Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I can work with that, what say they originally met up around the coast of the Stormcircle when he was first looking for an escape from the mainland? Mayhaps they've been crewing together for a short while and have a bit of an established background together already?

Cool as that sounds, it wouldn't fit with Chwegwn's backstory. He's lived in Kontina all his life, so he would have only met your guy recently.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

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<Snipped quote by Excession>

With Chwegwn, I'm thinking he met all the others when he was looking for a crew. He then sussed out their motivations and offered them a deal: He'd help them achieve their motivations if they joined his crew. And that's why he's working with them.

I left Cold Hands in pirate jail for beating up/probably killing some slavers in the Redsand district, so that's probably an easy meeting.

Recruiting capable, if dangerous prisoners is a staple of any good RPG after all.

Cold Hands has some pretty esoteric motivations (e.g., enlightenment through facing and overcoming greater and greater hardships), so I imagine that given the likely risk of any pirate endeavors demanded by the council of highly esteemed and dishonorable pirates, as well as her being behind bars, she would be an easy sell in terms of a crew member (GM might have thoughts, but I would imagine the guards would be happy to see her go).

Thus ends my rambling, lol.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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I'm going to try and get my CS up at some point this week. Sorry for the silence.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by TaintedMushroom
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<Snipped quote by TaintedMushroom>

Cool as that sounds, it wouldn't fit with Chwegwn's backstory. He's lived in Kontina all his life, so he would have only met your guy recently.

I was thinking more after he had his ship and was on a trip/voyage perhaps but that would depend on how long Chwegwn has had a ship and whether he would find himself out towards a coastal city even temporarily which ofc is your call, either way I can spin something up to put him specifically on Kontina if that doesn't quite work.

How long has Chwegwn been a captain? I don't remember if that was mentioned and it's been a minute since I've read his CS.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Excession
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Excession Friend of the Night

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Some info on prizes (ships to go after for loot)

Independant traders, especially in Shaydensea, over the northlands and Curselands - in the Stormcircle is more likely to be profitable, but riskier due to Cartel patrols.

Troll trade ships can be hard to take individually, but you're less likely to suffer reprisal from Trollhaven.

Spire Cartel Trade Ships are well armed but can be profitable, may draw the ire of the cartel.

Engineer's Guild Ships can be hugely profitable but are often heavily armed with unique and unpredictable weapons.

Other pirates because the sky ain't got no law and if you can't defend yourself you will not prosper.

Imperial Traders will impress Mandalthraxus but pits you against Imperus' merchant navy and there could be members of Their elite forces onboard.

Great House Traders very likely will have Scions onboard and can result in a very personal vendetta with the owning House.

Inquisition ships are a coinflip at high cost - they could have something obscenely valuable onboard, even just intel that can be sold to nation states, but Inqusitors and their retinues are absolutely no joke in a fight.

Edit: many typos I got two hours sleep and just finishing muscling through a workday
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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How long has Chwegwn been a captain? I don't remember if that was mentioned and it's been a minute since I've read his CS.

He's only recently acquired a ship and assembled a crew, so not that long.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Benzaiten
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@rush99999 I'm guessing the reason of hiring my tree might be because of their Necromancy skills xD
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@rush99999 I'm guessing the reason of hiring my tree might be because of their Necromancy skills xD

You would be right in guessing that. Arbuckle needs his TLC.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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So from what I can extrapolate from the lore, there are four prerequisites for joining the Council of Captains.

1: You must be a captain.

2: You must be a close ally of Mandalthraxus.

3: You must be a sufficiently infamous pirate.

4: You must be a major supplier of some aspect of Kontina's economy.

Is there anything I'm missing?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Excession
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Excession Friend of the Night

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You have extrapolated accurately, although 'just being too fucking dangerous to ignore' is the only real criterion Kurze fulfilled.
Burk was the last person to join the council and the only one likely to die of old age. The Unfortunate Son is under a life extension spell but might die in his own arena.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Excession
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I had a really good idea.

Cold Hands is in the arena prison, arguably in the sorting for slavery.
Kontina is the only place where Necromancers don't get got for attempting true resurrection.
Most Vampires in the setting are 'natural'; no one is sure where they came from but they've been around for millennia.
When a Necromancer attempts resurrection, the result is a malformed, traumatically deranged Vampire.

So, hear me out - it might even be fun to start with this scene - Cold Hands is pitted against an Aberrant Vampire raised for a spectacle in the arena because they've mistaken her for one of the vampire-hunting monk orders.
Chwegwn is the only person who bets on her and when she wins (she has a secret weapon in this particular fight that even she doesn't know about, so I know she'd win with no dice fudging) he technically wins her indenture contract.
And presumably sets her free before she joins the crew.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nifty idea. I'll go along with it if Proxy approves as well.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Sorry to say, but I might have to step out of this one, guys. As much as this RP interests me, a lot is happening in my life at the moment and I don't think I can fit another RP in with all that is going on. I hope you all enjoy the RP regardless, and sorry again.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Excession
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Excession Friend of the Night

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Sorry to hear it, Fellsing. I hope things work out for you, and you're welcome back if you find yourself with the time and interest.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

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Nifty idea. I'll go along with it if Proxy approves as well.

It sounds like the perfect start to our adventures.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Excession
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Excession Friend of the Night

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[extremely loud defibrillator noises]
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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I'm still here.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

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Same, got slammed with work, but back this evening and this weekend.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by TaintedMushroom
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Benzaiten
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Also still around. How many players do we have? Are we starting soon? (Said me who still didn't fill out a character sheet lmao)
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