It’s been three months since the Galactic Empire lost its first major battle in its Civil War. The Rebel Fleet was able to destroy the super-weapon known as the Death Star, ruining countless years of Imperial planning. This disaster has caused the Empire to crack down even harder on all forms of resistance, its grip tightening around the Galaxy. And yet there is still hope. Spurred on by the Rebel victory at Yavin, many new recruits have decided to join the armed resistance. One such mass enrollment would be on the planet Pythis. A small tourist world in the Mid Rim, Pythis was just obscure enough for a Rebel recruiter to try and have multiple factions join the Rebellion at the same time. The only problem is that the Empire is aware of this, and is ready to strike as soon as the potential Rebels make themselves known.

So I really love the Fate Core system and would like to try running it here on the Guild. For those unfamiliar, Fate Core is a simple role-playing system that focuses more on telling a collaborative story than having in depth dice rolling rules. In fact the only dice roll ever done in Fate Core is rolling four fate dice, which will give you a result between negative four and plus four, to which you then add your relevant skill ranking. Obviously there’s a bit more to it than that, but the system is easy to learn.

Here’s some resources if you aren’t familiar with Fate Core:
- This is the official publisher’s website. You can download a PDF of the core rules for any price, including free.
- This is a hack of Fate Core to make it Star Wars themed. We will be using the skill list included within, as well as the rules for Extras.
- This is a helpful video explaining how to play Fate Core.
- This is a video of celebrities playing Fate Core, with one of the game designers as GM. This is good if you want to see Fate in actual play.

If you are interested in participating, I ask that you start coming up with a character concept. All player characters are people who hate the Empire for some reason and are looking to join the Rebellion, coming to Pythis to meet with a Rebel recruiter. I am hesitant to include Jedi, being more open to other Force using traditions. As for species, pretty much any alien both canon or original would work, as long as they fit in the setting and aren’t overpowered.

So if people are interested in participating in this, please let me know. I’m here to answer any questions about the tabletop system or the setting that you may have. Also if we do get players, we can start discussing the setting and character roles together as collaborative game design in a big part of Fate Core.
May the Force be with you.