Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hope for a Dying World

The Gates of Hell opened twenty years ago, and all the world is covered in darkness. The streets of proud cities ran with blood, and humble villages were burned to ash. Men and women in their countless thousands were cruelly abused, worked to death as thralls or tortured endlessly for the amusement of Demon-Lords. Some resisted, but the King of Hell had laid his plans well and all who stood against his legions fell. Everywhere hope died.

Everywhere but here. In the rough highlands of the Silverpeak Mountains, a small remnant survived in relative peace and freedom. But all is not well. Even here the corrupting hand of evil is at work. The land withers, albeit slowly, and no children are born to replace the aging generations that first fled here. Something must be done, and soon, if the hope that has sustained this place is to survive against the gathering gloom.

The evening sun shone brightly through the stained glass windows set in the western wall, spreading a riot of dazzling color across the stones of the chapel floor below. Sinuous columns marched along the nave toward the high altar, where a fuming censer filled the air with the heavy smell of incense. Beside it was a golden vessel, filled with the ritual libation. It should properly have been wine, but the monastery cellars had been emptied of that years ago. Mead from the village of Whimble would have to do.

Osric hoped the gods were not offended by the substitution. He paused in his silent prayer and glanced upward, over his shoulder. The dome above the transept was painted a dark blue, spangled with starbursts of gold. Along its rims were the gods: Merciful Omida, the sagely god-man, dressed in tattered robes; Gashana, the beautiful Handmaid of the Queen; Garash her brother, mighty captain of Heaven's host; Harran the Herald, the bearer of messages to men. Others too were there, but above them all, among the glittering stars that were her handiwork, was Her. The Queen of Heaven, the Mother Above, looking down upon him in – what? Judgment? Forbearance?

The gears turned madly in Osric's mind. Surely the gods could not blame them, when wine was simply not available. But perhaps, on the other hand, they had just not tried hard enough to establish a vineyard. It might be that the grape vines might have taken to the soil, if they had just found the right place. Yet... and so on, ad nauseam. He often became lost in his thoughts when he contemplated divine matters. He was so preoccupied, in fact, that he failed to hear the footsteps approaching him from the chancel.

“You know very well that incense is only to be used for high holidays. It's much too dear, now, to be squandered on personal prayer.”

The rebuke was gently spoken by a familiar voice. Osric turned and rose, bowing his head in submission.

“I am sorry, Father. I needed guidance.”

“I expect you did, my son.” Father Superior Robert's wizened face cracked, ever so slightly, into a knowing smile, “As would I have. I do not blame you, though I think Brother Maynard will be rather upset at your indiscretion.”

Osric hadn't thought of that. He frowned, and began to walk up the steps toward the altar. “I will snuff it out at once, and return whatever hasn't been burned.”

A curt gesture from the elder man stopped him in his tracks before he had made it halfway. “I will see to that. You should have started for the village already. The Assembly will be waiting for you.”

“Of course,” Osric said, nodding, “I will go at once. Thank you, Father.”

But Robert interrupted him again. “You have quite made up your mind?”

“Yes,” he said, without hesitation, “I will go.”

The old man glanced briefly up at the dome that had so stupefied his young counterpart before nodding thoughtfully. “I am glad you are so steadfast. You will be carrying all our hope out of these mountains with you, you and whomever you can convince to join you. The road ahead will be difficult, but...” he sighed, shaking his head, “Ah, but you should be off. We will speak again soon. You are dismissed, my son.”

Osric forced a smile and bowed his head, before turning and scurrying down the nave with all the dignity he could muster. Despite his bravado, he was terrified.

The westering sun was sinking fast. The village green was shadowed by the monastery on the heights above. Torches had been driven into the ground at regular intervals, and their light illuminated more people than Osric had ever seen in his life. Everyone from each of the seven villages must have turned out. Men and women stood all over the green in clumps and knots, drinking and talking and smoking valley-weed from wooden pipes. He could hear the din of their merrymaking from the time he had passed the outer wall of the monastery.

It was hardly surprising that so many would come. Even without knowing what he intended, they would have guessed it was important. The members of the Order of Holy Wisdom had the right to call a General Assembly, though in twenty long years they had never bothered. To do so now, with rumors flying about as they were, was sure to stoke curiosity.

A hush fell over the crowd, though, as he approached, a handful of his fellow monks and nuns following behind him as a sort of escort. The Elder of Saint Antonia, Godwin, called unnecessarily for order and gestured grandly at a rickety old stool. It must have been carried out from The Gray Maiden, the local inn. Osric was glad for the extra height; he was shorter by nearly a head than most other men, and he needed every advantage he could get. He stepped gingerly up to his ad hoc platform and cleared his throat.

He felt every eye upon him, and was glad that the long sleeves of his habit hid his hands. He could feel them shaking as the other Wisdomites formed a semicircle behind him. None of them spoke, nor would they. This task was his alone.

“Thank you all for coming,” he said at last, “I am Brother Osric – ”

“What?!” Shouted one old-timer, several rows back, “What did he say?”

“All this ado about about meeting at once, and they send us a little boy?” Snickered a woman nearer to the front.

Osric felt his face flush, and silently thanked Heaven. Anger coursed through his heart, and anger always gave him courage. He drew up one arm and pointed slowly in a wide arc at the outer fringes of the crowd. Most of the villagers turned to look, gazing upon the empty space in surprise. He spoke loudly, his voice hard with conviction.

“In days gone by, there would have been scores, even hundreds of children playing there. Now there are none. Hell has taken that from you, you who laugh and smile as if all were well.”

There were no snide remarks now. No one spoke at all, as far as Osric could hear. The only sound was the low moaning of the autumn breeze, and the boughs of the nearby trees sighing. He went on.

“By now, most of you know that a knight passed our borders a fortnight ago and came to the Monastery. Despite all our efforts he is dead now, worsted by infernal blades, and may he be reborn upon the Starry Field. He came not only seeking healing, but also to commend unto the keeping of my order a holy relic. After much careful study, we are confident that it is the Cup of Woe.”

There was much murmuring at this, and well there would be. The Cup of Woe was the very vessel that had borne the poisoned wine that had slain Omida himself, the only son of the Queen of Heaven. It was a relic without equal, and one believed lost long ago. Osric raised his hands, calling silently for silence.

“We are blessed indeed to have the Cup, but not all is well. Before he died, its bearer informed us that he was being followed along the road –”

“Is there something wrong with the Barrier?” interrupted someone in the crowd. Concern was evident in the voice, and nervous muttering rippled through the assembly.

“No, no,” Osric said, shaking his head, “the Barrier is as strong as ever. But if our departed visitor was followed to the borders of these lands, it may only be a matter of time before the Demon-Lords know of our presence here. The fragile peace we have long enjoyed stands in jeopardy, but with vigilance and faith we shall yet prevail over the darkness.”

He had hoped his words would reassure the villagers. But they had rather the opposite effect. In an instant many were on the edge of panic, talking over one another and beseeching Heaven for aid. Godwin and the other village elders were all shouting, attempting to restore order. The whole gathering looked likely to degenerate into a frenzied stampede.

Osric watched helplessly for a moment, before exhaling sharply and clapping his hands together. A sound like thunder roared over the green. He extended his arms skyward and an eerie light appeared overhead, ghostly pale against the deepening darkness. In a moment it coalesced into a great chalice, sized for a giant. Aside from the healing arts, such glorified parlor tricks were all Osric knew of magic. Still, it very much got their attention, so he went on speaking.

“The coming of the Cup of Woe has brought us to the edge of terrible danger, and yet this event may prove to be our salvation. My brothers and sisters of the Order have been searching through the Book of Dreams, the Book of Wisdom, and the other holy texts for answers. We may have one.”

He paused, though not for dramatic effect. He was coming to the point, and was terribly nervous about how his plan might be received. He glanced back for the first time at the faces of his fellow Wisdomites. Something in their stolid silence gave him the will to continue.

“Saint Antonia herself said that the days of this world would not end so long as the Cup of Woe remained in its rightful place of honor in ancient Aldren Priory. That this prophecy was uttered by the patroness of our own monastery, by the namesake of this very village in which we stand tonight; such a thing could not possibly be a coincidence. It is the will of Heaven, the will of Our Mother Above! She has given us a sign, we are not abandoned! There is hope yet!”

He broke off briefly, near to rapture, breathing heavily. After a moment he went on again.

“I have called you here to inform you of my intention: I will return the Cup of Woe to its proper place. I will go alone if I must, but first I ask if any here assembled will join me in this quest. I will not lie; the road is long, and doubtless filled with danger. Few who have left these valleys have returned. No, alas, we are not assured of victory, only that victory is possible. But what other choice do we have? Shall we wait, as the earth withers, slowly starving? Shall we meekly cower, praying only that we remain hidden for another year, another season?

“I ask again: Has anyone here the courage, the faith, the will to do what must be done?”

His last words spoken, Osric bowed his head and fell quiet. He had made his play, and there was nothing to do now but see how his plan was received.

Sorry about the long-winded intro. So, you have volunteered. You will accompany the Cup of Woe to its rightful place, or die trying. Please feel free to fill out a character sheet and ask any questions you may have. I will add more to the lore sections below as necessary, particularly as the adventure proceeds.

Edit 8/4: Expanded most of the existing lore blurbs, and also added sections covering local economics and the King's Road, a likely route out of the mountains. I'm unsure if adding more lore would be useful/necessary at this stage, but if anyone wants more information about something I'd be happy to add it.

Edit 8/13: Anyone interested in participating is still very much free to do so. At present the existing party hasn't yet left its rendezvous point, so there's no problem with late-comers joining in.

Edit 8/21: I think that's probably enough for now.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I went ahead and posted a CS for Brother Osric in the 0th post of the 'Characters' tab. Everyone else can go ahead and post theirs' here when they're done.

I don't mean to be a nag, but is anyone actually working on CSs? If you're concerned about fitting a bio in with how vague some of the setting information is, don't be. I wanted to be vague enough to give you enough room to make up whatever elements of the Seven Villages you want, so long as it all makes sense with what's already established. In retrospect I think I probably should have mentioned that from the beginning, so I'm sorry if that was unclear.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Oh, I like Sage. Very interesting character -- accepted!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by HiippoAF
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HiippoAF Destroyer of the Overworld

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[PLaceholder, reading this before work so will get a CHAR done by end of day :)]
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I just found this and it looks interesting. Here’s an idea for a character. An occult magician. The resident heretic who pissed off a demon and got absurdly lucky by walking away with some magical power. The magic is inherently “bad” and would scare the shit out of a monk or a priest, but they aren’t an evil person. They travel from place to place pretending to just be some lowly drifter, but they have a fascination with magic and wish to learn more and just survive like anyone else.

They’re actually a pretty decent person. Probably a little rough around the edges and wouldn’t fit in at a monastery, but you’re ultimately better off with them and not without them. They’ve likely made enemies just by being “touched” by the forces of Hell.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hmm. This sounds interesting. It is a little outside of what I had in mind for character backgrounds, but I'll shoot you a PM here in a minute with some thoughts.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ever seen a devil go to church? Me neither.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, so I am working on an opening IC post. IT should be up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I'm kind of anxious to get things rolling, but anyone else interested in playing is still welcome to join in! There's no reason we can't have new characters catch up to us on the road.


Oh, very interesting. I like Katrina. It'll be interesting to see how her worldly cynicism plays out with the rest of the group. She is a fair bit older than I would have thought -- and kind of at odds with the 'naive kids on a deadly adventure' vision that I started with -- but I think that dynamic might actually work well. It's kind of on me for not setting a cap on age in the first place, and it's not as if there's any particular reason for Osric to insist that his volunteers be young. I imagine he's happy to get anyone at all.

I do have to insist that you come up with some connection, either to an existing character or to one that hasn't been posted yet. It doesn't have to be a particularly deep or meaningful connection; it can really be anything.

But: Tentatively accepted! You can go ahead and post her up in the CS tab, and just edit in a connection later.


Are you still planning on posting a CS? No big rush or anything, but it has been a couple of days.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anyone who wants to have met Katrina but hasn’t posted a sheet yet is more than welcome to hit me up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, first IC post is up!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I stopped existing for a moment

I exist again now though. So I’ll see what I can write.

Also, just a thought but a discord server might help us communicate back and forth. What do you think? @Illogical Jim
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Might be a good idea. I'll make one real quick.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 2 days ago

Welcome back ^^

I was trying to write in a way for your character to be able to come into the little awkward vibes currently happening lol

I hope HiippoAF is okay. They said they'd post a CS 4 days ago and just fell off the map.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Katrina's just gonna barge in like "whats with the child"
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Quest Abandoner
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Quest Abandoner

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ok! Four hours later, here's a character. Unproofed, unedited for your enjoyment. I'll likely end up tweaking this further when it isn't THREE AM but these are the broad strokes. I took some liberties with the "Connections" and "Assembly Response" sections, so please pay careful attention to them to make sure that I established appropriate relationships with your characters and didn't step on any toes, or if you'd like to flesh our character's relations out further! Also, any feedback is appreciated. Now, to bed!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Looks good to me. Post Revna in the CS tab whenever you're finished with her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Meleck the Grey

Meleck the Grey

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Andrew is definitely an interesting character, but I do notice a few issues with your sheet.

First off, it is a bit bare-bones in places. The strengths and weaknesses could probably use a little more description; they're not much to go on. And, while it's not a really big deal, the fact that you left some of my prompts in makes it look a little untidy.

Then there's the matter of the Order. Anyone pressed into service would have been made a novice (and thus bound by the Monastic Rule) as soon as they had been given basic religious instruction, and this would be a prerequisite for any advanced work with magic. They would only fully join the ranks of the Order as monks/nuns after making their solemn vows, usually between the ages of 15-20. If Andrew is a particularly bad candidate, as it seems he might be, then it's quite probable he wouldn't have been given the opportunity to make the solemn vow.

I probably should have been more specific about how monastic life in the Order works, so sorry if that was unclear. I guess I didn't originally expect anyone to want to play a monk/novice.

As to Andrew's Master, you can just make up a name for him/her. I assume there's several master mages in the Order, but I didn't bother coming up with names for any of them.

The only other note I have is related to connections. Take a look at the other character sheets posted in the CS tab and see if any of them would make a likely friend/associate/enemy/whatever of your character. Feel free to reach out via PM to anyone you might want to work out a connection with.

Oh, and feel free to ask me if you have any other questions, either here or via PM.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Meleck the Grey

Meleck the Grey

Member Seen 6 mos ago

No problem! Will make som edits and flush things out. :) Working on my phone right now!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, Andrew looks pretty good. There's just one thing that confuses me: What does "His first native station was a veil in a do not see me prayer that happened when he was stealing food from the Monastery" mean, exactly? I've read it a few times and I'm still not sure I understand it.

That aside, accepted! Go ahead and put him in the CS tab. Just edit in a connection whenever you come up with one.
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