The Problem...
On the coasts of the Vaalin Union rests the Clerical City of Vaal Nero; a prosperous hub of trade and adventure, and yet, uncertainty brews amongst its citizens. Essence - the building blocks of magic, the lifeblood of the world, and the means by which all things exist - has been slowly dying out for years, with no way to replenish it. The powerful arcane leylines upon which all cities within the Vaalin Union benefit from, granting access to conveniences such as electricity, heating, television, and a newer invention known as "Essence Mail," has been dying in potency. Shortages and blackouts plague the city, no doubt as a result of the capital city of Vaal Shakta's insistence on claiming priority over the leylines' influence, dwindling as it is. With tensions rising from the locals, rumors run rampant of riots and rebellion alike - all signs pointing to Neroites who feel as if they're treated as second class citizens in comparison to Shaktans.
The Solution?
With years of this tension growing, High Bishop Verne gives an answer to the downtrodden: the forming of a new organization that will lead the people of Vaal Nero into prosperity, putting them on par with Vaal Shakta as they once were. Making it clear that this was not a declaration of war, but of equality, Verne commits himself to this cause and assures the people that those at the front of this new organization will become heroes akin to the Neroites of old.
The eligibility criteria, however, would ensure that only the chosen few could apply. Only those of either extreme talent, determination or bizarre circumstances that can control a rare power known as "Ethos" may apply - Ethos being an obscure variant of magic unique to the individual, often breaking the rules of magic and the world itself and posing a great threat to order if used for ill intent. An academy to train the future pride of Vaal Nero for this new equalizing power is announced and built over the following years, and scouting for willing Ethos users or those with the potential to develop an Ethos floods across the continent.
It's now March of the year 1526 of the Sacred Record. Wingram Academy is formed and, for the first time, opens its gates to those who would decide Vaal Nero's future. Whether Wingram houses the hopeful to raise Vaal Nero to equality or becomes a failed attempt to rise, is left up to its students and their ability to grow into their best selves.
Welcome to Wingram Academy
"A hero, stalwart and kind." - Wingram's official school motto, March 1526 SR

Wingram Academy finds itself within Vaal Nero's jurisdiction, but distant enough so as not to disturb the townsfolk with their classes and drills. By carriage, it would be a two day trip to reach Vaal Nero, making it a more permanent stay for students until graduation. The planned curriculum is tuned for three years of in-depth Ethos training and assessment, though some students may start in their second or third year of training at Wingram depending on a combination of their age, combat experience and predicted potential of their Ethos' power growth. The curriculum assumes students already have a grasp on the basics of language and mathematics, and instead intends to specialize in the education of essence and its uses, practical Ethos usage, and realistic combat scenarios against staff, fellow students, and potential threats to Vaal Nero's safety with the supervision and aid of staff.
The academy itself was created over multiple years through a combination of painstaking labor and magical reinforcement, creating a small valley of sorts upon which the academy city rests. It contains minor artificial leylines that assist with the casting of the four primary magical conduits of arcane, divine, occult and primal, and the unique mixture of different essences ensures that all essence manipulation will be especially potent for those who can parse and divide the surging storm of energies that run through this place.
Patriotic Neroites and aspiring Ethos users alike will find everything they need here to graduate as heroes of the people, if they would give the effort.
Miscellaneous World Lore
Dedicated lore topic here
Essence, also known in some cultures of the world as "Iris Ascendis," is the invisible energy that makes up all life. From the people of the world, to the ground they walk upon, the trees and rocks, the water, even the air - it's all inherently made of essence. Essence also interacts with itself in different forms, as conscious and subconscious thoughts also give rise to different types. Simpler things like a sword may contain a combination of essence codewords such as "sharp" and "sturdy" that influence its effectiveness and properties, and the act of casting what's known as magic is to alter life's codewords on a given cluster of essence they can reach, temporarily or permanently.
People, however, are more complex than inanimate objects. The concept of "essence inheritance," or simply "inheritance," is the phenomenon of essence fusing with other essence that comes within the same proximity for long enough. As living things interact with the world and change it, so too does the world change them. Staying around somebody too long who has the essence of "courage" brewing at the forefront, may eventually cause the other person to slowly inherit that courageous essence as well, their personality becoming influenced over time by essence that encourages bold, risk-taking activities. With the vast amount of different emotional essence the average person interacts with on their day-to-day, it's uncommon for somebody to change too drastically off of mere essence alone, but such cases have happened; most commonly, depressed hermits stewing in their own gloomy essence become consumed by it, sinking deeper and deeper until other essence can slowly filter out the overwhelming presence pushing them down. This isn't to say that essence dictates all emotion, but merely that it enhances and amplifies emotions a person is feeling if concentrated for too long or felt too intensely.
As such, people are built of many hundreds if not thousands of different essence codewords every single day, infinitely more complex than the average inanimate object. The ability to look into the thousands of tiny dots of essence within oneself and withdraw a specific concept for the purpose of magic would require a strong will and intensive study of essence manipulation; a needle in a haystack within one's own body, as it were. Within that, though, each person has what is known as a "prime essence." What this essence is, is unique to each individual. Unlike regular essence that passes through and is gradually filtered out into nonexistence through the passage of time without constant exposure to that concept, a person's prime essence is always with them, ready to be drawn from at a moment's notice should they know how. A person's prime essence can be an emotion, a concept, an element, or should ancient Rekordian mythos be believed, even a color; though no person alive in the modern day is known to have a color as their prime essence's codeword. The general rule is that an individual's prime essence is more powerful the simpler it is and the more flexible the associated word is, though that's not always the case.
A simple example of essence manipulation through the use of standard magic could be to grant a simple sword the codeword of "fire" to create a flaming sword. Typically, more complex objects are more difficult to implant essence into, though familiar objects to the user become less daunting over years of daily interaction. Ethos use, specifically, is the act of drawing upon one's prime essence and withdrawing it outward into the world to enforce their will upon it. Unlike some magic, Ethos-based abilities cannot stay active indefinitely, as theirs is an ability imposing themselves upon the world. This is in contrast to regular schools of magic, in which casters are altering what already exists externally or that has been temporarily added to them from daily interactions. An Ethos can be anything within the limitations of what their prime essence's codeword can accomplish, and is activated with a phrase spoken aloud. This is often a quote from something important to the person, the name of a mysterious tale from a land beyond (OOC: real world fairy tale titles), or a phrase that in some way relates to their Ethos' powers.
Some examples of Ethos powers in the past include a man who could challenge opponents to a coin flip and grant blessings and curses to either himself or his opponent depending on who won the coin flip, a woman who could glimpse an alternate reality version of herself living the version of her life that could come to pass if she made the worst decisions at certain key points, and a cat who could summon a strange suit of red armor onto himself that made him powerful enough to defeat an entire city's guard forces. Ethos is still an uncommon ability to the point that consistency in what it can do is still under research, but it's clear that those who possess one are never to be underestimated in their capabilities.
People, however, are more complex than inanimate objects. The concept of "essence inheritance," or simply "inheritance," is the phenomenon of essence fusing with other essence that comes within the same proximity for long enough. As living things interact with the world and change it, so too does the world change them. Staying around somebody too long who has the essence of "courage" brewing at the forefront, may eventually cause the other person to slowly inherit that courageous essence as well, their personality becoming influenced over time by essence that encourages bold, risk-taking activities. With the vast amount of different emotional essence the average person interacts with on their day-to-day, it's uncommon for somebody to change too drastically off of mere essence alone, but such cases have happened; most commonly, depressed hermits stewing in their own gloomy essence become consumed by it, sinking deeper and deeper until other essence can slowly filter out the overwhelming presence pushing them down. This isn't to say that essence dictates all emotion, but merely that it enhances and amplifies emotions a person is feeling if concentrated for too long or felt too intensely.
As such, people are built of many hundreds if not thousands of different essence codewords every single day, infinitely more complex than the average inanimate object. The ability to look into the thousands of tiny dots of essence within oneself and withdraw a specific concept for the purpose of magic would require a strong will and intensive study of essence manipulation; a needle in a haystack within one's own body, as it were. Within that, though, each person has what is known as a "prime essence." What this essence is, is unique to each individual. Unlike regular essence that passes through and is gradually filtered out into nonexistence through the passage of time without constant exposure to that concept, a person's prime essence is always with them, ready to be drawn from at a moment's notice should they know how. A person's prime essence can be an emotion, a concept, an element, or should ancient Rekordian mythos be believed, even a color; though no person alive in the modern day is known to have a color as their prime essence's codeword. The general rule is that an individual's prime essence is more powerful the simpler it is and the more flexible the associated word is, though that's not always the case.
A simple example of essence manipulation through the use of standard magic could be to grant a simple sword the codeword of "fire" to create a flaming sword. Typically, more complex objects are more difficult to implant essence into, though familiar objects to the user become less daunting over years of daily interaction. Ethos use, specifically, is the act of drawing upon one's prime essence and withdrawing it outward into the world to enforce their will upon it. Unlike some magic, Ethos-based abilities cannot stay active indefinitely, as theirs is an ability imposing themselves upon the world. This is in contrast to regular schools of magic, in which casters are altering what already exists externally or that has been temporarily added to them from daily interactions. An Ethos can be anything within the limitations of what their prime essence's codeword can accomplish, and is activated with a phrase spoken aloud. This is often a quote from something important to the person, the name of a mysterious tale from a land beyond (OOC: real world fairy tale titles), or a phrase that in some way relates to their Ethos' powers.
Some examples of Ethos powers in the past include a man who could challenge opponents to a coin flip and grant blessings and curses to either himself or his opponent depending on who won the coin flip, a woman who could glimpse an alternate reality version of herself living the version of her life that could come to pass if she made the worst decisions at certain key points, and a cat who could summon a strange suit of red armor onto himself that made him powerful enough to defeat an entire city's guard forces. Ethos is still an uncommon ability to the point that consistency in what it can do is still under research, but it's clear that those who possess one are never to be underestimated in their capabilities.
In the beginning there was light, blinding and oppressive. Nothing could survive in such an imbalanced world, and so a creature of absolute darkness was created. Born from a puddle of shade, it ate away at the world's light. Slowly but surely, it brought balance to creation for the first time in its previously undocumented existence. As balance shifted towards darkness, the universe came into focus. As the shadow creature fed on the light, it converted that energy into matter. As its own influence grew, so too did its reliance on light with which to create – yet as the being consumed more, that blinding whiteness became harder to find.
Eventually, the shadow could consume no more, as the remnants of the world's oppressive glow came from above. The matter the creature had built around itself had become the world, and its last opponents remained forever out of its grasp - the sun, moon and stars in the sky. Thus, in its defiance, it created time so that all present and future catalysts born from its feast could move forward. The final act of the shadow before withdrawing from sight was to create the Sacred Record – an eternal clocktower that forever watched over the world and witnessed its progress. The world itself became a catalyst, lending itself well to the name Castalia that it eventually came to be known as.
On year 10 of the Sacred Record, humanity was conceived as the first intelligent race, eventually creating their first civilization in what is now known as Rekordia. Umbralism became the worship of this dark god, after humanity peered into the notes taken by the Sacred Record and discovered its status as their creator. It had many branches, some choosing to dedicate themselves to the concept of shadows and the unknown, while some longed for the moon in all its radiance that never lasted quite long enough; further still, some that enjoyed the simple pleasures of wide patches of shade on a hot summer day to relieve them. Darkness was something many feared, and Umbralists simply wished to understand it in all its forms, seeing it as an all-encompassing ally. Up until the year 1500 of the Sacred Record, it was the dominant religion on the planet, widely worshiped and accepted in all its forms.
Eventually, the shadow could consume no more, as the remnants of the world's oppressive glow came from above. The matter the creature had built around itself had become the world, and its last opponents remained forever out of its grasp - the sun, moon and stars in the sky. Thus, in its defiance, it created time so that all present and future catalysts born from its feast could move forward. The final act of the shadow before withdrawing from sight was to create the Sacred Record – an eternal clocktower that forever watched over the world and witnessed its progress. The world itself became a catalyst, lending itself well to the name Castalia that it eventually came to be known as.
On year 10 of the Sacred Record, humanity was conceived as the first intelligent race, eventually creating their first civilization in what is now known as Rekordia. Umbralism became the worship of this dark god, after humanity peered into the notes taken by the Sacred Record and discovered its status as their creator. It had many branches, some choosing to dedicate themselves to the concept of shadows and the unknown, while some longed for the moon in all its radiance that never lasted quite long enough; further still, some that enjoyed the simple pleasures of wide patches of shade on a hot summer day to relieve them. Darkness was something many feared, and Umbralists simply wished to understand it in all its forms, seeing it as an all-encompassing ally. Up until the year 1500 of the Sacred Record, it was the dominant religion on the planet, widely worshiped and accepted in all its forms.
On the midnight of the first day of the year 1500 of the Sacred Relic (SR), a master sorcerer and devout zealot of the Umbralist faith by the name of Meer had completed a ritual that stole the light from the stars in the sky. He would absorb that energy into himself night after night, and while the world was in a state of panic and dread from this unknown phenomenon, he enacted his plan: the revival of the shadowy being that had since come to be known as Kazaar. Meer had channeled the cosmos into his staff, and the resulting power brought forth a puddle from which the god he worshiped had emerged. Dripping in inky darkness, Kazaar had been awakened and found itself disappointed with the state of the world.
It absorbed Meer's light as he had wanted, leaving the sorcerer a shivering and scarred husk in its wake. Usings its power of conversion, it created the Star Seeds, corrupting the energy of the stars, and gave these seeds to Meer and his most trusted followers. A dark stain on history followed, in which Umbralist cultists scattered the Star Seeds across the world. By planting the seeds, they would grow to consume life around them and blight the lands, culminating in the birth of monstrous lords given form from the things they siphoned and assimilated. For years, the common people lived in fear and agony, with even the greatest nations barely able to mount a defense against the invading legions of Umbralist horrors and the powerful clerics commanding them. In time, the vast majority of countries across the world were encroached upon and terrorized by unknowable beasts.
After a long passing of time of this tyranny which came to be known in history as the Five Year Apocalypse, hope emerged. In the year 1505 on the continent of Vein, a young human boy by the name of Thayo took a stand. With the help of a goblin tribe, he uncovered an ancient runic sword that chose him as its wielder, the spirit within claiming to be that of the first warrior. Thayo traveled the continent, putting a stop to the monsters born from the Star Seeds, that came to be called Seedspawn, one foe at a time. Along the way, he touched the hearts of thousands with his optimism and charisma, and recruited others on his journey. Among them were Klara the mage, Borial the assassin, Vensha the priest, and Novaris, a former Umbralist cultist-turned-ally. Together, they overcame countless trials and pushed back the creatures born from Kazaar's sadistic ambition. The people came together from all over the world to support them, rousing an army for the final fight against Kazaar, Meer and the last of their Seedspawn. Atop the tallest tower of Fort Klein, riddled with Star Seeds to the point of near unrecognizability, the heroes fought the battle of their lives against Meer - and prevailed through blood, sweat and tears.
The party was not, however, prepared for the overwhelming might of Kazaar. Pulled into a dimension of shadows, they were no match in the being's own realm – and eventually, a choice had to be made for them. Klara stood tall, making her final stand. Through her private studies of Star Seeds throughout the journey, she conjured a reverse ritual, freeing the starlight from Kazaar's clutches and dispersing it. This act weakened the creature enough for the party to, once and for all, incapacitate the fiend. It wasn't able to be killed while inside its own dimension, and it couldn't be allowed to roam free in their world once again where it could escape and continue its war against the world, and so Klara made one final decision; she gave up her own future for the world. Acting as if she were fleeing the collapsing shadow dimension with the rest of her friends, she stayed behind and closed off the entrance portal from within. She was never seen again, but has been forever honored as "The Star Sorcerer" for being the one to finally return the night sky and save the world.
The world was saved, and it was all owed to the efforts of the heroes who fought against the dark. In time, this rebellion against Kazaar came to be known as 'The Golden Year', as by the time of 1506 SR, the planet's shadowy creator had returned to nothingness due to their efforts. When people refer to the "Order of the Golden Year", they speak of the brave party that fought the god in its own dimension and survived.
It absorbed Meer's light as he had wanted, leaving the sorcerer a shivering and scarred husk in its wake. Usings its power of conversion, it created the Star Seeds, corrupting the energy of the stars, and gave these seeds to Meer and his most trusted followers. A dark stain on history followed, in which Umbralist cultists scattered the Star Seeds across the world. By planting the seeds, they would grow to consume life around them and blight the lands, culminating in the birth of monstrous lords given form from the things they siphoned and assimilated. For years, the common people lived in fear and agony, with even the greatest nations barely able to mount a defense against the invading legions of Umbralist horrors and the powerful clerics commanding them. In time, the vast majority of countries across the world were encroached upon and terrorized by unknowable beasts.
After a long passing of time of this tyranny which came to be known in history as the Five Year Apocalypse, hope emerged. In the year 1505 on the continent of Vein, a young human boy by the name of Thayo took a stand. With the help of a goblin tribe, he uncovered an ancient runic sword that chose him as its wielder, the spirit within claiming to be that of the first warrior. Thayo traveled the continent, putting a stop to the monsters born from the Star Seeds, that came to be called Seedspawn, one foe at a time. Along the way, he touched the hearts of thousands with his optimism and charisma, and recruited others on his journey. Among them were Klara the mage, Borial the assassin, Vensha the priest, and Novaris, a former Umbralist cultist-turned-ally. Together, they overcame countless trials and pushed back the creatures born from Kazaar's sadistic ambition. The people came together from all over the world to support them, rousing an army for the final fight against Kazaar, Meer and the last of their Seedspawn. Atop the tallest tower of Fort Klein, riddled with Star Seeds to the point of near unrecognizability, the heroes fought the battle of their lives against Meer - and prevailed through blood, sweat and tears.
The party was not, however, prepared for the overwhelming might of Kazaar. Pulled into a dimension of shadows, they were no match in the being's own realm – and eventually, a choice had to be made for them. Klara stood tall, making her final stand. Through her private studies of Star Seeds throughout the journey, she conjured a reverse ritual, freeing the starlight from Kazaar's clutches and dispersing it. This act weakened the creature enough for the party to, once and for all, incapacitate the fiend. It wasn't able to be killed while inside its own dimension, and it couldn't be allowed to roam free in their world once again where it could escape and continue its war against the world, and so Klara made one final decision; she gave up her own future for the world. Acting as if she were fleeing the collapsing shadow dimension with the rest of her friends, she stayed behind and closed off the entrance portal from within. She was never seen again, but has been forever honored as "The Star Sorcerer" for being the one to finally return the night sky and save the world.
The world was saved, and it was all owed to the efforts of the heroes who fought against the dark. In time, this rebellion against Kazaar came to be known as 'The Golden Year', as by the time of 1506 SR, the planet's shadowy creator had returned to nothingness due to their efforts. When people refer to the "Order of the Golden Year", they speak of the brave party that fought the god in its own dimension and survived.
In the brief moment in which Klara Leuvalt of the Order of the Golden Year tapped into Kazaar's essence and returned the stars to their original places, it's speculated that it was enough time for fragments of Klara's essence in all its emotional intensity to become intertwined with those stars. As a result, Klara's essence became omnipresent throughout the world, despite her body remaining forever trapped in Kazaar's dimension. In the years following the end of the Five Year Apocalypse, a notable change took shape: Klara's will began to spread throughout the world, gracing those close to her in life with dreamlike visions urging them to do what they can for the good of the people, and to never give up on life. Eventually, the people came to call this invisible presence Astra, the conscious will of essence itself acting through the remnants of Klara's intense emotions of justice and defiance in her final moments. In the time following the Golden Year, the religion of Astrism was formed, with the first cathedral of Astra constructed near the sea in Vaal Nero. Astrites would devote themselves to the healing of the world following the Five Year Apocalypse, and the purging of Umbralist remnants with ruthless dedication when found.
Unfortunately, the rebuilding efforts came with an additional problem that has since been interchangeably referred to as "The Decay", "The Essence Problem" or "The Essence Debate", in which the rapid draining of essence from the land by Seedspawn had advanced the decay of the world's essence by many thousands of years. As essence used is always returned to the world in smaller quantities than before, and with no concrete way to replenish essence, it was always thought that while it was an issue that needed fixing, the world had thousands of years to worry about it. After the Seedspawn and their mass draining of essence on a worldwide scale - essence permanently lost when absorbed by them - this became a much more immediate problem. Leylines would weaken and wane, large chunks of land would spontaneously crumble into dust, and people in areas of low essence density ravaged by Seedspawn influence would suddenly fall over and die without warning. Wars of debate are waged in the halls of Vaal Shakta's town hall, projects are proposed, and yet it's still not a topic that has sufficient backing behind it to make a difference. As essence decays, so too do the people, and yet the debate would rage on even to the current year.
Unfortunately, the rebuilding efforts came with an additional problem that has since been interchangeably referred to as "The Decay", "The Essence Problem" or "The Essence Debate", in which the rapid draining of essence from the land by Seedspawn had advanced the decay of the world's essence by many thousands of years. As essence used is always returned to the world in smaller quantities than before, and with no concrete way to replenish essence, it was always thought that while it was an issue that needed fixing, the world had thousands of years to worry about it. After the Seedspawn and their mass draining of essence on a worldwide scale - essence permanently lost when absorbed by them - this became a much more immediate problem. Leylines would weaken and wane, large chunks of land would spontaneously crumble into dust, and people in areas of low essence density ravaged by Seedspawn influence would suddenly fall over and die without warning. Wars of debate are waged in the halls of Vaal Shakta's town hall, projects are proposed, and yet it's still not a topic that has sufficient backing behind it to make a difference. As essence decays, so too do the people, and yet the debate would rage on even to the current year.
Major Locations on the Continent of Vein
The arcane capital of the world and the capital city of the Vaalin Union. Vaal Shakta is home to the greatest scholars of magic worldwide - whether it be Arcmages dissecting the rules of life itself, or humble street performers picking up a few party tricks, almost everybody lives in Vaal Shakta for some kind of interest in magic or essence. Home to Strigari Academy, the most prestigious place of magical study in the entire world. It's currently led on the political side by Mayor Harold Highguard, a progressive leader hoping to build friendly relations with the Kingdom of Mirris, and Gorias Velyphus on the scholarly side, the headmaster of Strigari. Each of the two leaders has a say in matters of wellness and national security, though the mayor does have ultimate power in matters of foreign diplomacy.

Known by many as the clerical city, Vaal Nero is a holy site upon which divine magic is favored heavily. In the past it was one of the cornerstones of Umbralist practices, but all monuments to that faith have since been removed. In its place, many devoted to the teachings of Astra make their way here, their goal of healing the world firm in their hearts. In the far past, a great civil war took place between Vaal Shakta and Vaal Nero. The Shaktans, spoken for by Shaktis Wund, wished to advance on Rekordia and conquer them and the rest of the continent with their newfound arcane might. The Neroites, lead by Nero Leuvalt and his order of holy knights - the Wings of Nero - held firm to prevent Shaktis from advancing his armies, and tensions reached a boiling point. The clash was gruesome, and countless lost their lives in the year-long conflict. It eventually ended with Vaal Shakta's victory, when they took to Vaal Nero's streets. It's said in the final battle that fateful day, a fearsome red dragon descended from the skies and assisted in the invasion of Vaal Nero, turning most of the city to ashes in its rage, and eventually ending the life of Nero Leuvalt in a battle with the beast.
In what was written of as a moment of regret in Shaktis' life, seeing the corpse of his best friend Nero amidst the ashes of war, he brought his full might to bear in order to subjugate Vaal Nero without the loss of even one more life that day on either side. Vaal Nero was once more brought under the same banners as the Shaktans in the year 127 SR, but with a burned husk of a town left for them to rebuild, Neroites never really forgave the atrocities of that war - even after a thousand years, in some cases.
Nowadays, Vaal Nero is a port city responsible for much of the foreign trade and tourism that the Union receives. It continues to stand tall to this day as a symbol that hope can rise from even the most hopeless of situations, and that even ashes endure. Its current political representative is High Bishop Verne of the Church of Astra, a middle-aged priest dedicated to the return of the Wings of Nero.

In what was written of as a moment of regret in Shaktis' life, seeing the corpse of his best friend Nero amidst the ashes of war, he brought his full might to bear in order to subjugate Vaal Nero without the loss of even one more life that day on either side. Vaal Nero was once more brought under the same banners as the Shaktans in the year 127 SR, but with a burned husk of a town left for them to rebuild, Neroites never really forgave the atrocities of that war - even after a thousand years, in some cases.
Nowadays, Vaal Nero is a port city responsible for much of the foreign trade and tourism that the Union receives. It continues to stand tall to this day as a symbol that hope can rise from even the most hopeless of situations, and that even ashes endure. Its current political representative is High Bishop Verne of the Church of Astra, a middle-aged priest dedicated to the return of the Wings of Nero.

Known as the chained city, Vaal Kastrix is much more humble in comparison to the other cities of the Union. Its claim to fame is that its founder, Kastrus Aishblut, was the one to alter the leyline that the Union now rests upon - a feat named in his honor, posthumously, as he lost his life in the process of its creation. It receives the lowest priority among the three cities, in terms of the leyline's energy, as a result of its location in a more remote region with the overall lowest population in the Union. Inconsistent essence flow throughout the leyline in this region has resulted in anomalous growth of plant life, spontaneously growing out of solid structures like buildings or, more rarely, people.
Many promising alchemists, clerics and doctors would arrive over the years in an attempt to research and cure this mysterious phenomenon, but they would all arrive at the same conclusion eventually: those with this anomaly of spontaneous plant growth, eventually deemed "Misaligned", would never be permanently cured of their afflictions. The only option was prevention, and the only reasonable way to accomplish that would be to receive officially documented approval from both the mayor and headmaster of Vaal Shakta to divert additional resources to Vaal Kastrix. The headmaster has historically given his approval every time, but the mayors of the capital would always decline, generally agreeing that it would be a waste of resources.
As it stands, Vaal Kastrix is known as the chained city for what many call the "Curse of Kastrus", in which he died for the betterment of their society, only to have the citizens he died for be treated as the last priority and suffer terrible afflictions. The chains of his sacrifice have weighed down Vaal Kastrix, leaving it as a city that suffers in poverty in comparison to its peers. The city does its best with its fertile land to provide a booming agricultural society, but such dreams are swiftly crushed by Misalignment for those that can't afford constant essence eradication treatments to destroy spontaneous plants before they get out of control.

Many promising alchemists, clerics and doctors would arrive over the years in an attempt to research and cure this mysterious phenomenon, but they would all arrive at the same conclusion eventually: those with this anomaly of spontaneous plant growth, eventually deemed "Misaligned", would never be permanently cured of their afflictions. The only option was prevention, and the only reasonable way to accomplish that would be to receive officially documented approval from both the mayor and headmaster of Vaal Shakta to divert additional resources to Vaal Kastrix. The headmaster has historically given his approval every time, but the mayors of the capital would always decline, generally agreeing that it would be a waste of resources.
As it stands, Vaal Kastrix is known as the chained city for what many call the "Curse of Kastrus", in which he died for the betterment of their society, only to have the citizens he died for be treated as the last priority and suffer terrible afflictions. The chains of his sacrifice have weighed down Vaal Kastrix, leaving it as a city that suffers in poverty in comparison to its peers. The city does its best with its fertile land to provide a booming agricultural society, but such dreams are swiftly crushed by Misalignment for those that can't afford constant essence eradication treatments to destroy spontaneous plants before they get out of control.

The Vaalin Union, formerly the Shaktis Principality, takes up the southwestern corner of the continent. It has less cities than the other major nations on the continent, and has not shown much interest in expansion, but it makes up for quantity in quality. Its three primary cities of Vaal Shakta, Vaal Nero and Vaal Kastrix each see a much higher life expectancy due to significant technological advances through the research of essence. With Vaal Shakta being the origin of the arcane when its first ruler, Shaktis Wund, bore witness to an incredible event on its soil that has since been forgotten to time, the Union has seen advancement beyond much of the world. Each of the three cities represents the original prince that led settlers to build upon it: the arcane city of Vaal Shakta given to Shaktis Wund, the clerical city of Vaal Nero given to Nero Leuvalt, and the chained city of Vaal Kastrix given to Kastrus Aishblut.
All aspiring scholars of magic or the ways of essence would eventually find their way to the Vaalin Union to advance their studies. The vast libraries of the world-renowned Strigari Academy in Vaal Shakta contain tomes and diaries dating as far back as the founding of the city itself, back when it was a humble settlement built on top of a crater in the year 95 SR. Those who attend for long enough and with enough dedication to knowledge may eventually gain access to the forbidden section that contains such information, though it's known that typically only alumni who go on to achieve Arcmage status may truly delve into the restricted tomes that contain the secrets of the world in its infancy.
Within the Vaalin Union, all three major cities know the convenience of the Kastrix Leyline that encompasses the entirety of the nation. Known to be the most potent current of essence in the world that courses through the ground, the original three princes used their grasp of the arcane to concentrate its flow onto the ground that their settlements rested, and bind it in those places. As a result, Vaalin cities are constantly assisted by a vast, invisible ocean of essence underneath the ground that powers all the conveniences that Vaalin people eventually came to know. Concepts such as household electricity, heating, air conditioning, radio, television, and a newer invention from the year 1520 called "Essence Mail" or "E-Mail" for short, among other things, exist for the benefit of Vaalin citizens. Due to the decay of essence in recent years, however, blackouts regularly affect the people of Vaal Nero and Vaal Kastrix, the Kastrix Leyline having automatic priority given to Vaal Shakta's stability. With not enough essence to go around at all hours of all days on such a massive scale anymore, Vaalin citizens living outside of the capital city are frequently given lower priority.
The capital city of Mirris - a bastion of hope for the new world, and the ever-present defender against evil. In the days of the Five Year Apocalypse, Greenguard was the first major city to be liberated from Umbralist control by Thayo Al'Miraj himself. It stands as a monument to the potential of mortals, even those not chosen by fate or destiny, and its patriotism for its heroes and warriors is unmatched worldwide.

The Kingdom of Mirris is the dominant nation on the continent of Vein. While younger than either the Vaalin Union or the Queendom of Rekordia, their unity quickly resulted in the expansion and solidarity befitting a nation many centuries older. Forming in the year 1050 as a collection of independent provinces in central Vein banding together under the then-newly declared King Pyr Mirris, the Kingdom of Mirris was raised on patriotism and pride in its warrior culture. As divided provinces they were harshly taxed and threatened by Rekordia and the Union alike, and thus when Mirris was formed, there were no compromises made with their former superiors. Hero-King Pyr led his people across the vast plains, expanding in all directions with unmatched spearmanship, unyielding determination, and shining charisma.
Modern day Mirris is a superpower feared worldwide, as the Mirrisian army has famously never been defeated in war - the closest being their ceasefire with Rekordia during the White Peak Conflict of 1426. Mirris owes much of its power to the four Pillar Knights of the royal army, known more commonly as the Stalwara. Each Stalwara is a warrior of immense power, said to be able to defeat armies by themselves, with abilities that rumors say far exceed mortal comprehension.
Nowadays, Mirris is ruled by Thayo Al'Miraj, the hero who ended the Five Year Apocalypse - appointed as such after the death of King Alfrey Mirris occurred during the end of the Golden Year. Taking up the newly given name of Theodore Mirris, the hero formerly known as Thayo now leads his people to glory, ever expanding and forming new alliances. Some whispers say, however, that such alliances are agreed upon begrudgingly.
New Ailwald, the capital city of the Queendom of Rekordia, can be found amidst scorching sands as a haven away from the crushing heat. The city, much like the entire nation, is very reclusive and difficult to access as a foreigner. Queen Carmine Everember, known as the "Clockwork Queen", is most known for her status as a first generation human. According to stories, she was born at the dawn of humanity with a one of a kind essence - a prime essence that would never let her flame be extinguished, reigning as an immortal queen over her subjects that she regularly declares "the greatest people in this world and the next".
New Ailwald, however, is built on tragedy. The people of the original Ailwald eventually tired of the eternal rule of a queen content to wall off her citizens from the rest of the world. A rebellion broke out in the year 1460, which tragically came to be known as the "Afternoon Revolt". Those fed up with the traditionalist ways of their home rose up and declared their intent to overthrow Queen Carmine. As the people gathered in Ailwald one after another, it came to a boil when Gearveins were deployed to suppress the effort. They were commanded to withdraw, however, when Queen Carmine herself stomped onto the scene in a strange, customized Gearvein - making it clear that she wanted to be the one to make an example of traitors to her rule. Within the span of a single afternoon, Carmine demolished the rebel forces until they were too demoralized to continue. In a fit of rage that her authority was questioned in the first place, Carmine began demolishing the homes of her citizens, turning half of Ailwald into a desolate crater upon which only dust and debris remained.
Reconstruction began, but the spirit of the people in the capital was never the same again. Those who witnessed the tragedy and survived to tell the tale raised children to never question Queen Carmine's decrees, and to raise their children on those same teachings, and so on. New Ailwald stands as a grim reminder of defiance in a world in which one person can have so much power. In spite of this, citizens survive and get by, doing their best to live and endure.

New Ailwald, however, is built on tragedy. The people of the original Ailwald eventually tired of the eternal rule of a queen content to wall off her citizens from the rest of the world. A rebellion broke out in the year 1460, which tragically came to be known as the "Afternoon Revolt". Those fed up with the traditionalist ways of their home rose up and declared their intent to overthrow Queen Carmine. As the people gathered in Ailwald one after another, it came to a boil when Gearveins were deployed to suppress the effort. They were commanded to withdraw, however, when Queen Carmine herself stomped onto the scene in a strange, customized Gearvein - making it clear that she wanted to be the one to make an example of traitors to her rule. Within the span of a single afternoon, Carmine demolished the rebel forces until they were too demoralized to continue. In a fit of rage that her authority was questioned in the first place, Carmine began demolishing the homes of her citizens, turning half of Ailwald into a desolate crater upon which only dust and debris remained.
Reconstruction began, but the spirit of the people in the capital was never the same again. Those who witnessed the tragedy and survived to tell the tale raised children to never question Queen Carmine's decrees, and to raise their children on those same teachings, and so on. New Ailwald stands as a grim reminder of defiance in a world in which one person can have so much power. In spite of this, citizens survive and get by, doing their best to live and endure.

The Queendom of Rekordia is, historically, considered the birthplace of humanity. As the first humans were born inside the Sacred Record, and the island upon which that eternal clocktower rests is off the coast of Rekordia, the nation's people lay claim to the title of first society. All who would challenge this claim are met with violent warnings by Rekordian officials and military personnel, and bloodshed if the warnings are not heeded. Despite this pride, Rekordia is constantly in a state of danger. Due to Rekordia's origins as the first major cluster of intelligent life, the essence within its territory is much thinner with frequent use throughout all of history. What this has resulted in is strange geographical anomalies, such as northern Rekordia's status as a blazing desert and southern Rekordia's contrasting eternal icy tundras and blood-freezing blizzards.
Their waning ability to utilize essence eventually resulted in the construction of weaponry to compensate for their weakness. With a combination of information gathering on Vaal Shakta's magical theories and Rekordia's own stockpile of precious minerals, it wasn't long before invention after invention was created to defend themselves against other nations and provinces that would attempt to intrude. Eventually, Rekordia enlisted the help of a mysterious man known only as "The Equalizer", for assistance in constructing walls to divide them from the rest of the world. This man, with an uncanny comprehension of their technology and beyond, assisted their engineers in construction of these walls. Eventually, the entire nation was walled off from the world, unable to be climbed by even the most experienced professionals.
Ever since, Rekordia has maintained caution around foreign nations, developing weapons eclipsing that of most other major powers with technology researched from the eternal clocktower they claim ownership over. Before long, prosthetics, augments and guns were brought into the world at the hands of the nation's finest. With Rekordians having less potential for essence use, they elected to instead focus on this technology until the point at which they developed their most feared weapons: the Gearveins.
Classified from weakest to strongest in ranks labeled Chalice, Sword, Candle and Sigil, Gearveins are gigantic mechanized assault weapons piloted by soldiers with the correct aptitude and loyalty for the job. Unlike most Rekordian technology that relies on complex mechanisms to compensate for an inability to overindulge on essence use, Gearveins are powered on essence; however, instead of pulling from the essence of their surroundings, they directly merge with and drain the prime essence of their pilot to operate. The more intricate details are unknown to foreigners, but the higher ranked Gearveins are feared as walking gods only held back by the walled-off reclusive society they're stored in.
Seer's Loft is a city-state that flies no banners and holds no true loyalty to any of its neighbors. Widely regarded as the most profitable business hub on the continent of Vein, it finds itself geographically positioned between the borders of the Vaalin Union and the Kingdom of Mirris, constantly in a state of tension with both nations. Mirris and the Union have each historically made many attempts at diplomacy to invite the city to join their banners for mutual benefit, but they have been rejected from such offers every time. At its core, Seer's Loft prides itself on this freedom of expression for all citizens - freedom to simply exist to pursue one's passions, rather than be tied down by patriotism. To some it's called the city of travelers, to others the continental connector, but above all, it's a place to simply live one's life in pursuit of personal passion.

Seer's Loft finds itself in the vast plains known as the Western Neutral Territories - a largely unclaimed mass of land with settlements dotted about, the noble Darby Palace to the south of Seer's Loft, and Mossbone Mountain to its immediate north. Many simply view the WNT as a means to travel to Seer's Loft and find their fortune, but the land itself has many mysteries yet to be fully discovered.
Alternatively known as "Gurdrokr" by traditionalist locals, Golem's Rock is an independent city free from the banners of one government or another. At one point it was supposedly the capital city of its own empire, but the northern half of the nation was submerged in water, never to be seen again as it sunk deep into the abyss below. Some surviving records from those lucky enough to have found themselves on the southern side state loud roaring from a being "not of this world", and a bright light before the northern side of the country simply plummeted into the ocean.
No surviving records remain hinting at how old the empire was, but its demise was met on the date of September 15th, 832 SR. The city received its modern name for the gigantic statue-like golem that stands at the northern outskirts, facing the coast with its arms spread wide, as if blocking the citizens of the city from whatever had consumed the rest of their people. Golem's Rock, or "Gurdrokr" for those loyal to tradition who still practice and speak the "emperor's tongue", continued living in neutrality and defiance against whatever malicious creature had destroyed their civilization. "The giant's back promises another day strong" is a common phrase that the citizens of Golem's Rock reflect on during times of hardship.
In the current day, Golem's Rock is a city that promotes a strong warrior and laborer culture, sometimes to its own detriment. Being a former nation that lost its glory to unknown magical forces, many who cling to the stories of the awe-inspiring Gurdrokr have come to consider essence manipulation as a whole to be a cursed practice; to the point that some have even speculated that an experiment with essence gone awry was the cause of their great empire's fall. Regardless, citizens often grow up seeing the golem as a symbol of virtue and strength: "to endure, protect and stand tall through pain even as the world moves on behind you". Such words motivate the youth of the city, fostering a sense of pride in hard work and community. Being close to the sea, it's also a common hub for trade from foreign lands, promoting a sense of camaraderie with various cultures, and above all, an adventurous spirit.
To many, Gurdrokr never died - it simply endured even as the world moved on. Currently under the leadership of the Barimo noble family, descendants of the old emperor, and fierce and respected warriors in their own right. Under the control of House Barimo, the people of Golem's Rock enjoy prosperous trade between Mirris and Seer's Loft alike - as they have for many centuries.

No surviving records remain hinting at how old the empire was, but its demise was met on the date of September 15th, 832 SR. The city received its modern name for the gigantic statue-like golem that stands at the northern outskirts, facing the coast with its arms spread wide, as if blocking the citizens of the city from whatever had consumed the rest of their people. Golem's Rock, or "Gurdrokr" for those loyal to tradition who still practice and speak the "emperor's tongue", continued living in neutrality and defiance against whatever malicious creature had destroyed their civilization. "The giant's back promises another day strong" is a common phrase that the citizens of Golem's Rock reflect on during times of hardship.
In the current day, Golem's Rock is a city that promotes a strong warrior and laborer culture, sometimes to its own detriment. Being a former nation that lost its glory to unknown magical forces, many who cling to the stories of the awe-inspiring Gurdrokr have come to consider essence manipulation as a whole to be a cursed practice; to the point that some have even speculated that an experiment with essence gone awry was the cause of their great empire's fall. Regardless, citizens often grow up seeing the golem as a symbol of virtue and strength: "to endure, protect and stand tall through pain even as the world moves on behind you". Such words motivate the youth of the city, fostering a sense of pride in hard work and community. Being close to the sea, it's also a common hub for trade from foreign lands, promoting a sense of camaraderie with various cultures, and above all, an adventurous spirit.
To many, Gurdrokr never died - it simply endured even as the world moved on. Currently under the leadership of the Barimo noble family, descendants of the old emperor, and fierce and respected warriors in their own right. Under the control of House Barimo, the people of Golem's Rock enjoy prosperous trade between Mirris and Seer's Loft alike - as they have for many centuries.

Apart from Golem's Rock, the Northern Neutral Territories lay claim to two other historical landmarks. To the northwest is Fort Klein, the location of the final battle between Meer and the Order of the Golden Year. To the northeast rests the charred rubble and ruins of Castle Edmonds, the old home of the well-respected Duke Edmonds. During the early days of humanity, Duke Edmonds was a loved and cherished lord, kind to those within his domain. This was, until, his secret was revealed: he was the spawn of an unspeakable evil, victim to an unknown disease that gave him the cravings of blood. Historically, Duke Edmonds was the world's first vampire, and upon the locals finding out about his condition, banded together and raided his castle. As history is read, he was staked by the villagers, his castle demolished and burned until only ruins remained. Stories say that, on a full moon, one can still hear Duke Edmonds' ghost wailing into the night if they rest near the rubble...
To keep the story moving, there will also be a 48 hour time limit on posting - if a person goes 48 hours without posting when it's their turn to do so, and they have given no prior notice, they are eligible to be skipped to the next person for that round of posts. Posting rounds are simply the order in which IC posts are made, and ideally everybody gets a post per round if the whole group is together in the same location. If a person is skipped frequently enough, they may be removed from the RP.
March 1st, 1526: Pages 1 - 8
March 2nd, 1526: Pages 8 - 23
March 3rd, 1526: Page 23+
March 2nd, 1526: Pages 8 - 23
March 3rd, 1526: Page 23+
0/5 Open Slots
Finally, we have character sheets. Doesn't need to be too detailed!
Race: (Traditional fantasy races are welcome, as well as most D&D/Pathfinder races; but as this is a custom setting, the lore of those races may not necessarily be 100% accurate to this setting. Or you can just be a regular ol' human.)
Age: (Ages for Wingram students range from 16 - 19 on average, but exceptions for younger and older are made if they show potential.)
Appearance: (Please spoiler tag if you use an image, and please only use anime or fantasy artwork for images.)
Alignment: (Following the traditional D&D alignment system.)
Personality: (One paragraph minimum.)
Backstory: (One paragraph minimum. You're free to create a homeland for your character off-continent, if one of the major locations listed doesn't appeal to you.)
Prime Essence: (It isn't mandatory to know what yours is at the start, if you'd rather learn and awaken it through RP.)
Ethos: (Just as above, it's not necessary to start with one, if you'd rather learn it through RP. Ethos abilities are hyper-specialized powers tailored to the individual, so it wouldn't be something as simple as, say, shooting fireballs; any wizard or sorcerer could accomplish that without an Ethos or even knowing their prime essence. An example along that same line that would be a valid Ethos would be an ability where their emotions can affect the temperature, such that burning rage creates explosive flames or cold spite creates spears of ice through sheer willpower. Please try to give at least a paragraph explaining your Ethos.)
Magic: (Do they know any magic not tied to their Ethos? And if so, from which practice? Arcane is through intensive study of essence, divine is through prayer to a god or powerful belief, occult is through devotion to spiritual or demonic forces, and primal is through an intense connection to nature or fey. Sorcerers can also be born with the inherent ability to cast from one of these practices without meeting the listed requirements.)
Miscellaneous Skills: (Non-magical skills your character may possess, such as swordsmanship or the ability to do a backflip off a building and land on your feet. Try to write at least a sentence elaborating on each one.)
Inventory: (Just a basic rundown of what kind of gear they're entering Wingram with. As the RP progresses, you can also update this with whatever you obtain through the adventure!)
Additional Notes: (Feel free to just erase this if there's nothin'!)
Race: (Traditional fantasy races are welcome, as well as most D&D/Pathfinder races; but as this is a custom setting, the lore of those races may not necessarily be 100% accurate to this setting. Or you can just be a regular ol' human.)
Age: (Ages for Wingram students range from 16 - 19 on average, but exceptions for younger and older are made if they show potential.)
Appearance: (Please spoiler tag if you use an image, and please only use anime or fantasy artwork for images.)
Alignment: (Following the traditional D&D alignment system.)
Personality: (One paragraph minimum.)
Backstory: (One paragraph minimum. You're free to create a homeland for your character off-continent, if one of the major locations listed doesn't appeal to you.)
Prime Essence: (It isn't mandatory to know what yours is at the start, if you'd rather learn and awaken it through RP.)
Ethos: (Just as above, it's not necessary to start with one, if you'd rather learn it through RP. Ethos abilities are hyper-specialized powers tailored to the individual, so it wouldn't be something as simple as, say, shooting fireballs; any wizard or sorcerer could accomplish that without an Ethos or even knowing their prime essence. An example along that same line that would be a valid Ethos would be an ability where their emotions can affect the temperature, such that burning rage creates explosive flames or cold spite creates spears of ice through sheer willpower. Please try to give at least a paragraph explaining your Ethos.)
Magic: (Do they know any magic not tied to their Ethos? And if so, from which practice? Arcane is through intensive study of essence, divine is through prayer to a god or powerful belief, occult is through devotion to spiritual or demonic forces, and primal is through an intense connection to nature or fey. Sorcerers can also be born with the inherent ability to cast from one of these practices without meeting the listed requirements.)
Miscellaneous Skills: (Non-magical skills your character may possess, such as swordsmanship or the ability to do a backflip off a building and land on your feet. Try to write at least a sentence elaborating on each one.)
Inventory: (Just a basic rundown of what kind of gear they're entering Wingram with. As the RP progresses, you can also update this with whatever you obtain through the adventure!)
Additional Notes: (Feel free to just erase this if there's nothin'!)
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