Hidden 2 yrs ago 11 mos ago
Zeroth Post

Rhodes Island:
  • Earthspirit
  • Minimalist







  • Hisn-ul-Zahra:
    Literally translated as Flower Bastion, Hisn-ul-Zahra is the name of an oasis in the Sargon desert as well as the nomadic city that frequently parks near it. It is located to the west of the Acahuallan Jungle and trades with Acahualla for the technology brought by the Zeruertzan Durin refugees. This is where our story begins.
  • Acahualla:
    A jungle to the west of Sargon inhabited by a tribe of Archosauria. Since several of their chief members have joined Rhodes Island, Acahualla has a strong partnership with the pharmaceutical company. There is a nearby cave that leads underground and connects to the Durin city of Zeruertza. Due to the encroachment of originium veins into Zeruertza several years ago, the Durin population evacuated to Acahualla, bringing their technology with them and turning Acahaulla into a tech and trade hub.
  • Zeruertza:
    An underground Durin city, abandoned due to the encroachment of originium veins several years ago. Its inhabitants constructed a great elevator to the surface and have made Acahualla their new home. The Durin of Zeruertza are on good terms with Rhodes Island, as one of their greatest architects, Stitch Canvas, has joined Rhodes Island as an operator.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Rhodes Island, I'd like to extend the deepest of gratitude to you and request the privilege to join you as an Operator. Wha--? Code name? Um...I guess...Ash Girl will do."

Operator Profile
Codename: Ash Girl
Epithet: The Taran Pariah
Real Name: Aoife Eóganachta
Age: 21

Class: Guard
Branch: Arts Fighter

Race: Vouivre
Affiliations: Dublinn (formerly)

Height: 173 cm
Weight: 75 kg

Place of Birth: Post-annexation Tara
Date of Birth: January 1

Gender: Female

Combat Experience: 10 years
Clinical Analysis
Strength: Excellent
Endurance: Excellent
Mobility: Standard
Arts Adaptability: Outstanding
Combat Skill: Excellent
Tactical Acumen: Normal

Infection Status: Infected
Imaging tests show blurry outlines of subject's internal organs, with a high amount of abnormal shadows. Her circulatory system shows an alarming degree of originium granules. It goes without saying that by these criteria, we can determine that the subject is infected at this time.

Cell-Originium Assimilation: 28%. Multiple crystal lesions visible on the subject's skin.
Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.32 u/L. Miss Aoife's condition is extremely aggressive and severe, and her prognosis is poor. Unless measures can be found to more effectively delay the progression of her infection, she likely has less than six months to live, if that.

Character Synopsis:
A former noblewoman and former revolutionary, forced from both of her homes and set adrift.

Aoife tends to be a bit quiet most of the time, and when she speaks, she often sounds slightly strained and uncomfortable--almost stilted, sometimes--like she dislikes talking, and so people assume that she wishes to be left alone. Not so, actually; she is quiet and strained because her aggressive oripathy causes her a not-inconsiderable amount of pain on a constant basis. Rather, Aoife tends to be quite personable, if not entirely skilled in social situations, as she hasn't had a surfeit of healthy interactions, and enjoys being around and talking to other people as long as she's not the one doing most of the talking.

Though it's been a long time since her privileged and sheltered upbringing and she barely remembers a single piece of it, it still reflects on her character to this day. Chief among those reflections is how narrow her view of the world can be. She can be closed-minded, and has a tendency to discount things she hears that she doesn't want to. She knows this very well and actively works against it, but it's a trap that is all to easy for her to fall in when she's put under stress. The other major effect is, as mentioned, Aoife can have trouble relating to other people. Spending her very early life in the noblewoman bubble and a huge chunk as a (largely expendable) soldier has limited the people she's been able to open up to, and so she can have difficulties forming genuine friendships.

But despite all of that, Aoife is a good person at heart. Despite how she may look on occasion, she's not selfish, standoffish, willfully ignorant, or egocentric, and joined Rhodes Island as much to fulfil the duties of an Operator and help others as to be treated for her own oripathy. The fact that she's willing to endanger herself by pushing her Arts even when she reasonably shouldn't in the service of her work should be proof enough that she really is trying her best. It can just...be hard to see that sometimes.

Talent Description
Taran Swordsmanship

Brought up from a young age to be a noblewoman of Tara, Aoife Eóganachta of course learned the former kingdom's traditional style of swordplay from a young age.

Though of course it wasn't intended to be actually used, not in the way she uses it now--it was entirely ceremonial to begin with--it has certainly come in handy as she became first a member of Dublinn, and then an Operator of Rhodes Island. The principle reason this is so effective is that she efficiently leverages her rather strange, almost dancelike, style quite effectively. Because most people aren't familiar with the Taran style--it's not extinct, but it's nearly so--it makes her rather unpredictable and hard to read, letting her get the drop on opponents before they're able to adapt.
Pariah's Oath

Aoife has gone through a great deal of pain in her life, whether it be physical or emotional in nature. Even now, her remarkably severe infection causes her not-inconsiderable suffering every minute of the day. There are many times that she's wanted to just...give up. To let it end already, to take the coward's way out, whether that be letting the heritage of Tara die, turning herself in to Victoria, or hurling herself from the landship. But because she hasn't, she's developed an astounding level of willpower, able to push through constant physical pain, emotional torment, and any number of roadblocks. She is going to get to where she's going, and good luck to anybody that tries to stand in her way.
Skill Description
Winter's Breath

Aoife's arts, channeled through her sword, are of a particularly unique variety. While they generally take the form of ice, they actually involve directly arresting molecular motion. Though it may have the same overall effect most of the time, when trying to freeze objects that are typically coldproof it shows its use in being remarkably good at freezing them anyway.

Through spectroscopic measurement techniques, the peak of her freezing power has been measured between 170 and 175 degrees Kelvin (-103C and -98C, respectively).
Bitterwinter Bite

Though obviously the sword is a heavy part of her combat kit, the freezing power that Aoife possesses is used through more than just the sword. Given her powerful infection, she is able to channel her Arts naturally, of course, and is able to do so with a startling degree of intensity. Though they don't have much of a range to them--remember, not actually ice but manipulation on the molecular level which I am to understand gets exponentially more difficult past ten or so feet--within that limited range you are at constant risk of being both slowed to a crawl and frozen solid. Despite this obvious strength, however, subject has been heavily advised against using this more than necessary, as it seems to exacerbate her condition.
One Thousand Shining Teeth

Finally, we come to likely the most dangerous application of her Arts that Aoife can muster--both towards her enemies and towards herself through increased progression of her oripathy. When her life is on the line, though, anything is fair game. Through judicious application of her arts, everything around her is so molecularly strained that it becomes incrediby delicate, even metal and stone. With a sufficiently hard strike, they can shatter into storms of razorlike shards, serving almost like a shotgun; spraying out a surprising level of devastation.

All that being said, this is not without further drawbacks. Principally, that she isn't necessarily immunte to the shards, nor does she have exclusive rights on shattering them. Still, if it's leveraged right, it is truly, truly a menace.
Equipment Module

  • Claíomh-na-Samhain - The Sword of Samhain: Aoife's bastard sword, forever and always by her side. Reclaimed from the ashes of her family home, this previously ceremonial blade has been turned into both a superb arts conductor and a vicious weapon of war.
Operator Archives

  • As mentioned, Aoife's health is not exactly stellar. Specifically, her oripathy has gifted her with several unfortunate symptoms. In addition to the crystalline lesions--she has over a dozen now--she has tremors, fevers, and full body aches, and a few other unpleasant things. These can be largely managed through oripathy medication, but they can only be managed, never completely removed. There's always a chance one of them will strike.

    Her theme song is The Parting Glass.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanolyte


Member Seen 8 days ago

Elise Montpelier

"Oh? You're truly lucky to have me on board. Operator Seven, at your service."

Operator Profile
Codename: Seven
Epithet: One-Winged Hawk
Real Name: Elise Montpelier
Age: 27

Class: Sniper
Branch: Deadeye

Race: Liberi
Affiliations: Ursus Imperial Army (former)

Height: 175cm
Weight: 68kg

Place of Birth: Ursus, ex-Gaul territory
Date of Birth: July 7

Gender: Female

Combat Experience: 8 years
Clinical Analysis
Strength: Flawed
Endurance: Normal
Mobility: Normal
Arts Adaptability: N/A
Combat Skill: Excellent
Tactical Acumen: Excellent

Infection Status: Non-Infected
Confirmed uninfected by medical examination.

Cell-Originium Assimilation: 0%
Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.10u/L
Operator Seven has shown a clear disregard for Originium safety, yet shows no sign of Originium Infection. Questioning has indicated that Seven believes that her Arts protects her from such, however she has not yet consented to a full-body examination.
–Medical Operator

Character Synopsis:
A former Ursus officer, having once campaigned in the Empire’s far north. Inflicted with a curse and blessing, she seeks to free her blood from the contract.

Smug and capricious.

A woman who changes her mind at a moment's notice, the inner workings of her mind a mystery to even those closest to her. One unafraid to needle and aggravate for her own enjoyment, eyes shining with bemusement as she does so. By all rights she should be an outcast even in the welcoming halls of Rhodes Island, an unrepentant nuisance to her colleagues.


Operator Seven has also shown her willingness to help. It is an almost compulsive need to drop whatever she’s doing to assist with the designated task. For this her reputation amongst Rhodes Island’s operators is mixed, yet positive. Actions speak louder than words after all, and while abrasive, many in the company have found Seven to be exceptionally reliable.

Now if she would stop sending mixed signals about anything and everything, perhaps she would have more friends…

Talent Description
Cross Sight

A quirk of vision.

As part of the Crow’s ‘blessing’, Elise is able to see the twisted karma of those around her. Their value to the world is laid bare to her, each person’s threads uniquely identifiable for the Liberi. Since their contract each Montpelier has gained their own unique ‘blessing’, commonly after a life-changing event. For Elise, it was after an encounter with a face-dancer in the Infy Icefields, the death of her unit allowing her to forever differentiate monster from man.

…Elise considers it a curse, really. The sight perpetually clouds her vision, the natural beauty of the world obscured from her view. Hers is one of twisted fortunes and identities, a taint that cannot be excised. It's not like she may alter the course of fate either, seeing fate is one thing; interpreting it however is entirely different.

Well, as the smallest of consolations, the Sight also allows her to easily identify targets in combat. No matter how concealed or hidden, her bullets always find her mark. Surely that's something to be thankful for?
Bloodline Contract

A contract made with the Feranmut only known as the Crow.

In his anger, Duke Laurent Yves Montpelier made a deal with a sealed beast. After all, there was no price he would not pay for Gaul’s vengeance, for the razing of Lingones and shattering of his beloved realm. For the power to exact his revenge, three prices were paid:

First, the shackling of the soul. In exchange for the Crow’s custody of his soul, he gained unparalleled ability in the Arts. Feranmut had no innate ability for the Arts, yet for the Crow who had been sealed in an Originium artefact for centuries, such a bestowment was within its purview.

Second, the rotting of the blood. The Crow held sole dominion over the Montpeliers, it would not share with the accursed infection that blighted the land. Laurent’s body turned sickly as it became tainted by the Crow’s presence, yet till his death Infection would never grip him.

Last, the tainting of the sight. A supposed gift of the Crow, who granted its adherent its vision. A mere aspect, yet one which perpetually twists its wielder.

While Laurent passed, his ambition did not. Elise is but the latest product of his terrible revenge.
Skill Description
Imperial Marksmanship - Ursus Raiders

The Ursus Raiders prided themselves in being the cream of the crop, the tip of the spear in the Empire's armies. Quick and hard-hitting, they favoured rapid skirmishes, whittling down the enemy's strength. Hail the Raiders and their bravery! Hail the Raiders and their skill!

In truth, they are second-rate elites in the Empire's arsenal, far outclassed by Imperial Blades and even the Shieldguards.

To make up for their lacking ability compared to Kazimierz's Silverwing Pegasi and Victoria's Knights of the Tower, the Raiders often rely on unconventional tactics. One such tactic was their style of gunmanship, favouring rapid gunshots with minimal Arts usage. While rendering a firearm's main advantage of penetrative capability most useless, it nevertheless saw success when employed against lightly armoured targets.

While perhaps not used for its intended purpose, the wildlife of the Infy Icefields served as a target-rich environment. Even with her ancient rifle, Elise is still able to fire her weapon in quick bursts.
False Heaven

The line of Arts practiced by House Montpelier.

Astrologers had long known the presence of a false sky. The stars did not align, ever changing and altering. It had been hidden away from them, by some unknown being that denied humanity that luxury. Many instead turned inwards, reading the clouds and winds for Catastrophes.

The Montpeliers instead took inspiration from the unknown.

Drawing from the sky, Montpelier arts manifests as small orbs of shining blue energy, each symbolising a speck in the sky. Like falling stars they turn into lances of blue light, wreaking havoc on an enemy.
Fatal Bullet

The harnessing of the Crow's power.

Little is known about the Crow's abilities. It's memory has long been corroded by its time in captivity, what little it remembers hidden away in its mind. What Elise knows however, is that it is able to somehow manipulate the course of fate. By paying homage and sacrificing yet more of her self to it, Elise might beseech it to bless a single of her bullets. Marked by the Crow, the bullet soars towards its target, swimming not only through the air but through fate itself. Well, as much as can be anyway. Elise's incompatibility with the abilities of the Feranmut and the Crow's weakened strengh has made this manipulation a shadow of its former self, 'only' able to guarantee a hit on the target instead of a certified kill.

Left unsaid is that due to Elise's hatred for the Crow and her desire to be freed from the contract, this clause is never used but in the most dire of circumstances.
Equipment Module

  • Le Tireur d'Élite - The Freeshooter: A simple rifle, more akin to a historical relic than a modern firearm. In ages past a travelling Sankta monk had sealed within it a Feranmut, fresh from its flight from Yan. Weakened by the Wild Hunt and complacent from gorging on the inhabitants of Gaul the Crow was helpless in the face of Sanktic liturgies, banished into his weapon by the grace of the Law. The Freeshooter has since passed across the hands of many in Gaul, tales of its faustian bargains spoken in hushed voices to as stories for the young. It is said that whoever wields it will inevitably suffer misfortune, condemned to lose all they had in the world.

    It is currently owned by Elise.
Operator Archives

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