Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 4 mos ago


EARTH- 3200 BC


The moonlight shone upon the village in a glittering light as the wind howled through the streets, those who were not yet asleep at the time and were out travelling had to cover their faces so as not to get sand in unwelcome places. One such man was in more of a rush than the others as he hurried along towards one of the largest of the cloth tent dwellings, he tried to protect his face, but the oblong wooden box he was heaving about was too heavy for such an act. No matter though, for within a few moments he had brushed the canvas entrance aside and dropped to his knees, apparently within a circle of other men and women who were on their knees as well.

Between each person who was ordained in exquisite jewelery were wax candles several inches tall that were lit and flickering despite the only movement coming from this man, he set the wooden crate in the center and took his place among the center. In a uniform motion they all took to a cross-legged position and bowed their heads, closing their eyes and they began to hum in a low key, and soon enough what was in the box began to glow a bright white light that escaped the cracks and crevices of the container. Then one by one, the priests’ bodies were enveloped in a brilliant blue light that sent out tendrils to connect with one another in an upwards fashion before the unified beam of energy surged down into the box and upwards, ripping a hole in the tent and going ever skyward.

At a high altitude that everybody in this day and age thought to be the heavens, the beam of energy began to open up and create a portal between our world and another, alien one. There was no light in this realm, only pure darkness that pierced the night sky and then as one, everyone that lived in this village and the ones that were miles around began to scream in abject terror and despair. Descending from this portal was a humanoid shape with dark blue skin, but where a head should be were instead thousands of tentacles with their own eyes and mouths, it’s long arms outstretched in a cold, welcoming embrace.

As this ungodly monster descended, in the village square a brilliant white light erupted like a dome and then vanished, leaving a group of figures in it’s wake, one of whom was covered in a dark red living armor, in one hand was a sword made of blood and in the other was a stone tablet.

The group had to turn away from the behemoth so as to not be affected by it, and the armored figure raised it’s tablet and spoke loudly yet calmly over the horrendous torrential screaming. “Pa Gon Drux Gal!” The tablet lit up with strange symbols in a bright red light and it shot a ball of energy towards the towering eldritch God who became centered with a yellow Enochian binding spell, causing it unable to move in any direction. The beast roared with fury, causing this group to double over in pain, and the blood covered knight raised it’s tablet once more, “Veh Med Drux Gisg Un Gon Drux” once more the tablet lit up with the red energy and shot at the beastly thing, causing it to shrink in stature ever downwards towards the ripped up tent and the glowing priests and priestesses.

This beast was using their life energy to sustain itself, so in a matter of minutes they had aged several decades. Finally, the beast was so small that it fell through the cracks of the wooden box and the blue lights vanished...




The alarm clock was what woke Ethan up, which he was grateful for this time around, so with a smile on his face he rolled out of bed and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as his noise cancelling headphones and slipped on a random t-shirt before heading out of his dorm towards the co-ed bathrooms. It was like another world in this hallway he felt like as he rounded a corner into the bathroom, even with his headphones he could hear the high “lubs” and the low “dubs” beyond the doors and walls, and it unnerved him and made him jump with anxiety. As he set to brushing his teeth, he tried to not engage with the other early morning risers who he could hear before he could see, then he hopped into the shower, and steeled his gaze from the pretty girls who waltzed in, unlike his normal male classmates.

After his shower, he grabbed his backpack with his laptop and other materials, then his bike helmet and bike lock and locked up his dorm door before making his way outside where his street bike was chained up against a “Reserved For Bikes” sign, but someone had graffited “Maggie Bitch” which he had to look at every time he had class. Trying to put it out of his mind, he rode though the small roadways and weaved around students, trying not to get choked up with anxiety, he tried the deep breathing exercises his therapist told him about last week, but they barely helped at all. He made his way to his first class of the day after locking his bike up once more, all of a sudden the weather quickly changed from just barely being sunny to a torrential downpour. The rain that descended seemed to slam against the classroom lab windows in an angry fashion, sounding like a loud cracking with each connection.

Ethan Miller stole a glance away from his pig cadaver that he and the class were dissecting and glanced at the window nearest him, most people were ignorant about it, but Ethan knew deep down that this was no ordinary rainstorm, some magician somewhere was having a bad day. The class instructor was droning on about the different anatomical parts of the pig, but Ethan had to struggle to listen through his noise cancelling headphones, he had to wear them or the overbearing sound of rushing blood in the student’s bodies standing around him would drive him nuts, but again he had to remind himself that this was the life he chose as a hemonancer.

Closing his eyes in a grimace, he bent over against the metal table causing his lab partner, whom he didn’t know, to take notice and then slowly others started to stare until the instructor stopped the lesson and started towards him. Usually he could push through the loudness, usually he just had to focus on something else entirely, or escape the situation, but he had already used up too many excuses and was in danger of failing this class and his dream of being in the medical field, so now his choices were twofold. The first of which was to quiet the rushing, make the blood go still, but that would kill everybody, so he just had to push through it.

Gritting his teeth he looked up to watch his instructor move towards him, but everything around him started to move so slow, it was like a crawl- he looked out the window and rain looked like little liquid comets slamming into the glass in slow motion, and then it all stopped and resting in his hand was a letter addressed to him in this very room in a peach colored envelope. “It can’t be,” Ethan spoke quietly as he opened the letter precariously and pulled out the parchment.

Dear Ethan Miller, Congratulations you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people (or Maggies that normies call us) have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.

Your Homeroom Teacher, Ms. Monik Maglon

When he finished reading, Ethan looked up and watched in awe as the world around him started to melt away like an old oil painting only to be quickly replaced by sand beneath his feet, the sound of an ocean behind his back, a stone staircase leading up the hill facing in front of him, and above him the sky was nearly clear with but a few clouds. It felt warm and quite save for the ocean, and as he looked up, he looked in amazement at the yellow Sun and the blue Sun shining their light into the morning sky. In the next moment, he watched as other individuals blinked into existence.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Outside, the wind howled relentlessly, its invisible hands attempting to sting my eyes and gnaw at my skin. Yet, amidst this struggle for dominance, I, Zephyr, remained the victorious observer—my hooves firmly planted on the ground. With an untamed spirit, I watched a male human hurry towards a destination, his every movement driven by an urgency that radiated through his thin body. In his hands, he carried an oblong wooden box, its weight evident in the strain etched upon his face.

The gusts buffeted against this determined creature, threatening to snatch the box from his grasp. But he held fast, his grip unyielding, as if channelling the tenacity of the elements themselves. With each step, his resolute energy brushed against my ethereal essence, intertwining for a fleeting moment. There seemed to be a temporary unspoken camaraderie between us—a shared understanding of purpose and determination.

As he reached the entrance of the tent, he deftly parted the canvas with a resolute motion, the fabric billowing and swirling in response. Curiosity stirred from somewhere within my being, urging me to witness the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of that shelter. With the freedom of the wind coursing through my mane, I craned my neck and continued observing from my vantage point to note anything else that was important.

Yet, as I stood there, my equine form tethered to the earth, I felt a profound detachment. And slowly this human's journey, the understanding of his burdens and aspirations, no longer resonated within my existence.

“I found them,” a young woman in a black garment and light armour said aloud then, her eyes opening and creasing in fortitude, “but we need to hurry”.


In the heart of New York city, a young girl sipped away at her iced coffee, looking at the people passing her by. The one thing she loved about her city was that it provided her with the opportunity to partake in one of her secret hobbies: people-watching. Amidst the vibrant streets and bustling crowds, she found herself drawn to observing the intricacies of human behaviour.

From the cozy cafes to the sprawling parks, every corner on her block held a wealth of stories just waiting to unfold. The city, with its diverse tapestry of individuals, also provided her with an endless array of characters to observe. The laughter of friends sharing a joke, the contemplative gaze of a solitary artist lost in their thoughts, and the tender exchanges of lovers wrapped in an embrace. She revelled in the details of it all—the way a person's eyes crinkled when they smiled, the determined stride of a businesswoman rushing to her next appointment, or the carefree skip of a child chasing their dreams.

In the city's vibrant tapestry, Nina Hughes found inspiration and a sense of connection that was difficult to find in her current life.

Letting out a sigh tinged with disappointment, she found herself once again fixated on the screen of her phone. The words illuminated in bold white letters mocked her with a bittersweet reminder of dashed plans.

"Sorry girly. Something came up. How do you feel about next Friday?"

The text lingered before her, a painful reminder of yet another cancelled rendezvous. As her fingers traced the edges of the device, Nina couldn't help but feel a wave of melancholy wash over her, and with a swipe of her finger she closed the message without responding, tucking her phone and her disappointment away. As she stood from the small table she had occupied for the past two hours, a sense of restlessness gnawed at her core. The temptation to unleash her power, to sweep away the disappointments with a mere thought, tugged at her like an addictive force. But she knew the dangers that lurked in giving in to such desires, the slippery slope that could lead her down a treacherous path that was hard to come back from.

Instead, with a determined flick of her wrist, Nina discarded the empty carton into a nearby bin, symbolically discarding the weight of unfulfilled expectations. She felt the weight of her backpack press against her shoulders then, a weirdly comforting reminder of the mysterious envelope's presence buried within its depths.


While reading the letter for the first time, Nina had been seated in her favourite spot: the cozy study of her family’s home, surrounded by shelves of old books and trinkets collected over the generations. The flickering flames in the fireplace had cast a warm glow, illuminating the room as she held the apparent invitation in her trembling hands. Outside, the soft sound of rustling leaves and chirping crickets did nothing to soothe her despite the ambiance it created. If anything, it was an infuriating backdrop, a cruel reminder about the world she was about to leave behind.

She’d been caught off guard in the most annoying way.

Nina’s irritation simmered beneath the surface as her eyes scanned the note. No sooner had she finished reading the last line did she see the world around her dissipate, as if someone had taken a wand and turned everything into smoke. She’d been initially disoriented, the haze only clearing as her eyes came to adjust to the suddenly bright colours around her. You’d think they would put a warning before opening the envelope that you wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to your loved ones…but no, she complained to herself sullenly, glowering at the now blue sky above her as it if were to blame for unceremoniously dumping her into this new world. The sand beneath her feet did not make things better either, invading her delicate bunny slippers and causing her to squirm with each step she took toward the newly formed stairs before her.

Really, none of this should have been a surprise to her. It was only recently that she’d found herself with abilities that none of her classmates could perform, at least as far as she knew. After all, it was not the norm that she could just know-just feel- what they happened to be thinking at a particular time. The dread for an upcoming exam; the excitement bubbling up the closer they got to the end of class; the hidden sadness lingering behind a few of their smiles.

Her abilities already felt like they were far too much.

As the unfamiliar voices and vibrant energies mingled around her, she felt a surge of vulnerability. She instinctively crossed her arms, as if seeking solace and protection within herself. Her oversized t-shirt, once a comforting garment, now served as a shield against the unknown faces around her. Summoning whatever courage, she could, she took a tentative step forward, reminding herself that at least she was not going to be alone in this new journey.
As Nina ascended the newly formed stairs, each step filled her with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration. With every upward stride, the veil between her world and the unknown grew thinner, drawing her closer to a realm steeped in mystique and wonder. The air crackled with electric arcane energy as if it were charged with the anticipation of what awaited her at the summit. As she neared what she assumed was the top, her senses were instantly overwhelmed by a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents.

Before the young sorceress stood a seemingly unoccupied castle-like cottage, a charming and whimsical structure that seemed to have been plucked from the pages of a fairy tale. Its walls, adorned with intricate stonework and delicate vines, exuded an aura of enchantment. Tall, arched windows invited the warm sunlight to spill into the cozy interior, casting playful patterns across the polished wooden floors. The building was also embraced by lush green gardens and towering trees that whispered secrets of centuries gone by, their branches reaching out as if to offer their own brand of enchantment.

Yet, amidst the splendour, there was an air of intrigue that caught Nina's attention. As her gaze scanned the home's exterior, she noticed a subtle movement, a flicker of motion that stirred in the corners of her vision. Curiosity piqued, she peered closer, her eyes searching for the source. And there, nestled within the lush greenery, she caught a glimpse of small, beady eyes peering back at her.

A mischievous smile played on Nina's lips as she realized that hidden within the cottage's beauty, there were mystical inhabitants observing her every move. It seemed the structure had a life of its own, with magical creatures that dwelled within its walls and gardens. The small pair of eyes that she saw, though fleeting, spoke of a world teeming with enchantment and the possibility of unexpected encounters.

As her mind entertained thoughts of the magical inhabitants, Nina couldn't help but add a playful remark. "As long as I'm not on its dinner list," she murmured to herself, a wry grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 2 days ago


Ra, the god of the sun, the bringer of dawn, the staver of darkness, the god above all. This was the Egyptian's chief god. All below the very heavens were believed to be his kingdom. The only thing they were right about was that he was above them all.

A lone sand dune stood above the vast desert, a single place where a man stood seeming to cast a view upon the village at large. The cool wind carried sand, dust, and debris at high speeds as it followed the curve of the dune, directly towards the man. Even with this seemingly overwhelming force, the man stood eerily still, the wind seemed to almost stop the moment it touched him, the wind split and shifted away as anything that touched the man seemed to fade away the moment it made contact. These materials began to form and shift covering the man in a dark armor that shone and shimmered. The man's hand began to shift across his body and the armor began to become more defined.

The man continued to watch, waiting for something, as he watched the village below multiple individuals come from behind him and began to speak. Many different things, yet the man did not listen, he watched. A pulse of energy rang out followed by a pillar of blue light punching into the vast sky, filling it with nothingness. In this moment, a low tone seemed to almost resonate with the energy, this low yet overwhelming voice seemed to come from the man's direction. Energy began to form around the man, as he began to raise his arms beginning to form symbols. The distance between the group that formed around the man and the village he was once watching seemed to only grow as one stares. The distance between the group and the village extends further and further as vast nothingness covered the distance.

Un mals mals graph un ur,
Gisg med,
Na med tal graph fam gon veh veh drux graph fam fam

Un mals mals graph un ur,
Gisg med,
Drux med fam gisg un ur ged gon un

Or un don,
Or un don,
Un gon un gon,
Tal un drux gon,
Tal gon ur graph fam,
Un gon un gon,

Med nah,
Mals ur un veh graph,
Gisg na un gisg,
Graph pal gon fam gisg fam,
Pa graph gon med drux gal,
Tal gon,
Don graph un veh na

Gon gon gisg na,
Gisg na graph fam graph,
Or graph graph ur gon drux ged fam,
Pa don gon gal ged graph,
Gisg na gon fam,
Van un fam gisg,
Gal gon fam gisg un drux veh graph,

Gon gon gisg na,
Gisg na gon fam,
Nah graph pal,
Gon un don mals,
Gisg na graph,
Gal gon fam gisg un drux gisg,
Gon med don ur gal,

Gisg graph ur graph mals med don gisg

This entire time, energy began to gather around the group of young mages. A bubble of brilliant white light began to engulf the group with the rising of power, and in that last utterance, a single beam of light shot forward. Extending into the now vast void like an arrow, this beam of light covered the great distance made by a void of nothingness. Covering what seems to be eons of nothingness from the outside, the moment the beam touched the distant picture of the village, the brilliant light exploded, and the group vanished from the sand dune.


The smell of old paper and perfumed air fresheners hang in the air. The quiet shuffling of people, papers, and the solid thumps of books landing upon desks. It was a normal day within the library, Adrith Carter has lived in this monotony, and he was content. The smell of the hot summer desert snuck into the library every couple minutes when someone entered or exited the building. For Adrith, this was nostalgia, it was until a smell got to his nose that changed his entire demenor. His leg began to cramp as he turned towards his desk that faced the door most had to enter to enter the library. 3 individuals began to enter the building, Adrith knew them from scent alone, each of them were ones he knew well enough.

Adrith kept cool, as the individuals entered they began to make their way to the front desk. The one leading the group was a man who stood well above most men, built like a brick, and looked like he could crush one too. The man's eyes landed onto Adrith as a dead-set staring contest began. The two looked to each other as if waiting for the other to make the first move. The air was tense, as for those who could sense the energy, a class of auras began. A low level clash, as neither budged until Adrith's demenor changed, "What can I help you with?". The man across from Adrith looked astonished, caught off guard as he noticed to his ight an older woman making her way over. "Where's the books on the war of 1812?"

The talk became cordial for a moment as both men let the other pass while who seemed to be the director of the university made their over to the desk. The woman then dropped a stack of papers in front of Adrith before she said, "I need these papers faxed to your director". Adrith gave a light nod as he said, "Of course ma'am". While Adrith stood up, he took the stack of papers while the director turned to begin talking to the other man in a much more happier and delighted fashion. To Adrith it made sense, among the 2 other them, it was night and day. He shook his head as he took a step away towards the printer, yet the moment he tried to press the button to power it on, the button wouldn't budge.

Adrith became confused until he realized, the world was quiet, Adrith turned to see all the people talking seems to be frozen, "What in the good lord?" Before Adrith was given a chance to investigate, he heard the sound of the printer break the silence. He was startled as he nearly jumped out of his own skin turning towards it. Seeing something is being printed out, a manila-colored envelope was being printed, with words being addressed directly towards him. Adrith lightly plucked the letter from the printer before inspecting it, he was confused, yet he took a deep breath, and then opened the letter, to see it says:

Dear Adrith Carter, Congratulations you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality, only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.

Your Homeroom Teacher, Ms. Monik Maglon

When he finished reading, Adrith began to hear waves crashing. The world around him washed away in the roar of waves, something that made Adrith's skin crawl. Something deep in his bones screamed out as he began to see dark waves began to crash away the world around him. Yet in this fearful moment, the glow of celestial objects lit a way to safety. A staircase made of solid and clean stone lead up to a hill, these held above it all, 2 celestial bodies, a sun of gold and one of blue. As Adrith began to climb the stairs, he felt the waves wash away, leading to the brilliant land, and more, to those who began to appear just like him.

Adrith began to look around, many different colors, sounds, and smells assaulted Adrith. Yet for him it was fine, he was used to sensory changes, heightening them, dulling them, it was something he did with ease. Yet there was something strange, a pulse of energy seemed to almost wash over him. When that happened the world changed, everything became heightened in color then no color, he could hear nothing then everything, he could even 'smell' the energy around him. The chemical reactions being preformed by every living thing. Adrith nearly threw up from this sensory over load, yet as quickly as this overwhelming sense and energy came, it left. His body returned to normal as he let a sigh out, having experienced such an overwhelming energy was new for Adrith. It felt as if he had lost control of his power, it was something he knew 'was' a thing, but having one's energy be overwhelmed was not something Adrith thought he would experience. More over, he never knew that it could make one's power become enhanced, maybe it was the ambient energy.

It was just another thing for Adrith to figure out, in his new life with these new student's around him. All of which began to make their way to the school upon the hill.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 4 mos ago



The blood-red knight reached behind his right shoulder to put his tablet into his knapsack before kneeling upon the ground, absorbing his sword back into his shifting glove and felt the warm sand, his helmeted face was looking up though at the still open portal in the night sky, and then looked back at his compatriots. “We’ve been through this before, remember the plan. Zeph, the God that comes through next, it’s power are in it’s hands, take those and there’s no threat. Adrith, it’s up to you to fight the minions that pour through, and me? I have to grab the box...” Almost as soon as the knight finished speaking to the Obsidian wearing woman on his left, and the stormbringer on his right, the ground began to rumble and quake as humanoid green monsters flew out of the portal, each with their own high pitched screaming noises so loud that Ethan had to increase the blood flow of the armor towards his ears.

“Hold...,” The armored Ethan said quiet enough for the both of them to hear as they watched the dozens of demi-goblins turn into fifty, and then one hundred and some of them started for the torn up tent going for the cracked wooden box, the rapidly aging priests and priestess would be too slow to put up their own defenses so once the glass shield came down Ethan made a mad dash. Running through the wind sweeping sand, he re-formed his blood sword and as one of the goblins began towards him with black claws outstretched he yo-yoed his sword straight through the beast and then brought the sword back to him, and he did the same to a couple more before reaching the tent and fell on his chest atop the box. He sucked in a lung-full of air and then exhaled, his blood armor ballooning and shooting outwards as his own shield but with tendrils that stayed connected to his body, protecting himself, the box and the priests within.

His helmeted face looked at each of the occupants of the tent, who were each dazed and confused, and scared as well but were tired beyond belief. “So,” Ethan started as the demo-goblins started scratching away at the clotted shield, “you guys must be our magic bearing ancestors? How’s that working out for you?” He asked jokingly.

Outside things were getting a little dicey as the piles of sand covered hills began to lower, ground beneath them beginning to part in preparation for the elder god that came next, which began as two pale white skeletal hands reaching down towards the ground, fingers black as coal and bent like the legs of spiders. Slowly they began to descend, taking up a majority of the portal to wherever this hell beast had originated from.

Back in the tent, Ethan reached behind him for his rucksack and pulled out a thin golden coin and held it up to where his mouth would be. “Commune,” he whispered into it and the surface began to ripple like a body of water that had been disturbed, “Professor Maglon, we have the box and we’re getting ready to close the portal. How are things on your end?” The coin was still for a few moments before it began to ripple rhythmically as if sound was coming out of it, “Not great? We’ll join the club when Professor Pero ports us back, until then: Make the Followers Of Thoth bleed!”

Ethan completed his transmission before looking up at the priests, some of whom were eyeing him as if they were hungry for any kind of nourishment and energy. “That was my homeroom teacher,” Ethan told them while looking up at the gaggle of Demi-Goblins stupidly still trying to attack his blood-dome. “She’s a pretty cool lady, a bit strict though, but you guys would like her. I’ll tell her you said hi anyway, See you guys later,” and he absorbed the blood dome back into him before running with the wooden crate back to their original position, the Eldritch God’s super disgusting severed arms were laying in a heap nearby as both Zephyr and Adrith were both laying down covering fire. Minutes passed by and in united enochian the three of them managed to close the rift before getting ported away, leaving quite the scene behind them.




Almost the very second that Ethan and the others had been magically transported into the Immortal Hills, strange things began to happen out in the real world, for example in Ethan’s classroom right where he once stood, an ethereal portal into darkness opened up, not even enough time could pass for the students and instructor to process this.


Where the Pyramids of Giza now sit planted into the bedrock of the nation, tourists visiting the sight get first glimpse and sensation of the ground shaking, causing rocky rubble to shift along the Pyramids.


At the ancient Agora of Athens, there are cracks and crevices in the marble that begin to vibrate and a white light is just beginning to glow as tourists walk it’s halls...


Located at the Glaston Abbey, the burial site of King Arthur, the hallowed ground in which he slumbers begins to give way like a growing sinkhole...


In the entire city of Berlin, there were sigils built into the roads by the Thule Society for a coming war structured into a ninety degree street and two intersections, and the electronics everywhere along this section just now begin to glitch.


Six feet underground at the Dalles Texas National Cemetary, the visitors are completely unaware of the first stirrings and awakening of the hundreds of dead soldiers.


Deep in the foundation of Stone Temple Baptist Church, something begins to stir awake as the concrete begins to vibrate...


Ethan spun about as several young adults started to materialize around him, and he prepared himself to be caught off guard by the sound and scent of their bloodstreams, and when it slammed into him like a freight train he growled and doubled over clutching his stomach trying to push away the anxiety. The crystal clear water of the ocean pushed a small wave into his back, coating him in the foreign waters that he realized all too late was frigid and cold, forcing him back onto his feet in both emotional and physical pain. He didn’t pay any attention to the mumblings of the others but then he saw the marble stone steps that led upwards and out of this predicament, he looked left and then right and saw naught of another way to go, but he did notice a strange looking lighthouse off in the distance.

“Only one way to go but up,” He suggested to the others through the pain, trying to get ahold of himself, trying to do his breathing exercises like he was told, then realized that his noise cancelling headphones were still on his person. “Hell yeah!” he whooped happily before sliding them on and he began to ascend, and then the sights hit him so hard he just stood there taking it all in. Off and up one long and winding path was a structure of blue stone several stories tall, but was too small to be a school for the hundred of students who had almost literally washed up on the beach.

In the other direction was an orchard of presumably fruit trees and toiling about and picking the fruit into handwoven baskets were these most beautiful looking greenish bluish skinned beings, the males were well over six feet while the females were roughly five foot, and the adorable children were close to three feet, though it was hard to tell with them zipping about the place.

Some of them stopped their work to look over at the new people and waved, Ethan noticed that they only had three fingers and a thumb, and a lot of them were skinny, at least by human standards. He was one of the first to wave back before turning back to the crowd of newcomers, “What is this place?” He asked in wonderment to nobody in particular before turning back around to see one of the females coming towards them, and the closer she got he could tell that her eyes were a pure green and she sported a wide smile. Ethan almost felt his anxiety wash away and was overcome with the idea to take off his headphones as she started to speak.

“ Ell’ho veryon’ee, elcom’we er’he o’ur omelan’hd, ssum’ae o’yu e’nw tudent’ss h’te niversit’uy? Tell’sa,” She spoke excitedly, and looked upon each of them with wonder, when she said Tell’sa, she motioned to herself as if that were her name, and her facial expression changed to one of hope that they might figure out and understand her.

Ethan looked around the woman at the others who had hung back and watched this woman engage with what he would think were strange invaders on their home turf, but when she spoke and motioned to herself he was smart enough to know that she was saying her name.

“Tell’sa, hello,” He said and brought out his hand to be shaken, he tried to show her what to do, but somehow she was ready for it, “oh okay, I am Ethan Miller from Seattle. Can you tell us where we are and how to get to this place?” he asked her, showing her the name of the university on his letter. He had to get kind of close to her and realized something interesting: He didn’t sense her blood. For the first time in forever his powers didn’t work on another living soul, and he found a tinge of happiness.

“E’ys, h’te niversit’uy,” she nodded and pointed towards the north, of which their was a cobbled road just beginning beyond the dirt path that they were on, "ollo’fw ha’tt oa’rd o’fr e’fw inute’ms n’ad o’yu Il’wl tar’st e’se on’oe u’yu eac’rh h’te it’cy ron’Tt. op'He o’yu af’se ravel’ts!”


Somewhere in The Immortal Hills there exists a room with only one occupant and no furnishings or nourishment, no light, and no hope, it is a prison made for one man. He is chained by the wrists, ankles, waist, and neck by interwoven locks with runic symbols running the lengths of the chains, he is suspended above a single golden tipped spike that while is already digging into his flesh, if he were to drop it would certainly impale him. Surrounding this spike is a lake of magical fire that would destroy what was left of his soul should he avoid the spike, and there is only one way out, a set of doors that are locked 24 different ways.

The emaciated frame, long black hair that hasn’t been washed in eternity, and the long blackened fingernails are what point out at the man, and as he has done every moment since his imprisonment, he scratches away at one of the runic symbols until it’s light starts to falter and for a moment his eyes flicker a heavy dark red before returning to normal.

“They’re here...” He speaks with a smile.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As the blood-red knight reached behind his right shoulder to stow his tablet, Zephyr watched intently, her head nodding in acknowledgment of the gravity of the task ahead. Her heart quickened with anticipation for what was to come, and as if in response the ground below her feet started to rumble and quake. The portal erupted with life as humanoid green monsters surged out, their high-pitched screams piercing the air. She felt the vibrations in her bones as they echoed all around them, an overwhelming symphony of chaos. As the thought of fending off the beasts came to mind, she caught a glimpse of the armoured knight signalling for them to hold back. He was always quick-thinking, and at that moment, she knew he had a plan.

Zephyr watched in awe as Ethan ran his sword through the goblins, slicing them apart effortlessly. His movements were like a dance of death, a symphony of destruction, and he cleared a path toward the tent with incredible speed.

Before either she or her companion could join him, however, she noticed in horror a pair of skeletal hands reaching up from the portal. The ground beneath the two trembled even more violently as the elder god finally made its entrance. Its presence was immense, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of dread. Despite having a prior understanding of what they had to deal with, she had to admit the malevolence radiating from them sent shivers down her spine. The wind whipped violently around them, carrying the eerie cries of the demi-goblins and the foreboding presence of the elder god. Time seemed to slow down entirely as if the very world was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Wasting no time, Zephyr took out her tablet, her familiar spell already on her lips.

“Don Graph Van Graph Un Ur”

As her consciousness merged with the ancient essence of the god, Zephyr found herself in an ethereal realm, a mental battlefield where her will clashed with the malevolent intentions of the powerful creature. The struggle felt like an eternity, but with unwavering determination, she prevailed, asserting her dominance over the god's mind. In less than a minute, she subdued the formidable entity, forcing it back into submission.

Returning to her physical body, Zephyr felt an overwhelming wave of exhaustion and disorientation wash over her. The mental strain had taken its toll, and she struggled to keep her composure, battling the urge to vomit. She steadied herself, drawing on the strength within, knowing that there was no time for weakness in the face of such a perilous situation.

As the adrenaline coursed through her veins, Zephyr felt a surge of power within her, a connection to the ancient forces of the universe. With a focus that bordered on the divine, she channelled her psychic energy through her sword, infusing it with the essence of her being. The blade glowed with an otherworldly light as she swung it with unparalleled precision, severing the god's skeletal hands from its body.

The psychic energy sliced through the air like a celestial arc, and the god's hands fell to the ground, writhing with dark energy before finally succumbing to stillness. The ground beneath them trembled, responding to the disturbance caused by the severed connection between the god and its manifestation. With the god weakened and its grip on the portal broken, the chaotic surge of goblins slowed, and the portal itself began to close. The once-booming symphony of chaos dimmed, being slowly replaced by the soft whisper of tranquillity returning to the realm.

With the portal finally closing, Zephyr and Adrith surrounded Ethan, providing him with a shield of protection as he carried the wooden crate containing the dangerous artifact. The ground beneath them steadied, and the chaotic energy that had filled the air slowly dissipated. Once Ethan reached their side, they all exchanged a quick nod, their unspoken communication clear. Without hesitation, their respective spells activated, closing the rift to the otherworldly realm. The glowing portal shrank until it disappeared entirely, leaving no trace of the havoc it had unleashed moments before.

With the immediate danger averted Zephyr felt relief wash over her. The battle had been intense, and she was still catching her breath, but the knowledge that they had successfully thwarted the elder god's manifestation filled her with a sense of accomplishment. As the adrenaline subsided, the sorceress glanced at her companions, seeing the weariness in their eyes. They had faced a powerful and ancient evil, and it had taken a toll on all of them. But they had come out victorious, and that was what mattered most.
"We did it," Zephyr said, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and triumph as they finally disappeared from the sandy desert.

PRESENT DAY: New York City, New York

Where Nina once stood in her study there materialized a bright white portal. The air crackled with energy, and a strong wind emanated from the swirling void, causing loose papers and books to lift from their shelves and float in mid-air.

The Immortal Hills

As Nina approached the group of people nearest to her, her curiosity was piqued when she noticed a strange, blue-skinned creature approaching them. Its appearance was unlike anything she had seen before, and its manner of speaking was equally unusual, with a melodic quality that seemed to resonate in the air. Her eyebrow shot up in confusion as she tried to make sense of the creature's words. Its language was unfamiliar to her, and she couldn't quite grasp its meaning. However, the creature's body language and gestures seemed to convey a friendly demeanour, and it didn't appear to pose any immediate threat.

At the creature’s gesture while in conversation with a boy with a pair of headphones on, Nina turned to where it pointed.
“I’m guessing…we go that way?” She noted, realizing too late that she’d spoken aloud.

The creature's eyes, however, seemed to sparkle with amusement as it nodded in response to Nina's guess. It seemed that she had correctly interpreted its gesture, and it was indeed indicating a direction for them to go.

"E’ys, o’yu ollo’fw ha’tt oa’rd," the creature replied, its melodious voice resonating in the air. Nina gave a small smile in return.
“Thanks for your help,” the girl said, before following the path indicated by Tell'sa, paying no mind to her previous interlocutor. She didn’t know how he could even have a conversation with those things on. Also…it seems kinda rude, she thought.

Thus, her first impression of Ethan was made. And it was not a good one.

The landscape around her seemed to shimmer with mystical energy as she walked, and Nina couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity as she ventured further into the unknown. As she walked, she found herself lost in the beauty and wonder of this magical realm. Other strange and fantastical creatures crossed her path, each one just the same as the last. Some greeted her with stares, while others simply went about their own business. She didn't mind either reaction. Her journey had only just begun, either way.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 2 days ago

Adrith placed the palm of his hand on his neck as he tilted his head and neck to lean into his hand. An audible pop and crack could be heard as he rolled his neck and shoulders as he listened to the Crimson Knight. Adrith gave an answer as he slammed his fist into his open palm, "Got it". The energy that was originally surrounding them from the storm now stopped, leaving a small bubble of calmness within the storm. In that same moment, Adrith began to almost glow with energy that hummed with the energy of the storm around them. As he was now synced with the entire storm system.

Adrith watched as the green skinned flying goblins began to pour out in the hundreds. Adrith stayed his hand as he began to draw in more energy, waiting for when Ethan was to move, the moment the Crimson Knight made the first move, Adrith let loose. Using his stored up energy he focused the energy of the storm into condensed columns of wind filled with sand. He began to move these columns of energy to target as many goblins as possible. The moment the column of wind hit them, the sand that was being thrown through changed shape and form into spikes that began to shred the goblins within.

As they began to come closer, it was Adrith that took the initiative, as he ran forward and closed the multiple yards of distance within a moment. Coming face to face with one of the countless enemies Adrith began his rampage, every punch he threw seemed to turn the goblins into a red mist. And attack that was to land upon him seemed to lose all control as when Adrith moved his body with it, the blow and the goblin flowed his body movement, until he shifted all that momentum into another hit. A tornado was all that could be to describe what was happening around Adrith. He was constantly pushing himself, using different energy flows at once to take all the aggression from the enemies, as that was what he needed to do.

It was when Ethan finally made his way to the tent Adrith took control of the entire storm. He knew it was almost time, and Zephyr needed breathing room. The storm disappeared for a moment, Adrith began to glow as he set a foot down with thunderous force and began to take control of the sands. He began to change the sands around Zephyr to become solid and provided her safety from the raging sands and the goblins. Adrith looked towards the blood dome and waved his hand as multiple miniature tornados rose and tore a part the many goblins that were trying to break through. With the moment when Adrith finished he felt the ground shake and revealed the Eldritch God's hands Ethan spoke of.

Adrith began to feel the world shift and change with this beast entering, Adrith felt his energy depleting, yet he continued to fight. Letting it go as he began to allow the storm to return. Allowing the energy around him to grow for him to use. Adrith began to see the man y goblins still pouring through as now Zephyr has seemed to have began her side of the fight. Meaning it had now left Adrith alone within this storm, which was exactly what he wanted. Adrith took a deep breath in as his armor began to change. This pure black armor with multiple glowing grooves within as he began to absorb all the energy around him. Heat, wind, gravity, everything around Adrith began to float and lfy away as he drew deeply of all the energy. The storm that was once her now seemed to almost dissappear, even the sand was dissappearing as he began to change that too into energy.

In this glow like a sun, Adrith began to indiscriminate barrage of energy. Simple waves of the hand tore the air apart and sent out a slash that cut goblins in half. Simple and small movements that was charged with so much power it would obliterate any that touches it. Adrith became a walking inferno of energy, almost like the sun on earth. It was a short lived display as he felt the energy even within the Eldritch god change, meaning Zephyr was about to return, so to not hurt his allies, Adrith let all the energy he had stored and used into a large blast of kinetic energy that blew countless Goblins away, picking up sand, goblins, and the tattered remains of everything.

This intense energy wave was so intense it kicked the storm that was gone, back up into a full fledged sandstorm. Once the blood dome dropped and the Eldritch god's hands dropped, this entire show was over. It was only exfiltration, which was easy once the three left and in unison, spoke words of power to leave.

It left the three youths with much, Adrith just let out a laugh with Zephyr, "Yeah. We did it".


Adrith appeared from the strange almost mosaic that showed him to this new place. It seemed multiple people showed up to the same place and seemed to startle one to fall into the water. Adrith went over and extended his hand out to him, "Here". It was once he came up the now soaked man spoke about only one way up before throwing on headphones and heading off. Adrith shrugged as he began to head up the same way looking to some of the other students as he introduced himself. Trying to make conversation as they explored this strange land. It was until they came across who seemed to be the inhabitants of the land.

Their appearance was unlike anything he had seen before, their bodies were very specifically designed for the water and their manner of speaking was strangly exciting for the Polyglot within Adrith. There melodic quality that seemed to resonate in the air seemed unusual, yet it also seemed possible to understand strangely. The woman seemed to try and speak with the boy with the headphones, Adrith allowed the conversation to go as he began to try and decipher what seemed to be spoken.

The woman seemed friendly enough, seeming to even give her name, Tell'sa. It was a strange name, yet it was useful enough. When Tell'sa looked to each of them Adrith waved as he went back through the words spoken. She seemed almost expectant of something.

As the boy continued, Adrith learned his name was Ethan, it allowed Tell'sa to speak again, which gave Adrith the information he needed. When Ethan seemed to refer to a location, the magical university, she spoke out once more, "E’ys, h’te niversit’uy?". Adrith began to deconstruct the words in his head, as it was then Adrith realized that she was saying 'university' in a strange way. What came before were 2 other words, if using the same principles of the first and last letter being taken and placed at the very end of the word, he understood she said 'Yes' and 'the'. A smile came onto Adrith's face as he began to encode his own speech.

"Ah, ehm. Ell'ho Tell'sa, Drit'ah", Adrith said this while pointing to himself with a smile. "Han'tk o'yu, erm-o'fr h'te irection'ds. Ethan eem'ss er'vy…xcite'ed", Adrith gave a slight gesture to Ethan with a chuckle to before he then began to turn away and gave her a wave, "Op'he o’yu av'he rea'gt a'dy!"

Adrith wasn't perfect, yet it was his first time trying to speak like Tell'sa did. It was simple in nature, yet difficult in execution as knowing how 2 letter are to sound next to each other that were never in the English language made a great challenge. With a smile on Adrith's face, he now had a curiosity swell up within him. What if he was going to have many more situation like this? That sheer idea excited him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 4 mos ago



Dozens of burned up Demi-Goblin bodies littered the village and surrounding area, people were milling about trying to make sense of the insanity, some of them looking up at the stars and crying, asking in their native tongue why the gods had tortured them so. None of them aware that the next generation would begin to base their faith system on their parents’ stories, a few slightly more level headed villagers made their way to the torn up elder tent and were shocked at seeing their leaders look in a way that would later lead to the embalming process. They began to carry their dying bodies two men to a person outside and respectfully laid cloth over them for respect and began to pray, not to the demons that had nearly shredded their minds, but to the beings who rescued them from their plight.

There was an elderly man watching all of this unfold and looked about at the unearthly carnage and went into his domicile to retrieve his writing tablet and began to make an account for this night. His first hand account would later be discovered by modern day archeologists, though they would end up misinterpret a lot of it, especially one of them being Anti-Magic, he would go on to present his findings to like-minded people and form the hate group Humanity Forever.

A group that was actually extremely proactive in targeting magic users by using magic users against their own kind. They would use the blood from the severed hands of Egybr’mu to scry locations of “newborn” magical users and use lethal force to hunt them down like rabid dogs, unfeeling towards their previously human brothers and sisters. One such hunt would later on be picked up by news outlets across the globe.




“Hang on buddy, we’re almost there!” a man’s voice echoed in the distance, but it sounded like it was miles away, beyond all the dark red in Ethan’s vision, everything was red and the smell of iron was overpowering and almost singular. “You’re ok sweetheart, we’re here...” This time a woman’s voice and a woman’s touch, but to him he could feel naught but the blood coursing rapidly through her veins, ever present in his ears was the screams of pumping hearts. Two in the car with him were the loudest, but in the cars that sped past they were like gunshots right up against his ears, “It hurts! It hurts so much!” he screamed in pain, but his voice to him was drowned out everything else, making him feel so very insignificant.

His father was trying to race them to the hospital, it was all so sudden, one second they were having a family outing to the mall, and now they were here, his father looked terrified over at his mother before exchanging a knowing look. When he returned his attention to the road however, everyone was starting to slow down as they passed an on ramp and several black, identical SUVs swerved into the traffic ahead of them and stopped their vehicles, blocking traffic.

“What the Hell is this?” Ethan’s dad asked nobody in a mix of terror and anger, in the backseat curled up in a fetal position, Ethan began to hyperventilate as the smell of fear in their blood rose to new heights. Outside, all the doors to the SUVs opened simultaneously and like a scene from a war movie piled out

In a uniform motion, the stormtrooper-esque soldiers began sweeping car to car with high powered weaponry and were almost to Ethan’s family when everything just washed away from Ethan leaving only instinct. He hopped out of the minivan and started towards the first one who began to raise his gun, but with eyes red with bloody possessed rage he stopped the man’s heart dead in his tracks, then as the next guy could do nothing but watch as his compatriot fell to the ground. To his side one of the soldiers raised his gun to Ethan’s head, but with a sideways glance Ethan dropped him by sucking all the man’s blood to the outside of his body, some of it leaking out of his suit as he falls down.

Two soldiers this time who didn’t hesitate to shoot, the bullets hitting him in the shoulder and the chest, but not before they were merely flesh wounds stopped small walls of heavily coagulated blood. This blood brained Ethan outstretched his hand and behind him two more soldiers appeared to flank him, but he just smirked as he absentmindedly in pure bloodlust brought several bodies worth of blood towards the palm of his hand and watched as it exploded into blood spikes, penetrating their armor and impaling them before returning to liquid state. Then what happened?

His blood lust began to dissipate, it was like an onrush of adrenaline and he was feeling the after-effects of it all, he looked around at the drivers of the other cars and noticed they weren’t doing anything, in fact their eyes had glazed over. “No,” he spoke groggily, “no, mom and dad,” he remembered and spun around, and fell to his knees at the sight of their bloodstained bodies, he screamed upwards wordlessly and stayed there in disbelief for what seemed like hours. It was really only a few minutes and then got back on his feet and started to walk away after barely getting himself together, what was he going to do now, where would he go?

Most important question though was what had he become, monster or magician? He heard police sirens off in the distance growing louder and nearer so he took off at a jog onto the on-ramp until there was a paved sidewalk he could walk on. Was this to be his life now, running from disasters that he had caused?


Ethan turned about having taken several steps in the direction they were to head upon hearing both Nina and Adirth communicating with Tell’sa and was surprised to hear the young looking guy speaking in the foreign tongue, so he spoke up. “You can speak her language? Is that your gift, or- you know what I mean?” He asked him and put his palm out to show them a thin, free-flowing tendril seeping out of his pores. “I guess I'd call what I do Hemomancy,” He paused and looked out and around the horizon, seeing to the west an expansive pasture with snow capped mountains dotted throughout.

Dotted throughout the pasture were individuals similar to Tell’sa and her people acting as sheperds for what could only be described as this world’s goats as they grazed upon the ground. “Woah,” Ethan said, taking in the sights and motioned to the other two, “you don’t see much of this in Seattlle, where I'm from. Where are you guys from?” He asked inquisitively.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

3 Years Ago, New York City

As the screeching of tires filled the air and the two cars collided, 16-year-old Nina Hughes felt a surge of panic wash over her. “Please be okay, please be okay,” she whispered under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. The sight of the accident unfolded before her like a nightmare, but she couldn’t stand by as a mere spectator. Driven by an unwavering urge to act, she didn’t hesitate for a moment.

Ignoring the surrounding chaos, she raced toward the scene with a singular focus. Her eyes were fixated on the backseat of one car, where she had glimpsed a little boy just before the impact.

Nina was desperate to find him, to help him.

As she approached the wreckage, her mind raced with worry and determination. The injured child’s safety became her sole mission. Nina was focused on the boy who had smiled and waved at her, even though there were many concerned onlookers around.

Though the surroundings quickly started to fill with sirens and cries for help, Nina’s mind tuned out the noise as she continued searching fervently for the child. Finally, her eyes met his, and relief washed over her. He was scared and in pain, but he was alive. With gentle yet resolute hands, Nina reached for him, offering as much reassurance as she could give. To her astonishment, however, the moment her hands contacted his arm, an extraordinary sensation washed over her. An overwhelming wave of emotions flooded Nina’s senses, as if she was experiencing the child’s fear and pain as her own. A sense of peace then came over her and she comforted the child.

“I know you’re scared, but everything will be okay,” Nina insisted, pointing at him, then at the stuffed bear held tightly in his hands, “For you, and for him.”

At that moment, an unexplainable connection seemed to form between Nina, the little boy, and the cherished stuffed bear. It was as if the emotions swirling within her were being mirrored by the child, creating an unbreakable bond between them.

With each gentle word and comforting touch, Nina felt a unique and indescribable energy emanating from within her. She had always been an empathetic person, but this was different—this was something beyond mere compassion.

In the days that followed the accident, Nina couldn’t shake the profound impact of the moment she had shared with the little boy. It felt as if she had tapped into a wellspring of empathy and understanding, reaching deep into the heart of another human being. But that wasn’t the only extraordinary thing she noticed. As she tested her newfound abilities, Nina realized that her connection to others went beyond just comforting emotions. She discovered that she could concentrate and focus in ways she had never experienced before. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing her to perceive the world with heightened senses.

In her classroom, she found herself able to tune in to the smallest details of her surroundings. She could concentrate on the scratching of an overly anxious classmate’s pencil as they wrote, erased, and wrote again during a test. The sound of his heartbeat quickening in his chest became evident to her keen ears, revealing the depth of his nervousness. Even the glances of the girl seated behind him were no longer mere glances; they conveyed unspoken thoughts and emotions. It was as if Nina had unlocked a hidden language of unspoken cues and feelings, revealing the true essence of those around her.

But oh boy, did her powers have some drawbacks.

“You look like you fell down your stairs this morning, more so than usual,” her friend Lisa had joked one day.
Nina had mustered a smile, trying to brush off her comments, but deep down, she knew there was a grain of truth in it. Her empathetic nature was both a blessing and a burden. She had learned that if she used her abilities too much, she became vulnerable to absorbing the emotions of those around her, and it could take a toll on her own well-being.

On days when her friends were stressed or overwhelmed, Nina found herself carrying the weight of their emotions as if they were her own. Their anxieties, sadness, or frustration clung to her like a heavy cloak, leaving her feeling drained and exhausted. It was like she was an emotional sponge, soaking up the feelings of others without even realizing it. The incident of the accident, which had occurred weeks prior, still lingered vividly in her mind as well. It was as if she was a passenger in those cars, experiencing the collision and its aftermath repeatedly. She couldn’t escape the replay of emotions, reliving the fear and pain of that moment as if it were her own.

One morning, Nina even woke up with a scream stuck in her throat, her heart racing, and her pyjamas plastered to her body with sweat. She had spent the night plagued by vivid dreams and restless sleep, as if the emotional residue of the accident had seeped into her subconscious.She prayed for it to stop eventually, which it did.

Yet from that day onward, as much as Nina valued her ability to connect with others on a deep level, she realized that she needed to find a way to protect herself from being overwhelmed by the emotions of those around her. It was a delicate balance; one she was still learning to navigate. In moments of emotional intensity, she would remind herself to take deep breaths and ground herself in the present. She sought solace in music to stop herself from processing the emotions she absorbed from others.

Nina also found comfort in spending time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Nature became her sanctuary, offering a respite from the constant stream of emotions she encountered in her daily life. The peace and serenity of the outdoors allowed her to center herself and regain her inner balance. In the serenity of nature, she could clear her mind and find solace in the gentle rustling of leaves, the soothing sound of flowing water, and the melody of birdsong. The natural world provided her with a sense of peace that was hard to come by amidst the bustling city streets.

Yet, it also, she realized too late, caused her to isolate herself from her friends until, well, she had none left.

Present Day, The Immortal Hills

Unfortunately for Nina, she found herself drawn back to the headphone boy. Despite her initial reluctance to engage with him after his display earlier, the allure of unique abilities was impossible to resist.

Magic was not a foreign concept to her, but she had always felt isolated within this extraordinary world.

Nina observed the scene with a mix of intrigue and unease. The boy’s ability to control blood was unlike anything she had encountered before. As much as she tried to maintain her composed facade, her curiosity got the better of her, and her sharp gaze fixated on the tendril in his palm. She tried to sense his emotions almost automatically with her empathic senses. But just as quickly, she reined in her abilities, wary of prying into someone’s emotions without their consent. The last thing she wanted was to intrude on his privacy or make him feel uncomfortable.

He seemed confident in his demonstration, showcasing the extent of his power. A part of Nina marvelled at his ability and the potential it held. But another part couldn’t help but feel a pang of worry, imagining the immense responsibility such power carried. Blood control seemed a formidable ability, capable of great good or devastating harm. Her sarcastic nature momentarily took a back seat as she considered the consequences of wielding such an ability. The thought of the potential for misuse weighed heavily on her mind. She understood the burden of having unique powers and how they could be both a blessing and a curse.

As the boy finished his demonstration, Nina forced a nonchalant smile, trying to hide the mixture of emotions churning within her. She carefully responded, aware of the impact of discussing abilities.

“Blood control, huh? That’s quite something,” she remarked casually, hoping to maintain an air of intrigue without delving too deeply into the implications of his power. “Seems like a pretty powerful ability to possess.” She hesitated here, not really wanting to say what she could do herself. Not unless she had to, of course.

“My ability is more mental than physical, so I can’t really show you it,” she revealed instead, deciding to be honest while still maintaining a sense of privacy.

Nina couldn’t help but chuckle at his remark about the goat-like creatures. She nodded in agreement as she eyed them, her gaze lingering on their unusual appearance.

“Definitely not a common sight in New York City,” she quipped, a hint of amusement in her voice. “We’re more used to taxis and skyscrapers than farm animals roaming the streets.”

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 2 days ago

5 years ago, Phoenix Arizona


A sharp cry out of pain filled a simple house, an old 1 story 3 bedroom house. The house was simple on the outside, with simple brick walls, metal grates on the windows, and a fenced yard that was just filled with dirt and gravel. A simple mid to low-end house, for a modest life family.

Another cry of pain pierced the ears of those within as the first on the scene was an older man, standing at 5'6 with a deep tan, he looked like a man who spent his entire life under the cruel sun desert sun. He threw the door open and yelled in "What's wrong mijo?!" On the floor was a younger man, just reached the age of 15 and looked to be in a lighter set of workout clothing. His arm was bent in a strange way, at the elbow his arm was bent backward at a near 90 degrees.

A shriek from behind the man occurred as then came a yell as another woman's voice yelled out "Mom!" The man at the doorway stepped in and grabbed both sides of the young man's arm and asked, "Adrith, what happened my boy?".

"I don't know. I don't know." The boy began to freak out as he thought back to what he felt. Just a few minutes ago, he was beginning to stretch to get ready to take a run to his Uncle's boxing gym. It was then Adrith began to feel something strange, it felt like an invisible muscle he could not quite understand, but it was strange, mentally it felt like he was moving it, but in the same sense of someone moving that muscle and knowing it is there because of the tension and 'burning' sensation. But even without him moving it, he could feel the muscle, he thought this was the next level to his training that his Uncle spoke of. The feeling and understanding of paths of energy and how to understand and use them to throw a powerful punch.

but this was not it, as when Adrith tried to understand this concept now, he tried to move his body with his stretches, but in one of his arm stretches he stretched too far and he felt the energy move and flowed up his body, in a fearful reaction of the strange feeling, he whipped his arm out, but the energy that he felt that was moving whipped out faster than his arm and broke it. Leaving him where he was now.

Another man came running in, looking just a bit older than Adrith, but much more dignified as he came crashing through the house, "Dad! What happened?!"

The older man looked to the other and said, "Your brother broke his arm some how".

Both men looked to Adrith as they expected him to speak, as Adrith told them the feeling, it was Adrith's older brother who had a thought, "You, might have magic". Everyone else looked to him strangely as he said, "He broke his arm from just a simple stretch, there's nothing in here he could just break his arm on and him falling would be easier to say than just some strange happening of him sending his elbow back".

After some time, they agreed, but then the question was what to do next and it was his father who suggested, "How about you...uhm...do the thing you did but backward?". Most looked to him strangely but he shrugged in a sheepish manner, "What? The car ride is an hour to the nearest hospital".

Adrith took a gulp of saliva in as he, made his thoughts clear, that same energy within him, he made it come from his fingertips back, as when that energy washed over, it sent streams of pain through Adrith as his arm shifted back into place. The pain was immense, but also relieving as he could feel his arm, it felt, better. Enough so, as he raised his arm it felt like he could move it with a little bit of pain.

A sigh fell over the house, as he was better, but it left the question, what next?

Present Day, The Immortal Hills

Adrith rubbed the back of his neck when Ethan asked him about his 'gift', after Ethan and the...Adrith realized none of them introduced themselves, so it was Adrith who started the dialogue, "I realized we don't know each other's names, I'm Adrith. And my powers aren't about language or anything, I can manipulate the energies within me, me figuring out what Tell'sa was saying just came from me liking to learn languages and understanding how the energy flows between each word, if you know what I mean".

Adrith seemed very amazed at the gorgeous view, "Wow, yeah this is really amazing, I'm um, from Arizona, something like this is only from up north".
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