”The only way is justice.” – Bruce Wayne
The Justice League had been crippled. In the last several weeks the team had been wrecked between protecting their homes as well as the rest of the world. Batman was suffering back injuries after a battle with some organized Venom junkies in Gotham. Superman as well as several members of the expanded Justice League were killed or injured in the battle for Metropolis against the forces of Apokolips and Kalibak. While Aquaman was dealing with an uprising in Atlantis, the Green Lanterns (Hal & John) dealt with Durlan space pirates on the edge of the galaxy. The Flash and Wonder Woman were the only big guns left.

At the request of Batman, Mister Terrific was tasked with the Unlimited Protocol. After learning of the existence of an organized society of super villains, it was the only thing Batman knew to do if the League was ever taken down to three or less active founding members. Legacy heroes as well as elder statesman types tied to the Justice Society, former Titans, Outsiders, members of the Justice League International, time lost heroes from the Legion of Superheroes, as well as completely new heroes were all accepted into the Justice League Unlimited to form the largest group of superheroes ever known. The Martian Manhunter came out of semi-retirement to help with the recruiting and used the neural network to contact anyone the League had dealt with in the past as well as young metahumans looking to become new heroes. Even telepaths in the comics needed giant computer rooms for such a task, but the Martian was more powerful than anyone realized. Terrific had managed to get several dozen heroes in the loop, the Martian contacted nearly a hundred.

With the help of the Flash (Wally West), Terrific set up several teleporters around the United States as well as several spots associated with other teams of heroes. Just outside of Metropolis and Gotham, Titans T Tower, the Justice Society Brownstone, the Justice League International HQ in Europe, as well as other locations seemingly more random all had teleporters built to get heroes to the orbital HQ… the Watchtower. There were also around three dozen civilians stationed on the satellite to assist the League with maintaining the base that operated in shifts, some of them even lived on the satellite.

And there’s the new set-up. The Justice League is down and out. Recruiting has hit a fever pitch. My most well received RP series to date has been the JLU stuff, so I figured if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Based on the JLU cartoon series [to an extent] this RP will follow an expanded Justice League roster like nothing before it. These team rosters are always unique and I hope to see a few interesting takes on existing heroes as well as a few originals. This RP takes bits and pieces from the various DC comics related media, including the previously mentioned animated series as well as the many eras of comics, and animated films. The old JLU included most of the different collections of heroes I’d already mentioned with members from the Seven Soldiers, Freedom Fighters, JSA, etc. all joining this unlimited League. For story purposes several of the big guns have been written off the table, and just so everyone is on the same page the expanded JL that fought the forces of Apokolips mentioned in the RP synopsis looked something like this….
Superman – Thought to be dead, actually in a coma
Batman – Broken back
Wonder Woman – Active
The Flash – Active
Green Lantern [John] – Traveling in deep space
Aquaman – Dealing with Atlantian politics
Blue Beetle [Dan] – Deceased
Zatara – Retiring
Red Tornado – Currently being rebuilt
Lady Luck – Deceased; her luck ran out
Batman – Broken back
Wonder Woman – Active
The Flash – Active
Green Lantern [John] – Traveling in deep space
Aquaman – Dealing with Atlantian politics
Blue Beetle [Dan] – Deceased
Zatara – Retiring
Red Tornado – Currently being rebuilt
Lady Luck – Deceased; her luck ran out
I hope to get between 8-10 players for this, with players also having the option of a background Leaguer to use sparingly in their posts or for me to use as cannon fodder when new threats emerge. The Flash, Wonder Woman, Mr. Terrific, and the Martian Manhunter will be NPC’s and mentors to the rest of the group. CS requirements will be pretty standard with a bit towards the end for ‘Potential Storylines’. If I go with an episodic type of format like I did in the past JLU games I want to do a few episodes centered more on individual members. So if you’re assuming the Beetle or Zatara legacies, have an arch enemy who may come after you, ties to shady shadow organizations, make sure if you want it in the RP for the rest of us to deal with its mentioned!
If there’s enough interest I’ll post the CS requirements as early as tonight. Who’s game?