Basic Information
Old by human standards, but young among her people
A hornbow with the string twined from the web of an Ungolianth. A quiver of arrows with obsidian arrowheads. A two-handed shillelagh made from the core wood of an ironbark tree.
Detailed Appearance
Simbelmynë is a short and light Elvian of only 150cm and 45kg. She has flowing hair of silver and moonstone-pale skin, with outlandish yellow eyes that has a piercing quality to them. Her face carries two lines of parallel scars running from her forehead to her cheeks, an ornament typical of her order. Simbelmynë dresses in a wide variety of natural materials, from leather and fur, to wool and linen, to feathers, bone, twigs, and moss. Amongst this jumbled mess gleams silver jewelry inlaid with mother of pearl and precious stones, carved with runes and eldritch symbols. It is clear for all to see that she belongs in the wild, with the trees and the animals.
Bio History
Simbelmynë was raised by her mother to be part of a secretive coven of woodland witches devoted to the worship of an eldritch forest spirit known as the Old Goat, or the Wilder, or the Horned One, among other names. Her life was filled with mysticism and secretive rituals from an early age, as well as the struggles of surviving in the wild. The coven was very secluded and guarded, and contact with the outside world was sparse. Simbelmynë was taught about the evils of civilization, the tyranny of nobles, and the barbarism of war. In time, she became a valuable asset to the coven and was seen as the natural successor to her mother. She had passed the basic initiation, but still had trials in front of her to become a fully trained with and privy to all the secrets of the Wilder.
- Her coven
- The wild
- Freedom
- Balance
- The Old Goat
- Cities
- Laws
- Nobles
- Soldiers
- Slavery

Skills and Abilities
- Shapeshifting - As a woodland witch in the coven of the Old Goat, Simbelmynë has been taught to change her physical form into that of an animal. Although the more seasoned witches can change into almost anything Simbelmynë has a less varied but still formidable arsenal of shapes at her command including, but not limited to; a wolf, a stag, an eagle, and a snake, all white like freshly fallen snow.
- Commune with Nature - Another part of Simbelmynës training as a woodland witch is the ability to speak in the tongues of animals and plants. She can speak with any animal or plant in theory, but has not yet learned every dialect and variation. As it stands, she is proficient with most living things in the forest, but can have difficulties with animals and plants from other biomes.
- Otherworldly Patron - Simbelmynë, along with the rest of her coven, has entered a pact with the Horned One. In exchange for her undying loyalty and soul, this eldritch being has endowed her with frightful arcane powers. She can blast her foes with bursts of flaming eldritch energy, and can let that same power imbue her flesh to enhance her physical prowess manyfold. When she does this, she glows with a green fire, her eyes shining bright and smoldering.
What are the drawbacks of those abilities?
- Shapeshifting - Simbelmynës mother always warned her to be on her guard while changing shapes, lest she forget that she's an elvian and not a snake. The alien physiology of the shapes take their toll over time, affecting Simbelmynës dexterity and even perception as she changes back to her original form. Shorter transformations are no danger, but longer periods can prove problematic.
- Commune with Nature - Simbelmynë has spent so much time talking to the beings of the wild that she has become disillusioned with humanoid speech. She dislikes most humanoid languages, percieving them as crude, and constantly fails to find the right word for something that comes naturally to her when speaking to a deer, or a toad, or a pine.
- Otherworldly Patron - The sect worshipping the Old Goat is far from popular in all the realms of the empire. The Horned One is more or less seen as a demon or evil spirit by many, marking its disciples as mislead or evil themselves. As if that wasn't enough, Simbelmynë must contend with the will of the Wilder and obey its commands, which it utters through cryptic dreams and visions from time to time.
- Nature - Her mothers tutelage in knowledge of the forest has taught Simbelmynë almost everything there is to know about the plants and animals inhabiting it.
- Survival - A lifetime of living in the wild has molded Simbelmynë into a skilled outdoorsman.
- Religion - An important part of her life in the coven was the rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the Old Goat. Simbelmynë knows them all by heart, and carries a small wooden effigy of the Wilder with her wherever she goes.
Extra Information
It is easy to grow uneasy around Simbelmynë. She doesn't feel right in civilized circles, like a wolf in a sheep pen. Her reactions are off, her vibe is all wrong, and she doesn't blink often enough. There is also the creeping feeling, whenever looking into her eyes, that someone very bad is looking back through them. Someone that is more animal than man, and more god than animal.
Theme Song