Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 mo ago Post by Nanaya
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The Problem...

On the coasts of the Vaalin Union rests the Clerical City of Vaal Nero; a prosperous hub of trade and adventure, and yet, uncertainty brews amongst its citizens. Essence - the building blocks of magic, the lifeblood of the world, and the means by which all things exist - has been slowly dying out for years, with no way to replenish it. The powerful arcane leylines upon which all cities within the Vaalin Union benefit from, granting access to conveniences such as electricity, heating, television, and a newer invention known as "Essence Mail," has been dying in potency. Shortages and blackouts plague the city, no doubt as a result of the capital city of Vaal Shakta's insistence on claiming priority over the leylines' influence, dwindling as it is. With tensions rising from the locals, rumors run rampant of riots and rebellion alike - all signs pointing to Neroites who feel as if they're treated as second class citizens in comparison to Shaktans.

The Solution?

With years of this tension growing, High Bishop Verne gives an answer to the downtrodden: the forming of a new organization that will lead the people of Vaal Nero into prosperity, putting them on par with Vaal Shakta as they once were. Making it clear that this was not a declaration of war, but of equality, Verne commits himself to this cause and assures the people that those at the front of this new organization will become heroes akin to the Neroites of old.

The eligibility criteria, however, would ensure that only the chosen few could apply. Only those of either extreme talent, determination or bizarre circumstances that can control a rare power known as "Ethos" may apply - Ethos being an obscure variant of magic unique to the individual, often breaking the rules of magic and the world itself and posing a great threat to order if used for ill intent. An academy to train the future pride of Vaal Nero for this new equalizing power is announced and built over the following years, and scouting for willing Ethos users or those with the potential to develop an Ethos floods across the continent.

It's now March of the year 1526 of the Sacred Record. Wingram Academy is formed and, for the first time, opens its gates to those who would decide Vaal Nero's future. Whether Wingram houses the hopeful to raise Vaal Nero to equality or becomes a failed attempt to rise, is left up to its students and their ability to grow into their best selves.

Welcome to Wingram Academy

"A hero, stalwart and kind." - Wingram's official school motto, March 1526 SR

Wingram Academy finds itself within Vaal Nero's jurisdiction, but distant enough so as not to disturb the townsfolk with their classes and drills. By carriage, it would be a two day trip to reach Vaal Nero, making it a more permanent stay for students until graduation. The planned curriculum is tuned for three years of in-depth Ethos training and assessment, though some students may start in their second or third year of training at Wingram depending on a combination of their age, combat experience and predicted potential of their Ethos' power growth. The curriculum assumes students already have a grasp on the basics of language and mathematics, and instead intends to specialize in the education of essence and its uses, practical Ethos usage, and realistic combat scenarios against staff, fellow students, and potential threats to Vaal Nero's safety with the supervision and aid of staff.

The academy itself was created over multiple years through a combination of painstaking labor and magical reinforcement, creating a small valley of sorts upon which the academy city rests. It contains minor artificial leylines that assist with the casting of the four primary magical conduits of arcane, divine, occult and primal, and the unique mixture of different essences ensures that all essence manipulation will be especially potent for those who can parse and divide the surging storm of energies that run through this place.

Patriotic Neroites and aspiring Ethos users alike will find everything they need here to graduate as heroes of the people, if they would give the effort.

Miscellaneous World Lore

Dedicated lore topic here

Major Locations on the Continent of Vein


To keep the story moving, there will also be a 48 hour time limit on posting - if a person goes 48 hours without posting when it's their turn to do so, and they have given no prior notice, they are eligible to be skipped to the next person for that round of posts. Posting rounds are simply the order in which IC posts are made, and ideally everybody gets a post per round if the whole group is together in the same location. If a person is skipped frequently enough, they may be removed from the RP.


0/5 Open Slots

Finally, we have character sheets. Doesn't need to be too detailed!

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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Hope I didn't jam too much lore into this thing. I'd say the essence tab under misc. lore is the only one that's required reading, the rest is more for setting context and understanding some of the more notable world events of recent memory in-universe. Just post your characters in here when you're ready, or feel free to ask questions and talk about the RP!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Came up for air from Armored Core 6 just in time to see this. Interested, I'll try to get something up soon.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Reserved for my CS.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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Otis Tan Arillo
5'6 | 97 lbs | Male | 16 y/o | Strigidae Beastkin

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Otis is intense and obsessive, finding beauty in details and specifics. To others, the open-minded skeptic may be insufferable in the way that his questions sound like interrogations, in that he refuses to accept anything until he has exhaustively, personally, investigated it, but at the same time, there is something admirable about just how open-minded he is. He loves the Truth, find beauty even as his previous understanding of the world is crushed underfoot. To him, it doesn't matter what shape it ultimately takes: a myriad of beliefs are rooted in a single truth, and Otis wishes to reach the thread that is spun from the nebulous wool of mortal perceptions.

Open-minded as he is though, there are still things that he has no tolerance for. He's a perfectionist, and a perfectionist who wishes for processes that are always correct at that. Intuition and instinct, to Otis, is only guessing, and guessing brings forth unpredictability that can otherwise be controlled for. And if there’s one thing that he doesn’t like, it’s the inconsistency where there shouldn’t be any. If someone promises something, he expects them to fulfill their promise. If someone has done something once, he expects them to be able to do it again. That harshness is doubled onto himself. Though failure is alright, Otis does not ever want to let that stand. He’s not insane. He’s just stubborn and prideful, a child beneath that veneer of maturity.

Upon the descendants may an unfinished sentence be fulfilled.

A rebellion extinguished was not a rebellion exterminated. When the Clockwork Queen's fist rose away from the carnage she had dealt, that had not been the end of her wrath. Those who survived, those who had surrendered and pleaded for mercy, were brought then to serve their sentences, imprisoned for their folly, then conscripted to the frontlines of a war that none could survive. Of the thousands sent off as flesh to feed the Seedspawn tide, none survived, leaving their sentences unfulfilled.

So, naturally, the burden of their great crime would fall upon their children. Mercy was not to be offered, not to the weakest, most helpless of the rebel lot. Treachery persisted within blood. The boot of the brass tyrant cared not for nurture, only nature.

And so, it was only when he was ten years old that the sentence of his great grandfather finally ended and Otis Tan Arillo was afforded the opportunity to step outside the five meter by ten meter cell that had been his world for the entirety of his conscious existence. The sun scalded him. The earth scratched him. The wind kissed him. The moon graced him. The World greeted him. And it was beautiful, enough to smother the legacy of hatred he had for that undying ruler, enough to silence the decade of propaganda that spoke to her infallible nature. He grasped it as easily as he grasped a leaf: the planet was born before Queen Everember, and would last longer than she. There, just five meters away from the prison that housed so many like him, the amber-eyed youth laughed and left it all behind.

But his footprints remained.

Given the freedom to learn, Otis became voracious in the pursuit of knowledge. He questioned all that he encountered, going so far as to voice his doubts with regards to the creation of the world itself. Humanity in its entirety did not peer into the notes of the Sacred Record, after all. Only a select few had that privilege, and there was no true way to tell who actually created the Sacred Tower. And even if one did create an ever-lasting tower...that, in and of itself, was still far and beyond what the planet itself was. Kazaar was no god, not in the sense of omnipotence. It was simply a creature like any other, a con artist that possessed power to back up their lies. What birthed this being? From whence did the Light come? Questions dogged Otis's dreams, an inquisition that at once charmed and harangued his professors.

His efforts were real though. Enough so that when High Bishop Verne gave his answer to the rising chaos that came with the fluctuation of leylines, the fading of essence, those who knew the child born in a prison, the child possessed the purity and flexibility to delve into the minutiae of Castalia's existence, responded by sending him to Wingram Academy.

The world didn't need heroes.

The world needed the Truth.

Otis, however?

What he needed was an experiment, one the size of a city.

Magic: Arcane
Prime Essence: Seeker
Ethos: "Show me wonders of this world."
The Seeker, reversed, becomes a workshop that grants Otis a place where all he needs will be within arm's reach.

Upon invoking his Ethos, Otis manifests a doorway that leads into a starry pocket dimension that appears near-limitless in size. Marble flooring manifests over the feet of those who enter, and a litany of tools swirl around him, always within arms reach. In this space, the Strigidae is able to create any substance he desires, before using any number of tools to process and transform those substances. Twisted inventions and perfect weapons are craft by his callused hands beneath the infinite cosmos, theory realized or proven false with no cost to 'reality'. Indeed, within this space, all is illusory: beyond the 'cost' of summoning this dimension-breaching door to begin with, nothing that Otis creates is real.

Until he gives that creation the Maker's Mark.

Once he does, an amount of essence proportional to the 'value' of the object is consumed, solidifying the 'concreteness' of the object, and from that point on, when Otis manifests the door to his Workshop, he can summon that object. It is limited, of course, in the amount of time that such objects can remain summoned, but at the same time, it is perfect too. After all, anything that can be brought out through the door can be replicated in reality. What Otis possesses, what his Ethos grants, is a dimension where prototypes can be made with no cost, where inventors that craft without worry of funds.

Curiously enough, a tertiary function of the Strigidae's Ethos is that once Otis enters his Workshop and closes the door, he can exit, reemerging from any door he has encountered in his life. Granted, that too comes with a cost of essence, but theoretically, he could cross to the other side of the world, so long as there's a standing door there.

Miscellaneous Skills
Strigidae Physiology
Rooted in genetics, Otis can see well in the dark, turn his head all the way around, and possesses a relatively light skeletal structure, giving him the sort of natural agility and acrobatic skill that heavier races could only dream of.

Universal Craftsman
Did such talent come before or after he discovered his Ethos? Regardless, Otis possesses a fair amount of skill in any common craft, though he's particularly skilled at weaving and tinkering. His clothes and tools are both handmade, after all.

He's a good shot. It comes with having steady hands and an unflinching gaze. In a world so dangerous as this, it's foolish to not possess some method of self-defense. Even if it's often a lethal method.

Huge Dork
What can be said? He loves learning, and he learned to learn fast.

A beautifully crafted break action revolver with a polished mahogany grip. When it breaks open, there’s the distinct ring of a sounding crystal.

A thick, but breathable coat embellished with the red-and-brown patterns of the Arillo family, patterns uncovered through visits to the parts of archives that a young child born of rebel's blood ought not to be. While it offers some protection against bludgeoning blows, its main function is the many pockets that Otis had sewn into it afterwards, offering plenty of different places to put his various knick-knacks. Of particular note is a tin box that contains all his most useful tools, as well as a half dozen hard candies to give him that necessary sugar rush.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Name: Chunji Yi
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: A reticent young man who performs all tasks to the best of his ability. Chunji only ever responds to a situation but never initiates one. He's often quiet and carries a solemn yet slightly gloomy air. Because of this, people often find him cold and weird, given how non-committal his responses are. However, if there's one saving grace, it's that Chunji is sensible towards others' feelings and input. While he may not do as much, he'll, at the very least, listen to what others have to say.

Internally, Chunji is a filial son to his family. Whatever they say, he will uphold. Their hopes lay within him, and he wishes not to squander any of their faith. To achieve this goal, he's willing to follow instructions that would help him improve himself. Anything that he finds trivial, Chunji doesn't put effort into them. Friendships, hobbies, and any desires are perceived as unnecessary. To Chunji, what's the point of something that is going to end eventually?

His duty as a son also carries a negative connotation. If there's anything that he is unable to become efficient in, he becomes incredibly critical of himself. When he finds something he is unable to do, Chunji doubles down and tries to find alternate solutions to the problem. This is most apparent with his lack of skill in healing. Even though he follows the instructions, the healing is inefficient. It has gotten to the point where he has started to use drastic means to improve his magic.

The first generation of Yi to be born in the Vaalin Union.

His parents came from an island called Feng Huo that hosted a variety of factions that succumbed to constant war amongst each other. Seeking a life without danger, they defected from their clan and rushed out on a boat. From there, they landed near the Vaalin Union territory, where they would call their home.

Soon, Chunji Yi was born.

The first memory he had was when he was holding a pen.

Then, the next would be holding a training sword.

Every day of Chunji Yi's life was filled with practical knowledge taught by his parents. Swordplay, literature, mathematics, and any mundane study that they held were taught to him. Chunji was allowed to be a 'kid' in front of his parents but as a string of hope that would grant him and his family a better future.

They lived outside of the Vaalin Union, which often was subjected to a less favorable environment compared to the capital. It did not help with the combination of his foreign heritage and odd demeanor that Chunji was not received favorably by his peers. However, that didn't matter to Chunji. He needed to study, to learn, to breach the gap for his family's goal.

When the High Bishop announced the beginning of the Wingram Academy, it didn't take long for his parents to immediately send Chunji over to attend the academy. It was a long-awaited ticket to escape from the outskirts and enter the capital.

To abide by their command, Chunji followed.

Magic: Occult - Taught by his parents, Chunji mainly focuses on healing magic rather than the destructive curses of his homeland. Unfortunately, Chunji is incredibly unproficient in these arts, and their effectiveness is dimmed due to his incompetence.

Prime Essence: (To be discovered)
Ethos: "透过现象看本质" (Look Beyond The Surface)
The eyes are what behold the world and perceive the reality in front of them.

When invoked, Chunji is able to see in any physical object in front of him. From a human body, he's able to see the internal organs, skeleton structure, and more. From a building, he's able to identify all the cracks and tears that would naturally form along with age and the foundations that support it. To put it simply, he's able to observe all parts of an object.

Chunji's eyes also allow him to focus on parts separately from each other. He can willingly choose to only perceive the skeleton of a body, or switch to perceive the muscles of the body.

Miscellaneous Skills:
Swordsmanship -
Chunji focuses on a more nimble swordplay that relies on quick strikes, parries, and dodges to create an opening that would allow him to deal fatal damage to his opponents. Shockingly, Chunji displays a great amount of skill in comparison to his magic studies.

First Aid -
To compensate for his lack of skill in healing magic, Chunji supplies with medical knowledge instead. Bandaging wounds and alleviating the worst of injuries helps out when healing magic becomes inefficient.

Anatomy Knowledge -
Thanks to his ethos, Chunji has studied how anatomy works amongst a variety of organisms. The joints that allow the limbs to move, the location of important arteries, and the importance of all bodies are known to Chunji. His knowledge is well in conjunction with his medical knowledge and swordsmanship.

Nerves of Repression -
Due to his upbringing, it takes a lot of time to raise an emotion. The mastery to repress his feelings allows him to think logically in serious circumstances.

Yi's Short Sword - A weapon brought over from the war-torn island of Feng Huo. Chunji's been told that it was a family heirloom, but it looks like a normal sword to him. A floral pattern decorates the hilt of the sword.

Medical Kit - A basic kit filled with medical essentials. It carries bandages, scalpels, disinfectant, and more. Though it is seemingly lacking bandages at all times.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Yeye, World Trigger rep.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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Characters look good! You can post 'em in the characters tab when you're ready.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blayr17
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Blayr17 The Paladin

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Very interested! I'm thinking of making a druid-y plant-summoner character from Vaal Kastrix, but I haven't finished reading all the lore just yet. I'll try to get a character posted within the next few days. :)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Ey Nanaya, so I recall that you wanted a group of 4-5 players. Right now, the interested people exceed that number, so what's the plan there? Expanding the group size, or doing some sorta first-come-first served thing?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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Ey Nanaya, so I recall that you wanted a group of 4-5 players. Right now, the interested people exceed that number, so what's the plan there? Expanding the group size, or doing some sorta first-come-first served thing?

Well, I can definitely say I wasn't expecting interest to exceed that number, so I've been considering perhaps a split party plot if the number of character apps goes beyond five. Because it's a school setting, it could be easy enough to simply say that different players are in different classes that occasionally link up. The place where this becomes complicated is if one group posts faster than the other by a significant margin or if one group has a longer in-game day in general.

The other alternative is first come first serve, but that one does feel souring to me. There's also simply having a larger group in general going along the same plot PoV, but in my opinion it can't be too much higher than five players. A lot of players pushing towards the same goal can be really cool if it works, but the drawback is that a single player going inactive in those situations can potentially bring the entire thing to a halt.

I'm leaning towards separate groups if we get 6+ players, myself; but I'm open to ideas and suggestions on how to go about handling it as well. I'll also be adding to the main post to include a 48-hour rule - that going 48 hours without posting when it's somebody's turn to do so, without prior notice of a delay, will result in that person being skipped.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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Very interested! I'm thinking of making a druid-y plant-summoner character from Vaal Kastrix, but I haven't finished reading all the lore just yet. I'll try to get a character posted within the next few days. :)

Sounds good! Not all of the lore will necessarily be relevant for the story, in terms of setting lore, but there are details that I figured some people would appreciate being included anyway.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Iraleth Kyrios

Race: Half-elf
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Stands at 6'3" thanks to her elf blood. Toned, athletic figure with good amounts of muscle in her limbs.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Uncompromising determination and iron will. Iraleth is stern, strict, and brooks little dissent or resistance. If there's an obstacle in her way, it will move or be moved. When faced with the unknown, Iraleth tends to fall back on tried and true methods, reflecting her trust in the wisdom of those who came before her. Nero Leuvalt is her foremost idol, and she wishes to see the revival of the Wings of Nero as much as the High Bishop does.

Secretly, Iraleth is a hardline Neroite with severe anti-Shaktan sentiments. While she respects and likes her spiritual leader, High Bishop Verne, she cannot help but completely disagree with his stance on equality between Neroites and Shaktans. To her, Vaal Nero was a victim of conquest in an unjust war of aggression by Shaktis, and it continues to pay for that to this day, with the current power outages proving her point.

Whatever the truth of her birth, Iraleth has known nothing but the church's orphanage from her earliest memories. She was raised as a ward of the church within Vaal Nero's territory, but tragedy befell the outlying territory it was located in when a battle between a party of paladins against leftover Umbralists from the Apocalypse spilled into it, decimating the village and draining it of Essence. To this day, Iraleth has no idea how she managed to live through the ensuing battle when everyone around her succumbed, though the child was left was grievous injuries before the sole surviving church knight, Eltoras Kyrios, discovered her.

Filled with guilt over how the battle had decimated an innocent village as well as cost him his fellows, the paladin Eltoras took Iraleth in as his page, practically adopting her as he served the church in the city of Vaal Nero itself. As it turned out, he and his compatriots had been greatly inspired by the tales of the Wings of Nero, attempting to revive the organization themselves. Though with the death of the majority of the group, that effort was largely dead in the water. Nevertheless, he raised Iraleth to carry the dreams of himself and his fellows, training her in the arts of knights and priests alike. Iraleth took to both the training and the stories with gusto, dedicating herself to becoming a knight of the church.

Her new upbringing in Vaal Nero exposed her to the realities of her birth land's political situation, however. The hardships Vaal Nero faced were so obviously brought upon them by the Shaktans that Iraleth began to fall in along the same lines of anti-Shaktan resentment that many hardliner Neroites espoused. Her adoptive father had long since felt the same, which didn't help matters. Though this was tempered by the knowledge that the High Bishop was a moderate and wouldn't approve of their resentment, Iraleth's resentment of the capital never faded, though she learned to hide it better so as to not disappoint the kindly Bishop Verne.

By the time Wingram Academy was established and announced, Iraleth had just finished her squiring with her father and teacher, and he encouraged her to attend. While neither of them was exactly thrilled with its stated goal of equality, both of them respected the High Bishop too much to not at least attempt to do things his way. At the very least, she would be trained to master her newly-discovered Ethos should the worst occur and Verne's dream fail. So with her father's blessing and influence within the church, Iraleth was enrolled into Wingram, setting out on the next chapter of her life.

Prime Essence: Inheritor
Ethos: "On borrowed wings."

To invoke the Inheritor is to channel the powers of those who have come before. Formed of her belief in carrying on the ideals and dreams of her spiritual idols, Iraleth materializes the Inheritor's armor around herself, becoming an avatar of their living legacies.

When Iraleth invokes her Ethos, divine arms and armor form, replacing her current armaments with ones of immense strength, durability, and Essence. The manifestation augments both her physical abilities and her divine magics to the point where she can stand against the greatest mundane warriors and mages as a baseline. Furthermore, the armor grants limited powers of flight, as the greatest of Iraleth's inspirations is Nero Leuvalt himself. Thus, it stands as Iraleth's representation of the Wings of Nero.

The Ethos draws strength from those who Iraleth venerates. If she is aware of their specialities in battle, Iraleth can draw upon techniques and magics that they were known for, though this taxes her greatly.

Furthermore, the Ethos is empowered by Iraleth's awareness of others' belief in her. The more she is entrusted with the hopes of those around her, the mightier the manifestation grows. Its aura affects enemies and allies alike, reflecting their perception of her. The more one believes in Iraleth, the more the aura empowers them in turn. The more one fears or distrusts her, the more paralyzing the dread the aura instills in them.

Magic: Divine

Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Unyielding: Through a combination of conditioning, armor, and sheer, unrelenting tenacity, Iraleth is hellaciously stubborn, able to power through wounds that would take lesser warriors out of a fight.
  • Swordsmanship: Iraleth fights as a knight does, favoring heavy arms and armor and bulldozing through foes with sheer tenacity. Little grace or elegance is found in her sword style, only efficiency and sheer force.
  • Sacred Tenets: As a ward of the church, Iraleth was raised within its halls and educated to the point where she can perform rites and sacraments of the Light as well as any priest. She can perform most roles one would require a priest for, including confession, preaching, funeral rites, and sanctification.
  • Local Knowledge: Having grown up within Vaal Nero's territory, Iraleth is very familiar with the local area around Wingram.

  • Bastard sword: A hand-and-a-half sword formerly carried by a knight of the church that fought in the Apocalypse. Passed down to Iraleth upon completion of her squiring.
  • Full plate: A mismatched set of plate with components from several different suits and refit to her size. Cobbled together with what spare funds Iraleth and her teacher could scrounge up.

Additional Notes:
Voice claim: Kari Wahlgren
Character theme
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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@Psyker Landshark

Looks good! Feel free to add to the character tab.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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If you want to keep things at a steady pace, a smaller group works better, I'd feel. The ideal would probably have been to cap it at 5 and then do acceptances based off of a deadline, picking out the best sheets out of however many you receive before said deadline.

Since you've already started accepting though, that's a bit awkward, so I guess it's mostly just gonna be first come first served.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nanaya
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If you want to keep things at a steady pace, a smaller group works better, I'd feel. The ideal would probably have been to cap it at 5 and then do acceptances based off of a deadline, picking out the best sheets out of however many you receive before said deadline.

Since you've already started accepting though, that's a bit awkward, so I guess it's mostly just gonna be first come first served.

Yeah, in the end it'll have to be first applications. Though I think as a result, if anybody were to drop out or be removed for inactivity, players who didn't get to make characters in time would take priority in claiming an open slot.

@Ammokkx@Sifr@Dragonfly 9@Vec@AzureKnight@Blayr17

There are now currently two character slots remaining, at the moment. If people are still interested after the RP is full, they can let me know if they'd like to be on a priority list should a slot open up.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sifr
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Sifr It/He

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Was a bit busy these past two days and will be today as well. If I don't get a character sheet in quick enough that is chill. I'm still very much interested though, so if I don't I'd still like to be considered for the future :>
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Nanaya Honestly your worldbuilding is very cool, I read all of it. However, I too have been busy, September coming in means a lot of things to prepare. I'll try to get a sheet up and honor my reservation, but It's ok if I don't make it in the end.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sifr
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Sifr It/He

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Finally got a moment to myself, gonna reread the lore to refresh my brain (I know I had questions but I need to remember what they were), and then fuck around with some sheets ^ v ^
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Right, Nanaya, you got an idea of when you're gonna start the IC?
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