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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

For the first time in a long while Maxwell wandered the streets of Pol Stictid without a chaperone and he couldn't have felt more free. Well…he could, he still had to make sure to avoid his two babysitters but with his lookouts that wouldn’t be too hard. The hard part was getting through the crowded streets of Brutos’ territory without being recognized as the Shark’s “little pet”. Though he quickly realized that he had bland enough features that if he simply kept his head down he could weave through the crowded market streets with little to no effort. Nobody would touch him in his territory if they realized who he was, so he wasn’t worried about his safety, he simply didn’t want to be recognized. Despite Brutos’ attempts to keep him hidden it was hard to do so in his own territory, where the group conducted the day-to-day when not on the sea. It was when and if Max left the territory that things might become an issue, not that he intended to, not today at least.

Today the young male had a pocket full of gems he had kept for himself, small ones that weren’t worth too much but when traded would get him just enough money to play with, as long as the shop owner didn’t try to stiff him. He was known to heavily undervalued things unless it was Brutos himself the man was dealing with.

Weaving through the last bit of crowd before the shop doors he took a deep breath and walked in. It had been ages since he had done this alone and the first and only time had gone over horribly. This time would be different. He squared his shoulders and opened the door to hear the little jingle of the bell as he entered. The jingle was almost immediately followed by a sudden crash, a curse, and the sound of someone gathering something. Walking up the counter Maxwell’s eyes landed on a younger male than he was expecting, who quickly scrambled up, leaving the spilled box on the floor. He was gone before Max could say anything and eventually the older man he was expecting made his way to the counter, staring at the mess on the floor. He didn’t seem surprised but Max couldn’t tell if it was masked emotion or not.

“Welcome young sir to Wizban’s Trader Emporium where the deals are good and the prices are…” He paused midway through his extravagant announcement when it seemed he fully registered just who was standing in front of him. His face seemed to drop a bit, though he looked at Max curiously. “No entourage today?” He questioned as he leaned up against the counter.

Maxwell shook his head. “No, I need you to appraise these.” He laid the collection of small gems and rings on the counter.

“You usually come in with a much bigger haul, or at least one of Brutos’ goons do.” Wizban remarked looking at the small pile. The older man had never been one to be nice because he feared someone. In fact Max was sure Wizban was the only person who didn’t have even a shred of fear of Brutos.

“Was off island for a bit, could only gather a little.” This was a lie, Max had a much larger stash he intended on selling later, but he wanted to wait till the end of the time Brutos would be out to sea.

The older man looked down his nose at Max and the small pile, without picking anything up, simply said, “five thousand beri, all I can do.”

Maxwell almost scoffed, “Five thousand beri is a joke and you know it. This alone,” he picked up a small diamond ring on a gold band, “is worth that much at least, try again.” This was already going better than last time, a much younger Maxwell would have taken that price and left with his tail between his legs.

Wizban squinted at Max. “Grew some balls since the last time you came in here alone haven’t you? Fine, let me see.” He picked up each item in the pile one by one and scrutinized each item. “Then thousand beri, I have to turn a profit, kid.” He placed the last item back on the counter.

“You can do better, a little birdy told me you had a side hustle smuggling marines in and out of the island.” A bird had indeed given Maxwell this information though he honestly had no intention of turning Wizban in. Despite being a little seedy, he was a decent person, with a family who he cared deeply for. “I know how to stuff those rumors deep, deep down, just give me a fair price for my stuff.” Nobody else knew what Max knew. Wizban was very good at what he did. He left no traces, no paper trail, he had simply been unlucky one early morning when one of Max’s birds had flown over.

Wizban’s eye twitch, it was a small movement that Maxwell would have likely missed if he wasn’t used to reading the body language of small creatures all day. “Twenty-five thousand.” The old man hissed. “Bold kid, to blackmail someone like that. That damned Shark must be rubbing off on you.” He slid the beri across the counter.

Maxwell nodded, taking the money and shoving the pile toward Wizban. He took the money and left swiftly. The whole exchange left a sour taste in his mouth. He knew he would have to do it but he hated stooping to the levels of this Island. It made him feel dirty, especially when it was a man who was just trying to do the right thing, in his own strange, twisted way. Rumors floated around that Wizban was an ex-marine, turned shady business owner when he defected from his unit. Though if asked he always had a different story as to what he did before he came to the island. The age he arrived always changed too, nothing about that man was consistent.

At least now he had some money to go do things with, not that it would last long and not that he had any clue what to do. The last time he had this much freedom he was a small child. He would figure it out as he went.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Rico flopped down in the motel bed, letting out a long groan. After a brief respite, he found his way to the bathroom, enjoying a nice bath before returning to his room, dressed down to his black undershirt and neon green pants. Zipping off the lower half, they became shorts, Rico leaving them in the pile with the rest of his clothes. Pulling out his belongings, he scattered them across the bed: 5000 beri and a mixed bag of hard candy. Slouching into a chair, he counted off his fingers, before crying, “Where am I gonna get money without whacking anyone!?” With a long sigh, he gathered up his belongings before hopping onto the bed, struggling to drift to sleep with a tense look on his face the whole night.
“...Can you run that by me one more time?

Rico’s face was sullen as the motel clerk explained, “Well buddy it’s not s’hard. See, ye don’t got a membership card, right?”


“We asked ye when ye rented your room if ya wanted one: that shoulda been when ye signed yer contract.”

“Sounds fair. It was pretty pricey, so I didn’t get one.”

“And on the contract it says if ye don’t have a membership card it costs ye the same price ye paid for the night when ya check out.”

“Where!?” Rico scanned the contract, not seeing a thing. The clerk pulled it over to the wall, pulling a handle. With a series of clicks, a dozen magnifying glasses in gradually decreasing sizes popped out. “Whoa, cool!” The clerk placed the contract under the magnifying glasses, motioning for Rico to look. The young man did so, reading in very fine print.

Upon evacuation of any rented room, the customer must pay an amount equivalent to the original fee. Failure to pay this fee will invite legal action for deferment on obligated charges. Fee will only be waived with a membership card.

“...Not cool.” Rico pressed the sides of his face in with his hands, growling, “How was I supposed to know all that!?”

“It was right there on the contract lad!” Rico continued to press against his face, anger boiling, before he suddenly blurted, “I’m calling the Sootstriders!”

The clerk paled, suddenly gasping, “Whoa, hey now laddy, yer right, it ain’t exacaly fair now, is it! Tell ye what.” Moving the contract, he motioned for Rico to read it again.

Dissatisfied customers will be refunded with a Bill. After the refund has been received, the Bill will be returned. A customer who has been Billed voids any further legal action against this establishment.

“...The heck’s that mean?”

“We’ll Bill ye a refund! Just wait at Phoenix Place.”

“Oh, why didn’t you just say so? You mean Palace?”


Relenting, Rico would spend his next hour waiting at one of Phoenix Beach’s plaza areas, a firebird statue in a fountain regurgitating water, the ironic sight catching Rico’s attention, until a call roused him. He turned to see a man with a pudgy tummy, his shirt not quite covering his midriff. He wore a red homburg hat and a black vest, his face emblazoned with a blonde mustache. “You Rico?”

“Boy am I!” the pirate said with a grin. The man let out a laugh, raising his hand for a high five, which Rico returned.

“Haha! You’ve been Billed.” Rico’s eyelids lowered, confusion apparent. “My name’s Bill.” Realization started to dawn, Rico’s face growing darker. Bill snapped his fingers, pointing both at Rico as he smiled, “Catch you later, buckaroo.” Rico was on the cusp of tears as Bill turned, heading off.

Rico followed.

Sensing the pirate on his heels, Bill gradually rose his pace. So did Rico. Shooting his head behind him, Rico was getting faster. Bill panicked, breaking into a run, but there was no escape. The two started to pull heads as they peeled through the walkways of Phoenix Beach. Rico hopped into the air just as Bill let out a cry of fright. Rico’s two legs dropkicked into him, Bill being knocked onto his front while Rico fell to his side.

Rico shouted to the crowd, Never room at the Shady Dealing Lodge!”

Bill scrambled up and away, crying, “You knew what service you were getting! There was no false advertising whatsoever! None whatsoeverrrr!” His voice trailed off as he left Rico, the folk going about returning to their day.

“This place sucks.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
Avatar of Daxam

Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

”Oh, come on, I thought I was done hiding,” Luna complained as she inspected the cloak she now wore. ”Do I really have to wear this thing?”

“Afraid so,” Rufus replied as he pulled Luna’s hood over her head. “The rest of us should be fine. The only person the Navy got a good look at besides you was Marcus. Not many half-Minks, let alone people with white hair, so you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.”

“Now, remember,” Galen said as he approached the two, “don’t do anything reckless until we’ve stocked up on supplies and gathered some information. It’ll make things harder on us if a fight breaks out before then.”

”Aye, aye,” Luna said drily, giving Galen a half-hearted salute before she turned to follow Rufus down the gangplank and onto the dock.

The port was in a state of disrepair. The wood the dock was made of was broken in places and weak in others. Rufus let out a surprised yelp as a plank gave out under his foot and Luna had to stifle a laugh as she helped him up. “This place has seen better days,” Rufus muttered as he brushed himself off. He looked around and came to a realization. “Wait…where is everyone?”

Luna looked around and saw that, aside from a few dock workers, a couple of whom were talking to Galen, there was virtually no one around. The stone warehouses and port authority sported broken windows, cracked facades, and even missing doors here and there. The ground was uneven with weeds growing between cracks in the stone. ”Guess this is what happens when your town’s being run by pirates,” Luna muttered, feeling a mixture of anger and sadness for this piece of her ancestral territory. ”People leave and things go to shit.”

“Hey, is that smoke?” one of the dockworkers asked. Luna looked over her shoulder to see a burly man talking with his friend, the two of them looking to the sky.

Luna followed their gaze and saw the source of the stench of smoke she picked up earlier, a tower of black smoke reaching far into the sky. “Yep, that it is,” the other worker said. “I heard that the Aurelius family couldn’t make this week’s payment. Guess that’s their vineyard burning. It’s a damn shame, I heard they just had a baby, too.”

The first worker scoffed and muttered, “What’re they thinking? If they burn down all the vineyards that can’t keep up with their ridiculous terms, they’re not gonna have enough wine to drink, let alone sell.”

“Hey.” Luna turned her head to see that Rufus had already walked a few paces ahead. He nodded down the main thoroughfare, silently beckoning his captain to follow. Luna relaxed her clenched fists and breathed out as she followed after her vice captain. Rufus placed his hand on her shoulder as they walked and he quietly told her, “Keep your head. Remember what Galen said, don’t do anything rash until we know more.”

”No promises,” Luna grumbled. After a moment, she added, ”Let’s find a bar. I need a drink and we can start asking around.”

“You’re the boss, Captain.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
Avatar of Pacifista

Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


“Ahhh…” Cicely mumbled, eyes wandering around Tune Town as he took mental note the damages from Burnet and Peppermint’s battle. A number of townsfolk went about tidying up in the light of sunset, piling up wood branches and brushing over blasted dirt. Glancing over to the local diner, he let out a low sigh with a smile on his face. “It is what it is.”

Sitting with her hood over her head, Peppermint munched on a piece of toast, the girl’s first food in hours. Burnet sat across from her with an ice pack on his forehead, his posture slouched in fatigue. They were joined only by Coriander, Verbena, Rue, Sorrel, and Cassia, but Peppermint’s hood was no doubt raised to keep her from being too keenly aware of wandering eyes.

Hand on Peppermint’s back, Coriander asked, “It’s okay, no one’s mad, Pepper. A little irritated maybe, but that’ll pass! You guys didn’t do too much damage.”

“Hnnnnn.” Burnet groaned. Peppermint looked away, Burnet replying, “It’s fine, I’m old, everything hurts all the time already.” Lifting up the ice pack and turning an eye on the other kids, he said, “You guys aren’t going to freak out around me anymore, right? We’re good?” The kids were quiet. Burnet reiterated, “We’re good?” Heads bobbed up and down, de-synced but in unison all the same.

Coriander offered, “See? It’s okay to be a little bad sometimes.” She patted Peppermint on the head. “It all turned out okay!”

Overhearing a snippet of conversation regarding fixing damages, Peppermint mumbled, “Um...there’s some stuff in my house that I broke and I didn’t tell anyone.”

“My dad and mom can help!” Cassia burst out.

Rue pouted, “I wanna break stuff too!”

Coriander snapped, “It’s not like Peppermint wants to break stuff! I take it back: you specifically are never allowed to be bad.”

Rue grinned. “I’ve never been bad in my whole life ever.”

As she was showered in gazes of doubt, Peppermint frowned, lowering her food. Noticing, Coriander whispered, “What’s wrong?”

Peppermint was quiet for a moment, before beginning, “Sometimes when you guys are making fun of me I wanna hit you, but I know I can’t do that. What if something happens like today and I hurt you guys? I could, I could-”

“It’s fine! It doesn’t even hurt any more!” Verbena claimed. Sorrel gave him a look, before grabbing at his finger, Verbena scowling as he kept it out of arms reach. Jabbing an elbow into Sorrel’s chest, the boy backed off. He added, “Some of us deserve a good smack or two.”

“Bleck,” Sorrel gagged, massaging his ribs.

Peppermint frowned. “Well the problem with that is that you might, you know, die.” Peppermint nodded.

Rue said, “Old man Burnet didn’t die and he’s old.” Burnet shot her a look, but didn’t follow up.

“If you end up in a full body cast you won’t be able to do anything for like, ever,” Coriander pointed out.

Rue thought for a moment before turning to Peppermint, mouth open with a smile. Cassia reached over and pressed her cheeks together, preventing any words from coming out. Rue talked over their scuff, “I wasn’t gonna say anything bad!”

Not believing her for a second, Coriander suggested, “Maybe you do need a smack…” Peppermint pouted.

As the group quieted down again, Verbena began, “Coriander, I wanna go to Fishman Island one day, for real.”

Coriander stared. “Buh?”

Sorrel mumbled, “But you said you didn’t.”

“That was you.”

“...Oh yeah.”

Verbena continued, “When Mrs. Poppy was patching me up, I was thinking about how the adventurers were treating the fish people like monsters. Maybe they are weird and different, but Peppermint is different and she’s still my friend. I don’t wanna let some other guy decide what I think about the fishfolk: I wanna meet them for myself.”

“Verbena...” Coriander mumbled, impressed with the normally mean spirited young boy.

Peppermint’s eyes flashed with tears, the girl putting down her last bit of food and dropping down from her seat. Running to the other side of the table, she pulled Verbena into a hug. Verbena kept quiet for a few seconds but he did gag out, “Pepper...you’re...hugging...too...hard.” Peppermint gasped, releasing her hold, Verbena splaying out on the table. While Peppermint started to panic, Verbena sat up. “Just kidding~”

There was a bout of laughter, Peppermint managing a smile. She looked to Coriander, wondering, “Are you going to go too?”

Coriander thought for a moment, but she really didn’t need to. She smiled, “We’ll go one day when you’re all big!”

As the kids continued chattering, Burnet sat back and took it all in. The young Verbena choosing to go to Fishman Island, Peppermint staying true to her insistence on being a Marine, and Coriander playing no small part in trying to guide these young folk.

He recalled her words, those of letting the Devil walk freely. He’d heard them before, naturally. Faith wasn’t exactly absent in the Marines by any stretch. But there had been more to the saying: He who lets the Devil walk freely is no better, but he who lets others face the Devil alone is also wicked. Burnet had finally moved into action, but he was only pushed there by Coriander, and now he sat amongst this little miracle. Miracles only happened when people moved into action, after all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago


“...I can explain.”

“You have a minute.” Cadog's fingers tapped his pipe as he took a match to light it, eyes bristling as he leaned forward with one arm on the table.

As the air filled with the scent of tobacco, Haku's eyes turned to their surroundings, not hearing anyone close to them and scanned for any escape routes.

“A month ago, the storms hit Gosa village hard and while there weren’t any pirates to take advantage of it, they’re still left devastated.”

A hum from Cadog was all that passed from his mouth, eyes closed as he brought the pipe to his mouth. Both First Mate and Haku kept a neutral expression, one that the latter already knew prior due to his investigation.

“So with that, I…gave the order to distribute supplies to them discreetly.”

Haku sympathized with that feeling, starvation was not a pleasant thing to see and worse to experience. Frankly, he too might have considered doing the same if he was placed in the captain's shoes.

But unfortunately, the rules are rules.

“Those supplies are for your men and this base so you can carry out your task of fighting pirates, patrol and keeping the peace.” Cadog said coldly as he waved his pipe and gestured to the base. “You can’t fight on an empty stomach, and they’re provided freely from central.”

“What happens if a pirate crew comes, puts you under siege and you no longer have any provisions? Or that the mayor swindled you and pocketed the profits from your supplies?”

“He won’t-”

“You’ll be court marshaled, trust will be lost, and most of all,” Cadog continued as he stood up from his seat, the similar scent of whisky intensifying around him. “An injustice to the people.”

“I’m from Gosa village, sir.”

“Additional charge of conflict of interest.”

“-!” The 77th Marine bit down on whatever comment he wanted to say and clenched his fist tightly at that.

Signs of resistance came but he put ir aside, any struggle was futile and he knew it. They have the same rank but the two might as well be continents apart in terms of strength.

“You’re done, your days in the marine are over.” Cadog delivered his verdict like a judge with a grim face as he let out a long blow of smoke. One that was mirrored by The Firstmate and Haku, the latter in particular, let nothing showed on his face.

Yes, this was supposed to be how it’s done.

Shouldn’t there be more? Haku knows what will happen. The man will be replaced and the crew reshuffled with a new one, Gosa village will go through hard times but things eventually go back to normal after that.

But was it really justice?

This man was still doing justice, wasn’t he? No one deserves to starve and he helped the people he had sworn to protect.

Can he really stand and let nothing happen?

”...If I may?” Haku finally spoke up, drawing the attention of the First Mate and 77th Captain but Cadog kept his eyes forward. A brief puff of his smoke pipe and wave indicated that Haku can speak his mind.

“According to the law, he should be punished and lose his position but as it is, it won’t solve the current problem with Gosa village.” Haku led with that explanation first as he exchanged glances with the guilty man.


“I propose, as part of his responsibility, to fix the mistakes and earn those supplies back while also helping out Gosa village in the day-to-day work. It’s lacking in fishery but there are still unclaimed areas that can be turned into farms or poultry raising.”

“...No overstepping of boundaries, and still within procedures” The First Mate replied after a moment of thought and running through the legal system in his head as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “A modified version of the precedent set before, as per article-”

“Not good enough.”

Haku kept his lips tight, as if struck physically by Cadog’s rejection while the latter stood up even from his seat which took all of their attention with breath held.

“If a man transgresses this much, such punishment is not enough.” Cadog rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. “You think the Marine laws is that simple? The law is the law, it’s what keeps the peace here in East Blue.”

“Letting it lax, even for a moment, will invite disaster. So an example must be set." Cadog thumbed the end of of his pipe and cut out the air to snuff the slow burning tobacco.

“So your punishment will be to dedicate your entire life to the marines and the village. Until death, only then, can it be enough.”

Haku eyebrow rose, doesn’t that mean-?

“Additionally,” Cadog finally turned to Haku and met his gaze before returning to the 77th Captain. “Giving things out for free is taboo, but that’s a different case if you’re trading it for services.”

“...Beg pardon, sir?”

“You, captain, are simply giving those supplies out as investment and future. Future for Gosa village youth as they’ll one day join the marines just as well.”

Haku took a moment to process what’s going on at that, wasn’t it the same and Cadog frowned on it?

“Ah, a deposit sir?” The First Mate followed up immediately as he straightened his back, finally getting into Cadog’s scheme. “Then yes, article 126, subsection 9. Similar to how the World Government and above does things.”

Haku scrunched his head before recognizing that one after a moment. There was a missing keyword, one that all present won't and can’t say it out loud without getting into a mire of contradiction especially since it wasn’t that long ago that the law was changed.

After all, falling under the status of a slave often meant being closer to being classified as property.

Distaste flowered in his mouth but in this case, Haku kept quiet about it as the 77th Captain also looked conflicted at that.

But it was an exit.

“The pay will still come from you and your marines but!” Cadog held a fist and smirked. “It won’t be against the law.”

The 77th Marine looked on with a frown at first before it widened to a small laugh as he saluted at Cadog. "Thank you sir, this worthless marine will dedicate his life to others!"

“Now hold on, we’re not done yet-”

Gosa village, previously quiet for the day before, was much busier as Marines from 77th base was currently helping through the village. From catching fish, repairing buildings, and making clearings for chicken raising.
“Alright, boys, move those right there! Chop chop!” The 77th captain, bereft of his coat, and uniform, was working hard with the Mayor, sorting things, and placing his men where they benefit the most.

After all, even as marines, they still had to maintain parts of the base and some had experience from family trade.

Usually, they had to patrol the waters and looked out for any threats but they had time for now and focused on putting all their manpower into this. Alleviating most of the troubled folks as everything was brought back to full operation.

From afar and into the seas, from the deck of the Marine battleship Kirin, Cadog observed the men working from the poop deck dispassionately as he leaned over with one arm. His smoking pipe lit but not taking a puff from it.

What a troublesome person. He idly thought, giving him so much extra work. A moment later with a click of his tongue, Cadog stretched his neck as another person joined him at the top.

“Sir, we have sent our latest request to headquarters. They’ve approved it.” Haku quietly said as he crawled to the top without anyone noticing. “Extra supplies, due to our presence being extended and because of extra training to be given to the 77th Marine base.”

One that he had to write the report, request and then send via Den Den Mushi. Though what surprised him was the response, HQ had agreed to Cadog’s request without much argument.

“Hmph, then we better do our part. You memorized the patrol routes?”

“Yes, all routes, areas and potential places for pirates to make a hideout, sir.” He quickly replied as Cadog broke his train of thought. While it was already mapped out, it's still worth taking multiple looks to ferret pirates out to make a mistake and he hadn't been part of the operations just yet.

“Good, you’ll be the first on each landing.”

“Very well, sir.”


“Yes?” Haku halted himself as he looked towards Cadog, the latter looking much more relaxed than usual.

“What you observed?”

Eyes turned towards the village, it was certainly more lively and will be getting into shape faster as he squinted his eyes. “...The men working?”

“Speed of the operation and time this was resolved.” Cadog’s sharp voice returned as his eyes rolled at Haku’s answer.

“Fast, decisive, and acting on proper information. The speed was also quick as HQ was more receptive than expected.” Haku listed out his deduction before a thought crept to him from earlier. “Do you often do this?”

“Hah, investigation? No, not all the time.” Cadog chuckled at that as he threw his head back at that and lowered his hat. "But training? Oh yes, I whip the east blue lads so they’re worth the salt whenever I can!”

“I see.”

“But this could’ve blown up into a storm. I still have half a mind to kick that man out of the Marines and I have to ensure reports on him come in regularly because of that.”

Gosa village was helped thanks to you, and as you say, more people will come to the Marines now,” Haku replied at that, repeating Cadog words back as the latter just grumbled annoyingly.

“And thank you for listening to me.”

“You’re still green,” Cadog mumbled as he looked to the skies. “Don’t go thinking everyone is like that.”

“Understood,” Haku repeated as he stood straighter, knowing just how treacherous the people that lived out there. Some by choice, others forced due to circumstances.

So to see people who still truly want to help, even if it meant going against regulations, was heartening. The world needs more of them, after all, if only more people had helped back then perhaps his mothe-

“But still, thank you.” He cut himself short and gave a deep bow instead of the salute. “I’ll make sure to keep the lesson in mind, observe, gather information, decide and judge.”

“Executing judgement doesn’t end there. You need to pick the pieces up afterwards.” Cadog added. “If only some of the Marines understood this-”

Haku pretended not to hear that part and closed his eyes at that, he had heard enough...’feedback’ about the state of the Marines and World Government to last a lifetime.

Good thing that Cadog was saved due to his achievements and slurred his words when he was drunk, an advent that was now significantly harder thanks to his devil fruit.

“You get all that, you sun-dried squid?”

“I will ensure that the pieces will be indeed picked up, no matter what.” He replied without missing a beat as Cadog ended his rant and bowed slightly, it wasn’t a promise but a statement. One that Haku intend to follow through no matter what.

“...Aye, you’ll do that. Good. That’s good.” Cadog said as he took his flask, and nearly emptied it in one swig as he drank it akin to water and not a high grade of whisky that would’ve floored normal people. “If only every problem was just like this. What do you think of East Blue so far?”

“It’s very peaceful,”

Soft. This wasn’t a place where conflict was always just around the corner, its seas and people reflected it.

“Not used to it?”

Weak. He can hardly imagine pirates that are strong enough to stand up to them in a head on fight in this seas if the 77th Marines are the standard.

“No.” Haku replied before glancing at the shrinking island of Gosa Village.

But camaraderie of the 77th Marine base, people, and kindness. It was a taste of home and an oasis where he longed for it after years.

He smiled warmly in return. “But I don’t dislike it.”

“Hah!” That earned a laugh from Cadog before he slapped Haku on the shoulders and turned towards the crew beneath him. “Alright, that’s enough loafing then you sea dog! All of you, full speed ahead! We have plenty of area to cover!”

“Aye aye, captain!” The Kirin crew replied as one, swinging into action as Haku was already down below to help the crew unfurl the mast. Some of them even sang and hummed as one.

Cadog took one last glance at Gosa village before turning his back and onwards to new horizons in this ever-blue sea.

[First Arc Completed]

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
Avatar of LostDestiny

LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

It didn’t take Maxwell long to realize that he had no clue what to spend his money on. The other members of the crew usually spent their money on alcohol ,or women, or even gambled it all away but none of that interested Maxwell. He tried alcohol before and found it rather unpleasant, he never understood paying for people, and found the whole idea of it just wrong, and though gambling seemed a little interesting he wasn’t sure he was willing to risk losing his hard earned money like that. So his first day of freedom had been spent wandering around the territory looking for things to do, only to realize that Brutos hadn’t really decided to have anything but those three options within his area. So with a deep sigh Maxwell quickly realized that if he wanted to find some sort of ‘clean’ entertainment he would have to leave the relative safety of Brutos’ territory. The idea of that honestly made the young male very nervous, he had not left the safe areas since joining with Brutos and he had no clue who outside of the territory knew about Max and his importance to the shark.

The next few days Maxwell would walk to the edge of the territory and then chicken out and turn around. Deciding instead to spend the day reading or playing card games alone. By the time he finally built up the courage to leave it had already been five days since the fleet left. Five days Maxwell had wasted, and five days the rumors about Maxwell had time to spread around the nearby territories and to various Muckracker’s ears. This of course was unbeknownst to the young brunette who set off into the neighboring territories cautiously but excited.

Most of his day was uneventful, just Maxwell wandering around enjoying the day. He managed to find a theater that had a few plays and acts to watch so he spent some time there just relaxing and enjoying the various entertainment. By the time he had grown tired of sitting and watching the sun had gone down and Maxwell figured it would be safer to head back rather than explore any of the night life activities, which he was sure was just drinking and gambling anyway, so he started his trek home.

He was just about to enter Brutos’s territory when he was intercepted by several large intimidating men. “Out for a stroll are we boy?” The man who appeared to be the group’s leader questioned Maxwell as he blocked the smaller male’s way.

“Just heading home actually.” Maxwell managed to get out without stuttering. He honestly hated talking to random people.

“You live in the shark’s territory? Must be rough, Brute ain’t just in the fishman’s name you know.” One of the other men remarked as he strode up to wrap his arm around Max’s shoulders like they were good pals.

“It’s fine.” Was the only answer that Max could get out as his body stiffened and his eyes went to the ground. He didn’t know what these men were up to but he didn’t like it. Something malicious was rolling off of them.

“Say, you look familiar.” The leader remarked leaning in to get a closer look at Maxwell’s face.

The third man, who had been silent up to this point, moved in closer as well. “Boys I think we have us Brutos’s little runt.” There was a knowing look on the other two’s faces.

“Well well, I think you are right Fitz.” The leader said as he stood back up at his full height. “Rumor has it that the runt is Brutos’s greatest asset, what say we take it for ourselves shall we?”

It was at this point Maxwell fully processed what was happening. He needed to think of a way out of this. Brutos was bad to work for but there was no telling how much worse someone else would be. “I have no clue what you are on about. I j-just work at Wizban’s Trader Emporium.” Max’s voice betrayed him, his nervous stutter coming out as he tried to lie his way out of his situation.

“Really? I ain’t never seen you there.” The third one said, a sly smirk on his lips. “Well, not without one of Riptide’s goons that is.”

Maxwell felt the knot in his stomach tighten, he hadn’t even realized it was there until then. Every muscle in his body was tight as well, sprung up like an animal ready to bolt, which is exactly what he did next. The loose grip on his shoulders was not enough to hold him in place and it seemed the men hadn’t expected him to be stupid enough to make a run for it, but what other choice did Maxwell have, he couldn’t fight them.

He felt fingertips graze the back of his shirt in an attempt to grab him but the small male was too quick, at least for now. The three men hadn’t been ready for the quick escape but a moment later Max could hear footsteps behind him chasing him deeper into whoever’s territory this happened to be. They had been blocking him from making a quick escape back into Brutos’s area.

The chase was short lived Maxwell was fast sure but he didn’t know these streets and he quickly found himself in a dead end. When he swung around to attempt to go another way the quieter man of the group was right there ready to grab him. Maxwell tried to swerve away from his grasp but the man managed to grab him by both the back of his neck and his hair. He pulled Maxwell back into him roughly causing him to yelp in pain. Then the other two caught up.

“Nice try kid, but we ain’t stupid. We knew who you were the moment we saw you. We also know about your little power. No wonder Brutos is so good at getting information on the rats on this island. He has his own little pied piper controlin the critters on the island.” The man who appeared to be the leader said as he stopped in front of the now restrained Maxwell. “Too bad his little asset decided to go wanderin off on his own in my territory. Should have stayed home little man.” With that he nodded to the man who held onto him and Maxwell felt a blow to his head before everything went black.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Northern Financial

Legacy of the Nychthemeron Empire: A Dramatic Follow-Up, Gakure Ooshinra

Yesterday was the 15th Anniversary of the fall of the Nychthemeron Empire. Northern Financial ran an accompanying article, discussing the history of the island and the fallout of its destruction at the hands of the three Admirals of the time, Admiral Kinryu, Admiral Gintora, and Admiral Konjoinu. But recent events have brought Nychthemeron into the eyes of the world once again. Several remnants of the Empire, led by former Prefect Marcus Istria, had been a festering wound on the North Blue for years, committing numerous small times thefts and murders in anonymity as they hid from the world at large. Their crimes were discovered by veteran Captain Stewart Arbor, who valiantly fought and was wounded by Marcus 15 years ago on Eclipsis, continuing to serve and excel even with his injury. But Marcus had also been harboring the unthinkable: Princess Luna Nox, the half-mink child of Comet Nox still lives. Emperor Comet Nox was at the center of many rumors and claims of the Nychthemeron Empire’s planned treason, and he was known to consort with pirates and criminals publicly. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as Marcus’ bandit band was not so different from pirates themselves. Luna has inherited the ferocity of the former bestial Emperor, Arbor only barely escaping with his life, marking her as highly dangerous. The World Government bounty office has called for Luna’s capture, dead or alive, no doubt wanting to put the Empire to bed as the night demands, once and for all.

Southern Press

Let There be Light! World Changing Discovery, Dan Dan Romney

The brilliance of invention can come from the most unlikely of places. Several years ago, the Special Science Group splintered as a result of the crimes of Dr. W, its brilliant members lacking direction without his guidance. Despite the collection of great minds, the lack of results has led to several budget cuts, only leading to further lack of discovery. Dr. W may have been the center of the world of science once, but against all odds, the Gamma Group making Wardenclyff Island their home have put the SSG back on the map. They brought this reporter right to their base so they could show their findings, a wonderful little invention called the ‘lightbulb’. Trapping lightning in a glass bottle is no longer a cute phrase: with a small glass tube, they have created a light source brighter than flame and a fraction as hot. It’ll still burn, but one can touch it without risking the spread of dangerous fire. It can also last without constant consumption of physical fuel sources. Their current sample has been lit for an entire month with only a constant source of electricity! Envisioning nights lit to daylight, humans have once again surpassed their innate fears of the dark. Not quite with flying colors, only the one shade of soft yellow, for now. Head of the Gamma Group, Ed Foneson, is already in talks with his fellow Group Heads and even the Godhead of Science and Defense, Saint Carina Jorgenson himself, as these brilliant minds try to conceptualize a world that runs through the lightbulb. Other potential uses of electricity are no doubt going to be investigated. This reporter is glad to have been blessed with the chance to offer some good news, a much needed point of light in dark times.

Sunset Daily

A Sudden City of Ghosts, Cause of Disappearance Still Unknown, Letourneau Sconce Erik

Pinchton Island is no more. Though a small community, a former lawless land that hardly attracted much tourism, a year without word was far too long. Recent investigation has revealed that the island is completely and utterly abandoned. There’s no evidence of violence or disaster: not a corpse to be found. It’s as though the whole city got up and sailed away. The missing possessions might imply as such, or they might imply looters who skimmed through sometime after the abandonment. This isn’t the first time the West has fallen victim to such strange happening: over 15 years ago, half a dozen islands were found to have most of their citizens taken, the rest sworn to silence, if there were any left. Cannon Island, Saltern Island, and Shaker Yost were just a few. Now these places are truly abandoned, and empty, those who remained gone with the wind. Some argue supernatural causes, others believe it’s a divine retribution cast against those who are not in full support of the holy World Government. It could just as easily be the work of pirates, or a bizarre power. The world has been known to possess stranger things.

East Today

Finding Footing for the Future, Kanba Mio

These are more than troubled times. Even this journalist know for her laughs can’t so easily make light of that. The Grime King, the Witch of Webs, the Devil’s Legion: the news is full of terror and travesty, and has for as long as this reporter can remember, even before the descent of the Devil on Marie Geoise. But sometimes something happens that makes the future a little more bright. The East Blue has been a paradise of peace for decades. It’s produced the least pirates and infamous criminals of all the Blue Seas, and Marines often bemoan their assignment there as dreary and dull, not knowing how good they have it. But there’s been a rumbling from Gosa Village, as the 77th works towards its future. After a long period of stagnancy, the village has been set into motion again as the Marines take an active role in the community, rebuilding after a devastating storm just a month ago. While protecting the people is a Marine obligation, going so far is not. And it isn’t without reimbursement. The World Military Draft was first used after the tragedy at Marie Geoise 18 years ago to refurbish ranks. Detractors, such as Admiral Gintora, felt as though the vagueness of the Draft left it exploitable, at worse becoming a sort of slavery (something long since outlawed for humans, even well before the Fishfolk Emancipation of 1445). While the original version was rather fleeting (even if its effects can still be observed today), more recent revisions have allowed it to be put into place again, with certain restrictions. Gosa has become one of the first regions to make use of this new system. Marines assist the community, and in training and educating the young, they will become part of the Marines: a symbiosis that avoids the nasty ‘slavery’ connotation of the original World Military Draft. Building the future of the Marines, something often remarked on by experts as a broad failing of the current administration. As it stands, this reporter believes the East Blue can serve as a model for the rest of the world, one mired in conflict. A skeptic needs only ask those of those others seas how they feel. What’s worse than a lack of peace?

New Bounties
60 million beri - “Waning Moon” Luna Nox
1.5 million beri - “Snake-Eyes” Andou
Eclipsis Island, North Blue

“What the hell would anyone want with this place?” mumbled Lieutenant Jayrod, the young man adjusting his sunglasses as he looked over the once grand island. The crumbled stone was scarred beyond belief, the whole island’s shaped changed through destruction wrought by the Admirals of 15 years ago. Spikes of earth and ripped foundations left a trail of ruin throughout. Burn marks of all kinds scoured the sides of all sorts of construction, and the remains of all sorts of weapons and rubble still littered the city.

“It’s not my idea of a vacation…” mumbled Rear-Admiral Mexus, stroking his straight mustache.

In awe at the destruction, Jayrod wondered, “I still don’t get it. I understand that treason is worth investigating or retaliating against, but this?”

Mexus let there be a moment of silence, before admitting, “You were young when it happened, right?”

Jayrod gave a nod. “I think I was 6 or so.”

“It was a different time then. I’ll bet even as a 3 year old toddler you remembered where you were when you heard about the Devil’s attack on Marie Geoise.” Jayrod winced. It had all felt alien to him, but seeing the adults discuss things and panic while the capital of the world and its Gods were under attack half the world away...even if he couldn’t process it then, it felt massive, and unreal. “People were scared. Still are. Men aren’t supposed to be able to challenge the world of the Gods. We’re still feeling the damage. The upper brass was hit just as much as the lower brass. Malay’s still trying to get our military might back. When you think to back then, even if the Government was just jumping at shadows, we were more than ready to just sit back and let it happen. Never again, and all that...not that this is much better.” With a long sigh, he pivoted slightly. “The timing’s odd too, Eclipsis has been a bit news worthy. The paper today mentioned the princess of this place is still alive.”

“Wait, really? We’ve been on our way here for weeks now! That’s crazy,” Jayrod gawked.

Mexus muttered, “Huh, you’re right. No way she’d have… Well, honestly, it’s none of my business. To each their own.”
High heels disturbing the gravel, black dress floating above the refuse, a young woman walked through the long vacant city streets, head high, gaze unfixed. Eyes and feet both wandered as she swept through the city like a specter. Occasionally, something would catch her interest, and she would stop: a cat poking about, a hand reduced to bone sticking from rubble, and old book rotted from years of open weather. Rather than something or nothing, she seemed to seek everything, absorbing the locale in its totality. The air, the earth, the sky, the grass, the stone, the rubble, the fauna, the objects, the remains, the aura. She took nothing and left only footprints, and yet, somehow, it was all hers all the same.

Walking alongside a fence, her feet moved in a single line with arms outstretched to hold her balance. Then there was a shuffling around her. Slipping out of shadows and shallows, about half a dozen men moved in on her, brandishing cutlasses or rusted weapons scavenged from the ruins. Their clothes tattered, faces haggard, they’d seen better times. But the woman didn’t even register them, continuing on like nothing happened.

“Hey, you!” one of them called, moving forward as the woman started past him. She lowered her arms, pace relaxing for a bit, then he moved ahead of her. She stopped dead, looking down. “You deaf? Or stupid?”

“There’s no shadow,” the woman noted, her feet on a sunny patch of pavement. Behind her, the fence had formed the path she’d walked in the ground, but she’d stepped away onto the area another shadow had been. “You moved, so I lost.”

“You’re about to lose more than some game, lady. You’re with that Marine vessel, huh? You look pretty important. You’ll make a good hostage so we can get back at that Max fellow,” said the biggest man, a de facto leader.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know anyone by that name,” said the woman.

A wiry sort gave a shiver as he replied, “H-he’s the Marine Captain who captured our crew. We jumped ship, and you’ll be worth their release, I’ll bet!”

“Hmmmm...that won’t happen.”

“Th-th-there’s n-no way th-that’s t-true!” chattered the leader.

“H-hey, why is it s-so c-cold all of a s-s-sudden?” muttered one of the pirates, his breath turning to fog in the air as a cloud masked the sun over Eclipsis.

The woman tilted her head back, face as stoic as ever. “Out of the frying pan, and into the fire? No, not quite,” she whispered, as something small and white glistened in front of her as it drifted. It was steadily joined by more, one of the pirates holding out his hand to feel the biting chill of a snowflake for just a moment before it melted. “Not with me.”

Eyes shooting open with panic, the pirate survivors scattered, but that descriptor would soon fail to describe them as they became buried alive in a freak snowstorm on Eclipsis Island, striking mid spring against all logic, at least for a Blue Sea. Jayrod and Mexus were among the witnesses, watching from a distance, the attention of many crew mates grabbed as the wind picked up, chill air meeting their cheeks and lungs. The isolated phenomenon was strangely beautiful and haunting, the snow shining in the sunlight as it blew down like a tiny avalanche, forming a pillar of white in the center of the island, settling into gray as the thin layer came to rest on the dirty ruin.

Within the hour, the woman returned up the gangplank. “It’s rather nice today, I’ll be on the deck reading a book I found. If you would start the course back home to Marineford, Rear-Admiral?”

Lieutenant Jayrod’s mouth hung open, but Mexus merely saluted, “Yes ma’am!” As she went off, heading to the other side of the deck, Jayrod stammered, “Wh-wh-what? She came here for a book?”

Mexus shook his head. “I don’t know why she came here. It’s more likely she just found it in a house somewhere and thought it was interesting.”

“Then what did we waste our time on this expedition for?”

Mexus turned back to the island, where the snowfall was still visible even from the shoreline, even though the snow would be gone within a day or so, melted and evaporated into nothing. “I heard they were strange, but Malay’s pupils really are something.”

A ways away, the young woman leaned back on a reclining chair, the book creaked as she opened it, pages not having touched air in over a decade. Within moments, she gave a long sigh of disappointment, “Ah, I’ve read this one before...” [Vice-Admiral Névé, Prospective Admiral Shirohitsuji, Snow-Snow Fruit]
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 days ago



Morgan was resting at his home early in the morning, not able to quite find rest to sleep yet too tired to do anything really productive. Caught reading a book, his butler, Willem walks by and pours him another cup of rest-inducing tea.

“Terrible night for sleeping sir?” Willem asked and Morgan nodded in silence.
“I think it’s the moon. Stirs all the men on the island crazy.” the Butler spoke, glancing out from the quarters towards Huitzil Castle on top of the spiral mountain where the moon appeared perched upon its walls. Morgan turned the page of the book, an adventure novel from his childhood, one written by Sasuke Ozar, an adventurer from the Grandline and the first to provide comprehensive maps of the area nowadays known as The Devil's Sea.

“I will bring you some light eating for the early morning, sir.” Willem promised as he vanished into the kitchen to start preparing cold cuts for the Baron. Morgan sipped the tea, slightly cold. His finger traveled from the handle to the bottom of the cup, his fingernail turning into a small but intense flame that quickly made the water steam into the perfect temperature.

The morning was interrupted by shouting from the outside, the guards rushing to the front door, knocking and hollering as Morgan emerged from his study. Willem was greeting them at the door, and Jack exited from his bedroom in the opposite wing from Morgans. The young man was carrying the blue-haired soldier of Solstone. Morgan knew the man with the blue hair - Tagoma.

“TAGOMA… HE’S HURT. Lao that bastard! And then…. And then the prince, he… Good star in heaven.” The boy panted in a panic.

“What’s your name? What about the prince?” Morgan ordered, nodding for Willem to tend to Tagoma’s wounds, peering outside it was clear that there were more wounded than just Tagoma.

“Cerulean, sir. Cavean Cerulean, Baron.” Morgan nodded at the confirmation “And it was… It was Aztec. We were fighting Lao and his triad goons when Aztec showed up. Beat the piss out of all of us.

“Why were you fighting the Solar Triad? I was not consulted.” The baron stated firmly, ensuring Cerulean that their actions lacked justification.

“It was about the mines, sir. The Triad are attacking our miners, breaking up our shifts and threatening our union.” Tagoma spoke, as Cerulean was dumbfounded at the question. Morgan nodded, Willem giving him first aid.

“How are they attacking our men?” The former Ashbringer’s voice rang out, the boys eyes widening upon seeing their childhood hero in person.

“Harassing them at home, underpaying our deliveries and making sure our men’s shifts are shorter and more dangerous than those in the triad’s union.” Tagoma and Cerulean both tried to explain. Morgan and Jack nodded. They would have to handle this, and as with all things related to the triad it was never gonna be fun.

“And what about the prince?” The Baron inquired as he put on his coat and grabbed his cane. Jack was grabbing his overcoat and hat.

“He beat the sunlight out of us for fun. Lao and his guys, too. We heard the striders arrive as well as some marines, something about an assassin and needing to protect Aztec. Barely crawled away in the chaos.”

“There was some girl setup to shoot him or something.” Tagoma began, with Cerulean finishing.

“Someone's already coming to poach Hexxer's bounty, money will drive the desperate mad. You should have come to me with this before you took matters into your own hands. I’ll handle this. You boys rest up. Willem, ensure the two young men as well as their wounded companions outside have everything they need till I return.”

“Certainly sir. Do you two ruffians take one or six sugars in your tea?”

“Uh… Two?”

“So uncivilized…”

”What are you gonna do, Morgan?” Jack was putting his jacket over his arms as they were moving away from the manor.

”We’re heading to the union offices. I need to speak to the foreman. The triad wouldn’t be openly attacking our workers if they weren’t playing a bigger game.”

”Should we call Stede?”

”Why bother him when he’s finally drank himself to sleep. I’ll call upon him when I know there’s fighting to be had.”

”That’s the spirit BWAHA” Jack chuckled heartily as the two headed off to the coast of Solstone to speak with the foreman in charge of the mines.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The scene that played out before her was a gruesome one. The man who seemed to interrupt the scene of the two gangs, she wasn’t actually sure if they were gangs but couldn’t think of anyone else who would casually blow up a street, had taken to absolutely ripping apart the two sides. Annabelle, despite wanting to, could not turn away. The scene was simultaneously fascinating and nauseating. The man seemed to have no side in the fight, and simply enjoyed causing carnage. The assassin almost wondered if she should hire him to come cause trouble on Haster. Things would certainly get done. A ruckus would certainly be made. She knew better though, a man like that would only make Haster worse off than it currently was.

Anna had been so distracted by the scene she was viewing through her scope that she didn’t initially hear Jazz cawing to get her attention. Not until she heard the sounds of footsteps much to close for comfort. She opened her other eye and moved away from her scope only to see several marines looking up at her, their own guns pointed in her direction.

“Put the weapon down and come down from there.” One of them called up to her as she surveyed the situation. It seemed they hadn’t initially known she was there, it was likely they had only seen her by accident. One marine being much more observant than the others.

“You are pointing your weapons the wrong way, the trouble is that way.” Annabelle pointed toward the dock where she was sure the carnage was still going on.

“Get down immediately. You are under arrest for the attempted assassination of Prince Aztec.” Another one called from somewhere to the side of her. She looked in the direction to see a Marine clambering clumsily onto the roof adjacent to the one she was on.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding, I was simply observing the carnage you are so clearly ignoring.” Annabelle was stalling, looking for a clean escape. It only took her a moment to find one, it seemed the marines hadn’t fully circled her building. In an instant she bolted for her way out. A gunshot was heard and her senses were suddenly filled with a searing pain before the adrenaline forced it away. A shot had grazed her arm. Someone was trigger happy and it wasn’t her. “Damn Marines.” Annabelle muttered as she secured the rifle onto her back with its strap and nimbly jumped from the roof, bolting into the streets and side passages. She had no particular direction in mind, just away. Though she couldn’t help a final quip as she landed on the ground. “If I was trying to kill your beloved Prince he would already have a bullet dead between his eyes.” A small play on her own assasin name.

She heard the sounds of footsteps pursuing her but she was fast, and nimble. She had been in her fair share of chases before. Not every job was a clean escape. And she knew better than to head in the direction of the place she was staying. She would have to make a wide circle once she lost her pursuers.

Some Time Later

It took her close to 20 minutes to be sure she lost the men chasing her, and another hour to circle back carefully to the inn she was staying in. Another hour for Jazz to make it back as she had sent the bird off on his own, partially in hopes that he would be able to trick the Marines off her trail, and partially because she didn’t want the bird to end up getting shot.

Speaking of being shot. The wound on her right shoulder wasn’t that deep but it sure hurt like hell and it still bled quite a bit. When she made it back to her room at the inn she stashed assassin gear, mask, gun and coat and then went straight to the bathroom to clean and treat the wound but now her right shoulder was throbbing in pain, wrapped in gauze and bandages. She finally had time to process what had happened.

The man, no, the monster she had been watching was actually Aztec, the Prince that was supposedly the target of the Hexxer. No wonder someone wanted him dead, he was a menace. She wouldn’t be shocked if it was the royal family themselves who put the hit out. No self respecting leaders would want that kind of behavior from one of the Princes. If she had only pulled the trigger. She was sure the money that someone would have paid would have been more than enough to buy a whole army to help her back on Haster. Too little too late.

It didn’t take long, despite the pain, for her brain to slowly shut off and Annabelle fell into a dreamless, exhausted, sleep. One she did not wake up from until around midday.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 7 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

While the port wasn’t in very good shape, neither was the town, itself. Homes and businesses were run-down in equal measure. Fades signs hung from shops and shutters hung on their hinges or not at all. The few people Luna saw out and about walked with slumped shoulders and spoke in hushed tones, as if they were worried they might be caught saying something they shouldn’t. What struck Luna the most, however, was that the town still bore signs of the vibrance it once had. Cracked planters were overgrown with weeds, but also vibrant flowers that were native to the island, left to grow as wild as the weeds they shared space with. Faded murals adorned the sides of abandoned buildings, some depicting the island from its heyday, when vineyards were numerous and the people were happy. The reminders that things used to be good soured Luna’s mood, but she did her best to keep a lid on her temper.

She and Rufus soon found the bar. Similar to the rest of the town, the bar was run-down and virtually empty, the only occupants being the bartender and a couple of patrons who couldn’t wait until later to start drinking. Luna couldn’t blame them, given what she already knew about the island and the people who now ran it. She and Rufus sat at the bar and the bartender approached them. As they took their seat, Luna felt Rufus nudge her with his elbow and followed his gaze to a poster on the wall. Her eyes met her own as she saw her own wanted poster: “‘Waning Moon’ Luna Nox. Wanted: Dead or Alive.”

“Only sixty million?” she muttered when she saw the number at the bottom of her poster. “That’s kinda disappointing.”

“The point is, they know you’re alive,” Rufus replied in a hushed tone, “so we need to be careful.” A moment later, a thought occurred to him. “Actually…" he muttered thoughtfully. "We play our cards right, we might be able to use that.”

Luna was about to ask how when the bartender approached. He gave Luna a cursory glance, as if curious why she was wearing a cloak, but then seemed to decide asking about it wasn’t worth the trouble. “What’ll it be?”

“A beer for my companion and some water for me,” Rufus replied. As the bartender got to work fulfilling the order, Rufus then said, “My crew and I just pulled into port a little while ago. We heard a lot about this island and the wine you guys made on our voyage, so we were hoping to buy some casks to take home with us, but it looks like you’ve hit some hard times.”

The bartender scoffed as he filled the glasses. “Guess I’m not surprised you haven’t heard. After the government turned Eclipsis to glass, it’s been hard for us to reclaim our old glory,” he muttered sullenly. “A few years ago, these pirates showed up and decided to make themselves at home. They booted the governor from his home and put any naysayers to the sword. Their captain, Sam Low, is a power user, a damn strong one, at that, so there wasn’t much any of us could do.”

He set the filled glasses on the bar and leaned against it. As Luna picked up her beer and brought it to her lips, the bartender said, “The empire never would’ve let this happen to us. If any pirates tried this fifteen years ago, the Legion would’ve had the captain’s head within hours.”

Luna shared a glance with Rufus before the latter turned back to the bartender. He placed some money on the bar, along with a little extra, and said, “Thanks for the info. We’ll let our captain know what’s going on and get out of your hair.”

The bartender looked at the money before sliding it into his hand. “Yeah, sure,” he said. “Just do yourselves a favor and get out of here as soon as you can. If the bastard’s men or his golems catch wind that there’s new prey in the harbor, you might not make it out of here in one piece.”

A little while later, the pair finished their drinks and left the bar. ”Well, that told us jack-shit,” Luna said as she stretched her arms over her head. ”All he did was tell us what we already knew.”

“You weren’t listening very well, then,” Rufus replied teasingly. “At least we know that the pirate captain has a Devil Fruit power. As for which one, I’m pretty sure I’ve read about it, but I’ll need to head back to the ship to double check.”

”You do that,” Luna said, already several paces away. ”I’m gonna take a walk around.”

Rufus opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it with a sigh. He may not have known Luna very long, but he already knew that trying to persuade her to do anything else when she already had her mind set on something was pointless. “Just don’t get into too much trouble!” he called after her, which Luna responded to with a raised hand.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Valery Shimamoto

The dry scratching of a pen against paper and the lapping waves were the only sounds inside of the Marine captain’s quarters. The room was spartan, containing only a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a single bookshelf. A white coat with the word “Justice” emblazoned on the back hung from a hook on a wall. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, illuminating the captain as filled out a report on the operational costs for his ship. His long, black hair was tied back and he wore a black suit with a matching tie and a crimson dress shirt underneath. While his position was only a masquerade, he still treated it as seriously as anyone else would.

There was a knock on the door and the man with two names, “Maxwell Rakham” and “Sol Luminos,” set his pen down. Leaning back in his seat, he rubbed his eyes, sore from focusing on his papers for so long, as he said, ”Enter.”

The door opened and his blonde-haired lieutenant, Rachel Nelson, stepped in. She grinned at her captain as she saluted him. “Sir,” she said, “we’ve received a call via transponder snail that there’s a ship bearing provisions on approach.”

”Good,” he said as he rose to his feet, “it’s about time. We’ve been anchored here for the last couple of hours, waiting for them. Tell the men to prepare to receive them.”

Rachel nodded and left the room as Sol pulled his coat down from the wall. He slipped it over his shoulders, then looked over at the dresser. Sitting on top of it, carefully perched on its stand, was a katana. The guard was metallic gold and in the shape of an octofoil, a shape that repeated five times down the length of the white and gold scabbard, and the color scheme was repeated on the hilt. The sword was light and well-balanced, definitely a mastercraft, but Sol never felt right using it. Every time he wielded the blade, it almost felt like it was constantly reminding him that he wasn’t meant to use it, a sentiment that he couldn’t help but agree with as he thought back to how the sword came into his possession in the first place.

After a brief hesitation, Sol removed the sword from its stand and placed it on his left side. He turned and, shutting the door quietly behind him, left his quarters.

As Valery walked down the dock passing ships parked at their respective gangplanks, he had noticed a crew loading supplies and prepping to set sail shortly. Hitching a ride wouldn’t be an easy task but he had a shot right here. The ship's crew seemed a bit restless yet efficient as they worked with haste. Stationed near the platform was a man shouting out orders and directing the crew every which way, Valery took it that this was likely the captain or first mate at least.

“Hey, are you the captain of this fine ship? She sure is a beauty!” Valery said, his tone slightly raised in order to grab the mana attention. Upon closer examination he could see the rough appearance of this man. He had little hair upon the top of his head and his face and skin seemed weathered, as though he’s been at sea for many years. He wasn’t very tall nor a physical specimen yet he held a large and somewhat intimidating presence.

“Get lost, we're busy!” He shouted as he turned back to his crew. Now grabbing crates as well and helping them load the ship as well. Upon closer examination of the crew there were about 3 in total. One person organized the boxes on the ship while 2 ran to and from the dock alongside the captain. Valery was a bit impressed, he could respect a leader willing to get down and dirty with his crew. The guy seemed stronger than he looked as well as he managed to pick up a crate twice his size with ease. Still it seemed like they could use an extra hand.

“It looks like you guys need an extra hand, I’ll offer my assistance if you’ll allow me to hitch a ride to the next island you stop at.” The man grumbled as he stopped on his tracks and craned his next to the side. He was clearly annoyed as he sized Valery up. “Listen kid, why should I let you board my ship. Last thing I need is some unreliable brat distracting me and my men”

Valery just smirked as he placed his blade to the side and rolling up his sleeves.“Don’t be stubborn, you guys seem to be lacking in man power.” The silver haired boy scoffed, stretching his limbs out. “You seem like a man of his word, if i help out will you give me a ride?” Valery said as he picked up a stack of crates twice his size.

“Fine, just get all this shit on the ship or we’ll be late to meet up with our client.” He scoffed, slightly impressed. “Names Randal Rockaportl by the way.” the man smirked as he led the way for Valery. With the combined help they were able to load the ship and prepare to set sail into the ocean.

“RAISE THE ANCHORS AND LOWER THE SAILS! WE’RE SETTING SAIL AT ONCE” Valery looked around frantically before finding his target, he stretched his hands out before grabbing ahold on the anchor alongside one of the other crewmates. A brunette fellow with short yet curly hair along with some good size. They both pulled the anchor up, freeing the ship from its stationary position. Simultaneously the sails for the ship were released and in a matter of moments they were into North blue.

Valery looked back at Oceansong island, watching it slowly and slowly get smaller. As he looked forward in the distance he could see the light from a ship shining in the vast emptiness of the ocean. “I take it this is your client?”

Randal had been steering the ship towards its destination, he gave Valery a stern nod. “Make sure ya don’t embarrass me. Should be a quick exchange of goods before heading off.” Valery nodded as he shrugged, whatever they were trading wasn’t his business. As long as he was able to get to the next island was all that mattered to him.

Sol slowly walked around the deck of his ship as his crew busied themselves with their tasks, preparing to receive a merchant vessel bearing provisions. He didn’t let his annoyance show, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit irritated that they had to wait so long. He had hoped it would’ve taken half an hour or an hour, tops, and they’d be on their way. Instead, they had wasted two hours doing nothing while they waited for this ship to appear.

“There’s a ship approaching from behind, starboard side!” one of the Marines shouted.

Sol walked over to the starboard side and looked back. As the Marine said, there was a small ship approaching and he found his irritation abating, although only slightly. If there were only a few people crewing the ship, then he figured they couldn’t be completely at fault for being late.

As the smaller ship pulled alongside the much larger Marine ship, Sol approached the gunwale and called down, ”Randal Rockaport, I presume? You’ve kept us waiting. I trust everything is alright?”

Randal sighed audibly, “Indeed, I had a man bail on me last minute. Good riddance either way. Hope all is well with you Captain Maxwell Rakham. Let’s exchange without a moment's haste, I’m sure you and your crew have somewhere to be.”

Valery had been standing to the side, rather still as he watched the captains exchange greetings. Prior to the ships approaching one another he was a bit intrigued by the fact that Randal’s client was the navy. He was pretty interested in this fact as he saw it as the perfect opportunity to gather some intel.

Randals crew connected both ships with a gangplank and began the transfer of goods. Valery assisted as well as he took a large crate and carried it over, his balance was on display as it wasn’t very easy keeping steady on the shifting seas.

Upon placing the first box down he took a better look at this Rakham fellow, his eyes widening at what he saw attached to the man's belt. Immediately he dropped the boxes and placed his hand on the hilt of his own sword.

“I’m only going to ask once…where did you get that sword?” Valery said as he strained the words out of his mouth with a violent hiss.

Sol had been looking over the manifest that Randal had given him when he heard Valery’s question. He slowly turned his head as he fixed his dark eyes on Valery’s. He held his gaze for a moment before he looked down at the young man’s hand on his sword, then met his eyes once again. He handed the manifest to Lieutenant Nelson as he quietly said, ”I don’t see the need to answer that question. Now, I suggest you remove your hand from your weapon and return to your ship or else I’ll have to arrest you for threatening a Marine officer.”

Valery’s gaze didn’t waver in the slightest at Rakham’s threat. He had already steeled his nerves for this moment over the past year. A mixture of emotions filled the boys head, at first it was shock but as he recalled all the moments that happened since he last saw his father, he was overcome by rage. All he needed was confirmation, whether he spoke or not.

“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” Randal yelled at the top of his lungs. He was beyond pissed at the situation.

Valery ignored Randal’s comment as he unsheathed his blade. “That sword doesn’t belong to the navy and definitely not on your side. I’ll take it back by force if needed” Val gripped his blade with two hands tightly as he lunged at Rackham.

“Crescent Moon slash!” Valery chanted as he swung the blade underhanded across Rackhams chest with great force.

The attack would never hit its mark. As unhurriedly as if he were simply stepping aside to let someone pass, Sol sidestepped Valery’s attack, his eyes following the blade as it arced past him. “How dare you?!” Lieutenant Nelson shouted at Valery as she reached to unwrap the blade of her glaive.

“At ease, lieutenant,” Sol calmly replied, stopping his second-in-command from joining the fight. “I will handle this matter, myself.” He turned to the soldier he was now standing beside and held his hand out. “Ensign, may I borrow your weapon? Sheathed, please.”

The soldier glanced at the sword at Sol’s side, as if wondering why he wouldn’t simply use that one, but was quick to obey the order as he slid the sword from his belt and handed it to his captain. Sol took the weapon and then moved a couple of paces toward Valery, his body language relaxed and the borrowed sword at his side.

As he regarded the younger swordsman, Sol had an inkling of why Valery was so angry, so desperate to retrieve the sword that hung at his side. That didn’t matter to him, though. The way he saw it, he needed the sword more than this stranger did, at least for now. “Come at me, then,” Sol said as he aimed the sheathed sword at Valery with his right hand. “If you can so much as land a single blow on me or take the sword from my belt, I’ll let you leave with it.”

Valery watched as his sword sailed through the air with no sign of success. The boy halted his momentum by digging his boots hard into the wooden floorboards of the navy ship, kicking up dust before coming to a stop. With haste he returned to a neutral posture, his sword upright as he held it with both hands. His eyes shifted from person to person, as he waited for the other marines to react. He turned his attention first to a blonde haired woman who was the first out of Maxwell's unit to react as she reached for her blade. Before Valery could prepare to counter, Maxwell intervened, referring to the blonde woman as lieutenant.

The captain was taking matters into his own hand as he asked politely to use one of his soldiers' blades. Valery was a bit confused as to why he preferred to use a comparatively inferior weapon in this battle. A myriad of thoughts raced through the boy's head, perhaps he was gauging his strength or even underestimating him based on that first attack. Even more so, Maxwell seemed rather relaxed and confident as he approached Valery. His wager was proof of the man underestimating Valery’s skill as he offered to give back the sword if he was able to land a hit.

“Oh? You’re that confident I can’t land a hit on you?” Valery said in an annoyed tone. His confusion vanished as his expression returned to a fit of rage.

“Alright” Valery said as he lunged forward, once in range he planted his right foot firmly.

“Moonlight Style: Endless Waltz!” He exclaimed before delivering an onslaught of slashes upon his foe without break. The strikes came from all directions and were strung together with notable skill. To the untrained eye, it seemed as though the strikes Valery was executing were nothing more than a fury of brutal swings. Though with someone who possesses experience with a sword or even a well seasoned fighter, a faint tune could be heard as Valery's sword sliced the air. As though he was playing a melody and it’s each swing of a sword a note was being played.

Sol arched an eyebrow as he noticed the quiet tune resounding from Valery’s sword with each swing, surprised he used a form similar to his own. He sidestepped, ducked, and wove between each slice, his eyes darting from Valery’s weapon to his shoulders, and even his feet, taking careful note of the positions of each part of his opponent’s body as he anticipated each strike. Finally, having seen enough, Sol flipped his borrowed weapon in his hand, now holding it in a reverse grip, and blocked an overhead strike. ”Your form’s pretty decent,” he said. ”You’ve had a good teacher. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the star pupil. However, you’re still much too early to try your hand against someone like me.”

With that, he angled his sword slightly and let Val’s slide down the length of the sheathed blade to get him off balance before he lashed out with his knee, intending to drive it into his chest. His left hand behind his back, he flipped his weapon again and stood at the ready. ”I’m starting to run low on time to entertain you,” he warned. ”I’ll give you two more chances. Come at me.”

A look of shock came over Val’s face as Maxwell evaded each and every attack. He even had enough time to respond and spark a bit of banter.

“Oh y-“was the only thing he could say before his opponent made their move and counter-attacked. As Valery felt himself become off balance and leaned forward for a perfectly placed knee.

“Ghhaah!” He exhaled as he felt the wind get knocked out of his body before flying into one of the cargo crates bought aboard. Val nearly dropped his sword from the blow, barely being able to hold on. Maxwell had his full interest now as he mocked him. “Entertain huh…” Valery muttered under his breath, his legs a bit shaky as he got to his feet, resting his sword on his shoulder as he stepped forward once more.

Maxwell was still holding back clearly, and he’s yet to even take a crack at him with weapon in hand. Valery was annoyed by the fact that he was toying with him.

He shifted his blade once more to face his opponent, extending the tip of the sword.

“I’ll make sure to wrap this up quick then” Valery said as he took a step forward, with a deep inhale he took a low stance as he held his sword to the right side of his body. He then leapt forward with his right one foot with immense speed. His muscles twitched as he brought his sword forward, revealing an attack from the right.

“Moonlight Style: Umbra Revolution!” he shouted, before pivoting with his left foot effectively feinting his attack. Valery spun on the ball of his left foot as he swiped at Maxwell's body from the right.

Sol raised an eyebrow at the feint, but didn’t fall for it. His eyes remained fixed on the point of Valery’s sword as it came at him from the other side and his body moved automatically as he ducked underneath the attack. He felt the wind generated by Valery’s blade ruffle his hair as he let his opponent sail past him.

”Not bad,” he said, ”but even when feinting, you want to commit as if you were going to follow through, or else a more experienced swordsman will see through it, like so.”

He turned to face Valery once more and said, ”One more chance. Don’t waste it.”

Valery jumped back, creating a bit of distance between the two of them. Sheathing his sword and holding it at his side as he faced Maxwell once again. Annoyed by his baits, now he was trying to school him.

“Aye aye Captain” he said, taking a deep breath in. Once more he sat on the balls of his feet. He ever so slightly leaned forward as he gathered energy into his feet and muscles. His left hand rested on the hilt of his sword as he stared, his eyes locked on his opponent. Valery held his position for a couple seconds creating tension in the air as the waves crashed into both ships and the smell of the sea permeated the air.

“Moonlight style Iai: New moon”

As the last word left his lips, Valery had lunged from his location in a flash of white. He reappeared in front of Maxwell, pulling his blade from its sheath . His shoulders were parallel with his foe, along with his feet pointed forward showing his intent to strike down his foe. Valery committed all his might into his final attack as he converted his kinetic energy into his swing. His mark was set on a crossbody slash. With a mighty swing he went through with his attack ending up on the opposite side of Maxwell. The residual force speeding among the members aboard the navy ship in the form of a gust of wind.

Sol didn’t move from his spot as Valery quickly closed the distance between the two of them. Valery’s speed seemed to have taken everyone by surprise, if their shocked faces were anything to go by. Nelson called out to Sol, as if she thought he wouldn’t react fast enough as the streak of white closed in on him.

In truth, to Sol, it was as if everything was moving in slow motion. Despite Valery’s admittedly impressive speed, Sol was able to keep track of him, his eyes never leaving the less-experienced swordsman’s. He watched as Valery’s sword arced toward him, glinting in the sunlight as it closed in. Only at the last possible second did Sol react.

”Symphonic Blade: Sforzando.”

Even faster than Valery had been moving, Sol drew his borrowed sword and parried the iai strike. To the Marines and merchants watching, it would appear as if Sol hadn’t moved at all, yet his sword was suddenly drawn. ”You’re skilled, there’s no doubt about that,” he admitted. ”But you’re still too early. You overestimated yourself, let yourself believe you were capable of more than you currently are. I’m sure you were the best at your dojo, but I’m afraid that doesn’t amount to much out here.”

The sword in Valery’s hand suddenly shattered, shards of steel glinting in the sunlight as they fell to the deck. Sol slowly turned toward Valery as their spectators grew quiet. Holding onto his sword with both hands, he brought it to his shoulders and aimed the tip toward Valery, parallel with the deck. ”You have two choices,” Sol quietly said. ”So long as you hold onto that, even broken as it is, I will consider you armed and I will end this fight. You can either drop your weapon, sacrifice your pride as a swordsman, and be taken into custody or turn around so I may end this properly. I won’t shame myself by striking you from behind.”

In a flash it was all over, as Valery stood behind Rackham, he had a small smirk on his face as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face. He knew that he had lost and that he would have to pay the toll.


His blade began to crumble in multiple areas before shattering into a multitude of pieces upon the ship's deck. Impressed by the swordsmanship of Rackham. Valery was having difficulty even recalling the moment that his foe reacted. All he remembers is everything moving as though he was in slow motion and Rackham was the only one moving regularly. He could have ended his life there if he really wanted, yet he chose to simply disarm him. In hindsight it's clear that he was way in over his head. If this was the man who took his masters head then anyone could have told him this was a fight he surely wouldn’t win. That’s not even taking into consideration the group backing Rackham.

He watched silently with a glare on his face as he stared back at Rackham. His eyes laser focused as he watched the man point his blade out towards him giving him two choices. Be imprisoned and rot away in a cell or to be struck down where he stands. Valery did not even have to think about the options as it was very clear in his mind what his choice was.

He turned around to face Rackham, his back against the railing of the ship. He firmly wrapped his fingers around the broken blade as he spread his arms out exposing his chest. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the expressions on Rockaports face as he watched everything unfold. He was pissed but there was a hint of concern. With a devilish grin, Valery held his head high.

“See you in hell.” Valery rebutted as he awaited judgment.

Sol watched as Valery turned to face him and spread his arms, seemingly accepting of his fate. He couldn’t help but respect the way the less experienced swordsman accepted the difference in their strength, that he had lost. Sol gave Valery a ghost of a smile and said, ”Very well. Out of respect for the way you fought and how you still face me without any fear, I’ll finish this with a showing of my true ability.”

He had been standing with his left side facing Valery, but now changed sides and let his right side take the lead. His right foot pointed toward the less experienced swordsman as Sol lowered his stance slightly. He lowered his sword arm, the blade aimed horizontally behind him as his left hand rested on top of his right wrist, his eyes locked on Valery’s as he pictured the strike he had practiced a thousand times before. ”Symphonic Blade - First Measure…”

He suddenly shot forward, the deck cracking under his feet. To the onlookers, it would appear that he had suddenly disappeared, but Sol made sure he was moving just slow enough for Valery to see what he was doing. Sol closed the distance halfway, then spun, adding momentum to his strike. As the blade arced through the air, leaving a gleaming trail behind it, something akin to a flute could be heard, gradually increasing in volume, the notes somehow coming together to form a cohesive melody that would make one think of the first rays of sunrise.

”...Dawn’s Crescendo.”

The blade came down, slicing diagonally through the air and across Valery’s torso as Sol came to crouch in front of his opponent.

Valery stood there with a borderline demonic grin in his final moments as all he had to take with him into the next life was the pride of a swordsman. Rackham didn’t spare him either as he showcased the gap between the two of them. The young swordsman took note as his pupils widened.

Rackhams stance was firm and strong, lacking any weak points. Within a blink in an eye, he had bridged the gap. It was nearly too fast for Valery but he just barely managed to keep up thanks to his adrenaline. He watched as the sword arced, towards his torso with a gleam of light. The sound of a flute could be heard, the sound transforming into a melody. It was as though he was being welcomed into the afterlife. The tune that Rackham produced was comparatively, much clearer and more precise than the one that Valery created earlier.

The slash made its mark, as the sword sank its blade it Valerys body creating a nasty wound across the boy's body. Rockaports winced and looked away, stifling their breath as the heard Rackhams sword make contact. Rockaport himself didn’t flinch an inch, his expression was stern and cold. Quickly things got rather messy as blood began to spurt out from the boy's chest and his knees began to buckle. Valery dropped to the floor as his life essence began to leak onto the deck.

Before Valery could land, however, Sol reached out and stopped him, catching him in his arm. Looking down at his wounded opponent, Sol realized he had long come to a decision of what to do with him. He could feel Valery’s blood soak into his sleeve as he turned to Rockaport. ”The wound isn’t life-threatening,” he said, ”but he’ll still need medical attention as soon as possible. I trust you have emergency aid supplies on your ship?”

Before Rockaport could reply, Lieutenant Nelson stepped forward. “You can’t be serious!” she said. “He just tried to kill you! If he doesn’t die, he needs to be taken into custody for attacking a Marine officer!”

The gaze Sol fixed on Nelson was enough to make whatever other protest she had die in her throat. The look in his eyes had once more convinced her that his position was no fluke. It was the gaze that brokered no argument. ”Last I checked, I was the captain of this ship, was I not?” he quietly asked. Without waiting for an answer, he carried Valery over to Rockaport and continued, ”Ultimately, whatever decisions are made on this ship are mine to make and I’ll gladly bear the consequences should I decide incorrectly. He may have attacked me. He may have tried to kill me, but as you can see, I am unharmed. Besides that, I feel that he has been punished enough for his mistake.”

He laid Valery on the deck in front of Rockaport and his men as he said, ”There’s an island a few hours from here, to the northeast. Do what you can to care for him until you get there, then find a doctor to tend for him from there. I’ll see to it that you’re well compensated for the trouble.”

Rockaport sighed, then nodded to a couple of his men. As they busied themselves with carrying Valery to their ship, the captain turned to Sol as he pulled his bloodstained coat off and carefully folded it. “Don’t you think you’re being too lenient, sir?” he asked.

”Maybe,” Sol replied as he handed his coat to a crewmember for washing. ”Or maybe I just don’t see the sense in a needless death.” After a moment, he then said, ”If I might trouble you for one more favor, Captain, I would like you to give him a message when he wakes up.”

Rockaport sighed and crossed his arms. “I suppose if it’s just a message, it shouldn’t be a problem. What would you like to say?”

Sol rested his hand on the white-hilted sword on his hip and he could hear the words of a dying man echo through his mind, words that asked him to return the sword to his son. ”Tell him that I’m sorry I couldn’t give this sword to him, but I have need of it, for now,” he quietly said after a long moment. He met Rockaport’s eyes and added, ”Unless he feels that he can wait for me to return it, he’s more than welcome to come find me and attempt to reclaim it once more. Should he choose to do so, however, I won’t hold back.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigOlLewbowski
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


“Huoh! Huoh! Huoh!” The sounds of the Seagulls were almost deafening to Mango, but still very welcome. Considering they were accompanied by the sounds of the hustle and bustle from the dock workers and sailors. If he had followed the outdated map, which would’ve kept him at sea for another two whole days. There was zero doubt he would’ve gone insane, especially with, ”Zzz… Zzzz…” He approached his sleeping captain and knelt in front of her. A very obvious scowl on his face.

“Imelda we’re here.” There was no sign that she heard what he said. His frustration grew while he watched her hands reach for what seemed like a blanket, yet there wasn’t one in sight on their ship. “Hopeless! Dumbass! Lazy!” Still no response, Mango knew how hard it was to wake Imelda from her pre afternoon nap. But even in a time such as this, how careless could one person be, he thought. “Look while you sleep here I’m gonna go get supplies and maybe a hotel. We can stay here for a couple of days and try to recover before heading back out to sea. I think that’s the best idea for now.” Same result, no response. With one last sigh of defeat Mango stood up and put on his tan long coat. “Stay put until I get back.”

With those words Mango left the ship, feeling a certain sense of safety he hadn’t in two whole weeks. A well deserved break he figured, but unbeknownst to him, there were three pairs of eyes watching him leave his ship. “Is he gone?” One of the voices asked.

“Uh-huh. I think so.” Another answered.

“Alright let's go, they'll never find us there.” The last voice declared.

30 minutes later

“Wake up criminal!”

Letting out a groan, Imelda woke up from her pre-afternoon nap feeling refreshed. A yawn was the first thing to leave her mouth as she sat up and stretched her arms, and on her face a wide laid back smile. ”Oh man that was great! Mango! You found where we are yet?” With no response Imelda was a bit surprised and took a look at her surroundings to see if she could find her friend. Instead all she found standing behind her at the ramp leading off the boat were three men dressed in white shirts and blue pants. Two of the men held shiny swords that clearly hadn’t seen a single day of combat, while the last man held a rifle pointed at her. ”Marines!? What do you guys want?” Of course Imelda knew she was aiming to be a pirate. But she didn’t think she’d get in trouble this soon in her adventure. ”Besides, it's not like I did anything wrong… Yet.”

“Stop talking and get off the boat you… You blue horned criminal!” The Marine with the gun barked.

”And if I refuse?” With a small smirk Imelda began to stand up slowly and stretch more. This time bending backwards to crack her back.

“Are you mocking us criminal!? Hand over the kids and turn yourself in now!”

”Kids??? Now what the absolute hell are you bastards yappin’ about?” Imelda ran a hand through the curls in her dark brown hair, she was truly puzzled by what these men were talking about. She took a moment to observe them all from head to toe. She couldn’t quite grasp how strong these guys were. But there was no way she would turn herself in, especially not at the start of her journey.

“Dont’cha play dumb with us! Now give us your name and turn yourself over! Now!” He ordered once more, this time however he sounded deadly serious. The two men with swords even shifted their footing a bit as if ready to attack if need be. However, Imelda only shrugged and took one step towards the guards. ”Fellas, I really have no idea what you’re talking about. But, I’ll tell you three, one thing.”

She cracked her knuckles while standing tall, almost as if she were staring down at them. Was it the angle of the sun? The three Marines looked stunned, scared even. Maybe it was just something odd in the air? That had to be the problem, because standing in front of them now at the top of the ship's ramp was a demonic figure. The horns, the cursed smirk, and the fact her arms were folded around her chest. Something about this arrogant being screamed DANGER!

”My name is Ram D. Imelda! And if you think I'm giving myself over to Marines! Then you’re welcome to kill me!” Her voice was loud, and full of arrogance. For that split second the entire dockyard fell quiet, as everyone whether sailor, or worker stopped and paused what they were doing to look over at the brewing commotion. One of the sword wielding marines to the right took a step back, a small bead of sweat rolling down his cheek. Three seconds. Three seconds turned into an eternity of a stare down. Who had the will to attack? Who had the drive to achieve their goal? In three seconds this question was answered by none other than the Marine with the gun as a shot was fired at Imelda. The blast was almost deafening and left the Marines ears ringing. Smoke trailed from the barrel of the rifle, as the Marines hands were shaking from the action he’d just committed. But also from the fact his clear shot had somehow missed! On the side of the ship was a bullet sized hole 2 feet from where Imelda stood on the ramp. With a trembling voice he yelled, “Get her guys!”

The Marine to the right gave a warcry to try, and steel himself then headed straight towards Imelda with full intention to cut her down. Without losing her footing she raised her leg and delivered a strong kick to the guy's stomach. His entire body went stiff after taking the full impact, and he just as quickly fell over off the ramp and into the water beneath them. ”Great now it’s my turn!” Imelda full on launched herself off the ramp, and headed feet first towards the Marine to her left, also holding a sword. The look on his face said he was fully ready to take the full force of this attack, especially after his comrade fell so easily to the demon in front of him. All he could do was brace himself for the attack, so he closed his eyes and waited, but no such attack came. A moment passed while his eyes were still closed, but realizing something was off he took a peak to see his opponent. Standing in front of him was the back of a man with black hair and a longsword scabbard on his hip. This was “Chief Petty Officer Raymond!?”

Raymond was a tall man who wore his marine outfit with pride as there wasn’t even a single wrinkle or speck of dirt on it. His eyes were black and filled with a fire that Imelda had never seen from another human before. He had blocked her attack with a metal vambrace with the words ‘Justice will Prevail’ scratched across it. His hand went to the hilt of his sword still sheathed as if he were ready to begin fighting. With no words passing between them Imelda also took a proper fighting stance sensing this wasn’t going to be an easy fight.

“Sir! We received word that the kids were last seen coming towards this ship! When we arrived we found this woman on it sir!” The Marine now on his ass yelled. The events that just took place in front of him were almost too fast for his head to even comprehend.


“Silence knave! Those who would destroy peace and justice deserve no words! Nor mercy!” He drew his sword as he spoke coldly towards Imelda “Now I ask you in the name of Justice! Perish!”

”Bring it on weirdo! Prepare to die!” Imelda yelled at the man. Without any other words spoken both of them prepared to attack the other, but before they could collide a loud scream came from the ship halting them both.

“That’s vile Arno! Eww!” It was a child’s voice that spoke.

“Oh gosh the smell! Arno! Why!?” It was the voice of another child. “Jeez next time you have to let one rip just give us a warning!” The door to the cabin area of the ship, which would usually be the captain's quarters, opened up, and two small kids ran outside coughing and breathing for fresh air. They were soon followed by a third more chubby child who didn’t seem bothered.

”Umm…Excuse me?” Imelda said in an almost puzzled tone as she and Raymond were both staring at the other with confusion for some explanation.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
Avatar of Daxam

Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

He had been sleeping the night everything fell to ruin. What awoke him, however, weren’t the explosions or the screams, but the sounds of clattering steel and thudding footsteps that approached his room. He opened his amber eyes and sat up in bed just as his father burst in. He was dressed in full plate armor, an ornate helm under his right arm and a deep purple cape draped over his left shoulder. ”F-Father? What’s happening?” a young, sleepy Sol asked as he rubbed his eyes.

His father, Emperor Astrum Luminos, looked down at his son, barely hiding the sadness in his eyes. He knelt next to Sol’s bed and placed his helm on the ground next to him. Reaching out, he placed his hands on Sol’s shoulders and quietly said, “Listen well, my son. I need you to put on your armor and follow Prefect Istria to the safe room, where your mother and sister are waiting. Something terrible is happening outside and I need to go help our soldiers.” He moved one hand from Sol’s shoulder and gently tapped his fist against Sol’s chest. “Be strong for your mother and sister. I will return as soon as I am able.”

Though he was confused, Sol looked into his father’s eyes with a resolve that made Astrum’s heart swell with pride. ”I will, Father,” he said with a decisive nod.

Emperor Astrum returned Sol’s nod with one of his own as he picked up his helm and rose to his feet. He turned to the huge, bald-headed man next to him, and placed a hand on his arm. “Keep him safe, my friend.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Marcus replied with a reverent nod. As Astrum hurried from the bedroom, Marcus turned to find Sol already fastening his greaves to his shins. “Let me help you with that, my lord,” he offered as he knelt in front of his young charge. Despite the size of his hands, Marcus’ fingers adjusted the straps of Sol’s greaves with surprising dexterity.

As Marcus helped Sol into the rest of the armor, the young man asked, ”Who’s attacking us, Marcus?”

The bear was quiet for a moment before he said, “It appears to be the World Government, my lord. At least, that’s what our scouts have been reporting.”

Sol’s brow furrowed. ”But…why? We haven’t done anything to them, have we?”

Marcus shook his head as he adjusted the final strap. “No, my lord. But there’s no time to worry about that, right now. I have to get you to your mother and sister, then catch up to your father.” He gave Sol’s breastplate a tug and nodded, satisfied that the armor was secure. He then pulled a sword from his belt, one quite a bit smaller than what was standard for soldiers of the Legion, and offered it to Sol. “Your sword, my lord.”

Sol hesitated. He had been training with a sword for most of his young life, but it was usually with a wooden practice weapon. The few times he was allowed to swing a real sword was when his mother or father wanted him to practice his edge alignment. That hesitation didn’t last long, however. He knew his mother would normally be able to handle herself in a fight, but with his little sister being barely two years old, she wouldn’t be able to fight as well. If their enemies made it through their guard, it would be up to him to protect them both.

He reached out and took the sword.

A knock interrupted the dream, much to Sol’s relief. There wasn’t much he cared for less than reliving that night. He opened his eyes to darkness, then lifted the cap he rarely wore off of his face, only to wince at the light that stabbed at his eyes from the nearby window. He had been in the middle of finishing the report that was interrupted by Rockaport’s arrival and the subsequent duel when he decided to take a quick nap. A glance outside told him a couple of hours had passed. No wonder my neck’s sore, he thought as he sat up.

The knock sounded again and he called out, ”Come in.” The door opened and Lieutenant Nelson stepped through, Sol’s freshly laundered coat and a bundle of paper in her arms. She saw Sol’s groggy expression and stifled a chuckle. “Did that duel wear you out that much, Captain?” she teased as she walked over to him.

”Very funny, Lieutenant,” Sol replied flatly as Nelson placed the items she carried on his desk. He glanced at the coat and resisted the urge to grimace, the urge more powerful with the memory of that night fresh in his mind. Instead he turned his focus to the bundle of papers on top of it. ”Newspapers?” he asked, though it was obvious what they were.

“And some new bounties,” Nelson added as Sol cut the twine with a pair of scissors. “Just a couple, this time. That gambler, Andou, escaped custody, so a bounty’s been issued for him. But, that’s not the interesting one…”

Sol raised an eyebrow and picked up the newspapers, each one from the major publishing companies in each of the Blues. He scanned the headlines before setting the papers aside to read later. An article about the anniversary of the fall of the Nychthemeron Empire, one about some disappearances on some island in the West. A “lightbulb?” That might be interesting, Sol thought, always having had an interest in science and new technology.

Then, he got to the bounties.

The first one was for ‘Snake-Eyes’ Andou. Sol didn’t know much about the guy, just that the hiss luck seemed to be unusually awful for a so-called gambler. He was also clear over in the West, so Sol couldn’t really bring himself to care enough to be curious.

He set the paper aside…then froze when he saw the ghost staring at him on the next bounty. It had been fifteen years since he last saw her, but he knew right away who he was looking at without needing to read the name. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he suddenly shot to his feet, one hand on the desk next to the bounty as he covered his mouth with the other, doing his best to calm down before his eyes could change color.

“M-Max?” Nelson asked, her voice coming from miles away. “Are you okay?”

Sol took a few breaths before saying, ”Uh, y-yeah, I’m fine. I just…” He shook his head. He cleared his throat as he regained some composure and continued, ”You’re dismissed, Lieutenant. I’m…I’m not feeling well, so I’m going to get some more sleep. You’re in charge until I wake up.”

Rachel opened her mouth, then closed it. “Yes, sir,” she simply said before turning around.

Only when the door closed behind her did Sol finally sit back down. He picked up the bounty with a shaking hand as he stared at the face illustrated on the paper. While she had a cocky grin, a confident look in her eyes that seemed to say “Fight me!”, and looked in no way like the quiet, shy girl he once knew, Sol knew he would always recognize her, despite how unique her half-Mink blood made her look.

”Lu…I can’t believe it…” he whispered. His eyes changed to a cobalt blue as he finally let his emotions wash over him. Covering his eyes as tears began to run down his face, he grinned for what felt like the first time in years.

”You’re alive…You’re really alive…!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 1 hr ago

[ARC 2]


The East Blue, considered peaceful by many, still had troubled waters.

In a particular strait, a full storm churned with lightning cracking and flashing across the skies. Heavy rain fell, beating across the wide ocean and wind ferocious enough to send buildings flying in a flat plain.

Waves that ordinarily wouldn’t be higher than the knees, were now taller than large ships used for heavy cargo carrying. It’ll been suicidal as any ship that lacked the stomach, built or skill would’ve been swallowed into depths of the ocean.

Yet, almost against all logic, one ship that bore the Marines's flag, sailed across the waves. Skirting the lines as it moved unerringly.

“Keep the sails open or it’ll be the lockers for you all!”

Multiple men's muscles strained with seawater splashing them and soaked them to the bones. Yet not one person even balked away, feet planted and held firm as ropes pulled taut by the gales.

One stood out as the youngest among the crew, kept hold of one rope on his own while others took four to five. Freeing them up to other posts as they continued the grueling task before adjusting the sails again.

Haku blinked rapidly as more water poured down, both sea and rainwater, as it stung his eyes. The environment proved to be more of a challenge than any fight he had in the East Blue so far.

Or perhaps, it was far more accurate to say this is familiar to him. After all, this was the norm in the Devil Seas.

Still, he can feel the indignant burn continue within him. They had finally found some pirates and made good progress in taking them in until the storm brewed over them with the wind buoying the pirate's vessel forward.

Logic dictate the chase was over, as the pirates had them stuck in a dilemma. Either sink or slow down. By the time the storm is done, it was a clear getaway for the pirates with them disappearing across the seas.

But for Kirin, it’s crew, and captain, Cadog, this was unacceptable.

Hence, they’re battling through the weather in pursuit of their prey. Maintaining the gap as they’ll still be a day behind instead of a few days.

Still. Haku look onwards at the storm, wondering how on earth is Cadog able to keep the chase up. If he wasn’t familiar with the captain, most would've assumed that the man was insane to continue the pursuit in such a storm.

From the decks, Cadog watchful eye looked onwards without any worry despite the raging storm.

“Our target is bearing to port, 40 degrees.”

“Aye sir!” The helmsman next to him shouted in acknowledgment as he made a minor adjustment to the steering and threaded through two waves.

Haku eyes blinked for a moment before his eyes widened, followed by the crew as their ship tilted upwards from a gentle slope to steeper angle. He glanced to the sides to see the fading waves and confirmed his suspicion.

From a bird’s eye, the Kirin rode upon the back of a gigantic wave that churned underneath and sent them upwards.

“Get your feet planted, you sea dogs!” Cadog hollered past the wind, storm and echoing thunder. Beating it from sheer volume as the entire crew braced themselves.

Then lightning flashed and illuminated the skies, giving Haku a clear view of the oncoming drop. Perhaps it’s the shock, but he swore everything just got a lot more silent and there was a weird scent in the air.

As the Kirin teetered on the edge, their ship crossed it and into the empty air as they fell downwards like a rock. Haku felt a sense of vertigo in his stomach and a sensation of free falling before the Kirin hit the waters violently with a large splash and groaned across the seastone hull.

Seawater poured heavily as they swept across the deck, tackling everyone with the force of a river.

A moment of fear came as he turned around to Cadog, unnecessary but-

“Sound off and head count! Anyone overboard!?”



And on it went as everyone quickly yelled their number, scanning for anyone that was missing.

“All accounted for!” The Firstmate roared after checking twice before he sniffed the air, took a look at their mast and paled considerably. “Fire on the crow’s nest!”

That snapped everyone's attention as they turned upwards, true enough, at the highest point of the ship and its mast was a blazing fire.

“Calm down, you blithering barnacles! It’s just lightning! Maintain positions!” Cadog slammed his foot down as the shock traveled throughout the ship. “Cabin boy, get up there with a bucket and put it out! Call up two guys from the hold to replace his place!”

Haku sprung into action as he unhook one of the buckets, and raised it onto an oncoming wave, before jumping upwards to climb onto the mast with one hand. Fuelled by adrenaline and fear as the cold air now felt like knives in his lungs. He was outright flinging before reaching the fire in record time.

Throwing it harder than necessary, he doused the flame but the damage remained. Parts of it was outright frayed into pieces and the crow’s nest was all but gone, remnants of cinders and parts burnt outright despite the rain as wind continued to feed life into it.

Letting himself fall freely, he quickly land on his feet and rushed to get more water as the crew worked to keep themselves on course.

The storm would continue for hours throughout the entire night.

Light slowly graced the horizon as the waters was much calmer across the ocean, the edges of the sun signaling the coming of a new day.

Cadog took a deep breath of the air, letting the salt taste hang in his mouth before lighting up his smoke pipe.

Half a day. That was how much of a distance between their quarry, and in this part of the sea, pickings was slim.

But the routes and places available to hide was wider. So casting a net to catch the fishes wouldn’t work.

No, they needed blood to draw the sharks in.

“You should rest, there’s still a long way before we see any action,” Cadog muttered as he ignored the quiet shuffling of feet.

“And so should you, captain,” Haku replied with a nod of his head, looking at the remaining skeleton crew.

The two maintained their silence, opting to just look at the sea.

Haku head turned upwards, the storm had cleared most of the clouds and gave a great view of the blue skies that stretched onward like the seas.

Idly, he wondered if there was a ship that can sail the skies just like how theirs sail the seas.

“The clear skies won’t last long, another storm be coming by noon.” Cadog let out of long puff of smoke, the cool air making it more prominent as it left a trail behind. “We’ll be needing to fix that soon.”

Eyes turned to the top, the burnt ends of the darkened and charred crow’s nest.

“Will we be heading to a marine’s base?”

“Not in these waters, no,” Cadog waved his pipe towards the portside. “We’ll be there in a few hours, a quaint village Quiet, but enough for a temporary fix.”

“Understood, sir.”

The two continued to stand in silence before Cadog clicked his tongue and shook his head in resignation. He gave a last scan around their surroundings and decided to finally retire to his quarters until they reached the island.

With that, Haku smiled and finally headed down for his own rest, his task done for the day.

Hours passed, and once Haku was finally refreshed, he stretched his back, gave a quick wipe for himself before moving upwards to the deck again.

This time, he was greeted by the sight of the oncoming Island. Already, the Firstmate and Helmsman was together discussing busily with half of the crew moving for preparations.

Moving into place, he busied himself by assisting the crew and his duties but his sharp ears caught the name of the Island.

He wondered if it’s because it makes certain noises due to the winds, therefore calling it Melody Islands, or maybe due to its inhabitants being great musicians?

With a little smile and pep in his steps, Haku wondered and let his imagination drift in between his work.

“Lower sails and ready anchor! We’re making land!”

“Aye sir!”

Ropes and gears whirred as the Kirin speed slowed and came closer to the port of Melody Island.

From afar, Haku could see people pointing and looking as they came closer to the docks.

The Kirin must’ve looked intimidating as it's equipped with more cannons, and a hull of seastones that was a luxury reserved only for the larger warships. It was not unusual since theirs was built to deal with threats on the Devil Seas, but by comparison to normal marines warships in the East Blue area, it looked overkill.

Haku genuinely wondered how much of it was due to Cadog submitting the maps that allowed them a chance to safely navigate a passage secretly into Wano without going through the lift.

Though granted, Haku eyes twinkled when he recalled the much larger Battleship commandeered only by Vice-admirals and above. One day, he wished to be able to sail the seas with such a majestic and awe-inspiring ship.

Well, a boy can dream.

No, he will make it so.

To bring peace, justice and stabilize the world.

While riding the best ship that can be afforded to them.

It’s like being a pirate, but reversed.

A splash of water and chains rattling, signalling that the anchor dropped broke Haku thoughts as he quickly went back to work and setting down the planks as it the docks.

Well, here he was.

[Melody Island.]

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Blue eyes were wide open, though all that filled them was darkness. Catherine Coriander lay flat on her back, sandwiched in between Peppermint and Rue, the two breathing slowly in their sleep. Further out was her parents, Marjoram and Hyssop. She could tell her father wasn’t quite asleep, the man trying to find a better position in his tossing and turning. It was a wonder anyone could sleep in this mass of blankets and bodies, for the night was full of sound. A storm raged through, one Cicely claimed was stronger than any he remembered from the last few decades. Coriander had been hoping for rainfall lately, and her wish had been granted with a bit more force than hoped for or expected.

She couldn’t really ‘hear’ the shuffling and breathing of the whole town about her, everyone in the town hall. It was the largest and sturdiest building in Tune Town. All the chairs had been moved aside for a rare ‘mega-sleepover’ (as Sorrel dubbed it). It wasn’t improbable that a storm of this magnitude would rip a few local homes asunder. Rather than leave some of their own out and stranded, none able to hear calls for help in the worst case scenario, everyone had come here to wait out the weather. With food and card games, the lot were able to wait out the time until lights out, though that was in name only, the occasional lightning flickering through the windows. By this hour, windows still rattling, the occasional rumble of thunder distant, Coriander knew she wasn’t going to get much more sleep. And that was fine, she wasn’t tired at all. Honestly, she’d rarely felt more awake and lucid. This density of people wasn’t something she’d ever experienced before. Even if she couldn’t hear the rise and fall of dozens of breathes, the shuffling how blankets and limbs across the wood floor, the errant snore or someone managing the best sleep possible in the worst of conditions, she could feel it all. It was meditative, this feeling of calm and unity, this absolute togetherness.

Rue shivered a little, her blanket having slipped off. Coriander pulled in the young girl, doing the same with Peppermint just in case. For some reason, Verbena wanted tonight of all nights to be the boy’s time to hang out and play alone. Maybe they were trying to challenge the Raijin that might steal their uncovered bellybuttons in the thunder? Raijin knew Coriander has issued the same challenge in the past. Midriff baring was a little inappropriate for a mixed gender hangout, so the three of them now slept with their respective parents, while Rue and Peppermint (the latter an orphan, the former separated from seafaring parents as usual) had been dumped onto Cori. Taking in the warmth of the two sleeping girls, Coriander continued to take in the vibe for as long as she was conscious. She awoke to see light bashing against her eyelids, waking to a coat of red while her cheeks were being pushed together by a pair of small hands. “Cori, we’re gonna get breakfast,” Peppermint said.

“Did ar haus die?” Coriander wondered through squished cheeks.

Extracting herself, Coriander sat up, stretching her stiff muscles. The storm had cleared in the morning, most of the folk waking up themselves, complaining or laughing about their various states of sleep. As she stood, still dressed in her habit (a raincoat bundled up with everyone else’s a short step away), there was a pull of heads, everyone looking to Burnet’s arrival.

“There’s some broken windows, some vanished sheds, and water damage here and there, but all the houses are still standing!” Burnet called out. There was a chorus of cheers. “Yosh!” Dill grunted, he and his fellow loggers and woodworkers getting a few well earned claps on the back.

“Are you coming with us, Rue?” Cori wondered, looking around for Verbena and his family. Rue typically stayed with them, on account of her and Verbena’s parents being rather longtime friends (Rue allegedly cried for hours when she was told Verbena wasn’t actually her big brother, which she vehemently denies).

“No!” Rue cried out, bangs over her furrowed brow, her teddy held tightly as she pouted. Coriander imagined she’d be over Verbena pulling away from her last night by noon. In the meantime, Coriander had two little sisters today.

“What are you guys feeling like? Pancakes or waffles?” Marjoram offered the two guests with a smile.

“Pancakes!” Rue cried.

“Waffles!” Peppermint requested.

“Poppy told me to go easy on the sugar…” Hyssop admitted.

As they crossed the threshold of the doorway, stepping into the sunlight, Marjoram looked to Coriander, expecting a tiebreaker. Under Rue and Peppermint’s pleading glances, she frowned, “I wanna pick what I want.”

“If you pick waffles it means you don’t love me,” Rue growled.

Peppermint’s face fell. “I love you, Rue.”

Rue lit up. “You’ll change your pick to pancakes?”

“I don’t have a waffle iron at my house…”

Rue’s eyes widened. “Wait, you can make pancakes whenever you want?” Peppermint nodded. Rue’s gears turned underneath her pink bow.

“We’re having waffles then, but don’t think you can bug Peppermint for food whenever you feel like it,” Marjoram warned firmly. Rue whistled innocently (she couldn’t whistle, so it was more like she stuttered air through pursed lips).

Skimming the dockside, the group caught a murmur of anticipation and wonder. Fingers and gazes pointed to the ocean, their walk slowing to the stop as they caught notice of a sight not seen at Melody Island in Catherine’s lived history, and more. Bristling with cannons, the top of the mainmast blackened and scarred, the hull striped with black and navy: the Marines had landed.
A Stormy Day of Melody:
Thunderstruck Kirin
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
Avatar of Daxam

Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Luna wandered with no clear destination in mind, simply wanting to get a closer look at the state of the island. She walked through the town, silver eyes taking in shuttered windows, cracked walls, and overgrown walkways while her ears twitched under her hood as she listened to hushed whispers, as if everyone was afraid of being caught saying the wrong thing. Just how much of a tyrant is this Clay guy, anyway? she thought.

Before she realized it, she had left the town limits and found herself walking along the fence to a vineyard. She looked past and saw wilted grape vines on rotting wooden trellises, the field having obviously not been cared for in some time. She looked around, partly to get her bearings, but also to see if she could get an idea of the state of the nearby vineyards. There was one in a similar state, though the field was blackened, having obviously been put to the torch. From what she could see, there was only one vineyard that was still in operation. There were several people working the fields, seemingly under guard. It was a ways away, but Luna could pick out the glint of weapons glimmering in the sunlight, as well as a couple of large shapes the color of earth.

A thought suddenly occurred to her as she began walking toward the vineyard. Rufus had mentioned someone from their crew had returned to Bacchus when he heard that pirates had invaded. If that was the case, then where was he and why wasn’t he doing anything to help?

Luna was pulled from her thoughts when, now close enough for her to make out details on the people in the field, she saw someone stumble and fall. One of the armed people approached the prone figure and crouched next to them. “Aw, what’s the matter? Need a break?” she heard him ask. Before the fallen person could respond, the figure, whom Luna now realized was one of Sam Clay’s pirates, stabbed his sword into the ground in front of their face. “You know the rules. One five minute break for every four hours of work, and you’ve already had yours,” the pirate said. With a glee that made Luna’s blood boil, he then asked, “Unless you’d prefer to take a permanent one?”

“P-please, no! I-I-I’ll get back to work, I just tripped!” came the meek voice from the fallen villager. The villager attempted to stand, only to fall back down, his arms and legs too weak from overwork.

“Too late, time’s up,” the pirate said as he stood up. He brandished his sword, a wide cutlass, over his head and started to bring it down, only to suddenly stop. He tried again to bring his sword down, but found himself somehow stuck in midair. Or so he thought, until he looked back and saw a hooded woman gripping the back of the cutlass’ blade.

”Couple of big men, picking on someone that can’t even fight back,” Luna asked, glaring at the pirate from underneath her hood as she gave him a challenging grin.

“The hell?!” the pirate exclaimed as he tugged on his sword again, surprised by this stranger’s grip strength. Luna let go of the blade as he pulled, putting him off balance. She looked down at the villager and simply jerked her head to the side. The man got the hint and scrambled up to his tired feet before hurrying off.

The two pirates, the second drawing his own cutlass, closed in on Luna. “You rather we ‘ave some fun wi’ you, instead, sweet’eart?” the second asked with a smirk. His eyes moved up and down her body as he added, “Can’t ‘ardly see much with that cloak in the way, but I do like–”

The rest of his comment was lost as he suddenly received firsthand knowledge of the taste of Luna’s steel-plated glove. Her fist crashed into his mouth mid-sentence, knocking out a few teeth as he flew back, landing in a crumpled heap. His friend didn’t move for a moment, stunned by Luna’s sudden display of violence, until he finally snapped out of it. “You bitch!” he yelled as he swung his sword toward her stomach.

Luna turned toward him and caught his sword between her elbow and knee. ”Bullies and creeps, huh?” she sighed as the pirate tried to free his weapon. ”Just once, I’d like to fight someone with some manners.”

She brought her fist down on the pirate’s sword, snapping it in two. He stumbled backward, staring at his broken weapon in disbelief, then turned his attention back toward Luna just in time to catch her fist with his chin. He felt his jaw clamp shut, teeth cracking, as he was lifted off of his feet. He landed heavily on his back, knocked clean out, while Luna stood above him. She started to turn in the direction the worker ran when she heard a strange sound, like someone trekking through mud. She turned just in time to see the earthen lumps she mistook for some kind of storage buildings rise to their misshapen feet.

”That's...not good...”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Maxwell could not ignore the pounding in his head when he finally came to consciousness. It seemed to overwhelm his senses at first before eventually fading to a mild annoyance. Why did his head hurt so much? He couldn’t remember, that was until he opened his eyes and found himself in a room that was not familiar to him. Oh right…Some rival gang had knocked him over the head after he had attempted to escape. His green eyes scanned the room he was in. The room was void of most things, it only contained the cot he was currently laying in a chair and a desk. Though it was clearly meant to be a bedroom it was empty. He glanced over to the window which was barred. If he didn’t know better he would have thought this room was meant to be an inn room.

Maxwell moved his hand to tentatively rub the bump on his head, at least he wasn’t restrained. The pressure he was about to administer relieved some of the pounding in his head, but not all of it. Just enough that he managed to get his vision to stop being so damn blurry. “Brutos is going to kill me.” Maxwell muttered as he stood and walked toward the window, he had to get a message to Paul or Hendricks. The sooner he did the sooner they would come get him, at least he thought. He still had no clue that this was likely Hendrick’s fault.

Peering through the barred window helped little to reveal his location, he could only tell he was definitely above some sort of bar, no the building was too big to be a bar, small casino maybe? Though it seemed to be the less rowdy kind of place than what Brutos and his men seemed to frequent. Maxwell knew there were decent establishments across the island but none of them resided in Brutos’ territory. He racked his brain for anything on the neighboring territory leaders. There were only three who seemed brave enough, or stupid enough, to border Brutos.

Anton, Leith, and Madam Gigi. Madam Gigi only employed women; she was all for proving women could be just as brutal and cunning as any man so she was out. Leith and their members were almost never on the island. They generally only turned up once a year to celebrate another year of their bounty slowly climbing. Though Max knew little about what they did off island, whatever it was, it was enough that the Muckrakers maintained the territory for them. They only left Anton, who was just as bad as, if not worse than Brutos. Anton had a rather prevalent black market auction, he was known to breed, train, and trade various rare or outlawed species of animal. Something Maxwell was both fascinated and appalled by due to his own relationship with various creatures.

Maxwell sat back down on the cot and groaned, Anton was going to be an issue. He and Brutos had a long standing rivalry that had only not come to blows due to the rules of the island, if Max didn’t get out before Brutos got back, he was sure the fishman would throw caution to the wind. The rampage the shark would go on to get Maxwell back would be one Pol Stictid hadn’t seen in a long time. Underhanded tactics were not Brutos’ forte, it has always been and will always be, brute force. Max debated even trying to get a message to his “babysitters” but he knew if he didn’t the carnage would be much worse than if Brutos at least had a target to go after.

Before he could start coming up with a plan the door opened. Max hadn’t realized how dark the room he was in actually was until the door was fully open and the light from the hall hit his eyes, causing his head to pound harder. When his eyes finally adjusted to the light he was greeted by three people. Two of the men who he had encountered on his way home, and another man who Max quickly identified as Anton himself. A tall, slender, dark haired, middle aged man with a faded scar that crossed over his face from his left eye to his right jawline. He stood staring at Maxwell seemingly unimpressed with what he saw.

“This is what the great Riptide Brutos marks as his greatest asset. A mere child, pathetic. At least that’s what I would have said, if I didn’t know exactly what this small boy can do.” Anton’s voice started monotone but quickly the true excitement began to take over. He entered the room fully strutting up to Maxwell with a wide grin now plastered on his face. “You will suit my needs just fine. Come, let’s get that knot on your head checked out. I am told my idiot men were not at all gentle with you.” Before Max could even respond Anton grabbed his wrist and pulled him up with more strength than he looked like he should possess. This man didn’t seem like the merciless beast tamer he had been made out to be. Though he supposed getting his information from the perspective of animals had its flaws.

The brunette put up little fight as Anton led him down the halls to Max could only guess where. “What’s your name kid. Honestly I never paid attention to it when the rumors about you started swirling. I just heard can speak with animals and Brutos’s greatest asset.” He looked down at Max expectantly but there was little to no malice in his facial expressions. Was this an act to get Max to trust him? He couldn’t be sure but he figured it was best to answer the man’s questions. Better to not piss him off.

“Maxwell.” He responded doing his best to avoid eye contact. Though he couldn’t stop the question he had from exiting his mouth as he thought about it. “Rumors? About me? How?” He tightened his lips after he realized he had asked that outloud.

Anton opened a door to a room that smelled similar to a hospital ushering Maxwell inside as he chuckled. “Ah, yes, seems like someone wasn’t too happy with you remaining the Shark’s best kept secret. Started talking to the wrong people, seems like it only took a few days for more than your fair share of territory leaders and Muckrakers to know about you. You, my dear boy, seem to have a price on your head. Good thing my boys got to you before a more…unsavory fellow nabbed ya. Sit.” He pointed to a stool and Maxwell did as he was told.

“Brutos won’t be happy when he gets back and he finds out where I am…” Maxwell muttered, he was sure Anton already knew this fact, even more so when the pleased smile only got bigger on the man’s face.

“That is what makes this oh so satisfying, you see, as I am sure you know The Fish and I don’t have the best history. I am sure he will lose his shit when he finds out you are gone. Even more so when he finds out it’s me who has you. Perhaps he will even go ballistic. Break some island rules. Get himself booted or demoted and then yours truly can move in on his territory.” Anton fiddled with a couple things on a table nearby before returning to Maxwell who was pointedly not looking at the older man. “Hold still.” He ordered as he began examining the bump on Maxwell’s head. There were several minutes of silence before a cold, wet bag was placed on Max’s head. “Might wanna hold that there. Should stop your head from hurting as much. Seems fine other than a small bump, you will be okay by tomorrow I am sure.” He stepped back and gestured for Max to get up and head out. “I hope you understand I can’t let you leave. So either you work with me willingly, or I employ more…unsavory tactics to force you to work with me.” Anton’s face darkened during the last part of the statement but his expression just as quickly changed. “But I will let you sleep on the decision.”

Maxwell was led back to the room he had woken in and as soon as he entered the door shut behind him. “Hope you make the correct decision.” He heard Anton say from the other side as there was a clicking sound. Locked in, of course. Maxwell stood there staring at the door for several minutes holding his newly acquired ice pack to his head. He was dumbfounded. He really only had one choice and Anton knew it. With all this information to process Maxwell eventually flopped down on the cot groaning. He already knew his decision, but he supposed it would have to wait until tomorrow. There was nothing he could do right now anyway.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

It took a few minutes for Sol to recover from his relief at seeing Luna’s wanted poster. For fifteen years, he had thought she died that night. He lost a lot that night, losses that he still had yet to get over, but losing her had hit especially hard. Now that he knew she was alive, he felt the weight on his shoulders lessen, if only slightly…until he realized he had been looking at a bounty with her name and face on it. And for sixty million beris, no less!

He carefully read through the Northern Financial, one of the newspapers Lieutenant Nelson left behind. He ignored the bits that disparaged his homeland, though it was hard to not feel upset by what was written about Luna’s father, Comet. The part about him consorting with pirates and other criminals was completely fabricated, as far as Sol knew, but what really upset him was how the paper described the Lunar Emperor as little more than a savage beast. Comet had always been kind, not only to his daughter, but to Sol, his family, and the people of the empire. When he realized how angry he was getting, Sol calmed himself, a skill he had become extremely adept at over the years.

With a sigh, he set the paper down, leaned back in his chair, and covered his eyes, now understanding the reason behind Luna’s high bounty. In truth, Sol had always known about the part Captain Arbor played in the downfall of the empire and had planned on taking care of the captain, himself. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect Luna to beat him to it.

He once again looked at her picture. The only thing he truly recognized was that mischievous glint in her eyes. Though she was shy and quiet most of the time, whenever Sol was alone with her, she would get that look in her eyes and he’d knew they were about to do something that could have gotten them in trouble, whether that be stealing pastries from the kitchen or sneaking away into town. If anything, judging just from the picture, it seemed like Luna had grown into the type of person she truly was. At that, Sol couldn’t help but give a small smile.

The one thing he couldn’t figure out, though, was why? Did she just happen to come across Arbor, discover who he was, and let her feelings get the best of her? But how did she beat a Marine Captain? Did she really get so strong over the years? Was Marcus really harboring her all this time and how was he doing?

Sol shook his head and set the bounty poster down, placing the newspaper on top of it. He wanted nothing more than to go after her, if only to have those questions answered, but two things stopped him: he had no idea where she was and he couldn’t afford to risk everything just to see her. I’ve come too far and I have farther to go, still, he thought. If I survive, I’ll find you after I’ve done what I need to do. Until then, please, stay safe, Lu.

Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring…

The sound of his transponder snail interrupted Sol’s thoughts. He picked up the receiver and spoke, ”Captain Maxwell Rackham speaking.”

“You have new orders, Captain Rackham,” the snail said. “We’ve received word that a group of pirates have attacked a place called Green Isle. The base we have there is a small one and it seems that the pirates involved are more trouble than they can handle, so you’ve been ordered to give them some support.”

”Yes, sir,” Sol replied as he examined one of the charts ever-present on his desk. ”From the looks of it, we’re about a day’s sailing away from there, but we’ll do what we can to get there faster.”

With that, the call ended and Sol rose to his feet as he draped his coat over his shoulders. He glanced at his desk once more, at the spot he had placed Luna’s poster, before he made for the door. There would be time to think about her later.

He had a job to do.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigOlLewbowski
Avatar of BigOlLewbowski


Member Seen 6 mos ago


Tension on the harbor still lay thick in the air from the would-be engagement, as Imelda and Raymond stared at the children on the Sloop. A silenced hush loomed over them all, only being broken at the sound of Seagulls crying and the three children completely oblivious to the situation argued amongst themselves. “Huh the sleeping lady is gone!”

“Think she went and told on us?! Oh man! If we get caught sneaking away again, mother’s gonna get angry!” Their voices were accompanied by footsteps as they approached the ramp of the ship.

“She’ll never find out! We’ll sneak attack her when she gets her as we planned, and prove we dont need that crappy caretaker looking after us! So come on, let's go find a better hiding place! Preferably one with windows.” As their conversation carried on Raymond with his sword still pointed to Imelda, had the same look of confusion. Imelda however was still puzzled by this whole situation, but for some odd reason felt a sudden sensation of anger. Nothing prompted her next action, as she realized her entire body had moved on its own. Whatever her foot hit didn’t feel exactly right to Imelda, but nonetheless her opponent was now a reasonable distance away from her. Holding the right side of his body on the liver area Raymond fell to one knee, holding himself up only with the weight of his sword.

”Dammit… This is annoying.” Biting the inside of her cheeks Imelda looked towards the town, before setting one foot in front of the other. She no longer cared about the tense situation she had just been in. Opting to instead just to find Mango so she could just take it easy while they were on this island. However, as she started to walk away the marine who held the gun yelled.

“Stop damn you! You just kicked a Marine officer, you aren’t getting away with this!” His voice like his legs were shaky, and his rifle refused to be steady in his hands. Yet he stood his ground with the rifle still pointed towards his enemy. “Surrender yours-,”

“Enough!” Pulling himself up to his feet the Petty Officer began to sheathe his sword. Despite the kick he stood straight and approached the Marine with the gun. “We already know we were wrong in our accusations. So justice was not harmed today.” He placed a hand on the Marines left shoulder. With a tight squeeze he went on, “And as for that attack, it was well deserved on our parts as Marines. The name of Justice was used in horrible vain.” Watching the horned woman walk away from her sloop, and past the onlooking crowd that had formed. Raymond knew it was time to get this situation under control. “Alright Marines! Let’s get the area back to normal, we need to have things perfect for when the Captain arrives back here! And as for you three!” Raymond looked towards the ramp of the Sloop with disdain in his eyes. “Come down here so I can esco-” The words fell short, almost as if he was struck again. Where three kids had previously been standing, was a completely empty spot with no kids in sight. He looked high and low around the area before coming to a realization. “THOSE BRATS DISAPPEARED AGAIN! DAMMIT!” He approached the two Marines helping their friend into the water back to dry land. “You three, those in the area about the current situation. The kids are once again lost! Waste no time, understood! The Captain should arrive here in an hour! We can’t have a single thing go wrong at that time! Now move out men!” The two Marines stood up straight to salute the Petty Officer, “Yes sir!” While the both of them stood in their salute, their comrade found himself slipping back in the water.

“Someone PULL ME UP!” The screaming was soon followed by a large splash of water. He had fallen back in the harbor, desperately calling for someone to help him get out. With a quick glance Raymond noticed a ladder not even 3 feet away from the swimming Marine, pinching the bridge of his nose he started to walk off hoping that the three Marines understood their orders.

“Somehow I just have a feeling that things can't get any worse than this…” Running his back across his slicked brown hair, Raymond began his duties once again. With a small sliver of hope that his prediction came true. IF ONLY HE KNEW…

“Excuse me ma’am, you look like a lady who could use some beautiful jewelry with only the rarest of gems inside. If you’d like to take a look inside we have beautiful ornaments for horns bedazzled with sapphire stones!” A very round man with a very questionable curled mustache pestered as Imelda walked by his shop. In fact every shop owner in this time seemed to be calling towards potential customers, who also seemed to be wearing distinguished clothing. Some of them gave a side glance towards Imelda as she walked by them, while also ignoring the other shop owners trying to sell her some form of dress, shoes, hats, and even imported expensive alcohol. Imelda without thinking too much of her surroundings ignored every last one of them taking her usual turtle paced speed while walking. She seemed to be deep in thought as she moved along, the encounter on the Harbor left a very sour taste in her mouth. There wasn’t even a fight, and yet she felt as if she lost somehow. It had to be that weirdo knight who had interfered, is what she assumed. Yet there just wasn’t any anger in her heart towards him, at least not that she could pinpoint. The whole ordeal bothered her so much that she had only begun to notice the small trickle of blood going down her chin, from the part of her lip she had been biting. With enough frustration built up Imelda planted her feet square on the ground and took in a deep breath.

”Dammit! This is fucking annoying! Mango! Where are you!?” The words came out as a more of a roar to the surrounding well dressed pedestrians. The entire street went nearly quiet as some people even tried their best to walk around, or just flat out avoid the screaming woman. ”I need a damn drink! Hey you!” Imelda stared at a random person dead in the eyes, or at least the part of the face that the eyes usually are. They were wearing a plague doctor mask with a large red cross on both sides of the beak, and a long green cloak that covered their entire body. This person stopped in their tracks and watched the blue horned woman approach. ”Take me to the nearest bar! I’ve had a shitty day!” The masked person didn’t speak a word, instead they took a small bow and simply began to walk off. ”Hey! Didn’t you he-” She watched as they gestured with their covered hand to follow. Finally wiping the blood from her chin Imelda couldn’t help but smile at this point. Although she was still upset, at the very least there was something good that could come out of the day. So without second thought she followed the strange dressed person.

Between the pair walking together no words were spoken amongst them both. Imelda who seemed to finally calm down and return to her usual neutral state followed without issue, in fact she trusted them. Even as they finally made a turn down a strange shady alleyway, Imelda was fully convinced everything was going to be alright. The alleyway was dark and almost no light reached the bottom from the top, there were even a couple of shady men standing with what looked like a bottle of Rum. At their feet were about seven other bottles completely emptied, both the men wore red and black striped shirts with tattoos on their arms that read, “The Crow Brotherhood.” Imelda paid no attention to it however, since she was completely lost in the idea of being able to have a good drink in her system. She didn’t even notice how her escort was slightly hunched over as if cowering away from the men and holding their head down. Both the men eyed the pair as they walked by, and watched them approach a singular cellar hidden deep in the back of the alleyway. A dead end almost, Imelda stood a couple of paces away as she watched the masked figure start to open the cellar doors. What should have taken a few seconds turned into a few minutes as Imelda squatted against the alley walls, while her escort had a little trouble trying to open the doors. The lock was very rusted and the hinges didn’t want to be opened. But with a little brute force the lock finally gave way and the hinges squeaked loudly as the escort opened the doors. They looked back at Imelda and gave a simple thumbs up as their chest rose and fell. ”Are you trying to tell me you’re all good?” With no response the masked figure walked down into the cellar and right behind them was Imelda.

The stairs of the cellar were made completely of stone at the top, but past the fifth step Imelda was unsure. The place was dark and it would be nearly impossible to tell one foot from the other, but she figured if her escort went down there then it must be safe. So without a single second thought she began to walk down into the cellar. The smell of alcohol hit her nose almost immediately as she descended down further and further into the pitch black darkness. Imelda had no idea how long she was walking down for, and was unsure of where her foot placement was. ”Whatever’s down here better be worth it.” She thought as she felt her feet reach a flat area. The steps had finally ended and yet she was still in a dark area with no light. At least that’s what she thought because only seconds later a door would open ten feet away from her and the sound of music and laughter filled her ears. Along with the sights of people dancing and drinking inside this shady cellar. Stepping inside the well hidden bar Imelda looked around and couldn’t help but feel happy as she looked around. The place was well decorated and lit compared to the stairway leading to it. It even had a full six person band playing cheerful music.

Imelda would still follow her escort who took an empty seat at the bar top, which conveniently had an empty seat next to it. The bartender slid over to the pair and gave a hearty laugh, “Hah, Eloise my favorite doctor! Will it be the usual friend?” The bartender was a fair skin woman with brown hair in a ponytail, the cigarette on her lip looked newly lit and she spoke with it in her mouth as if it were second nature. Eloise simply nodded and held up two fingers as she wiggled in her chair as if excited. “Oh two right off the bat?” The bartender laughed. “I’m assuming the other one is for your new friend? Well then coming right up!”

”Eloise huh? You must come here often if you’re even known by name.” Eloise tried to hide away after Imelda finished her sentence as if embarrassed. Imelda didn’t care however her spirits were already lifted and the incident on the harbor left her brain. It didn’t take long for the bartender to return with two tall glasses of dark beer, foam was still falling from the side. ”Oh man! This is gonna taste great!

“Nuh uh!” The bartender's hand snatched the drink away before Imelda got a chance to even grab it.

”Hey what's the big idea!” Imelda slammed her hands on the bar and stood as if ready to fight for the beer. With a smirk the bartender simply looked at Imelda with a half closed eye. Imelda was confused and began to get furious again and right as she was about to open her mouth again the bartender simply opened her eyes and stared at Imelda.

“Sit down.”

A sudden wave of fear washed over Imelda’s mind at that very moment. She didn’t feel in control of her body as she felt her butt hit the seat again. It was then that Imelda noticed the scars on this woman’s arms and middle to lower torso. Imelda didn’t want to sit down but yet something in her body ordered her to do so. “Good bull, now tell me please. Before I give a drink to some random face who showed up with our Eloise, what’s your name and occupation? For instance I’m Bistro and I run the Cellars Wall which is this little place. Now your turn.” The words were cold and somehow full of ego. It sent shivers down Imelda's spine.

The words were getting choked up inside Imelda's throat as she stared at the obviously seasoned woman. Once again Imelda felt a sudden wave of anger overcome her and yet there was nothing she could do in this situation. Her body knew she would lose a fight here. But with her overwhelming feelings Imelda yelled out, “My name is Ram D. Imelda! And I'm the captain of the Blue Horned pirates!” It was almost like a declaration that left Imelda panting for air as if the wind in her body had disappeared. While trying to catch her breath she heard a clatter on the bar and looked up to see Bistro smiling and the beer on the bar.

“Now that wasn’t so hard. Go ahead and drink up Imelda, this ones on the house for you.” With a wink Bistro walked down the bar to some other customers. Imelda felt a hand pat her shoulder and looked over to see Eloise trying to cheer her up. Once again saying no words to Imelda, but at least her thumb was raised once again.

”Fuck this… I just need to drink this day away! Come on toast with me!” Imelda grabbed her glass after finally regaining her breath and held it up as if to toast with Eloise. However, to her shock, the other glass was already empty and already being replaced by another. ”WHEN DID YOU DRINK THAT!? YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE OFF THE MASK!” Imelda felt her head begin to hurt with such a weird idea. She didn’t even wait for a toast at this point, Imelda began to drown herself in the glass of dark beer.

Twelve Drunken Hours Later

”Ahh, ain’t this nice. A beach too myself. A clear beautiful blue sky, the winds at a perfect speed. Ahhhh ~ yeah this is the life. Hehehe.” Imelda now known as the STRONGEST pirate captain to ever sail the seas enjoyed her free time. Everyday was spent either napping or just… well napping.

”Hey person writing this, keep it together will ya. And be a little more quiet!” Behind her lay a mountain of treasure that she’d acquired over the years. Treasure that she herself didn’t want, but knew she would need in order to feed her crew. Nothing could go wrong for this great pirate captain. She had the world in her hands, and absolutely nothing could ruin it. Well maybe except the fact that this was all a dream and Imelda is currently in danger.

”Wait… What? What danger? And what the hell is that awful odor!”


Imelda’s eyes flashed open without fail. ”I’M UP JUST SHUT UP NARRATOR!” The first thing to appear in Imelda's view was Eloise, holding a broken vial with the smell of what she could only describe as a horrible dead fish mixed with skunk spray. It spun Imelda’s head, but she still sat up with a huge overwhelming feeling of hangover. The next thing she noticed were the dark walls of the alleyway leading to the cellar doors. Why the hell were they back here? ”Eloise? What the hell happened?” Imelda held her palm on her forehead as she felt a sudden headache start to form. Maybe it was the smell? Or the alcohol? She couldn’t decipher which it could be, but the voice she heard next took her thoughts away. Mainly put them at ease. The voice of a person she hadn’t heard all day and sorely missed.

”Told ya not to drink too much.. Ya dumbass captain..” There was the familiar voice Imelda knew.

”MANGO!! I missed ya bu-” Her words were cut off, as her vision finally started to fully come to. She looked at her friend standing there with both of his signature daggers in his hands. He was standing in a fighting pose meant for short range combat, but at the same time he wobbled. Blood fell to the cold stone each second he was stood and wobbled as if defying the action of falling to the ground.

”I missed ya too… Heh, handle… the rest… Imelda…” With those words Mango crumpled to the ground still holding onto his daggers with a white knuckle grip. Imelda could only stare as the sounds of the world left her ears.

”Hey… Hey Mango… HEY! STOP FUCKING WITH ME! WAKE UP!” Without a second thought Imelda jumped to her feet and ran over to her friend's motionless body. She nudged and shoved him as if somehow that would work. Imelda couldn’t even feel her own heartbeat as she looked down at him. For the first time in a long time in her life as she finally leaned over his body, holding back her tears, Imelda felt truly helpless. The tears were so close to erupting from her eyes Imelda knew that there was nothing to do, but before the tears could leave there were two hands on her side. Not comforting hands, more like shoving hands. Looking at whoever dared to touch her right now Imelda saw the pointy end of a mask in her face and a struggling person trying to push her off. Eloise? ”What the hell are you doing!?” Eloise stomped her foot in the ground and showed her the brown satchel she had been carrying around all day. On the front was a symbol of a red cross. Eloise was a doctor. ”Wait, you’re gonna fix em up!?”

Eloise nodded.

”You do that then I’m gonna go look for who did this!” Imelda stood up from Mango’s body with a fire in her eyes to find those responsible.

Eloise pointed to the left at a group of five bodies on the ground. All dead.

Imelda took the hint and walked over towards them. As she got closer to them, she noticed all of them wore a red shirt and each on their arm had the words, “The Crows brotherhood,” tattooed on their arms. With a deep inhale Imelda cleared her mind as she stared at them all. Mango fought this hard for her while she, was passed out drunk. Imelda readied herself to fight everyone on this island if she had to in order to find the person in charge of this group. So all in one breathe she screamed, ”ALRIGHT ELOISE TAKE CARE OF MANGO! I'M GONNA GO KILL A GROUP OF THUGS! ORRRRAAAAAAAA!” And just as she was about to take off running around this town causing trouble, a new voice spoke up from the direction that led to the entrance of the alleyway. A voice Imelda didn’t recognize. It was a soothing woman's voice… But also held a slight condescending judgemental tone to it.

“Some captain you are? Do you even know the way we're going, or who we're even looking for? Captain Blue Horn? And who the hell is narrator?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 7 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A misshapen club of an arm crashed down on the spot Luna had been standing just a moment before, cracking the earth. Her ear twitched and she threw herself into a back handspring just as the other creature swung one of its arms, this one sharp as a sword, nearly cleaving her in half. ”The hell are these things?” she muttered as the pair began to advance on her again. Is this that Low guy’s power? He’s gotta be close, then! she thought, but a quick glance around showed her that the only people nearby were the two henchmen she had knocked out, the workers having taken the chance to run off.

Her attention was brought back to the golems as they sped toward her, surprisingly fast for their twelve-foot frames. The one with the club arm swung downward again and Luna sidestepped, then watched in surprise as the second one melted into the first, rather than step around it to get to her. She punched the flat side of the second’s sword arm, deflecting its downward slice. Her ear twitched again as the first’s club arm morphed and shot a spike out toward her. She dodged it, but just barely, wincing as the spike grazed her side.

Luna jumped back to put some distance between herself and the constructs, holding her side as the pair separated again. ”Alright, you assholes are getting annoying,” she growled as electricity began to spark from her body. Rather than let them close in again, Luna dashed forward as her cloak fell from her shoulders. She jumped over a swing from the bladed golem and lashed out with a kick in midair, connecting solidly with the lump that jutted out from its shoulders, which she guessed could be considered a head.

Her leg sank into the soft, malleable clay, then stopped. ”Shit!” she exclaimed as the lump suddenly extended into a long tendril. It lifted her into the air, then slammed her to the ground, hard enough to knock the wind from her lungs. She laid there, stunned as she watched the club-armed golem approach. It raised its arm and she closed her eyes as she braced herself for a sudden end to her journey.

I’m sorry, Sol…

“Hey, you bastards, over here!”

She opened her eyes just in time to see the club-armed golem get hit by a jar filled with some kind of liquid, the stench of it potent enough to Luna’s sharp nose to make her eyes water. She covered her mouth and nose as the golem’s raised arm suddenly fell to the ground, the clay having crumbled almost like soil. A second jar crashed against the clay tendril that had trapped her leg and she watched as the same thing happened. Before she could react, she felt someone grabbing her by the wrist. “What’re you waiting for? Stand the hell up before they can put themselves back together!”

Luna looked up to see a man with dark, disheveled hair, his face criss-crossed with scars, pulling her to her feet with his left arm. Where his right should be, there was nothing but an empty sleeve folded up to his shoulder and sewn closed. She scrambled to her feet and followed the man as he ran through the vineyard. ”Who are–”

“There’ll be time for that later, Princess!” the man interrupted, his grip on her wrist ironclad as he pulled her after him. “We’ll talk more once I get you somewhere he can’t see us!”

Questions swam in Luna’s head, but she held her tongue as she and the stranger entered the town. They zigged and zagged, sped through back alleys and side-streets as they took a circuitous route through the town. Eventually, they came to the wooden door of an old, run-down building. The man walked up to the gate and knocked on it three times, paused, then gave four more taps, each one spaced out seemingly at random. A moment passed in silence, then Luna’s ears picked up the sound of a lock disengaging just before the door opened into darkness. The man, without pausing, walked into the building and disappeared into the darkness. Luna hesitated, then followed him, unsure of what to expect on the inside.
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