Knights of the Skies

Knights of the Skies is an RPG in which the players take on the role of elite fighter pilots in an alternate world to our own, fighting against a shadowy worldwide conspiracy in the wake of a war against extra-terrestria invaders.
The pilots are part of the Knights of the Skies, a group of elite fighters pilots acting as 'troubleshooters', deployed to world-wide locations with their advanced, highly modified aircraft, by a multinational philanthropic government organisation to combat the actions of this shadowy enemy.
Through their actions, they will learn more about one another, about their world, and about the destiny of humanity...
History diverged from our own world in 2012, when space-monitoring telescopes picked up an asteroid on a course that would take it into a direct impact with Earth. The news was immediately reported to authorities, who kept it quiet initially. The size and estimated mass of the asteroid put it on par with the 'world killer' that ended the Cretaceous period. It was expected to impact within five years.
Government programs were immediately launched to develop measures to ensure survival of the populuations of the world's countries. Shelters were constructed or refurbished and upgraded, and space defence measures were dusted off and examined in depth for their suitability and viabiity in attempting to deflect the incoming object.
Of course, such a massive scale of activity did not go unnoticed, and the telescopes of professionals were not the only ones looking upward. Within a year, amateur astronomers and private companies located the asteroid, and from there, the news was impossible to suppress, leading to global upheaval as it was distributed across the internet and all manner of news channels and outlets.
Questions were directed at authorities on what measures they were taking, and - more often than not - the answers were found wanting. Especially so after leaked documents revealed the measures taken would only save a sliver of the population, and of them, mosty the rich and powerful. In the UK and USA especially, the backlash was huge as the long-standing discontent with the succession of governments run and serving the upper-classes' interests and stripping the country threadbare to do so resulted in an national uprising. Similar events took place in the USA, and elsewhere around the world. Civil wars and terrorist actions wracked chaos across the planet, causing wider chaos and loss of life.
North Korea, by all reports, suppressed all news of the impending impact and refused all diplomatic overtures, and the state of the country was left mostly to imagination.
China closed its' borders and lines of communication, enforcing strict martial laws on its' people, refusing all diplomatic overtures and offers of co-operation.
Russia likewise maintained the independent stance it had since Putin had been in charge. Domestic unrest was massive, and there were huge factional splits as the government attempted to exact punitive measures on its population and the dissenting members of the government and military, resulting in fracturing of the country. Fighting grew massively intense, and huge numbers of people began to migrate out of the the country, until finally the Kremlin was obliterated in a tactical nuclear strike.
Other regions and countries had similar events, annexations and coups, leading to a new world situation, though it was all too late. There were only months left to prepare. But then things took an unexpected turn. As the object had grown closer, additional objects were observed in its' wake. Long-range observation and monitoring showed them spreading out, and slowing down, as well as observing phenomena that were consistent with objects under control and their own power. This raised even more questions about the asteroid and what was coming. Messages were frantically sent, but completely ignored or disregarded. As the asteroid approached within Lunar orbit, it separated into several large masses, each targeted for large cities or areas on the planets' surface, while the trailing objects - now positively identified as ships - slowed down behind it, entering a braking phase.
On May the 13th, 2017, the fragmented asteroid impacted across Earth's surface. Massive damage was caused; the Earth was tilted off its' axis, resulting in huge climate changes. The tidal and seismic events, as well as weather changes resulted in a loss of life on an unbelievable scale. Including the losses from the following disease, starvation, and other related complications, almost one third of the planet's life was lost. Many survived in shelters and other fortified locations, though this was a tiny percentage compared to those unable to reach shelter. Likewise, the preparations made to preserve technology, infrastructure, and knowledge served to help society get back on its' feet - and in no time too soon, as the extraterrestrials did not wait.
Key locations were attacked from orbit, ahead of massive landings of vehicles, troops, and equipment. They immediately set to work stripping and mining all manner of resources from every part of the environment around them.
This was not to go unchallenged, and humanity fought back. The hastily formed United Nations Government had its' first real challenge, as expeditionary forces were launched into combat, scraped together from whatever armed forces had survived the impacts.
The war was a surprising one. The invaders - later known as 'Harvesters' for their apparent goal of harvesting the Earth of any and all resources - were technologically advanced, but not so much so that they completely outmatched human technology. Their spacecraft were their most advanced assets, along with some advances in computing systems and technology. But their command and control structure was inferior, given to political infighting among the various clans and groups that made up their leadership and society, one based heavily on competition and pride of place and social standing and reputation. As this was learned, it was started to take advantage of, more and more so as prisoners were taken and more information was learned about the Harvesters' society and plans.
All of this information lead to greater and greater intelligence operations that disrupted the chain of command. Harvester - now coming to be known as Eltherian - forces started to defect as they were introduced more widely to what life was like outside of the caste-based and eternally infighting Eltherian societal structure - resulting in their technology being reverse-engineered into human fighting machines and equipment.
A daring strategy was launched; to cripple and destroy several of the ships in orbit in an effort to force the Eltherians to the negotiating table. Over the following year, the UN launched operation Prometheus, a campaign lead by the aerial forces of the UNG, the easiest to adapt to the new technology and its' applications. They struck hard at Eltherian positions, breaking open their defensive lines and eliminating their surface-to-space ships. Ground forces moved in to fill the gaps, exploiting the openings and routing the Eltherians from their lines of advance, and back to their original positions, destroying and capturing masses of equipment and personnel. The orbital forces were set in motion to be bombard the surface - until the UNG launched their first combat capable vessels into orbit, and successfully engaged and destroyed the majority of the Eltherian ships for the loss of one of their own. The call for surrender was made, And the majority of Eltherian ships surrendered, with others fleeing to the further reaches of the solar system.
In the years that followed, society was slowly rebuilt, and the Eltherians integrated into human society, though still living under serious restrictions on their freedoms and movements, especially so in non-UNG countries and territories.
Humanity was never going to achieve full peace, despite uniting to fight together in the face of an invasion, and it hasn't taken long for new threats to rear their heads. With the rise of new nation-states and power blocs, new struggles and ideologies have also arisen, and long-standing feuds and conflicts have been remembered. With disaster relief and keeping the peace taking up the majority of their energy and resources, the UNG created the Aerial Knights squadrons. Self-Sufficient aerial combat forces - with some capability as ground combatants, problem solvers, and generally keepers of the peace; sent to act as a quick-response force to problem spots around the world as they arise.
But something bigger is stirring; the incidents and attacks are taking a pattern. Eltherian technology is being used, and in ways unseen before. The attacks are growing bolder and more overt and aggressive, to the point there must be backing and organisation behind them, and they clearly have some kind of plan and agenda in mind, and its' growing aggression and scale is something that needs to be stopped.
The current year is 2025, and the Knights of the Skies will need to take wing if the world is to avoid a third brush with devastation.
Government programs were immediately launched to develop measures to ensure survival of the populuations of the world's countries. Shelters were constructed or refurbished and upgraded, and space defence measures were dusted off and examined in depth for their suitability and viabiity in attempting to deflect the incoming object.
Of course, such a massive scale of activity did not go unnoticed, and the telescopes of professionals were not the only ones looking upward. Within a year, amateur astronomers and private companies located the asteroid, and from there, the news was impossible to suppress, leading to global upheaval as it was distributed across the internet and all manner of news channels and outlets.
Questions were directed at authorities on what measures they were taking, and - more often than not - the answers were found wanting. Especially so after leaked documents revealed the measures taken would only save a sliver of the population, and of them, mosty the rich and powerful. In the UK and USA especially, the backlash was huge as the long-standing discontent with the succession of governments run and serving the upper-classes' interests and stripping the country threadbare to do so resulted in an national uprising. Similar events took place in the USA, and elsewhere around the world. Civil wars and terrorist actions wracked chaos across the planet, causing wider chaos and loss of life.
North Korea, by all reports, suppressed all news of the impending impact and refused all diplomatic overtures, and the state of the country was left mostly to imagination.
China closed its' borders and lines of communication, enforcing strict martial laws on its' people, refusing all diplomatic overtures and offers of co-operation.
Russia likewise maintained the independent stance it had since Putin had been in charge. Domestic unrest was massive, and there were huge factional splits as the government attempted to exact punitive measures on its population and the dissenting members of the government and military, resulting in fracturing of the country. Fighting grew massively intense, and huge numbers of people began to migrate out of the the country, until finally the Kremlin was obliterated in a tactical nuclear strike.
Other regions and countries had similar events, annexations and coups, leading to a new world situation, though it was all too late. There were only months left to prepare. But then things took an unexpected turn. As the object had grown closer, additional objects were observed in its' wake. Long-range observation and monitoring showed them spreading out, and slowing down, as well as observing phenomena that were consistent with objects under control and their own power. This raised even more questions about the asteroid and what was coming. Messages were frantically sent, but completely ignored or disregarded. As the asteroid approached within Lunar orbit, it separated into several large masses, each targeted for large cities or areas on the planets' surface, while the trailing objects - now positively identified as ships - slowed down behind it, entering a braking phase.
On May the 13th, 2017, the fragmented asteroid impacted across Earth's surface. Massive damage was caused; the Earth was tilted off its' axis, resulting in huge climate changes. The tidal and seismic events, as well as weather changes resulted in a loss of life on an unbelievable scale. Including the losses from the following disease, starvation, and other related complications, almost one third of the planet's life was lost. Many survived in shelters and other fortified locations, though this was a tiny percentage compared to those unable to reach shelter. Likewise, the preparations made to preserve technology, infrastructure, and knowledge served to help society get back on its' feet - and in no time too soon, as the extraterrestrials did not wait.
Key locations were attacked from orbit, ahead of massive landings of vehicles, troops, and equipment. They immediately set to work stripping and mining all manner of resources from every part of the environment around them.
This was not to go unchallenged, and humanity fought back. The hastily formed United Nations Government had its' first real challenge, as expeditionary forces were launched into combat, scraped together from whatever armed forces had survived the impacts.
The war was a surprising one. The invaders - later known as 'Harvesters' for their apparent goal of harvesting the Earth of any and all resources - were technologically advanced, but not so much so that they completely outmatched human technology. Their spacecraft were their most advanced assets, along with some advances in computing systems and technology. But their command and control structure was inferior, given to political infighting among the various clans and groups that made up their leadership and society, one based heavily on competition and pride of place and social standing and reputation. As this was learned, it was started to take advantage of, more and more so as prisoners were taken and more information was learned about the Harvesters' society and plans.
All of this information lead to greater and greater intelligence operations that disrupted the chain of command. Harvester - now coming to be known as Eltherian - forces started to defect as they were introduced more widely to what life was like outside of the caste-based and eternally infighting Eltherian societal structure - resulting in their technology being reverse-engineered into human fighting machines and equipment.
A daring strategy was launched; to cripple and destroy several of the ships in orbit in an effort to force the Eltherians to the negotiating table. Over the following year, the UN launched operation Prometheus, a campaign lead by the aerial forces of the UNG, the easiest to adapt to the new technology and its' applications. They struck hard at Eltherian positions, breaking open their defensive lines and eliminating their surface-to-space ships. Ground forces moved in to fill the gaps, exploiting the openings and routing the Eltherians from their lines of advance, and back to their original positions, destroying and capturing masses of equipment and personnel. The orbital forces were set in motion to be bombard the surface - until the UNG launched their first combat capable vessels into orbit, and successfully engaged and destroyed the majority of the Eltherian ships for the loss of one of their own. The call for surrender was made, And the majority of Eltherian ships surrendered, with others fleeing to the further reaches of the solar system.
In the years that followed, society was slowly rebuilt, and the Eltherians integrated into human society, though still living under serious restrictions on their freedoms and movements, especially so in non-UNG countries and territories.
Humanity was never going to achieve full peace, despite uniting to fight together in the face of an invasion, and it hasn't taken long for new threats to rear their heads. With the rise of new nation-states and power blocs, new struggles and ideologies have also arisen, and long-standing feuds and conflicts have been remembered. With disaster relief and keeping the peace taking up the majority of their energy and resources, the UNG created the Aerial Knights squadrons. Self-Sufficient aerial combat forces - with some capability as ground combatants, problem solvers, and generally keepers of the peace; sent to act as a quick-response force to problem spots around the world as they arise.
But something bigger is stirring; the incidents and attacks are taking a pattern. Eltherian technology is being used, and in ways unseen before. The attacks are growing bolder and more overt and aggressive, to the point there must be backing and organisation behind them, and they clearly have some kind of plan and agenda in mind, and its' growing aggression and scale is something that needs to be stopped.
The current year is 2025, and the Knights of the Skies will need to take wing if the world is to avoid a third brush with devastation.
- All normal Guild Rules apply
- No homophobia, xenophobia, racism, or other offensive slurs, comments etc against groups or individuals will be accepted or tolerated
- The GM's word is law and decisions are finale - especially as far as the setting is concerned.
- 'If I don't know about it, then it doesn't exist' - this applies to background or setting information. I encourage peope to make things up to add to the setting, but running it past me first is appreciated.
- I am not here to babysit you. If you 'forget' to post or are 'too lazy' to check back, then I won't keep harassing you. If you're interested enough to join, then I'm going to assume you're interested enough to keep up.
- The post order is as follows: The GM (me) will make a story post, and then everyone is free to react to it - and other posts - in whatever order they please. Once everyone has posted once, the next GM post will follow. A post rate of one post per week will be preferred, although there is wiggle room with this.
- I understand that real life gets in the way, but please let me know if at all possible is you're going to be away for an extended period of time.
- The whole point of roleplay is that it's meant to be fun. Remember that above anything else. The narrative is the thing, and realism falls second to that.
- Play within the spirit of the game. Embrace the setting and it's feeling and aesthetic if you're intending on playing.
- You may play an Eltherian if you wish
- Characters must be fighter pilots, no non-pilot characters will be approved. If you wish to play someone's back-seater or co-pilot, you may do so if you can agree it between you.
- You may play two characters if you wish to play a pilot and a co-pilot/RIO/etc. Alternatively, for two-person aircraft, they may be equipped with an increased computer system that allows for single-pilot operation.
- You dont have to play a friendly character, or even a nice one - but if you don't, don't be surprised when people react to you by not interacting or leaving you alone - NPCs or otherwise.
- Likewise, your characters don't have to be 100% perfect and it's preferred they're not, in fact. But, on the other hand, they'd have to be capable and sound enough to be trusted with a combat aircraft and make it through all the requisite training.
- This is a sci-fi, military game, not a fantasy or superhero one. There is no 'magic' and no 'superpowers'
- It isn't required that you know everything about combat aircraft and their weapon system, or about military technology - but having a willingness to learn and to adhere to modern-day weapon systems and their use and operations is a benefit.
- While the aircraft in game are upgraded with fictional technology, and fictional or 'proposed' variants of them are allowed as player aircraft, completely fictional aircraft, such as Ace Combat 'super planes' or things like Firefox or Airwolf would not be allowed.
- In addition - though, this is covered in the aircraft sheet - all player aircraft must be tactical combat aircraft and jet-powered ones at that.
The world is more or less the same as our own, but with significant changes to the geography and political and national boundaries, due to the events as depicted and listed in the Background above.
Tidal and earthquake action has altered the coastlines around the world, and several major cities have been left in ruins, many of them semi-submerged underwater. National capitals have changed, and the balance of power and importance has shifted somewhat, with several countries and powers in the southern hemisphere gaining prominence to rival the northern.
The United Nations Government is the main global superpower, a political alliance between several leading powers including most EU countries - which incudes the United Kingdom, after it returned to the EU, the United States, the African Alliance, Israel, numerous other european countries, Canada, South Africa, Australia, the New Russian Republic, New Zealand, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and many others.
Russia has split into several nations. The New Russian Republic is the most organised and stable, with the other varying wildly in their civility and levels of freedoms.
Many other independent nations also exist. National boundaries have been redrawn and redefined in several places. India and Pakistan are ravaged landscapes after border disputes erupted into a full-scale war. Much of the Middle East has been reduced to ruins following the rise of numerous religious movemvents and revolutions, along with many conflicts along tribal lines. China has emerged mostly unscathed due to the brutal martial law laid down, but the current government is very isolationist and has annexed and taken control of several bordering territories, including reclaiming Taiwan, after a brief, violent war. Internal conflict in the country is rampant, with an organised and establised anti-government resistance, and the current government less resembles a Communist one than it does a totalitarian dictatorship or an Empire.
No one country or territory exists currently for the surviving Eltherians. They have no claimed territories of their own, and instead have been integrated into the populations of various countries, though their social standing and status varies wildly from place to place, even within the UNG. They are often treated as second-class citizens with restrictions on their freedoms and liberties; such as being allowed to vote, own property, employment, wealth, and other such restrictions. As such, many schools of thought have come into being on the subject. Some groups demand equality for them as it is the humane thing to do, while other more extreme ones believe the aliens deserve even less rights or freedoms, or even more drastic measures and actions.
Tidal and earthquake action has altered the coastlines around the world, and several major cities have been left in ruins, many of them semi-submerged underwater. National capitals have changed, and the balance of power and importance has shifted somewhat, with several countries and powers in the southern hemisphere gaining prominence to rival the northern.
The United Nations Government is the main global superpower, a political alliance between several leading powers including most EU countries - which incudes the United Kingdom, after it returned to the EU, the United States, the African Alliance, Israel, numerous other european countries, Canada, South Africa, Australia, the New Russian Republic, New Zealand, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and many others.
Russia has split into several nations. The New Russian Republic is the most organised and stable, with the other varying wildly in their civility and levels of freedoms.
Many other independent nations also exist. National boundaries have been redrawn and redefined in several places. India and Pakistan are ravaged landscapes after border disputes erupted into a full-scale war. Much of the Middle East has been reduced to ruins following the rise of numerous religious movemvents and revolutions, along with many conflicts along tribal lines. China has emerged mostly unscathed due to the brutal martial law laid down, but the current government is very isolationist and has annexed and taken control of several bordering territories, including reclaiming Taiwan, after a brief, violent war. Internal conflict in the country is rampant, with an organised and establised anti-government resistance, and the current government less resembles a Communist one than it does a totalitarian dictatorship or an Empire.
No one country or territory exists currently for the surviving Eltherians. They have no claimed territories of their own, and instead have been integrated into the populations of various countries, though their social standing and status varies wildly from place to place, even within the UNG. They are often treated as second-class citizens with restrictions on their freedoms and liberties; such as being allowed to vote, own property, employment, wealth, and other such restrictions. As such, many schools of thought have come into being on the subject. Some groups demand equality for them as it is the humane thing to do, while other more extreme ones believe the aliens deserve even less rights or freedoms, or even more drastic measures and actions.
With the discovery of the incoming asteroid, the outbreak of wars across the globe, and the introduction of Eltherian technology through society, the world has changed somewhat technologically.
While it is still very recognisable as 21st Century Earth, and most of the same things are present, there are also some variations and changes.
The main being that Eltherians had the secrets to Fusion Power unlocked, and the widespread adoption of fusion power for domestic power generation has replaced the majority of fossil fuel powerplants around the world.
Room Temperature superconductors have also allowed to massive increases in computer ability and technology, resulting in more and more advanced computer systems with greater intelligence.
Holographic technologies have also advanced, along with vehicle-mounted energy weaponry in the form of lasers and particle beams, and railguns of a low-level have also been developed - although, simple ballistic weapons and missiles still rule supreme, and have their own place alongside these exotic technologies.
Materials technology has also advanced, resulting in greater use of light weight, high-strength carbon composites, alloys and polymers, often retrofitted to existing equipment.
Alternative fuels have also taken off in a much greater way. Biofuels have taken over from fossil fuels after the adoption of creaton and refining processes bought by the Eltherians that have resulted in much more energy-rich yet clean substances that act as a kind of 'synthetic oil' derived from a genetically modified strain of Soya. Derivatives of the same substance also can be used as lubricants and replacements for other hydrocarbon products.
While it is still very recognisable as 21st Century Earth, and most of the same things are present, there are also some variations and changes.
The main being that Eltherians had the secrets to Fusion Power unlocked, and the widespread adoption of fusion power for domestic power generation has replaced the majority of fossil fuel powerplants around the world.
Room Temperature superconductors have also allowed to massive increases in computer ability and technology, resulting in more and more advanced computer systems with greater intelligence.
Holographic technologies have also advanced, along with vehicle-mounted energy weaponry in the form of lasers and particle beams, and railguns of a low-level have also been developed - although, simple ballistic weapons and missiles still rule supreme, and have their own place alongside these exotic technologies.
Materials technology has also advanced, resulting in greater use of light weight, high-strength carbon composites, alloys and polymers, often retrofitted to existing equipment.
Alternative fuels have also taken off in a much greater way. Biofuels have taken over from fossil fuels after the adoption of creaton and refining processes bought by the Eltherians that have resulted in much more energy-rich yet clean substances that act as a kind of 'synthetic oil' derived from a genetically modified strain of Soya. Derivatives of the same substance also can be used as lubricants and replacements for other hydrocarbon products.
Beginning as an idea during the war against the Eltherians, but not formally recognised at the time, the Knights of the Skies are a concept that combines combat air power with Special Forces ideas, practices and operations.
The current incarnation of the Knights of the Skies are as composite groups, up to squadron strength, of combat aircraft and their supporting elements - i.e. maintenance, armourers, support staff and personnel, and additionally search and rescue, logistics and airborne warning and control - into a single unit that is packaged to be deployed globally at a moments' notice to carry out high-priority, quick-reaction missions against priority targets. The unit is deployed usually either to spearhead a larger deployment, or to act as a surgical strike-force against targets.
Personnel are drawn from the best pilots available. By nature, the majority are veterans of the war, and have extensive experience in the role, and from many different nations. Additional training in ground combat is given, should the need arise to go into more 'direct' action.
Their equipment is, as with all UNG and the overwhelming majority of combat equipment, retrofitted and upgraded conventional military equipment with some additions from Eltherian technology.
Knights of the Skies squadrons are organised along US Air Force lines, with appropriate ranks and positions for all personnel. While regulations are typically somewhat 'looser' than conventional air force squadrons, those privileges are earned, and are based on mutual respect and individual responsibility, and the prowess, conduct and quality of the individuals invited to serve in a squadron, and it is expected that they will live up to their name.
While the 'reality' of the medieval knight is much less noble than the fictional portrayals of them, the Knights of the Skies aim to be the best of both worlds - effective and deadly fighters, with practical and efficient skills, but also gentlemen and ladies of intelligence, charm, wit and morality, exemplars to their fellows; humble yet also proud of their actions and role. It is not a 'bragging right' to be a Knight, yet also is isn't something to be ashamed of.
The mystique and status of the Knights of the Skies has earned them something of a kind of fame among the greater civilian population, and there is a kind of almost celebrity that comes with them. However, they are also seen sometimes as pompous, arrogant, or showy by others, and often as receiving 'favoured treatement' from some other members of the armed forces. There is also a significant amount of internal discussion within the UNG council about their use and deployment, and the way that they are treated and organised, especially with the amount of latitude and independence they are allowed in their operations. The Knights are often under intense scrutiny for all they do, despite being the 'poster boys' of the UNG.
The current incarnation of the Knights of the Skies are as composite groups, up to squadron strength, of combat aircraft and their supporting elements - i.e. maintenance, armourers, support staff and personnel, and additionally search and rescue, logistics and airborne warning and control - into a single unit that is packaged to be deployed globally at a moments' notice to carry out high-priority, quick-reaction missions against priority targets. The unit is deployed usually either to spearhead a larger deployment, or to act as a surgical strike-force against targets.
Personnel are drawn from the best pilots available. By nature, the majority are veterans of the war, and have extensive experience in the role, and from many different nations. Additional training in ground combat is given, should the need arise to go into more 'direct' action.
Their equipment is, as with all UNG and the overwhelming majority of combat equipment, retrofitted and upgraded conventional military equipment with some additions from Eltherian technology.
Knights of the Skies squadrons are organised along US Air Force lines, with appropriate ranks and positions for all personnel. While regulations are typically somewhat 'looser' than conventional air force squadrons, those privileges are earned, and are based on mutual respect and individual responsibility, and the prowess, conduct and quality of the individuals invited to serve in a squadron, and it is expected that they will live up to their name.
While the 'reality' of the medieval knight is much less noble than the fictional portrayals of them, the Knights of the Skies aim to be the best of both worlds - effective and deadly fighters, with practical and efficient skills, but also gentlemen and ladies of intelligence, charm, wit and morality, exemplars to their fellows; humble yet also proud of their actions and role. It is not a 'bragging right' to be a Knight, yet also is isn't something to be ashamed of.
The mystique and status of the Knights of the Skies has earned them something of a kind of fame among the greater civilian population, and there is a kind of almost celebrity that comes with them. However, they are also seen sometimes as pompous, arrogant, or showy by others, and often as receiving 'favoured treatement' from some other members of the armed forces. There is also a significant amount of internal discussion within the UNG council about their use and deployment, and the way that they are treated and organised, especially with the amount of latitude and independence they are allowed in their operations. The Knights are often under intense scrutiny for all they do, despite being the 'poster boys' of the UNG.
Eltherians hail from the planet Eltheria, a distant star system from Earth. Their society is a clan-based one with numerous competing families and groups that vie for leading positions in society to gain advantage, prestige and privilege for their clan. Co-operation between clans is usually based on the pursuit of greater reward or profit for all involved, and is often fraught with potential for double-crosses and betrayals, even after extensive negotiations.
This results in a society with a vast inequality between the people in it, and many people who lack comfortable lives free of hardship. When exposed to the relatively individually wealthy and equal human society, many Eltherians defected.
Eltherians are mammals, like humans, and are broadly similar in appearance. They share bilateral symmetry, with two arms, legs, and one head. Their differences come in with the short backward-curving horns on their heads, the long, mobile, prehensile tail with a pointed 'spade' tip, pointed, mobile ears, and their digitigrade legs with short-clawed hands and feet. Their skins are similarly fleshy to humans own, but with a thicker skin overall and a different skeletal structure beneath. Skin colours range from pale blue to dark purple, and hair colours are anywhere from red to silver. Eyes have a dark, reddish sclera with black pupils and irises in a range of colours from yellow to purple in hue.
Naming conventions are an individual name, followed by a clan name, though Eltherians will often introduce or use their name as with their first name -of- clan name.
Eltherian language is perfectly speakable by humans, and vice versa.
Eltherians and humans can eat the same foods, and many of the same medicines work on both as well. However, Eltherians require particular mineral and chemical supplements to remain healthy, and others are highly dangerous to them - not least of all caffeine, and salt also makes them ill. Potassium is also highly dangerous to them and can be fatal if not treated quickly. As such, special foodstuffs and medicines that are safe for use on both humans and Eltherians are available.
Humans and Eltherians are biologically 'compatible' in the physical sense, having broadly the same 'equipment' as each other, and sharing the same secondary sexual characteristics, though are not genetically compatible and cannot produce offspring with each other.
Eltherians are, generally speaking, slightly taller than humans on average and with a denser bone and tissue structure. This makes them slightly more durable than humans on average, and somewhat more capable of taking damage and surviving it, though not to 'excessive' levels. They are slightly stronger, generally speaking, than a 'normal' human, but this varies by individuals on both sides and their levels of fitness, natural build, and so on.
Following the end of the war, most Eltherian technology was captured and decommissioned. Weapons and vehicles were taken into human custody for study, or destroyed. Of course, this was not completely comprehensive, and many examples escaped and were smuggled away.
Examples of 'domestic' electronics or technology were deemed to be safe - being broadly equivalent to cell phones or other devices - and were allowed to remain with Eltherians.
Clan power structures were - as much as possible - broken up and people placed apart or in different places to prevent power struggles and conflicts. Many high-ranking Eltherian personnel were also captured and imprisoned, or even executed in some cases. However, traditons die hard and learned and lived societal places and roles are not easily abandoned or forgotten, and it is not uncommon to find such groups and structures reasserting themselves among groups of Eltherians, or pseudo-clans forming as Eltherians take their new found social status or roles 'beneath' humans as a 'place' in society when working or forming social relationships.
This results in a society with a vast inequality between the people in it, and many people who lack comfortable lives free of hardship. When exposed to the relatively individually wealthy and equal human society, many Eltherians defected.
Eltherians are mammals, like humans, and are broadly similar in appearance. They share bilateral symmetry, with two arms, legs, and one head. Their differences come in with the short backward-curving horns on their heads, the long, mobile, prehensile tail with a pointed 'spade' tip, pointed, mobile ears, and their digitigrade legs with short-clawed hands and feet. Their skins are similarly fleshy to humans own, but with a thicker skin overall and a different skeletal structure beneath. Skin colours range from pale blue to dark purple, and hair colours are anywhere from red to silver. Eyes have a dark, reddish sclera with black pupils and irises in a range of colours from yellow to purple in hue.
Naming conventions are an individual name, followed by a clan name, though Eltherians will often introduce or use their name as with their first name -of- clan name.
Eltherian language is perfectly speakable by humans, and vice versa.
Eltherians and humans can eat the same foods, and many of the same medicines work on both as well. However, Eltherians require particular mineral and chemical supplements to remain healthy, and others are highly dangerous to them - not least of all caffeine, and salt also makes them ill. Potassium is also highly dangerous to them and can be fatal if not treated quickly. As such, special foodstuffs and medicines that are safe for use on both humans and Eltherians are available.
Humans and Eltherians are biologically 'compatible' in the physical sense, having broadly the same 'equipment' as each other, and sharing the same secondary sexual characteristics, though are not genetically compatible and cannot produce offspring with each other.
Eltherians are, generally speaking, slightly taller than humans on average and with a denser bone and tissue structure. This makes them slightly more durable than humans on average, and somewhat more capable of taking damage and surviving it, though not to 'excessive' levels. They are slightly stronger, generally speaking, than a 'normal' human, but this varies by individuals on both sides and their levels of fitness, natural build, and so on.
Following the end of the war, most Eltherian technology was captured and decommissioned. Weapons and vehicles were taken into human custody for study, or destroyed. Of course, this was not completely comprehensive, and many examples escaped and were smuggled away.
Examples of 'domestic' electronics or technology were deemed to be safe - being broadly equivalent to cell phones or other devices - and were allowed to remain with Eltherians.
Clan power structures were - as much as possible - broken up and people placed apart or in different places to prevent power struggles and conflicts. Many high-ranking Eltherian personnel were also captured and imprisoned, or even executed in some cases. However, traditons die hard and learned and lived societal places and roles are not easily abandoned or forgotten, and it is not uncommon to find such groups and structures reasserting themselves among groups of Eltherians, or pseudo-clans forming as Eltherians take their new found social status or roles 'beneath' humans as a 'place' in society when working or forming social relationships.
Knights of the Skies is a near-future setting with a lot of sci-fi influences. It is heavily 'anime-esque' in feel; though hewing more toward serious sci-fi anime, than other genres or tropes that are found within anime.
The overall mood is one of mostly serious and dramatic action and tension, with sci-fi ideas and concepts being thrown around. Internal consistency is key, and as a sci-fi game, there's no magic or supernatural elements present - they would be completely out of place.
Some humour is to be expected; light-hearted moments and moments between characters are welcome, but when things turn serious, they're serious. Likewise, there are moments for darkness and grimness, but overall the setting is one of hope and optimism, with heroic protagonists - although, good does not always equal naive or nice.
Romance is also welcome, though not to be expected as the main content or plotline of the game - obviously, there's time for it, but the main thrust is always going to be fighting the enemy and defeating them.
If you think of most 'prime time' sci-fi shows, or something like the MCU, then that's the kind of appropriate tone. Although, with a higher rating, such as 15 - 18, where swearing and violence in detail are shown, and sexuality and sexual themes are discussed and mentioned, but not shown in great detail.
Inspirations come from a wide variety of sources, but primary ones include:
The overall mood is one of mostly serious and dramatic action and tension, with sci-fi ideas and concepts being thrown around. Internal consistency is key, and as a sci-fi game, there's no magic or supernatural elements present - they would be completely out of place.
Some humour is to be expected; light-hearted moments and moments between characters are welcome, but when things turn serious, they're serious. Likewise, there are moments for darkness and grimness, but overall the setting is one of hope and optimism, with heroic protagonists - although, good does not always equal naive or nice.
Romance is also welcome, though not to be expected as the main content or plotline of the game - obviously, there's time for it, but the main thrust is always going to be fighting the enemy and defeating them.
If you think of most 'prime time' sci-fi shows, or something like the MCU, then that's the kind of appropriate tone. Although, with a higher rating, such as 15 - 18, where swearing and violence in detail are shown, and sexuality and sexual themes are discussed and mentioned, but not shown in great detail.
Inspirations come from a wide variety of sources, but primary ones include:
- Ace Combat - especially the PS2 era games
- Area 88
- Twilight X - a comic book by Joe Wight and published by Antarctic Press
- Stargate SG-1
- Battle: LA
- Independence Day
Please post your character sheets in the 'characters' tab once they have been approved.
Please deleted any notes or hints that are on the sheet once you are ready to submit it.
Please deleted any notes or hints that are on the sheet once you are ready to submit it.
- Name: the name of your character
- Callsign: A nickname or other name that your character has earned and is used over the radio.
- Age: Your character must be an adult, old enough to have gone through sufficient training and experience to be a combat pilot. So, no teenage wonderkids who are better skilled than adults
- Species: Human or Eltherian
- Nationality: what country or region they are from
- Appearance: Images and a description. Illustrations are preferred over photos, such as anime images.
- Personality: A few lines on what your characters' outlook on life is, how they react to things, and so on.
- Personal History: A short description of your characters' life to this point. Keep in mind that every characters' life will have been affected or influenced in some way by the war against the Eltherians and the asteroid impacts
- Personal Weapons/Gear: A sidearm, longarm and a melee weapon that your character uses when needed. Remember, they're a pilot, not a walking arsenal and that weapons will be more modern-day than futuristic. Equally, try and pick things that are appropriate and less... memetic than DEZART EAGUL AN KATANA SWOARD AN SNYPER RIEFL. Any other important or relevant person items can go here as well. It's assumed that your characters will have survival gear appropriate to being a combat pilot in their G-Suit and vest, so these need not be listed.
As mentioned in the setting and game information, Knight squadrons fly aircraft refitted with Eltherian technology. The aircraft in question tend to be combat aircraft from earlier generations, with modern combat aircraft equipping the majority of UNG forces, making up for losses in the earlier conflicts. Manufacturing capability is ramping back up, but to make up the shortfall, previously 'second line' or preserved aircraft are being refitted and reused.
Generally speaking, this is in the form of a smattering of second, but primarily Third and Fourth generation aircraft, with 4.5th and 5th gen aircraft being utilised primarily by the regular forces. The skill of Knight pilots along with the advanced technology make up the pereceived or apparent shortfall in capability. Sixth generation aircraft, incorporating Eltherian technology and materials from the outset, are currently in development.
Information on Aircraft Generations can be found here and here.
What Kind of Technology is Refitted?
Eltherian technology refitted to combat aircraft varies. All aircraft can be assumed to have been fitted with improved avionics and flight controls, such as digital displays and avionics, modernised wiring and electrical systems and similar sundry systems. Other improvements may be along the lines of new engines with new components made from modern materials, such as ceramic composites and the like, new sensors such as advanced AESA radar and infra-red search and tracking systems, thrust-vectored engines, integration of modern 'smart' weapons and so on. Incorporation of stealth materials, such as skin panels or coatings, or even limited
What is not likely or possible is the fitting of aircraft with completely new weapons they did not have before - for example, adding a second (or more) internally mounted cannon or gun into an aircraft. Considering how much internal volume is taken up by necessary things already, fitting an additional gun into a plane would be unlikely, if not impossible. However, changing the calibre or type of internal gun may be possible. Laser weapons and Railguns, as mentioned previously, are more likely to be podded, hardpoint-mounted systems, rather than internally mounted, and have limited shots. Similarly, exotic things such as full optical camouflage (i.e. 'cloaking devices'), thought controls, or other more weird and wild systems are not likely to be found.
Variants of aircraft or even entire aircraft models that were proposed but never put into service - for example, the F-20 Tigershark or the YF-23 Black Widow - are perfectly permissable as player aircraft, as long as the player can provide a link to some kind of specifications and backgound information.
As stated in the rules above, tactical combat aircraft, anything that is a 'fighter' in size and application (including ground-attack aircraft) are what are looking to be used. No heavy bombers (such as the B-1 or B-52), helicopters, prop planes or helicopters. Equally, no fictional aircraft, like the Firefox, Ace Combat super-planes, and so on.
Generally speaking, this is in the form of a smattering of second, but primarily Third and Fourth generation aircraft, with 4.5th and 5th gen aircraft being utilised primarily by the regular forces. The skill of Knight pilots along with the advanced technology make up the pereceived or apparent shortfall in capability. Sixth generation aircraft, incorporating Eltherian technology and materials from the outset, are currently in development.
Information on Aircraft Generations can be found here and here.
What Kind of Technology is Refitted?
Eltherian technology refitted to combat aircraft varies. All aircraft can be assumed to have been fitted with improved avionics and flight controls, such as digital displays and avionics, modernised wiring and electrical systems and similar sundry systems. Other improvements may be along the lines of new engines with new components made from modern materials, such as ceramic composites and the like, new sensors such as advanced AESA radar and infra-red search and tracking systems, thrust-vectored engines, integration of modern 'smart' weapons and so on. Incorporation of stealth materials, such as skin panels or coatings, or even limited
What is not likely or possible is the fitting of aircraft with completely new weapons they did not have before - for example, adding a second (or more) internally mounted cannon or gun into an aircraft. Considering how much internal volume is taken up by necessary things already, fitting an additional gun into a plane would be unlikely, if not impossible. However, changing the calibre or type of internal gun may be possible. Laser weapons and Railguns, as mentioned previously, are more likely to be podded, hardpoint-mounted systems, rather than internally mounted, and have limited shots. Similarly, exotic things such as full optical camouflage (i.e. 'cloaking devices'), thought controls, or other more weird and wild systems are not likely to be found.
Variants of aircraft or even entire aircraft models that were proposed but never put into service - for example, the F-20 Tigershark or the YF-23 Black Widow - are perfectly permissable as player aircraft, as long as the player can provide a link to some kind of specifications and backgound information.
As stated in the rules above, tactical combat aircraft, anything that is a 'fighter' in size and application (including ground-attack aircraft) are what are looking to be used. No heavy bombers (such as the B-1 or B-52), helicopters, prop planes or helicopters. Equally, no fictional aircraft, like the Firefox, Ace Combat super-planes, and so on.
- Aircraft Name: The name and type of plane
- Specifications: A link to a webpage that has the information on your aircrafts' specifications; e.g. a Wikipedia page or something similar, rather than listing the information here
- Modifications: Any upgrades, refits, or modifications your plane has received
- Colour Scheme: Knights are allowed to personalise their planes, to a degree. The only mandatory marking is a scarlet-red vertical tail or rudder and leading edges of the wings.
- Preferred weapons: If your aircraft has been refitted, then any additional weaponry it is capable of carrying can be listed here, as well as any you would like to list that your character prefers to use, etc.
Bear in mind, that as with the real world, aircraft can fit a wide variety of weaponry for different missions and are not stuck to using one set of weapons every time in game. - Other Information: Any other optional information that is relevant to your chosen aircraft.