and arms wrapped in cloth gently reached out towards the new Mew. The Female Mewtwo winced at Kim softly before giving a small smile. "My apologies." She said quietly, "May I take him? We need to head off soon and I didn't want to disturb you earlier."
Belle grinned towards the Female Mewtwo, she wanted to ask so many questions but she could tell the Mewtwo was starting to get overwhelmed with everything around them.

Yalgai and Kyio walked over towards Michael and Niccia, Yalgai placing Sparky back into her trainers arms.
"We're heading off." Yalgai said softly, kneeling to Niccia before she ran her hand over her cheek, "If you need our help for anything at all, please get Sparky to call for us." She said, almost motherly, "She should be able to open a portal to call for me and I promise I won't be too far; unless I cannot make it. I will send someone to help, no matter what." She said before she moved to kiss Niccia's forehead and smiled to Michael. "Take care of her." She winked before she straightened up and headed off towards the Portal, Kyio bowing her head and following afterwards after waving to her brother.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"I think so," Michael said as he took his device and started up the database. Many regions had their own design of the device, and his was no exception. He flipped the device open and accessed the database of Pokémon he had encountered. The upside of living in a city frequented by trainers and tourists was that he had seen a variety of Pokémon, although most hadn't been wild.
"Here we have a Gogoat," he said as he let Eros watch the screen.
As he let the Pokémon watched, he looked around to see that Niccia was right: the others were starting to leave.

"Don't worry," Netherlu said. "I won't leave before you do." He turned to Nygari. "If you want to, you can. I know where to find you." He glanced towards Frosiien. "Although I don't think your daughter is in a hurry to leave."

"I have no doubt the item will do exactly as we hope," Andy said, before turning to Gavin as he joined them. He put an arm around his shoulders. "You can intrude as much as you want, I enjoy your company, even when you frown and are all serious. But I'll allow you to catch up with the lovely Puth first."

"Of course!" Kim said, stepping back. "Thank you for letting me stay with him, this was a very special experience for me."
She smiled to Belle and excused herself, before returning to Andy.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Eros smiled at Michaels' words as his little tail wagged, he watched Michael look through his Pokedex, stomping his front hooves gently on the dirt beneath him as he waited. When Michael moved to show the screen to him, he moved quickly to look at the Gogoat on screen; his eyes widened excitedly as his tail wagged even more.
"Wow!" He said excitedly, "Maybe I'll evolve into one one day! Pappa doesn't talk about me evolving or going anywhere. But I want to travel! The world seems amazing!"
Niccia held Sparky quietly in her arms as she watched the figures around her seem to move and disperse through the portal. Sparky nuzzled into Niccia's neck happily with a wag of her tail.

Nygari looked towards Netherlu as he spoke to her, she moved to lean against him softly, resting her head against his shoulder with a small sigh. She didn't say much, she closed her eyes softly and took a breath inwards.
"I don't expect her to." She said after a moment of silence, "I'm happy to leave when you are, of course. I don't mind waiting." Her voice was quiet.

Gavin gave a small smile to Andy as he complimented him, well... He thinks that was a compliment at least. He glanced to Frosiien for a moment before he looked towards Puth again with a faint smile. "I don't believe there's really much to catch up on." He said softly, "We never really crossed paths unless Darkrai dragged her where I was near, but even then we stuck away from each other."
Puth nodded softly at Gavins' words. "Plus, that was the last Darkrai too." She said with a frown, "But I'm glad to see you're alright. I remember hearing what happened with you after Niccia was changed, but I'm glad to see you're okay."
Gavin waved a hand slightly, "You know me, Following Niccia to the ends of time to keep her safe and sound." He said with a laugh, "What about you? How are the kids?"
Puths' face brightened before she looked away slightly, "They're okay, I don't see many of them as they seem to be in trainers hands."

Frosiien looked down to Kim as she returned to Andy, "You look like you had fun." She said softly to the Furret, "You kept the baby quiet; usually baby legendaries scream a while." She laughed, leaning down to rub the Furrets head gently.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"I've just started to travel myself," Michael said. "I haven't seen much of the world yet, but I do want to see more. There is a lot to see out there. And love to show you and Niccia where I live as well. If your father would agree, at least," he quickly added. The last thing he wanted was to anger Arceus or do anything against his wishes.

Netherly quietly wrapped his arm around Nygari's shoulders as he waited for Niccia and her human friends to wrap things up here. He wasn't in a hurry and he certainly didn't mind having Nygari with him. He watched Entei join them.
"I'm leaving."
"I'll come to visit when I wrapped up some business with the humans," Netherlu promised. "Did you spend sufficient time with that Arcanine, right?"
"I did," Entei assured him. "But I didn't want to steal her away from the other Arcanine too much." He turned to Michael. "Take good care of her."
"Of course," Michael said.
After that Tanter nodded to everyone as a farewell and turned to go walk towards the portal.

"I loved having that little one with me," Kim said, leaning into Frosiien's touch.
"I hope the lovely ladies and the not-so-lovely dudemon will excuse me for a moment," Andy said and walked away, to where Mindy was sitting so he could talk to her for a moment.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Eros looked to Niccia quietly when Michael mentioned if his father would be okay with it. Niccia glanced to Michael and breathed in, looking over to Arceus, who finally had returned to his 'throne' at the head of the table, watching everyone leave quietly.
"We could go ask?" Niccia asked quietly, "He's calmed down now at least, I think we might have a good chance to catch him in a good mood?"
"He should be in a good mood!" Eros said with a little wag of his tail, "He would have stopped me mingling otherwise."

Nygari leaned into Netherlu's embrace and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened her eyes as Tanter joined them and gave him a small smile as he said his goodbyes. She glanced over towards Harry and Saruya before she closed her eyes again.
"I'm glad you got to see her, I'm sure it means a lot to her." Nygari said softly, "I do wonder what their cubs will be like if they end up having eggs." She said, more to herself, with a chuckle.

Frosiien smiled as she gave Kim a good pet and scratch, "I bet he loved it too." She said with a chuckle, before she glanced to Andy as he spoke and walked off.
"He's an interesting man." Puth added with a soft smile towards Frosiien, "Of course I mean that respectively." She flinched slightly before she glanced towards Gavin once more. "My apologies for being so shaky towards you." She spoke in her natural tongue, "I just haven't seen you in a while. And I know you have bad blood with my current brother."
Gavin waved his hand slightly, "It's fine Puth, I'm not angry towards you at all. You've been an amazing friend to me." He said with a smile before he glanced to Andy, "He is an interesting man." He commented, "Although, I was surprised when he managed to charm Frosiien. To be honest."
Frosiien's hair fluffed slightly before she relaxed and sighed, shaking her head. "I don't need to explain myself to you Gavin."
"Never said you did." Gavin said with a bit of a smile.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Michael wasn't sure if he was ready to talk with Arceus about this, nor was he sure that now was the best time to plan a fun trip with Arceus's offspring. "I'm not exactly sure what to ask him..." he said, giving a nervous glance to Arceus. "My home region is not next on the list, I don't know when I'll be able to show you two what it looks like. I'd love to, don't get me wrong, I just..." he wasn't even sure how to finish that sentence.

"They are fire types," Netherlu commented. "Of course they'll be gorgeous." He gestured to himself. "I mean, we have evidence for that statement right here." He winked playfully at Nygari.

Benny had first gone to Andy and then flew to the gathered group. "What a party," the Butterfree said. "It looks like we'll be leaving soon, I heard Andy talk about it to Mindy. Bear and Merlin are actually napping now, can you believe it? I'm going to tell Arceus the nectar was suburb. Or am I not allowed to approach him?" Benny looked at the three legendary Pokémon to see what they had to say about it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Eros glanced over to his father and gave a small nod at his words. "That is understandable." He said before he looked to Niccia as Sparky wriggled in her arms.
"I can ask!" She said excitedly, slipping from Niccia's grip and landing on her feet with a wide grin, "I wanna go talk to grandpa!" Sparky grinned as she wandered over towards Arceus.
Niccia watched her Pokemon walk over to their literal god, She wasn't sure it was wise for Sparky to go near Arceus so she was ready if anything went wrong.

Nygari gave a soft laugh at Netherlu's words but didn't seem to say much else. She glanced over towards Arceus as she heard Michael speak about talking to him, she was about to offer as she watched Sparky head over towards Arceus. She hesitated, glancing to Niccia and catching her eyes and gave a small smile.

Frosiien looked over to Benny gently as he returned, "That sounds lovely." She said with a smile before she glanced to Arceus as he asked about approaching him. She hadn't spotted Sparky wandering her way up to him. "I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. You're a Pokemon, you're his child; He'll speak to you." She said, Puth nodding softly.
"I'm not sure how he'll react to the little furball heading his way." Puth added with a nod towards Sparky, who was almost at the table where Arceus sat.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Benny turned to examine Sparky going towards Arceus and then flew off as fast as he could. If he was going to complement Arceus he might as well do so right now, especially since the others were worried about Sparky. He caught up with Sparky just before reaching Arceus and had a happy smile for her. "Let's go talk to him together," he said to her.

Michael watched Sparky wander over towards Arceus, the very thing he didn't dare do. At least Eros understood. He grabbed his backpack to look for a Pokémon treat and handed one to Eros when he found it. Since they were waiting he might as well make the wait enjoyable. He smiled when he saw Lytse extend his paws and gave him a treat as well.

Kim watched it from where she was; it was admirable that Benny didn't hesitate to assist Sparky, and that he dared causally fly up to god of all Pokémon. "He's always been brave," she muttered and then turned to Frosiien. "Benny was Andy's first Pokémon, they met because Benny approached him. Or, well, approached Andy's honey sandwich to eat it, the fact there were two humans near that sandwich and him being a small Caterpie didn't stop him."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sparky looked up towards the fellow Bug type that flew up to her, "Okay!" She said with a wide grin as she continued towards Arceus.
As they got towards the table, Sparky whipped her tail; sending a string of webbing from the end of it and pulled herself up onto the table to be at a better height to look and speak to Arceus.
As the two Bug type pokemon headed over to him, Arceus moved to watch them- only giving a small smile as Sparky hopped up onto the table herself.

Eros' tail wagged as Michael gave him a treat, he chomped down on it excitedly before he looked over towards Lytse with a wide grin.
"Hi!" He said as he offered a paw to Lytse with a small tilt of his head.
Niccia watched Sparky and Benny heading over to Arceus, giving a small sigh before she leaned gently against Michael and looked down towards the two little Pokemon in front of them.
"I'd be happy to let him join us." She whispered to Michael, "He's just a gentle baby."

Frosiien looked down to Kim with a small smile, "He's got a big heart then." She said with a small smile, "Two humans? Who was Andy with?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
Did Andy have another significant other at least once before?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Benny flew towards Arceus and when they reached him he sat down on the table. "Thank you for hosting this party! It was great and the nectar amazing, I've never had better!" Benny began, deciding to go first. "Can I perhaps have some for on the way?" It was perhaps bold to ask something like that, but he didn't want to take any without permission. It seemed like a bad idea to steal from the most important and powerful Pokémon in existence.

"Me too," Michael said as he watched his Cyndaquil return Eros's greeting. "If his father agrees. We were close to Darkrai before and... that may happen again." He clenched his fist when he spoke those words, he had been taken captive by Darkrai before and he'd rather not be in that position again, but that was a real possibility.

"A friend he grew up with," Kim explained, glanced to where Benny was going. "He is a gym leader now and one of the co-founders of the Rorie League. Benny knows him better than I do, I only met him when Andy returned home from the Kanto and Johto regions, Benny was with him before he left the islands"
She felt nervous in Benny's place for approaching Arceus like that. How did Benny do that?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Arceus looked down to Benny as he sat down and spoke, at first his neutral expression was unchanged, even as Sparky ran over the table to clamber up to him excitedly. There was silence from him for a moment before he moved his arms slowly to gently pull Sparky up gently in a soft hold.
A small smile appeared on his face for a moment before he looked over to Benny once more. "I'm glad you enjoy it." He said, his voice strong, but he kept it gentle; in order not to startle anyone else around them. "I am sure that we can arrange a small barrel for you to take, if your human will be okay with carrying it?" He turned his attention over towards Andy for a moment before returning his attention back to the Bug Pokemon in front of him. "StarFall is a special time for everyone;" He hesitated for a moment before giving a small sigh, "It's been hard to hold it for a while, with everything happening between Niccia and Darkrai. But I'm glad we managed it this time, It's good for family to come together once and a while."

Niccia cuddled into Michael, she could feel the worry from him as she moved to gently kiss his cheek.
"We'll be okay." She said softly, "We're getting stronger, and we have the ability to defeat him." Her ears twitched as she looked over to Arceus and the Bug types, giving a small smile as Arceus was simply holding Sparky. "She enjoys being held, doesn't she?" She let out a laugh.

Frosiien seemed to relax her shoulders slightly, giving a nod. "That sounds interesting. I've always wanted to watch a Pokemon League." She said softly, "I understand why a lot of Pokemon take to trainers for battling, it always seems interesting."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

"I'm sure he'll manage," Benny decided, after which he listened to what Acreus had to say about StarFall. "Maybe Darkrai will be able to attend next time as well," he said, eternally optimistic and he glanced at Michael, Niccia and Eros. "The little dude seems happy there, but then again, Michael is a good kid with tasty treats." He paused here, glancing to Sparky as he knew she also had something to ask.

"It's nice being held, Lytse commented. "But I suppose not all Pokémon like that. Some don't even like to be touched, like Merlin. He's doesn't like anyone touching his feathers. He'll preen immediately after, I'm not sure if it's vanity or something else."
"Now that you mention it," Michael said, "I've always seen Merlin around, but he always stays a few feet away from everyone. And when he fights he never does physical attacks."

"A Pokémon League?" Andy said as he approached them, having only caught that part of the conversation. "There are plenty to watch. I, of course, think the Rorie League is the best."
"That's what we were talking about," Kim said.
"Okay, and Benny went to the big guy I see. I'm going to collect those two sleepy heads over there and then I'm ready to go." As he said that he walked towards the snoozing Primeape and Noctowl.
Kim turned to Frossien. "He does that sometimes," she said in an almost apologetic tone, "say something and then immediately do something.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Arceus hummed slightly at Benny's words, he stayed quiet but looked over towards Eros as Benny spoke about him enjoying being with Michael.
"I was gonna ask about Eros!" Sparky chimed in excitedly, lifting her paws up to gently touch Arceus' cheeks from below. The Pokemon God raised his eyebrow at her words. "We want to know if he can travel with us! We can show him the world and let him enjoy his freedom! He'll be safe with us, promise."
Arceus stayed silent as his eyes moved towards Eros once more, he closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in. He pushed the chair out from under him slightly, moving to stand up while still holding Sparky gently, and offered his hand for Benny to sit on. Once Benny had decided or not, he headed over towards Michael and Niccia slowly.

Niccia nodded, "Some just don't like to be touched and I respect that." She spoke before she looked towards Michael, "He possibly prefers not to get himself hurt. He might have trauma in the past from it?" She asked before she glanced back as she heard footsteps. She froze up at the sight of Arceus standing beside her.
"F-Father!" She said, moving to quickly bow, "W-What can we... How can we help?"

Frosiien gave a small laugh before she looked down to Kim as Andy walked away. "It's alright. I understand that." She said with a small sigh, "My brothers can be like that sometimes, Especially Zapdos."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 15 hrs ago

Benny took the invitation - how often could a Pokémon sit on and be carried by their god? Of course he wouldn't pass on that opportunity. He made happy sounds as they went to where Michael and Niccia were. This was amazing and he waved to Kim when she looked in his direction.

"I don't know about any trauma, and I forgot I can ask now." He noticed how Niccia tensed up and turned to see why. When he saw Arceus with them, he too tensed up. This had to be about what Sparky had asked on his behalf. He nervously awaited what would happen next, wondering why Benny seemed so carefree.

Andy had returned Bear and Merlin to their Pokéballs and turned around with the intention to return to Frosiien, but seeing Arceus approach his nephew, he gestured to Kim, Frosiien and Gavin and made his way to there; it seemed like something important was going to happen and by the looks of it, his nephew could use some support.

When Kim watched Benny sit on Arceus her jaw dropped, but she waved back when he waved at her. When it was obvious Andy was going to join them, she got down on all fours. "Maybe we should join them," she suggested and went to Andy so she could walk behind him. Since Benny didn't give an indication something bad was happening, she didn't feel too worried about what was happening, but approaching their god was nerf-wracking in itself.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Arceus was happy that Benny took the invitation, he looked down towards Niccia as she spoke. He didn't seem to notice the tensing from both her and Michael. He glanced over as the others seemed to gather with them as well.
"I was not expecting an audience." Arceus said softly, adjusting his grip on Sparky gently to make sure she was comfortable in his grip. "I heard you wish to take Eros with you on your travels?" He said to Niccia and Michael carefully.

Niccia cleared her throat before she nodded slightly, "Y-Yeah, He wants to get out and I thought since both of us are... Trainers, he'd be safe to travel with us?" She continued, she swallowed heavily, waiting for her fathers response.

Gavin didn't need Andy to tell him to follow when he realized that Arceus was heading to the younger trainers. He already headed over to stand behind Arceus with crossed arms and narrowed eyes, he would protect his younger sibling and her partner if Arceus decided to get hostile.
Frosiien nodded as Kim headed off, she looked around for Mindy for a moment; wondering where she was in all of this chaos. Mitch came up to her and leaned against her legs for a moment with a sigh, the legendary bird moving to gently rub Mitchs' head with a faint smile.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Michael took in a deep breath. "It's as Niccia said. Eros expressed curiosity about the world and if you agree we wouldn't mind taking him along on our journey." Something about Benny sitting so carefree on Arceus made the god of all Pokémon seem more approachable, nor did he sound upset when he told them what he had heard already.
Lytse, who was behind Michael, decided to help his trainer. "I-I'll help them look after Eros," he promised.

Andy looked from his nephew to Eros, rubbing his chin. He didn't have to be back at the research facility soon; he was doing fieldwork for an undisclosed amount of time, so he could hang out with the young trainers and all the Legendary offspring they seemed to collect on the way. If they would want him to stay, of course.

Jirachi floated to Frosiien. "I'll be taking my leave now, it was nice seeing you all. I promised Mindy I'll show her where I always sleep, so I'll take her along. Her Dragonite can get us there very fast. I wonder how it is to be flown somewhere instead, and how fast the Dragonite really goes."
Mindy was collecting her Pokémon when Jirachi mentioned her to Frosiien.

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