Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 23 min ago

Character Information:
Name: Scott Valentine
Callsign: Heartbreak/Scarlet One
Age: 37
Species: Human
Nationality: American

Approximately 5'8" tall and with a fairly trim, sturdy build. Athletic and fit, with some tone to his muscle, but not heavily muscled.
Has a small scar on the left side of his jaw, below his cheek, that runs onto his neck. It is usually mostly hidden by his stubbly beard from a distance.

Outgoing, confident and cocksure; at first he may seem immature and like a larger-than-life blowhard, but his rank is earned by his expertise and professionalism, and when it comes to things getting serious, he shows the clever, fast, mind behind the facade, and the driven, dedicated, bravery and ferocity that has got him the recognition to be where he is.
He also has a much deeper, more caring and emotional side, though this is usually hidden under a safely-distancing facade of humour.
He has a strong sense of justice for the freedoms of others, and very little tolerance for bigoted views of any kind; sexism, homophobia, racism, or other such views will provoke him into action, either to humiliate in a personal setting, or if violence and oppression are in action, punishing, vicious and effective violence conducted swiftly and with little doubt as to the reasons why. Anyone who acts as such is, in his mind, a coward and a pathetic, stupid and idiotic bully, deserving of a swift correction to their world view.
Likewise, those who betray trust and loyalty, especially his own, are not to be trusted or given any quarter. The role, responsibility and place of those with power, skills, and knowledge like those he and those he serves alongside have is to protect those who cannot, or choose not to fight. And while he respects that decision, he is often frustrated and short-tempered with those who will not protect themselves when able to do so, or take responsibility for their situations.

He has unrequited feelings from a brief, but passionate and deep romantic relationship with a fellow pilot; Rebecca 'Sandy' Sandusky that began during the Eltherian war. The pair were very attracted mutually to one another, and shared a lot in common, but their differences in attitudes also lead to frequent and fiery arguments and stresses, before they were drawn apart by the responsibilities of their role. They have remained vaguely in contact since, but have not rekindled the relationship.
He has formed a strong and close friendship with K'merle Handria, a female Eltherian assigned to the Scarlet Squadron as one of their support staff, the pair finding their friendship easy and warm, though not without its' problems due to their respective histories, and his deepening feelings about K'merle leave him frustrated and confused, especially with his unrequited feelings for Rebecca.

Personal History:
Scott grew up in the southern USA, and his life was relatively unventful growing up. He wasn't a military brat; his father was a police officer and his mother a school teacher. He had originally intended to follow in his fathers' footsteps, but as he grew older, the changes in the world around him, he turned his attention to a military career. This distanced him somewhat from his family, cooling relations between them, though not leading to complete abandonment. Disappointed with their reaction, he nonetheless continued with his career aspirations, forging a career for himself in the US Navy, and specifically in Naval Aviation. He showed great promise, despite something of a cavalier attitude that was often commented upon, but his test results and evaluations showed he had the skills and knowledge to be an excellent pilot.
This came to be the truth when he graduated into the ranks of combat pilots. It was a short-lived joy, however, as the news of the asteroid impact came soon after, and along with it the uprisings and conflicts that followed.
These were where Scott was blooded in combat, and truly earned his wings. He sided with the coup forces against the US government during the uprisings, along with many of his fellow pilots, and engaged briefly in some aerial skirmishes and action against loyalist forces. Equally, he was engaged in action during several intervention actions in the uprisings around the globe at this time. With the loss of so many front-line aircraft, mobilisation of mothballed and reserved aircraft was a priority, and Scott was put through training to adapt to the A-4 Skyhawk.
He was lucky in that his family survived the impact of the asteroids, though much of his extended family did not. During this time, he had something of a reconciliation with them, and old problems were finally buried, his parents recognising him as his own man.

Not long after this, he was engaged in front-line combat against Eltherian forces, where he was among many pilots that fought in vicious and frequent action, both in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat, including in defence of American territory and allied forces in numerous actions. He quickly - like many - earned the title of 'ace'.

During this time, he also had a whirlwind romance with a fellow pilot - despite it being somewhat against regulations, though everyone was too busy to care at the time - though their duties pulled them apart, and the stress of their environment and situation lead to a lot of problems and friction. However; there were stronger feelings there than either was ready to admit at the time, and despite a stormy and dramatic split, both have unrequited feelings for one another.

Scott was heavily involved in Operation: Prometheus, and was field-promoted to squadron leader after the loss of his CO in combat. He grew into the role and showed his real talent for the position, becoming admired and respected by his wingmen and earning a reputation as a reliable, effective, officer from those above him, despite having something of a maverick attitude and an unhealthy willingness to run his mouth, especially against instances of bureaucracy and political meddling, and a willing to bend or 'creatively interpret' rules of engagement - especially when the lives of others are at stake.

Since then, he was a prime candidate for inclusion into the Knights, and was picked to lead 'Scarlet Squadron' one of the first eight squadrons in the program.

Personal Weapons/Gear:
  • Heckler & Koch USP.45 handgun with tactical light and threaded barrel for suppressor
  • Heckler & Koch MP5 sub-machinegun with sliding stock, flashlight handgrip, threaded barrel for suppressor and red-dot sight.
  • Extrema Ratio combat/survival knife, carried on survival vest
  • Small backup knife, carried in pocket sheath
  • Smith & Wesson 640 revolver in .357 caliber, with blued finish, carried in ankle holster

Aircraft Information:
Aircraft Name: A-4X Skyhawk II
Specifications: Same basic specifications as A-4R Fightinghawk, but with slight performance increases due to modifications.
  • 30mm ADEN Cannon replace 20mm Colt MK.12
  • Extended Jetpipe as per Israeli Skyhawk
  • Smokeless Engine refitted, with lighter, composite material components
  • Refitted with same avionics as Brazilian AF-1 'Falcao' Skyhawk: Glass Cockpit, new radar, new radar warning receiver.
  • Compatible with full range of smart weapons; including GPS, laser-guided and IR-Guided bombs and missiles
  • New radar allows compatiibility with Python-5 and Derby BVR air-to-air missiles.
  • Helmet-mounted sight refitted.

Colour Scheme:
Digital Camouflage two-tone grey colour scheme.

Preferred weapons:
  • Python-5 AAM
  • AGM-65 Maverick AGM
  • JDAM 500lb GPS-Guided Bomb

Scott's Skyhawk is essentially a summation and combination of all potential Skyhawk modernisation programs, such as the Israeli, Brazilian, Argentine and other Skyhawk programs. All of the most modern aspects of each have been integrated into a single airframe, resulting in the most modern and capable version of the Skyhawk ever to exist, putting it on par with at least a 4th generation F-16 model, if not more so.
The airframe has been zero-houred and the engine replaced with a factory-new model, upgraded and super-tuned for maximum performance.
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