"... Hurry up, it's gaining on us!"A girl shouted it was the dead of the Louisana night - it was hot and muggy, and one could hear the crickets and other such critters in the distance. However, the last thing that was getting paid attention to was anything except for the massive footsteps behind the group of four girls that were running through an open plain, away from the swamp. The
girl in front turned around to see that
thing that was chasing after them... in the dead of the night, they could only see its glowing red eyes and only pieces of its vaguely human face. While it was humanoid, it was
far from human.
She wasn't paying attention and tripped on a root and fell to her hands and knees - but she was quick to be pulled up to her feet by
girl behind her. "Don't look back!" She shouted as they ran until they made it to a black gate, they quickly shined the flashlight on it and saw that it was very poorly and hastily chained shut - there was a large enough track for four skinny girls to fit through. The first two slide through seamlessly, and the third got through while
it was approaching - but when the
last girl tried to squeeze through, her upper arm was grabbed by the thing - its red eyes shined. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she was being pulled into the darkness.
The lead girl turned around and stretched her hand out shouting,
"STEPHAINE!"She was quickly pulled away by one of the others, who said,
"C'mon, Frances! It's too late for her!" They kept running, hearing the sounds of Stephaine getting beaten to death by that
thing which was louder than her screams... who shortly came to a stop. They couldn't hear the thing coming after them anymore as they ran up to the
the old mansion. They ran up to the front door which was conspicuously open and they all ran inside and closed the large doors behind them and locked it.
The fourth girl sighed as she turned around to face Frances and pointed at her. "What the fuck was that!? What the fuck did you drag us into!?" She went over to Frances and pushed her to the ground, who began hysterically sobbing. "All of this over some bitch that
doesn't even exist, you crazy bitch!"
"I-I'm so sorry!" Frances shouted as she rolled around in the fetal position.
"Rita!" Jody shouted. "Chill! We all chose to come here, we can get out of this."
"That... thing got Stephaine and Angie!" Rita shouted as she pointed at the door.
"And we're still here!" Jody back. "Now, calm the fuck down and get your shit together... you too, Frances! That thing will be on top of us again soon if we stand here arguing!"
"You all do whatever the
fuck you want!" Rita shouted as she walked down the hall, looking back at them and flipping them off with the one hand that wasn't on a flashlight, "I'm getting the fuck out of-" As she walked through the door frame she was stopped by an object in her way.
She looked up and saw its red eyes open.
Rita screamed as the creature wrapped its arms around her and pulled her into the shadows - and the screams faded away.
"C'mon! We gotta go!" Jody shouted as the ladies quickly turned and cut tail, absolutely hauling ass out of there, until they reached the end of the hall and they opened the door to enter a library. They quickly closed the door behind them and shined the flashlights around themselves, there were aisles upon aisles of old books... none of them were books they recognized and they were not really looking for them as they searched around for a way out of there. That thing was going to catch up soon... and they made it to the middle of the room which had stacks of different books - one of them opened. This place was odd... oddly clean for a place that is usually abandoned building. Jody shined the flashlight around and saw there was a catwalk above them, with stairs right in front of-
The door that they entered through opened and they quickly dipped off to the side, hiding behind a bookshelf as that
thing's footsteps could be heard. They were heavy as if the thing weighed a thousand pounds, but was somehow able to get the drop on them more than once. It was almost like he was making more noise to toy with them, but this time there was a dragging sound. There was the sound of something hitting the table and Frances couldn't help herself but peek.
It was Rita's lifeless body thrown into the room - her neck had been wrung to the point where her head was barely hanging on. It was bruised and horrific and Frances couldn't help but scream.
"Frances!" Jody shouted as she could hear the thing running right for them, Jody thought fast and hauled ass for the staircase but that thing was
fast. They could hear its footsteps approaching quickly and-
Frances tripped over a book and Jody turned around to see
that thing step on her back and she loudly screamed. Jody could hear her fucking spine snap as her heart beat so hard it felt like it was about to finally give out She stepped backward, shining her flashlight at the thing -
finally getting a full view of the thing.Jody didn't even hear the growling off to the side as she screamed.
Eleanor Black is

Streets of Quintin > The Webb Family Coffee House
The German transplant didn't know what was worse.
The fact that she had to go to Ass-nowhere Louisana or the fact that there was no connection out here. Probably a mixture of both as Jasmine was awkwardly playing games on her phone - something that she
never does - to pass the time as she wasn't in the conversing mood. The fact that she couldn't find an Uber or a Taxi willing to drive from Lafayette to Quintin was strange as is. She had to hitch a ride with a stranger, a resident of the place that was just stopping by Lafayette. She, of course, compensated them for the ride, she would do
that much. It was the only way to get into Quintin without walking and honestly, Jasmine would rather get
kidnapped than risk walking through these roads. She watched the swamps as she rode in the backseat of the car... they were
thick. They were full of dead trees, fog, and plants, and you couldn't see that far ahead and Jasmine wished that she would never step foot in that.
Coming completely unexpectedly; they finally made it past the thick swamp and finally arrived in Quintin. It was like she was in the thickest swamp in the world and then there was this little tiny piece of civilization in the middle of all of it. Just cut out... it was a little jarring but Jasmine was unsure of this was just the end of it. It was a quick drive to where that weirdo Jennifer told everyone to meet at this place known as the "Webb Family Coffee House". She pulled up on the street and saw it directly at the end with several houses and different businesses that were of no concern to Jasmine as she was focusing on the coffee house business. She was hoping that the coffee wasn't ass as she marched down the street...
Then this weirdo in an orange cloak bumrushed her. She had a wide and
very concerning smile on her face as she presented to Jasmine a flower. A bright pink petunia flower in fact. The weirdo opened her mouth and said, "You look like you could use your day brightened! Here you go!" She forced the flower into Jasmine's hand and simply skipped away.
Jasmine stared at her as she walked away... confused as all get out as to what just happened. She looked down at the flower and figured that it was, at the very least, a very nice flower. Maybe it didn't brighten Jasmine's day, but she held onto it as she walked into the Coffee house and breathed in the
quaint, rustic vibe of the place. It wasn't very crowded, and there was a small number of people in the building - including a black girl with glasses that caught Jasmine's eye for a second. Just a second. The place was nice... it would be better if they didn't have the window wide open, letting in the smell of that smelly ass swamp. In the middle of the room was a giant table with a bunch of wooden chairs pushed against it, with a cute little sign that said
At the head of the table was none other than
Jennifer Caspin, their organizer. Jasmine briefly looked at her phone, as Jen had sent her a picture of herself and it was without a doubt
her. There was this Spanish girl with dreads there that looked trashy as all get out... Americans. Giving Jennifer a calm wave, Jasmine sat down at the far end of the table, contemplating if she wanted to play with her life and get some coffee.
The Webb Family Coffee House
The group that Jennifer had gathered began to trickle in one by one... and Jennifer had a hot, steaming cup of coffee that she held in both hands. When a large enough group had finally amassed in the room, at her table, she placed the cup of coffee on the table. This wasn't
everyone but they were short on time - night would fall very soon and Jennifer didn't want to be out there at night... not with the things that she heard about being out there at night. She figured that she should just get started with it, already.
"Hello, let's get started - Hi, I'm Jen or Jenny- nobody calls me Jennifer or anything like that - but I think you all should know why I gathered you all here today?" She started off the meeting with that question, as she looked from left and right.
"Eleanor Black," Jasmine took the initiative and spoke.
"So, could we um start with some introductions? I know, I know... I think if we're going to be working together, we should at
least know each other's names? Maybe also explain who Eleanor Black is, and anything, I mean
anything we can use to find her? I want to get out of this town fast as possible. I already found some leads, but, you know, let's get to know each other and
then decide what we want to do, as a group."
All black, all white... I can't feel or see anything... I can't put into words how this feels...